January 2007, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 107-132 After Structure Planning: The New Sub-regional Planning in England
by Tim Marshall - 133-152 Implementing International Environmental Agreements: The Case of the Wadden Sea
by Joe Weston - 153-166 Revitalisation of the Main Street of a Distinguished Old Neighbourhood in Istanbul
by Vedia Dokmeci & Ufuk Altunbas & Burcin Yazgi - 167-168 Book Review
by Barry Ness
October 2006, Volume 16, Issue 9
- 1189-1205 Cultural Resources and Regional Development: The Case of the Cultural Legacy of Watchmaking
by Lei¨la Kebir & Olivier Crevoisier
December 2006, Volume 16, Issue 6
- 727-743 Metropolis and its Region—New Relations in the Information Economy1
by Maciej Smętkowski & Grzegorz Gorzelak
November 2006, Volume 16, Issue 6
- 811-827 Intended Ties with Local Institutions as Factors in Innovation: An Application to Spanish Manufacturing Firms
by F. Xavier Molina-Morales & Francisco Mas-Verdu
October 2006, Volume 16, Issue 6
- 745-760 How Different are Emerging Multinationals' Views of Economic Integration in Europe? A Case Study of Korean Automobile Manufacturers' Strategic Reactions
by Jae Hoon Hyun - 761-784 Coalition-building in Portuguese Spatial Planning: Is There a Southern European Context?
by Isabel Breda-Vázquez & Carlos Oliveira - 785-810 International R&D Cooperation between Low-tech SMEs: The Role of Cultural and Geographical Proximity
by Aurora A. C. Teixeira & Paulo Santos & Ana Oliveira Brochado - 829-851 Constructing Co-generative Search Processes: Re-thinking Urban Planning/Making Urban Plans Actionable
by Anli Ataöv
October 2006, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 521-535 Governing Paris—Planning and Political Conflict in Île-de-France
by Philippe Subra & Peter Newman
September 2006, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 465-486 Beyond the German Model of Capitalism: Unorthodox Local Business Development in the Cologne Media Industry
by Ulrich Glassmann - 487-505 Collaboration for Local Economic Development: Business Networks, Politics and Universities in Two Swedish Cities
by Åsa-Karin Engstrand & Ann-Mari Sätre åhlander - 507-520 External Ties and the Reduction of Knowledge Asymmetries among Clusters within Global Value Chains: The Case of the Ceramic Tile District of Castellon
by José Luis Hervás Oliver & José Albors Garrigós & Juan Ignacio Dalmau Porta - 537-555 The Importance of Context and Comparison in the Study of European Spatial Planning
by Olivier Sykes
November 2006, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 253-276 Preservation Plan Applications for the Historical City Centre, Kemeralti (Izmir, Turkey)
by Sibel Ecemis Kilic
September 2006, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 163-187 Interaction among High-tech Talent and its Impact on Innovation Performance: A Comparison of Taiwanese Science Parks at Different Stages of Development
by Tai-Shan Hu - 211-228 Inside the Internet Industry: The Importance of Proximity in Accessing Knowledge in the Agglomeration of Internet Firms in Stockholm
by Johan Jansson - 229-252 Internationalization in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area: Images, Discourses and Metaphors
by Alberto Vanolo
August 2006, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 189-210 Public versus Private Technological Incubator Programmes: Privatizing the Technological Incubators in Israel
by Amnon Frenkel & Daniel Shefer & Michal Miller
August 2006, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 3-21 Curbing Optimism Bias and Strategic Misrepresentation in Planning: Reference Class Forecasting in Practice
by Bent Flyvbjerg - 23-41 Urban Policy in the Nordic Countries—National Foci and Strategies for Implementation1
by Gertrud Jørgensen & Thorkild ærø - 43-59 Global Networks of the Motion Picture Industry in Los Angeles/Hollywood using the Example of their Connections to the German Market
by Ivo Mossig - 61-80 Evaluating the Risk of Plant Closure in the Automotive Industry in Spain
by Ricardo Aláez-Aller & Maite Barneto-Carmona - 81-98 A Five-phase Entrepreneurial Oriented Innovation and Technology Policy Profile: The Israeli Experience
by Gil Avnimelech - 99-118 External Leveraging and Technological Upgrading Among East Asian Firms in the US
by Jinn-Yuh Hsu & Jessie P. Poon & Henry Wai-Chung Yeung
December 2006, Volume 15, Issue 10
- 1369-1395 Transnational City Networks for Sustainability
by Marco Keiner & Arley Kim
July 2006, Volume 15, Issue 10
- 1327-1348 Planning the Cultural Quarter in Birmingham's Eastside
by Libby Porter & Austin Barber
May 2006, Volume 15, Issue 10
- 1397-1421 The Dynamics of Regional Disparities in Central and Eastern Europe during Transition
by Roberto Ezcurra & Pedro Pascual & Manuel Rapún
June 2006, Volume 15, Issue 10
- 1295-1325 The Birmingham Jewellery Quarter: A Marshallian Industrial District
by Lisa De Propris & Luciana Lazzeretti
July 2006, Volume 15, Issue 9
- 1181-1198 Entrepreneurial High-tech Cluster Development: Israel's Experience with Venture Capital and Technological Incubators
by Gil Avnimelech & Dafna Schwartz & Raphael Bar-El - 1233-1246 Co-ownership Active Interfaces between Academia and Industry
by Jorge Alves & Maria Jose Marques & Irina Saur‐Amaral
August 2006, Volume 15, Issue 9
- 1163-1180 Constraints on Innovation Finance in North Jutland, Denmark
by Jesper Lindgaard Christensen
October 2006, Volume 15, Issue 9
- 1247-1260 Art, Light and Landscape New Agendas for Urban Development
by Teresa Alves
September 2006, Volume 15, Issue 9
- 1143-1161 Financing Innovation: The Role of Norwegian Venture Capitalists in Financing Knowledge-intensive Enterprises
by Ove Langeland - 1199-1214 The Dynamics of Commercialization of Scientific Knowledge in Biotechnology and Nanotechnology
by Mikel Gómez Uranga & Goio Etxebarria Kerexeta & Jordi Campàs-Velasco - 1215-1232 Technological and Cultural Challenges in Local Innovation Support Activities—Emerging Knowledge Interactions in Charlotte's Motor Sport Cluster
by Kimmo Viljamaa
July 2006, Volume 15, Issue 8
- 1085-1111 Innovation, R&D and Technology Transfer: Policies towards a Regional Innovation System. The Case of Lombardy
by Maria Giovanna Bosco
January 2006, Volume 15, Issue 8
- 1027-1045 The Managerial Equation and Innovation Platforms: The Case of Linköping and Berzelius Science Park
by Jonathan Michael Feldman - 1047-1062 Communication and Distance in Collaboration between High-technology Enterprises in Northern Finland
by Katariina Ala-Rämi - 1063-1084 University--Regional Partnership in a Period of Structural Adjustment: Lessons from Southern Adelaide's Response to an Automobile Plant Closure
by Andrew Beer & Joan Cooper
May 2006, Volume 15, Issue 8
- 1007-1025 Strategic Planning as Region Building on the Eastern Periphery of the EU
by Simon Smith
March 2006, Volume 15, Issue 7
- 905-925 Increasing Role of Services in Competitive Power and Innovativeness of Firms and Industrial Clusters
by Ayda Eraydin & Bilge Armatli Köroğlu
February 2006, Volume 15, Issue 7
- 927-944 Network Governance and Policy Integration—the Case of Regional Coastal Zone Planning in Norway
by Sissel Hovik & Knut Bjørn Stokke
June 2006, Volume 15, Issue 7
- 871-888 Regional Innovation Policies in the Czech Republic and the Case of Prague: An Emerging Role of a Regional Level?
by Jiří Blažek & David Uhlíř
April 2006, Volume 15, Issue 7
- 889-903 The Rise of the Creative City: Culture and Creativity in Copenhagen
by Darrin Bayliss
May 2006, Volume 15, Issue 6
- 753-766 Strategic Considerations for Innovation and Commercialization in the US Biotechnology Sector
by Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen - 787-815 The Geography of Knowledge Transfer and Innovation in Biotechnology: The Cases of Scotland, Sweden and Denmark1
by Alessandro Rosiello
June 2006, Volume 15, Issue 6
- 817-833 The Development of Geographical Specialization of Venture Capital
by Jesper Lindgaard Christensen
December 2006, Volume 15, Issue 6
- 727-751 Developing Capabilities: An Analysis of Biotechnology in two Regions in Australia and Sweden
by Johan Brink & Linus Dahlander & Maureen Mckelvey
September 2006, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 457-466 Proximity, Knowledge and Innovation in Peripheral Regions. On the Intersection between Geographical and Organizational Proximity
by Arnoud Lagendijk & Anne Lorentzen - 511-529 Innovation and Networking in Peripheral Areas—a Case Study of Emergence and Change in Rural Manufacturing
by Seija Virkkala - 531-548 Proximity and Knowledge Governance in Localized Production Systems: The Footwear Industry in the North Region of Portugal
by Mário Vale & Josué Caldeira - 549-566 Technology Cities in Norway: Innovating in Glocal Networks
by Knut Onsager & Arne Isaksen & Morten Fraas & Tom Johnstad
August 2006, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 467-486 The Geography of Knowledge Sourcing—A Case Study of Polish Manufacturing Enterprises
by Anne Lorentzen - 487-509 Seven Samurai Opening Up the Ivory Tower? The Construction of Newcastle as an Entrepreneurial University
by Paul Benneworth
July 2006, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 235-251 Merging a Firm-centred and a Regional Policy Perspective for the Assessment of Regional Clusters: Concept and Application of a “Dual” Approach to a Medical Technology Cluster
by Claus Steinle & Holger Schiele & Kai Mietzner
June 2006, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 179-194 To Construct Regional Advantage from Innovation Systems First Build Policy Platforms
by Philip Cooke - 217-233 Bridging Scales in Innovation Policies: How to Link Regional, National and International Innovation Systems
by Martina Fromhold-Eisebith
October 2006, Volume 15, Issue 2
September 2006, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 171-177 Spatial Innovation Systems: Theory and Cases—an Introduction
by Roel Rutten & Frans Boekema - 195-215 The Cyclic Innovation Model: A New Challenge for a Regional Approach to Innovation Systems?
by Patrick Van Der Duin & Roland Ortt & Matthijs Kok - 253-270 Innovation in Regions
by Tobias Gössling & Roel Rutten
November 2006, Volume 14, Issue 10
- 1473-1485 Territorial Cohesion of Tomorrow: A Path to Cooperation or Competition?
by Philippe Doucet - 1487-1500 Bridge the Gap: From Spatial Planning to Strategic Projects
by Louis Albrechts - 1501-1505 Book Review
by Judith Tsouvalis
October 2006, Volume 14, Issue 9
- 1167-1170 Recent Developments in the Research on Innovative Clusters
by Dirk Dohse & Rüdiger Soltwedel
May 2006, Volume 14, Issue 9
- 1187-1208 Where Do Firms Choose to Locate Their R&D? A Spatial Conditional Logit Analysis on French Data
by Corinne Autant-Bernard - 1209-1234 The Knowledge Economy and Urban Economic Growth
by Otto Raspe & Frank Van Oort - 1235-1263 Innovation Clusters in the European Regions
by Rosina Moreno & Raffaele Paci & Stefano Usai
June 2006, Volume 14, Issue 9
- 1315-1328 The long-term Implications of Local Industrial Clusters
by Thomas Brenner & Andreas Gildner
March 2006, Volume 14, Issue 9
- 1287-1314 Urban Clustering, Development Similarity, and Local Growth: A Case Study of Canada
by Boris A. Portnov
April 2006, Volume 14, Issue 9
- 1265-1285 Global Bioregional Networks: A New Economic Geography of Bioscientific Knowledge
by Philip Cooke
July 2006, Volume 14, Issue 9
- 1171-1186 The Spatial Dimension of Innovation and Growth: Empirical Research Methodology and Policy Analysis
by Attila Varga
August 2006, Volume 14, Issue 7
- 881-904 The rescaling of governance in Europe: New spatial and institutional rationales
by Enrico Gualini
July 2006, Volume 14, Issue 6
- 855-876 Evaluating the governance of structural funds programmes: The case of community economic development in South Yorkshire
by H. W. Armstrong & P. Wells
June 2006, Volume 14, Issue 5
- 577-579 Knowledge in the region: Introduction to the special issue
by Ulrich Hilpert
May 2006, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 547-555 Medium-sized cities in urban regions
by Brigitte Adam - 557-576 Perceptions of office rent determinants by real estate brokerage firms in Istanbul
by V. Atilla Oven & Dilek Pekdemir
April 2006, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 291-298 New urban governance: Institutional change and consequences for urban development
by Uta Hohn & Birgit Neuer - 383-396 Assessing the effectiveness of the EU's regional policies on real convergence: An analysis based on the HERMIN model
by Simón Sosvilla-Rivero & Oscar Bajo-Rubio & Carmen Díaz-Roldán - 397-408 The application of policy for cultural clustering: Current practice in Scotland
by John McCarthy
February 2006, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 253-272 European spatial planning reloaded: Considering EU enlargement in theory and practice
by Karina M. Pallagst - 273-283 Demographic, employment and administrative challenges for urban policies in Estonia
by Jussi S. Jauhiainen
January 2006, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-1 Best article prize, 2004
by The Editors - 3-8 Fostering entrepreneurship as a means to overcome barriers to development of rural peripheral areas in Europe
by Lois Labrianidis - 9-22 Marketing and innovation: Useful tools for competitiveness in rural and peripheral areas
by Anabela Dinis - 23-39 The digital divide in Europe's rural enterprises
by Lois Labrianidis & Thanassis Kalogeressis - 41-60 Developing entrepreneurship and enterprise in Europe's peripheral rural areas: Some issues facing policy-makers
by David North & David Smallbone - 61-78 A study into the localization of rural businesses in five European countries
by Christos Kalantaridis - 79-93 Business networks and innovation in selected lagging areas of the European Union: A spatial perspective
by Andrew Copus & Dimitris Skuras - 95-117 Interaction between innovation in small firms and their environments: An exploratory study
by Maria Teresa De Noronha Vaz & Marisa Cesário & Sílvia Fernandes - 119-122 Book reviews
by The Editors
October 2005, Volume 15, Issue 8
- 992-1006 System Innovation in Spatial Development: Current Dutch Approaches
by Hugo Priemus
March 2005, Volume 15, Issue 7
- 945-959 Natural Resources, Innovative Milieux and the Environmentally Sustainable Development of Regions1
by Veronique Peyrache-Gadeau
November 2005, Volume 15, Issue 6
- 767-786 Seeing Eye-to-eye: How do Public and Private Sector Views of a Biotech Cluster and its Cluster Initiative Differ?
by Robin Teigland & Göran Lindqvist
May 2005, Volume 15, Issue 5
- 603-622 Brownfield Development: Are We Using the Right Targets? Evidence from England and Germany
by Robin Ganser & Katie Williams
October 2005, Volume 15, Issue 5
- 667-686 The Network Approach: Dutch Spatial Planning between Substratum and Infrastructure Networks
by Hugo Priemus
November 2005, Volume 15, Issue 5
- 623-644 Venture Investments in Israel—a Regional Perspective
by Dafna Schwartz & Raphael Bar-El
December 2005, Volume 15, Issue 5
- 645-666 Public Sector Relocation Policies in the UK and Ireland1
by J. N. Marshall
March 2005, Volume 15, Issue 5
- 587-602 Regional Polarization under Transition: The Case of Slovakia
by Vladimír Baláž
May 2005, Volume 14, Issue 10
- 1407-1428 Multipolis: High-technology Network in Northern Finland
by Jussi S. Jauhiainen
December 2005, Volume 14, Issue 10
- 1387-1406 The Economic Geographies of the Outer City: Industrial Dynamics and Imaginary Spaces of Location in Copenhagen
by Lars Winther & Høgni Kalsø Hansen
July 2005, Volume 14, Issue 10
- 1331-1361 Emergence and Growth of Mjärdevi Science Park in Linköping, Sweden1
by Leif Hommen & David Doloreux & Emma Larsson
April 2005, Volume 14, Issue 10
- 1363-1385 Evolution of Knowledge Intensive Services in a High-tech Region: The Case of Hsinchu, Taiwan
by Tai-Shan Hu & Su-Li Chang & Chien-Yuan Lin & Hsueh-Tao Chien - 1429-1447 Exploring a Strategic Turn: Case Study of Innovation and Organizational Change in a Productivist Dairy
by Egil Petter Stræte - 1449-1471 How the Hands of Time Mould Planning Instruments: Iterative Adaptation Pushing Limits in Rural Areas
by Terry Van Dijk
May 2005, Volume 14, Issue 8
- 1105-1138 Areas of large enterprise and industrial districts in the development of post-war Italy: A preliminary survey
by Giacomo Becattini & Fulvio Coltorti
August 2005, Volume 14, Issue 8
- 1015-1033 Borders, bridges and branding: The transformation of the Øresund region into an imagined space
by Gert-Jan Hospers - 1139-1162 The performance of Italian industrial districts and large enterprise areas in the 1990s
by Giacomo Becattini & Gabi Dei Ottati
September 2005, Volume 14, Issue 8
- 997-1013 Building global knowledge pipelines: The role of temporary clusters
by Peter Maskell & Harald Bathelt & Anders Malmberg - 1035-1058 Innovation in knowledge intensive industries: The nature and geography of knowledge links
by Franz Tödtling & Patrick Lehner & Michaela Trippl
March 2005, Volume 14, Issue 8
- 1085-1104 Regional Development Platform Method (RDPM) as a tool for regional innovation policy-super-1
by Vesa Harmaakorpi
November 2005, Volume 14, Issue 8
- 1059-1084 Regional innovation systems and the labour market: A comparison of five regions
by Carla De Laurentis
November 2005, Volume 14, Issue 7
- 905-922 Rescaling territorial governance: A Flemish perspective
by Joris Voets & Filip De Rynck - 923-938 The role of experimental regionalism in rescaling the German state
by Dietrich Fürst - 939-958 Rescaling French urban territories: State, local power and regional configurations in the building of new metropolitan institutions
by Emmanuel Négrier - 959-978 Rescaling territorial governance in the Randstad Holland: The responsiveness of spatial and institutional strategies to changing socio-economic interactions
by Willem Salet - 979-995 Devolution and economic governance in the UK: Rescaling territories and organizations
by Mark Goodwin & Martin Jones & Rhys Jones
January 2005, Volume 14, Issue 6
- 753-772 Urban development in peripheral regions of the New Europe: The case of Vigo in Galicia
by Antonio Vázquez-Barquero - 791-810 Do industrial districts influence export performance and export intensity? Evidence for Spanish SMEs' internationalization process
by José Antonio Belso-Martínez - 811-829 Strategic spatial planning and contested ruralities: Insights from the republic of Ireland
by Mark Scott
March 2005, Volume 14, Issue 6
- 733-751 Sources of superior performance: Industry versus firm effects among firms in Taiwan
by Yi-Min Chen & Feng-Jyh Lin - 831-854 Devolution, decentralization and dispersal: Asserting the spatiality of the public sector in Scotland
by M. Greg Lloyd & Deborah Peel
February 2005, Volume 14, Issue 5
- 641-664 Knowledge creation, use and innovation: The role of urban and regional innovation strategies and policies
by Michael A. Goldberg
June 2005, Volume 14, Issue 5
- 621-639 “Traditional knowledge” and local development trajectories
by Antonio G. Calafati - 697-716 Knowledge and competitiveness in the aerospace industry: The cases of toulouse, seattle and north-west England
by Desmond Hickie
April 2005, Volume 14, Issue 5
May 2005, Volume 14, Issue 5
- 665-679 Institutional contexts for scientific innovation and economic transformation
by Vijai P. Singh & Thomas Allen
July 2005, Volume 14, Issue 5
August 2005, Volume 14, Issue 5
- 581-599 Knowledge in the region: Development based on tradition, culture and change
by Ulrich Hilpert
February 2005, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 415-430 City/culture discourses: Evidence from the competition to select the European capital of culture 2008
by Ron Griffiths - 431-458 Density Dependent Dynamics in the Arezzo jewellery district (1947--2001): Focus on foundings
by Luciana Lazzeretti
June 2005, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 299-320 Transforming governance: Challenges of institutional adaptation and a new politics of space1
by Patsy Healey - 321-334 “City 2030”—21 cities in quest of the future: New forms of urban and regional governance
by Stephanie Bock - 335-364 New urban governance processes on the level of neighbourhoods
by Andreas Keil - 365-381 Privatized urbanity or a politicized society? Reconstruction in Beirut after the civil war
by Heiko Schmid
May 2005, Volume 13, Issue 8
- 1153-1172 Regional Innovation Systems in the Lisbon strategy
by Pieter De Bruijn & Arnoud Lagendijk - 1173-1192 The United States: Still on top?
by Edward J. Malecki
April 2005, Volume 13, Issue 8
- 1137-1152 Innovation and knowledge: Theory and regional policy
by Jan Lambooy
August 2005, Volume 13, Issue 8
- 1205-1226 South Africa: A rising star? assessing the X-effectiveness of South Africa's national system of innovation
by Gerrit Rooks & Leon Oerlemans
July 2005, Volume 13, Issue 8
- 1193-1203 The Netherlands: Failure of a neo-classical policy agenda
by Alfred Kleinknecht & C.W.M. Naastepad
December 2005, Volume 13, Issue 8
- 1131-1136 Innovation, policy and economic growth: Theory and cases
by Roel Rutten & Frans Boekema
September 2005, Volume 13, Issue 8
- 1227-1244 Finland: A success story?
by Päivi Oinas
October 2005, Volume 13, Issue 7
- 1083-1111 Urban development, redevelopment and regeneration encouraged by transport infrastructure projects: The case study of 12 European cities
by Aspa Gospodini - 1113-1121 European coherence and regional policy? A Finnish perspective on the observed and reported territorial impacts of EU research and development policies
by Tommi Inkinen
September 2005, Volume 13, Issue 6
- 807-814 The strategic importance of location: Location decisions and the effects of firm location on innovation and knowledge acquisition
by Jesper Christensen & Ina Drejer - 815-830 Management cultures and regional development: High performance management and the location of new manufacturing plants
by Peter Doeringer & Christine Evans-klock & David Terkla - 831-851 From here to eternity?: The practice of knowledge transfer in dispersed and co-located project organizations
by Jonathan Sapsed & David Gann & Nick Marshall & Ammon Salter - 853-877 City and innovation: Different size, different strategy
by Pierre Therrien - 879-898 Location and collaboration: Manufacturing firms' use of knowledge intensive services in product innovation
by Ina Drejer & Anker Lund Vinding - 899-920 Distant networking: The knowledge acquisition strategies of 'out-cluster' biotechnology firms
by Margarida Fontes - 921-938 Innovation and cooperation during the emergence of local industrial clusters: An empirical study in Germany
by Thomas Brenner - 939-965 Milieux innovateurs: Determinants and policy implications
by Nabil Amara & Rejean Landry & Mathieu Ouimet
June 2005, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 497-519 An evolutionary integrated view of Regional Systems of Innovation: Concepts, measures and historical perspectives
by Simona Iammarino - 521-535 How to unlock regional economies from path dependency? From learning region to learning cluster
by Robert Hassink - 537-557 University spin-off policies and economic development in Less successful regions: Learning from two decades of policy practice
by Paul Benneworth & David Charles - 559-579 Regional development and regional innovation policy in New Zealand: Issues and tensions in a small remote country1
by Tobias Nischalke & Andrea Schöllmann - 581-599 EU regional policy and the stimulation of innovation: The role of the European Regional Development Fund in the objective 1 region Burgenland
by Alexander Kaufmann & Petra Wagner - 601-618 Regionalization of Innovation Policies: The Case of Japan
by Fumi Kitagawa - 619-639 Foresight as a Governance Concept at the Interface between Global Challenges and Regional Innovation Potentials
by Knut Koschatzky
April 2005, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 449-473 Intra- and inter-regional knowledge spillovers: Evidence from European regions
by Lydia Greunz - 475-493 Higher Education Excellence and Local Economic Development: The Case of the Entrepreneurial University of Twente
by Luciana Lazzeretti & Ernesto Tavoletti
January 2005, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 195-215 The hidden face of European spatial planning: innovations in governance
by Umberto Janin Rivolin & Andreas Faludi - 217-235 Structural problems for the renewal of planning styles: the spanish case1
by Joaquín Farinós Dasí & Juan Romero González & Inés Sánchez De Madariaga** - 237-252 The fragile foundations of european spatial planning in Portugal
by Artur Da Rosa Pires - 253-264 The ESDP relevance to a distant partner: Greece
by Harry Coccossis & Dimitris Economou & George Petrakos - 265-283 Italy and European spatial policies: polycentrism, urban networks and local innovation practices1
by Francesca Governa & Carlo Salone - 285-295 France and the ESDP in the context of European integration and Mediterranean cooperation
by Philippe Cichowlaz - 297-317 Applying the ESDP through interreg IIIB: a southern perspective
by Luisa Pedrazzini - 319-331 Transforming spatial planning policy in Mediterranean countries: Europeanization and domestic change
by Georgia Giannakourou - 333-349 Innovation, social inclusion and coherent regional development: a new diamond for a socially inclusive innovation policy in regions
by Michael Guth
January 2005, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 5-17 The use of regulation and governance theories in research on post-socialism: the adaptation of enterprises in Vyborg1
by Riitta Kosonen - 23-44 Beyond moving people: excavating the motivations for investing in urban public transit infrastructure in Bilbao Spain
by Matti Siemiatycki - 45-72 Problem areas in Poland in terms of the objectives of the European Union's regional policy
by Paweł Churski - 73-91 Supplier linkages of foreign-owned manufacturing firms in the UK: the influence of entry mode, subsidiary autonomy and nationality
by David Williams - 93-115 Complexity, emergence and cellular urban models: lessons learned from applying SLEUTH to two Portuguese metropolitan areas
by Elisabete A. Silva & Keith C. Clarke - 117-136 Decline and sprawl: an evolving type of urban development – observed in Liverpool and Leipzig1
by Chris Couch & Jay Karecha & Henning Nuissl & Dieter Rink - 137-155 Expansive spatial planning: the new European transnational spatial visions
by Wil Zonneveld - 157-174 Past and future for public participation in Norwegian physical planning
by Helge Fiskaa - 175-181 18th congress of the AESOP, Grenoble, France, 2004 ‘Metropolitan planning and environmental issues’
by Elisabete A. Silva - 183-187 Book reviews
by The Editors
December 2004, Volume 14, Issue 6
- 773-789 From regional innovation systems to local innovation systems: Evidence from Italian industrial districts
by Alessandro Muscio
November 2004, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 459-484 Regional polarization in the European Union
by Roberto Ezcurra & Pedro Pascual & Manuel Rapún - 485-502 How do Italian footwear industrial districts face globalization?
by Alessia Amighini & Roberta Rabellotti - 503-524 Defining, explaining and managing high-tech growth: The case of Oxfordshire
by John Glasson & Andrew Chadwick & Helen Lawton Smith - 525-546 Relational complexity and the imaginative power of strategic spatial planning1
by Patsy Healey
September 2004, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 147-168 How can future long-term changes in finnish agriculture and agricultural policy be faced? defining strategic agendas on the basis of a delphi study
by Pasi Rikkonen & Jyrki Aakkula & Jari Kaivo-oja - 219-238 Rural development perspectives in enlarging Europe: The implications of CAP reforms and agricultural transition in accession countries
by Marian Rizov
October 2004, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 199-218 Developing, designing and managing mixed tenure estates: implementing planning gain legislation in the Republic of Ireland1
by Michelle Norris - 239-252 Towards justice in planning: A reappraisal
by Heather Campbell & Robert Marshall
December 2004, Volume 14, Issue 2
November 2004, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 123-146 Regional innovation systems and the foundation of knowledge intensive business services. A comparative study in Bremen, Munich, and Stuttgart, Germany
by Andreas Koch & Thomas Stahlecker
August 2004, Volume 13, Issue 7
- 985-1012 The planning dialectic of continuity and change: The evolution of metropolitan planning in Madrid-super-1
by Michael Neuman & Jose Gavinha - 1013-1033 Strategies of learning in the process of transformation
by Anne Lorentzen
September 2004, Volume 13, Issue 7
- 967-983 Mixed-use development: Theory and practice in Amsterdam's Eastern Docklands
by Eric Hoppenbrouwer & Erik Louw - 1063-1081 How well are Europe's rural businesses connected to the digital economy?
by Seamus Grimes