March 2010, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 193-208 Boundary Non-crossings of Brownian Pillow
by Enkelejd Hashorva - 209-236 Small Time One-Sided LIL Behavior for Lévy Processes at Zero
by Mladen Savov - 237-256 Variable-Length Coding of Two-sided Asymptotically Mean Stationary Measures
by Łukasz Dębowski - 257-276 Fractional Brownian Flows
by Sreekar Vadlamani - 277-300 Moderate Deviations for Linear Processes Generated by Martingale-Like Random Variables
by Florence Merlevède & Magda Peligrad - 301-314 Explicit Representation of Strong Solutions of SDEs Driven by Infinite-Dimensional Lévy Processes
by Thilo Meyer-Brandis & Frank Proske - 315-327 Limit Property for Regular and Weak Generalized Convolution
by Barbara H. Jasiulis - 328-343 On a Stochastic Wave Equation Driven by a Non-Gaussian Lévy Process
by Lijun Bo & Kehua Shi & Yongjin Wang
December 2009, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 811-826 Spectral Representation of Gaussian Semimartingales
by Andreas Basse - 827-836 Comparison Inequalities for One Sided Normal Probabilities
by Liqing Yan - 837-855 Strong Differential Subordination and Sharp Inequalities for Orthogonal Processes
by Adam Osękowski - 856-870 Convergence of Certain Functionals of Integral Fractional Processes
by José Manuel Corcuera & David Nualart & Jeannette H. C. Woerner - 871-882 Asymptotic Tail Probabilities of Sums of Dependent Subexponential Random Variables
by Jaap Geluk & Qihe Tang - 883-890 Set-indexed Brownian Motion on Increasing Paths
by Ely Merzbach & Arthur Yosef - 891-933 Cut Points and Diffusions in Random Environment
by Ivan Tenno - 934-954 On Moduli of Continuity for Local Times of Fractional Stable Processes
by Raby Guerbaz - 955-982 Convergence of Point Processes with Weakly Dependent Points
by Raluca M. Balan & Sana Louhichi - 983-991 A Φ-Entropy Contraction Inequality for Gaussian Vectors
by Liming Wu - 992-1009 Transient Nearest Neighbor Random Walk and Bessel Process
by Endre Csáki & Antónia Földes & Pál Révész - 1010-1029 Stationarity and Self-Similarity Characterization of the Set-Indexed Fractional Brownian Motion
by Erick Herbin & Ely Merzbach - 1030-1057 An Optimal Wavelet Series Expansion of the Riemann–Liouville Process
by Helga Schack - 1058-1060 Erratum to: Uniqueness of Embedding into a Gaussian Semigroup and a Poisson Semigroup with Determinate Jump Law on a Simply Connected Nilpotent Lie Group
by Daniel Neuenschwander
September 2009, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 543-557 The Passage Time Distribution for a Birth-and-Death Chain: Strong Stationary Duality Gives a First Stochastic Proof
by James Allen Fill - 558-586 On Times to Quasi-stationarity for Birth and Death Processes
by Persi Diaconis & Laurent Miclo - 587-600 On Hitting Times and Fastest Strong Stationary Times for Skip-Free and More General Chains
by James Allen Fill - 601-619 Reflected BSDE Driven by a Lévy Process
by Mohamed Otmani - 620-639 Uniform Shrinking and Expansion under Isotropic Brownian Flows
by Peter Baxendale & Georgi Dimitroff - 640-665 Exact L 2-Small Ball Asymptotics of Gaussian Processes and the Spectrum of Boundary-Value Problems
by Alexander I. Nazarov - 666-682 On Distributional Properties of Perpetuities
by Gerold Alsmeyer & Alex Iksanov & Uwe Rösler - 683-710 Support Theorems for the Radon Transform and Cramér-Wold Theorems
by Jan Boman & Filip Lindskog - 711-740 The Contact Process Seen from a Typical Infected Site
by Jan M. Swart - 741-771 Bessel Convolutions on Matrix Cones: Algebraic Properties and Random Walks
by Michael Voit - 772-790 Merging of Linear Combinations to Semistable Laws
by Péter Kevei & Sándor Csörgő - 791-809 Generating Uniform Random Vectors in Z p k : The General Case
by Claudio Asci
June 2009, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 281-293 Equivalent Conditions of Asymptotics for the Density of the Supremum of a Random Walk in the Intermediate Case
by Yuebao Wang & Kaiyong Wang - 294-310 Polynomial Birth–Death Distribution Approximation in the Wasserstein Distance
by Aihua Xia & Fuxi Zhang - 311-347 Ultrametric and Tree Potential
by Claude Dellacherie & Servet Martinez & Jaime San Martin - 348-364 L p -Version of the Dubins–Savage Inequality and Some Exponential Inequalities
by Rasul A. Khan - 365-374 Moments and Distribution of the Local Times of a Transient Random Walk on ℤ d
by Mathias Becker & Wolfgang König - 375-401 Multifractional, Multistable, and Other Processes with Prescribed Local Form
by K. J. Falconer & J. Lévy Véhel - 402-417 Continuum Percolation at and above the Uniqueness Threshold on Homogeneous Spaces
by Johan H. Tykesson - 418-440 On an Explicit Skorokhod Embedding for Spectrally Negative Lévy Processes
by Jan Obłój & Martijn Pistorius - 441-473 A Smooth Approach to Malliavin Calculus for Lévy Processes
by Horst Osswald - 474-481 On Anticipative Girsanov Transformations for Lévy Processes
by Horst Osswald - 482-505 On Weak Generalized Stability and (c,d)-Pseudostable Random Variables via Functional Equations
by W. Jarczyk & J. K. Misiewicz - 506-513 A Note on the Almost Sure Convergence for Dependent Random Variables in a Hilbert Space
by Mi-Hwa Ko & Tae-Sung Kim & Kwang-Hee Han - 514-542 The Upper Envelope of Positive Self-Similar Markov Processes
by J. C. Pardo
March 2009, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-17 On Large Deviations of Multivariate Heavy-Tailed Random Walks
by Harri Nyrhinen - 18-37 Sharp Error Terms for Return Time Statistics under Mixing Conditions
by Miguel Abadi & Nicolas Vergne - 38-56 On Convergence and Convolutions of Random Signed Measures
by Richard Nickl - 57-81 Fluctuation Identities Applied to the Hitting Time of a Half-line in the Plane
by Yasuki Isozaki - 82-98 On Asymptotic Proximity of Distributions
by Youri Davydov & Vladimir Rotar - 99-99 On Asymptotic Proximity of Distributions
by Youri Davydov & Vladimir Rotar - 100-122 Transient Nearest Neighbor Random Walk on the Line
by Endre Csáki & Antónia Földes & Pál Révész - 123-145 A Study of Probability Measures Through Commutators
by Aurel I. Stan & John J. Whitaker - 146-163 Moment Inequalities for Sums of Dependent Random Variables under Projective Conditions
by Emmanuel Rio - 164-185 A Decomposition of Markov Processes via Group Actions
by Ming Liao - 186-202 Convergence of Markov Chains in Information Divergence
by Peter Harremoës & Klaus Kähler Holst - 203-219 Stochastic Integration Based on Simple, Symmetric Random Walks
by Tamás Szabados & Balázs Székely - 220-238 An L p -theory of Stochastic PDEs of Divergence Form on Lipschitz Domains
by Kyeong-Hun Kim - 239-255 On Limit Theorems for Continued Fractions
by Zbigniew S. Szewczak - 256-278 On Gaussian Marginals of Uniformly Convex Bodies
by Emanuel Milman - 279-280 Translated Poisson Approximation for Markov Chains
by A. D. Barbour & Torgny Lindvall
December 2008, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 773-790 A Characterization of the Riesz Probability Distribution
by A. Hassairi & S. Lajmi & R. Zine - 791-801 Uniqueness of Embedding into a Gaussian Semigroup and a Poisson Semigroup with Determinate Jump Law on a Simply Connected Nilpotent Lie Group
by Daniel Neuenschwander - 802-811 Generating Random Vectors in (ℤ/pℤ) d via an Affine Random Process
by Martin Hildebrand & Joseph McCollum - 812-823 Distances Between σ-Fields on a Probability Space
by Andrzej Komisarski - 824-889 Random Perturbations of Canards
by Richard B. Sowers - 890-909 Strong Limit Theorems for Weighted Sums of Negatively Associated Random Variables
by Bing-Yi Jing & Han-Ying Liang - 910-935 Heat Kernel Estimates for Strongly Recurrent Random Walk on Random Media
by Takashi Kumagai & Jun Misumi - 936-965 Catalytic Discrete State Branching Models and Related Limit Theorems
by Zenghu Li & Chunhua Ma - 966-981 Stable Laws and Products of Positive Random Matrices
by H. Hennion & L. Hervé - 982-1029 Another View of the CLT in Banach Spaces
by Jim Kuelbs & Joel Zinn
September 2008, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 517-526 A Conditional 0–1 Law for the Symmetric σ-field
by Patrizia Berti & Pietro Rigo - 527-570 Stable Convergence of Multiple Wiener-Itô Integrals
by Giovanni Peccati & Murad S. Taqqu - 571-585 On Quasi-invariance of Infinite Product Measures
by Gaku Sadasue - 586-603 Finitely Additive Supermartingales
by Gianluca Cassese - 604-627 Existence and Regularity of a Nonhomogeneous Transition Matrix under Measurability Conditions
by Liuer Ye & Xianping Guo & Onésimo Hernández-Lerma - 628-649 On Small Deviations of Series of Weighted Random Variables
by A. A. Borovkov & P. S. Ruzankin - 650-659 Iterated Logarithm Law for Anticipating Stochastic Differential Equations
by David Márquez-Carreras & Carles Rovira - 660-671 Strong Laws for Blockwise ℳ-Dependent Random Fields
by Ferenc Móricz & Ulrich Stadtmüller & Monika Thalmaier - 672-686 Weak Convergence of Vervaat and Vervaat Error Processes of Long-Range Dependent Sequences
by Miklós Csörgő & Rafał Kulik - 687-703 A Conditional CLT which Fails for Ergodic Components
by L. Ouchti & D. Volný - 704-744 The LIL for U-Statistics in Hilbert Spaces
by Radosław Adamczak & Rafał Latała - 745-771 Penalization for Birth and Death Processes
by Pierre Debs & Mihai Gradinaru
June 2008, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 267-286 A Note on Asymptotic Normality of Kernel Estimation for Linear Random Fields on Z 2
by Tsung-Lin Cheng & Hwai-Chung Ho & Xuewen Lu - 287-321 Boundary Behavior of Harmonic Functions for Truncated Stable Processes
by Panki Kim & Renming Song - 322-335 On the Uniqueness of Invariant Measure of the Burgers Equation Driven by Lévy Processes
by Z. Dong - 336-355 Large Deviations for Additive Functionals of Symmetric Stable Processes
by Masayoshi Takeda - 356-377 Distribution of Global Measures of Deviation Between the Empirical Distribution Function and Its Concave Majorant
by Vladimir N. Kulikov & Hendrik P. Lopuhaä - 378-396 Loop-Erased Random Walk on Finite Graphs and the Rayleigh Process
by Jason Schweinsberg - 397-412 Large Deviations for Symmetrised Empirical Measures
by José Trashorras - 413-430 Shape of the Ground State Energy Density of Hill’s Equation with Nice Gaussian Potential
by José A. Ramírez & Brian Rider - 431-436 On the Complete Convergence of Moving Average Process with Banach Space Valued Random Elements
by Tae-Sung Kim & Mi-Hwa Ko - 437-448 Multi-Particle Processes with Reinforcements
by Yevgeniy Kovchegov - 449-458 The FKG Inequality for Partially Ordered Algebras
by Siddhartha Sahi - 459-475 An Optimal Series Expansion of the Multiparameter Fractional Brownian Motion
by Anatoliy Malyarenko - 476-501 A Large Deviation Principle for Stochastic Integrals
by Jorge Garcia - 502-516 On the Linear Fractional Self-attracting Diffusion
by Litan Yan & Yu Sun & Yunsheng Lu
March 2008, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-13 Filtrations for which All ℋ2 Martingales Are of Integrable Variation; Distances between σ-Algebras
by Michał Morayne & Krzysztof Tabisz - 14-34 A Subclass of Type G Selfdecomposable Distributions on ℝ d
by Takahiro Aoyama & Makoto Maejima & Jan Rosiński - 35-68 Martin Boundary of a Killed Random Walk on a Half-Space
by Irina Ignatiouk-Robert - 69-96 Approximation of Gaussian Random Fields: General Results and Optimal Wavelet Representation of the Lévy Fractional Motion
by Antoine Ayache & Werner Linde - 97-117 Scale-Distortion Inequalities for Mantissas of Finite Data Sets
by Arno Berger & Theodore P. Hill & Kent E. Morrison - 118-143 Free Jacobi Process
by N. Demni - 144-168 Towards a Characterization of Markov Processes Enjoying the Time-Inversion Property
by Stephan Lawi - 169-192 L p -Theory of Parabolic SPDEs Degenerating on the Boundary of C 1 Domains
by Kyeong-Hun Kim - 193-211 Convergence Rates of Random Walk on Irreducible Representations of Finite Groups
by Jason Fulman - 212-233 Stationary Symmetric α-Stable Discrete Parameter Random Fields
by Parthanil Roy & Gennady Samorodnitsky - 234-245 The Key Renewal Theorem for a Transient Markov Chain
by Dmitry Korshunov - 246-265 Time Change Approach to Generalized Excursion Measures, and Its Application to Limit Theorems
by Patrick J. Fitzsimmons & Kouji Yano
December 2007, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 697-720 The Central Limit Problem for Random Vectors with Symmetries
by Elizabeth S. Meckes & Mark W. Meckes - 721-758 Fragmentation Processes with an Initial Mass Converging to Infinity
by Bénédicte Haas - 759-767 Intersection Local Time for Two Independent Fractional Brownian Motions
by David Nualart & Salvador Ortiz-Latorre - 769-806 Random Flights in Higher Spaces
by E. Orsingher & A. Gregorio - 807-820 A Quenched CLT for Super-Brownian Motion with Random Immigration
by Wenming Hong & Ofer Zeitouni - 821-841 Rates of Convergence of Means of Euclidean Functionals
by Yooyoung Koo & Sungchul Lee - 843-858 On the Lower Tail Probabilities of Some Random Sequences in l p
by Frank Aurzada - 859-869 Stochastic Equations with Time-Dependent Drift Driven by Levy Processes
by V. P. Kurenok - 871-899 Exact Rate of Convergence of Some Approximation Schemes Associated to SDEs Driven by a Fractional Brownian Motion
by Andreas Neuenkirch & Ivan Nourdin - 901-915 A Generalization of Strassen’s Functional LIL
by Uwe Einmahl - 917-934 Hölder Continuity of Random Processes
by Witold Bednorz - 935-957 On Uniqueness of Maximal Coupling for Diffusion Processes with a Reflection
by Kazumasa Kuwada - 959-970 The Limiting Spectra of Girko’s Block-Matrix
by Tamer Oraby - 971-1004 On the Weak Invariance Principle for Non-Adapted Sequences under Projective Criteria
by Jérôme Dedecker & Florence Merlevède & Dalibor Volný - 1005-1039 Reflected Backward SDEs with Two Barriers Under Monotonicity and General Increasing Conditions
by Mingyu Xu - 1041-1057 On the Behavior of Random Walk Around Heavy Points
by Endre Csáki & Antónia Földes & Pál Révész - 1059-1071 Mixing Limit Theorems for Ergodic Transformations
by Roland Zweimüller - 1073-1085 On Several Two-Boundary Problems for a Particular Class of Lévy Processes
by T. Kadankova & N. Veraverbeke - 1087-1100 A Functional Non-Central Limit Theorem for Jump-Diffusions with Periodic Coefficients Driven by Stable Lévy-Noise
by Brice Franke - 1101-1101 Logarithmic Level Comparison for Small Deviation Probabilities
by Fuchang Gao & Wenbo V. Li
September 2007, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 397-427 A Functional LIL for d-Dimensional Stable Processes; Invariance for Lévy- and Other Weakly Convergent Processes
by Joshua Rushton - 429-441 Uniform Distributions on the Natural Numbers
by Oliver Schirokauer & Joseph B. Kadane - 443-455 A Characteristic Martingale Related to the Counting Process of Records
by Raúl Gouet & F. Javier López & Gerardo Sanz - 457-485 Laws of the Iterated Logarithm for the Local U-Statistic Process
by Evarist Giné & David M. Mason - 487-503 Dissipation of Convolution Powers in a Metric Group
by Wojciech Jaworski - 505-533 Cumulants for Random Matrices as Convolutions on the Symmetric Group, II
by M. Capitaine & M. Casalis - 535-544 Representation of Infinitely Divisible Distributions on Cones
by Victor Pérez-Abreu & Jan Rosiński - 545-560 Fubini Type Products for Densities and Liftings
by K. Musiał & W. Strauss & N. D. Macheras - 561-579 Level–wise Approximation of a Markov Process Associated to the Boundary of an Infinite Tree
by Servet Martínez & Daniel Remenik & Jaime San Martín - 581-612 Discrete and Continuous Time Modulated Random Walks with Heavy-Tailed Increments
by Serguei Foss & Takis Konstantopoulos & Stan Zachary - 613-636 Critical Behavior in Almost Sure Central Limit Theory
by Siegfried Hörmann - 637-662 Distribution of Eigenvalues of Real Symmetric Palindromic Toeplitz Matrices and Circulant Matrices
by Adam Massey & Steven J. Miller & John Sinsheimer - 663-693 The Hausdorff Moment Problem under Finite Additivity
by Enrique Miranda & Gert Cooman & Erik Quaeghebeur - 695-696 On the Number of Records in an iid Discrete Sequence
by Eric S. Key
June 2007, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 119-132 The Spectrum of a Random Geometric Graph is Concentrated
by Sanatan Rai - 133-152 Continuity in Law with Respect to the Hurst Parameter of the Local Time of the Fractional Brownian Motion
by Maria Jolis & Noèlia Viles - 153-166 A Slow Transient Diffusion in a Drifted Stable Potential
by Arvind Singh - 167-176 A Hoeffding-Type Inequality for Ergodic Time Series
by Yongqiang Tang - 177-199 Bracketing Metric Entropy Rates and Empirical Central Limit Theorems for Function Classes of Besov- and Sobolev-Type
by Richard Nickl & Benedikt M. Pötscher - 201-209 A Sharp Form of the Cramér–Wold Theorem
by Juan Antonio Cuesta-Albertos & Ricardo Fraiman & Thomas Ransford - 211-220 Strong Decomposition of Random Variables
by Jørgen Hoffmann-Jørgensen & Abram M. Kagan & Loren D. Pitt & Lawrence A. Shepp - 221-235 Berry–Esseen Bounds for Standardized Subordinators via Moduli of Smoothness
by José Antonio Adell & Alberto Lekuona - 237-256 Optimal Policies to Obtain the Most Join Results
by Nariankadu D. Shyamalkumar & Ralph P. Russo & Ramon Lawrence - 257-274 Graph-Theoretic Approach to Stochastic Integrals with Clifford Algebras
by George Stacey Staples - 275-293 Functional BKR Inequalities, and their Duals, with Applications
by Larry Goldstein & Yosef Rinott - 295-308 The Dirichlet Distribution and Process through Neutralities
by Konstancja Bobecka & Jacek Wesołowski - 309-325 Normal Approximations for Descents and Inversions of Permutations of Multisets
by Mark Conger & D. Viswanath - 327-337 On the Lyapunov Exponent of a Multidimensional Stochastic Flow
by Michele Baldini - 339-353 An Almost Sure Functional Limit Theorem for the Domain of Geometric Partial Attraction of Semistable Laws
by István Fazekas & Alexey Chuprunov - 355-370 Feller Property and Infinitesimal Generator of the Exploration Process
by Romain Abraham & Jean-François Delmas - 371-380 Weak Convergence of Laws on ℝ K with Common Marginals
by Alessio Sancetta - 381-395 Berry–Esseen for Free Random Variables
by Vladislav Kargin
March 2007, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-23 Logarithmic Level Comparison for Small Deviation Probabilities
by Fuchang Gao & Wenbo V. Li - 25-46 Level Sets of Multiparameter Stable Processes
by Thomas S. Mountford - 47-63 Almost Sure Relative Stability of the Overshoot of Power Law Boundaries
by R. A. Doney & R. A. Maller - 65-86 On The Invariant Measure of a Positive Recurrent Diffusion in $${\mathbb{R}}$$
by Michele Baldini - 87-105 Uniform Comparison of Tails of (Non-Symmetric) Probability Measures and Their Symmetrized Counterparts with Applications
by Balram S. Rajput & Kavi Rama-Murthy - 107-118 Random Multiplication Approaches Uniform Measure in Finite Groups
by A. Abrams & H. Landau & Z. Landau & J. Pommersheim & E. Zaslow
December 2006, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 757-771 Some Explicit Distributions Related to the First Exit Time from a Bounded Interval for Certain Functionals of Brownian Motion
by Aimé Lachal - 773-787 Gaussian Estimates for Random Walks on Some Unimodular p-adic Groups
by Sami Mustapha - 789-816 Cesàro α-Integrability and Laws of Large Numbers-II
by T. K. Chandra & A. Goswami - 817-847 Potential Theory of Special Subordinators and Subordinate Killed Stable Processes
by Renming Song & Zoran Vondraček - 849-873 Limit Laws for Norms of IID Samples with Weibull Tails
by Leonid Bogachev - 875-898 The Law of Large Numbers in a Metric Space with a Convex Combination Operation
by Pedro Terán & Ilya Molchanov - 899-909 A New Approach to Poisson Approximation of Simple Point Processes Using Compensators
by Jaya Casukhela & Kameswarrao S. Casukhela & Hussain Elalaoui-Talibi - 911-930 Cluster Sets of Self-Normalized Sums
by David M. Mason - 931-949 Multiplicative Decompositions and Frequency of Vanishing of Nonnegative Submartingales
by Ashkan Nikeghbali
December 2006, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 535-556 Logarithmic Level Comparison for Small Deviation Probabilities
by Fuchang Gao & Wenbo V. Li - 557-588 Pathwise Convergence of a Rescaled Super-Brownian Catalyst Reactant Process
by Klaus Fleischmann & Achim Klenke & Jie Xiong - 589-608 Definetti’s Theorem for Abstract Finite Exchangeable Sequences
by G. Jay. Kerns & Gábor J. Székely - 609-630 Translated Poisson Approximation for Markov Chains
by A. D. Barbour & Torgny Lindvall - 631-645 Sub-Gaussian Short Time Asymptotics for Measure Metric Dirichlet Spaces
by András Telcs - 647-689 On the Weak Invariance Principle for Stationary Sequences under Projective Criteria
by Florence Merlevède & Magda Peligrad - 691-700 Phase Transition in Vertex-Reinforced Random Walks on $${\mathbb{Z}}$$ with Non-linear Reinforcement
by Stanislav Volkov - 701-720 A Joint Integral Test for the Locations of Extrema for Brownian Motion
by Youssef Randjiou - 721-739 Moderate and Small Deviations for the Ranges of One-Dimensional Random Walks
by Xia Chen - 741-756 Central and Functional Central Limit Theorems for a Class of Urn Models
by Gopal K. Basak & Amites Dasgupta
June 2006, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 263-288 Functional Limit Theorems for Multiparameter Fractional Brownian Motion
by Anatoliy Malyarenko - 289-336 Modified Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities in Discrete Settings
by Sergey G. Bobkov & Prasad Tetali - 337-364 A Set-indexed Fractional Brownian Motion
by Erick Herbin & Ely Merzbach - 365-375 Limiting Distributions for the Maximum of a Symmetric Function on a Random Point Set
by M. J. Appel & R. P. Russo - 377-395 Dynamic Random Walks on Heisenberg Groups
by Nadine Guillotin-Plantard & René Schott - 397-410 A Notion of Stopping Line for Set-Indexed Processes
by Diane Saada & Dean Slonowsky - 411-446 Infinite Divisibility for Stochastic Processes and Time Change
by Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen & Makoto Maejima & Ken-iti Sato - 447-459 Moments and Projections of Semistable Probability Measures on p-adic Vector Spaces
by Makoto Maejima & Riddhi Shah - 461-485 On the Equivalence of Multiparameter Gaussian Processes
by Tommi Sottinen & Ciprian A. Tudor - 487-507 Estimates on the Transition Densities of Girsanov Transforms of Symmetric Stable Processes
by Renming Song