- 1024 Does housing really lead the business cycle?
by Luis J. Álvarez & Alberto Cabrero - 1023 Development, growth and volatility
by Alessio Moro - 1022 The incidence of nominal and real wage rigidity: an individual-based sectoral approach
by Julián Messina & Philip Du Caju & Cláudia Filipa Duarte & Niels Lynggård Hansen & Mario Izquierdo - 1021 Expectations-driven cycles in the housing market
by Luisa Lambertini & Caterina Mendicino & Maria Teresa Punzi - 1020 I.T. Investment and intangibles: evidence from banks
by Alfredo Martín-Oliver & Vicente Salas-Fumás - 1019 Micro-based estimates of heterogeneous pricing rules: the united states vs. The euro area
by Luis J. Álvarez & Pablo Burriel - 1018 A systematic approach to multi-period stress testing of portfolio credit risk
by Thomas Breuer & Martin Jandačka & Javier Mencía & Martin Summer - 1017 Changes in the wage structure in EU countries
by Rebekka Christopoulou & Juan F. Jimeno & Ana Lamo - 1016 The effect of macroeconomic fluctuations on the inflows and outflows of migrants in Spain
by Aitor Lacuesta & Sergio Puente - 1015 Understanding the spanish business innovation gap: the role of spillovers and firms’ absorptive capacity
by Paloma López-García & José Manuel Montero - 1014 The euro as a reserve currency for global investors
by Luis M. Viceira & Ricardo Gimeno - 1013 Employment fluctuations in a dual labor market
by James Costain & Juan F. Jimeno & Carlos Thomas - 1012 General Equilibrium Restrictions for Dynamic Factor Models
by David de Antonio Liedo - 1011 What do premiums paid for bank M&As reflect? The case of the European Union
by Jens Hagendorff & Ignacio Hernando & María J. Nieto & Larry D. Wall - 1010 Is a Calvo price setting model consistent with micro price data?
by Luis J. Álvarez & Pablo Burriel - 1009 Optimal research and development expenditure: a general equilibrium approach
by Galo Nuño - 1008 From proximity to distant banking: Spanish banks in the EMU
by Alfredo Martín-Oliver - 1007 Testing non-linear dependence in the hedge fund industry
by Javier Mencía - 1006 Price, wage and employment response to shocks: evidence from the WDN Survey
by Giuseppe Bertola & Aurelijus Dabusinskas & Marco Hoeberichts & Mario Izquierdo & Claudia Kwapil & Jeremi Montornès & Daniel Radowski - 1005 How Does Competition Impact Bank Risk-Taking?
by Gabriel Jiménez & Jose A. Lopez & Jesús Saurina - 1004 Asymmetric standing facilities: an unexploited monetary policy tool
by Gabriel Perez-Quiros & Hugo Rodríguez Mendizábal - 1003 No bank, one bank, several banks: does it matter for investment?
by Alexander Karaivanov & Sonia Ruano & Jesús Saurina & Robert Townsend - 1002 The response of household wealth to the risk of losing the job: evidence from differences in firing costs
by Cristina Barceló & Ernesto Villanueva - 1001 Banking competition, collateral constraints and optimal monetary policy
by Javier Andrés & Óscar Arce & Carlos Thomas
- 0935 A quarterly fiscal database for the euro area based on intra-annual fiscal information
by Joan Paredes & Diego J. Pedregal & Javier J. Pérez - 0934 Is there a signalling role for public wages? Evidence for the euro area based on macro data
by Javier J. Pérez & A. Jesús Sánchez - 0933 Análisis de las desviaciones presupuestarias aplicado al caso del presupuesto del Estado
by Teresa Leal & Javier J. Pérez - 0932 Oilgopoly: A General Equilibrium Model Of The Oil-Macroeconomy Nexus
by Anton Nakov & Galo Nuño - 0931 Short-term monitoring of the Spanish Government balance with mixed-frequencies models
by Teresa Leal & Diego J. Pedregal & Javier J. Pérez - 0930 Fiscal policy shocks in the euro area and the US: an empirical assessment
by Pablo Burriel & Francisco de Castro & Daniel Garrote & Esther Gordo & Joan Paredes & Javier J. Pérez - 0929 Distributional tests in multivariate dynamic models with Normal and Student t innovations
by Javier Mencía & Enrique Sentana - 0928 Monetary effects on nominal oil prices
by Max Gillman & Anton Nakov - 0927 Spain in the euro: a general equilibrium analysis
by Javier Andrés & Samuel Hurtado & Eva Ortega & Carlos Thomas - 0926 Firm-specific factors influencing the selection of accounting options provided by the IFRS: Empirical evidence from Spanish market
by Juana Aledo & Fernando García-Martínez & Juan M. Marín Diazaraque - 0925 R&D investment and endogenous growth: a SVAR approach
by Ángel Estrada & José Manuel Montero - 0924 Public and private sector wages interactions in a general equilibrium model
by Gonzalo Fernández-de-Córdoba & Javier J. Pérez & José L. Torres - 0923 The relationship between public and private saving in Spain: does Ricardian equivalence hold?
by Francisco de Castro & José Luis Fernández - 0922 Technology, convergence and business cycles
by Galo Nuño - 0921 Do institutional changes affect business cycles? Evidence from Europe
by Fabio Canova & Matteo Ciccarelli & Eva Ortega - 0920 What makes a high-growth firm? A probit analysis using Spanish firm-level data
by Paloma López-García & Sergio Puente - 0919 On the informational role of term structure in the U.S. monetary policy rule
by Jesús Vázquez & Ramón María-Dolores & Juan-Miguel Londoño - 0918 Wage, inflation and employment dynamics with labour market matching
by Kai Christoffel & James Costain & Gregory de Walque & Keith Kuester & Tobias Linzert & Stephen Millard & Olivier Pierrard - 0917 High-growth Recoveries, Inventories and the Great Moderation
by Maximo Camacho & Gabriel Perez-Quiros & Hugo Rodríguez Mendizábal - 0916 Housing market heterogeneity in a monetary union
by Margarita Rubio - 0915 Cash, access to credit, and value creation in M&As
by José Manuel Campa & Ignacio Hernando - 0914 The effect of employment protection legislation and financial market imperfections on investment: Evidence from a firm-level panel of EU countries
by Federico Cingano & Marco Leonardi & Julián Messina & Giovanni Pica - 0913 Retirement behaviour and retirement incentives in Spain
by Raquel Vegas & Isabel Argimón & Marta Botella & Clara I. González - 0912 Ñ-STING: España Short Term INdicator of Growth
by Maximo Camacho & Gabriel Perez-Quiros - 0911 Assessing the risk-return trade-off in loans portfolios
by Javier Mencía - 0910 What explains the low profitability of Chinese banks?
by Alicia García-Herrero & Sergio Gavilá & Daniel Santabárbara - 0909 Multivariate location-scale mixtures of normals and mean-variance-skewness portfolio allocation
by Javier Mencía & Enrique Sentana - 0908 Developments in retail trade regulation in Spain and their macroeconomic implications
by M.ª de los Llanos Matea & Juan S. Mora - 0907 Job changes and individual-job specific wage dynamics
by Laura Hospido - 0906 Extraction of financial market expectations about inflation and interest rates from a liquid market
by Ricardo Gimeno & José Manuel Marqués - 0905 The mark-ups in the Spanish economy: international comparison and recent evolution
by Ángel Estrada - 0904 Assimilation of immigrants in Spain: A longitudinal analysis
by Mario Izquierdo & Aitor Lacuesta & Raquel Vegas - 0903 Fixed and variable-rate mortgages, business cycles and monetary policy
by Margarita Rubio - 0902 Micro evidence of the brain gain hypothesis: The case of Cape Verde
by Catia Batista & Aitor Lacuesta & Pedro Vicente - 0901 International Trade Policy towards Monopoly and Oligopoly
by Praveen Kujal & Juan Ruiz - 0838 Solving Portfolio Problems with the Smolyak-Parameterized Expectations Algorithm
by Ángel Gavilán & Juan A. Rojas - 0837 Asymmetric collateral requirements and output composition
by Óscar Arce & José Manuel Campa & Ángel Gavilán - 0836 Financing obstacles and growth: An analysis for euro area non-financial corporations
by Chiara Coluzzi & Annalisa Ferrando & Carmen Martínez-Carrascal - 0835 Omitted variables in the measure of a labour quality index: the case of Spain
by Aitor Lacuesta & Sergio Puente & Pilar Cuadrado - 0834 Sovereign external assets and the resilience of global imbalances
by Gabriel Enrique Alberola & José María Serena - 0833 Hazardous times for monetary policy: What do twenty-three million bank loans say about the effects of monetary policy on credit risk-taking?
by Gabriel Jiménez & Steven Ongena & José Luis Peydró & Jesús Saurina - 0832 Social Security reform with imperfect substitution between less and more experienced workers
by Juan A. Rojas - 0831 Dynamics of the price distribution in a general model of state-dependent pricing
by James Costain & Antón Nákov - 0830 Banking competition, housing prices and macroeconomic stability
by Javier Andrés & Óscar J. Arce
- 0829 The impact of alternative imputation methods on the measurement of income and wealth: Evidence from the Spanish survey of household finances
by Cristina Barceló - 0828 Impact of bank competition on the interest rate pass-through in the euro area
by Michiel van Leuvensteijn & Christoffer Kok Sørensen & Jacob A. Bikker & Adrian van Rixtel - 0827 Term structure and the estimated monetary policy rule in the eurozone
by Ramón María-Dolores & Jesús Vázquez - 0826 Inflation targeting in Latin America: Empirical analysis using GARCH models
by Carmen Broto - 0825 Search cost and price dispersion in vertically related markets: the case of bank loans and deposits
by Alfredo Martín-Oliver & Vicente Salas-Fumás & Jesús Saurina - 0824 Price adjustments in a general model of state-dependent pricing
by James Costain & Antón Nákov - 0823 Determinants of domestic and cross-border bank acquisitions in the European Union
by Ignacio Hernando & María J. Nieto & Larry Wall - 0822 Exchange rate pass-through in new Member States and candidate countries of the EU
by Ramón María-Dolores - 0821 Empirical analysis of corporate credit lines
by Gabriel Jiménez & José A. López & Jesús Saurina - 0820 The impact of financial position on investment: an analysis for non-financial corporations in the euro area
by Carmen Martínez-Carrascal & Annalisa Ferrando - 0819 Multiple safety net regulators and agency problems in the EU: Is Prompt Corrective Action partly the solution?
by David G. Mayes & María J. Nieto & Larry Wall - 0818 Labor market reform and price stability: an application to the Euro Area
by Carlos Thomas & Francesco Zanetti - 0817 Measuring and explaining the volatility of capital flows towards emerging countries
by Carmen Broto & Javier Díaz-Cassou & Aitor Erce-Domínguez - 0816 Organizational distance and use of collateral for business loans
by Gabriel Jiménez & Vicente Salas-Fumás & Jesús Saurina - 0815 Housing bubbles
by Óscar J. Arce & J. David López-Salido - 0814 Does immigration affect the Phillips curve? Some evidence for Spain
by Samuel Bentolila & Juan J. Dolado & Juan F. Jimeno - 0813 On the job search in a matching model with heterogeneous jobs and workers
by Juan J. Dolado & Marcel Jansen & Juan F. Jimeno - 0812 Testing for conditional heteroscedasticity in the components of inflation
by Carmen Broto & Esther Ruiz - 0811 Uncertainty and entry into export markets
by Rubén Segura-Cayuela & Josep M. Vilarrubia - 0810 Do trade and financial linkages foster business cycle synchronization in a small economy?
by Alicia García-Herrero & Juan M. Ruiz - 0809 A structural model of sovereign debt issuance: assessing the role of financial factors
by Aitor Erce - 0808 The effect of foreign service on trade volumes and trade partners
by Rubén Segura-Cayuela & Josep M. Vilarrubia - 0807 Introducing the EURO-STING: Short Term INdicator of Euro Area Growth
by Maximo Camacho & Gabriel Perez-Quiros - 0806 Search frictions, real rigidities and inflation dynamics
by Carlos Thomas - 0805 Money and the natural rate of interest: structural estimates for the United States and the euro area
by Javier Andrés & David López-Salido & Edward Nelson - 0804 Wealth inequality and household structure: US vs. Spain
by Olympia Bover - 0803 The determinants of budget balances of the regional (Autonomous) governments
by Isabel Argimón & Pablo Hernández de Cos - 0802 Uncertainty and the price of risk in a nominal convergence process
by Ricardo Gimeno & José Manuel Marqués - 0801 Size, growth and bank dynamics
by Enrique Benito
- 0741 Price determinacy under non-Ricardian fiscal strategies
by Óscar J. Arce - 0740 The output and profit contribution of information technology and advertising investments in banks
by Alfredo Martín-Oliver & Vicente Salas-Fumas - 0739 Firm productivity dynamics in Spain
by Paloma López-García & Sergio Puente & Ángel Luis Gómez - 0738 Modelling heterogeneity and dynamics in the volatility of individual wages
by Laura Hospido - 0737 Employment risk and household formation: evidence from differences in firing costs
by Mario García-Ferreira & Ernesto Villanueva - 0736 A new approach to measuring competition in the loan markets of the euro area
by Michiel van Leuvensteijn & Jacob A. Bikker & Adrian van Rixtel & Christoffer Kok-Sørensen - 0735 Oil and the Great Moderation
by Anton Nakov & Andrea Pescatori - 0734 Inequality for Wage Earners and Self-Employed: Evidence from Panel Data
by Pedro Albarrán & Raquel Carrasco & Maite Martínez-Granado - 0733 Local debt expansion... vulnerability reduction? An assessment for six crises-prone countries
by Paloma Acevedo & Enrique Alberola & Carmen Broto - 0732 Birth-Cohort Projections of the Spanish Participation Rate
by Pilar Cuadrado & Aitor Lacuesta & José María Martínez & Eduardo Pérez - 0731 The industrial impact of oil price shocks: Evidence from the industries of six OECD countries
by Rebeca Jiménez-Rodríguez - 0730 How do intangible assets create economic value? an application to banks
by Alfredo Martín-Oliver & Vicente Salas-Fumas - 0728 What do micro price data tell us on the validity of the New Keynesian Phillips Curve?
by Luis J. Álvarez - 0728 Temporal aggregation, systematic sampling, and the Hodrick-Prescott filter
by Agustín Maravall & Ana del Río - 0727 The transmission of emerging market shocks to global equity markets
by Lucía Cuadro Sáez & Marcel Fratzscher & Christian Thimann - 0726 Testing for competition in the Spanish banking industry: The Panzar-Rosse approach revisited
by Luis Gutiérrez de Rozas - 0725 Financial governance of banking supervision
by Donato Masciandaro & María J. Nieto & Henriëtte Prast - 0724 The effects of the introduction of tax incentives on retirement savings
by Juan Ayuso & Juan F. Jimeno & Ernesto Villanueva - 0723 Inflation-output gap trade-off with a dominant oil supplier
by Anton Nakov & Andrea Pescatori - 0722 Determinantes de la morosidad bancaria en una economía dolarizada. El caso uruguayo
by Martín Vallcorba & Javier Delgado - 0721 Trade patterns, trade balances and idiosyncratic shocks
by Claudia Canals & Xavier Gabaix & Josep M. Vilarrubia & David Weinstein - 0720 The wise use of dummies in gravity models: export potentials in the Euromed region
by Juan Ruiz & Josep M. Vilarrubia - 0719 The labor market effects of technology shocks
by Fabio Canova & David López-Salido & Claudio Michelacci - 0718 Macroeconomic modelling in EMU: how relevant is the change in regime?
by Javier Andrés & Fernando Restoy - 0717 Actualización del modelo trimestral del Banco de España
by Eva Ortega & Pablo Burriel & José Luis Fernández & Eva Ferraz & Samuel Hurtado - 0716 The determinants of household credit in Spain
by Fernando Nieto - 0715 Back to square one: identification issues in DSGE models
by Fabio Canova & Luca Sala - 0714 On the aggregate effects of immigration in Spain
by Mario Izquierdo & Juan F. Jimeno & Juan A. Rojas - 0713 The reaction by industry insiders to M&As in the European financial industry
by José M. Campa & Ignacio Hernando - 0712 An assessment of Basel II procyclicality in mortgage portfolios
by Jesús Saurina & Carlos Trucharte - 0711 Measurement of capital stock and input services of Spanish banks
by Alfredo Martín-Oliver & Vicente Salas-Fumás & Jesús Saurina - 0710 The stabilizing role of government size
by Javier Andrés & Rafael Doménech & Antonio Fatás - 0709 Modeling the distribution of credit losses with observable and latent factors
by Gabriel Jiménez & Javier Mencía - 0708 Equilibrium exchange rates in the new EU members: external imbalances vs. real convergence
by Enrique Alberola & Daniel Navia - 0707 Parametric properties of semi-nonparametric distributions, with applications to option valuation
by Ángel León & Javier Mencía & Enrique Sentana - 0706 Global financial integration, monetary policy and reserve accumulation. Assessing the limits in emerging economies
by Enrique Alberola & José María Serena - 0705 House prices and employment reallocation: international evidence
by Olympia Bover & Juan F. Jimeno - 0704 Have real interest rates really fallen that much in Spain?
by Roberto Blanco & Fernando Restoy - 0703 Price setting in the euro area: some stylised facts from individual producer price data
by Philip Vermeulen & Daniel Dias & Maarten Dossche & Erwan Gautier & Ignacio Hernando & Roberto Sabbatini & Harald Stahl - 0702 Preconditions for a successful implementation of supervisors' Prompt Corrective Action: Is there a case for a banking standard in the EU?
by María J. Nieto & Larry D. Wall - 0701 Cost effectiveness of R&D and strategic trade policy
by Praveen Kujal & Juan Ruiz
- 0639 Implied default barrier in credit default swap premia
by Francisco Alonso & Santiago Forte & José M. Marqués - 0638 Current accounts in the euro area: An intertemporal approach
by José M. Campa & Ángel Gavilán - 0637 Optimal and Simple Monetary Policy Rules with Zero Floor on the Nominal Interest Rate
by Anton Nakov - 0636 Using standstills to manage sovereign debt crises
by Aitor Erce-Domínguez - 0635 Non-linear adjustment of import prices in the European Union
by José Manuel Campa & José M. González-Mínguez & María Sebastiá-Barriel - 0634 Genetic algorithm estimation of interest rate term structure
by Ricardo Gimeno & Juan M. Nave - 0633 Inefficient policies, inefficient institutions and trade
by Rubén Segura-Cayuela - 0632 Employment fluctuations with downward wage rigidity: the role of moral hazard
by James Costain & Marcel Jansen - 0631 BEMOD: a DSGE model for the Spanish economy and the rest of the Euro area
by Javier Andrés & Pablo Burriel & Ángel Estrada - 0630 Option-implied preferences adjustments, density forecasts, and the equity risk premium
by Francisco Alonso & Roberto Blanco & Gonzalo Rubio - 0629 Competition and price adjustment in the euro area
by Luis J. Álvarez & Ignacio Hernando - 0628 Does limited access to mortgage debt explain why young adults live with their parents?
by Nuno Martins & Ernesto Villanueva - 0627 Neighborhood effects in economic growth
by Josep M. Vilarrubia - 0626 A Q-model of labour demand
by Cristina Barceló - 0625 Structural breaks in labor productivity growth: the United States vs. the European Union
by Juan F. Jimeno & Esther Moral & Lorena Saiz - 0624 Is the internet delivery channel changing banks' performance? The case of Spanish banks
by Ignacio Hernando & María J. Nieto - 0623 Assessing banking competition: an application to the Spanish market for (quality-changing) deposits
by Juan Ayuso & Jorge Martínez - 0622 Dilatoriness of the banking enterprise debt in Spain, 1992-2003
by Sonia Ruano-Pardo & Vicente Salas-Fumás - 0621 Banks, remittances and financial deepening in receiving countries. A model
by Enrique Alberola & Rodrigo César Salvado - 0620 Emigration and human capital: who leaves, who comes back and what difference does it make?
by Aitor Lacuesta - 0619 Vector autoregressions and reduced form representations of DSGE models
by Federico Ravenna - 0618 Dynamic stability in repeated games
by Sergio Puente - 0617 What kind of capital flows does the IMF catalyze and when?
by Javier Díaz-Cassou & Alicia García-Herrero & Luis Molina - 0616 Hard or Soft? Institutional Reforms and Infrastructure Spending as Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in China
by K. C. Fung & Alicia García-Herrero & Hitomi Iizaka & Alan Siu - 0615 Wage inequality in Spain: recent developments
by Mario Izquierdo & Aitor Lacuesta - 0614 Earnings and capital management in alternative loan loss provision regulatory regimes
by Daniel Pérez & Vicente Salas-Fumás & Jesús Saurina - 0613 Wage inequality, segregation by skill and the price of capital in an assignment model
by Ángel Gavilán - 0612 Credit market competition, collateral and firms' finance
by Gabriel Jiménez & Vicente Salas-Fumás & Jesús Saurina - 0611 Debt sustainability and procyclical fical policies in Latin America
by Enrique Alberola & José M. Montero - 0610 House Prices, Rents, and Interest Rates under Collateral Constraints
by Óscar J. Arce & David López-Salido - 0609 House prices and rents in Spain: does the discount factor matter?
by Juan Ayuso & Fernando Restoy - 0608 Business demography in Spain: determinants of firm survival
by Paloma López-García & Sergio Puente - 0607 Speculative hyperinflations: when can we rule them out?
by Óscar J. Arce - 0606 The joint size and ownership specialization in banks' lending
by Javier Delgado & Vicente Salas-Fumás & Jesús Saurina - 0605 The interaction between house prices and loans for house purchase. The Spanish case
by Ricardo Gimeno & Carmen Martínez-Carrascal - 0604 The economic effects of exogenous fiscal shocks in Spain: a SVAR approach
by Francisco de Castro & Pablo Hernández de Cos - 0603 Housing tenure and labour mobility: a comparison across European countries
by Cristina Barceló - 0602 Social Security Reform with Uninsurable Income Risk and Endogenous Borrowing Constraints
by Juan A. Rojas & Carlos Urrutia - 0601 Real exchange rates, dollarization and industrial employment in Latin America
by Arturo Galindo & Alejandro Izquierdo & José M. Montero
- 0542 Sticky prices in the euro area: a summary of new micro evidence
by Luis J. Álvarez & Emmanuel Dhyne & Marco M. Hoeberichts & Claudia Kwapil & Hervé le Bihan & Patrick Lünnemann & Fernando Martins & Roberto Sabbatini & Harald Stahl & Philip Vermeulen & Jouko Vilmunen - 0541 Is the volatility of the EONIA transmitted to longer-term euro money market interest rates?
by Francisco Alonso & Roberto Blanco - 0540 Can fundamentals explain cross-country correlations of asset returns?
by Fernando Restoy & Rosa Rodríguez - 0539 Market power and bank interest rate adjustments
by Raquel Lago-González & Vicente Salas-Fumás - 0538 Exchange rate pass through to import prices in the euro area
by José M. Campa & Linda S. Goldberg & José M. González-Mínguez - 0537 The price setting behaviour of Spanish firms: evidence from survey data
by Luis J. Álvarez & Ignacio Hernando - 0536 The pricing behaviour of firms in the Euro area: new survey evidence
by Silvia Fabiani & Martine Druant & Ignacio Hernando & Claudia Kwapil & Bettina Landau & Claire Loupias & Fernando Martins & Thomas Mathä & Roberto Sabbatini & Harald Stahl & Ad Stokman - 0535 Una aproximación a los determinantes de la financiación de las sociedades no financieras en España
by José Manuel Marqués & Fernando Nieto & Ana del Río - 0534 Differences in changes in fresh food prices by type of establishment
by María de los Llanos Matea & Miguel Pérez - 0533 Reflections on fiscalist divergent price-paths
by Óscar J. Arce - 0532 Exchange rate dynamics in economies with portfolio rigidities
by Beatriz de-Blas-Pérez - 0531 Credit cycles, credit risk, and prudential regulation
by Gabriel Jiménez & Jesús Saurina - 0530 A test of the law of one price in retail banking
by Alfredo Martín-Oliver & Vicente Salas-Fumás & Jesús Saurina - 0529 Un modelo empírico de las decisiones de gasto de las familias españolas
by Teresa Sastre & José Luis Fernández-Sánchez - 0528 Price setting in the euro area: Some stylized facts from Individual Consumer Price Data
by Emmanuel Dhyne & Luis J. Álvarez & Hervé le Bihan & Giovanni Veronese & Daniel Dias & Johannes Hoffmann & Nicole Jonker & Patrick Lünnemann & Fabio Rumler & Jouko Vilmunen - 0527 Price setting behaviour in Spain: evidence from micro PPI data
by Luis J. Álvarez & Pablo Burriel & Ignacio Hernando - 0526 Public sector wage gaps in Spanish regions
by Ignacio García-Pérez & Juan F. Jimeno - 0525 The mix of international banks'foreign claims: determinants and implications
by Alicia García-Herrero & María Soledad Martínez-Pería - 0524 An application of the Tramo Seats automatic procedure; direct versus indirect adjustment
by Agustín Maravall - 0523 Say you fix, enjoy and relax: the deleterious effect of peg announcements on fiscal discipline
by Enrique Alberola & Luis Molina & Daniel Navia - 0522 Wealth effects on consumption: microeconometric estimates from the Spanish survey of household finances
by Olympia Bover