Maurice Baslé
(Maurice Basle)
(deceased)Personal Details
First Name: | Maurice |
Middle Name: | |
Last Name: | Basle |
Suffix: | |
RePEc Short-ID: | pba389 | | |
Faculty of economics 7 place hoche Université Rennes 35065 rennes cedex France | |
XX 33 (0)2 23 23 35 | |
Terminal Degree: | 1975 Faculté des Sciences Économiques; Université de Rennes (from RePEc Genealogy) |
This person is deceased (Date: 03 Feb 2020) |
Research output
Jump to: Working papers ArticlesWorking papers
- Maurice Baslé, 2021.
"Smarter cities’ attractiveness. Testing new criteria or facets: “data scientists” and “data platforms,"
halshs-01962565, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2021. "Smarter Cities’ Attractiveness. Testing New Criteria or Facets: “Data Scientists” and “Data Platforms”," Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Springer;Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), vol. 12(1), pages 268-278, March.
- Maurice Baslé & Jean-Michel Josselin & Benoît Le Maux, 2019. "Évaluations des politiques publiques. Guide pratique et citoyen," Post-Print hal-02443302, HAL.
- Alain Alcouffe & Maurice Baslé & Monika Poettinger, 2018. "Macroeconomic Theory and the Eurozone Crisis," Post-Print halshs-02023833, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Jean Michel Josselin & Benoît Le Maux, 2018. "Dispositifs d’évaluation des politiques publiques et des programmes : connaissances de base, choix des méthodes, sociogramme des acteurs et études de cas," Post-Print halshs-01962582, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2018.
"L'évaluation d'impact territorial en pratique : Réflexion sur les représentations conventionnelles des logiques d'action publique,"
halshs-01767552, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2018. "L’évaluation d’impact territorial en pratique. Réflexion sur les représentations conventionnelles des logiques d’action publique," Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, Armand Colin, vol. 0(2), pages 489-508.
- Maurice Baslé & Peter Holmes, 2018. "Brexit is not a solution: so, it would be chaotic! [Le Royaume-Uni proche du chaos ?]," Post-Print halshs-01962464, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2018. "The limitations of national budgetary deficits and other Eurozone rules: the near-failures of their implementation and the excessive delays (20 years) in the introduction of a European budgetary stabi," Post-Print halshs-02023841, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2017. "Les finances publiques françaises dans le contexte du budget européen et des engagements de la France. Une solution non durable," Post-Print halshs-01685211, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2017. "Un premier examen des propositions de mise en œuvre d’un meilleur management de la zone euro avec de nouvelles ressources et un Trésor public européen," Post-Print hal-01634653, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2017. "Mistaking a phase of endogenous growth with a new role for the State for a "Great Depression". The recent financial crisis compared to that of 1873-1979," Post-Print halshs-01683591, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2017. "Post-crisis learning: opening the debate about the forgetfulness of the Mainstream economic models of the European "Sixties" (1945-1975)," Post-Print halshs-01683592, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2016. "Public governance versus cutting costs. Better public Action with better knowledge [Gouvernance publique libre et ouverte versus simple réduction des coûts : comment mieux agir collectivement en co," Working Papers hal-01250361, HAL.
- David Alis & Maurice Baslé & Jean-Marie Dubois & Aziz Mouline, 2015. "Developping in a public university the objective of students’employability. A case study of organizational ambidexterity [Développer au sein de l’Université l’objectif d’insertion professionnelle d," Post-Print halshs-01112875, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Thierry Berthet, 2014. "Introduction. Qu'apprend-on des expérimentations sociales ?," Post-Print halshs-01074076, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2014. "La confrontation des résultats aux valeurs publiques de référence et à des valeurs intermédiaires de résultats plus spécifiques du champ de la formation emploi grâce à l'évaluation des politiques publ," Post-Print halshs-01074081, HAL.
- David Alis & Maurice Baslé & Aziz Mouline, 2014. "Employabilité et insertion professionnelle des diplômés : les universités à la recherche d'un nouveau modèle organisationnel," Post-Print halshs-01088163, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2014. "Réforme territoriale; Plaidoyer pour de grandes régions," Post-Print halshs-01074075, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Nathalie Beaupère & Jean-Marie Dubois, 2013. "Science insert : Favoriser l'insertion professionnelle des étudiants scientifiques," Post-Print halshs-00815955, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2013. "Stability and growth in the Eurozone: the french case [Le nouveau Traité sur la stabilité budgétaire européen et la France]," Post-Print halshs-01962489, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2013. "NPP or NPG: references and modelisations (new public performance or new public governance) [Nouvelle performance publique ou/et nouvelle gouvernance publique en France ? Quelles références à quelle," Post-Print halshs-01962552, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2013. "Standards et déontologie des modes d'évaluation des Universités en §France depuis 10 ans," Post-Print halshs-00875667, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2013. "Méta‑évaluation des politiques publiques et qualité des évaluations," Post-Print halshs-00971578, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2012. "Référentiel Banque mondiale de bonne gouvernance et notion de meilleure gouvernance européenne : un contraste ?," Post-Print halshs-00703834, HAL.
- Aziz Mouline & Maurice Baslé & David Alis, 2012.
"Le " nouveau " rôle de l'Université et le développement de l'insertion professionnelle des étudiants universitaires : analyse et description d'une expérimentation dans une grande université ,"
halshs-00747214, HAL.
- David Alis & Maurice Baslé & Aziz Mouline, 2012. "Le nouveau rôle de l'Université et le développement de l'insertion professionnelle des étudiants universitaires : analyse et description d'une expérimentation dans une grande université de l'Ouest," Post-Print halshs-00767133, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2012. "Quelle crédibilité pour le budget 2013 ?," Post-Print halshs-00767016, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2012. "2012, année forcément européenne journal Ouest France," Post-Print hal-02081271, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Jean-Marie Dubois, 2012. "Sensibiliser les étudiants scientifiques universitaires aux questions d'insertion," Post-Print halshs-00815965, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2012.
"Le budget de l'État,"
halshs-00727984, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2019. "Le budget de l'Etat," Post-Print halshs-02301928, HAL.
- Aziz Mouline & David Alis & Maurice Baslé & Jean-Marie Dubois & Mouna Amenna, 2011. "Le développement de l'insertion professionnelle des étudiants universitaires : présentation et premières leçons évaluatives d'une expérience d'une organisation universitaire ambidextre," Post-Print halshs-00650402, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2011. "Crise financière internationale, activité de la Présidence française de l'Union européenne (PFUE) et stratégie encore moyennement coopérative des états membres," Post-Print halshs-00656170, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2011. "Scénarios pour l'avenir de l'évaluation en France," Post-Print halshs-00656820, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Maud Huaulme, 2011.
"Comparing outcomes profiles of public programmes with ELECTRE assistance instead of observing evolution of a synthetic impact index: illustration of the benefits of a multicriteria evaluation approach,"
halshs-00656784, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Maud Huaulme, 2011. "Comparing outcomes profiles of public programmes with ELECTRE assistance instead of observing evolution of a synthetic impact index: illustration of the benefits of a multicriteria evaluation approach," International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 1(4), pages 394-406.
- Maurice Baslé, 2011. "L'impossible métrique des résultats des aides publiques à l'innovation," Working Papers hal-02082277, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2010. "Enjeux de gestion ou de politiques publiques ?," Post-Print halshs-00490317, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2010. "Méthodologie d'évaluation des résultats et de l'impact des programmes publics : les trois leçons de base," Post-Print hal-02081373, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2010. "Les acteurs de l'expertise économique," Post-Print halshs-00555959, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2010. "universities outrankings: methodology," Post-Print halshs-01962509, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2010. "Connaissance et action publique," Post-Print halshs-00656785, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2010. "Contexte et méthodes pour l'évaluation partenariale des politiques publiques intégrées en France : some lessons from the state-region plan contrats and the case of Brittany," Post-Print hal-02081245, HAL.
- Jean-Luc Le Boulch & Maurice Baslé, 2010. "L'impact économique de l'enseignement supérieur sur une agglomération de taille moyenne : une tentative d'estimation des emplois directs, indirects et induits a rennes. Introduction et questions de mé," Post-Print hal-02081238, HAL.
- Claude Diebolt & Maurice Baslé & Niall Bond & Hinnerk Bruhns & Gilles Campagnolo & Frédéric Clavert & Patricia Commun & Mechthild Coustillac & Jean-Christophe Defraigne & Jean-Luc De Meulemeester & Ra, 2009.
"La pensée économique allemande,"
hal-00279637, HAL.
- Alain Alcouffe, 2008. "La pensée économique allemande," Post-Print hal-02117660, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Samira Oukarfi, 2009.
"Public-sector financial incentives for business relocation and effectiveness measures based on company profile and geographic zone,"
halshs-00378789, HAL.
- Samira Oukarfi & Maurice Baslé, 2009. "Public-sector financial incentives for business relocation and effectiveness measures based on company profile and geographic zone," The Annals of Regional Science, Springer;Western Regional Science Association, vol. 43(2), pages 509-526, June.
- Alain Alcouffe & Maurice Baslé, 2009. "Adolph Wagner : from militant nationalism to private-public co-evolution [Adolph Wagner : d'un engagement militant nationaliste à la co-évolution « privé-public »]," Post-Print hal-01628920, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2009. "Révision générale des politiques publiques et activités évaluatives en France : différences, complémentarités ?," Post-Print halshs-00473054, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2009. "Regards sur des innovations de méthodes et des outils spécifiques d'appui en évaluation," Post-Print halshs-00656208, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2008. "Faut-il poursuivre la décentralisation en Bretagne ?," Post-Print halshs-00294678, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2008. "Baslé, M. (2008), Economie, conseil et gestion publique : suivi et évaluation de programmes et politiques publiques, Economica, 180 pages, Paris," Post-Print halshs-00467756, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2008. "Economie, conseil et gestion publique : Suivi et évaluation des politiques publiques et des programmes," Post-Print halshs-00315901, HAL.
- Alain Alcouffe & Maurice Baslé, 2008. "Adolph Wagner : d'un engagement militant nationaliste à la co-évolution « privé-public »," Post-Print halshs-00471181, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Samira Oukarfi, 2008. "Baslé, M. Oukarfi, S. 2008, /Annals of regional science/, Public-sector financial incentives for business relocation and effectiveness measures based on company profile and geographic zone, Annals of ," Post-Print halshs-00467754, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Maud Huaulme, 2007. "L'économie normative des indices synthétiques : les "analogies" avec les indicateurs d'impact et de politiques publiques et de programmes," Post-Print halshs-00226340, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2007. "La révision générale des politiques publiques nationales et locales en France : le besoin d'expérimentations avec des suivis-évaluations séparés des contrôles : qui et comment ?," Post-Print halshs-00315898, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2007. "French 2006-2007 innovations in public research and higher education organisation : the case of new competitiveness poles and of new research based universities (with specific case of european researc," Post-Print halshs-00161776, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2006. "Meta evaluation of CPER evaluations in France," Post-Print halshs-00107336, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2006. "La Bretagne est-elle compétitive?," Post-Print halshs-00010283, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Pierre Malgrange, 2006. "Aide à la décision publique : développements récents," Post-Print halshs-00162836, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Raphaël Suire, 2006. "Indicators of territorial potentialities proxies for the knowledge society : new proposals," Post-Print halshs-00116877, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Pierre Malgrange, 2006.
"Présentation générale : Aide à la décision publique : développements récents,"
halshs-00754202, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Pierre Malgrange, 2006. "Présentation générale : Aide à la décision publique : développements récents," Economie & Prévision, La Documentation Française, vol. 0(4), pages 1-1.
- Maurice Baslé, 2006.
"Strenghts and Weaknesses of European Union policy evaluation methods : ex-post evaluation of objective 2, 1994-99,"
halshs-00010282, HAL.
- Maurice Basle, 2006. "Strengths and weaknesses of European Union policy evaluation methods: Ex-post evaluation of objective 2, 1994-99," Regional Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 40(2), pages 225-235.
- Maurice Baslé, 2006. "Pourra-t-on mieux évaluer(et comment) les politiques et programmes européens, nationaux et régionaux de renforcement de la compétitivité des régions ? Réflexions pratiques," Post-Print halshs-00078036, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2006. "Baslé (2006), Evaluating the impact an value added of Structural Fonds. Ex post Evaluation of objective 2, Regional Studies, March," Post-Print halshs-00467755, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2006. "L'évaluation des politiques économiques : pourquoi et comment ?," Post-Print halshs-00119601, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2005. "Les cultures françaises de l'évaluation au regard de la nouvelle loi organique française du premier août 2001 relative aux lois de finances. Nouvelles missions, nouveaux programmes, nouvelles évaluati," Post-Print halshs-00010195, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Jérôme Dupuis, 2005.
"Les enjeux d'une évaluation distanciée pluraliste des politiques et des programmes comparés à la mise en oeuvre de la LOLF de l'Etat en France,"
halshs-00010284, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2006. "Les enjeux d'une évaluation distanciée et pluraliste des politiques et des programmes comparés à la mise en oeuvre de la LOLF de l'État en France," Post-Print halshs-00098271, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2005. "L'économie de la loi organique du 1er août 2001 et l'évaluation," Post-Print halshs-00004955, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2004. "Education et bonne gouvernance publique : les résistances et les réformes," Post-Print halshs-00077067, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Michel Renault, 2004. "L'Europe et l'économie de la connaissance," Post-Print halshs-00078336, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2004. "Euro, budget, élargissement de l'Union européenne," Post-Print halshs-00077066, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Marc Baudry & Etienne Pierron & A. Le Bozec & S. Jan, 2004. "Définition d'incitations au développement de l'activité industrielle de la collecte sélective des déchets d'emballages ménagers," Post-Print halshs-00078334, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2004. "Le budget de l'État - 6ème édition," Post-Print halshs-00077065, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2004. "Recent French Senate publication : "Public policy evaluation needs to be placed at the core of French State reform" : a comment," Post-Print halshs-00078344, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Michel Renault, 2004. "L'économie fondée sur la connaissance. Questions au projet européen," Post-Print halshs-00077064, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Christophe Cariou & Raphaël Suire, 2003. "Regional policy of path-dependency attractivness. Is there an optimal window for EU intervention?," Post-Print halshs-00078348, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2003. "Les gouvernements apprennent-ils?," Post-Print halshs-00078330, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2002. "L'évaluation à l'épreuve des territoires et à l'heure des réorganisations territoriales en Europe," Post-Print halshs-00069745, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2002. "Crucial evaluation indicators for cooperative regional policies and programs in France : methods and applications," Post-Print hal-02081250, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2002. "La trajectoire et le diagnostic de l'économie régionale (de 1975 à nos jours)," Post-Print halshs-00077090, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2002. "Le programme e-Europe : nécessité et effet d'un choc de politique publique à l'échelle de l'Union," Post-Print halshs-00077089, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Fabienne Pelé, 2002. "Multi-level regional policies and programmes in France : european norms, methods and first applications," Post-Print halshs-00076644, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2002. "Antécédents institutionnalistes méconnus ou connus de la théorie de la régulation," Post-Print halshs-00077091, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2002. "Bonnes gouvernances publiques en Europe et évaluation. Introduction à un débat de socio-économie politique de l'évaluation," Post-Print halshs-00100345, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2002. "Public policy evaluations : what, why and how?," Post-Print halshs-00078347, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Thierry Pénard, 2002. "eEurope - La société européenne de l'information en 2010," Post-Print halshs-00077087, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & B. Junod, 2002. "Apports des usagers de l'eau d'alimentation dans le processus d'évaluation des politiques publiques," Post-Print halshs-00069677, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 1999. "Process of valuation, repeated games and regulation of the game by an external power : some lessons from John Roger COMMONS (1892-1945)," Post-Print hal-02081255, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 1999. "L'évaluation territorialisée en France : organisation, constat et questions spécifiques," Post-Print hal-02082822, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Agnès Checcaglini & Fernando Faria de Oliveira & Isabelle Henri, 1998. "Analyse comparative des méthodes quantitatives et qualitatives et des résultats obtenus par l'évaluation de trois programmes français de formation visant l'insertion professionnelle d'adultes en diffi," Post-Print hal-02082826, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 1998. "Context And Methods For The Partenarial Evaluation Of Public Territorial Policies In France : Some Lessons From The State-Region Plan Contracts And The Case Of Brittany," Post-Print hal-02081253, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 1997. "Some lessons from the experimentation of contingent valuation method : the case of local and social services," Post-Print hal-02081219, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 1997. "Le changement institutionnel peut-il être analysé comme évolutionnaire ? quelques limites de l'approche économique standard et quelques voies ouvertes à l'approche évolutionnaire," Post-Print hal-02081216, HAL.
- Alain Alcouffe & Maurice Baslé, 1997. "Aspects contemporains d'un débat ancien," Post-Print hal-02116612, HAL.
- Anne-Gaëlle Lefeuvre & Maurice Baslé, 1997. "Coordination of agents through Learning and Evolutionary Processes : a Game Theory Approach," Post-Print hal-02082849, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 1996. "Politique régionale de formation et d'insertion d'adultes a la recherche d'emploi : évaluation quantitative et qualitative ex post du chèque-force en Bretagne (1989-1996)," Post-Print hal-02081228, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 1991.
"Néo-classicisme versus institutionnalisme,"
hal-02081204, HAL.
- Maurice Basle, 1991. "Néo-classicisme versus institutionnalisme," Revue Française d'Économie, Programme National Persée, vol. 6(3), pages 61-78.
- Maurice Baslé & Jean-Pierre Boude & A.F. Dayon & G. Darlot & C. Le Calonnec & F. de Oliveira & . Groupe d'Études Des Systèmes Industriels, 1982. "L'énergie en Bretagne : bilans 1975-1980, perspectives à l'horizon 1990," Working Papers hal-02857781, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Jean-Pierre Boude, 1982. "L'horizon énergétique 1990 pour la Bretagne : le cas de l'électricité," Working Papers hal-02308969, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2021.
"Smarter Cities’ Attractiveness. Testing New Criteria or Facets: “Data Scientists” and “Data Platforms”,"
Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Springer;Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), vol. 12(1), pages 268-278, March.
- Maurice Baslé, 2021. "Smarter cities’ attractiveness. Testing new criteria or facets: “data scientists” and “data platforms," Post-Print halshs-01962565, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2018.
"L’évaluation d’impact territorial en pratique. Réflexion sur les représentations conventionnelles des logiques d’action publique,"
Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, Armand Colin, vol. 0(2), pages 489-508.
- Maurice Baslé, 2018. "L'évaluation d'impact territorial en pratique : Réflexion sur les représentations conventionnelles des logiques d'action publique," Post-Print halshs-01767552, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Maud Huaulme, 2011.
"Comparing outcomes profiles of public programmes with ELECTRE assistance instead of observing evolution of a synthetic impact index: illustration of the benefits of a multicriteria evaluation approach,"
International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 1(4), pages 394-406.
- Maurice Baslé, 2019. "Comparing outcomes profiles of public programmes with ELECTRE assistance instead of observing evolution of a synthetic impact index :illustration of the benefits of a multicriteria evaluation approach," Working Papers hal-02082270, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Maud Huaulme, 2011. "Comparing outcomes profiles of public programmes with ELECTRE assistance instead of observing evolution of a synthetic impact index: illustration of the benefits of a multicriteria evaluation approach," Post-Print halshs-00656784, HAL.
- Samira Oukarfi & Maurice Baslé, 2009.
"Public-sector financial incentives for business relocation and effectiveness measures based on company profile and geographic zone,"
The Annals of Regional Science, Springer;Western Regional Science Association, vol. 43(2), pages 509-526, June.
- Maurice Baslé & Samira Oukarfi, 2009. "Public-sector financial incentives for business relocation and effectiveness measures based on company profile and geographic zone," Post-Print halshs-00378789, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Pierre Malgrange, 2006.
"Présentation générale : Aide à la décision publique : développements récents,"
Economie & Prévision, La Documentation Française, vol. 0(4), pages 1-1.
- Maurice Baslé & Pierre Malgrange, 2006. "Présentation générale : Aide à la décision publique : développements récents," Post-Print halshs-00754202, HAL.
- Maurice Basle, 2006.
"Strengths and weaknesses of European Union policy evaluation methods: Ex-post evaluation of objective 2, 1994-99,"
Regional Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 40(2), pages 225-235.
- Maurice Baslé, 2006. "Strenghts and Weaknesses of European Union policy evaluation methods : ex-post evaluation of objective 2, 1994-99," Post-Print halshs-00010282, HAL.
- Pierre Malgrange & Maurice Baslé, 2006. "Aide à la décision publique. Présentation générale," Économie et Prévision, Programme National Persée, vol. 175(4), pages 1-6.
- Maurice Basle, 1991.
"Néo-classicisme versus institutionnalisme,"
Revue Française d'Économie, Programme National Persée, vol. 6(3), pages 61-78.
- Maurice Baslé, 1991. "Néo-classicisme versus institutionnalisme," Post-Print hal-02081204, HAL.
- Maurice Basle & Philippe Bautier & Jacques Mazier & Jean-François Vidal, 1982. "Accumulation et régulation en longue période : emploi, revenu salarial, prix et profit," Économie et Prévision, Programme National Persée, vol. 54(3), pages 3-40.
- Michel Basle, 1980. "L'INSEE et l'appareil productif à l'horizon 85," Revue d'Économie Industrielle, Programme National Persée, vol. 13(1), pages 100-102.
- Maurice Baslé & Jacques Mazier & Jean-François Vidal, 1979. "Croissance sectorielle et accumulation en longue période," Économie et Prévision, Programme National Persée, vol. 40(1), pages 3-51.
Many of the citations below have been collected in an experimental project, CitEc, where a more detailed citation analysis can be found. These are citations from works listed in RePEc that could be analyzed mechanically. So far, only a minority of all works could be analyzed. See under "Corrections" how you can help improve the citation analysis.Working papers
- Maurice Baslé, 2021.
"Smarter cities’ attractiveness. Testing new criteria or facets: “data scientists” and “data platforms,"
halshs-01962565, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2021. "Smarter Cities’ Attractiveness. Testing New Criteria or Facets: “Data Scientists” and “Data Platforms”," Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Springer;Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), vol. 12(1), pages 268-278, March.
Cited by:
- Zhenshan Yang, 2023. "Human capital space: a spatial perspective of the dynamics of people and economic relationships," Palgrave Communications, Palgrave Macmillan, vol. 10(1), pages 1-14, December.
- Maurice Baslé & Jean Michel Josselin & Benoît Le Maux, 2018.
"Dispositifs d’évaluation des politiques publiques et des programmes : connaissances de base, choix des méthodes, sociogramme des acteurs et études de cas,"
halshs-01962582, HAL.
Cited by:
- Evens Salies, 2020.
"L'impact du CIR sur les personnels de la recherche,"
SciencePo Working papers Main
hal-03403065, HAL.
- Evens Salies, 2020. "L’impact du CIR sur les personnels de la recherche," Documents de Travail de l'OFCE 2020-07, Observatoire Francais des Conjonctures Economiques (OFCE).
- Evens Salies, 2020. "L'impact du CIR sur les personnels de la recherche," Working Papers hal-03403065, HAL.
- Evens Salies, 2020.
"L'impact du CIR sur les personnels de la recherche,"
SciencePo Working papers Main
hal-03403065, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Maud Huaulme, 2011.
"Comparing outcomes profiles of public programmes with ELECTRE assistance instead of observing evolution of a synthetic impact index: illustration of the benefits of a multicriteria evaluation approach,"
halshs-00656784, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Maud Huaulme, 2011. "Comparing outcomes profiles of public programmes with ELECTRE assistance instead of observing evolution of a synthetic impact index: illustration of the benefits of a multicriteria evaluation approach," International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 1(4), pages 394-406.
Cited by:
- Maurice Baslé, 2021.
"Smarter cities’ attractiveness. Testing new criteria or facets: “data scientists” and “data platforms,"
halshs-01962565, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2021. "Smarter Cities’ Attractiveness. Testing New Criteria or Facets: “Data Scientists” and “Data Platforms”," Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Springer;Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), vol. 12(1), pages 268-278, March.
- Maurice Baslé & Samira Oukarfi, 2009.
"Public-sector financial incentives for business relocation and effectiveness measures based on company profile and geographic zone,"
halshs-00378789, HAL.
- Samira Oukarfi & Maurice Baslé, 2009. "Public-sector financial incentives for business relocation and effectiveness measures based on company profile and geographic zone," The Annals of Regional Science, Springer;Western Regional Science Association, vol. 43(2), pages 509-526, June.
Cited by:
- Sharif, Naubahar & Huang, Can, 2010.
"Innovation strategy, firm survival and relocation: The case of Hong Kong-owned manufacturing in Guangdong province, China,"
MERIT Working Papers
2010-052, United Nations University - Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (MERIT).
- Sharif, Naubahar & Huang, Can, 2012. "Innovation strategy, firm survival and relocation: The case of Hong Kong-owned manufacturing in Guangdong Province, China," Research Policy, Elsevier, vol. 41(1), pages 69-78.
- Tessa Conroy & Steven Deller & Alexandra Tsvetkova, 2017. "Interstate Relocation Of Manufacturers And Business Climate," Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 29(1), pages 18-45, March.
- Charles Swenson, 2023. "City Business Taxes and Retail Firm Relocation Decisions," Applied Economics and Finance, Redfame publishing, vol. 10(1), pages 1-19, February.
- Conroy, Tessa & Deller, Steven & Tsvetkova, Alexandra, 2015.
"Regional Business Climate and Interstate Manufacturing Relocation Decisions,"
MPRA Paper
66748, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Conroy, Tessa & Deller, Steven & Tsvetkova, Alexandra, 2016. "Regional business climate and interstate manufacturing relocation decisions," Regional Science and Urban Economics, Elsevier, vol. 60(C), pages 155-168.
- Maurice Baslé, 2008.
"Economie, conseil et gestion publique : Suivi et évaluation des politiques publiques et des programmes,"
halshs-00315901, HAL.
Cited by:
- Maurice Baslé & Maud Huaulme, 2011.
"Comparing outcomes profiles of public programmes with ELECTRE assistance instead of observing evolution of a synthetic impact index: illustration of the benefits of a multicriteria evaluation approach,"
halshs-00656784, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2019. "Comparing outcomes profiles of public programmes with ELECTRE assistance instead of observing evolution of a synthetic impact index :illustration of the benefits of a multicriteria evaluation approach," Working Papers hal-02082270, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Maud Huaulme, 2011. "Comparing outcomes profiles of public programmes with ELECTRE assistance instead of observing evolution of a synthetic impact index: illustration of the benefits of a multicriteria evaluation approach," International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 1(4), pages 394-406.
- Maurice Baslé & Maud Huaulme, 2011.
"Comparing outcomes profiles of public programmes with ELECTRE assistance instead of observing evolution of a synthetic impact index: illustration of the benefits of a multicriteria evaluation approach,"
halshs-00656784, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé, 2006.
"Strenghts and Weaknesses of European Union policy evaluation methods : ex-post evaluation of objective 2, 1994-99,"
halshs-00010282, HAL.
- Maurice Basle, 2006. "Strengths and weaknesses of European Union policy evaluation methods: Ex-post evaluation of objective 2, 1994-99," Regional Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 40(2), pages 225-235.
Cited by:
- Pisár Peter & Varga Martin, 2018. "Public Support for Higher Education Institutions from EU Structural Funds and its Evaluation: Case Study of Slovakia," NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, Sciendo, vol. 11(2), pages 103-127, December.
- Simona Bratkova & Miroslav Sipikal & Valeria Nemethova, 2021. "Impact of Deadweight Effect on the Performance of Supported Firms," RAIS Conference Proceedings 2021 0014, Research Association for Interdisciplinary Studies.
- Peter Tyler & Colin Warnock & Allan Provins & Bruno Lanz, 2013. "Valuing the Benefits of Urban Regeneration," Urban Studies, Urban Studies Journal Limited, vol. 50(1), pages 169-190, January.
- Paul Chaney, 2015. "“Post-Feminist†Era of Social Investment and Territorial Welfare? Exploring the Issue Salience and Policy Framing of Child Care in U.K. Elections 1983-2011," SAGE Open, , vol. 5(1), pages 21582440155, February.
- Maurice Baslé & Michel Renault, 2004.
"L'économie fondée sur la connaissance. Questions au projet européen,"
halshs-00077064, HAL.
Cited by:
- BOURDEAU-LEPAGE, Lise & KOLAROVA,Desislava, 2005.
"Knowledge Society and Transition Economies The Bulgarian Challenge,"
LEG - Document de travail - Economie
2005-05, LEG, Laboratoire d'Economie et de Gestion, CNRS, Université de Bourgogne.
- Lise Bourdeau-Lepage & Desislava Kolarova, 2008. "Knowledge Society And Transition Economies.The Bulgarian Challenge," Romanian Journal of Regional Science, Romanian Regional Science Association, vol. 2(2), pages 53-79, December.
- BOURDEAU-LEPAGE, Lise & KOLAROVA,Desislava, 2005.
"Knowledge Society and Transition Economies The Bulgarian Challenge,"
LEG - Document de travail - Economie
2005-05, LEG, Laboratoire d'Economie et de Gestion, CNRS, Université de Bourgogne.
- Maurice Baslé, 2002.
"Antécédents institutionnalistes méconnus ou connus de la théorie de la régulation,"
halshs-00077091, HAL.
Cited by:
- Maurice Baslé & Thierry Pénard, 2002.
"eEurope - La société européenne de l'information en 2010,"
halshs-00077087, HAL.
Cited by:
- Ben Dkhil, Inès, 2014. "Competition in the Fixed Telecommunication Market Segment: Challenges and Theories," MPRA Paper 72909, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Maurice Baslé, 2021.
"Smarter Cities’ Attractiveness. Testing New Criteria or Facets: “Data Scientists” and “Data Platforms”,"
Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Springer;Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), vol. 12(1), pages 268-278, March.
See citations under working paper version above.
- Maurice Baslé, 2021. "Smarter cities’ attractiveness. Testing new criteria or facets: “data scientists” and “data platforms," Post-Print halshs-01962565, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Maud Huaulme, 2011.
"Comparing outcomes profiles of public programmes with ELECTRE assistance instead of observing evolution of a synthetic impact index: illustration of the benefits of a multicriteria evaluation approach,"
International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 1(4), pages 394-406.
See citations under working paper version above.
- Maurice Baslé, 2019. "Comparing outcomes profiles of public programmes with ELECTRE assistance instead of observing evolution of a synthetic impact index :illustration of the benefits of a multicriteria evaluation approach," Working Papers hal-02082270, HAL.
- Maurice Baslé & Maud Huaulme, 2011. "Comparing outcomes profiles of public programmes with ELECTRE assistance instead of observing evolution of a synthetic impact index: illustration of the benefits of a multicriteria evaluation approach," Post-Print halshs-00656784, HAL.
- Samira Oukarfi & Maurice Baslé, 2009.
"Public-sector financial incentives for business relocation and effectiveness measures based on company profile and geographic zone,"
The Annals of Regional Science, Springer;Western Regional Science Association, vol. 43(2), pages 509-526, June.
See citations under working paper version above.
- Maurice Baslé & Samira Oukarfi, 2009. "Public-sector financial incentives for business relocation and effectiveness measures based on company profile and geographic zone," Post-Print halshs-00378789, HAL.
- Maurice Basle, 2006.
"Strengths and weaknesses of European Union policy evaluation methods: Ex-post evaluation of objective 2, 1994-99,"
Regional Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 40(2), pages 225-235.
See citations under working paper version above.
- Maurice Baslé, 2006. "Strenghts and Weaknesses of European Union policy evaluation methods : ex-post evaluation of objective 2, 1994-99," Post-Print halshs-00010282, HAL.
- Maurice Basle & Philippe Bautier & Jacques Mazier & Jean-François Vidal, 1982.
"Accumulation et régulation en longue période : emploi, revenu salarial, prix et profit,"
Économie et Prévision, Programme National Persée, vol. 54(3), pages 3-40.
Cited by:
- Gilbert Cette & Selma Mahfouz, 1996. "Le partage primaire du revenu : un constat descriptif sur longue période," Économie et Statistique, Programme National Persée, vol. 296(1), pages 165-189.
- Maurice Baslé & Jacques Mazier & Jean-François Vidal, 1979.
"Croissance sectorielle et accumulation en longue période,"
Économie et Prévision, Programme National Persée, vol. 40(1), pages 3-51.
Cited by:
- Jacques Mazier & Hugues Bertrand & Yves Picaud & Gérard Podevin, 1982. "Les deux crises des années 1930 et des années 1970. Une analyse en sections productives dans le cas de l'économie française," Revue Économique, Programme National Persée, vol. 33(2), pages 234-273.
- Gilbert Cette & Selma Mahfouz, 1996. "Le partage primaire du revenu : un constat descriptif sur longue période," Économie et Statistique, Programme National Persée, vol. 296(1), pages 165-189.
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