- 9609 Unobserved Components in Economic Time Series
by Agustín Maravall - 9608 Estimation Error and the Specification of Unobserved Component Models
by Agustín Maravall & Cristophe Planas - 9607 Short-Term Analysis of Macroeconomic Time Series
by Agustín Maravall - 9606 Speculation, Hedging and Intermediation in the Foreign Exchange Market
by Malte Krüger - 9605 Credit Institutions' Price Policies and Type of Customer: Impact on the Money Transmission Mechanism
by M. Cruz Manzano Frías & Sofía Galmés Belmonte - 9603 On the Fate of Newcomers in the European Union: Lessons from the Spanish Experience
by Barbara Dluhosch - 9601 Volatility in Spanish Financial Markets: The Recent Experience
by Juan Ayuso & Soledad Núñez & María Pérez-Jurado
- 9532 An Empirical Examination of a Multilateral Target Zone
by Paul Schulstad & Ángel Serrat - 9531 Devaluations and Depreciation Expectations in the E.M.S
by Juan Ayuso & María Pérez Jurado - 9529 Is there a Trade-Off Between Exchange Rate Risk and Interest Rate Risk?
by Juan Ayuso Huertas - 9524 Un modelo macroeconométrico trimestral para la economía española
by Luis J. Álvarez & Fernando C. Ballabriga & Javier Jareño - 9523 Does Public Spending Crowd Out Private Investment? Evidence from a Panel of 14 OECD Countries
by Isabel Argimón & José M. González-Páramo & José M. Roldán Alegre - 9521 La inflación latente en España: una perspectiva macroeconómica
by Luis J. Álvarez & Miguel Sebastian - 9517 What Affects the Employment Rate Intensity of Growth?
by Ana L. Revenga & Samuel Bentolila - 9515 Approximate Equilibrium Asset Prices
by Fernando Restoy & Philippe Weil - 9506 Investment and Financial Costs: Spanish Evidence with Panel Data
by Ángel Estrada & Javier Vallés - 9505 Optimal Exchange Rate Flexibility in an Economy with Intersectoral Rigidities and Nontraded Goods
by Fernando Restoy & Ana Revenga - 9504 A Macroeconomic Evaluation of the Spanish Monetary Policy Transmission Machanism
by Ricardo Mestre
- 9428 The Spanish Catching-Up Process: General Determinants and Contribution of the Manufacturing Industry
by Juan M. Peñalosa - 9427 Female Labour Force Participation in the 1980's: The Case of Spain
by Olympia Bover & Manuel Arellano - 9425 Strategy and Tactics of Monetary Policy: Examples from Europe and the Antipodes
by Charles Goodhart & José Viñals - 9422 Is the ALP Long-Run Demand Function Stable?
by Juan L. Vega - 9420 Spanish Pay Setting Institutions and Performance Outcomes
by Simon Milner & David Metcalf - 9419 Is Exchange Rate Risk Higher in the E.R.M. after the Widening of Fluctuation Bands?
by Juan Ayuso & M.P. Jurado & Fernando Restoy - 9415 Métodos para la extracción de señales y para la trimestralización
by María de los Llanos Matea & Ana Valentina Regil - 9405 BVAR models in the context of cointegration: A Monte Carlo experiment
by Luis J. Álvarez & Fernando C. Ballabriga
- 9330 Functions of the Banco de España: An Historical Perspective
by Miguel Pellicer - 9327 Is Profitability related to market Share? An Intra-Industry Study in Spanish Manufacturing
by Cristina Mazón - 9325 Efficiency and Risk Premia in Foreign Exchange Markets
by Juan Ayuso & Fernando Restoy - 9324 Cyclical Patterns of the Spanish Economy
by Juan J. Dolado & Miguel Sebastián & Javier Vallés - 9322 Purchasing Power Parity: An Empirical Analysis
by María Pérez Jurado & Juan L. Vega - 9321 Credibility and Inflation Persistence in the European Monetary System
by Ana Revenga - 9320 Salarios públicos, salarios privados e inflación dual
by Luis Julian Alvarez & Javier Jareño & Miguel Sebastian - 9314 Interdependence of EC Economies: A Var Approach
by Fernando Ballabriga & Miguel Sebastián & Javier Vallés - 9313 Productivity and Infrastructure in the Spanish Economy
by Isabel Argimón & José M. González-Páramo & María J. Martín & José M. Roldán - 9311 On Stock Market Returns and Returns on Investments
by Fernando Restoy & G. Michael Rockinger - 9307 Credibility Indicators of an Exchange Rate Regime: The Case of the Peseta in the EMS
by Juan Ayuso & María Pérez Jurado & Fernando Restoy
- 9226 Aproximación lineal por tramos a comportamientos no lineales : estimación de señales de nivel y crecimiento
by Luis J. Alvarez & Juan C. Delrieu & Antoni Espasa - 9219 Treatment of conflictive forecasts: efficient use of non-sample information
by Luis Julian Alvarez & Juan Carlos Delrieu & Javier Jareño - 9214 Contrastes de raíces unitarias, para series mensuales. Una aplicación al IPC
by María de los Llanos Matea
- 8901 Funciones de transferencia simultáneas del índice de precios al consumo de bienes elaborados no energéticos
by María de los Llanos Matea