Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 313042 Organizational Charting for Member Control in Cooperatives: Toward an Assessment Tool
by Gray, Thomas W.
- 313041 Marketing Operations of Dairy Cooperatives, 2017
by Wadsworth, James J.
- 280116 Member Satisfaction With Their Cooperatives: Insights From Dairy Farmers
by Liebrand, Carolyn B. & Ling, K. Charles - 279800 Financial Profile of Dairy Cooperatives, 2012
by Liebrand, Carolyn - 279799 Performance of the Top 18 Dairy Co-ops, 1992-2012
by Ling, Charles K. - 279798 Marketing Operations Of Dairy Cooperatives, 2012
by Ling, K. Charles - 279796 Comparing Cooperative Principles of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the International Cooperative Alliance
by Reynolds, Bruce J.
- 280115 Cooperative Employee Compensation
by Eversull, E. Eldon
- 280114 Joint Ventures and Subsidiaries of Agricultural Cooperatives
by Reynolds, Bruce J. - 280113 Dairy Cooperatives in the 21st Century — The First Decade
by Liebrand, Carolyn B. - 280112 The Nature of the Cooperative A Dairy Cooperative Case Study
by Ling, K. Charles
- 280111 Education Initiatives of Farmer Cooperatives
by Wadsworth, James J. - 280110 Cooperative Financial Profile, 2008
by Eversull, E. Eldon - 280109 Cooperative Theory, Practice, and Financing: A Dairy Cooperative Case Study
by Ling, K. Charles
- 280108 Cooperative Equity Redemption
by Eversull, E. Eldon - 280107 Financial Profile of Dairy Cooperatives, 2007
by Liebrand, Carolyn Betts
- 280106 Marketing Operations Of Dairy Cooperatives, 2007
by Ling, K. Charles - 280105 Cooperative Approaches for Implementation of Dairy Manure Digesters
by Liebrand, Carolyn Betts & Ling, K. Charles - 280104 Selecting a Cooperative Membership Structure for the Agriculture-of-the- Middle Initiative
by Gray, Thomas W.
- 280103 An Analysis of Food-Chain Demand for Differentiated Farm Commodities: Implications for the Farm Sector
by Painter, Kathleen - 280102 Whey to Ethanol: A Biofuel Role for Dairy Cooperatives?
by Ling, K. Charles
- 313040 Measuring the Performance of Agricultural Cooperatives
by Liebrand, Carolyn Betts
- 280100 Measuring Performance of Dairy Cooperatives
by Ling, K. Charles - 280098 Small-Scale Grower Cooperatives in the Northeast United States
by Hilchey, DUncan & Gillespie, Gilbert & Henehan, Brian - 280097 The Role of Information Technology in the Fuel Ethanol Industry
by Crooks, Anthony & Dunn, John
- 280099 U. S. Cooperatives in International Trade, 1997-2002
by Kennedy, Tracey L. - 280096 Keys to Success for Food Co-op Start Ups in Rural Areas: Four Case Studies
by Lawless, Greg & Reynolds, Anne - 280095 Feed Mill Operations of Agricultural Cooperatives
by Eversull, E. Eldon - 280094 Dairy Cooperative Growth Challenges: Technology, Ingredients (Proteins) and Equity Financing
by Ling, K. Charles - 280093 Analysis of Financial Statements: Local Farm Supply, Marketing Co-ops, 2003
by Rotan, Beverly L.
- 348204 Cooperative Coordination of Production and Harvesting Decisions
by Lewis, Edgar L. - 280092 Financial Profile of the 100 Largest Agricultural Cooperatives, 2002
by Chesnick, David - 280091 Financial Profile of Dairy Cooperatives, 2002
by Liebrand, Carolyn - 280090 Driving Forces and Success Factors for Mergers, Acquisitions, Joint Ventures, and Strategic Alliances Among Local Cooperatives
by Vandeburg, Jennifer M. & Fulton, Joan R. & Hine, Susan & McNamara, Kevin T. - 280089 Marketing Operations of Dairy Cooperatives, 2002
by Ling, K. Charles
- 280088 Measuring the Economic Impact of Cooperatives in Minnesota
by Folsom, Joe - 280087 Financial Profile of the 100 Largest Agricultural Cooperatives, 2001
by Chesnick, David - 280086 Alternative Milk Price Series: Information for Cooperatives
by Ling, K. Charles - 280085 Measuring the Economic Impact of Cooperatives: Results from Wisconsin
by Zeuli, Kimberly & Lawless, Greg & Deller, Steven & Cropp, Robert & Hughes, Will - 117049 Black Farmers in America, 1865-2000: The Pursuit of Independent Farming and the Role of Cooperatives
by Reynolds, Bruce J.
- 280083 Problems and Issues Facing Farmer Cooperatives
by Gray, Thomas W. & Kraenzle, Charles A. - 280024 Cooperative Conversion and Restructuring in Theory and Practice
by Mooney, Patrick & Gray, Thomas W. - 44645 The changing federated relationship between local and regional cooperatives
by Hogeland, Julie A.
- 280084 Financial Profile of Largest 100 Agricultural Cooperatives, 2000
by Chesnick, David - 280082 Cooperative Employee Compensation, 1999
by Rotan, Beverly L. - 280027 Cost of Balancing Milk Supplies:Northeast Regional Market
by Ling, K. Charles - 280026 Structural Change in the Dairy Cooperative Sector, 1992-2000
by Liebrand, Carolyn - 280025 Financial Profile: The 100 Largest Agricultural Cooperatives
by Chesnick, David - 280023 Strategic Planning in Farmer Cooperatives
by Wadsworth, James J. - 280022 Crop Protectant Operations of Local Farm Supply and Marketing Cooperatives
by Eversull, E. Eldon - 280021 Analysis of Financial Statements: Local Farm Supply, Marketing Cooperatives
by Rotan, Beverly L. - 280020 Grain Cooperative Mergers and Acquisitions, 1993-97
by Crooks, Anthony - 42911 Local Cooperatives' Role in the Identity-Preserved Grain Industry
by Hogeland, Julie A.
- 280019 Farmer Cooperatives' Financial Profile, 1997
by Rathbone, Robert C. & Wissman, Roger A. - 280016 Financial Management and Ratio Analysis For Cooperative Enterprises
by Chesnick, David S.
- 313055 Contemporary Producer-Owned Lamb Processing Ventures: Lessons Learned
by Smith, Roland D. & Smith, Edward G. & Davis, Ernest E. & Edwards, Richard A. & Molina, Gustavo - 280015 Cooperative Unification: Highlights From 1989 To Early 1999
by Wadsworth, James J. - 280014 Marketing Operations of Dairy Cooperatives
by Ling, K. Charles - 280013 Financial Performance of Local Farm Supply, Marketing Cooperatives, 1997
by Rotan, Beverly L. - 280012 Local Farm Supply, Marketing Cooperatives Financial Trends: Changes in the 1990s
by Eversull, E. Eldon - 280011 Cooperative Pooling Operations
by Jermolowicz, Andrew A.
- 280010 A New Approach To Measuring Dairy Cooperative Performance
by Ling, K. Charles & Liebrand, Carolyn - 280009 Member Participation in Agricultural Cooperatives: A Regression and Scale Analysis
by Gray, Thomas W. & Kraenzle, Charles A. - 280008 Financial Statistics of the Largest Dairy Cooperatives, 1980 - 1995
by Kane, Michael D. - 280007 Cost of Capital for Agricultural Cooperatives
by Pederson, Glenn - 280005 Performance of Cooperatives Handling Farm Supplies, by Region
by Rotan, Beverly L. - 42912 Local Cooperatives' Role in the Emerging Dairy Industry
by Hogeland, Julie A.
- 313054 Strategies for Survival by Cooperative Country Elevators - Revisited
by Warman, Marc & Sterns, Larry & Cobia, David W. - 280018 The Impact of New Generation Cooperatives on Their Communities
by Torgerson, Randall E. & Reynolds, Anne - 280017 Financial Profile of Dairy Cooperatives, 1997
by Liebrand, Carolyn - 280006 Fertilizer Operations of Local Farm Supply and Marketing Cooperatives
by Eversull, E. Eldon - 280004 Marketing Coordination in Agricultural Cooperatives
by Wissman, Roger A. - 280003 Cooperatives in a Changing Global Food System
by Seipel, Michael F. & Heffeman, William D. - 280002 Voting and Representation Systems in Agricultural Cooperatives
by Reynolds, Bruce J. & Gray, Thomas W. & Kraenzle, Charles A. - 280001 Decision-Making in Cooperatives With Diverse Member Interests
by Reynolds, Bruce J. - 280000 Analysis of Financial Statements: Local Farm Supply, Marketing Cooperatives
by Eversull, E. Eldon & Rotan, Beverly L. - 279999 Response of Cooperative Elevators to Changes in Government Policies
by Steams, Larry & Cobia, David W. & Warman, Marc - 279997 Strengthening Ethics Within Agricultural Cooperatives
by Lasley, Paul & Baumel, C. Phillip & Deiter, Ronald & Hipple, Pat - 279994 Cooperatives and New Uses for Agricultural Products: An Assessment of the Fuel Ethanol Industry
by Crooks, Anthony C. - 279992 Shared-Services Cooperatives
by Crooks, Anthony C. & Spatz, Karen J.
- 313053 Dairy Member Frustration and Solidarity Difficulties: A Qualitative Analysis
by Gray, Thomas W. - 279998 Dairy Cooperatives’ Role in Managing Price Risks
by Ling, K. Charles & Liebrand, Carolyn Betts - 279996 A Strategic Planning Study of the Dairy Herd Improvement System
by Wadsworth, James J. - 279995 Local Petroleum Operations
by Chesnick, David S.
- 334674 Rural Government-Poor Counties, 1962-87
by Reeder, Richard J. & Jansen, Anicca C. - 313038 Value-added Contributions by Agricultural Cooperatives
by Namken, Jerry C. & Eversull, E. Eldon & Chesnick, David S. - 279993 Petroleum Cooperatives, 1993
by Eversull, E. Eldon & Dunn, John R. - 279991 Consolidation of Balance Sheet Components During Cooperative Mergers
by Wadsworth, James J. & Chesnick, David S. - 279990 Analysis of Balance Sheets of Local Farm Supply and Marketing Cooperatives
by Eversull, E. Eldon & Chesnick, David S. - 49825 A niche marketing guide for lamb cooperatives
by Kazmierczak, Tamra Kirkpatrick & Bell, James B. - 42913 The Role of Local Cooperatives in the Emerging Swine Industry
by Hogeland, Julie A.
- 313037 First-Handler Grain Cooperative Elasticities: Output Supply, Factor Demands, and Factor Substitution, 1983-1991
by Crooks, Anthony C. & Cummins, David C. - 313036 Opportunities for Vegetable Processing Cooperatives in the South and Southeast
by Lewis, Edgar L. - 279989 Cooperatives in the U.S. Citrus Industry
by Jacobs, James A. - 279988 Appraising Manager Performance
by Rapp, Galen W. - 279987 Analysis of Income Statements of Local Farm Supply and Marketing Cooperatives
by Chesnick, David S. & Eversull, E. Eldon - 279986 Marketing Operation of Dairy Cooperatives
by Ling, K. Charles & Liebrand, Carolyn Betts - 279985 Wheat Grain Cooperatives Adjust to Challenges of 1980s, Poised for 1990s
by Cummins, David E. - 279984 Membership Structural Design: A Pilot Test On DHI Cooperatives
by Gray, Thomas W. & Butler, Gillian - 279983 FARM BARGAINING COOPERATIVES: Group Action, Greater Gain
by Marcus, Gerald D. & Frederick, Donald A. - 279982 Full-Time Employees, Sales, and Assets of Selected Farmer Cooperatives: 1981,1986, and 1991
by Kraenzle, Charles A. - 279981 Cooperative Marketing Agencies-in-Common
by Reynolds, Bruce J. - 279979 Cooperative Grain Marketing: Changes, Issues, Alternatives
by Warman, Marc
- 313033 Agronomy Operations of Local Cooperatives
by Dunn, John R. & Rotan, Beverly L. & Eversull, E. Eldon - 279980 DARIMAC: An Export Marketing Agency-In-Common for Dairy Cooperatives
by Liebrand, Carolyn Betts & Spatz, Karen J. - 279978 Imports by Cooperatives, 1991
by Spatz, Karen J. - 279977 Cooperative Education Survey: Cooperatives’ Version Summary of Findings
by Dunn, John R. - 279976 Livestock, Wool, Poultry, and Meat Cooperatives: Function, Marketing, and Services
by White, T. Fred - 279975 Corn Belt Grain Cooperatives Adjust to Challenges of 198Os, Poised for 1990s
by Cummins, David E. - 279974 Cooperatives’ Role in Hog Contract Production
by Rhodes, V. James - 279973 Marketing and Transportation of Grain by Local Cooperatives
by Hunley, Charles L. & Cummins, David E. - 279972 Cooperative Employee Compensation
by Rotan, Beverly L. - 279971 Cooperative Exporters and Foreign Technical Standards
by Borst, Alan D. & Reynolds, Bruce J. - 279970 Strategic Planning: A Conceptual Model for Small and Midsize Cooperatives
by Wadsworth, James J. & Staiert, Jim J. & Rotan, Beverly - 257202 Equity Redemption and Member Equity Allocation Practices of Agricultural Cooperatives
by Rathbone, Robert C. & Wissman, Roger A.
- 313035 Niche Marketing Opportunities Through Lamb Cooperatives
by Kazmierczak, Tamra Kirkpatrick & Bell, James B. - 313034 Cooperative Marketing of Pulses
by Hunley, Charles - 313032 Cooperative Involvement and Opportunities in the Seed Industry
by Chesnick, David S. & Staiert, Jim & Eversull, E. Eldon - 279969 Agricultural Exports by Cooperatives, 1990
by Spatz, Karen J. - 279812 Cooperative Marketing Agreements: Legal Considerations
by Reilly, John D. - 279811 Bargaining Associations in Grower-Processor Markets for Fruits and Vegetables
by Iskow, Julie & Sexton, Richard - 279810 Strategic Planning Systems of Large Farmer Cooperatives
by Wadsworth, James J.
- 313031 Farmer Cooperatives: Cash Grain Farmers, Members, and Use
by Rotan, Beverly L. & Wissman, Roger A. & Kraenzle, Charles A. & Gray, Thomas & Adams, Celestine C. - 313030 Dairy Farmers' Valuation of Cooperative Market Security
by Hamlett, Cathy A. & Roach, Brian & Liebrand, Carolyn (edited by) - 313029 International Business Arrangements Used by Cooperatives
by Reynolds, Bruce J. & Spatz, Karen J. - 313028 Value of Cooperative Benefits to Southern Dairy Farmers
by Liebrand, Carolyn Betts & Ling, K. Charles - 313027 Information System Adoption and Use in Local Cooperatives
by King, Robert P. & Shuker, Iain G. - 52016 Membership: an Organizational View
by Gray, Thomas W. - 51568 Southern Dairy Farmers' Evaluation of Milk Handlers
by Liebrand, Carolyn & Carley, Dale H. & Ling, K. Charles
- 313026 Farmer Cooperatives’ Financial Profile, 1987
by Royer, Jeffrey S. & Wissman, Roger A. & Kraenzle, Charles A. - 313025 Feed Manufacturing by Cooperatives
by Brainich, Eric & Eversull, E. Eldon - 313023 Cooperatives in California Agriculture
by Smith, David K. & Wallace, Henry N. - 313012 Marketing High-Value Food Products in the Asian Pacific
by Reynolds, Bruce J. & Schmidt, Steven C. & Malter, Alan J. - 279809 Guide for Prospective Agricultural Cooperative Exporters
by Borst, Alan D. - 279807 Leasing as an Alternative Method of Financing for Agricultural Cooperatives
by Pederson, Glenn D. & Gill, Eric E. - 52019 Cooperatives' Role in the Artificial Insemination Industry
by Hogeland, Julie A. - 49824 Major farm characteristics and co-op use
by Wadsworth, James J. - 49823 Exporting: an avenue for dairy cooperatives
by Spatz, Karen J. & Brainich, Eric
- 313024 Marketing Operations of Dairy Cooperatives
by Ling, K. Charles & Roof, James B. - 313022 Farmer Cooperatives: Members and Use
by Kraenzle, Charles A. & Wissman, Roger A. & Gray, Thomas & Rotan, Beverly L. & Adams, Celestine C. - 279806 Nonqualified Notices: An Alternative for Distributing Cooperative Earnings
by Royer, Jeffrey S. & Wissman, Roger A. - 52037 Cooperatives' Position in the Fresh Vegetable Industry
by Biggs, Gilbert W. - 52034 Farmer Cooperatives: Commercial Farmer Members and Use
by Kraenzle, Charles A. & Wissman, Roger A. & Gray, Thomas W. & Rotan, Beverly L. & Adams, Celestine C. - 52021 Export Market Development by Agricultural Commodity Promotion Programs
by Spatz, Karen J. - 52017 Farmer Cooperative Theory: Recent Developments
by Staatz, John M. - 51282 Cooperative Marketing of Animal Health Products
by Vogelsang, Donald L.
- 313052 Structuring for Member Control in Large Cooperatives: A Case Study in Dairy
by Gray, Thomas W. - 313051 Top 100 Cooperatives, 1986 Financial Profile
by Davidson, Donald R. & Kane, Michael D. - 313050 Marketing and Transportation of Grain by Local Cooperatives
by Hunley, Charles L. - 313049 Local and Regional Cooperative Relationships in Two Federated Systems
by Biser, Lloyd C. & Dunn, John R. - 313048 Financial Instruments Issued by Agricultural Cooperatives
by Matthews, Mary Beth - 279805 Changes in Flnanclal Proflle of Cooperatives Handllng Grain First-Handlers with $5 Million or More in Sales, 1985 and 1983
by Cummins, David E. & Yager, Francis P. - 279804 Designing Membership Structures For Large Agricultural Cooperatives
by Butler, Gillian - 279803 Farmers’ Buying and Selling Patterns lmpllcations for Cooperatives
by Babb, Emerson M.
- 313011 Agricultural Exports by Cooperatives, 1985
by Kennedy, Tracey L. & Bunker, Arvin R. - 313010 Farm Women and Agricultural Cooperatives in Kentucky
by Garkovich, Lorraine & Bokemeier, Janet & Hardesty, Connie & Allen, Andrea & Carl, Ella - 313009 Cooperatives in the Apple Industry
by Biggs, Gilbert W. - 313008 Comparative Financial Profile of Cooperatives Handling Grain: First Handlers with $1 Million or More in Sales
by Cummins, David E. & Yager, Francis P. - 313007 Successful Joint Ventures Among Farmer Cooperatives
by Frederick, Donald A. - 313006 Fertilizer Operations of Regional and Interregional Cooperatives, 1984
by Dunn, John R. & Vogelsang, Donald L. - 313005 Local-Regional Cooperative Relationships in the Midsouth
by Biser, Lloyd C. & Dunn, John R. - 313004 Financial Profile of Cooperatives Handling Grain: First-Handlers, $1 Million to $4.9 Million in Sales
by Yager, Francis P. & Cummins, David E. - 51281 The Future Role of Livestock Cooperatives
by Hogeland, Julie A.
- 312999 Technical Efficiency of Dairy Production in New England: Co-op Members Versus Nonmembers
by Lee, Tsoung-Chao & Bravo-Ureta, Boris E. & Ling, K. Charles - 312997 Grain Exporting Economics: Port Elevator Cost Simulations
by Dagher, Magid A. & Reynolds, Bruce J. & Robbins, Lynn W. - 312995 Financial Profile of Cooperatives Handling Grain: First-Handlers, $5 Million to $14.9 Million in Sales
by Cummins, David E. & Yager, Francis P. - 312993 Cooperative Principles and Statutes: Legal Descriptions of Unique Enterprises
by Baarda, James R. - 312991 Financial Profile of Cooperatives Handling Grain: First-Handlers, $15 Million Sales or Larger
by Yager, Francis P. & Cummins, David E.
- 312990 Farm Supply Cooperatives: Structure, Operations, and Growth in the Midsouth
by Biser, Lloyd C. - 312977 Petroleum Cooperatives, 1982
by Eversull, E. Eldon & Dunn, John R. - 312976 Cooperatives' Position in the Potato Industry
by Biggs, Gilbert W. - 279802 Using Export Companies to Expand Cooperatives’ Foreign Sales
by Bunker, Arvin R. & Kennedy, Tracey L. - 279801 Fishery Cooperatives
by Brown, Phillip F. & Garland, William R. - 52039 Marketing and Transportation of Grain By Local Cooperatives
by Hunley, Charles L. - 52029 Estimating Production of Forest Cooperative Members
by Hoffman, Benjamin F., Jr. - 52014 Merging Cooperatives: Planning, Negotiating, Implementing
by Swanson, Bruce L. - 51381 Young Member Programs for Cooperatives
by Schomisch, Thomas P. & Gray, Thomas W. - 50731 A Reserve-Balancing Pool for Services by Dairy Cooperatives
by Ling, K. Charles - 50729 Financial Performance of Dairy Cooperatives
by Stafford, Thomas H.
- 312974 Cooperative Involvement in Grain Marketing
by Cummins, David E. & Yager, Francis P. & Hunley, Charles L. & Kane, Michael D. & Reynolds, Bruce J. - 312973 Growth and Trends in Cooperative Operations, 1951-81
by Biser, Lloyd & O'Day, Lyden - 312972 Marketing and Farm Supply Cooperatives: Livestock Producer Membership and Use, 1980
by Wilkins, Paul C. - 312965 Cooperative Grain Trade Opportunities in Eastern Europe
by Schmidt, S. C. & Jones, J. R. & Conley, D. M. & Bunker, A. R. - 52027 Cooperative Wool Marketing Pools and Warehouses: Industry Update, Issues and Options
by Hogeland, Julie A. & Sronce, Philip W. - 52025 Marketing Operations of Dairy Cooperatives
by Stafford, Thomas H. & Roof, James B. - 51565 Working Arrangements of Fruit and Vegetable Processing Cooperatives
by Blum, Martin A. - 51279 Marketing and Farm Supply Cooperatives: Commercial Farmer Membership and Use, 1980
by Wilkins, Paul C. - 50888 Marketing and Transportation of Grain by Local Cooperatives
by Yager, Francis P. & Hunley, Charles L.
- 312971 Sales Programs of Nine Regional Supply Cooperatives
by Eversull, E. Eldon - 312970 Cooperative Fluid Milk Processing: A Perspective of Opportunities and Problems
by Roof, James B. - 312969 Cooperative Farm Machinery Operations, 1970-80
by Biser, Lloyd C. - 312968 Marketing and Farm Supply Cooperatives: Membership and Use, 1980
by Wilkins, Paul C. - 312967 Regional Grain Cooperatives, 1980 and 1981
by Thurston, Stanley K. & Cummins, David E. - 52018 Iowa Cooperative Fertilizer Retail Outlets: Farmers' Attitudes and Perceptions
by Gensch, Dennis H. - 51567 Dairy Product Manufacturing Costs at Cooperative Plants
by Ling, K. Charles
- 312966 Top 100 Cooperatives 1980 Financial Profile
by Davidson, Donald R. & Street, Donald W. & Wissman, Roger A. - 312964 Strengthening State Cooperative Councils
by Kirkman, C. H., Jr. & Dunn, John R. - 312963 Dairy Farmers' Evaluation of Northeastern Dairy Cooperatives
by Wilkins, Paul C. & Stafford, Thomas H.