- 0521 Sticky-Price Models and the Natural Rate Hypothesis
by Javier Andrés & David López-Salido & Edward Nelson - 0520 Robustness of the Estimates of the Hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve
by Jordi Galí & Mark Gertler & David López-Salido - 0519 Banking integration in Europe
by Daniel Pérez & Vicente Salas-Fumás & Jesús Saurina - 0518 Do european business cycles look like one?
by Máximo Camacho & Gabriel Pérez-Quirós & Lorena Saiz - 0517 Does China have an impact on foreign direct investment to Latin America?
by Alicia García-Herrero & Daniel Santabárbara - 0516 M&As performance in the European financial industry
by José Manuel Campa & Ignacio Hernando - 0515 How individual capital requirements affect capital ratios in UK banks and building societies
by Isaac Alfon & Isabel Argimón & Patricia Bascuñana-Ambrós - 0514 Inflation differentials in EMU: the Spanish case
by David López-Salido & Fernando Restoy & Javier Vallés - 0513 Skill mix and technology in Spain: evidence from firm level data
by Adela Luque - 0512 The impact of unsecured debt on financial distress among British households
by Ana del Río & Garry Young - 0511 The determinants of unsecured borrowing: evidence from the British household panel survey
by Ana del Río & Garry Young - 0510 Dual employment protection legislation: a framework for analysis
by Juan J. Dolado & Marcel Jansen & Juan F. Jimeno - 0509 The private and fiscal returns to schooling and the effect of public policies on private incentives to invest in education: a general framework and some results for the EU
by Ángel de la Fuente & Juan F. Jimeno - 0508 Do decreasing hazard functions for price changes make any sense?
by Luis J. Álvarez & Pablo Burriel & Ignacio Hernando - 0507 Jump-and-rest effect of U.S. business cycles
by Máximo Camacho & Gabriel Pérez-Quirós - 0506 Interest rate dispersion in deposit and loan markets
by Alfredo Martín-Oliver & Vicente Salas-Fumás & Jesús Saurina - 0505 The role of global risk aversion in explaining Latin American sovereign spreads
by Alicia García-Herrero & Álvaro Ortiz - 0504 Testing the forecasting performace of IBEX 35 option implied risk neutral densities
by Francisco Alonso & Roberto Blanco & Gonzalo Rubio - 0503 Sectoral mark-up dynamics in Spain
by Ángel Estrada & David López-Salido - 0502 Cross-country differences in monetary policy transmission
by Robert-Paul Berben & Alberto Locarno & Julian Morgan & Javier Vallés - 0501 The fiscal theory of the price level: a narrow theory for non-fiat money
by Óscar J. Arce
- 0423 What makes balance sheet effects detrimental for the country risk premium?
by Juan Carlos Berganza & Alicia García-Herrero - 0422 Price setting behaviour in Spain: stylised facts using consumer price micro data
by Luis J. Álvarez & Ignacio Hernando - 0421 Household borrowing and consumption in Spain
by Carmen Martínez-Carrascal & Ana del Río - 0420 Determinants of collateral
by Gabriel Jiménez & Vicente Salas & Jesús Saurina - 0419 A useful tool to identify recessions in the euro-area
by Pilar Bengoechea & Gabriel Pérez-Quirós - 0418 The short-term impact of government budgets on prices: evidence from macroeconometrics models
by Jérôme Henry & Pablo Hernández de Cos & Sandro Momigliano - 0417 Combining filter design with model based filtering (with an application to business cycle estimation)
by Regina Kaiser & Agustín Maravall - 0416 An empirical approximation of the natural rate of interest and potential growth
by Marta Manrique & José Manuel Marqués - 0415 On monetary policy rules for the euro area
by Miguel Casares - 0414 Collateral, type of lender and relationship banking as determinants of credit risk
by Gabriel Jiménez & Jesús Saurina - 0413 A quarterly macroeconometric model of the Spanish Economy
by Ángel Estrada & José Luis Fernández & Esther Moral & Ana V. Regil - 0412 Do european primarily internet banks show scale and experience efficiencies?
by Javier Delgado & Ignacio Hernando & María J. Nieto - 0411 A synthetic indicator of financial pressure for spanish firms
by Andrew Benito & Francisco Javier Delgado & Jorge Martínez Pagés - 0410 La importancia de la histéresis en las exportaciones de manufacturas de los países de la UEM
by Ana Buisán & Juan Carlos Caballero & José Manuel Campa & Noelia Jiménez - 0409 Tobin's imperfect substitution in optimizing general equilibrium
by Javier Andrés & J. David López Salido & Edward Nelson - 0408 Are european business cycles close enough to be just one?
by Máximo Camacho & Gabriel Pérez-Quirós & Lorena Saiz - 0407 Interest rate determination in the interbank market
by Vítor Gaspar & Gabriel Pérez-Quirós & Hugo Rodríguez Mendizábal - 0406 Determinación de las exportaciones de manufacturas en los países de la UEM a partir de un modelo de oferta-demanda
by Ana Buisán & Juan Carlos Caballero & Noelia Jiménez - 0405 Tango with the gringo: the hard peg and real misalign ment in Argentina
by Enrique Alberola & Humberto López & Luis Servén - 0404 Similarities and convergence in G-7 cycles
by Fabio Canova & Matteo Ciccarelli & Eva Ortega - 0403 An economic analysis of education externalities in the matching process of UK regions (1992-99)
by Pablo Burriel-Llombart - 0402 What does really discipline fiscal policy in emerging markets? The role and dynamics of exchange rate regimes
by Enrique Alberola & Luis Molina - 0401 An empirical analysis of the dynamic relationship between investment grade bonds and credit default swaps
by Roberto Blanco & Simon Brennan & Ian W. Marsh
- 0322 Análisis comparado de la demanda de exportación de manufacturas en los países de la UEM
by Ana Buisán & Juan Carlos Caballero - 0321 Understanding the effects of government spending on consumption
by Jordi Galí & J. David López Salido & Javier Vallés - 0320 Rule-of-thumb consumers and the design of interest rate rules
by Jordi Galí & J. David López Salido & Javier Vallés - 0319 The impact of financial variables on firms' real decisions: evidence from Spanish firm-level data
by Ignacio Hernando & Carmen Martínez-Carrascal - 0318 Demographic Maturity and Economic Performance: The Effect of Demographic Transitions on Per Capita GDP Growth
by Rafael Gómez & Pablo Hernández de Cos - 0317 Contagion and portfolio shift in emerging countries' sovereign bonds
by Antonio Díez de los Ríos & Alicia García Herrero - 0316 Balance sheet effects and the country risk premium: an empirical investigation
by Juan Carlos Berganza & Roberto Chang & Alicia García Herrero - 0315 Financial stability and the design of monetary policy
by Alicia García Herrero & Pedro del Río - 0314 Automatic stabilizers, fiscal rules and macroeconomic stability
by Javier Andrés & Rafael Doménech - 0313 The daily market for funds in Europe: what has changed with the EMU
by Gabriel Pérez Quirós & Hugo Rodríguez Mendizábal - 0312 Labour demand, flexible contracts and financial factors: new evidence from Spain
by Andrew Benito & Ignacio Hernando - 0311 The macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy in Spain
by Francisco de Castro - 0310 The capital structure decisions of firms: is there a pecking order?
by Andrew Benito - 0309 Misalignment, liabilities dollarization and exchange rate adjustment in Latin America
by Enrique Alberola - 0308 Technology shocks and job flows
by Claudio Michelacci & David López-Salido - 0307 Analysis of house prices in Spain
by Jorge Martínez Pagés & Luis Ángel Maza - 0306 Capacity utilization and Monetary Policy
by Pedro Pablo Álvarez Lois - 0305 Persistent inflation differentials in Europe
by Eva Ortega - 0304 House prices and rents: an equilibrium asset pricing approach
by Juan Ayuso & Fernando Restoy - 0303 The incidence and persistence of dividend omissions by Spanish firms
by Andrew Benito - 0302 The euro area inefficiency gap
by Jordi Galí & Mark Gertler & J. David López-Salido - 0301 Market structure and inflation differentials in the European Monetary Union
by Javier Andrés & Eva Ortega & Javier Vallés
- 0229 Is the European Central Bank (and the United States Federal Reserve) predictable?
by Gabriel Pérez Quirós & Jorge Sicilia - 0228 El endeudamiento de los hogares españoles
by Ana del Río - 0227 Extricate: Financial Pressure and Firm Behaviour in Spain
by Andrew Benito & Ignacio Hernando - 0226 Financial pressure, monetary policy effects and inventory adjustment by UK and Spanish firms
by Andrew Benito - 0225 Does Job Insecurity Affect Household Consumption?
by Andrew Benito - 0224 Are capital buffers pro-cyclical? Evidence from Spanish panel data
by Juan Ayuso & Daniel Pérez & Jesús Saurina - 0223 Value creation in European M&As
by José Manuel Campa & Ignacio Hernando - 0222 Asymmetric Shocks, Risk Sharing, and the Latter Mundell
by Klaus Desmet - 0221 The Credibility of Central Bank Announcements
by Marco Hoeberichts - 0220 ISIS: Un Indicador Sintético Integral de los Servicios de mercado
by Luis Julián Álvarez González & Javier Jareño Morago - 0219 Differences in exchange rate pass-through in the euro area
by José Manuel Campa & Jose M. González Mínguez - 0218 Futuros sobre acciones: demanda e implicaciones sobre los mercados de renta variable
by Jose Ramón Martínez Resano & Liliana Toledo Falcón - 0217 The Asian and European Banking Systems: The Case of Spain in the Quest for Develpoment and Stability
by Sonsoles Gallego & Alicia García Herrero & Jesús Saurina - 0216 Latin American Financial Development in Perspective
by Alicia García Herrero & Javier Santillán & Sonsoles Gallego & Lucía Cuadro & Carlos Egea - 0215 Inflation persistence and optimal monetary policy in the Euro Area
by Pierpaolo Benigno & J. David López-Salido - 0214 Financial constraints and investment in France and Spain: a comparison using firm level data
by Ignacio Hernando & André Tiomo - 0213 The quest for nominal and real convergence through integration in Europe and Latin America
by Enrique Alberola & Ana Buisán & Santiago Fernández de Lis - 0212 The Spanish block of the ESCB-Multi-Country model
by Alpo Willman & Ángel Estrada - 0211 Modelling the daily banknotes in circulation in the context of the liquidity management of the European Central Bank
by Alberto Cabrero & Gonzalo Camba-Mendez & Astrid Hirsch & Fernando Nieto - 0210 Ajuste estacional y extracción de señales en la Contabilidad Nacional Trimestral
by S. G. Cuentas Nacionales - 0209 Financial Pressure and Balance Sheet Adjustment by UK Firms
by Andrew Benito & Garry Young - 0208 A Complete Model-Based Interpretation of the Hodrick-Prescott Filter: Spuriousness Reconsidered
by Regina Kaiser & Agustín Maravall - 0207 An Application of TRAMO-SEATS: Automatic Procedure and Sectoral Aggregation
by Agustín Maravall - 0206 Los flujos de trabajadores en España: el impacto del empleo temporal
by Ángel Estrada & Pilar García-Perea & Mario Izquierdo - 0205 Understanding Spanish dual inflation
by Ángel Estrada & J. David López-Salido - 0204 Markups, gaps, and the welfare costs of business fluctuations
by Jordi Galí & Mark Gertler & J. David López-Salido - 0203 The contribution of ICT to economic activity: a growth accounting exercise with Spanish firm-level data
by Ignacio Hernando & Soledad Núñez - 0202 Implicaciones para la inflación de la conversión de precios a euros
by Luis Julián Álvarez González & Javier Jareño Morago - 0201 La contribución de las ramas productoras de bienes y servicios TIC al crecimiento de la economía española
by Soledad Núñez Ramos
- 0121 Money in an Estimated Business Cycle Model of the Euro Area
by Javier Andrés & J. David López-Salido & Javier Vallés - 0120 The Euro-Area Government Securities Markets. Recent Developments and Implications for Market Functioning
by Roberto Blanco - 0119 Firm Investment and Monetary Policy Transmission in the Euro Area
by Jean-Bernard Chatelain & Andrea Generale & Ignacio Hernando & Ulf von Kalckreuth & Philip Vermeulen - 0118 Financial Systems and the Role of Banks in Monetary Policy Transmission in the Euro Area
by Michael Ehrmann & Leonardo Gambacorta & Jorge Martínez-Pagés & Patrick Sevestre & Andreas Worms - 0117 Is There a Bank Lending Channel of Monetary Policy in Spain?
by Ignacio Hernando & Jorge Martínez Pagés - 0116 Sectoral and Aggregate Technology Growth in Spain
by Angel Estrada & J. David López-Salido - 0115 The Transmission Mechanism of European Monetary Policy: Is There Heterogeneity? Is It Changing Over Time?
by Matteo Ciccarelli & Alessandro Rebucci - 0114 Rational Underdevelopment
by Klaus Desmet & Ignacio Ortuño Ortín - 0113 El grado de concentración en las ramas productivas de la economía española
by Soledad Núñez & Miguel Pérez - 0112 Program TSW Reference Manual
by Gianluca Caporello & Agustín Maravall & Fernando J. Sánchez - 0111 Estimating Inflation Expectations using French Government Inflation-Indexed Bonds
by Francisco Alonso & Roberto Blanco & Ana del Río - 0110 Accounting for Spanish productivity growth using sectoral data: New Evidence
by Ángel Estrada & David López-Salido - 0109 A New Phillips Curve for Spain
by Jordi Galí & David López-Salido - 0108 Time Aggregation and the Hodrick-Prescott Filter
by Agustín Maravall & Ana del Río - 0107 Monetary Policy Issues in a Low Inflation Environment
by José Viñals - 0106 Inflation Targeting Under Asymmetric Preferences
by Francisco J. Ruge-Murcia - 0105 Why Did the Banks Overbid? An Empirical Model of the Fixed Rate Tenders of the European Central Bank
by Juan Ayuso & Rafael Repullo - 0104 Three Exchange Rate Regimes and a Monetary Union: Determinacy, Currency Crises, and Welfare
by Carsten K. Nielsen - 0103 Evaluating the dynamics of fiscal policy in Spain: patterns of interdependence and consistency of public expenditure and revenues
by Francisco de Castro & José M. González-Páramo & Pablo Hernández de Cos - 0102 The interaction of firing costs and on-the-job search: an application of a search theoretic model to the Spanish labour market
by Ravi Balakrishnan - 0101 Job Creation under Liquidity Constraints: the Spanish Case
by Silvio Rendón
- 0020 European Inflation Dynamics
by Jordi Galí & Mark Gertler & J. David López-Salido - 0019 Does public ownership affect business performance? Empirical evidence with panel data from the Spanish manufacturing sector
by Pablo Hernández de Cos & Isabel Argimón & José M. González-Páramo - 0018 Credit Growth, Problem Loans and Credit Risk Provisioning in Spain
by Santiago Fernández de Lis & Jorge Martínez Pagés & Jesús Saurina - 0017 Estimating Liquidity Premia in the Spanish Government Securities Market
by Francisco Alonso & Roberto Blanco & Ana del Río & Alicia Sanchis - 0016 A Model of the Open Market Operations of the European Central Bank
by Juan Ayuso & Rafael Repullo - 0015 The Distribution of Earnings in Spain During the 1980s: the Effects of Skill, Unemployment, and Union Power
by Olympia Bover & Samuel Bentolila & Manuel Arellano - 0014 An Application of TRAMO-SEATS: Model Selection and Out-of-Sample Performance: the Swiss CPI Series
by Agustín Maravall & Fernando J. Sánchez - 0013 Technology Shocks and Monetary policy: Assessing the Fed's Performance
by Jordi Galí & David López-Salido & Javier Vallés - 0012 Notes on Time Series Analysis, ARIMA Models and Signal Extraction
by Regina Kaiser & Agustín Maravall - 0011 An Application of TRAMO-SEATS: Changes in Seasonality and Current Trend-Cycle Assessment: the German Retail Trade Turnover Series
by Regina Kaiser & Agustín Maravall - 0010 Transmission of Shocks and Monetary Policy in the Euro Area. An Exercise With NiGEM
by Eva Ortega & Enrique Alberola - 0009 Measuring the NAIRU in the Spanish Economy
by Ángel Estrada & Ignacio Hernando & J. David López-Salido - 0008 Are there Economies of Scale in the Demand for Money by Firms? some Panel Data Estimates
by Olympia Bover & Nadine Watson - 0007 La rama de servicios en España: un análisis comparado
by Soledad Núñez & Miguel Pérez - 0006 Fiscal Discipline and Exchange Rate Regimes: a Case for Currency Boards?
by Enrique Alberola & Luis Molina - 0005 Estimation and Inference in Short Panel Vector Autoregressions with Unit Roots and Cointegration
by Michael Binder & Cheng Hsiao & M. Hashem Pesaran - 0004 Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Behavior in the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level
by Javier Andrés & Fernando Ballabriga & Javier Vallés - 0003 The Financing Arrangements for the Regional (Autonomous) Governments for the Period 1997-2001
by Luis Gordo & Pablo Hernández de Cos - 0002 Seasonal Adjustment in Economic Time Series: the Experience of the Banco de España (with the model-based method)
by Alberto Cabrero - 0001 Market Power, Total Factor Productivity Growth, and Structural Change. An Illustration for Spain, 1983-1996
by Georges Siotis
- 9924 Mergers and Acquisitions in the Spanish Banking Industry: some Empirical Evidence
by Ignacio Fuentes & Teresa Sastre - 9923 Has Financial Market Integration Increased during the Nineties?
by Juan Ayuso & Roberto Blanco - 9922 Identifying Labour Market Dynamics using Labour Force Survey Data
by Concha Artola & Una-Louise Bell - 9921 Microeconomic Price Adjustments and Inflation: Evidence from Spanish Sectoral Data
by Ángel Estrada & Ignacio Hernando - 9920 The Role of the Financial System in the Growth-Inflation Link: the OECD Experience
by Javier Andrés & Ignacio Hernando & J. David López-Salido - 9919 Intertemporal Substitution and the Liquidity Effect in a Sticky Price Model
by Javier Andrés & J. David López-Salido & Javier Vallés - 9918 Short-Term and Long-Term Trends, Seasonal Adjustment, and the Business Cycles
by Regina Kaiser & Agustín Maravall - 9917 On the Real Effects of Monetary Policy
by José Viñals & Javier Vallés - 9916 Internal and External Exchange Rate Equilibrium in a Cointegration Framework. An Application to the Spanish Peseta
by Enrique Alberola & Humberto López - 9915 Seasonal Outliers in Time Series
by Regina Kaiser & Agustín Maravall - 9914 An Application of TRAMO and SEATS: Report for the "Seasonal Adjustment Research Appraisal" Project
by Agustín Maravall - 9913 On the Relevance and Nature of Regional Inflation Differentials: the Case of Spain
by Enrique Alberola & José M. Marqués - 9912 Estimation of the Business Cycle: a Modified Hodrick-Prescott Filter
by Regina Kaiser & Agustín Maravall - 9911 Underlying Inflation Measures in Spain
by Luis J. Álvarez & María de los Llanos Matea - 9909 Migrations in Spain: Historical Background and Current Trends
by Olympia Bover & Pilar Velilla - 9908 Learning about Migration Decisions from the Migrants. An Exercise in Endogenous Sampling and Complementary Datasets
by Olympia Bover & Manuel Arellano - 9906 Bank Lending Channel Evidence at the Firm Level
by Nadine Watson - 9905 On the Optimality of Treasury Bond Auctions: The Spanish Case
by Cristina Mazón & Soledad Núñez - 9903 Another Look at Unemployment Duration: Long-Term Unemployment and Exit to a Permanent Job
by Olympia Bover & Ramón Gómez - 9902 The Liquidity Effect in a Small Open Economy Model
by Javier Andrés & J. David López-Salido & Javier Vallés - 9701 Missing observations in ARIMA models: Skipping strategy versus outlier approach
by Victor Gómez & Agustin Maravall & Daniel Peña
- 9825 The Long-Run Effect of Permanent Disinflations
by Javier Andrés & Ignacio Hernando & David López-Salido - 9823 Is there Scope for Inflation Differentials in EMU? An Empirical Evaluation of the Balassa-Samuelson Model in EMU Countries
by Enrique Alberola-Ila & Tymo Tyrväinen - 9821 Assessing the Fit of Simulated Multivariate Dynamic Models
by Eva Ortega - 9820 Comparing Evaluation Methodologies for Stochastic Dynamic General Equilibrium Models
by Eva Ortega - 9819 The Spanish Business Cycle and its Relationship to Europe
by Eva Ortega - 9817 The Controllability of a Monetary Aggregate in EMU
by Alberto Cabrero & Juan L. Escrivá & Emilio Muñoz & Juan Peñalosa - 9816 Indicators of Short-Term Interest Rate Expectations. The Information Contained in the Options Market
by María C. Manzano & Isabel Sánchez - 9814 A Switching-Regime Model for the Spanish Inflation: 1962-1997
by Juan Ayuso & Graciela L. Kaminsky & David López-Salido - 9813 The Retreat of Inflation and the Making of Monetary Policy: Where Do We Stand?
by José Viñals - 9811 Identifying European Monetary Policy Interactions: French and Spanish System with German Variables
by Soyoung Kim - 9809 Seasonal Adjustment and Signal Extraction in Economic Time Series
by Víctor Gómez & Agustín Maravall - 9808 Automatic Modeling Methods for Univariate Series
by Víctor Gómez & Agustín Maravall - 9807 A Comparative Study of the Portuguese and Spanish Labour Markets
by Olympia Bover & Pilar García-Perea & Pedro Portugal - 9806 Disinflation, Output and Unemployment: The Case of Spain
by Javier Andrés & Ignacio Hernando & David López-Salido - 9805 Guide for Using the Programs TRAMO and SEATS (Beta Version: December 1997)
by Víctor Gómez & Agustín Maravall - 9804 Monetary Policy Rules and Business Cycles
by Soyoung Kim
- 9728 A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Going from Low Inflation to Price Stability in Spain
by Juan J. Dolado & José M. González-Páramo & José Viñals - 9727 Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Dynamics in the Spanish Economy
by Javier Andrés & Ricardo Mestre & Javier Vallés - 9726 How Informative are Financial Asset Prices in Spain?
by Francisco Alonso & Juan Ayuso & Jorge MartÃnez Pagés - 9725 Unemployment Persistence, Central Bank Independence and Inflation Performance in the OECD Countries
by Enrique Alberola & José M. Marqués & Alicia Sanchis - 9724 How Do Countries Smooth Regional Disturbances? Risksharing in Spain: 1973-1993
by Enrique Alberola & Pierfederico Asdrubali - 9721 A Comparative Analysis of the Aggregate Matching Process in France, Great Britain and Spain
by Una-Louise Bell - 9720 The Back Calculation of Nominal Historical Series After the Introduction of the European Cuurency (An Application to the GDP)
by José M. González MÃnguez - 9719 When May Peseta Depreciations Fuel Inflation?
by Enrique Alberola & Juan Ayuso & J. David López-Salido - 9715 The Joint Dynamics of Spot and Forward Exchange Rates
by Francisco de Castro & Alfonso Novales - 9713 The Balance-Sheet Transmission Channel of Monetary Policy: The Cases of Germany and Spain
by José M. González MÃnguez - 9712 Spanish Unemployment and Inflation Persistence: Are There Phillips Trade-Offs?
by Juan J. Dolado & J. David López-Salido & Juan L. Vega - 9710 Are Ex-Post Real Interest Rates a Good Proxy for Ex-Ante Real Rates? An International Comparison with a CCAPM Framework
by Juan Ayuso & J. David López-Salido
- 9633 What Does Consumption Tell Us about Inflation Expectations and Real Interest Rates?
by Juan Ayuso & J. David López-Salido - 9628 Programs TRAMO and SEATS, Instruction for User (Beta Version: september 1996)
by Victor Gómez & Agustín Maravall - 9626 Do Exchange Rate Move to Address International Macroeconomic Imbalances?
by Matthew B. Canzoneri & Javier Vallés & José Viñals - 9622 Computing Value Correspondences for Repeated Games with State Variables
by James Conklin - 9621 Short-term inflation indicators
by María de los Llanos Matea & Ana Valentina Regil - 9620 Adjustment Costs, Uncertainty and Employment Inertia
by Una-Louise Bell - 9617 Efficient Estimation of Cointegrating Relationships Among Higher Order and Fractionally Integrated Processes
by Juan J. Dolado & Francisco Mármol - 9616 Wage Bargaining in Industries with Market Power
by A. Jorge Padilla & Samuel Bentolila & Juan J. Dolado - 9615 Optimal Exchange Rate Targets and Macroeconomic Stabilization
by Enrique Alberola Ila - 9613 An Empirical Analysis of the Peseta's Exchange Rate Dynamics
by Juan Ayuso & Juan L. Vega - 9612 Missing Observations and Additive Outliers in Time Series Models
by Agustín Maravall & Daniel Peña - 9611 Weighted Monetary Aggregates: An Empirical Approach
by Francisco Alonso & Jorge Martínez Pagés & María Pérez Jurado - 9610 Trends in European Productivity and Real Exchange Rates
by Matthew B. Canzoneri & Behzad Diba & Gwen Eudey