October 2004, Volume 13, Issue 7
- 1035-1061 Public parks in Ghent's City life: From expression to emancipation?
by Els De Vos
April 2004, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 371-386 Importing and exporting spatial needs: A Dutch approach1
by Hugo Priemus
May 2004, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 407-433 Development control and the natural environment—the Maltese connection
by Joe A. Doublet & Alan J. Bond
March 2004, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 387-405 Assessing the role of the international financial services centre in Irish regional development
by Mark C. White - 435-448 The Investment Contract as a mechanism of urban development in the Russian Federation
by William Valletta
June 2004, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 349-370 Devolution and the modernization of local government: Prospects for spatial planning
by Philip Allmendinger & Janice Morphet & Mark Tewdwr-Jones
April 2004, Volume 13, Issue 1
February 2004, Volume 13, Issue 1
March 2004, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 73-91 Supplier linkages of foreign-owned manufacturing firms in the UK: the influence of entry mode, subsidiary autonomy and nationality
by David Williams - 93-115 Complexity, emergence and cellular urban models: lessons learned from applying SLEUTH to two Portuguese metropolitan areas
by Elisabete A. Silva & Keith C. Clarke
December 2004, Volume 12, Issue 8
- 1175-1188 Values in a vacuum? Towards an integrated multi‐level analysis of the governance of European space
by Kai Böhme & Tim Richardson & Gordon Dabinett & Ole B. Jensen - 1189-1216 Evaluation of community planning and life of senior cohousing projects in northern European countries1
by Jung Shin Choi
February 2004, Volume 12, Issue 8
- 1115-1131 A stage and eclectic approach to industrial district development: two policy keys for ‘survival’ clusters in developing countries
by Mario Davide Parrilli - 1133-1144 Determining suitable investment areas using multi‐variable statistical methods: evidence from the Black Sea region in Turkey
by Kadri Cemil Akyüz & İlker Akyüz & Çiğdem Cavrar & Hasan Serin & Hicabi Cindik - 1157-1173 The delocalization of production in labour intensive industries: instances of triangular manufacturing between Germany, Greece and FYROM
by Lois Labrianidis & Christos Kalantaridis
June 2004, Volume 12, Issue 7
- 943-960 An emerging biomedical business in a low capitalised country
by Garri Raagmaa & Priit Tamm - 1003-1018 Nodes, networks and proximities: on the knowledge dynamics of the Medicon Valley biotech cluster
by Lars Coenen & Jerker Moodysson & Bjørn T. Asheim
October 2004, Volume 12, Issue 7
- 915-920 Special issue: globalisation of biotechnology
by Philip Cooke - 1019-1033 The open method of co‐ordination and ‘post‐regulatory’ territorial cohesion policy
by Andreas Faludi - 1035-1053 Logistics and freight transport policy in urban areas: a case study of Berlin‐Brandenburg/Germany
by Markus Hesse - 1055-1068 The pitfalls of family resemblance: why transferring planning institutions between ‘similar countries’ is delicate business
by Martin De Jong
September 2004, Volume 12, Issue 6
- 747-765 Innovative milieu and social capital—complementary or redundant concepts of collaboration-based regional development?
by Martina Fromhold-Eisebith - 767-791 Regional clusters in Germany--their geography and their relevance for entrepreneurial activities
by Rolf Sternberg & Timo Litzenberger - 793-808 Learning in districts: Novelty and lock-in in a regional context
by Evert-Jan Visser & Ron Boschma - 809-834 The rise and demise of the Irish and Scottish computer hardware industry
by Chris van Egeraat & David Jacobson - 835-852 Universities and regional advantage: Higher education and innovation policies in English regions
by Fumi Kitagawa - 853-869 Crime, collective action and development
by Silvio Goglio - 871-889 Sustainable regions: Governance, innovation and scale
by Kevin Morgan - 891-904 Art and design as competitive advantage: A creative enterprise cluster in the Western United States
by Stuart Rosenfeld
July 2004, Volume 12, Issue 5
- 603-605 Knowledge, networks and proximity: An embeddedness perspective
by Frans Boekema & Roel Rutten - 607-624 Dimensions of proximity in knowledge-based networks: The cases of investment banking and automobile design
by Eike W. Schamp & Bernd Rentmeister & Vivien Lo - 625-641 Regional knowledge capabilities, embeddedness of firms and industry organisation: Bioscience megacentres and economic geography
by Philip Cooke - 643-657 The transmission of knowledge, emerging networks, and the role of universities: An evolutionary approach
by Jan Lambooy - 659-673 Inter-firm knowledge creation: A re-appreciation of embeddedness from a relational perspective
by Roel Rutten - 675-689 Proximity, trust and morality in networks
by Tobias Gössling - 691-701 Embeddedness, context, proximity and control
by Ben Dankbaar - 703-722 Sustainable new economic centres in European metropolitan regions: A stakeholders' perspective
by Marco Bontje - 723-738 Functional change as an indicator of transformation near the old city centre of Istanbul
by Dr. Nilgun Ergun & Bulent Dundar
June 2004, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 563-584 European briefing
by George A. Georgiou & Yiannis Psycharis - 585-594 Research briefing
by Vedia Dokmeci & Evren Ozus
2004, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 447-450 Book Reviews
by The Editors
March 2004, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 155-171 The networks producing television programmes in the Cologne media cluster: new firm foundation, flexible specialization and efficient decision‐making structures
by Ivo Mossig * - 249-270 Wales and objective 1 status: learning the lessons or emulating the errors?
by Philip Boland - 271-274 Research briefing
by Elisabete A. Silva
January 2004, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 173-189 Regional networks of small and medium sized enterprises: evidence from the Metropolitan Area of Ottawa in Canada1
by David Doloreux - 191-207 Innovative strategies of political regionalization: the case of North Rhine‐Westphalia
by Rainer Danielzyk & Gerald Wood - 209-228 Learning policy—the contextual curtain and conceptual barriers
by Simone Abram & Richard Cowell * - 229-247 Urban planning in Russia: towards the market
by Oleg Golubchikov - 275-279 Book reviews
by The Editors
January 2004, Volume 12, Issue 1
December 2003, Volume 12, Issue 8
- 1075-1095 Regional planning of R&D and science--technology interactions in Andalucia: a bibliometric analysis of patent documents
by Daniel Coronado & Manuel Acosta & Dolores León 1 - 1097-1113 Cluster policy in the Basque country (1991--2002): constructing ‘industry--government’ collaboration through cluster‐associations
by Manu Ahedo
October 2003, Volume 12, Issue 8
- 1145-1156 The effects of public capital on private sector performance in Turkish regional manufacturing industries1
by Metin Karadagˇ & Ertugˇrul Deliktaş & A. Özlem Önder
April 2003, Volume 12, Issue 7
- 921-941 Adapting a foreign direct investment strategy to the knowledge economy: the case of Singapore's emerging biotechnology cluster
by David Finegold 1 & Poh‐Kam Wong 2 & Tsui‐Chern Cheah 3
July 2003, Volume 12, Issue 7
- 985-1001 The biotechnology industry in Oxfordshire: enterprise and innovation
by Helen Lawton Smith
December 2003, Volume 12, Issue 7
- 961-983 The Canadian environment for innovation and business development in the biotechnology industry: a firm‐level analysis
by Sharmistha Bagchi‐Sen & Jennifer L. Scully
March 2003, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 459-477 A world geography of global media cities
by Stefan Krätke & Peter J. Taylor - 517-535 Household growth, housing demand and new settlements in Scotland
by Michael Pacione
May 2003, Volume 12, Issue 4
June 2003, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 479-496 Flexible urban governance. The case of Copenhagen's recent waterfront development
by Gene Desfor & John Jørgensen - 497-515 Creative planning in Ireland: the role of culture‐led development in Irish planning
by Darrin Bayliss
July 2003, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 551-561 Growth estimations in settlement planning using a land use cellular automata model (LUCAM)
by Mehmet Ali Yüzer
January 2003, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 173-189 Regional networks of small and medium sized enterprises: evidence from the Metropolitan Area of Ottawa in Canada1
by David Doloreux - 209-228 Learning policy—the contextual curtain and conceptual barriers
by Simone Abram & Richard Cowell *
February 2003, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 191-207 Innovative strategies of political regionalization: the case of North Rhine‐Westphalia
by Rainer Danielzyk & Gerald Wood - 229-247 Urban planning in Russia: towards the market
by Oleg Golubchikov
January 2003, Volume 11, Issue 8
- 1005-1008 Book Reviews
by The Editors
December 2003, Volume 11, Issue 8
- 885-910 Changing regional systems of innovation in Greece: the impact of regional innovation strategy initiatives in peripheral areas of Europe
by Lina Kyrgiafini & Elena Sefertzi - 911-927 Scaling from ‘below’: practices, strategies and urban spaces
by Esben Holm Nielsen & Kirsten Simonsen - 929-948 Illustrating spatial policies in Europe
by Stefanie Du¨hr - 949-963 Promoting Radical Change: The Loi Relative a` la Solidarite´ et au Renouvellement Urbains in France
by Philip Booth - 965-978 Intervention methods in land disputes
by Jørn Rognes & Per Ka˚re Sky - 979-999 EUROPEAN BRIEFING: Polycentricity in European spatial planning: from an analytical tool to a normative agenda
by Simin Davoudi - 1001-1004 RESEARCH BRIEFING: EU accession and the Bulgarian real estate market
by Marian Rizov
October 2003, Volume 11, Issue 7
- 757-763 The Evolution of Biotechnology in Three Continents: Schumpeterian or Penrosian?
by Philip Cooke - 765-788 Fortune Favours the Prepared Region: The Case of Entrepreneurship and the Capitol Region Biotechnology Cluster
by Maryann P. Feldman & Johanna L. Francis - 789-804 Biotechnology Megacentres: Montreal and Toronto Regional Systems of Innovation
by Jorge Niosi & Tomas G. Bas - 805-822 Commercializing Science in Europe: The Cambridge Biotechnology Cluster
by Steven Casper & Anastasios Karamanos - 823-840 The Role of Location and Regional Networks for Biotechnology Firms in Israel
by Dan Kaufmann & Dafna Schwartz & Amnon Frenkel & Daniel Shefer - 841-857 Multi-level Science Policy and Regional Innovation: The Case of the Munich Cluster for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
by Robert Kaiser - 859-873 European Policy and the Regions: A Review and Analysis of Tensions
by Helen Lawton Smith & Paul Tracey & Gordon L. Clark
September 2003, Volume 11, Issue 6
- 605-628 Global Media Cities in a World-wide Urban Network
by Stefan Krätke - 629-645 Localization in Europe's Periphery: Tourism Development in Sardinia
by Gert-Jan Hospers - 647-669 National Industry Clusters and Regional Specializations in Turkey
by Sedef Akgüngör & Nese Kumral & Aykut Lenger - 671-695 North-South Local Authority and Governance Differences in EU Networks
by Ioannis Chorianopoulos - 697-716 English Regionalization and Sustainability: Towards the Development of an Integrated Approach to Strategic Environmental Assessment
by Adam Barker & Thomas B. Fischer - 717-737 The Determinants of Regional Sourcing by Multinational Manufacturing Firms: Evidence from Yorkshire and Humberside, UK
by Mike Crone & H. Doug Watts - 739-747 Spatial Policies for Metropolitan Regions—Identity, Participation and Integration
by Brigitte Adam
July 2003, Volume 11, Issue 5
- 521-532 Competition and Cooperation in Industrial Clusters: The Implications for Public Policy
by David Newlands
June 2003, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 359-377 Expanding Opportunities: Cluster Strategies That Reach More People and More Places 1
by Stuart A. Rosenfeld - 379-394 Hannover after the World Exhibition EXPO 2000--An Attempt to Establish an ICT-cluster
by Javier Revilla Diez - 395-413 Building a Knowledge Economy in Ireland Through European Research Networks
by Seamus Grimes & Patrick Collins - 439-459 Structure and Strategy for Regional Learning and Innovation--Challenges for Regional Planning
by Jørgen Amdam
2003, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 223-228 Shifting Perspectives on Urban Water Policy in Europe
by Giorgos Kallis & Henri L.F. De Groot - 229-243 Lights and Shadows of Urban Water Demand Management: The Case of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona
by David Saurií - 245-261 Managing Water for Athens: From the Hydraulic to the Rational Growth Paradigm
by G. Kallis & H. Coccossis - 263-281 Sustainable Water Management Policy: Lessons from Amsterdam
by Jasper M. Dalhuisen & Caroline A. Rodenburg & Henri L.F. De Groot & Peter Nijkamp - 283-298 London: Structural Continuities and Institutional Change in Water Management
by Joseí E. Castro & Maria Kaika & Erik Swyngedouw - 299-316 The Water Framework Directive: A New Directive for a Changing Social, Political and Economic European Framework
by Maria Kaika - 317-339 Cohesion, Polycentricity, Missing Links and Bottlenecks: Conflicting Spatial Storylines for Pan-European Transport Investments
by Deike Peters - 341-350 The Cruise Industry and Port City Regeneration: The Case of Valletta
by John Mccarthy - 351-356 Book Reviews
by The Editors
March 2003, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 103-113 Imagining Rurality in the New Europe and Dilemmas for Spatial Policy
by Costis Hadjimichalis - 115-137 Barriers and Limitations in the Development of Industrial Innovation in the Region
by Amnon Frenkel - 139-153 Metropolitan cooperation in Europe: Theoretical issues and perspectives for urban networking 1
by Susanne Heeg & Britta Klagge & Juürgen Ossenbruügge - 155-170 The Impact of Industrial District Affiliation on Firm Value Creation
by F. Xavier Molina-Morales & M. Teresa Martínez-Fernaández - 171-191 Local Production Systems and Organizational Change: Hierarchization and Competing Firm Networks in Marinha Grande, Portugal
by Lars Winther - 193-211 European Briefing
by Brendan Murtagh & Stephen Mckay - 213-217 European Cities: Social Conflicts and Governance
by P. Le Galeés
January 2003, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-1 Best Article Prize, 2001
by The Editors - 3-10 Regional Science and Technology Policy Research (RESTPOR)--The Success Story of a Conference in Five Acts
by Knut Koschatzky - 11-24 Cluster analysis as a mode of inquiry: Its use in science and technology policymaking in North Carolina
by Edward J. Feser & Michael I. Luger - 25-39 Promoting Innovative Clusters through the Regional Research Centre (RRC) Policy Programme in Korea
by Kongrae Lee - 41-56 Regional Innovation Systems and European Research Policy: Convergence or Misunderstanding?
by Jean-Alain Heéraud - 57-76 Re-investing in the Built Environment: A Spatial Network Approach
by Michael C. Farmer - 77-87 Improving European Union Regional Policy by Learning from the Past in View of Enlargement
by Panayotis Getimis - 89-94 The 2002 Congress of the European Schools of Planning
by Elisabete A. Silva - 95-100 Book Reviews
by The Editors
September 2002, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 27-40 Rethinking suburban development in Australia: a Melbourne case study
by Kevin O'Connor & Ernest Healy - 85-97 Policies for the future of regional Australia1
by Paul Collits
August 2002, Volume 12, Issue 1
November 2002, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 3-26 Regional development processes and policies in Australia: a review of research 1990--2002
by Alaric Maude - 99-121 Industry clusters in Australia: recent trends and prospects
by Brian H. Roberts & Michael J. Enright
December 2002, Volume 10, Issue 8
- 933-953 Company Growth, Acquisitions and Access to Complementary Assets in Israel's Data Security Sector
by Morris Teubal & Gil Avnimelech & Alon Gayego - 955-970 Selling Urban Housing in London. Can High-density Urban Living Be Sold to a Sceptical British Public? Distinction, Mobility, and Control over Environment
by Sean Peirce - 971-986 The Role of Telematics in Integrating Ireland into Europe's Information Society
by Seamus Grimes & Patrick Collins - 987-1012 Regional Policy and the 'Regionalization' of University-Industry Links: A View from the English Regions
by Gareth Potts - 1013-1025 Delivering Integrated Rural Development: Insights from Northern Ireland
by Mark Scott - 1027-1038 The Potential Implications of the European Union Water Framework Directive on Domestic Planning Systems: A UK Case Study
by Joe Howe & Iain White - 1039-1046 The Effect of Social Networks on Resource Access and Business Start-ups
by Jan Inge Jenssen & Harold F. Koenig
October 2002, Volume 10, Issue 7
- 813-818 Urban Regeneration and Sports Stadia
by Andy Thornley - 819-829 The Stadium and Economic Development: Cardiff and the Millennium Stadium
by Calvin Jones - 831-843 The Stade de France. The Last Expression of French Centralism?
by Peter Newman & Melanie Tual - 845-860 Uncertain Legacy: Sydney's Olympic Stadiums
by Glen Searle - 861-873 The Economic and Social Justification for Publicly Financed Stadia: The Case of Vancouver's BC Place Stadium
by Phillip Lee - 875-896 The Manhattan Yankees? Planning Objectives, City Policy, and Sports Stadium Location in New York City
by Ajay Chanayil - 897-909 Positioning European Spatial Planning
by Andreas Faludi - 911-922 Export of Planning Knowledge Needs Comparative Analysis: The Case of Applying Western Land Consolidation Experience in Central Europe
by Terry van Dijk
September 2002, Volume 10, Issue 6
- 685-704 Putting Porter into Practice? Practices of Regional Cluster Building: Evidence from Sweden
by Per Lundequist & Dominic Power - 705-722 Innovation Processes and Proximity: The Case of IDEON Firms in Lund, Sweden
by Ola Jonsson - 723-743 Producer Services, Transaction Activities, and Cities: Rethinking Occupational Categories in Economic Geography
by Rolf Stein - 745-763 Unemployment and Labour-market Policy in the New Voivodeship System in Poland
by Pawel Churski - 765-779 National Home/Personal Home: Public Housing and the Shaping of National Space in Israel
by Rachel Kallus & Hubert Law Yone - 781-792 The White Paper on European Governance: Implications for Urban Policy
by Rob Atkinson - 793-798 Planning Under a Scottish Parliament: A Missed Opportunity?
by Philip Allmendinger
July 2002, Volume 10, Issue 5
- 541-562 Enterprise Clusters and Industrial Districts in Colombia's Fashion Sector†
by Carlo Pietrobelli & Tatiana Olarte Barrera - 563-581 Characteristics of Collaboration in Product Innovation in the Regional System of Innovation of East Gothia
by Charles Edquist & Marie-Louise Eriksson & Hans Sjögren - 583-611 The Re-emergence of a Media Industry Cluster in Leipzig
by Harald Bathelt - 613-631 Learning and the ' Ba ' in the Development Network of an Urban Region
by Juha Kostiainen - 633-649 Regional Development Agencies and Local Economic Development: Scale and Competitiveness in High-technology Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire
by Rupert Waters & Helen Lawton Smith - 651-664 The Regional Impact of EU Eastern Enlargement: A View from Germany
by Stefan Krätke - 665-670 National Parks in Scotland: Balancing Environment and Economy
by John McCarthy & Greg Lloyd & Barbara Illsley
June 2002, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 425-437 Italian Industrial Districts: An Industrial Economics Interpretation
by Marco Bellandi - 439-447 The Industrial District and the 'New' Italian Economic Geography
by Fabio Sforzi - 449-466 Social Concertation and Local Development: The Case of Industrial Districts
by Gabi Dei Ottati - 467-481 Economic Policies and Local Development: Some Reflections
by Gianfranco Viesti - 483-493 Industrial Sectors and Industrial Districts: Tools for Industrial Analysis
by Giacomo Becattini - 495-517 The Merseyside Objective One Programme: Exemplar of Coherent City-regional Planning and Governance or Cautionary Tale?
by Richard Evans - 519-527 The Fashion Industry in Galicia: Understanding the 'Zara' Phenomenon
by Arturo Revilla Bonnin
April 2002, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 285-303 User-controlled Housing: Desirability and Feasibility
by Naomi Carmon - 305-320 Induced Cooperation in Housing Development: Comparing Housing Schemes in Four European Countries
by Roelof Verhage - 321-334 Outside the Walls: Urban Gated Communities and their Regulation within the British Planning System
by Aron Gooblar - 335-358 Indecision Factors when Planning for Land Use Change
by Elisabete A. Silva - 359-381 Prospects for a Distinctly Scottish Planning in a Post-sovereign Age
by Philip Allmendinger - 383-389 A Note on "Panorama of the Basque Country and its Competence for Self-government": Terrorism and the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao Effect
by Beatriz Plaza - 391-396 The Impact of Conflict on a Country's Economy: An Obligatory Response to Beatriz Plaza
by Goio Etxebarria & Mikel Gómez Uranga - 397-404 Industrial Heritage Tourism and Regional Restructuring in the European Union
by Gert-Jan Hospers - 405-412 Spatial Analysis of Physicians' Offices with Respect to Population and Hospital Beds in Istanbul
by Vedia Dokmeci
March 2002, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 149-151 Innovation and Competitive Cities in the Global Economy: Introduction to the Special Issue
by James Simmie & Peter Wood - 153-164 Regional Innovation Support Systems: Recent Trends in Germany and East Asia
by Robert Hassink - 165-176 The Innovative Advantage of US Cities
by David B. Audretsch - 177-200 Spatial and Sectoral Characteristics of Relational Capital in Innovation Activity
by Roberta Capello - 201-214 Trading Places: Competitive Cities in the Global Economy
by James Simmie - 215-231 Change in the Innovation Process: New Knowledge Production and Competitive Cities--The Case of Stuttgart
by Simone Strambach - 233-250 Innovation Advantages of Cities: From Knowledge to Equity in Five Basic Steps
by Philip Cooke & Clare Davies & Rob Wilson - 251-273 Internet Domains and the Innovativeness of Cities/Regions--Evidence from Germany and Munich
by Rolf Sternberg & Mark Krymalowski
January 2002, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 7-25 Global Restructuring, the Welfare State and Urban Programmes: Federal Policies and Inequality within Australian Cities
by Andrew Beer & Clive Forster - 27-54 Network Analysis of Production Clusters: The Potsdam/Babelsberg Film Industry as an Example
by Stefan Krätke - 55-76 Regional Identity in Regional Development and Planning1
by Garri Raagmaa - 77-97 The International Building Exhibition (IBA) Emscher Park, Germany: A Model for Sustainable Restructuring?
by Robert Shaw - 99-111 Sectoral Versus Territorial Regional Planning and Development in Norway
by Roar Amdam - 113-130 Structural Funds and Their Impact: Signed and Sealed, But Can We Deliver?
by John Shutt & Adrian Colwell & Stratis Koutsoukos - 131-138 Digital Experiments to Improve Knowledge Based Economic Development--Strengthening Local Nodes
by Ileana Hamburg & Dieter Rehfeld
December 2001, Volume 9, Issue 8
- 949-963 Power and the Spirit of Clustering
by Geoff Whittam & Mike Danson - 965-978 Growing Global: Foreign Direct Investment and the Internationalization of Local Suppliers in Scotland
by Phil Raines & Ivan Turok & Ross Brown - 979-994 The Interregional Location of Foreign Investors in Turkey
by Lale Berköz - 995-1010 Institutional Influences on EU Funded Regional Technology Development in the UK: A Study of the Yorkshire and East London Regions in the 1990s
by Gordon Dabinett & Tony Gore - 1011-1029 The Meaning of Local in a Global Economy: The 'Region's Advocacy of Local Interests' as a Necessary Component of Current Global/Local Theories
by Peter Cabus - 1031-1038 The Budget of the European Union and its Contribution to Finance Programmes for Health and Consumer Protection
by George Georgiou - 1039-1054 Public Leaders in Regional Economic Development
by Garri Raagmaa
October 2001, Volume 9, Issue 7
- 805-811 Creativity and Cost in Urban and Regional Development in the 'New Economy'
by Bjørn Asheim & Eric Clark - 813-826 Globalization and the Rise of City-regions
by Allen J. Scott - 827-849 Scaling the City: The Political Economy of 'Glocal' Development - Brussels' Conundrum
by Erik Swyngedouw & Guy Baeten - 851-869 Creative Copenhagen: Globalization, Urban Governance and Social Change
by Anders Lund Hansen & Hans Thor Andersen & Eric Clark - 871-887 Oslo: In What Way an Innovative City?
by Arne Isaksen & Heidi Wiig Aslesen - 889-906 Losing Control? Inequality and Social Divisions in Oslo
by Terje Wessel