March 2011, Volume 26, Issue 1-2
- 25-30 How does Moral Judgement Change with Age and Giftedness?
by Mousa Alnabhan - 31-46 Learning to Be a Teacher of the Gifted: The Importance of Examining Opinions and Challenging Misconceptions
by Margaret Plunkett & Leonie Kronborg - 47-62 Gifted Education in German-Speaking Countries
by Anna Herrmann & Baruch Nevo - 63-70 Competitions for Showcasting Innovative and Creative Talents
by Tracy L. Riley - 71-80 The Importance of Teachers' Attitude in Nurturing and Educating Gifted Children
by Hanna David - 81-87 Gifted Studends’ Profiles and Their Attitudes Towards a Gifted Program: The Case of Vietnam
by Phu Vu - 89-98 Humor Styles and their Relationship to Well-Being among the Gifted
by Pieternel Dijkstra & Dick Barelds & Sieuwke Ronner & Arnolda Nauta - 99-104 The Importance of Multi-Group Validity Evidence in Gifted and Talented Identification and Research
by Scott J. Peters - 105-109 Gifted Immigrants and Refugees in Israel
by Shoshana Rosemarin - 111-120 Views of Gifted Elementary Students about Self-Directed Learning
by Penny Van Deur - 121-129 Student Voice: What Do Students Who Are Intellectually Gifted Say They Experience and Need in the Inclusive Classroom?
by Susan Prior - 131-142 Greek Talented Students’ Motivation: A Qualitative Analysis
by Dimitrios Zbainos & Anastasia Kyritsi - 143-161 Impact of Professional Development Programs for Teachers of the Gifted
by Hava E. Vidergor & Billie Eilam - 165-167 Classroom of the Future: Orchestrating Collaborative Spaces
by Heinz Neber & Sarah Sennebogen & Yamin Taisir Subhi & K. Linke Sandra & E. Vidergor Hava & K. Mäkitalo-Siegl & J. Zottmann & F. Kaplan & F. Fischer - 169-172 Creativity 101
by Trevor J. Tebbs & Kaufman James & Yamin Taisir Subhi & Heinz Neber & K. Linke Sandra & E. Vidergor Hava & K. Mäkitalo-Siegl - 173-174 Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults: ADHD, Bipolar, OCD, Asperger’s, Depression, and Other Disorders
by Judy Wiener & James T. Webb & Edward R. Amend & Nadia E. Webb & Goerss Jean & Beljan Paul & F. Richard Olenchak & Yamin Taisir Subhi & Heinz Neber & K. Linke Sandra & E. Vidergor Hava
December 2010, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 7-10 Gifted Education: Provisions, Case Studies, Models, and Challenges
by Taisir Subhi Yamin - 11-27 What Contributes to Talent Development in Eminent Women?
by Leonie Kronborg - 29-51 Curriculum Transformation: The Israeli Teacher Certification in Gifted Education
by Hava E. Vidergor & Billie Eilam - 53-64 Development of Confucian Value Scale for Vietnamese Gifted Adolescents
by Thi Minh Phuong Nguyen & Putai Jin & Miraca Gross - 65-75 Preferences of High Achieving High School Students in Their Career Development
by Mihyeon Kim - 77-90 The Efficacy of the Total Giftedness Development Model
by Adel A. Batterjee - 91-98 Level of Depression in Intellectually Gifted Secondary School Children
by Salman Shahzad & Nasreen Begume - 99-106 Nurturing Young Mathematicians: Challenges and Concerns
by Jyoti Sharma - 107-110 Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor of Leadership of Kuwaiti High and Low Achieving 11th Graders
by Mousa Alnabhan - 111-124 Creative Thinking and Teaching for Creativity in Elementary School Science
by Lynn Newton & Douglas Newton - 125-136 Sprinters in the Course of a Marathon: Withdrawal from Elite Competitive Sport in Adolescence
by Jiri Mudrak - 137-142 Jerry, a Gifted Child, at Our School
by Dora Balic Zunic & Mette Christiansen & Lea Oersted - 143-151 Acceleration in Europe: Is It an Option?
by Annette Heinbokel - 153-165 The Multidimensional Curriculum Model (MdCM)
by Hava E. Vidergor - 169-170 Intelligenz: Fakten und Mythen Intelligence: Facts and Myths
by Detlev H. Rost & Heinz Neber & Nicolette Helling - 171-172 Systems and Models for Developing Programs for the Gifted and Talented
by Renzulli & Gubbins & McMillen & Eckert & Little & Hava Vidergor - 173-174 Gifted Lives: What Happens when Gifted Children Grow Up
by Joan Freeman & Sandra K. Linke - 175-177 Understanding Giftedness: A Chinese-Israeli Casebook
by Hanna David & Echo Wu & Taisir Subhi Yamin
August 2010, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 7-12 Scientific Creativity and Knowledge Production: Theses, Critique and Implications
by Taisir Subhi Yamin - 13-19 Where Does Creativity Fit into a Productivist Industrial Model of Knowledge Production?
by Hisham B. Ghassib - 21-22 Limits on Science: A Comment on “Where Does Creativity Fit into a Productivist Industrial Model of Knowledge Production?”
by Robert J. Sternberg - 23-26 Comments on Ghassib’s “Where Does Creativity Fit into a Productivist Industrial Model of Knowledge Production?”
by Ken W. McCluskey - 27-29 Little Science to Big Science Big Scientists to Little Scientists?
by Dean Keith Simonton - 31-33 The Importance and Weaknesses of the Productivist Industrial Model of Knowledge Production
by Roland S. Persson - 35-39 Expanding Views of Creative Science: A Response to Ghassib’s Productivist Industrial Model
by Don Ambrose - 41-44 Review of Hisham Ghassib: Where Does Creativity Fit into the Productivist Industrial Model of Knowledge Production?
by Heinz Neber - 45-47 A Short Commentary on “Where Does Creativity Fit into a Productivist Industrial Model of Knowledge Production?”
by Marcia Gentry - 49-52 A Chaos of Delight: A Response to Hisham Ghassib
by Peter Merrotsy - 53-57 A New Look at Creative Giftedness
by Todd Lubart & Franck Zenasni - 59-64 Scientific Creativity: Idealism versus Pragmatism
by Michael D. Mumford & Kimberly S. Hester & Issac C. Robledo - 65-67 Creativity, Scientific Practice, and Knowledge Production
by Marilyn Fryer - 69-73 Science and Creativity: The Importance of Ontology for Scientific Understanding
by Lee Martin - 75-80 Can Creativity Be Systematized?: A Response to Ghassib
by Joyce VanTassel-Baska - 81-87 Products Depend on Creative Potential: A Comment on the Productivist Industrial Model of Knowledge Production
by Mark A. Runco - 89-92 Knowledge Is Where You Make It: A Response to Ghassib
by Jonathan Alan Plucker & Anne T. Ottenbreit-Leftwich - 93-94 Creativity and the Science Enterprise
by Rena F. Subotnik - 95-96 A Brief Comment on the Surge of Modern Scientific Knowledge
by Joan Freeman - 97-99 Creativity, Knowledge Production, and Innovation Studies: A Response to Ghassib’s “Where Does Creativity Fit into a Productivist Industrial Model of Knowledge Production?”
by Tudor Rickards - 101-103 Critique of “Where Does Creativity Fit into a Productivist Industrial Model of Knowledge Production?”
by Carole Ruth Harris - 105-108 Creativity in Science and Science Education: A Response to Ghassib
by Lynn D. Newton - 109-113 Creativity an Ultimate Goal and Challenge for Education: A Response to Ghassib’s Article
by Dorothy A. Sisk - 115-116 Knowledge Production in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
by Han Van der Meer - 117-124 A Response to a Plethora of Responses
by Hisham B. Ghassib - 127-128 Light up Your Child’s Mind
by Joseph S. Renzulli & Sally M. Reis & Andrea Thompson & Taisir Subhi & Heinz Neber & Sandra K. Linke & Hava E. Vidergor - 129-131 Being Smart about Gifted Education: A Guidebook for Educators and Parents
by Dona J. Matthews & Joanne F. Foster & Taisir Subhi Yamin & Heinz Neber & Sandra K. Linke & Hava E. Vidergor
December 2009, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 7-8 From the Editor’s Desk
by Taisir Subhi Yamin - 9-20 A Dynamic Ecological Framework for Differentiating the Primary Curriculum
by Susen R. Smith - 21-38 Grade Skipping: A Retrospective Case Study on Academic and Social Implications
by Ora Kleinbok & Hava Vidergor - 39-50 Cultural and Social Capital and Talent Development: A Study of a High-Ability Aboriginal Student in a Remote Community
by Karen Kostenko & Peter Merrotsy - 51-60 Perfectionism of Academically Gifted Primary School Students: The Case of Japan
by Slavica Maksić & Kumiko Iwasaki - 61-70 Social Representation of Gifted Children: A Preliminary Study in France
by Jean Louis Tavani & Franck Zenasni & Maria Pereira-Fradin - 71-88 Sibling Relationships among Eilat Families with at Least One Gifted Child
by Hanna David & Mali Gil & Idit Raviv - 89-108 What are Extraordinary Gifted Children Like (Equal to or above 189 IQ)? a Study of 10 Cases
by Yolanda Benito Mate - 109-120 Young, Gifted, and Female: A Look at Academic and Social Needs
by Corine Cadle Meredith - 121-130 The Importance of Decision Making: A Gifted Case Report
by Noks Nauta & Sieuwke Ronner & Benno Groeneveld - 131-138 Governmental Reform and Education for the Gifted in Japan: A Current Analysis
by Stephen J. Bugaj - 139-148 Giftedness Perceptions and Practices of Teachers in Lithuania
by Monita Leavitt & John Geake - 151-152 Mentoring in a Canadian Context
by Lamoureux Kevin & W. McCluskey Ken & C. Wiebe Alan & A. Baker Philip - 153-154 Learning to Solve Problems: An Instructional Design Guide
by David H. Jonassen
March 2009, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 7-10 From the Editor's Desk
by Taisir Subhi Yamin - 11-23 Intellectually Gifted Individuals' Career Choices and Work Satisfaction: A Descriptive Study
by Roland S. Persson - 25-38 A Multilevel Analysis of Gifted Korean American Students' Characteristics and School Context Effects on Learning Style Preferences
by Mi-Soon Lee & Del Siegle - 39-48 Student Teachers in Special Education and Their Readiness to Work with Gifted and Talented Children
by Zofia Palak & Janusz Kirenko & Piotr Gindrich & Zdzislaw Kazanowski & Andrzej Pielecki - 49-54 Anxiety in Gifted Female Students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
by Abdullah Aljughaiman & Mei Tan - 55-65 Perceptions of Parents with Gifted Children about Gifted Education in Turkey
by Bahar Eris & Ramazan Seyfi & Suna Hanoz - 67-78 The Talented Arab Girl: Between Tradition and Modernism
by Hanna David & Mahmood Khalil - 79-92 Expanding Conceptions of Intelligence: Lessons Learned from Refugees and Newcomers to Canada
by Karen Magro - 93-106 Charting Self-Concept, Beliefs and Attitudes towards Mathematics among Mathematically Gifted Pupils with Learning Difficulties
by Anies Al-Hroub - 107-118 Raising Expectations: Talent Development in Belfast
by David Ryan & Joanne Wilson - 119-127 Creative Abilities and Styles as Predictors of School Success
by Maciej Karwowski & Izabela Lebuda & Ewa Wisniewska - 129-140 Child Prodigy in Astronomy: A Biographical Study from the Sudan
by Omar Khaleefa - 141-145 Parenting the Chinese Way in America
by Echo H. Wu & Holly Hertberg-Davis - 147-154 Associations among Measures of Perfectionism, Self-Concept and Academic Achievement Identified in Primary School Students in Hong Kong
by Ricci W. Fong & Mantak Yuen - 157-159 Living with Intensity: Understanding the Sensitivity, Excitability, and the Emotional Development of Gifted Children, Adolescents, and Adults
by The Editors - 161-163 Debating Single-Sex Education: Separate and Equal?
by The Editors
August 2008, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 5-8 From the Editor’s Desk
by Taisir Subhi-Yamin - 9-16 Early Signs of Entrepreneurial Giftedness
by Larisa V. Shavinina - 17-22 The ACCESS Enrichment Model for an Undergraduate Education Program
by Philip A. Baker - 23-38 International Teachers’ Judgment of Gifted Mathematics Student Characteristics
by Abdullah Ficici & Del Siegle - 39-50 Satisfaction with School among Gifted Israeli Students Studying in Various Frameworks
by Hava Vidergor & Shunit Reiter - 51-60 Blending Creativity, Science and Drama
by Howard Nicholas & Wan Ng - 61-80 A Survey of Korean Elementary Teachers’ Perceptions of and In-Service Needs for Gifted Education
by HeeJung Kim & Marcia Gentry - 81-86 Assessing the High School Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence in Karak District of Jordan
by Mousa Alnabhan - 87-95 Methods and Procedures in Screening Gifted Mayan Students
by Pedro Sánchez-Escobedo - 97-104 Using Learning Journeys to Develop a Challenging Curriculum for Gifted Children in a Nursery (Kindergarten) Setting
by David Coates & Wendy Thompson & Andrew Shimmin - 105-114 The Reliability and Validity of a Spanish Translated Version of the Gifted Rating Scales
by Javier I. Rosado & Steven I. Pfeiffer & Yaacov Petscher - 115-124 Giftedness and Intuition
by Maciej Karwowski - 125-134 Gender, Social Behaviour and Domain of Ability - Influences on Teachers’ Diagnoses of Giftedness
by Martina Endepohls-Ulpe - 135-140 Developmental Potential among Creative Scientists
by Rita R. Culross - 141-152 Assessing the Effect of Explicit Teaching on High Reasoning Primary Students’ Knowledge of Self-Directed Learning
by Penny Van Deur - 153-154 From the Activation of Hidden Talents to Promoting Highly Gifted Students “Von der Aktivierung der Begabungsreserven zur Hochbegabtenförderung”
by Kurt A. Heller & Heinz Neber & Taisir Subhi-Yamin - 155-158 A Parent’s Guide to Gifted Children
by James T. Webb & Janet L. Gore & Edward R. Amend & Arlene R. DeVries & Mihyeon Kim - 159-160 Intelligent Life in the Classroom: Smart Kids and Their Teachers
by Karen Isaacson & Tamara Fischer & Sandra Linke
December 2007, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 5-7 From the Editor’s Desk
by Taisir Subhi-Yamin - 8-18 Creative Problem Solving (CPS): Powerful Tools for Managing Change and Developing Talent
by Donald J. Treffinger - 19-34 The Myth of the Antisocial Genius: A Survey Study of the Socio-Emotional Aspects of High-IQ Individuals
by Roland S. Persson - 35-44 What Is the Essence of Giftedness? An Individual’s Unique Point of View
by Larisa V. Shavinina - 45-53 DISCOVER Travels to Lebanon
by Ketty M. Sarouphim - 54-61 Journal Writing as a Coping Mechanism: A Case Study of a Gifted Young Woman - Lucy Maud Montgomery
by Maria A. Cuffaro & Richard B. Bates - 62-67 Diagnosis of Hyperactivity Disorder in Gifted Children Depends on Observational Sources
by Sylvie Tordjman & Jacques-Henri Guignard & Carolina Seligmann & Emilie Vanroye & Gregory Nevoux & Jacqueline Fagard & Andrei Gorea & Pascal Mamassian & Patrick Cavanagh & Sandra Lebreton - 68-76 Korean High School Student Perceptions of Classroom Quality: Validation Research
by Yoojung Chae & Marcia Gentry - 77-88 Peers’ Perceptions of Intellectually Bright, Hardworking, and Sporty Students: A Developmental Perspective
by Elisabeth Rudowicz - 89-95 Making School Math Messy: Deepening Mathematical Appreciation in Gifted High School Students
by Laura McMaster & Paul Betts - 96-104 Gender Differences in Intelligence and Achievement in Gifted Spanish Children
by Luz Pérez Sánchez & Jesús A. Beltrán Llera & Coral González Barberá & Javier Adrados Cuesta - 105-117 Environmental Effects on Musical Talent Development
by Maria Pereira-Fradin & Amandine Dubois - 118-126 A Short Term Tutoring Program: Summarizing Chemistry Text with Grade 12 Gifted Students
by Donna Copsey Haydey & Adrian Deakin - 127-136 Adaptation of the WISC-III in Sudan and Japan: A Cross-Cultural Study
by Omar Khaleefa & El-Zubair Taha & Anas Al-Hussain - 137-138 Values and Foundations in Gifted Education
by Tirri Kirsi & Heinz Neber & Taisir Subhi-Yamin - 139-140 Building a Gifted Programme: Identifying and Educating Gifted Students in Your School
by Monita R. Leavitt & Sandra Linke - 141-142 To Be Gifted in Germany “Begabt Sein in Deutschland”
by Kurt A. Heller & Albert Ziegler & Taisir Subhi-Yamin
August 2007, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 7-8 The Why’s and How To’s of Private Testing for the Gifted in NC
by Ronald L. Rubenzer - 9-15 A Comparative Study of Convergent and Divergent Thinking in Intellectually Gifted Children
by Jacques-Henri Guignard & Todd I. Lubart - 16-30 Learning Dilemmas of Curriculum Development at IASA and its Influence on Students’ Concepts of Learning
by Linor Hadar & Ronny Erez - 31-38 Structured Tinkering: Improving Provision for the Gifted in Ordinary Schools
by Deborah Eyre - 39-46 Enrichment Clusters for Developing Creativity and High-End Learning
by Joseph S. Renzulli & Marcia Gentry & Sally M. Reis - 47-54 English Model of Gifted and Talented Education: Policy, Context and Challenges
by R.J. Campbell & D. Eyre & R.D. Muijs & J.G.A. Neelands & W. Robinson - 55-65 The Link between Perfectionism and Overexcitabilities
by Sonia White - 66-73 Reflections from a Classroom Using the ICM
by Linda Henderson - 74-85 The Daily Emotions of Three High Ability Women with an Eating Disorder
by Maria Assunta Cuffaro - 86-87 Being Gifted in School: An Introduction to Development, Guidance, and Teaching (2nd Edition)
by Laurence J. Coleman & Tracy L. Cross & Taisir Subhi-Yamin & Heinz Neber
December 2006, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 5-6 Editorial Commentary
by Taisir Subhi-Yamin - 7-8 Authors and Reviewer
by The Editors - 9-19 Triarchically-Based Instruction and Assessment of Sixth-Grade Mathematics in a Yup’ik Cultural Setting in Alaska
by Robert J. Sternberg & Jerry Lipka & Tina Newman & Sandra Wildfeuer & Elena L. Grigorenko - 20-28 The Emotional Development of Gifted and Talented Children
by Joan Freeman - 29-37 VSAIEEDC - A Cognition-Based Generic Model for Qualitative Data Analysis in Giftedness and Talent Research
by Roland S. Persson - 38-47 A Cross-Cultural Study of Exemplary Teaching: What Do Singapore and the United States Secondary Gifted Class Teachers Say?
by Joyce VanTassel-Baska & Bronwyn MacFarlane & Annie Xuemei Feng - 48-60 The New Millennium in Mind Survey: An Assessment of Professional Confidence
by Trevor J. Tebbs & Taisir Subhi-Yamin - 61-70 Identifying High Academic Potential in Canadian Aboriginal Primary School Children
by Graham W. Chaffey & Gayle Halliwell & Ken W. McCluskey - 71-82 Comparative Analysis of Specialized High Schools in the USA and in Austria
by Kornelia Tischler - 83-86 Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults: ADHD, Bipolar, OCD, Asperger’s, Depression, and Other Disorders
by Paul Beljan & James T. Webb & Edward R. Amend & Nadia E. Web & Jean Goerss & F. Rick Olenchak - 87-88 The Handbook of Secondary Gifted Education
by Felicia A. Dixon & Sydney M. Moon & Heinz Neber
August 2006, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 5-6 Editorial Commentary
by Taisir Subhi-Yamin - 7-8 Authors and Reviewers
by The Editors - 9-21 The Role of a Special Friend in Assisting Underachieving Children of Academic Promise
by Mary Anne Heng & Kai Yung (Brian) Tam & Thana L. Thaver & James H. Borland - 22-29 Enlightening the Mathematical Talents of Children in Kindergarten
by Jiannong Shi & Ning Chen - 30-35 Gifted Preschoolers Playing Alone: Do We Need to Intervene
by Sue Farrent - 36-46 Parental Influence on Talent Development: Implications and Strategies from Western and Chinese Literature
by Echo Wu - 47-65 Identification of Giftedness in Early Childhood
by Heidrun Stoeger - 66-71 Identifying Gifted Minority, Culturally, Racially & Ethnically Different Children: Are We Asking All the Wrong Questions?
by Michael F. Shaughnessy - 72-77 Teachers’ Evalution of Gifted Children’ Characteristics
by Sofia Theodoridou & Aggeliki Davazoglou - 78-80 Gifted and Talented in the Early Years - Practical Activities for Children Aged 3 to 5
by Martina Endepohls-Ulpe
December 2005, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 5-5 Editorial Commentary
by Maria McCann - 6-6 Authors and Reviewers
by The Editors - 7-18 Motivational Orientations and Cognitive Abilities: An Empirical Investigation in Primary School
by Heidrun Stoeger & Albert Ziegler - 19-30 The Intelligence Profile of Finnish Peacekeepers
by Kirsi Tirri & Timo Ryhänen & Petri Nokelainen - 31-37 Developmental Trends of Creative Thinking Ability and Creative Personality of Elementary School Children in Korea
by Kyung-Hwa Lee - 38-49 Taking Stock: An Investigation into the Identification of and Provisions for New Zealand’s Gifted and Talented Students
by Tracy Riley - 50-59 Using Coolabah Dynamic Assessment to Identify Canadian Aboriginal Children with High Academic Potential: A Cross-Cultural Comparison
by Graham Chaffey & Ken McCluskey & Gayle Halliwell - 60-69 Contexts for Aspiration Development and Self-Fulfillment: International Comparisons
by Don Ambrose - 70-77 Discover: Across the Spectrum of Grades: A Promising Alternative Assessment for Minority Identification?
by Ketty Sarouphim - 78-80 SQ: Connecting with our Spiritual Intelligence
by Leigh Burrows - 81-82 Comprehensive Curriculum for Gifted Learners
by Karen Rogers - 83-85 International Handbook of Intelligence: Lighting Candles on a Spaceship: The Search for Giftedness
by Shane N. Phillipson
August 2005, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 3-3 Editorial Commentary
by Joyce Vantassel-Baska - 4-5 About the Authors
by The Editors - 6-14 A Neuro-Psychological Model of the Creative Intelligence of Gifted Children
by John Geake & Claire Dodson - 15-18 Putting the Gift Back into Giftedness: The Genetics of Talent Development
by Dean Keith Simonton - 19-29 Quest for the Holy Grail of Psychometric Creativity: The Links with Visual Thinking Ability and IQ
by Maria McCann - 30-36 The Munich Model of Giftedness and Its Impact on Identification and Programming
by Kurt A. Heller - 37-40 Inquiry as a Pedagogical Link between Expertise and Giftedness: The High Ability and Inquiry Research Group at McGill University
by Bruce M. Shore & Julie Anne Irving - 41-46 Motivation and Classroom Climate: Promoting Creativity in Gifted Children
by Beth A. Hennessey - 47-52 Problem-Finding, Real-World Divergent Thinking Test, and Young Children
by Ki-Soon Han - 53-61 Creative Problem Solving: Inside the Maze
by Valerie Volk - 62-65 Letting Caged Birds Fly: Creativity for Postmodern Enlightenment
by Valsa Koshy & Ron Casey - 66-71 My Conceptions of Creativity and the Search for Its Meaning in Education
by Ai Girl Tan - 72-74 Handbook of Gifted Education
by Katherine Hoekman - 74-75 Cross-Cultural Research: Basic Issues, Dilemmas and Strategies
by Heidrun Stoeger - 75-77 Rethinking Gifted Education
by Shirley J. Kokot - 77-79 In the Eyes of the Beholder: Critical Issues for Diversity in Gifted Education
by Jason Gorgia - 79-80 Creativity in the Classroom
by Claire E. Hughes - 80-82 Why Smart People Can Be so Stupid
by Mary Anne Heng & Kai Yung (Brian) Tam
September 2004, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 57-58 Editorial Commentary
by Joyce VanTassel-Baska - 59-60 About the Authors
by The Editors - 61-68 Differential Effects of Motivational Orientation on Self-Confidence and Helplessness among High Achievers and Underachievers
by Albert Ziegler & Heidrun Stoeger - 69-75 Cross-Cultural Predictors of Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Gifted Education
by Kirsi Tirri & Mary K. Tallent-Runnels - 76-85 Early Prediction of High Mathematical Ability
by Ümit Davasligil - 86-90 Bahraini Gifted Children’s Questions about the Future
by Ali A. Loori - 91-97 Academic Self-Concept of Gifted Students: When the Big Fish Becomes Small
by Alex Seeshing Yeung & Alan Ping Yan Chow & Phoebe Ching Wa Chow & Fai Luk & Edwin King Por Wong - 98-103 Program Perspective: A Singaporean Perspective of Gifted Education in the USA
by S. Magendiran & Deborah Tan - 104-108 Program Perspective: Gifted Education at the Crossroads in Nigeria: A Proposal for Meeting the Challenges in the Millennium
by Ibrahim A. Kolo - 109-111 Exceptionally Gifted Children
by Catherine A. Little - 111-112 Cradles of Eminence 2nd Edition: Childhoods of More Than 700 Famous Men and Women
by Janet Soller