March 2005, Volume 32, Issue 103
- 79-98 Where did all the land go? Enclosure & social struggle in Kivu (D.R.Congo)
by Frank Van Acker - 99-113 Sudan: a flawed peace process leading to a flawed peace
by John Young
December 2004, Volume 31, Issue 102
- 557-569 Agendas, past & future
by Janet Bujra & Lionel Cliffe & Morris Szeftel & Rita Abrahamsen & Tunde Zack-Williams - 571-583 Political economies & the study of Africa: Critical considerations
by Gavin Williams - 585-597 Beyond Bush: The future of popular movements & US Africa policy
by William G. Martin - 599-616 The ANC's ‘Left Turn’ & South African sub-imperialism
by Patrick Bond - 631-638 AIDS as a crisis in social reproduction
by Janet Bujra - 639-648 HIV/AIDS in Africa: Links, livelihoods & legacies
by Roy Love - 649-656 Solidarity & Africa in the new century
by Lloyd M. Sachikonye - 657-675 From liberation to reconstruction: Theory & practice in the life of Harold Wolpe
by Michael Burawoy 1
September 2004, Volume 31, Issue 101
- 383-384 Editorial: An African scramble?
by Ray Bush - 385-400 Mugabe, Mbeki & the politics of anti-imperialism
by Ian Phimister & Brian Raftopoulos - 425-440 The state, conflict & evolving politics in the Niger Delta, Nigeria
by Kenneth Omeje - 441-456 Timber Booms, State Busts: The political economy of Liberian timber
by Patrick Johnston - 457-474 US trade with Africa: African growth & opportunity?
by Carol B. Thompson - 475-496 Terror in the Sahara: the implications of US imperialism for North & West Africa
by Jeremy Keenan - 497-511 Investigating NEPAD's Development Assumptions
by Sally Matthews - 513-531 SADC: A development community without a development policy?
by Arrigo Pallotti
June 2004, Volume 31, Issue 100
- 193-202 Two cheers? South African democracy's first decade
by Morris Szeftel - 203-212 The African National Congress: from illegality to the corridors of power
by Pallo Jordan - 213-227 A Political economy of land reform in South Africa
by Ruth Hall - 229-245 Between marginalisation & revitalisation? the state of trade unionism in South Africa
by Edward Webster & Sakhela Buhlungu - 247-261 Women's human rights & the feminisation of poverty in South Africa
by Kristina Bentley - 263-281 The post-apartheid economy
by Neva Seidman Makgetla - 283-297 South Africa's post-apartheid foreign policy: from reconciliation to ambiguity?1
by Chris Alden & Garth le Pere - 299-312 Trade unions, social policy & class compromise in post-apartheid South Africa
by Jeremy Seekings - 313-328 The ANC & black capitalism in South Africa
by Roger Southall - 329-342 The arms deal scandal
by Terry Crawford-Browne
March 2004, Volume 31, Issue 99
- 5-9 ICTs, ‘virtual colonisation’ & political economy
by Reginald Cline-cole & Mike Powell - 11-29 The new imperialism & Africa in the global electronic village1
by Y.Z. Ya'u - 31-48 Senegalese émigrés: new information & communication technologies1
by Serigne Mansour Tall - 49-64 Engineering civil society: ICT in Tanzania
by Claire Mercer - 65-82 Culture & historical knowledge in Africa: A Cabralian approach
by Shubi L. Ishemo - 83-101 Election observation in Nigeria & Madagascar: diplomatic vs. technocratic bias
by Dirk Kohnert - 103-123 Discourse, ‘Development’ & the ‘Digital Divide’: ICT & the World Bank
by Mark Thompson
December 2003, Volume 30, Issue 98
- 535-537 Zimbabwe out in the cold?
by Ray Bush - 539-552 Military corruption & Ugandan politics since the late 1990s
by Roger Tangri & Andrew M Mwenda - 553-572 Uganda: lessons for aids control in Africa
by Brooke Grundfest Schoepf - 573-584 The Bush administration & African oil: the security implications of US energy policy
by Daniel Volman - 585-608 New politics, new livelihoods: agrarian change in Zimbabwe
by Joseph Chaumbra & Ian Scones & William Wolmer - 609-625 New information & communication technology use by Muslim Mourides in Senegal
by Cheikh Gue`ye - 627-642 Egypt: building an information society for international development
by Deborah L. Wheeler - 643-686 Liberia: An Analysis of Post-Taylor Politics
by Thomas Jaye
September 2003, Volume 30, Issue 97
- 359-362 The horn of conflict
by John Markakis - 363-368 The betrayal of the intellectuals
by Ali Moussa Iye - 369-388 The Ethiopian-Eritrea war
by Leenco Lata - 389-403 TPLF: reform or decline?
by Medhane Tadesse & John Young - 405-422 State collapse in Somalia: second thoughts
by Ken Menkhaus - 423-434 Sudan: liberation movements, regional armies, ethnic militias & peace
by John Young - 435-444 Eritrea: transition to dictatorship, 1991-2003
by Debessay Hedru - 445-453 Anatomy of a conflict: Afar & Ise Ethiopia
by John Markakis - 455-478 Somaliland: choosing politics over violence
by Mark Bradbury & Adan Yusuf Abokor & Haroon Ahmed Yusuf - 479-510 Briefings
by Adan Azain Mohammed
June 2003, Volume 30, Issue 96
- 181-186 War & the Forgotten Continent
by Rita Abrahamsen & Ray Bush - 187-202 Africa: The Next Liberation Struggle?
by John S. Saul - 203-226 Land Reform in Southern Africa in World-Historical Perspective
by Henry Bernstein - 227-240 From ‘Growth with Equity’ to ‘Fast-Track’ Reform: Zimbabwe's Land Question
by Lloyd M. Sachikonye - 241-248 Rural Cooperation & the Renewal of Rural Socialism in Africa
by Peter Lawrence - 249-254 Land & Liberation in Eritrea: Reflecting on the work of Lionel Cliffe
by Alemseged Tesfai - 255-272 Democracy in Southern Africa: Moving Beyond a Difficult Legacy
by Roger Southall - 273-292 Women's Reproductive Health & Population Policy: Tanzania
by Lisa Ann Richey - 293-304 Empowering People? World Vision & ‘Transformatory Development’ in Tanzania
by Tim Kelsall & Claire Mercer - 305-313 ‘The Workers' Struggle’: A South African Text Revisited
by Martin Plaut - 315-350 AGOA, Lesotho' ‘Clothing Miracle’ & the Politics of Sweatshops
by Peter Gibbon
March 2003, Volume 30, Issue 95
- 5-10 Africa, Imperialism & New Forms of Accumulation
by Sarah Bracking & Graham Harrison - 11-32 Regulating Capital in Accumulation: Negotiating the Imperial 'Frontier'
by Sarah Bracking - 33-44 The Civilised Horrors of Over-work: Marxsm, Imperialism & Development of Africa
by Branwen Gruffydd Jones - 45-55 Conflict in Central Africa: Clandestine Networks & Regional/Global Configurations
by Ian Taylor - 57-75 A Back Door to Globalisation? Structural Adjustment, Globalisation & Transborder Trade in West Africa
by Kate Meagher - 77-88 Imperialism & International Governance: The Case of US Policy towards Africa
by Robert Biel - 89-98 Reflections on Somaliland & Africa's Territorial Order
by Ian S. Spears - 99-107 Regulating Illicit Trade in Natural Resources: The Role of Regional Actors in West Africa
by Emmanuel Kwesi Aning - 109-118 The Life & Times of Babu: The Age of Liberation & Revolution
by Issa G. Shivji - 119-128 Imperialism & Economic Reform in Africa: What's New About the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD)?
by John Loxley - 129-169 Karamoja: Is Peace Possible?
by Anders Na¨rman - 171-176 Uniting a Divided City; Governance and Social Exclusion in Johannesburg
by Jo Beall & Owen Cranshaw & Susan Parnell
September 2002, Volume 29, Issue 93-94
- 379-388 State failure in the Congo: perceptions & realities
by Theodore Trefon Saskia & Saskia Van Hoyweghen & Stefaan Smis - 389-398 The tunnel at the end of the light
by René Lemarchand - 399-410 An intransitive transition
by Gauthier de Villers & Jean Omasombo Tshonda - 411-430 Complex political emergencies, the international community & the Congo conflict
by Stefaan Smis & Wamu Oyatambwe - 431-443 European union commission policy in the DRC
by Roland Kobia - 445-462 Democracy & the money machine in Zaire
by Tom De Herdt - 463-480 Conflict of interests or interests in conflict? diamonds & war in the DRC
by Ingrid Samset - 481-498 The political economy of sacrifice: Kinois & the state
by Theodore Trefon - 499-516 Citizenship, identity formation & conflict in South Kivu: the case of the Banyamulenge
by Koen Vlassenroot - 517-536 Making a killing: criminality & coping in the Kivu War economy
by Stephen Jackson - 537-560 Remembrance of sins past: unraveling the murder of Patrice Lumumba
by Edouard Bustin - 561-573 ‘Mobutu's disease’: a social history of AIDS in Kinshasa
by Brooke Grundfest Schoepf - 575-581 The crisis of the nation‐state in Central Africa: a theoretical introduction
by Saskia >Van Hoyweghen & Stefaan Smis - 581-590 A new political order in the DRC: the challenge of ‘multinationalism’
by Mwayila Tshiyembe - 591-594 A research note on Congo's nationalist paradox
by Pierre Englebert - 595-601 Calvary of the women of eastern democratic republic of Congo (DRC)
by Victoria Brittain - 601-606 Footnotes to the mining story
by Erik Kennes - 607-615 Congo: revisiting the looking glass
by Carole J.L. Collins - 616-619 Laurent Désiré Kabila
by C. Kabuya‐Lumuna Sando - 619-628 Migradollars & poverty alleviation strategy issues in Congo (DRC)
by Claude Sumata - 629-629 Peace agenda 2002
by Saskia Van Hoyweghen & Theodore Trefon - 631-635 Reviews
by Guillaume Iyenda & Victoria Brittain - 637-655 Bibliography: The democratic republic of the Congo (former Zaire)
by Chris Allen
2002, Volume 29, Issue 92
- 1-1 Editorial working group
by The Editors - 205-210 Editorial: Africa, the African diaspora & development
by A B Zack‐Williams & Giles Mohan - 211-236 Globalisation from below: conceptualising the role of the African diasporas in africa's development
by Giles Mohan & A B Zack‐Williams - 237-251 The African diaspora, ‘development’ & modern African political theory
by Hakim Adi - 253-272 From Africa to Cuba: an historical analysis of the )
by Shubi Ishemo - 273-284 An African brain drain: Igbo decisions to immigrate to the US
by Rachel Reynolds - 285-300 Diasporan West African communities: the Kru in freetown & liverpool
by Diane Frost - 301-311 The socio‐economic basis of a diaspora community:
by Ola Uduku - 313-330 Zanzibar's turbulent transition
by Greg Cameron - 331-338 Party disintegrations & re‐alignments in post‐apartheid South Africa
by Adam Habib & Lubna Nadvi - 339-345 A window on Africa: an interview with adotey bing, director of the Africa centre, London
by Giles Mohan - 345-356 The eritrea‐ethiopia border arbitration
by Philip White - 356-357 Xeedho dumar wadaag aleel lagu xadhkeeyay (Shells on a woven cord)
by The Editors - 358-362 The lost boys of Sudan
by Fionn Meade - 362-364 Globalization & academic ethics
by The Editors - 364-368 Twilight on the Zambian copperbelt?
by John Craig - 369-371 Book review
by Vladimir Shubin - 371-374 Book notes
by Roy Love - 374-374 Books received
by The Editors
2002, Volume 29, Issue 91
- 1-1 Editorial working group
by The Editors - 5-20 Sovereignty, democracy & Zimbabwe's tragedy
by Ray Bush & Morris Szeftel - 13-20 Whither Zimbabwe? crisis & democratisation
by Lloyd Sachikonye - 21-35 The politics of ‘uncivil’ society in Egypt
by Maha Rahman - 37-52 Don't touch, just listen! popular performance from Uganda
by Judy El‐Bushra & Chris Dolan - 53-72 Bank corruption becomes site of struggle in Mozambique
by Joseph Hanlon - 73-94 The Somali region in ethiopia: a neglected human rights tragedy
by Mohamud Khalif & Martin Doornbos - 95-112 Present‐day capitalism, the new international trade regime & Africa
by Peter Gibbon - 113-116 Debate intensifies over adjustment & press freedom in Mozambique
by Joseph Hanlon - 117-119 Basil Davidson: the Portuguese revolution & Africa
by Lionel Cliffe - 119-124 The birth of the Eritrean reform movement
by Martin Plaut - 124-127 Peace in the horn of Africa
by Lionel Cliffe - 128-130 Jonas Savimbi, 1934–2002
by Victoria Brittain - 130-132 Angola after Savimbi
by Paul Robson - 132-138 Somalia: Sovereign disguise for a Mogadishu Mafia
by Andre Le Sage - 138-143 Barney Simon & the theatre of struggle
by Hilary Burns - 145-148 Book reviews
by The Editors - 148-149 Books received
by The Editors - 151-153 Introduction
by Meredeth Turshen - 153-163 The international community & the crisis in Nigeria's oil producing communities
by Michael Fleshman - 163-167 Janus Unbound: petrobusiness & petropolitics in the Niger Delta
by Okechukwu Ibeanu - 167-169 Oil development in Sudan
by Eric Reeves - 170-173 Chad oil: why develop it?
by Delphine Djiraibe - 173-177 NGO efforts in Africa's largest oil project
by Korinna Horta - 177-183 Africa's Churches wake up to oil's problems & possibilities
by Ian Gary - 184-186 Algerian oil & gas
by Meredeth Turshen - 186-187 Oilwatch Africa, general assembly communiqué
by The Editors - 187-198 Oil, Islam & September 11: an essay addressed to the anti‐globalization movement
by George Caffentzis - 198-200 Algeria: contested & embattled
by Meredeth Turshen
2001, Volume 28, Issue 90
- 1-1 Editors
by The Editors - 489-502 Patrimonialism & petro‐diamond capitalism: peace, geopolitics & the economics of war in Angola
by Marcus Power - 503-520 The bitter harvest of war: continuing social & humanitarian dislocation in Angola
by David Simon - 521-536 Making war & lots of money: the political economy of protracted conflict in Angola
by Assis Malaquias - 537-548 Angola: new hopes for civil society?
by Steve Kibble & Alex Vines - 549-562 worlds: digging, dying & ‘hunting’ for diamonds in Angola
by Filip Boeck - 563-576 The Clinton administration's policy toward Angola: an assessment
by George Wright - 577-586 Humanitarian & development actors as peacebuilders?
by Allan Cain - 587-606 Oil & war in Angola
by Jedrzej Frynas & Geoffrey Wood - 607-618 War in Angola: a Soviet dimension
by Vladimir Shubin & Andrei Tokarev - 619-628 ‘Here in the city, everything has to be paid for’: locating the community in peri‐urban Angola
by Paul Robson & Sandra Roque - 629-635 Thriving on war: The Angolan conflict & private business
by Philippe Billon - 636-641 Business & war in Angola
by Jakkie Cillers - 641-643 Angola: ‘back to normal’
by James Sidaway - 643-649 La société civile et la lutte pour la paix en Angola
by Pierre Beaudet - 649-650 Landmines: a worse fate still to come?
by Steve Wright - 650-652 Angola on‐line
by Marcus Power - 653-657 Book reviews
by David Simon & Philippe Billon & Marcus Power - 658-658 Bulletin board
by The Editors
2001, Volume 28, Issue 89
- 1-1 Editorial working group
by The Editors - 319-322 The state of the union: Africa in 2001
by Lynne Brydon & Roy Love - 323-344 Well‐oiled regimes: oil & uncertain transitions in Algeria & Nigeria
by Gregory White & Scott Taylor - 345-364 Inside the EPLF: the origins of the people's party’ & its role in the liberation of Eritrea
by Dan Connell - 365-385 Structural adjustment, state power & genocide: the World Bank & Rwanda
by Andy Storey - 387-402 Bringing political struggle back in: African politics, power & resistance
by Graham Harrison - 403-414 Zimbabwe: labour's options within the movement for democratic change
by Suzanne Dansereau - 415-428 South Africa's agenda in 21century global governance
by Patrick Bond - 429-460 Cry for the beloved country: the post‐apartheid denouement
by John Saul - 461-465 Playing civil society tunes: corruption & misunderstanding Nigeria's ‘real’ political institutions
by Caroline Ifeka - 466-467 Money laundering: the Nigeria connection
by David Pallister & Jamie Wilson & Ed Harriman - 467-470 Economic justice / market forces
by George Monbiot - 470-471 Five decades of liberation & revolution: the life of comrade Abdulrahman Mohamed Babu
by Lionel Cliffe - 472-477 Prospects for al itihad & islamist radicalism in Somalia
by Andre Sage - 477-477 Eritrea in crisis
by The Editors - 478-479 Engendering management of water resources in Southern Africa
by Alice Kwaramba - 481-483 Book reviews
by Saskia Hoyweghen - 483-484 Books received
by The Editors
2001, Volume 28, Issue 88
- 1-1 Editorial working group
by The Editors - 149-153 Africa's future: that sinking feeling
by Ray Bush & Giles Mohan - 155-176 Governance, institutional reform & the state: international financial institutions & political transition in Africa
by Bonnie Campbell - 177-196 Human rights & development in Africa: moral intrusion or empowering opportunity?
by Giles Mohan & Jeremy Holland - 197-212 Kenya: one step forward, three steps back: the succession dilemma
by Rok Ajulu - 213-223 No democracy, no development: reflections on democracy & development in Africa
by A B Zack‐Williams - 225-240 The Ethiopian coffee & its institutions:
by Roy Love - 241-260 Knowledge, culture & the internet in Africa: a challenge for political economists
by Mike Powell - 261-266 Eliminating world poverty: is neo‐liberal globalisation the answer? a challenge to the UK government's white paper
by Gordon Crawford - 267-273 Reflections on Ghana's recent elections
by Audrey Gadzekpo - 273-279 Egyptian electoral politics: news rules, old game
by Omayma Abdel‐Latif - 279-281 Human rightsin Egypt
by The Editors - 282-286 The Tanzanian general elections on Zanzibar
by Greg Cameron - 287-288 Pressure on to keep crop seeds patent-free
by Tinashe Madava