June 2019, Volume 40, Issue 6
- 1184-1205 Staying the course in Mexico: the role of the US in the drug war, 2006–present
by Edward Hunt
May 2019, Volume 40, Issue 5
- 839-854 The folly of “aid for stabilisation”
by Christoph Zürcher - 855-869 Never Thaw that coming! Latin American regional integration and the US–Cuba Thaw
by John de Bhal - 870-889 Unpacking the unequal representation of Northern and Southern NGOs in international climate change politics
by Marika Gereke & Tanja Brühl - 890-907 The ICC indictment against Al-Bashir and its repercussions for peacekeeping and humanitarian operations in Darfur
by Allard Duursma & Tanja R. Müller - 908-925 Enforcing labour rights of irregular migrants in Indonesia
by Wayne Palmer & Antje Missbach - 926-946 Can agricultural intensification help attain Sustainable Development Goals? Evidence from Africa and Asia
by Neil Dawson & Adrian Martin & Laura Camfield - 947-965 Growth, governance and corruption in Bangladesh: a re-assessment
by M. Niaz Asadullah & N N Tarun Chakravorty - 966-980 The reformists: Kalahi and the performances of local government officials in Bohol, Philippines
by Emmanuelle Poncin - 981-998 The violence of culture: the legitimation of the Israeli occupation of Palestine
by Aneta Brockhill & Karl Cordell - 999-1013 A literary approach to Afro-Sino relations: Ufrieda Ho’s Paper Sons and Daughters: Growing Up Chinese in South Africa and Ken N. Kamoche’s Black Ghosts
by Uchenna P. Vasser
April 2019, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 633-650 How comprehensive is comprehensive? Using Wangari Maathai as a critique of the World Bank’s contemporary development model
by T. D. Harper-Shipman - 651-667 The ontological politics of (in-)equality: a new research approach for post-development
by Christoph Neusiedl - 668-687 Outlook for the ‘developing country’ category: a paradox of demise and continuity
by Déborah B. L. Farias - 688-709 (Trans)regionalism and South–South cooperation: Afrasia instead of Eurafrique?
by Veit Bachmann - 710-726 Repression, co-optation and insurgency: Pakistan’s FATA, Southern Thailand and Papua, Indonesia
by Chris Wilson & Shahzad Akhtar - 727-742 Dangerised youth: the politics of security and development in Timor-Leste
by Werner Distler - 743-762 Food-security governance in India and Ethiopia: a comparative analysis
by Ivica Petrikova - 763-779 Farmer resistance to agriculture commercialisation in northern Ghana
by Siera Vercillo & Miriam Hird-Younger - 780-795 The rise of a capitalist subsistence economy in Peru
by Jan Lust - 796-814 Capable, splendorous and unequal: international media portrayals of Brazil during the 2014 World Cup
by Billy Graeff & Diego Monteiro Gutierrez & Thais Sardá & Paul Bretherton & Marco Bettine - 815-837 Conceptualising and tracing the increased territorialisation of politics: insights from Argentina
by Federico M. Rossi
March 2019, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 429-450 Grading greatness: evaluating the status performance of the BRICS
by Pål Røren & Paul Beaumont - 451-470 Playing the regional card: why and how authoritarian gravity centres exploit regional organisations
by Marianne Kneuer & Thomas Demmelhuber & Raphael Peresson & Tobias Zumbrägel - 471-487 Ethnicity and conflict severity: accounting for the effect of co-ethnic and non-ethnic militias on battlefield lethality
by Huseyn Aliyev & Emil A. Souleimanov - 488-502 Justifying military intervention: Yemen as a failed state
by Maria-Louise Clausen - 503-520 European Union civil society support and the depoliticisation of Turkish civil society
by Özge Zihnioğlu - 521-541 Liberal internationalism meets third worldism: the politics of international election observation in the DRC’s post-war elections
by Fritz Nganje & Kgalalelo Nganje - 542-557 Politics of exclusion and institutional transformation in Ethiopia
by Moses Khisa - 558-577 Karamojan politics: extension of state power and formation of a subordinate political elite in northeastern Uganda
by Karol Czuba - 578-594 Chinese views of global economic governance
by Jinghan Zeng - 595-611 Why madrassah education reforms don’t work in Pakistan
by Mohsin Bashir & Shoaib Ul-Haq - 612-632 Globalising cities at the crossroads of migration: Puebla, Tijuana and Monterrey
by Marianne H. Marchand & Adriana Sletza Ortega Ramírez
February 2019, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 199-206 Violence and ordering of the Third World: an introduction
by Randolph B. Persaud & Narendran Kumarakulasingam - 207-223 Scientific racism, race war and the global racial imaginary
by Alexander D. Barder - 224-249 Evangelical violence: Western Christianity and the use of force against the Third World
by Christopher Rhodes - 250-265 The horror of ‘horrorism’: laundering metropolitan killings
by Narendran Kumarakulasingam - 266-283 Killing the Third World: civilisational security as US grand strategy
by Randolph B. Persaud - 284-297 Manhunt Presidency: Obama, race, and the Third World
by Sankaran Krishna - 298-316 A ‘synchronised attack’ on life: the Saudi-led coalition’s ‘hidden and holistic’ genocide in Yemen and the shared responsibility of the US and UK
by Jeffrey S. Bachman - 317-336 Violence on Iraqi bodies: decolonising economic sanctions in security studies
by Mariam Georgis & Riva Gewarges - 337-354 Colonial legacies, armed revolts and state violence: the Maoist movement in India
by Swati Parashar - 355-372 Corporate power, US drug enforcement and the repression of indigenous peoples in Latin America
by Horace Bartilow - 373-388 The violence work of transnational gangs in Central America
by María José Méndez - 389-404 The coloniality of abridgment: afterlives of mass violence in Cambodia and the US
by Emily Mitamura - 405-424 The nexus between vulnerabilities and violence in the Caribbean
by W. Andy Knight - 425-427 Correction
by The Editors - 428-428 Correction
by The Editors
January 2019, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-17 Protecting cultural heritage in war zones
by Thomas G. Weiss & Nina Connelly - 18-35 Is it possible to achieve a good life for all within planetary boundaries?
by Jason Hickel - 36-52 Critical peacebuilding and the dilemma of difference: the stigma of the ‘local’ and the quest for equality
by Xavier Mathieu - 53-73 Money, people or mission? Accountability in local and non-local NGOs
by Winston Hyman van Zyl & Frederik Claeyé & Véronique Flambard - 74-91 Children and armed conflict: looking at the future and learning from the past
by Roos Haer - 92-108 Contesting the international order by integrating it: the case of China’s Belt and Road initiative
by Lina Benabdallah - 109-128 Otherising Iran in American political discourse: case study of a post-JCPOA senate hearing on Iran sanctions
by Elham Kadkhodaee & Zeinab Ghasemi Tari - 129-146 Civil society, hybridity and peacebuilding in Burundi: questioning authenticity
by Rowan Popplewell - 147-162 Strategic competence and agency: individuals overcoming barriers to change in South African higher education
by Grace Ese-osa Idahosa & Louise Vincent - 163-179 Women’s experiences of peacebuilding in violence-affected communities in Kenya
by Natascha Mueller-Hirth - 180-198 Identity and world order in India’s post-Cold War foreign policy discourse
by Thorsten Wojczewski
December 2018, Volume 39, Issue 12
- 2207-2221 Rising powers in international conflict management: an introduction
by Emel Parlar Dal - 2222-2239 Reluctant powers? Rising powers’ contributions to regional crisis management
by Sandra Destradi - 2240-2254 Rising powers and the global nuclear order: a structural study of India’s integration
by Harsh V. Pant & Arka Biswas - 2255-2271 China’s role in the regional and international management of Korean conflict: an arbiter or catalyst?
by Hakan Mehmetcik & Ferit Belder - 2272-2290 Interests or ideas? Explaining Brazil’s surge in peacekeeping and peacebuilding
by Charles T. Call - 2291-2314 Assessing Turkey’s changing conflict management role after the Cold War: actorness, approaches and tools
by Emel Parlar Dal - 2315-2333 Rising powers and the horn of Africa: conflicting regionalisms
by Abigail Kabandula & Timothy M. Shaw - 2334-2353 Pragmatic eclecticism, neoclassical realism and post-structuralism: reconsidering the African response to the Libyan crisis of 2011
by Linnéa Gelot & Martin Welz
November 2018, Volume 39, Issue 11
- 2033-2052 From Al-Itihaad to Al-Shabaab: how the Ethiopian intervention and the ‘War on Terror’ exacerbated the conflict in Somalia
by Mohamed Haji Ingiriis - 2053-2068 Conceptualising de-radicalisation and former combatant re-integration in Nigeria
by Gordon Clubb & Marina Tapley - 2069-2084 Political economy of land grabbing inside China involving foreign investors
by Yunan Xu - 2085-2102 Territorial dispossession: dynamics of capitalist expansion in rural territories in South America
by Luis Felipe Rincón & Bernardo M. Fernandes - 2103-2125 Construction Jihad: state-building and development in Iran and Lebanon’s Shiʿi Territories
by Eric Lob - 2126-2141 Entrepreneurs, investors and the state: the public and the private in sub-Saharan African irrigation development
by Elizabeth Harrison & Anna Mdee - 2142-2172 A precarious peace? The threat of paramilitary violence to the peace process in Colombia
by David Maher & Andrew Thomson - 2173-2187 Sewing their way up the social ladder? Paths to social mobility and empowerment among Sri Lanka’s global factory workers
by Sandya Hewamanne - 2188-2202 People, personal projects and the challenging of social structures: a contribution to the reflection on the challenges of teaching development studies
by Juan David Parra Heredia - 2203-2205 ‘People and personal projects’: a rejoinder on the challenge of teaching development studies
by Wendy Harcourt
October 2018, Volume 39, Issue 10
- 1861-1882 Policy visions of big data: views from the Global South
by Laura C. Mahrenbach & Katja Mayer & Jürgen Pfeffer - 1883-1898 Romania and the Third World during the heyday of the détente
by Cezar Stanciu - 1899-1922 The ethics of international service learning as a pedagogical development practice: a Canadian study
by Debra D. Chapman - 1923-1940 Perceptions, identities and interests in South–South cooperation: the cases of Chile, Venezuela and Brazil
by Guillermo Santander & José Antonio Alonso - 1941-1961 Evaluating Brazilian South–South Cooperation in Haiti
by Megan Pickup - 1962-1978 The BRICS and global governance: China’s contradictory role
by Mark Beeson & Jinghan Zeng - 1979-1997 Disassembling the Square Kilometre Array: astronomy and development in South Africa
by Cherryl Walker & Davide Chinigò - 1998-2015 ‘To be or not to be’ (like the West): modernisation in Russia and Iran
by Ghoncheh Tazmini - 2016-2031 Global international relations and the Arab Spring: the Maghreb’s challenge to the EU
by J. N. C. Hill
September 2018, Volume 39, Issue 9
- 1675-1691 Internationalised justice and democratisation: how international tribunals can empower non-reformists
by Izabela Steflja - 1692-1710 Ownership dynamics in local multi-stakeholder initiatives
by Kees Biekart & Alan Fowler - 1711-1726 China’s road from socialism to global capitalism
by Jerry Harris - 1727-1749 The globaliser dragon: how is China changing economic globalisation?
by Diego Trindade d’Ávila Magalhães - 1750-1769 Fostering the post-development debate: the Latin American concept of tecnologia social
by Marlei Pozzebon & Isleide Arruda Fontenelle - 1770-1790 Turkey’s global governance strategies at the UN compared to the BRICS (2008–2014): clarifying the motivation–contribution nexus
by Emel Parlar Dal & Ali Murat Kurşun - 1791-1811 Democratic BRICS as role models in a shifting global order: inherent dilemmas and the challenges ahead
by Ziya Öniş & Alper Şükrü Gençer - 1812-1830 The AKP after 15 years: emergence of Erdoganism in Turkey
by Ihsan Yilmaz & Galib Bashirov - 1831-1847 The micro-politics of norm contestation between the OSCE and Kazakhstan: square pegs in round holes
by Rico Isaacs - 1848-1859 Nelson Mandela: the ripple effect
by Sope Maithufi
August 2018, Volume 39, Issue 8
- 1435-1457 Why do men rape? Understanding the determinants of rapes in India
by Sharanya Basu Roy & Sayantan Ghosh Dastidar - 1458-1474 Panacea for the refugee crisis? Rethinking the promotion of ‘self-reliance’ for refugees
by Evan Easton-Calabria & Naohiko Omata - 1475-1490 Voluntourism and the contract corrective
by Susan Banki & Richard Schonell - 1491-1507 How friends become foes: exploring the role of documents in shaping UNHCR’s behaviour
by Georgia Cole - 1508-1524 UNHCR and the pursuit of international protection: accountability through technology?
by Katja Lindskov Jacobsen & Kristin Bergtora Sandvik - 1525-1542 When hybridity breeds contempt: negative hybrid peace in Cambodia
by Dahlia Simangan - 1543-1560 Hybrid peace revisited: an opportunity for considering self-governance?
by Pol Bargués-Pedreny & Elisa Randazzo - 1561-1582 Extractive peasants: reframing informal artisanal and small-scale mining debates
by Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt - 1583-1603 From resistance to military institutionalisation: the case of the peshmerga versus the Islamic State
by Marianna Charountaki - 1604-1621 Regulating religious authority for political gains: al-Sisi’s manipulation of al-Azhar in Egypt
by Masooda Bano & Hanane Benadi - 1622-1639 Conflict dynamics and agonistic dialogue on historical violence: a case from Indonesia
by Sarah Maddison & Rachael Diprose - 1640-1655 Social housing under the Workers’ Party government: an analysis of the private sector in Brazil
by Valesca Lima - 1656-1674 The contradictions of neo-extractivism and social policy: the role of raw material exports in the Brazilian political crisis
by Anthony Pahnke
July 2018, Volume 39, Issue 7
- 1227-1246 Converging social justice issues and movements: implications for political actions and research
by Saturnino M. Borras Jr. & Tsegaye Moreda & Alberto Alonso-Fradejas & Zoe W. Brent - 1247-1269 The politics of convergence in Bolivia: social movements and the state
by Ben M. McKay - 1270-1289 Implicating ‘fisheries justice’ movements in food and climate politics
by Elyse N. Mills - 1290-1307 Convergence as political strategy: social justice movements, natural resources and climate change
by Salena Tramel - 1308-1325 The challenge of locating land-based climate change mitigation and adaptation politics within a social justice perspective: towards an idea of agrarian climate justice
by Saturnino M. Borras & Jennifer C. Franco - 1326-1347 The right to food in the context of large-scale land investment in Ethiopia
by Tsegaye Moreda - 1348-1366 Analysing agricultural investment from the realities of small-scale food providers: grounding the debates
by Christina M. Schiavoni & Salena Tramel & Hannah Twomey & Benedict S. Mongula - 1367-1385 The ‘tenure guidelines’ as a tool for democratising land and resource control in Latin America
by Zoe W. Brent & Alberto Alonso-Fradejas & Gonzalo Colque & Sergio Sauer - 1386-1402 Why wait for the state? Using the CFS Tenure Guidelines to recalibrate political-legal struggles for democratic land control
by Jennifer Franco & Sofía Monsalve Suárez - 1403-1410 Pathway to resilience: hands and hearts for peasant livelihoods and fair relations between humans and nature
by Paula Gioia - 1411-1420 The origins and politics, campaigns and demands by the international fisher peoples’ movement: an Indigenous perspective
by Sherry Pictou - 1421-1434 Black lives and climate justice: courage and power in defending communities and Mother Earth
by Sara Mersha
June 2018, Volume 39, Issue 6
- 1033-1055 The theory and practice of building developmental states in the Global South
by Jewellord Nem Singh & Jesse Salah Ovadia - 1056-1076 Studying the developmental state: theory and method in research on industrial policy and state-led development in Africa
by Jesse Salah Ovadia & Christina Wolf - 1077-1097 State-owned enterprises and the political economy of state–state relations in the developing world
by Jewellord Nem Singh & Geoffrey C. Chen - 1098-1114 The developmental state of the twenty-first century: accounting for state and society
by Jennifer Hsu - 1115-1132 Twenty-first century developmental states? Argentina under the Kirchners
by Christopher Wylde - 1133-1150 Industrial policy and state-making: Brazil’s attempt at oil-based industrial development
by Eliza Massi & Jewellord Nem Singh - 1151-1165 The Ethiopian developmental state
by Christopher Clapham - 1166-1190 An extractive developmental state in Southern Africa? The cases of Zambia and Zimbabwe
by Richard Saunders & Alexander Caramento - 1191-1210 East Asia’s new developmentalism: state capacity, climate change and low-carbon development
by Christopher M. Dent - 1211-1225 Exporting the developmental state: Japan’s economic diplomacy in the Arctic
by Aki Tonami
May 2018, Volume 39, Issue 5
- 821-837 The cyber frontier and digital pitfalls in the Global South
by Niels Nagelhus Schia - 838-853 Humanitarian symbolic exchange: extending Responsibility to Protect through individual and local engagement
by Morgan Brigg - 854-870 The global securitisation of youth
by Mayssoun Sukarieh & Stuart Tannock - 871-888 Rising powers and order contestation: disaggregating the normative from the representational
by Edward Newman & Benjamin Zala - 889-905 The elephant in the room: offshore companies, liberalisation and extension of presidential power in DR Congo
by Zoë Marriage - 906-919 School, sexuality and problematic girlhoods: reframing ‘empowerment’ discourse
by Kate Pincock - 920-940 The disciplining of illegal palm oil plantations in Sumatra
by Eusebius Pantja Pramudya & Otto Hospes & C. J. A. M. Termeer - 941-958 The relationship between human trafficking and child recruitment in the Colombian armed conflict
by Mónica Hurtado & Ángela Iranzo Dosdad & Sergio Gómez Hernández - 959-975 The slow violence of corporate social responsibility: the case of mining in Peru
by Jonathan Kishen Gamu & Peter Dauvergne - 976-998 Imperialism and the Middle Kingdom: the Xi Jinping administration’s peripheral diplomacy with developing states
by Jeffrey Reeves - 999-1013 Aid and state-building, Part I: South Korea and Taiwan
by Nematullah Bizhan - 1014-1031 Aid and state-building, Part II: Afghanistan and Iraq
by Nematullah Bizhan
April 2018, Volume 39, Issue 4
- () Corrigendum
by The Editors - 609-625 Does the Millennium Challenge Corporation reinforce capitalist power structures or empower citizens?
by Joanne E. Davies - 626-641 Forever North–South? The political challenges of reforming the UN development system
by M.-O. Baumann - 642-660 Beyond disaster framing: exploring multi-mandate INGOs’ representations of conflict
by Oliver Walton - 661-676 Power, politics and perception: the impact of foreign policy on civilian–peacekeeper relations
by Vanessa F. Newby - 677-691 The politics of purity: discourses of deception and integrity in contemporary international cricket
by Simon Philpott - 692-708 Renminbi appreciation and Global Value Chains in China: exploring the linkages
by Paul Bowles & Fiona MacPhail & Baotai Wang - 709-726 How stalled global reform is fueling regionalism: China’s engagement with the G20
by Jared McKinney - 727-746 Theorising state–narco relations in Bolivia’s nascent democracy (1982–1993): governance, order and political transition
by Allan Gillies - 747-768 Global capitalism, Haiti, and the flexibilisation of paramilitarism
by Jeb Sprague-Silgado - 769-785 Reality and rumour: the grey areas of international development in Guatemala
by Rebecca Clouser - 786-798 Qatar’s humanitarian aid to Palestine
by Elia Zureik - 799-819 ASEAN’s governance of migrant worker rights
by Charanpal S. Bal & Kelly Gerard
March 2018, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 399-417 Colonial apologies and the problem of the transgressor speaking
by Tom Bentley - 418-435 Past as global trade governance prelude: reconfiguring debate about reform of the multilateral trading system
by Rorden Wilkinson - 436-453 Climate change: the risks of stranded fossil fuel assets and resources to the developing world
by Kyra Bos & Joyeeta Gupta - 454-470 Humanitarian interventions and the media: broadcasting against ethnic hate
by Kerstin Tomiak - 471-486 Political responsibility and global health
by Nana K. Poku & Jesper Sundewall - 487-509 Global poverty and inequality: are the revised estimates open to an alternative interpretation?
by Peter Edward & Andy Sumner - 510-526 Trivial pursuits? Serious (video) games and the media representation of refugees
by Gemma Sou - 527-543 New directions in welfare: rights-based social policies in post-neoliberal Latin America
by Jean Grugel & Pia Riggirozzi - 544-559 Humanitarian aid and host state capacity: the challenges of the Norwegian Refugee Council in Colombia
by Julieta Lemaitre - 560-576 Hurdles to peace: a level-of-analysis approach to resolving Sudan’s civil wars
by Johan Brosché & Allard Duursma - 577-593 Recalcitrant spoiler? Contesting dominant accounts of India’s role in global trade governance
by Kristen Hopewell - 594-608 The Turkish Constitutional Court, laicism and the headscarf issue
by Lacin Idil Oztig
February 2018, Volume 39, Issue 2
- () Erratum
by The Editors - 207-217 Spirit and being: interdisciplinary reflections on drugs across history and politics
by Maziyar Ghiabi - 218-231 Decolonising drugs in Asia: the case of cocaine in colonial India
by James Mills - 232-247 A diplomatic failure: the Mexican role in the demise of the 1940 Reglamento Federal de Toxicomanías
by Isaac Campos - 248-260 Drugs of choice, drugs of change: Egyptian consumption habits since the 1920s
by Philip Robins - 261-276 Drug booms and busts: poverty and prosperity in a Nicaraguan narco-
by Dennis Rodgers - 277-297 Maintaining disorder: the micropolitics of drugs policy in Iran
by Maziyar Ghiabi - 298-313 ‘We Will Revive’: addiction, spiritual warfare, and recovery in Latin America’s cocaine production zone
by Pablo Seward Delaporte - 314-330 Fighting crime and maintaining order: shared worldviews of civilian and military elites in Brazil and Mexico
by Anaís M. Passos - 331-349 Turning deserts into flowers: settlement and poppy cultivation in southwest Afghanistan
by David Mansfield - 350-365 Quasilegality: khat, cannabis and Africa’s drug laws
by Neil Carrier & Gernot Klantschnig - 366-384 Why do South-east Asian states choose to suppress opium? A cross-case comparison
by James Windle - 385-398 Decolonising drug studies in an era of predatory accumulation
by Philippe Bourgois
January 2018, Volume 39, Issue 1
- () Erratum
by The Editors - 1-17 When responsibility to protect ‘hits home’: the refugee crisis and the EU response
by Stefania Panebianco & Iole Fontana - 18-34 UK development policy and domestic politics 1997–2016
by Gerard Clarke - 35-50 Crises and unpredictability in developing countries
by Nerea San-Martín-Albizuri & Arturo Rodriguez-Castellanos - 51-67 Philanthrocapitalism: rendering the public domain obsolete?
by Carol Thompson - 68-84 Making good on donors’ desire to Do Development Differently
by Dan Honig & Nilima Gulrajani - 85-103 Criminogenic patterns in the management of Boko Haram’s human displacement situation
by Medinat A. Abdulazeez & Temitope B. Oriola - 104-121 From aid negotiation to aid effectiveness: the case of food and nutrition security in Ethiopia
by Pierre-Marie Aubert & Matthieu Brun & Peter Agamile & Sébastien Treyer - 122-139 Social policy for inclusive development in Africa
by Vusi Gumede - 140-157 A capability analysis of Rwandan development policy: calling into question human development indicators
by Malin Hasselskog - 158-174 Militarisation of governance after conflict: beyond the rebel-to-ruler frame – the case of Rwanda
by Andrea Purdeková & Filip Reyntjens & Nina Wilén - 175-188 Transnational public goods provision: the increasing role of rising powers and the case of South Africa
by Stephan Klingebiel - 189-206 Large-scale land deals in Sierra Leone at the intersection of gender and lineage
by Caitlin Ryan
December 2017, Volume 38, Issue 12
- () Corrigendum
by The Editors - 2547-2558 Post-development 25 years after
by Aram Ziai - 2559-2572 Post-Development @ 25: on ‘being stuck’ and moving forward, sideways, backward and otherwise
by Gustavo Esteva & Arturo Escobar - 2573-2587 The Sustainable Development Goals and : varieties of Post-Development?
by Wolfgang Sachs