March 2008, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 315-336 Governance Areas in EU Direct Tax Policy
by Claudio M. Radaelli & Ulrike S. Kraemer - 337-363 The Treaty Reform of the EU: Constitutional Agenda‐Setting, Intergovernmental Bargains and the Presidency's Crisis Management of Ratification Failure
by Thomas König & Stephanie Daimer & Daniel Finke - 365-387 The EU's Political Conditionality and Post‐Accession Tendencies: Comparisons from Slovakia and Latvia
by Geoffrey Pridham - 389-412 What do ‘Europeans’ Think? Analyses of the European Union's Current Crisis by European Elites
by George Ross - 415-426 Governance and Constitutionalism After Lisbon2
by Kenneth Armstrong - 427-435 Is there a Convincing Rationale for the Lisbon Strategy?9
by Iain Begg - 436-450 The Open Method of Co‐ordination and the Governance of the Lisbon Strategy11
by Jonathan Zeitlin - 451-475 Political Communication in a European Public Space: Language, the Internet and Understanding as Soft Power
by Richard Rose - 477-477 Europeanization: New Research Agendas – Edited by P. Graziano and M.P. Vink
by Barbara Brink - 478-478 Making European Citizens: Civic Inclusion in a Transnational Context – Edited by R. Bellamy, D. Castiglione, and J. Shaw
by Nick Robinson - 479-480 Creating European Citizens – By W. Maas
by Stanisław Konopacki - 480-481 Legal Responses to Trafficking in Women for Sexual Exploitation in the European Union – By H. Askola
by Meng‐Hsuan Chou - 481-482 European Politics – Edited by C. Hay and A. Menon
by George Christou - 482-483 Towards the Completion of Europe: Analysis and Perspectives of the New European Union Enlargement – Edited by J. Roy and R. Dominguez
by Cornel Ban - 483-484 The Impact of EU Law on the Regulation of International Air Transportation – By M. Bartlik
by Peter Cullen - 484-485 Beyond Varieties of Capitalism: Conflict, Contradictions, and Complementarities in the European Economy – Edited by B. Hancké, M. Rhodes and M. Thatcher
by Janet Adamski - 485-486 Approaching the European Federation? – Edited by S. Dosenrode
by Michael Burgess - 486-487 The Advocate General and EC Law – By N. Burrows and R. Greaves
by Mike Cuthbert - 487-488 Geopolitics of European Union Enlargement: The Fortress Empire – Edited by W. Armstrong and J. Anderson
by Sarah Léonard - 488-489 EU Justice and Home Affairs Law – By S. Peers
by Jörg Monar - 489-490 National Parliaments Within the Enlarged European Union: From Victims of Integration to Competitive Actors? – Edited by J. O'Brennan and T. Raunio
by Michael Shackleton - 490-491 Can Germany Be Saved? The Malaise of the World's First Welfare State – By H.‐W. Sinn
by Sebastian Dullien - 491-492 The Co‐ordination of the European Union: Exploring the Capacities of Networked Governance – By A. Jordan and A. Schout
by Peter Bursens - 492-493 The European Union and the People – By M. Jolly
by Dawid Friedrich - 493-494 The Language Question in Europe and Diverse Societies: Political, Legal and Social Perspectives – Edited by D. Castiglione and C. Longman
by Daithí Mac Síthigh - 494-495 The Travails of the Eurozone: Economic Policies, Economic Developments – Edited by D. Cobham
by Brian Ardy
January 2008, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-25 Introduction: Charting a Contested Transformation
by Geoffrey Edwards & Christoph O. Meyer - 27-48 The Action Plan on Combating Terrorism: A Flawed Instrument of EU Security Governance
by Raphael Bossong - 49-73 The Effect of International Terrorism on EU Intelligence Co‐operation
by Björn Müller‐Wille - 75-100 The Policy Tools of Securitization: Information Exchange, EU Foreign and Interior Policies
by Thierry Balzacq - 101-124 Legitimacy under Pressure: The European Web of Counter‐Terrorism Networks
by Monica Den Boer & Claudia Hillebrand & Andreas Nölke - 125-146 The Absent Friend: EU Foreign Policy and Counter‐Terrorism
by Daniel Keohane - 147-171 The European Union, Democracy and Counter‐Terrorism in the Maghreb
by George Joffé - 173-193 The Uses and Abuses of Counter‐Terrorism Policies in Europe: The Case of the ‘Terrorist Lists’
by Elspeth Guild - 195-218 European Responses to International Terrorism: Diversity Awareness as a New Capability?
by Antje Wiener
September 2007, Volume 45, Issue s1
- 1-5 Editorial: 2006 A Quiet Year?
by Ulrich Sedelmeier & Alasdair R. Young - 7-16 The Austrian Presidency: Pragmatic Management
by Johannes Pollak & Sonja Puntscher Riekmann - 17-24 The Finnish Presidency: Efficiency Before Eloquence?
by Hanna Ojanen & Eero Vuohula - 25-43 Keynote Article: What Doesn't Kill You Can Only Make You Stronger: The Doha Development Round, the Services Directive and the EU's Conception of Competitiveness
by Colin Hay - 45-66 Review Article: The Politics of Legal Integration
by Lisa Conant - 67-87 Governance and Institutional Developments: Coping Without the Constitutional Treaty
by Desmond Dinan - 89-106 Internal Policies: Reinforcing the New Lisbon Message of Competitiveness and Innovation
by David Howarth - 107-124 Justice and Home Affairs
by Jörg Monar - 125-142 Legal Developments
by Michael Dougan - 143-162 Relations with the Wider Europe
by Sandra Lavenex & Frank Schimmelfennig - 163-181 Relations with the Rest of the World
by David Allen & Michael Smith - 183-211 Political Developments in the EU Member States
by Karen Henderson & Nick Sitter - 213-230 Economic Developments in the Euro Area
by Amy Verdun - 231-249 Developments in the Economies of Member States Outside the Euro Area
by Debra Johnson - 251-255 Chronology: The European Union in 2006
by Arantza Gomez‐Arana
December 2007, Volume 45, Issue 5
- 969-998 United We Stand? The European Union's International Actorness in the Cases of the International Criminal Court and the Kyoto Protocol
by Martijn L.P. Groenleer & Louise G. Van Schaik - 999-1010 How to Cut the Seigniorage Cake into Fair Shares in an Enlarged EMU
by Jørgen Drud Hansen & Roswitha M. King - 1011-1040 The Barcelona Process and the Political Economy of Euro‐Mediterranean Trade Integration
by Marco Montanari - 1041-1064 The Construction of EU Normative Power
by Michelle Pace - 1065-1088 Accommodating Normative Divergence in European Foreign Policy Co‐ordination: The Example of the Iraq Crisis
by Uwe Puetter & Antje Wiener - 1089-1109 Behind the Veil of Budgetary Discipline: The Political Logic of the Budgetary Rules in EMU and the SGP
by Mathieu Segers & Femke Van Esch - 1111-1133 Is the European Commission a ‘Hothouse’ for Supranationalism? Exploring Actor‐Level Supranationalism
by Jarle Trondal - 1135-1157 Steering the Union. The Impact of the EU Presidency on Legislative Activity in the Council
by Andreas Warntjen - 1159-1160 Promoting Unity, Preserving Diversity? Member State Institutions and European Integration – By A.M. Gates
by Michael Shackleton - 1160-1160 The European Union and its Court of Justice – By A. Arnull
by Declan J. Walsh - 1161-1161 The EU and Territorial Politics within Member States: Conflict or Co‐operation? – Edited by A.K. Bourne
by John Gaffney - 1162-1162 The European Union and Regional Integration: A Comparative Perspective and Lessons for the Americas – Edited by J. Roy and R. Domínguez
by Trygve Ugland - 1162-1163 International Business Economics: A European Perspective – Edited by J. Piggott and M. Cook
by Roger Henderson - 1163-1164 The Europeanization of British Politics – Edited by I. Bache and A. Jordan
by Barbara Brink - 1164-1165 Britain, Germany and the Future of the European Union – By C. Schweiger
by Wolfram Kaiser - 1165-1166 Switzerland and the European Union – Edited by C.H. Church
by Tobias Theiler - 1166-1167 Security and Defence Policy in the European Union – By J. Howorth
by Alistair J.K. Shepherd
November 2007, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 771-787 Introduction: The EU in International Trade Negotiations
by Andreas Dür & Hubert Zimmermann - 789-811 Trade Politics Ain't What It Used to Be: The European Union in the Doha Round
by Alasdair R. Young - 813-832 Realist Power Europe? The EU in the Negotiations about China's and Russia's WTO Accession
by Hubert Zimmermann - 833-855 EU Trade Policy as Protection for Exporters: The Agreements with Mexico and Chile
by Andreas Dür - 857-881 Trade Negotiations between the EU and South Africa: A Three‐Level Game
by Magdalena Frennhoff Larsén - 883-903 EU Delegation and Agency in International Trade Negotiations: A Cautionary Comparison
by Chad Damro - 905-926 Managing Globalization? The EU in International Trade Negotiations
by Sophie Meunier - 927-948 The EU's Choice of Regulatory Venues for Trade Negotiations: A Tale of Agency Power?
by Manfred Elsig - 949-967 Outsiders' Perceptions of the European Union in International Trade Negotiations
by Ole Elgström
September 2007, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 535-564 Who Governs EU Cohesion Policy? Deconstructing the Reforms of the Structural Funds
by John Bachtler & Carlos Mendez - 565-587 The EU Annual Budgetary Procedure: The Existing Rules and Proposed Reforms of the Convention and Intergovernmental Conference 2002–04
by Giacomo Benedetto & Bjorn Hoyland - 589-610 Migration Control in Europe After 9/11: Explaining the Absence of Securitization
by Christina Boswell - 611-632 Integration of CEECs into EU Market: Structural Change and Convergence
by Nuno Crespo & Maria Paula Fontoura - 633-652 Real Constitution, Formal Constitution and Democracy in the European Union
by Jan Erk - 653-674 On Enforcement, Management and Persuasion: Different Logics of Implementation Policy in the EU and the ILO
by Miriam Hartlapp - 675-693 Mediating the European Ideal: Cross‐Border Programmes and Conflict Resolution on the Island of Ireland
by Katy Hayward - 695-717 Blocking Minorities: Networks and Meaning in the Opposition Against the Proposal for a Directive on Temporary Work in the Council of Ministers of the European Union
by Peter Nedergaard - 719-743 The Impact of a Customs Union between Turkey and the EU on Turkey's Exports to the EU
by Felicitas Nowak‐Lehmann & Dierk Herzer & Inmaculada Martinez‐Zarzoso & Sebastian Vollmer - 745-746 Democracy in Europe: The EU and National Polities – By V.A. Schmidt
by Stanisław Konopacki - 746-747 The European Union and Party Politics in Central and Eastern Europe – Edited by P.G. Lewis and Z. Mansfeldová
by Tereza Novotna - 747-748 Democracy in the New Europe – By C. Lord and E. Harris
by Diana Schmidt - 748-749 Wage Setting, Social Pacts and the Euro: A New Role for the State – By A. Hassel
by Andy Mathers - 749-750 Japan and Enlarged Europe: Partners in Global Governance – Edited by T. Ueta and R. Remacle
by Richard G. Whitman - 750-751 The European Union at the United Nations: Intersecting Multilateralisms – By K.V. Laatikainen and K.E. Smith
by Vasilis Margaras - 751-752 The Eastern Enlargement of the European Union – By J. O'Brennan
by Helene Sjursen - 752-753 Business and the Euro: Business Groups and the Politics of EMU in Germany and the United Kingdom – By M.E. Duckenfield
by Roger Henderson - 753-754 The EU–NATO Relationship: A Legal and Political Perspective – By M. Reichard
by Martin A. Smith - 754-755 Global Security Governance: Competing Perceptions of Security in the 21st Century – Edited by E.J. Kirchner and J. Sperling
by Jens Ringsmose - 755-756 Adjusting to EU Enlargement: Recurring Issues in a New Setting – Edited by C. Stephanou
by Mika Widgrèn - 756-757 Policy Coherence for Development in the EU Council: Strategies for the Way Forward – Edited by C. Egenhofer
by Giulia Pietrangeli - 757-758 The Struggle for a Social Europe: Trade Unions and EMU in Times of Global Restructuring – By A. Bieler
by Monika Mura - 758-759 EU Foreign and Interior Policies: Cross‐Pillar Politics and the Social Constructions of Sovereignty – By S. Stetter
by Thierry Balzacq - 759-760 The Quest for a European Strategic Culture: Changing Norms on Security and Defence in the European Union – By C.O. Meyer
by Amelia Hadfield - 760-761 Policy Transfer in European Union Governance: Regulating the Utilities – By S. Bulmer, D. Dolowitz, P. Humphreys and S. Padgett
by Ian Bartle - 761-762 Reforming the Common Agricultural Policy: History of a Paradigm Change – By I. Garzon
by Carsten Daugbjerg - 762-763 Supranational Citizenship – By L. Dobson
by Murray Stewart Leith - 763-764 Comparative Federalism: The European Union and the United States in Comparative Perspective – Edited by A. Menon and M. Schain
by Michelle Egan - 764-765 Enlarging the Euro Area: External Empowerment and Domestic Transformation in East Central Europe – Edited by K. Dyson
by Andreas Bieler - 765-767 The European Union's Roles in International Politics: Concepts and Analysis – By O. Elgström and M. Smith
by Mary Farrell - 767-768 The Changing Politics of European Security: Europe Alone? – Edited by S. Gänzle and A.G. Sens
by Heidi Hardt - 768-769 European Security in the Twenty‐First Century: the Challenge of Multipolarity – By A. Hyde‐Price
by Ursula C. Schroeder - 769-769 Taxes and Exchange Rates in the EU – By J. Lorié
by Brian Ardy
June 2007, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 231-252 A President for the European Union: A New Actor in Town?
by Spyros Blavoukos & Dimitris Bourantonis & George Pagoulatos - 253-279 Do Enlargements Make the European Union Less Cohesive? An Analysis of Trust between EU Nationalities
by Jan Delhey - 281-314 Why Bother With Inter‐Regionalism? Negotiations for a European Union‐Mercosur Agreement
by Mahrukh Doctor - 315-342 Organizing Foreign Exchange Intervention in the Euro Area
by C. Randall Henning - 343-365 Comparing Non‐Hierarchical Governance in Action: the Open Method of Co‐ordination in Pensions and Information Society
by Martin Lodge - 367-409 Monetary Integration of the New EU Member States: What Sets the Pace of Euro Adoption?
by Ignazio Angeloni & Michael Flad & Francesco Paolo Mongelli - 411-434 The European Employment Strategy: Towards More and Better Jobs?
by Gilles Raveaud - 435-457 Normative Power Europe: A Credible Utopia?
by Sibylle Scheipers & Daniela Sicurelli - 459-485 Exchange Rate Regimes and Exchange Market Pressure in the New EU Member States
by André Van Poeck & Jacques Vanneste & Maret Veiner - 487-513 Enhanced Roles of Private Actors in EU Business Regulation and the Erosion of Rhenish Capitalism: the Case of Antitrust Enforcement
by Angela Wigger & Andreas Nölke - 515-515 Values and Principles in European Union Foreign Policy – Edited by S. Lucarelli and I. Manners
by John O'Brennan - 516-516 EU International Relations Law – By P. Koutrakos
by Valerie Dye - 516-517 The Convergence of Civilizations: Constructing a Mediterranean Region – Edited by E. Adler, F. Bicchi, B. Crawford and R. Del Sarto
by Sharon Pardo - 518-518 The EU and Social Inclusion: Facing the Challenges – By E. Marlier, A.B. Atkinson, B. Cantillon and B. Nolan
by Enkeleida Tahiraj - 519-519 Understanding the European Constitution. An Introduction to the EU Constitutional Treaty – By C.H. Church and D. Phinnemore
by Rebecca Adler‐Nissen - 520-520 Europe and the Middle East in the Shadow of September 11 – By R. Youngs
by Ralph Gert Schoellhammer - 520-521 The European Superpower – By J. McCormick
by Karen Smith - 521-522 The Disparity of European Integration: Revisiting Neofunctionalism in Honour of Ernst B. Haas – Edited by T. Börzel
by Constantin Stefanou - 522-523 European Union and the Making of a Wider Northern Europe – By P. Aalto
by Clive Archer - 523-523 EU Pharmaceutical Regulation: The Politics of Policy‐Making – By G. Permanand
by Alasdair Blair - 524-524 The Institutions of the European Union – Edited by J. Peterson and M. Shackleton
by Ana Mar Fernández - 524-525 Designing Democracy: EU Enlargement and Regime Change in Post‐Communist Europe – By G. Pridham
by Evangelos G. Manouvelos - 525-527 Europeanization and Regionalization in the EU's Enlargement to Central and Eastern Europe: The Myth of Conditionality – By J. Hughes, G. Sasse and C. Gordon
by Ana Maria Dobre - 527-527 Endgame in the Balkans: Regime Change, European Style – By E. Pond
by Fotis Mavromatidis - 528-528 Comment évaluer le droit pénal européen? – Edited by A. Weyembergh and S. de Biolley
by Samuli Miettinen - 529-530 New Pathways in International Development: Gender and Civil Society in EU Policy – Edited by M. Lister and M. Carbone
by Giulia Pietrangeli - 530-530 Turkey and the European Union: Internal Dynamics and External Challenges – Edited by J.E. Joseph
by Anne Sophie Krossa - 531-531 The Year of the Euro: the Cultural, Social and Political Import of Europe's Common Currency – Edited by R. Fishman and A. Messina
by George G. Georgiadis - 532-533 Leadership and Negotiation in the European Union – By J. Tallberg
by Jackie Gower
March 2007, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-22 The Politics of CAP Reform: Trade Negotiations, Institutional Settings and Blame Avoidance
by Carsten Daugbjerg & Alan Swinbank - 23-42 The Community Deficit
by Amitai Etzioni - 43-68 Democratization and Ideational Diffusion: Europe, Mercosur and Social Citizenship
by Jean Grugel - 69-80 Assessing the Legitimacy of the EU's Treaty Revision Methods
by Thomas Risse & Mareike Kleine - 81-103 Bringing Macroeconomics Back into the Political Economy of Reform: the Lisbon Agenda and the ‘Fiscal Philosophy’ of EMU
by Deborah Mabbett & Waltraud Schelkle - 105-126 Transforming Conflicts on EU Borders: the Case of Greek‐Turkish Relations
by Bahar Rumelili - 127-155 Segmented Europeanization: Exploring the Legitimacy of the European Union from a Public Discourse Perspective
by Stefanie Sifft & Michael Brüggemann & Katharina Kleinen‐V. Königslöw & Bernhard Peters & Andreas Wimmel - 157-186 The Art of Political Manipulation in the European Convention
by George Tsebelis & Sven‐Oliver Proksch - 187-209 Plurilateral Governance in the Enlarged European Union
by Jan Zielonka - 211-212 Advances in European Union Studies – Edited by M. Cini and A. Bourne
by Clive H. Church - 212-213 The European Employment Strategy: Labour Market Regulation and New Governance – By D. Ashiagbor
by Jörg Michael Dostal - 213-214 Die nationalen Parlamente und ihre Europa‐Gremien. Legitimationsgarant der EU? – By C.A. Janowski
by Wolfram Kaiser - 214-215 Partisan Interventions: European Party Politics and Peace Enforcement in the Balkans – By B.C. Rathbun
by Jackie Gower - 215-216 Research and Technological Innovation: The Challenge for a New Europe – By A. Quadrio‐Curzio and M. Fortis
by John Anchor - 216-216 The Boundaries of Welfare: European Integration and the New Spatial Politics of Social Protection – By M. Ferrera
by Knut Roder - 217-217 Europeanization of National Security Identity: The EU and the Changing Security Identities of the Nordic States – By P. Rieker
by Noel Parker - 218-218 The Politics of Regional Identity: Meddling with the Mediterranean – By M. Pace
by George Christou - 219-219 The Politics of Insecurity: Fear, Migration and Asylum in the EU – By J. Huysmans
by Meng‐Hsuan Chou - 220-220 The Constitution for Europe – A Legal Analysis – By J.‐C. Piris
by Siniša Rodin - 221-222 The Social Construction of Free Trade. The European Union, NAFTA, and MERCOSUR – By F. Duina
by Philippe De Lombaerde - 222-223 Au nom des peuples. Le malentendu constitutionnel européen – By P. Magnette
by Clive H. Church - 223-224 Transatlantic Counter‐terrorism Co‐operation. The New Imperative – By W. Rees
by Valsamis Mitsilegas - 224-225 Questioning EU Enlargement. Europe in Search of Identity – Edited by H. Sjursen
by Lucian N. Leustean - 225-226 Developments in European Politics – Edited by P.M. Heywood, E. Jones, M. Rhodes and U. Sedelmeier
by Doreen K. Allerkamp - 226-227 Playing the Market: A Political Strategy for Uniting Europe, 1985–2005 – By N. Jabko
by Amelia Hadfield - 227-228 Multilevel Union Administration: the Transformation of Executive Politics in Europe – Edited by M. Egeberg
by Anne Stevens - 228-229 European Governance: Policy‐Making between Politicization and Control – Edited by G. Walzenbach
by Lee Mcgowan
September 2006, Volume 44, Issue s1
- 1-5 Editorial: Crisis, What Crisis? Continuity and Normality in the European Union in 2005
by Ulrich Sedelmeier & Alasdair R. Young - 7-25 Keynote Article: Questions of Europe ‐ The Domestic Politics of the 2005 French and Dutch Referendums and their Challenge for the Study of European Integration
by Paul Taggart - 27-49 Review Article: The ‘Governance Turn’ in EU Studies
by Beate Kohler‐Koch & Berthold Rittberger - 51-55 The Luxembourg Presidency: Size Isn't Everything
by Derek Hearl - 57-62 The UK Presidency: In the Hot Seat
by Richard Whitman - 63-80 Governance and Institutional Developments: In the Shadow of the Constitutional Treaty
by Desmond Dinan - 81-99 Internal Economic and Social Policy Developments
by David Howarth - 101-117 Justice and Home Affairs
by Jörg Monar - 119-135 Legal Developments
by Michael Dougan - 137-154 Relations with the Wider Europe
by Sandra Lavenex & Frank Schimmelfennig - 155-170 Relations with the Rest of the World
by David Allen & Michael Smith - 171-198 Political Developments in the EU Member States
by Nick Sitter & Karen Henderson - 199-212 Economic Developments in the Euro Area
by Amy Verdun - 213-230 Developments in the Economies of Member States Outside the Euro Area
by Debra Johnson - 231-235 Chronology: The European Union in 2005
by Ulrich Sedelmeier & Alasdair R. Young
December 2006, Volume 44, Issue 5
- 865-897 The Allocation of Power in the Enlarged ECB Governing Council: An Assessment of the ECB Rotation Model
by Ansgar Belke & Barbara Styczynska - 899-919 From GATT to the WTO: The Internal Struggle for External Competences in the EU
by Stijn Billiet - 921-945 The EU‐Mercosol Free Trade Agreement: Quantifying Mutual Gains
by Germán Calfat & Renato G. Flôres - 947-968 The Challenge of European Union Security Governance
by Emil J. Kirchner - 969-990 The Political Stability and Growth Pact is Dead: Long Live the Economic Stability and Growth Pact
by Patrick Leblond - 991-1022 Reordering the Marketplace: Competition Politics in European Finance
by Daniel Mügge - 1023-1050 The International Bargaining Power of the European Union in ‘Mixed’ Competence Negotiations: The Case of the 2000 Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
by Mark Rhinard & Michael Kaeding - 1051-1077 Evaluating Presidencies of the Council of the EU: Revisiting Nice
by Adriaan Schout & Sophie Vanhoonacker - 1079-1102 Reactive Identity versus EU Integration
by Raivo Vetik & Gerli Nimmerfelft & Marti Taru
November 2006, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 669-685 The Theory and Practice of Economic Governance in EMU Revisited: What Have we Learnt About Commitment and Credibility?
by Waltraud Schelkle - 687-710 The ‘Sense and Nonsense of Maastricht’ Revisited: What Have we Learnt about Stabilization in EMU?
by Willem H. Buiter - 711-730 What Have we Learnt about Monetary Integration since the Maastricht Treaty?
by Paul De Grauwe - 731-756 The Centralization of Wage Bargaining Revisited: What Have we Learnt?
by John Driffill - 757-778 The ECB and the Conduct of Monetary Policy: Goodhart's Law and Lessons from the Euro Area
by C.A.E. Goodhart - 779-802 ‘Deliberative Political Processes’ Revisited: What Have we Learnt About the Legitimacy of Supranational Decision‐Making
by Christian Joerges - 803-821 Economic Governance, Ideas and EMU: What Currency Does Policy Consensus Have Today?
by KATHLEEN R. McNAMARA - 823-844 Only One Bed for Two Dreams: A Critical Retrospective on the Debate over the Economic Governance of the Euro Area
by Jean Pisani‐Ferry - 845-864 The Joint‐Decision Trap Revisited
by Fritz W. Scharpf