- 2026 Spanish regions in Global Value Chains: How important? How different?
by Elvira Prades-Illanes & Patrocinio Tello-Casas - 2025 The decline in public investment: “social dominance” or too-rigid fiscal rules?
by Mar Delgado-Téllez & Esther Gordo & Iván Kataryniuk & Javier J. Pérez - 2024 Economic policy uncertainty in Latin America: measurement using Spanish newspapers and economic spillovers
by Corinna Ghirelli & Javier J. Pérez & Alberto Urtasun - 2023 A highway across the Atlantic? Trade and welfare effects of the EU-Mercosur agreement
by Jacopo Timini & Francesca Viani - 2022 Can subsidized employment tackle long-term unemployment? Experimental evidence from North Macedonia
by Alex Armand & Pedro Carneiro & Federico Tagliati & Yiming Xia - 2021 The impact of alternative forms of bank consolidation on credit supply and financial stability
by Sergio Mayordomo & Nicola Pavanini & Emanuele Tarantino - 2020 Loan types and the bank lending channel
by Victoria Ivashina & Luc Laeven & Enrique Moral-Benito - 2019 Keeping track of global trade in real time
by Jaime Martínez-Martín & Elena Rusticelli - 2018 Macro-financial interactions in a changing world
by Eddie Gerba & Danilo Leiva-Leon - 2017 The heterogeneous effects of trade agreements with labor provisions (Updated March 2021)
by Jacopo Timini & Nicola Cortinovis & Fernando López Vicente - 2016 Deciphering the macroeconomic effects of internal devaluations in a monetary union
by Javier Andrés & Óscar Arce & Samuel Hurtado & Jesús Fernández-Villaverde - 2015 Real-time weakness of the global economy: a first assessment of the coronavirus crisis
by Danilo Leiva-Leon & Gabriel Perez-Quiros & Eyno Rots - 2014 Hedger of last resort: evidence from Brazilian FX interventions, local credit, and global financial cycles
by Rodrigo Barbone Gonzalez & Dmitry Khametshin & José-Luis Peydró & Andrea Polo - 2013 Financial frictions and the wealth distribution
by Jesús Fernández-Villaverde & Samuel Hurtado & Galo Nuño - 2012 External imbalances and recoveries
by Mariam Camarero & María Dolores Gadea-Rivas & Ana Gómez-Loscos & Cecilio Tamarit - 2011 Sentiment analysis of the Spanish Financial Stability Report
by Ángel Iván Moreno Bernal & Carlos González Pedraz - 2011 Análisis de sentimiento del Informe de Estabilidad Financiera
by Ángel Iván Moreno Bernal & Carlos González Pedraz - 2010 Eurozone prices: a tale of convergence and divergence
by Alfredo García-Hiernaux & María T. González-Pérez & David E. Guerrero - 2009 Trade Agreements and Latin American trade (creation and diversion) and welfare
by Ayman El Dahrawy Sánchez-Albornoz & Jacopo Timini - 2008 Foreign direct investment and the equity home bias puzzle
by Sven Blank & Mathias Hoffmann & Moritz A. Roth - 2007 The benefits are at the tail: uncovering the impact of macroprudential policy on growth-at-risk
by Jorge E. Galán - 2006 Strategic interactions and price dynamics in the global oil market
by Irma Alonso Álvarez & Virginia Di Nino & Fabrizio Venditti - 2005 Dollar borrowing, firm-characteristics, and FX-hedged funding opportunities
by Leonardo Gambacorta & Sergio Mayordomo & José María Serena - 2004 From secular stagnation to robocalypse? Implications of demographic and technological changes
by Henrique S. Basso & Juan F. Jimeno - 2003 Measuring the procyclicality of impairment accounting regimes: a comparison between IFRS 9 and US GAAP
by Alejandro Buesa & Francisco Javier Población García & Javier Tarancón - 2002 ¿Cómo afecta la complejidad de la regulación a la demografía empresarial? Evidencia para España
by Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti & Ricardo Pérez-Valls - 2001 Debt sustainability and fiscal space in a heterogeneous Monetary Union: normal times vs the zero lower bound
by Javier Andrés & Pablo Burriel & Wenyi Shen
- 1948 Bayesian VAR forecasts, survey information and structural change in the euro area
by Gergely Ganics & Florens Odendahl - 1947 From fixed-event to fixed-horizon density forecasts: obtaining measures of multi-horizon uncertainty from survey density forecasts
by Gergely Ganics & Barbara Rossi & Tatevik Sekhposyan - 1946 The SHERLOC: an EWS-based index of vulnerability for emerging economies
by Irma Alonso & Luis Molina - 1945 The gender gap in bank credit access
by Pablo de Andrés & Ricardo Gimeno & Ruth Mateos de Cabo - 1944 Dynamic effects of persistent shocks
by Mario Alloza & Jesús Gonzalo & Carlos Sanz - 1943 Taxation and the life cycle of firms
by Andrés Erosa & Beatriz González - 1942 The global financial cycle and us monetary policy in an interconnected world
by Stéphane Dées & Alessandro Galesi - 1941 Modelling regional housing prices in Spain
by Laura Álvarez Román & Miguel García-Posada Gómez - 1940 Heterogeneous spillovers of housing credit policy
by Myroslav Pidkuyko - 1939 Outsourcing and public expenditure: an aggregate perspective with regional data
by Mar Delgado-Téllez & Enrique Moral-Benito & Javier J. Pérez - 1938 International bank lending channel of monetary policy
by Silvia Albrizio & Sangyup Choi & Davide Furceri & Chansik Yoon - 1937 Economic growth, institutional quality and financial development in middle-income countries
by Laura Heras Recuero & Roberto Pascual González - 1936 External adjustment with a common currency: the case of the euro area
by Alberto Fuertes - 1935 Child labor under cash and in-kind transfers: evidence from rural Mexico
by Federico Tagliati - 1934 Exchange rate shocks and inflation comovement in the euro area
by Danilo Leiva-Leon & Eva Ortega & Jaime Martínez-Martín - 1933 Domestic and foreign investment in advanced economies. The role of industry integration
by Teresa Sastre & Laura Heras Recuero - 1932 Staying dry on Spanish wine: the rejection of the 1905 Spanish-Italian trade agreement (Updated May 2020)
by Jacopo Timini - 1931 Beyond the LTV ratio: new macroprudential lessons from Spain
by Jorge E. Galán & Matías Lamas - 1930 Mapping China’s time-varying house price landscape
by Michael Funke & Danilo Leiva-Leon & Andrew Tsang - 1929 On financial frictions and firm market power
by Miguel Casares & Luca Deidda & José E. Galdón-Sánchez - 1928 Propagation of sector-specific shocks within spain and other countries
by Mario Izquierdo & Enrique Moral-Benito & Elvira Prades - 1927 Quality of enforcement and investment decisions. Firm-level evidence from Spain
by Daniel Dejuán & Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti - 1926 Do SVARs with sign restrictions not identify unconventional monetary policy shocks?
by Jef Boeckx & Maarten Dossche & Alessandro Galesi & Boris Hofmann & Gert Peersman - 1925 Fluctuations in Global Macro Volatility
by Danilo Leiva-Leon & Lorenzo Ductor - 1924 The elasticity of taxable income in Spain: 1999-2014
by Miguel Almunia & David López-Rodríguez - 1923 The benefits and costs of adjusting bank capitalisation: evidence from euro area countries
by Katarzyna Budnik & Gaia Barbic & Giulio Nicoletti & Massimiliano Affinito & Fabrizio Venditti & Saiffedine Ben Hadj & Hans Dewachter & Edouard Chretien & Clara Isabel González & Javier Mencía & Jenny Hu & Jairo Rivera-Rozo & Lauri Jantunen & Otso Manninen & Ramona Jimborean & Ricardo Martinho & Ana Regina Pereira & Elena Mousarri & Constantinos Trikoupis & Laurynas Naruševicius & Michael O’Grady & Sofia Velasco & Selcuk Ozsahin - 1922 Jobs multipliers: evidence from a large fiscal stimulus in Spain
by Mario Alloza & Carlos Sanz - 1921 Measuring retail trade using card transactional data
by Diego Bodas & Juan R. García López & Tomasa Rodrigo López & Pep Ruiz de Aguirre & Camilo A. Ulloa & Juan Murillo Arias & Juan de Dios Romero Palop & Heribert Valero Lapaz & Matías J. Pacce - 1920 Inflation interdependence in advanced economies
by Luis J. Álvarez & Ana Gómez-Loscos & María Dolores Gadea - 1919 A framework for debt-maturity management
by Saki Bigio & Galo Nuño & Juan Passadore - 1918 Gender gaps in the evaluation of research: evidence from submissions to economics conferences (Updated March 2020)
by Laura Hospido & Carlos Sanz - 1917 Is market liquidity less resilient after the financial crisis? Evidence for us treasuries
by Carmen Broto & Matías Lamas - 1916 Quest for robust optimal macroprudential policy
by Pablo Aguilar & Samuel Hurtado & Stephan Fahr & Eddie Gerba - 1915 The gender promotion gap: evidence from central banking
by Laura Hospido & Luc Laeven & Ana Lamo - 1914 A new approach to dating the reference cycle
by Máximo Camacho & María Dolores Gadea & Ana Gómez Loscos - 1913 The effects of pension-related policies on household spending
by Susana Párraga Rodríguez - 1912 Drivers of productivity in the Spanish banking sector: recent evidence
by Christian Castro & Jorge E. Galán - 1911 Monetary policy, corporate finance and investment
by James Cloyne & Clodomiro Ferreira & Maren Froemel & Paolo Surico - 1910 Monetary policy implications of state-dependent prices and wages
by James Costain & Anton Nakov & Borja Petit - 1909 Exploring trend inFLation dynamics in Euro Area countries
by Mónica Correa-López & Matías Pacce & Kathi Schlepper - 1908 The China syndrome affects banks: the credit supply channel of foreign import competition (Updated February 2020)
by Sergio Mayordomo & Omar Rachedi - 1907 The Spanish personal income tax: facts and parametric estimates
by Esteban García-Miralles & Nezih Guner & Roberto Ramos - 1906 A new economic policy uncertainty index for Spain
by Corinna Ghirelli & Javier J. Pérez & Alberto Urtasun - 1905 Measuring economic and economic policy uncertainty, and their macroeconomic effects: the case of Spain
by Corinna Ghirelli & María Gil & Javier J. Pérez & Alberto Urtasun - 1904 Timed to say goodbye: does unemployment benefit eligibility affect worker layoffs?
by Andrea Albanese & Corinna Ghirelli & Matteo Picchio - 1903 The impact of the ECB’s targeted long-term refinancing operations on banks’ lending policies: the role of competition
by Desislava C. Andreeva & Miguel García-Posada - 1902 Advertising, innovation and economic growth
by Laurent Cavenaile & Pau Roldan - 1901 Trade and credit: revisiting the evidence
by Eduardo Gutiérrez & Enrique Moral-Benito
- 1851 A large central bank balance sheet? floor vs corridor systems in a new keynesian environment
by Óscar Arce & Galo Nuño & Dominik Thaler & Carlos Thomas - 1850 Welfare effects of an in-kind transfer program: evidence from Mexico
by Federico Tagliati - 1849 The risk of job loss, household formation and housing demand: evidence from differences in severance payments
by Cristina Barceló & Ernesto Villanueva - 1848 Policy uncertainty and investment in Spain
by Daniel Dejuán & Corinna Ghirelli - 1847 Bank capital, lending booms, and busts. Evidence from Spain in the last 150 years
by Mikel Bedayo & Ángel Estrada & Jesús Saurina - 1846 An economic analysis of court fees: evidence from the Spanish civil jurisdiction
by Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti & Marta Martínez-Matute - 1845 The paradox of global thrift
by Luca Fornaro & Federica Romei - 1844 Venting out: exports during a domestic slump
by Miguel Almunia & Pol Antràs & David López-Rodríguez & Eduardo Morales - 1843 What drives sovereign debt portfolios of banks in a crisis context?
by Matías Lamas & Javier Mencía - 1842 Nowcasting private consumption: traditional indicators, uncertainty measures, credit cards and some internet data
by María Gil & Javier J. Pérez & A. Jesús Sánchez & Alberto Urtasun - 1841 Confidence intervals for bias and size distortion in IV and local projections — IV models
by Gergely Ganics & Atsushi Inoue & Barbara Rossi - 1840 The changing structure of goverment consumption spending
by Alessio Moro & Omar Rachedi - 1839 Should I stay or should I go? Austerity, unemployment and migration
by Guilherme Bandeira & Jordi Caballé & Eugenia Vella - 1838 Firm dynamics and pricing under customer capital accumulation
by Pau Roldán & Sonia Gilbukh - 1837 The young, the old, and the government: demographics and fiscal multipliers
by Henrique S. Basso & Omar Rachedi - 1836 The drivers of Italian exports and product market entry: 1862-1913 (Updated August 2020)
by Jacopo Timini - 1835 Faraway, so close! technology diffusion and firm heterogeneity in the medium term cycle of advanced economies (Updated May 2019)
by Mónica Correa-López & Beatriz de Blas - 1834 Women’s representation in politics: voter bias, party bias, and electoral systems
by Martín Gonzalez-Eiras & Carlos Sanz - 1833 Corporate cost and profit shares in the euro area and the US: the same story?
by Vicente Salas & Lucio San Juan & Javier Vallés - 1832 Adapting lending policies in a “negative-for-long” scenario (Updated October 2020)
by Óscar Arce & Miguel García-Posada & Sergio Mayordomo & Steven Ongena - 1831 Households' balance sheets and the effect of fiscal policy
by Javier Andrés & José E. Boscá & Javier Ferri & Cristina Fuentes-Albero - 1830 Chinese exports and non-tariff measures: testing for heterogeneous effects at the product level
by Jacopo Timini & Marina Conesa - 1829 The G-20 regulatory agenda and bank risk
by Matías Cabrera & Gerald P. Dwyer & María J. Nieto - 1828 The effects of tax changes on economic activity: a narrative approach to frequent anticipations
by Sandra García- Uribe - 1827 The relevance of currency-denomination for the cross-border effects of monetary policy
by Isabel Argimón - 1826 Credit allocation along the business cycle: evidence from the latest boom bust credit cycle in Spain
by Roberto Blanco & Noelia Jiménez - 1825 Empirical assessment of alternative structural methods for identifying cyclical systemic risk in Europe
by Jorge E. Galán & Javier Mencía - 1824 Sovereign default, domestic banks and exclusion from international capital markets
by Dominik Thaler - 1823 The financial transmission of housing bubbles: evidence from Spain
by Alberto Martín & Enrique Moral-Benito & Tom Schmitz - 1822 The rise and fall of the natural interest rate
by Gabriele Fiorentini & Alessandro Galesi & Gabriel Pérez-Quirós & Enrique Sentana - 1821 Uncertainty, firm heterogeneity and labour adjustments. Evidence from European countries
by Marta Martínez-Matute & Alberto Urtasun - 1820 Fiscal policies in the euro area: revisiting the size of spillovers
by Mario Alloza & Pablo Burriel & Javier J. Pérez - 1819 Extraction of inflation expectations from financial instruments in Latin America
by Alberto Fuertes & Ricardo Gimeno & José Manuel Marqués - 1818 Price strategies of independent and branded dealers in retail gas market. The case of a contract reform in Spain
by Pilar Cuadrado & Aitor Lacuesta & María de los Llanos Matea & F. Javier Palencia-González - 1817 Multidimensional media slant: complementarities in news reporting by US newspapers
by Sandra García-Uribe - 1816 Competition and the welfare gains from transportation infrastructure: evidence from the golden quadrilateral of India
by Jose Asturias & Manuel García-Santana & Roberto Ramos - 1815 Financial institutions' business models and the global transmission of monetary policy
by Isabel Argimón & Clemens Bonner & Ricardo Correa & Patty Duijm & Jon Frost & Jakob de Haan & Leo de Haan & Viktors Stebunovs - 1814 The costs of trade protectionism: evidence from Spanish firms and non-tariff measures
by Dmitri Kirpichev & Enrique Moral-Benito - 1813 Monetary policy when households have debt: new evidence on the transmission mechanism
by James Cloyne & Clodomiro Ferreira & Paolo Surico - 1812 Industry vs services: do enforcement institutions matter for specialization patterns? disaggregated evidence from Spain
by Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti & Rok Spruk - 1811 Bank lending standards over the cycle: the role of firms’ productivity and credit risk
by Gabriel Jiménez & Enrique Moral-Benito & Raquel Vegas - 1810 Backing the incumbent in difficult times: the electoral impact of wildfires
by Roberto Ramos & Carlos Sanz - 1809 On the direct and indirect real effects of credit supply shocks
by Laura Alfaro & Manuel García-Santana & Enrique Moral-Benito - 1808 Credit constraints, firms investment and growth evidence from survey data
by Miguel García-Posada Gómez - 1807 Fiscal transfers in a monetary union with sovereign risk
by Guilherme Bandeira - 1806 Money in Spain. New historical statistics. 1830-1998
by Pablo Martín-Aceña - 1805 Monetary policy and the asset risk-taking channel
by Angela Abbate & Dominik Thaler - 1804 International co-movements in recessions
by Moritz A. Roth - 1803 Term structure and real-time learning
by Pablo Aguilar & Jesús Vázquez - 1802 Private saving. New cross-country evidencebased on bayesian techniques
by Ignacio Hernando & Irene Pablos & Daniel Santabárbara & Javier Vallés - 1801 The impact of high school financial education on financial knowledge and choices: evidence from a randomized trial in Spain
by Olympia Bover & Laura Hospido & Ernesto Villanueva
- 1751 Optimal density forecast combinations
by Gergely Akos Ganics - 1750 Permissible collateral and access to finance: evidence from a quasi-natural experiment
by Bing Xu - 1749 Decentralized multinational banks and risk taking: the spanish experience in the crisis
by Isabel Argimón - 1748 Markov-switching three-pass regression filter
by Pierre Guérin & Danilo Leiva-Leon & Massimiliano Marcellino - 1747 Credit shocks and the European labour market
by Katalin Bodnár & Ludmila Fadejeva & Marco Hoeberichts & Mario Izquierdo Peinado & Christophe Jadeau & Eliana Viviano - 1746 Did the bank capital relief induced by the supporting factor enhance SME lending?
by Sergio Mayordomo & María Rodríguez-Moreno - 1745 Marriage and health: selection, protection, and assortative mating
by Nezih Guner & Yuliya Kulikova & Joan Llull - 1744 Clustering regional business cycles
by M. D. Gadea-Rivas & Ana Gómez-Loscos & Eduardo Bandrés - 1743 Making room for the needy: the credit-reallocation effects of the ECB’s corporate QE
by Óscar Arce & Ricardo Gimeno & Sergio Mayordomo - 1742 Global imbalances from a stock perspective
by Enrique Alberola & Ángel Estrada & Francesca Viani - 1741 Norms in bargaining: evidence from government formation in Spain
by Thomas Fujiwara & Carlos Sanz - 1740 Subsidising mature age employment or throwing coins Into a wishing well: a quasi-experimental analysis
by Paulino Font & Mario Izquierdo & Sergio Puente - 1739 Currency unions and heterogeneous trade effects: the case of the latin monetary union
by Jacopo Timini - 1738 Cross-border banking on the two sides of the atlantic: does it have an impact on bank crisis management?
by María J. Nieto & Larry D. Wall - 1737 An anatomy of the spanish current account adjustment: the role of permanent and transitory factors
by Enrique Moral-Benito & Francesca Viani - 1736 Changing business models in international bank funding
by Leonardo Gambacorta & Stefano Schiaffi & Adrian Van Rixtel - 1735 Firm heterogeneity and aggregate business services exports: micro evidence from Belgium, France, Germany and Spain
by Andrea Ariu & Elena Biewen & Sven Blank & Guillaume Gaulier & María Jesús González & Philipp Meinen & Daniel Mirza & César Martín Machuca & Patry Tello - 1734 International migration pressures in the long run
by Rodolfo G. Campos - 1733 External stress early warning indicators
by César Martín Machuca - 1732 Leverage and deepening business cycle skewness
by Henrik Jensen & Ivan Petrella & Søren Hove Ravn & Emiliano Santoro - 1731 Monetary policy, stock market and sectoral comovement
by Pierre Guérin & Danilo Leiva-Leon - 1730 Is fiscal policy more effective in uncertain times or during recessions?
by Mario Alloza - 1729 Costly decisions and sequential bargaining
by James Costain - 1728 The propagation of industrial business cycles
by Maximo Camacho & Danilo Leiva-Leon - 1727 Model averaging in markov-switching models: predicting national recessions with regional data
by Pierre Guérin & Danilo Leiva-Leon - 1726 Measuring business cycles intra-synchronization in us: a regime-switching interdependence framework
by Danilo Leiva-Leon - 1725 The Impact of Taxes on Income Mobility
by Mario Alloza - 1724 Pricing decisions under financial frictions: evidence from the wdn survey
by José Manuel Montero - 1723 Dealing with dealers: sovereign CDS comovements
by Miguel Antón & Sergio Mayordomo & María Rodríguez-Moreno - 1722 The eurozone (expected) inflation: an option’s eyes view
by Ricardo Gimeno & Alfredo Ibáñez - 1721 The output effects of tax changes: narrative evidence from Spain
by Paula Gil & Francisco Martí & Richard Morris & Javier J. Pérez & Roberto Ramos - 1720 A menu on output gap estimation methods
by Luis J. Álvarez & Ana Gómez-Loscos - 1719 On domestic demand and export performance in the euro area countries: Does export concentration matter?
by Paulo Soares Esteves & Elvira Prades - 1718 High growth firms in employment and productivity: dynamic interactions and the role of financial constraints?
by Cristina Guillamón & Enrique Moral-Benito & Sergio Puente - 1717 Exchange rate regime and external adjustment: an empirical investigation for the U.S
by Alberto Fuertes - 1716 Immigration and the macroeconomy: some new empirical evidence
by Francesco Furlanetto & Ørjan Robstad - 1715 "Keeping it personal" or "getting real"? On the drivers and effectiveness of personal versus real loan guarantees
by Sergio Mayordomo & Antonio Moreno & Steven Ongena & María Rodríguez-Moreno - 1714 The impact of firms’ financial position on fixed investment and employment. An analysis for Spain
by Fátima Herranz González & Carmen Martínez-Carrascal - 1713 Has the Fed responded to house and stock prices? A time-varying analysis
by Knut Are Aastveit & Francesco Furlanetto & Francesca Loria - 1712 Top-down vs.Bottom-up? Reconciling the effects of tax and transfer shocks on output
by Sebastian Gechert & Christoph Paetz & Paloma Villanueva - 1711 TFP growth and commodity prices in emerging economies
by Iván Kataryniuk & Jaime Martínez-Martín - 1710 Fiscal delegation in a monetary union: instrument assignment and stabilization properties
by Henrique S. Basso & James Costain - 1709 Direct democracy and government size: evidence from Spain
by Carlos Sanz - 1708 Dissecting US recoveries
by María Dolores Gadea & Ana Gómez-Loscos & Gabriel Pérez-Quirós - 1707 Service regulations, input prices and export volumes: evidence from a panel of manufacturing firms
by Mónica Correa-López & Rafael Doménech - 1706 The crucial role of social welfare criteria for optimal inheritance taxation
by Esteban García-Miralles - 1705 The evolution of regional economic interlinkages in Europe
by María Dolores Gadea-Rivas & Ana Gómez-Loscos & Danilo Leiva-Leon - 1704 Creating associations as a substitute for direct bank credit. Evidence from Belgium
by Mikel Bedayo - 1703 Dynamic panel data modelling using maximum likelihood: an alternative to Arellano-Bond
by Enrique Moral-Benito & Paul Allison & Richard Williams - 1702 Business cycle estimation with high-pass and band-pass local polynomial regression
by Luis J. Álvarez - 1701 Implicit public debt thresholds: an empirical exercise for the case of Spain
by Javier Andrés & Javier J. Pérez & Juan A. Rojas
- 1635 Education, labour market experience and cognitive skills: evidence from PIAAC
by Juan Francisco Jimeno & Aitor Lacuesta & Marta Martínez-Matute & Ernesto Villanueva - 1634 The variation of export prices across and within firms
by Juan de Lucio & Raúl Mínguez & Asier Minondo & Francisco Requena - 1633 Portfolio rebalancing and asset pricing with heterogeneous inattention
by Omar Rachedi - 1632 On the determinants of fiscal non-compliance: an empirical analysis of spain’s regions
by Mar Delgado-Téllez & Víctor D. Lledó & Javier J. Pérez - 1631 Uncovering the heterogeneous effects of ecb unconventional monetary policies across euro area countries
by Pablo Burriel & Alessandro Galesi - 1630 Credit, crisis and contract enforcement: evidence from the Spanish loan market
by Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti & Marta Martínez-Matute & Miguel García-Posada - 1629 The aggregate effects of government income transfer shocks - EU evidence
by Susana Párraga Rodríguez - 1628 The dynamic effect of public expenditure shocks in the United States
by Susana Párraga Rodríguez - 1627 The evolution of inflation expectations in euro area markets
by Ricardo Gimeno & Eva Ortega - 1626 Stock market cycles and supply side dynamics: two worlds, one vision?
by Paul De Grauwe & Eddie Gerba - 1625 Oil price and economic growth: a long story?
by María Dolores Gadea & Ana Gómez-Loscos & Antonio Montañés - 1624 Optimal monetary policy with heterogeneous agents (Updated September 2019)
by Galo Nuño & Carlos Thomas - 1623 The effect of electoral systems on voter turnout: evidence from a natural experiment
by Carlos Sanz - 1622 When fiscal consolidation meets private deleveraging
by Javier Andrés & Óscar Arce & Carlos Thomas - 1621 The determinants of long-term debt issuance by European banks: evidence of two crises
by Adrian van Rixtel & Luna Romo González & Jing Yang - 1620 Spanish public finances through the financial crisis
by Francisco Martí & Javier J. Pérez - 1619 A spectral EM algorithm for dynamic factor models
by Gabriele Fiorentini & Alessandro Galesi & Enrique Sentana - 1618 Fiscal multipliers across the credit cycle
by Mihály Tamás Borsi - 1617 Credit contractions and unemployment
by Mihály Tamás Borsi - 1616 Do banks extract informational rents through collateral?
by Bing Xu & Adrian van Rixtel & Honglin Wang - 1615 Structural transformation, services deepening, and the transmission of monetary policy
by Alessandro Galesi & Omar Rachedi