2002, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 81-84 Book review
by The Editors - 85-91 Market Review
by The Editors
2001, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 279-308 Building investment is a diminishing source of economic growth
by Richard Barras - 309-320 Cyclical relationship between commercial real estate and property stock prices
by Gerald Brown & Kim Hiang Liow - 321-339 The optimal length of an industrial tenancy
by Philip McCann - 341-356 Testing for bubbles in indirect property price cycles
by Chris Brooks & Apostolos Katsaris & Tony McGough & Sotiris Tsolacos - 357-360 Book reviews
by The Editors - 361-367 Market review
by Alastair Adair - 369-370 Indexes
by The Editors
2001, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 187-216 Price discovery in the Hong Kong real estate market
by K.W. Chau & Bryan D. MacGregor & Gregory M. Schwann - 217-234 Urban redevelopment: contextual influences and landowner behaviour
by David Adams & Alan Disberry & Norman Hutchison & Thomas Munjoma - 235-248 Forecasting real estate returns using financial spreads
by Chris Brooks & Sotiris Tsolacos - 249-257 A note on the effects of serial cross correlation
by Gerald R. Brown - 259-269 Book reviews
by The Editors - 271-278 Market Reviews
by The Editors
January 2001, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 99-121 International property consultants and the transformation of local markets
by Claudio Soares De Magalhães - 123-139 Basis of rental value for performance measurement systems
by Neil Crosby & Sandi Murdoch - 141-148 The use of reference points in valuation judgment
by Julian Diaz & J. Andrew Hansz - 149-168 Size and proximity effects of primary schools on surrounding house values
by Francois Des Rosiers & Antonio Lagana & Marius Theriault - 169-178 Book Reviews
by John McCarthy - 179-186 Market Review
by Alastair Adair
2001, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-19 Further evidence on the existence of housing market bubbles
by Steven C. Bourassa & Patric H. Hendershott & James Murphy - 21-50 Market signals and disrepair in privately rented housing
by A. D. H. Crook & J. E. T. Hughes - 51-67 An experimental evaluation of the effect of data presentation on heuristic bias in commercial valuation
by Timothy M. Havard - 69-83 The application of financial theory to the pricing of upward-only rent reviews
by Philip Booth & Duncan Walsh - 85-87 Book reviews
by The Editors - 89-97 Market Reviews
by The Editors
2000, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 277-277 Editorial
by The Editors - 279-291 The dynamics of the Singapore commercial property market
by Kim Hiang Liow - 293-310 Temporal and distribution biases in real estate transaction based price indices
by Seow Eng Ong - 311-327 Segmentation of Australian housing markets: 1989–98
by Yong Tu - 329-338 The natural vacancy rate of the Singapore office market
by Khor Amy & Yu Shi Ming & Lim Lan Yuan - 339-352 Convergence of the land tenure systems of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan?
by L.H. Li & K.G. McKinnell & A. Walker - 353-356 Book reviews
by The Editors - 357-366 Market review
by The Editors
January 2000, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 185-201 An empirical investigation on the incidence of secured debt
by Joseph T. L. Ooi - 203-219 Pricing size effects in housing markets
by Gregory J. Costello - 221-240 Institutional economics and property strata title -- a survey and case study
by Megan Walters & Paul Kent - 241-257 Land taxation, development charges, and the effects on land-use
by Barrie Needham
January 2000, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 93-108 Heteroscedasticity in hedonic house price models
by M. Fletcher & P. Gallimore & J. Mangan - 109-131 Accessing private sector finance in urban regeneration: investor and non-investor perspectives
by Stanley McGreal & Alastair Adair & Jim Berry & Bill Deddis & Suzanne Hirst - 133-145 Contagion effects and intra industry information flows: the example of Olympia & York
by Simon Stevenson - 147-168 The influence of uncertainty on house builder behaviour and residential land values
by Chris Leishman & Colin Jones & Will Fraser
January 2000, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-21 Shock persistence in property and related markets
by Peijie Wang - 23-46 Risk reduction in the United Kingdom property market
by Peter Byrne & Stephen Lee - 47-57 The objective in valuation: a study of the influence of client feedback
by Paul Gallimore & Marvin Wolverton - 59-73 Residential property management in China: a case study of Enjili, Beijing
by Lan Yuan Lim & Sun Sheng Han
January 1999, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 293-307 The debt maturity structure of UK property companies
by Joseph T.L. Ooi - 309-321 An econometric analysis and forecasts of the office rental cycle in the Dublin area
by Eamonn D'Arcy & Tony McGough & Sotiris Tsolacos - 323-337 The disposal of the Hong Kong land stock under the Sino-British Joint Declaration
by K.C. Wong & K.W. Chau & S.M. Ma - 339-358 Appraising the functional performance characteristics of office buildings
by C.W. Bottom & W.S. McGreal & G. Heaney
January 1999, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 201-218 New business practices and the corporate property portfolio: how responsive is the UK property market?
by Virginia A Gibson & Colin M Lizieri - 219-242 Real estate's role in an international multi-asset portfolio: empirical evidence using Irish data
by Simon Stevenson - 243-255 Public and professional perceptions of HVOTL risks: the problem of circularity
by Paul Gallimore & Michael RossJayne - 257-270 Some implications of the lack of a consensus view of UK property's future risk and return
by Stephen Lee & Peter Byrne
January 1999, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 109-122 Estimating constant-quality capitalization rates and capitalization effects of below market financing
by Patric H. Hendershott & Bengt Turner - 123-138 Income elasticity of housing consumption in Hong Kong: a cointegration approach
by Raymond Y. C. Tse & John Raftery - 139-152 The impact of economic and financial factors on UK property performance
by Chris Brooks & Sotiris Tsolacos - 153-180 A critical review of methodologies for measuring rental depreciation applied to UK commercial real estate
by Timothy J. Dixon & Neil Crosby & Victoria K. Law
January 1999, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-19 Threshold autoregressive and Markov switching models: an application to commercial real estate
by James K. Maitland-Smith & Chris Brooks - 21-49 The predictability of real office rents
by Russell Chaplin - 51-66 A cross-sectional model of rents in urban retail centres
by Mark Robertson & Colin Jones - 67-90 Towards an intelligent residential appraisal model
by D.H. Jenkins & O.M. Lewis & N. Almond & S.A. Gronow & J.A. Ware
January 1998, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 265-283 Econometric modelling and forecasting of new retail development
by Sotiris Tsolacos - 285-303 Stigma, perception and the remediation of contaminated land
by D. G. Wiltshaw - 305-330 Property valuation variation and the 'margin of error' in the UK
by Neil Crosby & Anthony Lavers & John Murdoch - 331-346 Barriers to data sharing in the surveying profession: implications for the commercial property market
by Alastair Adair & Jim Berry & Bill Deddis & Stanley McGreal & Geoffrey Keogh & Tony Key
January 1998, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 167-182 The effect of seasonality of valuations on property risk
by Graeme Newell & John MacFarlane - 183-209 Commercial property loan valuations in the UK: implications of current trends in valuation practice and legal liability
by Neil Crosby & Anthony Lavers & Henry Foster - 211-227 Regulating property development and the capacity of the development industry
by Patsy Healey - 229-248 Housing investment trusts and the returns from residential lettings
by A. D. H. Crook & John Hughes & Peter A. Kemp
January 1998, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 89-103 Valuation smoothing without temporal aggregation
by Gerald R. Brown & George A. Matysiak - 105-120 The contribution of upward-only rent reviews to the capital value of UK property
by Andrew Baum & Neil Crosby & Sandi Murdoch - 121-134 Assessing influences upon the housing market in Northern Ireland
by Alastair Adair & Jim Berry & Stanley McGreal - 135-151 The pricing of estate agency and conveyancing services in Scotland
by Jeanette Findlay & Kenneth Gibb
January 1998, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-13 Valuation uncertainty and the Mallinson Report
by Gerald R. Brown & George A. Matysiak & Mark Shepherd - 15-33 Supply-side policies and the UK commercial property markets: 1979-1990
by Louise Ellison - 35-55 An assessment of the long run impact of the Business Expansion Scheme and the prospects for individual investment in privately rented housing in the UK
by John E. T. Hughes & Jean Madin - 57-70 Are new entrants to the residential property market informationally disadvantaged?
by Craig Watkins
January 1997, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 279-296 UK commercial property investment: time-series characteristics and modelling strategies
by Michael Ball & Maurizio Grilli - 297-308 National economic trends, market size and city growth effects on European office rents
by Eamonn D'Arcy & Tony McGough & Sotiris Tsolacos - 309-328 Case-based reasoning and retail rent determination
by Brenna O'Roarty & Stanley McGreal & Alastair Adair & David Patterson - 329-336 Stone cleaning and its effect on property market selling price
by Richard A. Laing & Dennis C. M. Urquhart
January 1997, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 169-187 Value weighting and real estate portfolio risk
by Edward J. Schuck & Gerald R. Brown - 189-210 Unsmoothing valuation-based indices using multiple regimes
by Russell Chaplin - 211-236 A case study of industrial property development in South Hampshire
by Sotiris Tsolacos - 237-255 A critique of a local property forecasting model
by Nicola Morrison
January 1997, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 85-97 Property company performance and real interest rates: a regime-switching approach
by Colin Lizieri & Stephen Satchell - 99-115 Contemporary UK market valuation methods for over-rented investment properties: a framework for risk adjustment
by Neil Crosby & Nick French & Charles Ward - 117-132 The motivations and attitudes to letting of private landlords in Scotland
by Peter A. Kemp & David Rhodes - 133-143 Housing rent and occupational rank in Beijing and Shenyang, People's Republic of China
by Yanxiang Anthony Gu & Peter F. Colwell
January 1997, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-13 Uses of equilibrium models in real estate research
by Patric H. Hendershott - 15-26 A hedonic investigation of the rental value of apartments in central Bordeaux
by Martin Hoesli & Bernard Thion & Craig Watkins - 27-47 Client perception of property investment valuation reports in the UK
by Neil Crosby & Graeme Newell & George Matysiak & Nick French & Bill Rodney - 49-68 Assessing betterment under a public premium leasehold system: principles and practice in Canberra
by Steven C. Bourassa & Max Neutze & Ann Louise Strong