April 2022, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 61-72 Analysis of factors that moderate the effect of performance finance against tax aggressiveness in Indonesia
by Reschiwati Reschiwati
January 2022, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 01-10 Antecedent of green purchase behavior: Cases of Indonesia
by Uce Karna Suganda & Mularia Priska Theresia & Herrisa Azhalia Wijaya - 11-23 The effect of workplace well-being and workplace incivility on turnover intention with job embeddedness as a moderating variable
by Nur Afni Khairunisa & Muafi Muafi - 24-36 The influence of organizational environmental culture on employee performance mediated by green human resource management (GHRM) and job satisfaction
by Dewi Tri Hastuti & Muafi Muafi - 37-41 The effect of flash sale on purchase decision moderated by product knowledge
by Surpiko Hapsoro Darpito - 42-48 Effect of human resource capabilities on customer relationship management in private hospitals in Kenya
by Faithmercy Wanyi Muthigah & David Kiragu & Anne Sang - 49-56 Financial Performance analysis of companies in the primary consumer goods sector before and during Covid-19
by Nabila Savitri & Siti Hidayati - 57-67 Analysis of efficient market anomaly on stock returns on Indonesia's composite stock price index and global stock price index
by Franciskus Jumintang & Kery Utami - 68-76 Effect of financial capability on customer relationship management in private hospitals in Kenya
by Faithmercy Wanyi Muthigah & David Kiragu & Anne Sang - 77-86 Economic trends in times of pandemics: Kosovo case
by Ismail Mehmeti & Sokol Krasniqi - 87-94 Analysis of buying decision levels based on brand image, price, and digital marketing
by Dede Hertinaa & Nadhira Novtrianti & Sukmawati Sukmawati
October 2021, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 01-12 Examining the effect of internal branding on employee performance: Job satisfaction and employee engagement as mediation variables
by Yohana Latifah & Muafi Muafi - 13-19 How social media marketing activities affect consumer equity
by Titis Shinta Dhewi & Arum Prasasti & Mickhael Kurnianto & Satria Lintang Rachmadana - 20-29 The role of digitization in automotive industry: The Indian perspective
by Rizwan Khan & Mohd Taqi & Amma Saba - 30-37 Sustainability of cryptocurrency in blockchain technology for business development in African Countries
by Mbaye Mamadou - 38-50 Business diversification of coal mining companies as a strategy facing coal price volatility: The effect on company performance and share prices
by Gusnawan Adi Putra & Sri Mulyantini & Dianwicaksih Arieftiara - 51-58 The Prishtina strategy as a development strategy in competition with other capitals’ strategies in the South-Eastern Europe
by Sokol Krasniqi & Ismail Mehmeti
July 2021, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 01-12 The influence of job insecurity and person-job fit on turnover intention mediated by job satisfaction
by Nur Laeli Masykuroh & Muafi Muafi - 13-25 Employee empowerment and organizational citizenship behaviour
by Damianus Abun & Theogenia Magallanes & Vanjesryl G. Calaycay & Melvin, F. Aurelio & Fredolin P. Julian - 26-37 The application of the rights and obligations of workers during the Covid-19 outbreak in Indonesia:Labor Law Perspective
by Adnan Hamid - 38-45 Do you (still) hire celebrities to increase purchase intention?
by Sri Setyo Iriani - 46-55 Covid-19 and ISO9001 practices in air cargo transportation: A case study
by Mehmet Sıtkı Saygılı & Gulnur Altunok
April 2021, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 01-15 The effects of work-life balance and emotional intelligence on organizational commitment mediated by work engagement
by Waly Andini Marseno & Muafi Muafi - 16-28 The effect of educational attainment, length of work experience on the self-efficacy of teachers and employees
by Damianus Abun & Sonny Bumanglag Asuncion & Janette R. Lazaro & Theogenia Magallanes & C. Catbagan Nimfa - 29-40 A theoretical analysis on a peace culture model in the workplace
by Mahmut Arslan & Hilal Dermirel & Havva Kokaraslan - 41-50 Examining the role of human capital and strategic management in Islamic perspective: A strategic approach for encouraging business sustainability
by Muafi Muafi - 51-61 Does credit access matter for household livelihood diversification in Ethiopia?An evidence from logistic regression model
by Kiros Tsegay & Hongzhong Fan & Hailay Shifare & Priyangani Adikari - 62-72 Investigating the effects of online sports betting on the perceived social wellbeing of student athletes
by Gathoni Ndung’u Benson & Simon Munayi & Janet Wanjira & justus Inyega - 73-84 Bureaucratic and humanistic management styles and organizational citizenship behavior: A study of divine word college of Laoag
by Damianus Abun & Theogenia Magallanes & Libertine G.R. Macaspac & Artemio P. Seatriz & T. Nicolas Marlene
January 2021, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 01-20 Examining the relationship between burnout and job satisfaction of flight crew: An analysis on the critical fatigue risk factors in the aviation industry
by Engin Ozel & Umit Hacioglu - 21-31 A simulation approach for aircraft cargo loading considering weight and balance constraints
by Erdem Agbas & Ali Osman Kusakci - 32-37 Assessing the future prospects for cryptocurrencies
by Hatice Karahan - 38-49 A model of circular economy in the relationship with sustainable development, recycling, and life cycle: Bibliometric analysis
by Muafi Muafi - 50-58 Role of foreign direct investment in banking sector and their impact on employment: Kosovo case
by Sokol Krasniqi & Ismail Mehmeti
October 2020, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 1-9 The role of employer brand practices in human resources management in job applications on company preference
by Abdullah Turk & Pelin Vardarlier & Muhammet Ali Hazar - 10-23 Assessing financial risk management in local governments: Case of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM)
by Tamer Aksoy & Yunus Emre Asan - 24-35 The evaluation of common contemporary occupational accident models using two accident investigations
by Zeynep Sagir & Ertugrul Tacgin - 36-42 Burnout syndrome of airline crews during crisis and Covid 19 in the world and Turkey
by Yunus Emre Ozturk - 43-48 How fear of change, lack of innovation led to Nokia’s failure?
by Doaa M Salman Abdou & Ranim Hussein
July 2020, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 1-19 Examining the effects of green marketing on brand and corporate image
by Esra Kalmaz & Pelin Vardarlier - 20-27 Analysing organisational culture and social behaviour patterns: An exploratory case study
by Tuba Yiyit & Mahmut Arslan - 28-32 Exploring the development of medical tourism industry in Southeast Asia region
by Suseela Devi Chandran & Fadilah Puteh & Nur Alia Azmi & Norazah Mohd Suki
April 2020, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-7 A systematic literature review on multi-criteria decision making in disaster management
by Fawz Manyaga & Nilufer Nilufer & Zineb Hajaoui - 8-14 Critical assessment on business strategy from aviation to retail industry during COVID-19 Pandemic: A WalMart Case
by Nilufer Nilufer - 15-24 E-commerce ecosystem:Fundamental concepts, business models and cybersecurity issue
by Tugba Atalay
January 2020, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 01-16 An insight into R&D in emerging countries and prominent concepts within the literature
by Fatma Halide Kivrak - 17-31 Digital business strategies and competitive superiority
by Muhammed Gul - 32-43 E-Commerce marketing strategies in industry 4.0
by Ramdani Murdiana & Zineb Hajaoui - 44-50 A critical approach to technology-based risks in blockchain system
by Nilufer Nilufer & Zeynep Yeni Erol
October 2019, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 01-08 Dynamics of capital adequacy and profitability of internationalized deposit money banks in Nigeria
by Nenubari Ikue John & Emeka Nkoro - 09-18 Indirect investment and financial performance of the real estate sector in Nairobi county Kenya
by William Suley Menges & Kevin Getii Moranga - 19-26 Tax revenue and private domestic investment: Evidence from Nigeria
by Richard Umeokwobi & Emeka Nkoro - 27-36 Account representative roles, e filling and MSMEs in tax compliance
by Reschiwati Reschiwati & Fran Sayekti & Faisal Arief
July 2019, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 01-09 Mock Bank practices and employee performance in the banking sector:A case study of Union Bank PLC: A case study of Union Bank PLC
by Dennis Nwanyanwu & Kevin Njoku & Emeka Nkoro - 10-18 Effective knowledge management in the Nigerian banking industry: Indigenous knowledge
by Osarumwense Iguisi & Stephen Obeki - 19-31 Non-performing assets of banks and economicgrowth vinculum in the era of globalization: The Indian experience
by Sovik Mukherjee - 32-38 High technology export and high technology export impact on growth
by Yurdagül Meral
April 2019, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 01-14 Rickle-down effect of CEO transformational leadership on employee’s innovative work behaviors:Examining the role of managerial innovation behavior and organizational innovation culture
by Bruce Gashema & Juniter Kwamboka Mokua - 15-24 Big data in marketing literature: A bibliometric analysis
by Fatih Pinarbasi & Zehra Nur Canbolat - 25-30 An insight for the market driving forces: Case of Tesla Model-S
by Doaa M. Salman Abdou - 31-38 Integrated technologies,advancesand benefits in Industry 4.0
by Selman Duran & Gulgun Sengil
January 2019, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 01-11 The evolving role of automated systems in supply chain management and its cyber-security issue for global business operations in industry 4.0
by Umit Hacioglu & Gul Sevgilioglu - 12-25 A critical approach to human resources practices and training in intellectual capital accumulation
by Selman Duran & Merve Korkmaz - 26-54 A practical approach to global competitive factors: Achieving key success parameters in international business
by Fahrettin Ozdemirci & Nurullah Kahvecioglu & Halil Yorulmaz - 55-62 Power supply and the performances of small and medium scale enterprises (SMSEs) in Rivers State: A qualitative respond model approach
by Emeka Nkoro & NenuBari Ikue-John & Winifred Okeke & Ifeanyi Lucky Amabuike & Joseph Ade Ajaba