Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 355358 Estimating the USDA, Economic Research Service Commodity Costs and Returns and the Milk Cost of Production Estimates Data Series
by Gillespie, Jeffrey & Boline, Amy & Vaiknoras, Kate & Padilla, Samantha & Vandeveer, Monte - 352084 Understanding Data About the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in the Circana Consumer Network Panel
by Gregory, Christian A.
- 347597 Methodology of the USDA, Economic Research Service’s Agricultural Trade Multipliers
by Zahniser, Steven & Zeng, Wendy & Dong, Fengxia & Ivanic, Maros & Husby, Megan & Pham, Xuan & Meade, Douglas - 344934 Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Agriculture and Forestry: Methods for Entity‐Scale Inventory
by Editors: & Hanson, Wes L. & Itle, Cortney & Edquist, Kara - 344773 Measurement of Output, Inputs, and Total Factor Productivity in U.S. Agricultural Productivity Accounts
by Wang, Sun Ling & Nehring, Richard & Mosheim, Roberto & Njuki, Eric - 344507 The Poverty Area Measures Data Product
by Farrigan, Tracey & Sanders, Austin - 342467 Development of the Food-at-Home Monthly Area Prices Data
by Sweitzer, Megan & Byrne, Anne T. & Page, Elina T. & Carlson, Andrea & Kantor, Linda & Muth, Mary K. & Karns, Shawn & Zhen, Chen - 342466 Utilizing the USDA’s National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey to Calculate a Household-Level Food Environment Measure
by Ver Ploeg, Michele & Scharadin, Benjamin & Miller, Lauren & Gonzalez, Jeffrey & Odom, Rodney
- 338951 Estimating the State-Level Food Expenditure Series
by Zeballos, Eliana & Sinclair, Wilson - 338950 Documentation for the USDA, Economic Research Service Annual U.S. Dairy Sector Econometric Model
by Cessna, Jerry & DelCurto, Molly & Terán, Angel & Crouse, Joseph - 338949 Assessment and Adjustment of Body Weight Measures in Scanner Data
by Young, Sabrina K. & Page, Elina T. & Okrent, Abigail & Sweitzer, Megan - 338947 Analysis of the Current Population Survey Food Security Supplement Split-Panel Test
by Coleman-Jensen, Alisha & Rabbitt, Matthew P.
- 320800 Climate Indicators for Agriculture
by Walsh, Margaret & Backlund, Peter & Buja, Lawrence & DeGaetano, Arthur & Melnick, Rachel & Prokopy, Linda & Takle, Eugene & Todey, Dennis & Ziska, Lewis - 312341 Estimating prices for foods in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: the Purchase to Plate Price Tool
by Carlson, Andrea & Kuczynski, Kevin & Pannucci, TusaRebecca & Koegel, Kristin & Page, Elina T. & Tornow, Carina E. & Zimmerman, Thea Palmer
- 291970 Linking USDA Nutrition Databases to IRI Household-Based and Store-Based Scanner Data
by Carlson, Andrea C. & Page, Elina Tselepidakis & Zimmerman, Thea Palmer & Tornow, Carina E. & Hermansen, Sigurd - 288291 Capturing the Complete Food Environment with Commercial Data: A Comparison of TDLinx, ReCount, and NETS Databases
by Cho ,Clare & W. McLaughlin, Patrick & Zeballos, Eliana & Kent, Jessica & Dicken, Chris
- 283705 Examining Food Store Scanner Data: A Comparison of the IRI InfoScan Data With Other Data Sets, 2008–2012
by Levin, David & Noriega, Danton & Dicken, Chris & Okrent, Abigail M. & Harding, Matt & Lovenheim, Michael - 282511 The ERS Country-Commodity Linked System: Documenting Its International Country and Regional Agricultural Baseline Models
by Hjort, Kim & Boussios, David & Seeley, Ralph & Hansen, James - 277568 Measuring the Value of the U.S. Food System: Revisions to the Food Expenditure Series
by Okrent, Abigail M. & Elitzak, Howard & Park, Timothy & Rehkamp, Sarah - 276252 USDA’s National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey: Methodology for Imputing Missing Quantities To Calculate Healthy Eating Index-2010 Scores and Sort Foods Into ERS Food Groups
by Mancino, Lisa & Todd, Jessica E. & Scharadin, Benjamin
- 291969 Food-at-Home Expenditures: Comparing Commercial Household Scanner Data From IRI and Government Survey Data
by Sweitzer, Megan & Brown, Derick & Karns, Shawn & Muth, Mary K. & Siegel, Peter & Zhen, Chen - 264418 Examining an "Experimental" Food Security Status Classification Method for Households with Children
by Coleman-Jensen, Alisha & Rabbitt, Matthew P. & Gregory, Christian A.
- 320856 Adaptation Resources for Agriculture: Responding to Climate Variability and Change in the Midwest and Northeast
by Janowiak, Maria K. & Dostie, Daniel N. & Wilson, Michael A. & Kucera, Michael J. & Skinner, R. Howard & Hatfield, Jerry L. & Hollinger, David & Swanston, Christopher W. - 234905 Understanding IRI Household-Based and Store-Based Scanner Data
by Muth, Mary K. & Sweitzer, Megan & Brown, Derick & Capogrossi, Kristen & Karns, Shawn A. & Levin, David & Okrent, Abigail & Siegel, Peter & Zhen, Chen
- 262292 A Consistent Food Demand Framework for International Food Security Assessment
by Meade, Birgit & Rosen, Stacey & Beghin, John - 206500 How USDA Forecasts Retail Food Price Inflation
by Kuhns, Annemarie & Leibtag, Ephraim & Volpe, Richard & Roeger, Ed
- 330081 Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Agriculture and Forestry: Methods for Entity‐Scale Inventory
by Editors: & Eve, Marlen & Pape, Diana & Flugge, Mark & Steele, Rachel & Man, Derina & Riley‐Gilbert, Marybeth & Biggar, Sarah - 291972 Methodology for the Quarterly Food-Away-from-Home Prices Data
by Kumcu, Aylin & Okrent, Abigail M. - 165687 New International Evidence on Food Consumption Patterns: A Focus on Cross-Price Effects Based on 2005 International Comparison Program Data
by Meade, Birgit Gisela Saager & Regmi, Anita & Seale, James L. Jr & Muhammad, Andrew
- 184305 A Quarterly Econometric Model for Short-Term Forecasting of the U.S. Dairy Industry
by Mosheim, Roberto - 142549 Assessing Potential Technical Enhancements to the U.S. Household Food Security Measures
by Nord, Mark - 131556 Nonresponse Bias Analysis of Body Mass Index Data in the Eating and Health Module
by Hamrick, Karen S. - 129359 Dynamic PEATSim Model: Documenting Its Use in Analyzing Global Commodity Markets
by Somwaru, Agapi & Dirkse, Steve
- 184307 Consumer-Level Food Loss Estimates and Their Use in the ERS Loss- Adjusted Food Availability Data
by Muth, Mary K. & Karns, Shawn A. & Nielsen, Samara Joy & Buzby, Jean C. & Wells, Hodan Farah - 120252 International Evidence on Food Consumption Patterns: An Update Using 2005 International Comparison Program Data
by Muhammad, Andrew & Meade, Birgit Gisela Saager & Regmi, Anita & Seale, James L.
- 184308 An Analysis of U.S. Household Dairy Demand
by Davis, Christopher G. & Dong, Diansheng & Blayney, Donald P. & Owens, Ashley - 97799 Methodology Behind the Quarterly Food-at-Home Price Database
by Todd, Jessica E. & Mancino, Lisa & Leibtag, Ephraim S. & Tripodo, Christina - 59870 Cross-Price Elasticities of Demand Across 114 Countries
by Regmi, Anita & Seale, James L., Jr.
- 184311 Forecasting Farm Income: Documenting USDA's Forecast Model
by McGath, Christopher & McElroy, Robert G. & Strickland, Roger & Traub, Larry & Convey, Theodore & Short, Sara D. & Johnson, James & Green, Report & Ali, Mir B. & Vogel, Stephen
- 184313 Equilibrium Displacement Mathematical Programming Models: Methodology and Model of the U.S. Agricultural Sector
by Harrington, David H. & Dubman, Robert - 184312 Economic Measures of Soil Conservation Benefits: Regional Values for Policy Assessment
by Hansen, LeRoy & Ribaudo, Marc
- 184314 Regional Environment and Agriculture Programming Model
by Johansson, Robert & Peters, Mark & House, Robert
- 33570 Technical Documentation of the Regional Manure Management Model for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
by Aillery, Marcel P. & Gollehon, Noel R. & Breneman, Vincent E.
- 33578 Effects Of U.S. Dairy Policies On Markets For Milk And Dairy Products
by Price, J. Michael - 33569 Economics Of Sequestering Carbon In The U.S. Agricultural Sector
by Lewandrowski, Jan & Peters, Mark & Jones, Carol Adaire & House, Robert M. & Sperow, Mark & Eve, Marlen & Paustian, Keith H. - 33563 Risk, Government Programs, And The Environment
by Roberts, Michael J. & Osteen, Craig D. & Soule, Meredith J. - 33559 Meat And Poultry Plants' Food Safety Investments: Survey Findings
by Ollinger, Michael & Moore, Danna L. & Chandran, Ram
- 33580 International Evidence On Food Consumption Patterns
by Seale, James L., Jr. & Regmi, Anita & Bernstein, Jason - 33577 The Effects Of Information On Consumer Demand For Biotech Foods: Evidence From Experimental Auctions
by Tegene, Abebayehu & Huffman, Wallace E. & Rousu, Matthew C. & Shogren, Jason F. - 33572 Factors Affecting the Macronutrient Intake of U.S. Adults
by Variyam, Jayachandran N. - 33562 Size And Distribution Of Market Benefits From Adopting Biotech Crops
by Price, Gregory K. & Lin, William W. & Falck-Zepeda, Jose Benjamin & Fernandez-Cornejo, Jorge - 33557 Food Manufacturing Productivity And Its Economic Implications
by Huang, Kuo S.
- 33582 Measuring The Well-Being Of The Poor: Demographics Of Low-Income Households
by Blisard, Noel & Harris, James Michael - 33573 Retail-Farm Price Margins And Consumer Product Diversity
by Reed, Albert J. & Elitzak, Howard & Wohlgenant, Michael K. - 33566 Bank Market Structure And Local Employment Growth
by Collender, Robert N. & Shaffer, Sherrill L.
- 33590 U.S. Agriculture, 1960-96 A Multilateral Comparison of Total Factor Productivity
by Ball, V. Eldon & Butault, Jean-Pierre & Nehring, Richard F. - 33587 Asymmetric Information in the Market for Yield and Revenue Insurance Products
by Makki, Shiva S. & Somwaru, Agapi - 33584 Poverty, Policy, And The Macroeconomy
by LeBlanc, Michael - 33576 Economics Of Tariff-Rate Quota Administration
by Skully, David W. - 33567 The Soybean Processing Decision: Exercising A Real Option On Processing Margins
by Plato, Gerald E. - 33552 Income and Food Expenditures Decomposed by Cohort, Age, and Time Effects
by Blisard, Noel
- 33585 Regionalism, Federalism, and Taxation: A Food and Farm Perspective
by Canning, Patrick N. & Tsigas, Marinos E. - 33579 Estimation Of Food Demand And Nutrient Elasticities From Household Survey Data
by Huang, Kuo S. & Lin, Biing-Hwan - 33575 Retail Food Price Forecasting At Ers: The Process, Methodology, And Performance From 1984 To 1997
by Joutz, Frederick L. & Trost, Robert P. & Hallahan, Charles B. & Clauson, Annette L. & Denbaly, Mark - 33568 Supply Response Under The 1996 Farm Act And Implications For The U.S. Field Crops Sector
by Torre Ugarte, Daniel de la & Sanford, Scott & Skinner, Robert A. & Westcott, Paul C. & Lin, William W. - 33565 Cross-Commodity Analysis of China's Grain Sector: Sources of Growth and Supply Response
by Colby, Hunter & Diao, Xinshen & Somwaru, Agapi - 33564 Forecasting Consumer Price Indexes for Food: A Demand Model Approach
by Huang, Kuo S. - 33558 Structural Change and Competition in Seven U.S. Food Markets
by Reed, Albert J. & Clark, J. Stephen - 33555 Local Bank Office Ownership, Deposit Control, Market Structure, And Economic Growth
by Collender, Robert N. & Shaffer, Sherrill L.
- 337134 Origin, Description, and Pedigree of Chinese Soybean Cultivars Released from 1923 To 1995
by Cui, Zhanglin & Carter, Thomas E., Jr. & Gai, Junyi & Qiu, Jiaxun & Nelson, Randall L. - 156813 Food Cost Indexes for Low-Income Households and the General Population
by Blisard, Noel & Smallwood, David & Lutz, Steve - 33583 U.S. Beef Industry: Cattle Cycles, Price Spreads, and Packer Concentration
by Mathews, Kenneth H., Jr. & Hahn, William F. & Nelson, Kenneth E. & Duewer, Lawrence A. & Gustafson, Ronald A. - 33581 Price Determination for Corn and Wheat: The Role of Market Factors and Government Programs
by Westcott, Paul C. & Hoffman, Linwood A. - 33560 A Framework for Analyzing Technical Trade Barriers in Agricultural Markets
by Mojduszka, Eliza M. & West, Dennis B. & Caswell, Julie A. & Harris, James Michael - 33554 Analyses of Generic Dairy Advertising, 1984-97
by Blisard, Noel & Blayney, Donald P. & Chandran, Ram & Allshouse, Jane E. - 33553 The Impact of Minimum Wage Increases on Food and Kindred Products Prices: An Analysis of Price Pass-Through
by Lee, Chinkook & O'Roark, Brian
- 312340 Nonfarm input prices, price margins, and consumer food prices
by Reed, A.J. & Clark, J.S. - 156812 Socio-Economic Determinants of Food Insecurity in the United States: Evidence from the SIPP and CSFII Datasets
by Rose, Donald & Gundersen, Craig & Oliveira, Victor - 33588 USDA's Healthy Eating Index and Nutrition Information
by Variyam, Jayachandran N. & Blaylock, James R. & Smallwood, David M. & Basiotis, P. Peter - 33571 Agriculture and European Union Enlargement
by Josling, Timothy E. & Kelch, David R. & Liapis, Peter S. & Tangermann, Stefan - 33561 Determinants of Financial Performance of Commercial Dairy Farms
by Johnson, James D. & El-Osta, Hisham S.
- 337133 Processing of Climatic Data for Detection of Cycles and Trends
by Thomas, A.W. & Dillard, A.L. & Snyder, W.M. & Mills, W.C. - 312339 Evaluation of fluid milk and cheese advertising, 1984-96
by Blisard, Noel & Blayney, Donald & Chandran, Ram & Smallwood, David & Blaylock, James - 184382 The Impact of China and Taiwan Joining the World Trade Organization on U.S. and World Agricultural Trade: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
by Wang, Zhi - 156809 How Economic Factors Influence the Nutrient Content of Diets
by Huang, Kuo S. - 156808 Validation of a Self-Reported Measure of Household Food Insufficiency with Nutrient Intake Data
by Rose, Donald & Oliveira, Victor - 156800 Diet-Health Information and Nutrition: The Intake of Dietary Fats and Cholesterol
by Variyam, Jayachandran N. & Blaylock, James R. & Smallwood, David - 156793 U.S. Export Performance in Agricultural Markets
by Gehlhar, Mark J. & Vollrath, Thomas L. - 33574 Changing Consumer Food Prices: A User's Guide to ERS Analyses
by Reed, Albert J. & Hanson, Kenneth & Elitzak, Howard & Schluter, Gerald E.
- 156790 Forecasting Seven Components of the Food CPI: An Initial Assessment
by Denbaly, Mark & Hallahan, Charles & Joutz, Fred & Reed, Albert & Trost, Robert - 156785 Factors Associated with Rural Economic Growth: Lessons from the 1980's
by Kusmin, Lorin D. & Redman, John M. & Sears, David W. - 156784 Estimating the Opportunity Cost of Unpaid Farm Labor for U.S. Farm Operators
by El-Osta, Hisham S. & Ahearn, Mary Clare
- 156782 Accounting for the Environment in Agriculture
by Hrubovcak, James & LeBlanc, Michael & Eakin, B. Kelly - 156778 Measuring the Economywide Effect of the Farm Sector
by Edmondson, William & Petrulis, Mindy & Somwaru, Agapi - 156772 Modeling Nutrient Intake: The Role of Dietary Information
by Variyam, Jayachandran N. & Blaylock, James R. & Smallwood, David - 156769 U.S. Quarterly Demand for Meats
by Huang, Kuo S. & Hahn, William F. - 156767 An Evaluation of Fluid Milk and Cheese Advertising, 1978-93
by Sun, Theresa Y. & Blisard, Noel & Blaylock, James R. - 156766 Product Differentiation in Wheat Trade Modeling
by Haley, Stephen L.
- 312338 The biologic and economic assessment of chlorpyrifos and diazinon in ornamentals and sod production
by Oetting, Ronald D. & Allison, John R. - 312337 Adding value to existing models of international agricultural trade
by Hertel, Thomas W. & Peterson, Everett B. & Stout, James V. - 312336 The biologic and economic assessment of the field crop usage of chlorpyrifos
by Witkowski, John F. & Whitney, Susan P. & Kergel, Thomas J. - 156771 Dietary Fiber: Effects of Socioeconomic Characteristics and Knowledge
by Blisard, Noel & Blaylock, James R. & Smallwood, David - 156765 Vertical Pricing Relationships for Lettuce
by Powers, Nicholas J. - 156763 Using Historical Information to Identify Consumer Concerns About Food Safety
by Payson, Steven - 156762 Welfare Impacts of a Trade Restriction: An Equilibrium Approach and Application in the Potash Industry
by Canning, Patrick N. & Vroomen, Harry - 156761 Using Data Envelopment Analysis to Measure International Agricultural Efficiency and Productivity
by Arnade, Carlos Anthony
- 333507 Weeds in Cotton: Their Biology, Ecology, and Control
by Keeley, Paul E. & Thullen, Robert J. - 313659 An Evaluation of Fluid Milk and Cheese Advertising
by Sun, Theresa Y. & Blaylock, James R. & Blisard, Noel - 312335 North American trade model for animal products
by Hahn, William F. - 312334 Adoption of pest management strategies under varying environmental conditions
by Caswell, Margriet F. & Shoemaker, Robbin A. - 312333 U.S. demand for food : household expenditures, demographics, and projections for 1990-2010
by Blisard, William Noel & Blaylock, James - 157047 Equilibrium Effects of Agricultural Technology Adoption: The Case of Induced Output Price Changes
by Caswell, Margriet F. & Shoemaker, Robbin A. - 157046 A Complete System of U.S. Demand for Food
by Huang, Kuo S. - 157045 Optimal Cost-Sharing Programs to Reduce Agricultural Pollution
by Shoemaker, Robbin A. & Malik, Arun S. - 157043 Model of Participation in U.S. Farm Programs
by Shoemaker, Robbin A. - 157042 Grocery Retailing Concentration in Metropolitan Areas, 1954-82
by Kaufman, Phillip R. & Newton, Doris J. & Handy, Charles R. - 157040 Demand and Substitution of Agricultural Inputs in the Central Corn Belt States
by Fernandez-Cornejo, Jorge - 157039 An Evaluation of Fluid Milk and Cheese Advertising
by Sun, Theresa Y. & Blaylock, James R. - 157037 Coefficient-of-Parentage and Genetic-Similarity Estimates for 258 North American Soybean Cultivars Released by Public Agencies During 1945-88
by Carter, Thomas E. Jr & Gizlice, Ziya & Burton, J. W. - 157035 Estimation of Aggregate U.S. Demands for Fertilizer, Pesticides, and Other Inputs: A Model for Policy Analysis
by Rendleman, C. Matthew - 156757 Forecasting Farm Income: Documenting USDA's Economic Model
by Dubman, Robert & McElroy, Robert G. & Dodson, Charles - 156756 Structural Models and Automated Alternatives for Forecasting Farmland Prices
by Gertel, Karl & Atkinson, Linda
- 312332 Diagnostic indexes of U.S. bilateral trade
by Vollrath, Thomas L. - 312331 The Food and Agricultural Policy Simulator : estimation of farm production expenses
by Price, J. Michael & Seeley, Ralph M. & Tucker, Charlotte K. - 312330 Farm buildings and farmland : an analysis of capital formation
by Canning, Patrick - 312329 Participation in the U.S. Federal Crop Insurance Program
by Calvin, Linda - 157033 Productivity and Technical Change in Brazilian Agriculture
by Arnade, Carlos Anthony - 157029 Food Spending by Female-Headed Households
by Frazão, Elizabeth - 157027 Effect of Labor Supply Shifts on U.S. Farm Production: An Application of Muth's Model
by Gunter, Lewell F. & Duffield, James A. & Jarrett, Joseph C. - 33586 Estimating Water Quality Benefits: Theoretical and Methodological Issues
by Ribaudo, Marc & Hellerstein, Daniel
- 312328 Direct comparison of general equilibrium and partial equilibrium models in agriculture
by Stout, James V. III - 312327 Capacity utilization and measurement of agricultural productivity
by Hauver, James H. & Yee, Jet & Ball, V. Eldon - 312326 U.S. demand for food: a complete system of quantity effects on prices
by Huang, Kuo S. - 312325 Public regulation of agricultural biotechnology field tests: economic implications of alternative approaches
by Larson, Bruce A. & Knudson, Mary K. - 312324 Consumer demand analysis when zero consumption occurs: the case of cigarettes
by Blaylock, James R. & Blisard, William N. - 312323 Endogenous technological change in U.S. agriculture: a direct test of the Induced Innovation Hypothesis
by Frisvold, George B. - 312322 Forecasting retail fertilizer prices: a combined time-series regression analyis approach
by Vroomen, Harry - 312321 Construction of true cost of food indexes from estimated Engel Curves
by Blisard, William N. & Blaylock, James R. - 312320 A direct approach for estimating Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and land demands at the regional level
by Vroomen, Harry & Larson, Bruce - 312319 Export demand for U.S. corn, soybeans, and wheat
by Davison, Cecil W. & Arnade, Carlos A. - 157026 The Effect of Food Stamps and Income on Household Food Expenditures
by Levedahl, J. William
- 337132 The Biologic and Economic Assessment of Phorate and Terbufos
by Phorate and Terbufos Assessment Teams, National Pesticide Impact Assessment Program, Extension Service - 312318 The contribution of speculative bubbles to farmland prices
by Tegene, Abebayehu & Kuchler, Fred - 312317 A single equation approach to estimating nonstationary Markov Matrices: the case of U.S. agriculture, 1974-78
by Peterson, R. Neal - 312316 Incorporating inputs in the Static World Policy Simulation Model (SWOPSIM)
by Liapis, Peter S. - 312315 Monetary policy: the potential role for agricultural commodity prices
by Kitchen, John & Conway, Roger & LeBlanc, Michael - 312314 Returns, interest rates, and cropland prices in selected regions
by Gertel, Karl & Canning, Patrick - 312311 The links between development and world trade
by Vollrath, Thomas L. - 312309 Tractor depreciation and technical change: a case study of 60-horsepower tractors
by Hansen, LeRoy & Lee, Hyunok - 312308 Capital accumulation and asset pricing in U.S. agriculture
by Vasavada, Utpal & Somwaru, Agapi
- 337409 Evaluation of the USDA Wild Soybean Germplasm Collection: Maturity Groups 000 to IV (PI 65.549 to PI 483.464)
by Juvik, Gail A. & Bernard, Richard L. & Chang, Ruzhen & Cavins, James F. - 312313 Effects of a subsidized put option program and forward selling on farmers' revenue risks
by Plato, Gerald - 312312 Retail to farm linkage for a complete demand system of food commodities
by Wohlgenant, Michael K. & Haidacher, Richard C. - 312310 Subsidized put options as alternatives to price supports
by Glauber, Joseph W. & Miranda, Mario J. - 312307 Asymmetric price interactions in pork and beef markets
by Hahn, William F. - 312306 Foreign Debt, capital formation, and debtor behavior
by Arnade, Carlos & Shane, Mathew & Stallings, David - 312305 Factor demand in irrigated agriculture under conditions of restricted water supplies
by Bernardo, Daniel J. & Whittlesey, Norman K. - 312304 Public policies in water-resource use: their effect on groundwater mining and surface-water imports
by Kim, C.S. & Moore, Michael R. - 312303 A structural econometric model of the World wheat market
by Unknown - 312302 Effects of railroad deregulation on grain transportation
by MacDonald, James M. - 312301 Dynamic asset replacement decisions to enhance farm profits
by McClelland, John W. & Wetzstein, Michael E. & Noles, Richard K. - 312300 Farmer buying/selling strategies and growth of crop farms
by Krause, Kenneth R. - 312296 Optimal futures positions for corn and soybean growers facing price and yield risk
by Grant, Dwight - 312295 Estimating supply response of multiproduct farms
by Ball, V. Eldon - 312294 Alternative measures of farm output to classify farms by size
by Hanson, Gregory D. & Stanton, Bernard F. & Ahearn, Mary C. - 257273 Supermarket Prices and Price Differences: City, Firm, and Store-Level Determinants
by Kaufman, Phillip R. & Handy, Charles R. - 33589 An Economic Analysis of Electron Accelerators and Cobalt-60 for Irradiating Food
by Morrison, Rosanna Mentzer
- 312299 Investigating the nature of world agricultural competitiveness
by Vollrath, Thomas L. & Vo, De Huu - 312298 Development and use of financial ratios for the evaluation of farm businesses
by Morehart, Mitchell J. & Nielsen, Elizabeth G. & Johnson, James D. - 312297 Effects of advertising on the demand for cheese
by Blaylock, James R. & Blisard, William N. - 312293 U.S. soybean trade and exchange rate volatility
by Anderson, Margot - 312292 Financial and production management benchmarks from farm operator survey data
by Bertelsen, Diane R. - 312291 Farm programs slow technology-induced decline in land's importance
by Offutt, Susan & Shoemaker, Robbin - 312290 An economic model of direct and indirect effects of tax reform on agriculture
by Boyd, Roy - 312289 Land use and soil erosion: a national linear programming model
by Huang, Wen-Yuan & Dicks, Michael R. & Hyberg, Bengt T. & Webb, Shwu-Eng & Ogg, Clayton - 312288 Economic consequences of tax reform on agricultural investment
by Conway, Roger & Durst, Ron & Hrubovcak, James & LeBlanc, Michael - 312287 Cost-reducing and output-enhancing technologies
by Reilly, John M. - 312285 Optimal farm credit pricing under asymmetric information
by Lee, Hyunok & Chambers, Robert G. - 312284 Food cost variations: implications for the food stamp program
by Nelson, Paul E. Jr. & MacDonald, James M. - 309601 A Taxonomic Analysis of the Armored Scale Tribe Odonaspidini of the World (Homoptera: Coccoidea: Diaspididae)
by Ben-Dov, Yair - 309600 Identification of disseminules listed in the Federal Noxious Weed Act
by Gunn, Charles R. & Ritchie, Carole A.
- 337131 Hydraulic Transport of Potatoes
by Schaper, Lewis A. & Orr, Paul H. & Yaeger, Earl C. & Smith, Norman & Hunter, James H. - 312283 Irrigated Acres: A profile comparison of 1976-80 and 1981-85
by Hanchar, John & Barney, Kris & Dickason, Clifford & Crosswhite, William - 312282 Mathematical modeling of world grain trade restrictions
by Kim, C.S. & Shane, M.D. & Webb, A. & Jones, J.R. - 312281 A new dynamic economic model of groundwater mining
by Kim, C.S. & Hanchar, John J. & Moore, Michael R. - 312280 A structural econometric model of the Canadian wheat sector
by Bailey, Kenneth W. - 312279 A forecast evaluation of capital investment in agriculture
by Conway, Roger & Hrubovcak, James & LeBlanc, Michael - 312278 Pooling data for pest management analysis: a Stein-rule approach
by Szmedra, Philip J. & Wetzstein, Michael E. & Todd, James W. - 312277 A quarterly forecasting model of the U.S. egg sector
by Stillman, Richard P. - 312276 Quality demand and policy implications for Florida green tomatoes
by Sun, Theresa - 312275 Forecasting livestock prices: fixed and stochastic coefficients estimation
by Conway, Roger K. & Hallahan, Charles B. & Stillman, Richard P. & Prentice, Paul T. - 312274 Alternative ways to index farm real estate values
by Greene, Catherine & Barnard, Charles - 309599 The False Spider Mites of Mexico (Tenuipalpidae: Acari)
by Baker, Edward W. & Tuttle, Donald M. - 257198 Conceptual Foundations of Risk Theory
by Weiss, Michael D. - 157672 A Taxonomic Revision of the New World Moth Genus Pero (Lepidoptera: Geometridae)
by Poole, Robert W. - 157666 Western Spruce Budworm and Forest-Management Planning
by Brookes, Martha H. & Colbert, J. J. & Mitchell, Russel G. & Stark, R. W. - 157663 Western Spruce Budworm
by Brookes, Martha H. & Campbell, Robert W. & Colbert, J. J. & Mitchell, Russel G. & Stark, R. W. - 157023 A Summary of Results on 31,000 Compounds Evaluated for Herbicidal Activity
by Creager, R. A. & Wiswesser, W. J.