June 2019, Volume 27, Issue 6
- 1146-1158 Multiple land use planning for living places and investments spaces
by Willem K. Korthals Altes - 1159-1176 How to deal with migrants and the State’s backlash – Polish cities’ experience
by Agnieszka Szpak - 1177-1199 Cultural actors as agents of generating social co-presences within the place: Istanbul’s contemporary art scene
by G. Yeliz Kahya & Anlı Ataöv - 1200-1216 Values for self-build urbanism
by Silvio Caputo & Fabiano Lemes de Oliveira & Dan Blott - 1217-1234 Planning reform and development rights in Greece: institutional persistence and elite rule in the face of the crisis
by Nikos Karadimitriou & Thanos Pagonis - 1235-1237 Critical comment on: Zhu, Jin, and He ‘On evolutionary economic geography: a literature review using bibliometric analysis’, European Planning Studies vol. 27, pp 639–660
by Yuh-Shan Ho - 1238-1240 Rejoinder to Professor Ho’s team on the article entitled ‘On evolutionary economic geography: a literature review using bibliometric analysis’
by Shengjun Zhu & Wenwan Jin & Canfei He - 1241-1243 Comments on the Reply to the Rebuttal to: Zhu, Jin, & He ‘On evolutionary economic geography: A literature review using bibliometric analysis’, European Planning Studies vol. 27, pp 639–660
by Yuh-Shan Ho
May 2019, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 841-861 Proximity and the trust formation process
by Magnus Nilsson - 862-884 Regional embeddedness, relatedness and inter-regional linkages among less developed regions in Central Europe
by Viktor Květoň & Karel Šafr - 885-904 Start-up factories, transnational entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial ecosystems: unpacking the lure of start-up accelerator programmes
by Ross Brown & Suzanne Mawson & Neil Lee & Lauren Peterson - 905-931 New forms of partnership: the role of logistics clusters in facilitating horizontal collaboration mechanisms
by Yossi Sheffi & Maria Jesus Saenz & Liliana Rivera & David Gligor - 932-951 Eye to eye with the innovation paradox: why smart specialization is no simple solution to policy design
by Henning Kroll - 952-973 An assessment of the technology level and knowledge intensity of regions in Turkey
by Necmettin Çelik & Sedef Akgüngör & Neşe Kumral - 974-994 Performance evaluation to support European regional development – A university–industry perspective
by Tero Rantala & Juhani Ukko - 995-1012 Informal markets and global value chains – the disembedding of Romanian dairy smallholders
by Moritz von Oppenkowski & Markus Hassler & Tim Roesler - 1013-1034 Competitiveness through integration in the European Union Strategy for the Alpine Region: a ‘balanced development’ approach
by Roberta Capello & Silvia Cerisola - 1035-1057 The influence of territory on innovation network design in mountain tourism resorts
by Véronique Favre-Bonte & Elodie Gardet & Catherine Thevenard-Puthod
April 2019, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 639-660 On evolutionary economic geography: a literature review using bibliometric analysis
by Shengjun Zhu & Wenwan Jin & Canfei He - 661-677 Local and nonlocal knowledge typologies: technological complexity in the Irish knowledge space
by Adam Whittle - 678-698 Tailored polities in the shadow of the state’s hierarchy. The CLLD implementation and a future research agenda
by Loris Servillo - 699-721 Perspectives of civil society on governance of urban shrinkage: the cases of Heerlen (Netherlands) and Blaenau Gwent (Wales) compared
by Maja Ročak - 722-738 Confronting institutional boundaries to public participation: a case of the Danish energy sector
by Helle Nedergaard Nielsen & Sara Bjørn Aaen & Ivar Lyhne & Matthew Cashmore - 739-758 Polycentricity as spatial imaginary: the case of Helsinki City Plan
by Kaisa Granqvist & Sauli Sarjamo & Raine Mäntysalo - 759-783 Are smart cities global cities? A European perspective
by Stefano De Falco - 784-801 Do behaviours in cultural markets affect economic resilience? An analysis of Italian regions
by Roberto Cellini & Tiziana Cuccia - 802-817 Urban memory and planning: investigating the use of oral history
by Tülin Selvi Ünlü - 818-840 Cooperation differs. Intentions of municipalities towards metropolitan cooperation in post-socialist space – Brno, Czech Republic
by Petr Šašinka & Josef Kunc & Bohumil Frantál & Zdeněk Dvořák
March 2019, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 415-433 Spatial short and long-term implications and planning challenges of high-speed rail: a literature review framework for the special issue
by Chia-Lin Chen & Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris & José M. de Ureña & Roger Vickerman - 434-460 Short- and long-term population and project implications of high-speed rail for served cities: analysis of all served Spanish cities and re-evaluation of Ciudad Real and Puertollano
by José M. Coronado & José M. de Ureña & José Luis Miralles - 461-482 A methodological approach to analyze the territorial appropriation of high-speed rail from interactions between actions and representations of local actors
by Valerie Facchinetti-Mannone - 483-512 Measuring the regional economic impacts of high-speed rail using a dynamic SCGE model: the case of China
by Zhenhua Chen - 513-532 Has HSR improved territorial cohesion in Spain? An accessibility analysis of the first 25 years: 1990–2015
by Andres Monzon & Elena Lopez & Emilio Ortega - 533-554 Business and tourism high-speed rail same-day trips: factors influencing the efficiency of high-speed rail links for Spanish cities
by Amparo Moyano & Ana Rivas & Jose M. Coronado - 555-573 Regional heterogeneity in Taiwan HSR demand developments: station accessibility and its effect on usage adoption
by Junghwa Kim & Yeun-Touh Li & Jan-Dirk Schmöcker - 574-594 Are the reasons for companies to locate around central versus peripheral high-speed rail stations different? The cases of Reims central station and Champagne-Ardenne station
by Christophe Beckerich & Sylvie Benoit & Marie Delaplace - 595-617 Assessing spatial planning strategy in high-speed rail station areas in Spain (1992–2018): towards a sustainable model
by Cecilia Ribalaygua & Silvia Perez-Del-Caño - 618-637 Designing Paris Gare du Nord for pedestrians or for clients? New retail patterns as flow optimization strategies
by Nacima Baron
February 2019, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 219-228 Urban experimentation & sustainability transitions
by Lea Fuenfschilling & Niki Frantzeskaki & Lars Coenen - 229-257 Impacts of urban living labs on sustainability transitions: mechanisms and strategies for systemic change through experimentation
by Timo von Wirth & Lea Fuenfschilling & Niki Frantzeskaki & Lars Coenen - 258-281 Urban experimentation and institutional arrangements
by Rob Raven & Frans Sengers & Philipp Spaeth & Linjun Xie & Ali Cheshmehzangi & Martin de Jong - 282-299 Cities and climate change – examining advantages and challenges of urban climate change experiments
by Stine Hach Juul Madsen & Teis Hansen - 300-317 Local sustainability initiatives: innovation and civic engagement in societal experiments
by Udo Pesch & Wouter Spekkink & Jaco Quist - 318-335 Energy efficiency left behind? Policy assemblages in Sweden’s most climate-smart city
by Darcy Parks - 336-354 Urban low carbon transitions: institution-building and prospects for interventions in social practice
by Ralph Horne & Susie Moloney - 355-376 The return of cities: the trajectory of Swiss cities from demographic loss to reurbanization
by Patrick Rérat - 377-395 The costs of putting Valencia on the map: the hidden side of regional entrepreneurialism, ‘creative city’ and strategic projects
by Joaquim Rius-Ulldemolins & Verònica Gisbert - 396-414 Promoting tourism through the EU LEADER programme: understanding Local Action Group governance
by Juan Gabriel Tirado Ballesteros & María Hernández Hernández
January 2019, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-20 Beyond the blind spot of knowledge-based territorial development: the mission of Metropolitan Food Clusters
by A. L. Gerritsen & A. Lagendijk & R. P. Kranendonk & M. Cofino - 21-41 Leaves in the wind? Local policies of small and medium-sized towns in metropolitan regions
by David Kaufmann & Rahel Meili - 42-67 Peripheralization and knowledge bases in Austria: towards a new regional typology
by Jakob Eder - 68-85 Institutional contradictions and attempts at innovation. Evidence from the Italian urban facility planning
by Ombretta Caldarice & Stefano Cozzolino - 86-105 Investigating the partnership approach in the EU Urban Agenda from the perspective of soft planning
by Eva Purkarthofer - 106-125 Daily urban systems explained from the household perspective: an exploratory research on how the spatial interactions of the individual households shape the structure of daily urban systems
by Erik A. de Graaf - 126-159 Urban morphological change in the case of Selcuk, Turkey: A mixed-methods approach
by Seher Demet Kap Yücel & Gizem Aksümer - 160-180 Impact of property rights and ownership on the development of Warsaw’s contemporary city centre
by Magdalena Górczyńska & Przemysław Śleszyński & Michael A. Niedzielski - 181-200 Re-imagineering Belgrade and Skopje: urban megaprojects between politics and struggle
by Nebojša Čamprag - 201-217 Residential property disparities in city districts in Prague, Czech Republic
by Martin Lukavec & Petr Kolařík
December 2018, Volume 26, Issue 12
- () Correction
by The Editors - 2279-2303 Bridging the gap: citizenship diversity and global innovation networks in small and medium size companies
by Markus Grillitsch & Cristina Chaminade - 2304-2322 Changing locus of innovation: a micro-process approach on the dynamics of proximity
by Anne Nygaard Tanner - 2323-2343 Industry 4.0: national and regional comparative advantages in key enabling technologies
by Andrea Ciffolilli & Alessandro Muscio - 2344-2363 How outward looking is smart specialisation? Rationales, drivers and barriers
by Elvira Uyarra & Chiara Marzocchi & Jens Sorvik - 2364-2386 Entrance-exit dynamics of suppliers and the repercussions for reshaping the structure of GVCs/GPNs
by Jiří Blažek & Kaoru Natsuda & Jan Sýkora - 2387-2406 The evolution and embeddedness of knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial firms in creative industries: contrasting experienced and non-experienced entrepreneurs in the Swedish fashion industry
by Ida Hermanson & Maureen McKelvey & Olof Zaring - 2407-2426 Economic specialization and diversification at the country and regional level: introducing a conceptual framework to study innovation policy logics
by Yuzhuo Cai & Roger Normann & Rómulo Pinheiro & Markku Sotarauta - 2427-2447 Dynamic elements in regional development: an explorative genealogical analysis of the region of Southwest Finland
by Toni Ahlqvist - 2448-2469 Inadequacies of heritage protection regulations in an era of shrinking communities: a case study of Valga, Estonia
by Jiří Tintěra & Zenia Kotval & Aime Ruus & Epi Tohvri - 2470-2489 Interrelational space? The spatial logic of the macro-regional strategy for the Alps and its potentials
by Tobias Chilla & Thomas Streifeneder
November 2018, Volume 26, Issue 11
- 2105-2113 Regional innovation systems and entrepreneurial embeddedness
by Luís Farinha & João Ferreira & Vanessa Ratten - 2114-2124 Smart specialization policies: innovative performance models from European regions
by João Lopes & Luís Farinha & João J. Ferreira & Paulo Silveira - 2125-2146 Smart specialization as a strategy to develop early-stage regional innovation systems
by Marina Ranga - 2147-2166 Embedding entrepreneurial regional innovation ecosystems: reflecting on the role of effectual entrepreneurial discovery processes
by L. Nieth & P. Benneworth & D. Charles & L. Fonseca & C. Rodrigues & M. Salomaa & M. Stienstra - 2167-2199 Innovation, knowledge and relations – on the role of clusters for firms’ innovativeness
by Judith Terstriep & Christian Lüthje - 2200-2215 Differentiated regional entrepreneurial discovery processes. A conceptual discussion and empirical illustration from three emergent clusters
by Arne Isaksen & Nina Kyllingstad & Jan Ole Rypestøl & Ann Camilla Schulze-Krogh - 2216-2236 The long road from one-size-fits-all SME promotion to bespoke business start-ups
by Carla Susana Marques & Chris Gerry & Carlos Peixeira Marques - 2237-2255 Explanations of firm survival in renewable energy in the United States: a study of ethanol refineries
by Peter Kedron & Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen - 2256-2278 Patent portfolio analysis of cities: statistics and maps of technological inventiveness
by Dieter Franz Kogler & Gaston Heimeriks & Loet Leydesdorff
October 2018, Volume 26, Issue 10
- 1901-1919 Inclusive growth from an urban perspective: a challenge for the metropolis of the twenty-first century
by Joan Trullén & Vittorio Galletto - 1920-1938 New rent seeking strategies in housing in Spain after the bubble burst
by Sònia Vives-Miró - 1939-1960 The mortgage crisis and evictions in Barcelona: identifying the determinants of the spatial clustering of foreclosures
by Aaron Gutiérrez & Antoni Domènech - 1961-1979 Science and technology cooperation in cross-border regions: a proximity approach with evidence for Northern Europe
by Teemu Makkonen & Allan M. Williams & Timo Mitze & Adi Weidenfeld - 1980-1998 The regional division of Greece and the functional economic areas estimated from the 2011 commuting patterns
by P. K. Prodromídis - 1999-2014 Competing discourses of territorial development: tensions between cities and regions as a result of the new regionalism
by Vratislav Havlík - 2015-2035 New forms of multi-local working: identifying multi-locality in planning as well as public and private organizations’ strategies in the Helsinki region
by Mina Di Marino & Johanna Lilius & Kimmo Lapintie - 2036-2057 Residential location, workplace location and car driving in four Norwegian cities
by Øystein Engebretsen & Petter Næss & Arvid Strand - 2058-2077 Path-development trajectories and barriers perceived by stakeholders in two Central European less developed regions: narrow or broad choice?
by Viktor Květoň & Jiří Blažek - 2078-2098 Understanding socio-economic sustainability drivers of sustainable regeneration: an empirical study of regeneration practitioners in UK
by Julius Akotia & Enoch Sackey - 2099-2102 Entrepreneurship in former Yugoslavia: Diversity, institutional constraints and prospects
by Fabio James Petani - 2103-2104 Call for Papers & design awards competition
by Suzanne H. Crowhurst Lennard
September 2018, Volume 26, Issue 9
- 1701-1713 Retrospect and prospect: from a new dark age to a new dawn of planning enlightenment
by Philip Cooke - 1714-1727 Between the frog and the eagle: claiming a ‘Scholarship of Presence’ for the Anthropocene
by Maria Kaika - 1728-1746 Neoliberalization, uneven development, and Brexit: further reflections on the organic crisis of the British state and society
by Bob Jessop - 1747-1762 Immigration strategies of cities: local growth policies and urban planning in Germany
by Manfred Kühn - 1763-1778 Regional resilience: a stretched concept?
by Klaas Fröhlich & Robert Hassink - 1779-1795 Regional innovation policies for new path development – beyond neo-liberal and traditional systemic views
by Franz Tödtling & Michaela Trippl - 1796-1814 New perspectives on the evolution of clusters
by Fiorenza Belussi - 1815-1834 Generative growth with ‘thin’ globalization: Cambridge’s crossover model of innovation
by Philip Cooke - 1835-1855 The entrepreneurial university and the region: what role for entrepreneurship departments?
by Rhiannon Pugh & Wadid Lamine & Sarah Jack & Eleanor Hamilton - 1856-1873 Rethinking city transformation: Florence from art city to creative fashion city
by Luciana Lazzeretti & Stefania Oliva - 1874-1900 Situating architectural performance: ‘star architecture’ and its roles in repositioning the cities of Graz, Lucerne and Wolfsburg
by Nadia Alaily-Mattar & Dominik Bartmanski & Johannes Dreher & Michael Koch & Martina Löw & Timothy Pape & Alain Thierstein - 1901-1901 Corrigendum
by The Editors
August 2018, Volume 26, Issue 8
- 1499-1518 The path-dependent evolution of the entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) – dynamics and region-specific assets of the case of Vienna (Austria)
by Verena Radinger-Peer & Sabine Sedlacek & Harvey Goldstein - 1519-1536 Understanding evolution in the Antwerp chemical cluster: the role of regional development strategies
by Ties Vanthillo & Jeroen Cant & Thierry Vanelslander & Ann Verhetsel - 1537-1558 The acceleration of transitions to urban sustainability: a case study of Brighton and Hove
by Rachael Durrant & Jacob Barnes & Florian Kern & Gordon Mackerron - 1559-1579 Resilience unpacked – framing of ‘uncertainty’ and ‘adaptability’ in long-term flood risk management strategies for London and Rotterdam
by Britta Restemeyer & Margo van den Brink & Johan Woltjer - 1580-1597 Urban shrinkage: an unspoken challenge of spatial planning in Russian small and medium-sized cities
by Elena Batunova & Maria Gunko - 1598-1615 Spatial and sectoral differentiation of support to innovative companies from EU funds in Czechia
by David Hána & Lenka Hellebrandová - 1616-1637 Higher education institutions, economic growth and GDP per capita in European Union countries
by José M. Pastor & Carlos Peraita & Lorenzo Serrano & Ángel Soler - 1638-1662 Place-based innovation policy for industrial diversification in regions
by Markus Grillitsch & Bjørn Asheim - 1663-1681 Municipal land allocations: a key for understanding tenure and social mix patterns in Stockholm
by Carl Caesar & Fredrik Kopsch - 1682-1700 Evaluating strategic metropolitan planning in Bari and Taranto
by Laura Grassini & Valeria Monno & Abdul Khakee
July 2018, Volume 26, Issue 7
- 1-1 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 1297-1311 The resurgence of regional design
by Michael Neuman & Wil Zonneveld - 1312-1329 Innovation platforms as a solution to the proximity paradox
by Satu Parjanen & Mirva Hyypiä - 1330-1346 Border blocking effects in collaborative firm innovation
by Jos van den Broek & Paul Benneworth & Roel Rutten - 1347-1365 Governance and cooperation in Euroregions: border tourism between Spain and Portugal
by Dália Liberato & Elisa Alén & Pedro Liberato & Trinidad Domínguez - 1366-1388 Evolution of knowledge bases in European regions: searching for spatial regularities and links with innovation performance
by Viktor Květoň & Vojtěch Kadlec - 1389-1412 Suburbanization and sprawl in post-socialist Belgrade and Sofia
by Aleksandar D. Slaev & Zorica Nedović-Budić & Nikola Krunić & Jasna Petrić & Diliana Daskalova - 1413-1430 Local and trans-local dynamics of innovation practices in the Taipei design industry: an evolutionary perspective
by Cheng-Yi Lin - 1431-1449 Improving land readjustment practice. Application of management models to Portugal
by Joana Almeida & José Antunes Ferreira & Beatriz Condessa & Ricardo Tomé - 1450-1470 The Transformation of Retail Markets in Lisbon: An Analysis through the Lens of Retail Gentrification
by Pedro Porfírio Coutinho Guimarães - 1471-1492 Communicative and participatory paradigm in the European territorial policies. A discourse analysis
by Łukasz Damurski & Marcin Oleksy - 1493-1495 The Oxford handbook of megaproject management
by Dianne Dredge - 1495-1497 Attracting visitors to ancient neighbourhoods: creation and management of the tourist-historic city of Plymouth, UK
by Eóin Meehan
June 2018, Volume 26, Issue 6
- 1081-1098 European Cohesion Policy impact on development and convergence: a local empirical analysis in Portugal between 2000 and 2014
by Paulo Caldas & Brian Dollery & Rui Cunha Marques - 1099-1120 The role of path-dependence in the resilience of EU regions
by Maria Tsiapa & Dimitris Kallioras & Nickolaos G. Tzeremes - 1121-1136 Impact of European Union development subsidies on Hungarian regions
by Zoltán Bakucs & Imre Fertő & Ágnes Varga & Zsófia Benedek - 1137-1159 Fostering place-based innovation and internationalization – the new turn in German technology policy
by Dirk Dohse & Dirk Fornahl & Julian Vehrke - 1160-1180 Industrial districts and migrant enclaves: a model of interaction
by José Luis Molina & Luis Martínez-Cháfer & Francesc Xavier Molina-Morales & Miranda J. Lubbers - 1181-1201 University-led innovation in and for peripheral urban areas: new approaches in Naples, Italy and Newark, NJ, US
by Jean-Paul D. Addie & Mariarosalba Angrisani & Stefano De Falco - 1202-1221 Delivering a national spatial development strategy: a success story?
by Naja Marot & Mojca Golobič - 1222-1241 Sport facility development: municipal capital and shutting out the private sector
by Gidon S. Jakar & Eran Razin & Mark S. Rosentraub & Gillad Rosen - 1242-1268 Hegemonic power relations in real practices of spatial planning: the case of Turkey
by Tugce Sanli & Tim Townshend - 1269-1296 Social sustainability tool for assessing land use planning processes
by A. Rashidfarokhi & L. Yrjänä & M. Wallenius & S. Toivonen & A. Ekroos & K. Viitanen
May 2018, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 877-894 Proximity and modes of innovation – evidence from two agricultural engineering industries in north-west Germany
by Dominik Santner - 895-914 An analysis of the Spanish ceramic tile industry research contracts and patents
by Daniel Gabaldón-Estevan & Liney Manjarrés-Henríquez & F. Xavier Molina-Morales - 915-932 On the evolution of the Castel Goffredo hosiery cluster: a life cycle perspective
by Giulio Carli & Andrea Morrison - 933-949 Exploring international film festivals from a co-evolutionary perspective: the cases of Berlin and Busan compared
by Robert Hassink & Yong-Sook Lee - 950-968 Variations in the adoption and willingness to use e-services in three differentiated urban areas
by Tommi Inkinen & Maria Merisalo & Teemu Makkonen - 969-987 New technological path creation and the role of institutions in different geo-political spaces
by Camilla Chlebna & James Simmie - 988-1007 Experimental governance: the role of municipalities in urban living labs
by Annica Kronsell & Dalia Mukhtar-Landgren - 1008-1027 Diminishing borders and conflating spaces: a storyline to promote soft planning scales
by Eva Purkarthofer - 1028-1040 Internal borders and external factors in outermost island regions. The case of the Canary Islands
by José León García-Rodríguez & Carlos Castilla-Gutiérrez & Francisco J. García-Rodríguez - 1041-1059 Agency and resilience in the time of regional economic crisis
by Lucinda David - 1060-1077 An agency perspective of resilience: the case of Pomorskie region
by Grzegorz Masik - 1078-1079 Asian Century … on a knife-edge: a 360 degree analysis of Asia’s recent economic development
by Seamus Grimes
April 2018, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 635-652 Linking polycentricity concepts to periphery: implications for an integrative Austrian strategic spatial planning practice
by Alois Humer - 653-669 New regionalism in Turkey: questioning the ‘new’ and the ‘regional’
by Ervin Sezgin - 670-686 Public financial support and firm-specific characteristics: evidence from Portugal
by Natália Barbosa & Fábio Silva - 687-705 Water supply of Greek cities: the WFD and the principles of integrated water resources management
by Konstantinos N. Moutsopoulos & Christos P. Petalas - 706-725 The brokerage role of supporting organizations inside clusters: how does it work?
by Jose Antonio Belso-Martinez & Isabel Diez-Vial & Maria Jose Lopez-Sanchez & Rosario Mateu-Garcia - 726-744 Territorially unequal rural development: the cases of the LEADER Initiative and the PRODER Programme in Andalusia (Spain)
by José Antonio Cañete & Francisco Navarro & Eugenio Cejudo - 745-767 Informal institutional change in De Achterhoek region: from citizen initiatives to participatory governance
by Marlies Meijer & Erwin van der Krabben - 768-791 The role of negotiated developer obligations in financing large public infrastructure after the economic crisis in the Netherlands
by Demetrio Muñoz Gielen & Sander Lenferink - 792-811 Industrial spaces for grassroots creative production: spatial, social and planning facets
by Xabier Gainza - 812-837 Towards lower carbon cities: urban morphology contribution in climate change adaptation strategies
by Riccardo Privitera & Valentina Palermo & Francesco Martinico & Alberto Fichera & Daniele La Rosa - 838-872 The role of zoning in the strategic planning of protected areas: lessons learnt from EU countries and Serbia
by Marija Maksin & Vladica Ristić & Marina Nenković-Riznić & Srdjan Mićić - 873-876 Mapping metropolitan Italy
by Willem Salet
March 2018, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 439-457 Planning for sustainability in expansive metropolitan regions: exploring practices and planners’ expectations in Stockholm, Sweden
by Johan Högström & Berit Balfors & Monica Hammer - 458-479 An evaluation of local policies and actions that address climate change in Turkish metropolitan cities
by Bahar Gedikli & Osman Balaban - 480-501 The ‘natures’ of planning: evolving conceptualizations of nature as expressed in urban planning theory and practice
by Phoebe Duvall & Mick Lennon & Mark Scott - 502-525 Local sustainable development: a knowledge base for adaptation planning
by Petar Vranić & Vesna Nikolić & Slobodan Milutinović & Jelena D. Velimirović - 526-545 Involving small landlords as a regeneration strategy under shrinkage: evidence from two East German cases
by Adam Radzimski - 546-570 How housing, infrastructure and water determined the spatial structure of the Randstad
by Hugo Priemus - 571-590 Network topologies as collective social capital in cities and regions: a critical review of empirical studies
by Pablo Galaso - 591-610 The spatiality of trust in EU external cross-border cooperation
by Katharina Koch - 611-634 Tacit coopetition: chimera or reality? Evidence from the Basque Country
by Igone Porto-Gomez & Urko Aguirre-Larracoechea & Jon Mikel Zabala-Iturriagagoitia
February 2018, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 213-228 Re-thinking non-core regions: planning strategies and practices beyond growth
by Birgit Leick & Thilo Lang - 229-255 Rural regeneration strategies for declining regions: trade-off between novelty and practicability
by Patrick Küpper & Stefan Kundolf & Tobias Mettenberger & Gesine Tuitjer - 256-278 The role of exogenous and endogenous factors in the growth of regions in Central and Eastern Europe: the metropolitan/non-metropolitan divide in the pre- and post-crisis era
by Maciej Smętkowski - 279-296 Vicarious habitation – reinterpreting the role of peripheral living in a Nordic context
by Jon P. Knudsen - 297-315 An alternative policy approach to rural development in regions facing population decline
by Thomas Dax & Michael Fischer - 316-341 Urban regeneration in Poland’s non-core regions
by Tadeusz Stryjakiewicz & Robert Kudłak & Przemysław Ciesiółka & Bartłomiej Kołsut & Paweł Motek - 342-364 Are there differences in social capital related to corporate regional engagement in dynamic and less dynamic non-core regions?
by Sandra Bürcher & Heike Mayer - 365-375 Planning strategies and practices in non-core regions: a critical response
by Nadir Kinossian - 376-395 Labour mobility in the Euroregion Galicia–Norte de Portugal: constraints faced by cross-border commuters
by Iva Pires & Flávio Nunes - 396-420 Beyond ‘related variety’: how inflows of skills shape innovativeness in different industries
by Sverre J. Herstad - 421-437 Emerging challenges of an urban creative economy: reflections on the governance of creative clusters in Taipei City
by Cheng-Yi Lin
January 2018, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-19 Fostering and planning urban regeneration: the governance of cultural districts in Copenhagen
by Christina Lidegaard & Massimiliano Nuccio & Trine Bille - 20-34 Economic challenges for the EU Water Framework Directive reform and implementation
by Julio Berbel & Alfonso Expósito - 35-54 Between protocol and reality – Swedish municipal comprehensive planning
by Therese Bjärstig & Camilla Thellbro & Olof Stjernström & Johan Svensson & Camilla Sandström & Per Sandström & Anna Zachrisson - 55-74 Outdoor lighting design as a tool for tourist development: the case of Valladolid
by Emanuele Giordano - 75-93 Making waves: the valuation of innovations in San Sebastian’s surf economy
by Luís Carvalho & Willem van Winden - 94-114 Portuguese West Coast tourism resorts: an unfinished landscape of territorial liabilities
by Célia Sousa Martins & Cristina Soares Cavaco - 115-132 as a travelling concept: towards a critical discussion of mobile ideas in transnational planning discourses on urban sprawl
by Vera Vicenzotti & Mattias Qviström - 133-157 Hedonic pricing analysis of the influence of urban green spaces onto residential prices: the case of Leipzig, Germany
by Veronika Liebelt & Stephan Bartke & Nina Schwarz - 158-173 Are Romanian urban strategies planning for green?
by Mihai-Razvan Niță & Ana-Maria Anghel & Cristina Bănescu & Ana-Maria Munteanu & Sabina-Stella Pesamosca & Mihuț Zețu & Ana-Maria Popa - 174-191 Cluster-internal and external drivers of cluster renewal: evidence from two German agricultural engineering case studies
by Dominik Santner - 192-211 New tech spaces for old tech places? Exploring the network of research and technology organizations across North Italian Regions
by Lorenzo Ciapetti & Paolo Perulli
December 2017, Volume 25, Issue 12
- 2117-2137 Cultural production in peripheral urban spaces: lessons from Barriera, Turin (Italy)
by Carlo Salone & Sara Bonini Baraldi & Giangavino Pazzola - 2138-2156 Governing system innovation: assisted living experiments in the UK and Norway
by Markus Bugge & Lars Coenen & Pedro Marques & Kevin Morgan - 2157-2174 Territorial cohesion storylines in 2014–2020 Cohesion Policy
by Štěpán Nosek - 2175-2191 Measuring the impact of the European Capital of Culture programme on overnight stays: evidence for the last two decades
by Martin Falk & Eva Hagsten - 2192-2211 Impact of planning mandates on local plans: a multi-method assessment
by Sophie C. Rudolf & Simona R. Grădinaru & Anna M. Hersperger - 2212-2231 Competition for talent: retaining graduates in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine
by Inge Hooijen & Christoph Meng & Julia Reinold & Melissa Siegel - 2232-2249 Planners’ analysis and opportunism – benefit analysis in the Swedish HSR-project: a preliminary analysis
by Erik Ronnle - 2250-2271 What drives export performance of firms in Eastern and Western Poland?
by Paweł Gajewski & Grzegorz Tchorek