2017, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 95-123 Virtual Knowledge Sharing in Crowdsourcing: Measurement Dilemmas
by Regina Lenart-Gansiniec - 125-149 Creating Intangible Value through a Corporate Employee Portal
by David Mendes & Jorge Gomes & Mário Romao - 151-173 The Role of Organizational Culture in KnowledgeManagement in Small Companies
by Kaja Prystupa
2017, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 5-31 The Size of Local Government Administration at a Municipal Level as a Determinant of Entrepreneurship
by Rusłan Harasym & Jacek Rodzinka & Tomasz Skica - 33-57 Entrepreneurial Tournaments: Towards Disclosing the Rivalry Process Among Corporate Entrepreneurs
by Mohammad Zarei - 59-75 Partner Capabilities and Alliance Time Frame: An Analysis of International Strategic Alliances from the CEE
by S. Hossein Jalali - 77-103 Friends doing business. An Explorative Longitudinal Case Study of Creativity and Innovation in an Italian Technology-Based Start-Up
by Alessandra Tognazzo & Paola Angela Maria Mazzurana - 105-126 Generic Modular Ontology for Innovation Domain. A Key Pillar Towards “Innovation Interoperability”
by Lamyaa EL BASSITI - 127-154 User Innovation: State of the Art and Perspectives for Future Research
by Maria Roszkowska-Menkes - 155-178 Use of the Internet and its Impact on Productivity and Sales Growth in Female-Owned Firms: Evidence from India
by Aparna Gosavi
2017, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 7-24 Conceptualizing innovation capabilities: A contingency perspective
by Tor Helge Aas & Karl Joachim Breunig - 25-67 Inter- and intra-firm learning synergy through integrating absorptive capacity and employee suggestion processes: The case study of Frauenthal Automotive Toruń company
by Andrzej Lis & Agata Sudolska - 69-87 Capable design or designing capabilities? An exploration of service design as an emerging organizational capability in Telenor – Martinkenaite
by Ieva Martinkenaite & Karl Joachim Breunig & Annita Fjuk - 89-116 Dynamic capabilities and innovation capabilities: The case of the ‘Innovation Clinic’
by Fred Strønen & Thomas Hoholm & Kari Kværner & Linn Nathalie Støme - 117-146 Dynamic capabilities and network benefits
by Helge Svare & Anne Haugen Gausdal - 147-166 A conceptual framework to represent the theoretical domain of “innovation capability” in organizations
by Ramon B. Narcizo & Alberto G. Canen & Iara Tammela
2016, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 5-28 Are Firms in Corporate Groups More Resilient During an Economic Crisis? Evidence from the Manufacturing Sector in Poland
by Barbara Jankowska & Katarzyna Mroczek-Dąbrowska & Marian Gorynia & Marlena Dzikowska - 29-49 Perception of Export Barriers at Different Stages of the Internatonalizaton Process - Evidence from European SMEs
by Aleksandra Wąsowska - 51-68 Supplying Spin-Offs: Collaboration Practices in the Perpetuation of an Organizaton
by Katja Maria Hydle & Kjerst Vikse Meland - 69-97 Strategic Management of Agribusiness: Determinants and Trends
by Chao-Chien Chen & Hsiu-Ping Yueh & Chaoyun Liang - 99-125 Innovation in Public Sector Management Control Systems in the Context of New Public Management: A Case of an Australian Public Sector Organization
by Anup Chowdhury & Nikhil Chandra Shil - 127-149 Leveraging Economy through MSMEs: Recent Trends and Challenges of Women’s Entrepreneurship in South India
by Nisha K. M & Mohd Asif Khan
2016, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 7-29 Funding Innovation in Poland through Crowdfunding
by Katarzyna Kozioł-Nadolna - 31-55 The Special Aspects of Venture Capital’s Value Creating Mechanisms in Hungary
by Patrícia Becsky-Nagy - 57-84 Selected Determinants of Mezzanine Financing in Poland
by Robert Golej - 85-111 Financial Innovation and Sustainable Development in Selected Countries in West Africa
by Folorunsho M. Ajide - 113-134 Information Transparency of the Statement of Comprehensive Income: The Reporting Practice of WIG30 and DAX Companies
by Jacek Gad
2016, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 1-1 The Relation between CSR and Innovation. Model Approach
by Dawid Szutowski & Piotr Ratajczak - 5-27 Explaining Innovation. An Empirical Analysis of Industry Data from Norway
by Torbjørn Lorentzen & Stig-Erik Jakobsen - 29-51 Innovation in the Era of Experience: The Changing Role of Users in Healthcare Innovation
by Alexandre Trigo - 53-75 Open Service Innovation: The Case of Tourism Firms in Scandinavia
by Tor Helge Aas - 95-121 Management Innovation and Its Measurement
by Teresa Kraśnicka & Wojciech Głód & Martyna Wronka-Pośpiech - 123-150 The Desire that Propels Entrepreneurial Intentions
by Hernan E. Riquelme & Abdullah Al Lanqawi - 151-167 Influence of Creativity and Social Capital on the Entrepreneurial Intention of Tourism Students
by Chien-Ching Chia & Chaoyun Liang
2016, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 7-34 Enthusiasts or Trapped? Relations Between Organizational Commitment Profiles, Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Life Satisfaction
by Aleksandra Spik - 35-55 Positive Stress and Reflective Practice Among Entrepreneurs
by Kati Tikkamäki & Päivi Heikkilä & Mari Ainasoja - 57-73 Spinning Them Off: Entrepreneuring Practices in Corporate Spin-Offs
by Katja Maria Hydle & Kjersti Vikse Meland - 75-90 Open Innovation Practice: A Case Study of University Spin-Offs
by Yuliya Shutyak - 91-112 Empowering Women Entrepreneurs through Microcredit: Assessing the Role of Sarhad Rural Support Program in Pakistan
by Muhammad Amman Khan & Nazish Kanwal & Peer Ghulam Nabi & Ashfaq Ahmad Shah - 113-137 Challenges in Bootstrapping a Start-Up Venture: Keenga Research Turning the Tables on Venture Capitalists
by Prescott C. Ensign & Anthony A. Woods
2015, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 3-24 The Process of the Growth of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
by Marta Gancarczyk & Jon Mikel Zabala Iturriagagoitia - 25-62 Dynamic Capabilities Associated with a Firm’s Growth in Developing Countries. A Comparative Study of Argentinean SMEs in the Software and Tourism Industries
by Claudia D’Annunzio & Mariela Carattoli & Dolores Dupleix - 63-91 Absorptive Capacity and Its Role for the Company Growth and Competitive Advantage: The Case of Frauenthal Automotive Toruń Company
by Andrzej Lis & Agata Sudolska - 93-114 In What To Invest After Surviving – The Investment Structure of Growing SMEs
by Urban Pauli - 115-138 External Determinants of the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises – Empirical Analysis
by Renata Lisowska - 139-160 Regenerative Medicine as an Emergent Cluster in Tampere Region
by Tuomo Heinonen & Francisco Javier Ortega-Colomer - 161-184 Entrepreneurial Growth Aspirations and Familiarity with Economic Development Organizations: Evidence from Canadian Firms
by Angelo Dossou-Yovo
2015, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 5-24 Do All Roads Lead to Rome? The Effect of the Decision-Making Logic on Business Model Change
by Lasse Torkkeli & Hanna Salojärvi & Liisa-Maija Sainio & Sami Saarenketo - 25-42 Entrepreneurial Team: How Human and Social Capital Influence Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification and Mobilization of External Resources
by Ahlem Omri & Younes Boujelbene - 43-66 Customer Involvement in the Game Development Process
by Kaja Prystupa-Rządca & Justyna Starostka - 67-87 Patent Licensing in Selected European Countries
by Rafał Wisła & Tomasz Sierotowicz - 89-116 Developing a Social Enterprise Performance Scale and Examining the Relationship Between Entrepreneurs’ Personality Traits and Their Perceived Enterprise Performance
by Chao-Tung Liang & Li-Pei Peng & Shu-Nung Yao & Chaoyun Liang - 117-141 Farm Entrepreneurs’ Intentions to Develop Pluriactive Business Activities in Finland
by Tarja Niemelä
2015, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 5-29 Interaction of Psychological Factors in Shaping Entrepreneurial Intention among Computer and Electrical Engineering Students
by Chao-Tung Liang & Jia-Ling Lee & Chaoyun Liang - 31-56 The Mediating Effect of Self-Efficacy on the Relationship Between Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurial Intentions of University Students
by Jacob L. Oyugi - 57-81 Access to Business Development Support Services and Performance of Youth-Owned Enterprises in Tanzania
by Neema Mori - 83-104 Money Cares. Institutional Entrepreneurship in the Finnish Social Services Sector
by Petra Merenheimo - 105-126 Entrepreneurship Processes and Small Farms Achievements: Empirical Analysis of Linkage
by Temidayo Gabriel Apata
2015, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 3-10 Business Model Innovation – A Concept Between Organizational Renewal and Industry Transformation
by Jörg Freiling - 11-28 The Role of Emotion in Product, Service and Business Model Design
by Karla Straker & Cara Wrigley - 29-52 Diaspora Business Model Innovation
by Aki Harima & Sivaram Vemuri - 53-75 Enabling Business Model Change: Evidence from High-Technology Firms
by Christiana Müller & Stefan Vorbach - 77-101 Freemium Business Models as the Foundation for Growing an E-business Venture: A Multiple Case Study of Industry Leaders
by Franziska Günzel-Jensen & Anna B. Holm - 103-118 Developing Innovative Business Models in Social Ventures
by Päivi Jokela & Maria Elo - 119-140 Business Model Adaptation and the Success of New Ventures
by Bernardo Balboni & Guido Bortoluzzi
2014, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 7-43 The Role of Pluriactivity for Continuity and Survival in Family Farm Firms
by Tarja Niemelä & Reija Häkkinen - 45-63 Short- and Long-Term Effects of Innovations on Enterprise Market Value: A Case of the Tourism Industry
by Dawid Szutowski & Marlena A. Bednarska - 65-92 Network Dynamics of Descending Diaspora Entrepreneurship: Multiple Case Studies with Japanese Entrepreneurs in Emerging Economies
by Aki Harima - 93-113 Inventory Management - A Tool for Optimal Use of Resources and Overall Efficiency in Manufacturing SMEs
by Olusakin S Akindipe - 115-141 The Patents and Financial Performance of Firms - Evidence From Polish Manufacturing Companies
by Katarzyna Prędkiewicz & Paweł Prędkiewicz - 143-167 Competitive Strategies and Improved Performance of Selected Nigeria Telecommunication Companies
by Waidi Adeniyi Akingbad - 169-199 The Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation on the Performance and Speed of Internationalization
by Jörg Freiling & Christoph Lütke Schelhowe
2014, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 7-28 Interaction for Innovation: Comparing Norwegian Regions
by Marina Solesvik & Magnus Gulbrandsen - 29-56 Collaboration Patterns and Product Innovation in the Basque Country. Does a Firm’s Nationality Matter?
by Henar Alcalde Heras - 57-88 University-Industry Collaboration in the European Regional Context: the Cases of Galicia and Apulia Region
by Manuel González-López & Ivano Dileo & Francesco Losurdo - 89-108 The Importance of Locally Embedded Personal Relationships for SME Internationalisation Processes – from Opportunity Recognition to Company Growth
by Milena Ratajczak-Mrozek - 109-137 Building a Model of Successful Collaborative Learning for Company Innovativeness
by Agata Sudolska & Andrzej Lis
2014, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 7-38 Innovation and Technology Dissemination in Clean Technology Markets and The Developing World: The Role of Trade, Intellectual Property Rights, and Uncertainty
by Kristina M. Lybecker - 39-61 The Role of Competitors and Customers in the Development of Environmentally Sound Technologies
by Magdalena Marczewska - 63-88 Entrepreneurial Opportunities for Wind-Energy Markets in Three Emerging Economies
by Chien-Chi Tseng - 89-118 Characteristics of Intrapreneurs in Scale-Intensive Service Firms
by Katja Maria Hydle & Tor Helge Aas & Karl Joachim Breunig - 119-140 Imbalance of Power: Social Service Entrepreneurs’ Experiences of Entrepreneur-Municipality Relationship
by Tarja Niemelä & Sofia Kauko-Valli - 141-157 Low Level of Innovativeness and the Middle Income Trap – Polish Case Study
by Kamil Pruchnik & Jerzy Toborowicz
2014, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 7-55 Knowledge, Theory and Practice in Knowledge Management: Betweeen Associative Pattering and Context-Rich Action
by Alex Bennet & David Bennet - 57-78 Knowledge Creation and Conversion in Military Organizations: How the SECI Model is Applied Within Armed Forces
by Andrzej Lis - 79-107 Models, Metaphors and Symbols for Information and Knowledge Systems
by David Williams - 109-127 Findings From International Surveys Providing a Snapshot of the State of KM From a Practitioner Point of View
by Nicholas J Milton - 129-145 Active Learning Innovations in Knowledge Management Education Generate Higher Quality Learning Outcomes
by Arthur Shelley - 147-166 Becoming a Learning Organization Through Dynamic Business Process Management
by Marek Szelągowski
2013, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 5-27 Technology Transfers and Knowledge Managementin Developing Economies:Case Study of an Indonesian Manufacturer
by Wahyudi Wibowo - 29-52 Total Participation Management: Toward Psychological Determinants of Subjective Well-Being at Work
by Katarzyna Mika & Ryszard Stocki & Agnieszka Bożek - 53-72 Differences in Perception of the Participants in the Management Process and Its Real Trajectory
by Olaf Flak & Adrian Pyszka - 73-100 Determinants, Moderators and Consequences of Organizational Interaction Orientation
by Christian Hoops & Michael Bücker - 101-122 Innovations Under the Concept of ‘Turning Garbage into Gold’ in Fisheries Waste Management
by Muhammad Yusuf
2013, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 1-1 Title
by Abdolhamid Papzan & Nashmil Afsharzade & Khadijeh Moradi - 5-20 Entrepreneurial Orientation in Mexican Microenterprises
by Héctor Montiel Campos & Luis S. Alvarado Acuna & José Pablo Nuno de la Parra & Francisco A. Aguilar Valenzuela - 21-41 Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) and Performance of Government-Linked Companies (GLCs)
by Wei-Loon Koe - 57-78 Evidence of Opportunity and Necessity Driven Entrepreneurship in Nigeria
by Abubakar S. Garba & Fariastuti Djafar & Shazali Abu Mansor - 79-96 How Korean Venture Capitals Invest In New Technology Ventures
by Youngkeun Choi
2013, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 1-1 The Modeling Process of the Materials Management System in a Manufacturing Company Based on the System Dynamics Method
by Małgorzata Baran - 5-28 Exploring Alternatives for Sustainable Development in the Tamiahua Wetlands
by Luis Felipe Luna-Reyes & Jorge A. Durán-Encalada & Erick R. Bandala - 29-44 Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization for Selected Supply Chain Management Issues in the Company – Using System Dynamics and Vensim
by Elżbieta Kasperska & Elwira Mateja-Losa & Rafał Marjasz - 45-59 Validation of System Dynamics Models – a Case Study
by Justyna Lemke & Małgorzata Łatuszyńska - 61-78 Context and Animacy Play a Role in Dynamic Decision-Making
by Magda Osman & Alexandros Ananiadis-Basias
2013, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 5-15 The Role of Creativity in Development of Innovation in Tourism
by Elif Bascavusoglu-Moreau & Sebastian Kopera & Ewa Wszendybył-Skulska - 17-32 Innovative Activity of Small Tourist Enterprises – Cooperation with Local Institutional Partners
by Marta Najda-Janoszka - 33-56 Towards the Definition of a Tourism Cluster
by Magdalena Kachniewska - 57-67 Personnel as a Factor of Production in Development of Regional Tourism Economy – a Conceptual Paper
by Aleksander Panasiuk - 69-95 A Born Global Gradually Advancing Its Internationalization – a Case Study of Internationalization Process of a Small Tour Operator in a Niche Market
by Karolina Nessel - 97-118 The Main Burdens of Doing Business Perceived by Family-Owned Hospitality Enterprises in Slovakia
by Ľudmila Šmardová & Ľuboš Elexa - 119-134 Students’ Attitudes Towards Career in the Tourism Industry – Implications for Tacit Knowledge Management
by Marlena A. Bednarska & Marcin Olszewski - 135-155 KSP Polonia Warszawa’s Financial Problems – Analysis of Liquidity and Debt
by Elżbieta Marcinkowska - 157-172 Ambush Marketing in Poland Before the 2012 European Football Championship
by Marcin Gębarowski
2012, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 5-20 Job Design and Innovative Work Behavior: One Size Does Not Fit All Types of Employees
by Stan De Spiegelaere & Geert Van Hootegem & Guy Van Gyes - 21-34 How to Strengthen Positive Organizational Behaviors Fostering Experiential Learning? The Case of Military Organizations
by Andrzej Lis - 35-51 The Spanish Cod Fishing Industry: Radical Production Changes Without Significant Changes in the Innovation System
by Manuel González-López - 52-68 Innovation Capital and its Measurement
by Tomasz Kijek - 69-82 Languages in Problem Solving and Modeling
by Kazimierz Śliwa - 83-96 Age Management as a Tool for the Demographic Decline in the 21st Century: An Overview of its Characteristics
by Jan Fabisiak & Sergiusz Prokurat - 97-114 Female Entrepreneurship – An Appropriate Response to Gender Discrimination
by Jacques Ascher
2012, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 5-20 Innovation and CSR Impact on Financial Performance of Selected Companies in Mexico
by Rocío Durán-Vázquez & Arturo Lorenzo-Valdés & G. Einar Moreno-Quezada - 21-34 Relevance of Discrecionary Accruals in Ohlson Model: the Case of Mexico
by Rocío Durán-Vázquez & Arturo Lorenzo-Valdés & Juan Manuel San Martín-Reyna - 35-57 Ownership Structure, Earnings Management and Investment Opportunity Set: Evidence from Mexican Firms
by Juan M. San Martin-Reyna & Jorge A. Durán-Encalada - 58-77 A Research Proposal to Examine Entrepreneurship in Family Business
by Jorge A. Durán-Encalada & Juan M. San Martin-Reyna & Héctor Montiel-Campos - 78-94 The Role of Hypertext in Consumer Decision Making. The Case of Travel Destination Choice
by Raúl Valdez Munoz
2012, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 5-25 Affective Management and its Effects on Management Performance
by Waratta Authayarat & Hiroyuki Umemuro - 26-43 A Genetic Algorithm to Minimize the Total Tardiness for M-Machine Permutation Flowshop Problems
by Chia-Shin Chung & James Flynn & Walter Rom & Piotr Staliński - 44-59 Transferability and Commercialization of Patent Rights: Economic and Practical Perspectives
by Haim V. Levy - 60-77 The Role of the Internet in Overcoming Information Barriers: Implications for Exporting SMEs of the East African Community
by Neema Mori & Gibson Munisi - 78-95 The Optimal Timing of Strategic Action – A Real Options Approach
by Gordon G. Sollars & Sorin Tuluca
2012, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-34 Political Perspective on Technology Alliances – the Case of Microsoft and Google
by Krzysztof Klincewicz - 35-51 Global Business Networks and Cooperation within Supply Chain as a Strategy of High-Tech Companies’ Growth
by Milena Ratajczak-Mrozek - 52-67 Matching Imitative Activity of High-Tech Firms with Entrepreneurial Orientation
by Marta Najda-Janoszka - 68-83 The Role of Academic Entrepreneurship and Spin-Off Companies in the Process of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation
by Irena Łącka - 84-115 Internal Factors of Academic Entrepreneurship: the Case of Four Malaysian Public Research Universities
by Mohar Yusof & Mohammad Saeed Siddiq & Leilanie Mohd - 116-137 Declining Innovation Performance of the Hungarian Economy: Special Focus on Organizational Innovation. The Example of the European Community Innovation Survey (CIS)
by Csaba Makó & Miklós Illéssy & Péter Csizmadia - 138-154 Regional Determinants of Efficiency Growth of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Evidence from Poland
by Teresa Łuczka & Paweł Przepióra