1998, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 11-14 Home buyers' characteristics and selling prices
by Shunfeng Song - 15-18 The causal relationship between construction workload and construction price
by Fraser Dorward & Akintola Akintoye & Cliff Hardcastle - 19-23 A note on ERM membership and the efficiency of the London Stock Exchange
by David Chappel & Joanne Padmore & Julia Pidgeon - 25-29 Unemployment persistence: the case of Sweden
by Bengt Assarsson & Per Jansson - 31-35 Money, exchange rates and international business cycle between Japan and the United States
by Shigeyuki Hamori - 37-39 Using panel data to estimate the determinants of medical malpractice insurance premiums
by Mark Paul Gius - 41-42 Forecasting with structural change: why is the random walk model so damned difficult to beat?
by Gawon Yoon - 43-46 Testing for technical change: a nonparametric application
by Jati Sengupta - 47-49 Determinants of the inflation rate of the health care CPI in the US
by Richard Cebula - 51-53 Re-examine the long-run purchasing power parity hypothesis for a high inflation country: the case of Turkey 1980-93
by Erdinc Telatar & Hasan Kazdagli - 55-59 Technology gaps, economic growth and convergence across US states
by Norman Sedgley
1997, Volume 4, Issue 12
- 719-723 Macroeconomic implications of search theory for the labour market
by Sanjiv Ranjan Das - 725-728 Rent-sharing or incentives? Estimating the residual claim of average employees
by Bruce Rayton - 729-732 A test of the public choice theory of economic sanctions
by Shane Bonetti - 733-735 Evidence on the effect of young adults' wages on their college attendance decisions
by Mahdy Mohanty & Miles Finney - 737-739 Bank exposures to interest-rate risk: the case of the Australian banking industry
by R. W. Faff & P. F. Howard - 741-743 The pattern of non-union wage supplements: a switching regression approach
by Susan Donohue - 745-749 Testing alternative dynamic specifications: an application to meat demand in Belgium
by Ludo Peeters & Yves Surry & Anja Cielen - 751-755 Modelling the Spanish imports of vehicles using a source differentiated demand system
by Jose Alberto Molina - 757-759 Growths in US housing starts, real consumer debt, real GDP and the long-term real interest rate: a vector cointegration analysis
by Matiur Rahman & Muhammad Mustafa - 761-763 Measures of probability changes in binary choice models: a comparative study
by M. Teresa Aparicio & Inmaculada Villanua - 765-768 A non-nested test of GARCH vs. EGARCH models
by Jung-Hee Lee & B. Wade Brorsen - 769-774 Distributional properties and weekly return patterns of the Athens stock exchange
by Nikiforos Laopodis - 775-779 International evidence on the sustainability of budget deficits
by James Payne
1997, Volume 4, Issue 11
- 657-660 Capital requirements on over the counter options
by Lily Choong - 661-663 Life cycle theory and the impact of the rate of economic growth on saving
by Stephen Triantis - 665-669 Population and economic growth: a cointegration analysis of lesser developed countries
by James Payne & Bradley Ewing - 671-674 Energy consumption and economic growth in Brazil, Mexico and Venezuela: a time series analysis
by Benjamin Cheng - 675-678 Impact of lawyer advertising on the image of lawyers in the United States
by Richard Cebula - 679-681 Productivity shocks and business fixed investment
by Omer Ozcicek & David Smyth - 683-687 Evidence from lesser developed countries on the Fisher hypothesis: a cointegration analysis
by James Payne & Bradley Ewing - 689-694 White noise and other experiments on augmented Dickey-Fuller tests
by Kevin Fox - 695-697 Yield spreads as predictors of recessions in a core European economic area
by N. Funke - 699-701 A frontier approach to disequilibrium models
by Kaddour Hadri - 703-707 Political instability and country risk: new evidence
by Jakob De Haan & Clemens Siermann & Erna Van Lubek - 709-710 Predicting wages from transformed wage equations
by Armando Barrientos & Luis Firinguetti - 711-714 A Note on the impact of the United States federal budget deficit on the intermediate-term interest rate, 1960-94
by Richard Cebula - 715-717 The bid-ask spread for dollars in Kuwait: a brief note
by Nurhan Davutyan
1997, Volume 4, Issue 10
- 595-597 Trading patterns of small and large traders: implications for the weekend effect in Finland
by Juha-Pekka Kallunki & Teppo Martikainen - 599-602 Some international evidence on the 'equity premium'
by Ketil Hviding - 603-606 Testing for business cycle asymmetry: some international evidence
by Alan Speight - 607-610 Welfare and the family size decision of low-income, two-parent families
by Howard Gensler - 611-614 Testing purchasing power parity in the presence of transaction costs
by Michael Pippenger & John Geppert - 615-617 Does information efficiency require a perception of information inefficiency?
by Leighton Vaughan Williams & David Paton - 619-621 Willingness to pay for rBST-free milk: a two-limit Tobit model analysis
by Qingbin Wang & Catherine Halbrendt & Jane Kolodinsky & Fred Schmidt - 623-625 Cost structure in college and university student health centres: comment
by Albert Okunade - 627-629 Testing the random walk hypothesis: evidence for the Budapest stock exchange
by E. Dockery & F. Vergari - 631-633 Nonlinear dependence in British pound exchange rates
by Angelos Kanas - 635-637 Portfolio managers versus the darts: evidence from the Wall Street Journal's Dartboard Column
by Allen Atkins & James Sundali - 639-642 Hirschman-Herfindahl index determination under incomplete information
by Eric Nauenberg & Kisalaya Basu & Harish Chand - 643-646 Testing for boy-girl discrimination with household expenditure data: results for Papua New Guinea
by John Gibson - 647-650 Nonlinear dependence and conditional heteroscedasticity in stock returns: UK evidence
by M. F. Omran - 651-655 Defence spending and growth in Greece: a comment and further empirical evidence
by Nicholas Antonakis
1997, Volume 4, Issue 9
- 537-539 A microstructural analysis of the exchange rate expectation formation process
by Swarna Dutt - 541-545 Trade union membership density: the case of the AUT
by Mark Baimbridge & Philip Whyman & Claire Simpson - 547-550 Exchange rate instability: some empirical tests of temporal dynamics
by Jati Sengupta & Raymond Sfeir - 551-554 How stable is relationship between US petroleum imports and economic growth?
by Kofi Amoateng - 555-558 Match attendance at Euro 96: was the crowd waving or drowning?
by Mark Baimbridge - 559-562 Is Beta dead? The role of alternative estimation methods
by Andrew Clare & Richard Priestley & Stephen Thomas - 563-566 Beta stability and monthly seasonal effects: evidence from the Australian capital market
by Robert Brooks & Robert Faff & Thomas Josev - 567-570 Handicaps, outcome uncertainty and attendance demand
by David Peel & Dennis Thomas - 571-574 Cigarette consumption in Greece: empirical evidence from cointegration analysis
by George Hondroyiannis & Evangelia Papapetrou - 575-578 Long-run purchasing power parity and long-term memory: evidence from Asian newly industrialized countries
by W. L. Chou & Y. C. Shih - 579-582 The changing gender wage gap in Korea
by M. C. Berger & P. Groothuis & P. Jeon - 583-586 Incidence of tariff: the case of India, 1982-93
by Bishwanath Goldari & Hasheem Saleem - 587-590 International diversification and oil price risk
by Oystein Thogersen - 591-594 Occupational differences and the relative wages of married and single young men
by Paul Gabriel
1997, Volume 4, Issue 8
- 459-464 Inter-day return behaviour for stocks quoted 'back-to-back' in Hong Kong and London
by Paul Mcguinness - 465-468 Long-term unemployment and US State wages
by Mark Partridge & Dan Rickman - 469-471 Cointegration, error correction and Granger causality: an application with Latin American stock markets
by Kausik Chaudhuri - 473-476 Another look at long-run purchasing power parity using Sims tests for unit roots
by Jacquelynne Mclellan & Debasish Chakraborty - 477-479 A simple method to test the Fisher effect
by Shigeyuki Hamori - 481-485 Specification issues in the modelling of union status determination
by Keith Bender - 487-491 Non-wage labour costs and employment: a note on some Canadian evidence from the 1970s
by J. C. H. Jones & L. Laudadio - 493-496 Are budget deficits inflationary? A cointegration approach
by George Hondroyiannis & Evangelia Papapetrou - 497-501 The roles of diffusion of advance technology and capital deepening in economic growth: a cross-country study
by Erkin Bairam - 503-505 Determinants of global portfolio composition
by Majed Muhtaseb - 507-510 Causality between the minimum wage and other wages
by Francisco Carneiro & Joao Ricardo Faria - 511-515 Are Chinese stock markets efficient? A cointegration and causality analysis
by Xiaming Liu & Haiyan Song & Peter Romilly - 517-520 The trade balance and the real exchange rate: the US evidence from 1973: 3 to 1994: 9
by Chi-Ang Lin - 521-524 Poverty, excess sensitivity and the permanent income hypothesis: evidence from a developing country
by Ila Patnaik - 525-528 Total factor productivity growth in Singapore's manufacturing industries
by H. M. Leung - 529-533 Neoclassical and collective rationality in household labour supply
by Jonathan Seaton - 535-536 Some further experimental results on hypothetical versus real willingness to pay
by Magnus Johannesson
1997, Volume 4, Issue 7
- 397-400 Macro-monetary effects on agricultural prices: the case of Greek agriculture
by Efstratios Loizou & Kostandinos Mattas & Angelos Pagoulatos - 401-402 Are Greek smokers rational addicts?
by Samuel Cameron - 403-406 Technology and librarianship: a test of the human capital model of occupational segregation
by Marybeth Charters & Paul Grimes - 407-408 Festive versus seasonal effects in consumption: a note
by S. Cameron & K. U. Zaman - 409-410 On testing Kuznets' economic growth hypothesis
by P. J. Dawson - 411-414 The quality of life: an international comparison based on ordinal measures
by Satya Paul - 415-418 Economic forecasts by industry type: comparisons and statistical tests
by David Sharpe - 419-423 Estimating allocative inefficiency in the prescription drug industry
by Robert Guell & Marvin Fischbaum - 425-429 Export volume, exchange rates and global economic growth: the Indian experience
by Rajen Mookerjee - 431-435 Do estimable relations exist between size and efficiency of institutions and productivity growth? An exercise in the spirit of D. C. North
by G. P. Caselli & S. Curatolo - 437-440 The paper-bill spread and Blanchard's version of Okun's law
by Christian Weber - 441-444 Combining information in exchange rate forecasting: evidence from the EMS
by Fernando Fernandez-Rodriguez & Simon Sosvilla-Rivero Julian - 445-447 Integration and causality in US mortgage and T-bond markets
by Matiur Rahman & Muhammad Mustafa & Michael Kurth - 449-451 Do short-term interest rates influence long-term interest rates? Empirical evidence from some EMS countries
by Gabriel Quiros-Romero & Simon Sosvilla-Rivero - 453-457 Effects of exchange-rate variability on inflation variability: some additional evidence
by A. C. Arize & J. Malindretos - 458-458 Erratum
by Darlene Chisholm
1997, Volume 4, Issue 6
- 343-345 Devaluation and the trade balance: estimating the long run effect
by Kamal Upadhyaya & Dharmendra Dhakal - 347-351 Growth empirics: evidence from a panel of annual data
by Roberto Cellini - 353-358 Trade Union Congress Policy towards union mergers: a statistical analysis, 1960-83
by Giuliana Parodi - 359-363 Applying the RESET test in allocation models: a cautionary note
by David Giles & Andrea Keil - 365-368 Generalized method of moment estimation of truncated or censored regression
by Byung-Joo Lee & Mary Lee - 369-372 Financing divided governments
by Hakan Berument - 373-376 Institutional macroeconomic forecasting performance of the UK economy
by Mark Baimbridge & Philip Whyman - 377-379 A counter evidence for the Lazear-Moore findings: an empirical study of incentive part in the wage structure in Japan
by Yasushi Ohkusa - 381-386 The tax-spend debate: the case of Canada
by James Payne - 387-391 Spending and revenues in Greece: new evidence from error correction modelling
by Constantinos Katrakilidis - 393-395 Human capital and economic growth in Japan: an application of time series analysis
by Benjamin Cheng & Robert Hsu
1997, Volume 4, Issue 5
- 271-274 Income sources and declared charitable tax deductions
by Nasser Daneshvary & William Luksetich - 275-280 Absenteeism and HIV infection
by J. Paul Leigh & Deborah Lubeck & Paul Farnham & James Fries - 281-285 The hidden economy and tax-evasion prosecutions in New Zealand
by David Giles - 287-290 Increasing returns to information: evidence from the Hong Kong movie market
by W. David Walls - 291-295 Demand for nutrition vs. demand for tastes
by Pingsun Leung & Walter Miklius - 297-299 The trading month anomaly in the Financial Times Industrial Ordinary Shares Index: 1935-1994
by Zainudin Arsad & J. Andrew Coutts - 301-304 Does the Chinese official CPI underestimate inflation?
by Imad Moosa - 305-309 On the disparate evidence on trend stationarity in inflation rates: a reappraisal
by Kon Lai - 311-314 Institutional change and invariance of behaviour in Major League Baseball
by Timothy Hylan & Maureen Lage & Michael Treglia - 315-319 International R&D spillovers amongst OECD economies
by Hans-Jurgen Engelbrecht - 321-323 Effects of devaluation on income distribution
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee - 325-328 Forward/forward volatilities and the term structure of implied volatility
by Owain Ap Gwilym & Mike Buckle - 329-331 Human capital formation and US economic growth: a causality analysis
by Francis In & Chris Doucouliagos - 333-335 Marital instability and business start-up rates
by S. Cameron - 337-341 Fast spatial estimation
by R. Kelley Pace & Ronald Barry
1997, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 205-206 Zipf and the size distribution of firms
by Peter Hart & Nicholas Oulton - 207-210 UK investment trusts: performance, timing and selectivity
by Lawrence Leger - 211-214 Determinants of farmland prices in the north-eastern United States: a cointegration analysis
by Ananda Weliwita & Ramu Govindasamy - 215-218 A modified matrix for policy analysis on production diversification for Thai agriculture
by Shujie Yao - 219-223 A test of wage leadership hypothesis in Turkish manufacturing industry
by Erkan Erdil - 225-227 GMM estimation of currency substitution in a high-inflation economy: evidence from Turkey
by Faruk Seļuk - 229-231 Obesity and heart disease awareness: a note on the impact of consumer characteristics using qualitative choice analysis
by Rodolfo Nayga - 233-236 The evidence on international output-inflation trade-off: an evaluation
by Alex Lammertsma & Kees Koedijk & Clemens Kool - 237-239 Tax then spend or spend then tax? Experience in the UK, 1961-93
by Mohammad Hasan & Ian Lincoln - 241-245 Are there asymmetries in UK consumption? A closer look
by Alan Speight & David McMillan - 247-251 Income and price elasticities of demand for alcoholic drinks
by M. A. Salisu & V. N. Balasubramanyam - 253-255 Unemployment Fluctuations in the UK: 1958-92
by Terence Mills & Gianluigi Pelloni & Athina Zervoyianni - 257-260 Cointegration analysis of the inverted Fisher effect: evidence from Belgium, France and Germany
by Taijfiq Choudhry - 261-265 Economic analysis of crime and punishment: an Asian case
by H. W. Mui & M. M. Ali - 267-270 New agricultural technology, timeliness and wages for labour: a longitudinal study of rural wages in India
by Amresh Hanchate & K. V. Ramaswamy
1997, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 141-143 The implications of cointegration in financial markets: a comment
by James Steeley - 145-147 An empirical note on inequality in the world development indicators
by J. Ram Pillarisetti - 149-151 Hypothetical versus real willingness to pay: some experimental results
by Magnus Johannesson & Bengt Liljas & Richard O'Conor - 153-157 A real options approach to investment in factor demand models
by Stein Ostbye - 159-161 The no-arbitrage condition and financial markets with heterogeneous and costly information
by Kavous Ardalan - 163-166 Currency substitution and indexed money
by Francisco Carneiro & Joao Faria - 167-171 A note on the rate of return to investment in education in Belgium
by Walter Nonneman & Isabelle Cortens - 173-176 Duration and mobility of young male workers in a segmented labour market
by Jeffrey Waddoups & Djeto Assane - 177-180 Which level of schooling has the greatest economic impact on output?
by Stephen Knowles - 181-185 Calculating marginal effects in dichotomous - continuous models
by Atanu Saha & Oral Capps & Patrick Byrne - 187-190 Precautionary saving and the Deaton paradox
by Michel Normandin - 191-194 Tobit analysis with a natural non-response rate
by Weiren Wang - 195-197 Tests of the Lucas supply curve with price expectational data
by Jakob Brochner Madsen - 199-203 Competition between employed and unemployed job searchers: is there a difference between the UK and The Netherlands?
by Lourens Broersma
1997, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 77-78 A note on beta forecasting
by Robert Brooks & Robert Faff - 79-82 Demand for religion in the British Isles
by Mark Baimbridge & Philip Whyman - 83-87 Margin requirements and stock market volatility in Thailand
by Abdur Chowdhury - 89-91 Dynamic linkages and Granger causality between short-term US corporate bond and stock markets
by Matiur Rahman & Muhammad Mustafa - 93-95 Efficiency in gambling markets involving spread: a corrected and simplified test
by Bill Woodland & Linda Woodland - 97-99 A simple necessary condition for negativity in the almost ideal demand system with the Stone price index
by Jonathan Rougier - 101-104 A complete information index for measuring the proportionality of electoral systems
by Ram Mudambi - 105-108 Stock returns in emerging markets: a common trend analysis
by Kausik Chaudhuri - 109-112 A note on the efficiency of financial markets in a developing country
by Ercan Balaban & Kursat Kunter - 113-116 The causality between fertility and female labour force participation in Japan
by Benjamin Cheng & Robert Hsu & Qiyu Chu - 117-120 Measuring discrimination by decomposing earnings functions
by Derek Leslie & Phil Murphy - 121-124 New Evidence on the effect of human capital on economic growth
by Abbas Grammy & Djeto Assane - 125-128 Stochastic efficiency measurement: a new approach
by Jati Sengupta - 129-132 Finite sample performance of Schmidt-Philips unit root tests
by Junsoo Lee - 133-139 The Canadian earnings functions under test
by Ather Akbari & Tomson Ogwang
1997, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-6 Why workers queue for local government jobs: the US evidence
by Madhu Mohanty - 7-12 The size anomaly on the Taiwan Stock Exchange
by Yen-Sheng Huang - 13-17 Japanese transfer pricing policy: a note
by Peter Buckley & Jane Frecknall Hughes - 19-21 Financial market liberalization and the relationship between stock returns and financial leverage in Finland
by Juha-Pekka Kallunki & Teppo Martikainen - 23-25 Two common problems related to the use of the Armington aggregator in computable general equilibrium models
by Abdelhak Senhadji - 27-31 Decomposition of Gini coefficients by income factors: a new approach and application
by Shujie Yao - 33-35 Comparative advantage in the Middle East and North Africa
by Karolina Ekholm & Johan Torstensson & Rasha Torstensson - 37-39 A simple method for controlling for compositional effects in the measurement of poverty
by Robert Wright - 41-44 Football league transfers: a comparison of negotiated fees with arbitration settlements
by Alan Speight & Dennis Thomas - 45-48 Access to health care and current health status: do physicians matter?
by John Robst & Glenn Graham - 49-52 Public perceptions of the relative seriousness of inflation and unemployment in the United States
by Pami Dua & David Smyth - 53-55 The value of life extension and the marginal rate of time preference: a pilot study
by Magnus Johannesson & Per-Olov Johansson - 57-61 Movie admissions and rental income: the case of James Bond
by Mark Baimbridge - 63-67 Causality between the measured and underground economies in New Zealand
by David Giles - 69-75 Explaining stationary variables with non-stationary regressors
by John Baffes
1996, Volume 3, Issue 12
- 749-753 Seasonal unit root characteristics of disaggregated output
by R. Stuart McDougall - 755-757 Learning to rent-seek: collective action and in-kind benefits in the public sector
by Franklin Mixon & Russell McKenzie - 759-762 Testing the intertemporal model of the current account: some evidence from Greece
by Costas Karfakis - 763-767 Canadian-Japanese R&D spillovers and productivity growth
by Jeffrey Bernstein & Xiaoyi Yan - 769-773 Economic growth and monetary union in sub-Saharan Africa: new evidence on the effects of CFA-zone membership
by Mamadou Wane & Paul Burkett & Robert Guell - 775-778 Velocity and interest rate variability in Italy: a further test of the Friedman hypothesis
by Bradley Ewing - 779-782 Religion, culture, economic and sociological correlates of suicide rates: a cross-national analysis
by Wei-Chiao Huang - 783-787 Betting volume and market efficiency in Hong Kong race track betting
by W. David Walls & Kelly Busche - 789-791 Government finance and endogenous growth
by Michel Strawczynski & Momi Dahan - 793-795 The role of divorce in the consumption function: an EC study
by Samuel Cameron - 797-801 The weekend effect, good news, bad news and the Financial Times Industrial Ordinary Shares Index: 1935-94
by Zainudin Arsad & J. Andrew Coutts - 803-806 Changes in the duration of economic expansions and contractions in the United States
by Jon Vilasuso - 807-808 The dancing of the real exchange rate of US dollar and the US real trade balance
by Matiur Rahman & Muhammad Mustafa