2024, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 179-189 Digital Marketing in Wine Tourism – Trás-Os-Montes and Dão Case Study
by Fontes Filipa & Esteves Elsa & Morais Elisabete Paulo - 190-205 Residents’ Perceptions about Tourism Development: A Comparative Analysis of Selected Locations in the North of Portugal
by Silva Goretti & Oliveira Mariana - 206-213 Residents’ Perceptions Towards Tourism Activity: The Case of Bragança, Portugal
by Rodrigues Cláudia & Dinis Andréa & Fernandes Paula Odete & Scalabrini Elaine - 214-230 The Role of Value Co-Creation, Delight and Satisfaction on Tourism Loyalty: An Empirical Study in Hospitality
by Lopes Luisa & Mangini Eduardo & Esteves Salete - 231-244 Tourism Sector: Evidence Of Business Dynamics in Portugal
by Costa Vânia & Pereira Raquel & Loureiro Isabel Sofia & Campinho Sara & Moura Andreia & Mira Maria do Rosário & Silva Goretti & Silva Susana - 245-257 A bibliometric overview of economic sustainability in tourism
by Meneses Daniela & Costa Carlos & Ferreira Fernanda A. & Eusébio Celeste - 258-272 Exploring the potential of Flickr User–Generated Content for Tourism Research: Insights from Portugal
by Martins Márcio & Santos Arlindo - 273-284 Application of Benford’s law to detect signs of under-invoicing in companies in the restaurant sector during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Martins Ana & Alves Jorge & Vaz Clara - 285-298 Local tourist taxes in Portugal: A systematic review of municipal regulations
by Carvalho Luís & Pinheiro Eduardo & Martins Márcio & Costa Cláudia S. - 299-311 From reviews to emotions: Analysing Bragança’s tourism attractions on TripAdvisor
by Scalabrini Elaine & Ferreira Jessica & Fernandes Paula Odete & Moraes Thiago - 312-331 A new scale to measure customer’s expectations about service dimensions: Application to the hotel service
by Franco Mara & Meneses Raquel
2024, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-19 Employment of Specially-Abled People in the Hotel Industry—An Indian perspective
by Singh Amrik - 20-34 Systematic Literature Review on the Profile of Tourists in Four- and Five-star Hotels Based on Online Reviews
by Ferreira Ana & Correia Marisol B. & Renda Ana Isabel - 35-54 User Perceptions on the Urban Waterfront Development in the Kyrenia Ancient Harbour, including the Creative Individuals
by Üzümcüoğlu Doğa & Polay Mukaddes - 55-70 Understanding the Effects of Reservation Systems and Online Transaction Capacity on the Competitiveness of Travel Agencies
by Işkın Merve & Prentice Catherine & Eker Nuray & Şengel Ümit - 71-81 Local Identity, Language and Sustainable Tourism: Results of a Survey of Madeira University Tourism Students About their Communities
by Nunes Naidea Nunes - 82-98 Bibliometric Analysis of the Scientific Production in Cultural Tourism from 2010 to 2019 in Europe
by Caicedo-Barreth Alba & Pavón Enrique Santos & Santos Luís Lima - 99-111 Analysis of Hospitality Sphere Competitiveness in Ukraine on the Basis of Social Dialogue
by Zavarika Halyna & Zelenko Olena - 112-126 Guanajuato International Film Festival Visitor Profile and Segmentation
by González Rosas Erika Lourdes & García Andrés Carrión & Reynoso Ramón Navarrete - 127-139 Sustainable Tourism: A Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis
by Sofia Loureiro Isabel & Costa Vânia & Malheiro Alexandra - 140-152 Searching for Life Satisfaction in Nature through Tourism: An Exploratory Research on Hikers
by Karacaoğlu Sıla - 153-164 Motivations and satisfaction of tourists staying in homestays across Kashmir Valley
by Dar Ajaz & Iqbal Danish & Bhat Sajad - 165-178 Researching destination branding in pandemic crises: A research agenda
by Feijó Almeida Giovana Goretti & Almeida Paulo
December 2023, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 125-141 Understanding Memorable Tourism Experience: Long-Term Memory System and Revisit Intention
by Wang Danni & Liu Adrienne Tingyao & Cheung Catherine - 142-153 The mediating role of work engagement on the relationship between interpersonal adaptability and dealing with uncertain and unpredictable work situations
by Akyürek Suat & Can Ülker & Kiliçalp Miray - 154-172 Modelling of nonlinear asymmetric effects of changes in tourism on economic growth in an autonomous small-island economy
by Garrod Brian & Almeida António & Machado Luiz - 173-187 Dimensions of Visitor Satisfaction at Attractions: A Study of Kakum National Park, Ghana
by Tengan Cornelius & Maayir Gordon & Sakyi Richmond & Kuusogre Augustine - 188-197 Sentiment analysis of reviews on cappadocia: The land of beautiful horses in the eyes of tourists
by Barış-Tüzemen Özge & Tüzemen Samet & Çelik Ali Kemal - 198-210 Perception of events management students in relation to environmental sustainability: case study in Portugal
by Severino Filipe Segurado - 211-224 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on travel behavior: A case study of domestic inbound travelers in Turkey
by Sariişik Mehmet & Ceylan Veli & Kapucuoğlu Mustafa İnanç - 225-235 Determinants of environmental certification in Portuguese hotel companies
by Martins Catarina & Alves Jorge Manuel Afonso & Silva Anita - 236-251 Recreational experience among beach users in Ghana: Insights for beach management
by Dzitse Collins Dodzi & Doku Spencer & Mwinnuore Moses Kukpieng - 252-265 Can Paradoxical Leadership Be the Game Changer in Driving Organisations against Negative Practices?
by Alola Uju Violet & Alafeshat Rawan & Tarkang Marymagdaline Enowmbi & Lafmajani Soolmaz Azarmi
December 2023, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-13 The Strategic Performance Measurement System and Organisational Performance Through the Lenses of Contextual Factors: Empirical Evidence from the Hotel Industry
by Alphun Cihan & Turker Nuray & Sainaghi Ruggero - 14-25 Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Academic Travels
by Sari Ferika Ozer & Avci Nilgün & Nazli Murat & Curkan Samet Can - 26-39 Smart Destination Selection Process: Research on Generation Y Tourists
by Sürme Metin & Ince Ercan - 40-48 Twitter sentiment analysis: An estimation of the trends in tourism after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic
by Malik Garima & Singh Dharmendra - 49-55 Covid-19 and the Portuguese accommodation sector
by Afonso Victor & Calisto Maria de Lurdes - 56-66 Research trajectory on tourism policy: a bibliometric overview
by Prakoso Havidz Ageng & Syahputri Gusti C. A. & Roziqin Ali & Syaprin Zahidi M. - 67-79 What has been said about the reinvention of post-COVID tourism: A bibliometric analysis
by Mira Maria do Rosário & Devile Eugénia Lima & Lima Susana & Moura Andreia - 80-96 Crowdfunding in the accommodation realm and pandemic times: The resilient case of CleanBnB
by Deri Maria Grazia & D’Acunto David & Lemmi Enrica - 97-109 Determinants and COVID-19 effects on RevPAR: The case of Europe
by Crespo Catarina & Gomes Conceição & Malheiros Cátia & Santos Luís Lima - 110-124 How does the economy affect a religious phenomenon? A panel approach to international pilgrimages to the Shrine of Fátima
by Belucio Matheus & Fuinhas José Alberto & Vieira Carlos
December 2022, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-11 Causal Dynamics Between Tourism Receipts, Economic Growth, and Real Exchange Rate in Algeria’s Economy Between 1990 and 2019
by Louail Bilal - 12-30 Development Opportunities for the Accommodation Industry: Evidence from European Countries
by Rohoza Mykola & Stolyarchuk Valentyna - 31-45 The Relationship Between Environmental Sensitivity, Ecological Attitude, and the Ecological Product purchasing Behaviour of Tourists
by Yayla Özgür & Keskin Emrah & Keles Hüseyin - 46-60 A case study for a transformational festival creation in Lourinhã, Portugal
by de Carvalho João Malho Ferreira Ribeiro & Gustavo Nuno & Afonso Victor - 61-77 Local Cuisine in a Tourist City: Food Identity in Sarajevo Restaurant Menus as a Source of Destination Marketing
by Čaušević Amra & Fusté-Forné Francesc - 78-88 Who Are the Domestic Creative Tourists in Slovakia? Implications from a Cluster-Based Demand Analysis
by Csapó János & Palenčiková Zuzana & Csóka László - 89-99 Can They Manage in a Sustainable Way? The Role of International Destination Awards in Beach Management
by Yılmaz Emine & Perna Fernando & Azevedo Paula Serdeira & Custódio Maria João & Çeken Hüseyin
December 2021, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 135-148 Dimensions of Destination Attractiveness in Cape Coast
by Richmond Sakyi & Cornelius Tengan - 149-158 The Effect of Value Co-Creation on Behavioural Intention and Satisfaction with Tourism Resources in Lagos State, Nigeria
by Tunde-Ajayi Olalekan A. - 159-170 Eating, drinking and travelling for fun. Backward to ‘Tourism and Gastronomy’ and forward to the Covidocene
by Marques da Silva António José - 171-180 Towards Green Travel: Application of Principles of Ecological Tourism in the Russian Glamping Market
by Dorofeeva Anastasia R. - 181-194 Leisure Attitude, Anxiety, and Mental Well-Being in Turkey: The Case of COVID-19
by Yurcu Gülseren - 195-209 Tourism Impact Dimensions, Residents’ Quality of Life and Support for Tourism in Hunza Valley, Pakistan
by Khan Zaibunnisa & Masood Fazeelat & Khan Mubashir Ali - 210-218 Innovation in Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs): A Future Perspective
by Singh Rajesh & Sarangal Rajani Kumari - 219-229 Ethiopian Tourism, Legislation Gaps, and Implementation Challenges: A Study in Amhara Region
by Weldesenbet Engdu Gebrewold & Meskeleb Ashenafi Tafesse - 230-239 Model of Quality Management Systems adoption in the hotel industry: A case study of hotels in Zimbabwe
by Basera Vitalis & Mwenje Judy - 240-252 Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism in Serbia
by Gicić Ajša & Milinčić Miroljub & Ivanović Marko & Vukoičić Danijela - 253-266 Social Carrying Capacity in Island Destinations: Interpreting Visitors’ Opinions in Madeira Island
by Mota Luís & Franco Mara & Santos Rossana - 267-279 Technology Induction in Education During COVID-19 is Recreation or a Curse?: Integration of Technological and Behavioral Factors from the Students’ Perspective
by Khan Muhammad Rahies & Siddiqui Faiza & Khan Mubashir Ali & Rasool Yasir - 280-295 The Importance of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Local Olive Oil Attributes for Tourists: Evidence from a Mediterranean Destination
by Čehić Ana & Canavari Maurizio & Oplanić Milan & Cerjak Marija
December 2021, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-10 Augmented Reality in Shopping Tourism: Boosting Tourism Development Through Innovation in Barcelona
by Punzon Jonathan Gomez - 11-21 How Does Destination Image Evolve? Introducing the Co-creation of the Destination Image Approach
by Yılmaz Yıldırım - 22-33 Analysis of scientific production on Technological Innovation in Tourism
by Rafael Célia & Pires Ana Luísa - 34-44 International Innovation Alliances: A Case Study of the Influence of Proximity in the Aviation Sector
by Salvini Jessâmine & Galina Simone & Costa Teresa - 45-53 Circular Economy in Tourism and Hospitality: Analysis of Scientific Production on the Theme
by da Silva Paula Maines & da Silva Luciana Maines & Echeveste Simone Soares - 54-65 Reopening for Business Post-COVID-19: Augmented Reality as a Strategy for Attracting Visitors to a Tourist Destination
by Franco Mara & Mota Luis - 66-76 In Quest of a New AR Technology Application to Enhance the Sustainability of Cultural Tourism: The Olive Heritage in Madeira Through the Looking Glass of a ‘Sandbox’ Approach
by Marques da Silva António José - 77-90 Data Processing and Legal Protection in Contracts in the Technologically Innovative Tourism Sector
by Tassikas Apostolos D. - 91-101 Exploring Solutions and the Role of GDS Technology in Crossing the Current Pandemic Context in Tourism
by Foris Diana & Matei Cristina-Alexandra & Foris Tiberiu - 102-112 The Role of Micro-Influencers in the Consumer Decision-Making Process in the Hospitality Field
by Peres Rita & Silva Mariana - 113-120 Impact of Mobile Applications in Changing the Tourist Experience
by Dias Sónia & Afonso Victor Alves - 121-134 Collaborative Strategies and Tourist Competitiveness in Medium Mountain Destinations: Study on the Positioning of Tourist Actors in the Natural Park of Serra da Estrela
by Fernandes Gonçalo & Daniel Ana & Almeida Helder
December 2020, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 200-202 Competition in Hotel Industry: Theory, Evidence and Business Practice
by Napierała Tomasz & Birdir Kemal - 203-212 Sustainability Practice at Hotels on the Island of Gotland in Sweden – an exploratory study
by Oxenswärdh Anette - 213-228 The Hotel Site Selection: Determining Locational Factors by Fuzzy TOPSIS
by Ulucan Ebru - 229-240 Conference facilities as a key factor in the competitiveness of urban hotels: A case study of Łódź (Poland)
by Bik Joanna & Poreda Anna & Matczak Andrzej - 241-250 Guests’ assessment of hotel facilities and services: Zadar case study
by Parzych Krzysztof & Brkić-Vejmelka Jadranka - 251-261 The Use of Self-Service Technologies in Budget Hotels: The Case of Bournemouth
by Giousmpasoglou Charalampos & Hua Thi Thuy - 262-273 Technology towards hotel competitiveness: Case of Antalya, Turkey
by Napierała Tomasz & Bahar Mehmet & Leśniewska-Napierała Katarzyna & Topsakal Yunus - 274-285 Job-Related Activity Patterns, Health Status and Absenteeism-Related Factors of Star-Rated Hotels Staff
by Dwomoh Emmanuel & Moses Monday Omoniyi
December 2020, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 106-117 Analysis of Factors Affecting Customer Trust in Online Hotel Booking Website Usage
by Baki Rahmi - 118-133 Competitiveness of Guayaquil towards bleisure tourism
by Caicedo-Barreth Alba & Pavón Enrique Santos & Santos Luís Lima - 134-145 Communication management: strategy for measuring hotel performance in Port Harcourt, Nigeria
by Iwara Eja Eja & Inah Grace M. & Ushie Mike A. & Itu Prince-Charles O. - 146-153 Examining and Forecasting Tourist Arrivals and Speleotourism Development in Resava Cave (Eastern Serbia)
by Antić Aleksandar & Vujko Aleksandra & Tomić Nemanja - 154-164 Hikes and Levadas in Madeira: Characterizing Visitors and their experience
by Prudente João & Lopes Helder & Noite João & Rodrigues Ana & Vieira Sara & Alves Ricardo & Fernando Catarina - 165-176 Sustainable tourism planning in Bahía Solano, Colombia
by Antošová Gabriela & Rojas Ivan Dario Medina & Mejía Mauricio Peralta & Gómez Helmuth Yesid Arias - 177-189 Expectation differences between the tourism sector and students: A comparative analysis
by Şengel Ümit & Genç Gökhan & Zengin Burhanettin - 190-199 A Study into the Relationship between Restaurant Tipping and Food Service Tangibility in Kisumu County, Kenya
by Were Simon O. & Miricho Moses N. & Maranga Vincent N.
May 2020, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-13 The Diffusion of E-marketing in Tourism Businesses of Ethiopia: An Empirical Investigation of Organisational E-readiness Perspectives
by Misganaw Assegid Ayele & Singh Apar - 14-27 First-time and repeat visitors to Sarajevo
by Čaušević Amra & Mirić Ranko & Drešković Nusret & Hrelja Edin - 28-40 Impacts of Tourism and Residents’ Perceptions: A Study in the Regional Tourism Area of Lisbon
by Costa Teresa & Umbelino Jorge & de Lurdes Calisto Maria & Nunes Sandra & Afonso Victor Alves - 41-55 Levada walks and canyoning as mountain sport products in nature tourism
by Soares Jorge & Nunes Naidea - 56-73 The Influence of Culture in Customers’ Expectations about the Hotel Service in Latin Countries with Different Human Development Levels
by Franco Mara & Meneses Raquel - 74-82 Mountain hikes and Levada Practitioner’s motivation and experience – Characterization
by Fernando Catarina & Lopes Helder & Noite João & Rodrigues Ana & Vieira Sara & Alves Ricardo & Prudente João - 83-92 Reflecting on drug tourism and its future challenges
by Pereira Thiago Ferreira Pinheiro Dias - 93-105 Unveiling Madeira’s destination image and representations through Virtual Museum of Tourism (MUVITUR)®
by Aurindo Maria José & Machado Conceição
December 2019, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 1-2 Sustainable Tourism: Trends, Challenges and Concerns
by Costa Teresa & Ribeiro Filipa Perdigão - 3-14 Impact factors for the development of a competitive and sustainable tourist destination. Case: Southern Sonora Region
by Gallardo-Vázquez Dolores & Hernández-Ponce Oscar Ernesto & Valdez-Juárez Luis Enrique - 15-25 The Carbon Footprint of Volunteer Tourism
by Geneidy Sami El & Baumeister Stefan - 26-39 A Spatial Approach for Framing the Development of Tourism: Bahía Solano – Colombia
by Gómez Helmuth Yesid Arias & Antošová Gabriela - 40-51 HC Tourism. Profile and Trends of Human Capital in the Tourism Sector
by Costa Vânia & Moura Andreia & Mira Maria do Rosário & Cerdeiras António & Cruz Inês Pinto da & Pereira José Filipe & Martins Isabel Silva & Conceição Oscarina & Vilaça Abílio & Almeida Cláudia & Carrança Paulo - 52-57 Changing the food for the future: food and sustainability
by Viegas Cláudia & Lins Anna - 58-67 The importance of cultural training in the hospitality sector
by Roque Helena Cristina & Ramos Madalena
May 2019, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-2 Challenges for tourism research in the 21st Century
by Costa Teresa & Ribeiro Filipa Perdigão & Ramos Dulcineia & Napierała Tomasz - 3-17 Cross-border Shopping Tourism: A Switzerland-Germany Case Study
by Ramsey Doug & Thimm Tatanja & Hehn Leonie - 18-26 Motivations for Tourism Shopping in Department Stores: An Exploratory Research about Tourists’ Profiles Visiting El Corte Inglés Gaia
by Boulhosa Inês & Casais Beatriz - 27-37 Motivations and attitudes toward domestic tourism in Saudi Arabia
by Mansour Mourad & Mumuni Alhassan G - 38-48 High performance work practices and well-being at restaurant work
by Cajander Niko & Reiman Arto - 49-59 Local Communities and Sport Activities Expenditures and Image: Residents’ Role in Sustainable Tourism and Recreation
by Perna Fernando & Custódio Maria João & Oliveira Vanessa
December 2017, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 96-106 Exploring customer satisfaction with university cafeteria food services. An empirical study of Temptation Restaurant at Taylor’s University, Malaysia
by Garg Anshul & Kumar Jeetesh - 107-116 Political disputes and consequences on tourism
by Liasidou Sotiroula - 117-129 Techniques employed to create event prestige value for corporate VIPs: the V.I.P. Framework
by Jones Kayleigh & Moital Miguel - 130-139 Tour guides experiences with tourists with disabilities
by Chikuta Oliver & Kabote Forbes & Chikanya Nyasha - 140-146 Indian tourism industry – a yardstick to GDP
by Vedapradha R. & Hariharan Ravi & Niha Asif - 147-156 Tourists’ perceived value of wildlife tourism product at Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya
by Ariya George & Sitati Noah & Wishitemi Bob
May 2017, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-13 Customer engagement for evaluating customer relationships in hotel industry
by Rather Raouf Ahmad & Sharma Jyoti - 14-25 Study on possibilities of expansion of Japanese-Type ecotourism – focusing on nature-based daytrip tourists to ecotourism regions in Nabari City
by Kim Sangjun - 26-37 From theory to practice of ecotourism: major obstacles that stand in the way and best practices that lead to success
by Dimitriou Christina K. - 38-50 Perceptions of personal risk in tourists’ destination choices: nature tours in Mexico
by Osland Gregory E. & Mackoy Robert & McCormick Marleen - 51-64 Nightlife sector from a gender point of view: The case of Ibiza
by Cardona José Ramón & Sánchez-Fernández María Dolores - 65-74 A study of domestic honeymoon tourism in Turkey
by Ünal Caner & Dursun Aslıhan & Caber Meltem - 75-86 Determinants of trip duration for international tourists in Norway; a parametric survival analysis
by Ashrafi Tannaz Alizadeh & Myrland Øystein
December 2016, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 146-155 Two social exchanges and service personnel’s internal service behavioural intention at international tourism hotels
by Chen Wen-Jung - 156-167 Do neighbouring countries encourage the demand of international business tourism?
by Carvalho Pedro & Márquez Miguel A. & Díaz Montserrat - 168-175 FDI-led tourism growth hypothesis: empirical evidence from Croatian tourism
by Perić Jože & Radić Maja Nikšić - 176-187 Destination brand equity in tourism context: evidence on Iran
by Kheiri Bahram & Lajevardi Masoud & Golmaghani Mehdi Mohsenipoor & Fakharmanesh Sina & Mousavi Seyyedeh Sahar - 188-202 Drug Tourism: General Overview, Case Studies and New Perspectives in the Contemporary World
by Pinheiro Dias Pereira Thiago Ferreira & de Paula Leonardo Batista - 203-211 Tourism e-services and Jewish heritage: a case study of Prague
by Mitsche Nicole & Strielkowski Wadim - 212-225 The structural relationships of destination image, awareness, uniqueness and destination loyalty in periurban ecotourism destination
by Jun Kim Sang - 226-235 Tourist motivations in a heritage destination in Spain
by Fernández Guzmán Antonio Muñoz & Pérez-Gálvez Jesús Claudio & López-Guzmán Tomás
July 2016, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 74-83 Senior tourists’ preferences in the developing countries – measuring perceptions of Serbian potential senior market
by Spasojević Bojana & Božić Sanja - 84-90 Sustainable marketing and consumers’ preferences in tourism
by Cuculeski Nikola & Petrovska Ilijana & Cuculeski Vasko - 91-99 Cruise visitors in Agios Nikolaos, Greece. Characteristics, preferences, satisfaction, and overall experience
by Simantiraki Evangelia & Skivalou Maria & Trihas Nikolaos - 100-111 The first impression in a fine-dining restaurant. A study of C Restaurant in Tampere, Finland
by Amelia Maria & Garg Anshul - 112-116 Consumer profile of Portuguese local food restaurants
by Siopa Cátia & Lopes Sofia & Ferreira Cátia & López Pedro - 117-127 A case study on service recovery: Frontline employees’ perspectives and the role of empowerment
by Schumacher Satu & Komppula Raija - 128-134 Cyber Security and Tourism Competitiveness
by Magliulo Antonio - 135-145 Treading in the footsteps of literary heroes: an autoethnography
by Brown Lorraine
May 2016, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 2-12 The effect of tourists’ perceptions of a tourism product on memorable travel experience: Implications for destination branding
by Tukamushaba Eddy K. & Xiao Honggen & Ladkin Adele - 13-20 Customer delight: perception of hotel spa consumers
by Elias-Almeida Anabela & Miranda Francisco Javier & Almeida Paulo - 21-29 The impact of other customers and gender on consumer complaint behaviour in the Ecuadorian restaurant setting
by Fan Alei (Aileen) & Van Hoof Hubert B. & Loyola Sandra Pesantez & Lituma Sebastián Calle & Granda Marlene Jaramillo - 30-39 The index of tourist satisfaction with Lithuania
by Pilelienė Lina & Grigaliūnaitė Viktorija - 40-54 Role of tour guides on tourist satisfaction level in guided tours and impact on re-visiting Intention: a research in Istanbul
by Çetı̇nkaya Mehmet Yavuz & Öter Zafer - 55-62 Does tourism contribute significantly to the Greek economy? A multiplier analysis
by Kasimati Evangelia - 63-71 Risk management for sustainable tourism
by Ural Mert - 72-73 Cultural Tourism
by Naumov Nikola