October 1978, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 367-368 Book Review: Canal Ports: the Urban Achievement of the Canal Age
by Baron F. Duckham - 368-368 Book review: The Roots of Capitalism
by John Firn - 369-370 Book Review: Social Change and Political Participation in Turkey
by A.P. Saab - 371-374 Book Notes
by N/A - 375-377 Books Received
by N/A - 379-380 Index for volume 15 (1978) by subject and author
by N/A - 380-380 Author Index
by N/A
June 1978, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 139-148 The Impact of Industrial Decision-making upon the Soviet Urban Hierarchy
by George A. Huzinec - 149-166 Two Trade-off Experiments to Evaluate the Quality of Residential Environments
by Michael Whitbread - 167-177 A Study of the Formal Structure of J. W. Forrester's Urban Dynamics Model
by L. Beumer & A. van Gameren & B. van der Hee & J. Paelinck - 179-186 Guidelines for the Allocation of Building Society Lending
by B. Curry & D.R. Thomas - 187-200 Housing Prices and Housing Preferences in Israel
by Eli Borukhov & Yona Ginsberg & Elia Werczberger - 201-214 An Equilibrium Model of Urban Population and the Distribution of Income
by John Yinger & Sheldon Danziger - 215-220 Forecasting Council Dwelling Relets
by Ray Bentley & Colin Poyntz - 221-222 More on the Interpretation of Property Value Changes
by Steven A. Cobb - 223-229 Nucleated Suburbanisation in a Competitive Market Economy
by John R. Miron - 231-233 Unemployment in Urban Areas
by Sally Holtermann - 235-236 Central Place Theory: A Reinterpretation by KEITH S. O. BEAVON. London: Longman. 1977. pp. 157. £3.25
by A.M. Warnes - 236-237 Book Review: Social Areas in Cities, Volume I: Spatial Processes and Form
by Fred Gray - 237-239 Book Review: The Syntax of Cities by PETER F. SMITH. London: Hutchinson. 1977. pp. 271. £10
by J. Douglas Porteous - 239-241 Book Review: Kingston, Jamaica: Urban Growth and Social Change, 1692 to 1962
by David Watts - 241-242 Book Review: Race and Residence: the Concentration and Dispersal of Immigrants in London
by David H. McKay - 242-244 Book Review: Why Poor People Stay Poor: Urban Bias in World Development
by Radha Sinha - 244-245 Book Review: Model Choice and the Value of Travel Time
by Alan W. Evans - 245-246 Book Review: The Dangerous Class: Crime and Poverty in Columbus, Ohio, 1860 - 1885
by David R. Johnson - 246-247 Book Review: Urban Governance and Minorities
by Robert L. Lineberry - 247-248 Book Review: A Place Called Home: A History of Low-cost Housing in Manhattan
by George Sternlieb - 248-249 Book Review: Housing and Race in Industrial Society: Civil Rights and Urban Policy in Britain and the United States
by R.I. Woods - 249-250 Book Review: Urban Sociology in an Urbanised Society
by G.M. Norris - 250-251 Book Review: A Capital for Canada: Conflict and Compromise in the Nineteenth Century
by Brian S. Osborne - 251-253 Book Review: National Planning Guidelines
by J.T. Hughes - 254-256 Book Notes
by N/A - 257-260 Books Received
by N/A
February 1978, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-7 Income Distribution, City Size, and Urban Growth
by Charles T. Haworth & James E. Long & David W. Rasmussen - 9-21 The Distributional Effects of Ownership and Control of Land Use in Oxford
by J.M. Simmie & D.J. Hale - 23-33 Metropolitan Form and Demographic Change
by Robert Schafer - 35-49 Models of the Central Place System: A More General Approach
by John B. Parr - 51-61 Income Elasticities of Demand for Rental Housing in Small Cities
by Michael A. Stegman & Howard J. Sumka - 63-73 The Decline of Manufacturing Employment in Greater London: 1966-74
by Robert Dennis - 75-81 Individual Preference and Optimal City Size
by Colin Price - 83-87 Distance and Intra-urban Spatial Variation: an Illustration of Some Methodological Problems
by David R. Ingram - 89-90 The Use of Content Analysis in Identifying the Determinants of House Prices
by J. Doling - 91-95 Differences in Industrial Production Efficiency Between Urban and Rural Markets
by Norman Nicholson - 97-100 Regional Growth and Structural Adaptation: a Correction to the Stilwell Modification
by J. Arwel Edwards & K.F. Harniman & J.S. Morgan - 101-107 The Relationships Between the Population, Area, and Density of Urban Areas
by John Craig & John Haskey - 109-113 Book Review
by T. Hart - 113-114 Book Review: The Finance of Local Government
by D.E. Regan - 114-117 Book Review: The Politics of Neglect by B. J. FRIEDEN and M. KAPLAN. London: M.I.T. Press. 1977. pp. 275. £11.25
by Joseph F. Dimento - 117-118 Book Review: Flats, Families and the Under-Fives
by Anthony Sutcliffe - 118-121 Book Review: The Other Bostonians: Poverty and Progress in the American Metropolis, 1880-1970 by STEPHAN THERNSTROM. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1976. pp. 345. £3.40 (ppb.)
by ERIC Monkkonen - 121-122 Book Review: Slum Clearance: The Social and Administrative Context in England and Wales
by M. Langstaff - 122-124 Book Review: The Telecommunications-Transportation Tradeoff
by John R. Gold - 124-125 Book Review: Social Areas in Cities: Spatial Perspectives on Problems and Policies
by D.S. Byrne - 125-126 Book Review: Urban Crowding and its Consequences
by Marcus Felson - 126-127 Book Review: Urban Homeownership
by Colin Jones - 127-129 Book Review: Urbanisation Under Socialism: The Case of Czechoslovakia
by D. Dinour - 129-131 Book Review: Urbanisation in the Middle East
by R.I. Lawless - 132-135 Book Notes
by N/A - 136-138 Books Received
by N/A
October 1977, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 261-274 Office Location in the British Conurbations: Trends and Strategies
by P.W. Daniels - 275-290 Differentials in Nominal Wages and Prices Between Cities
by Oded Izraeli - 291-302 The Spatial Pattern of Residential Districts in Benin, Nigeria
by Andrew Godwin Onokerhoraye - 303-313 Intra-Urban Variations in Unemployment Duration: A Case Study
by Alan McGregor - 315-326 The Urban Hierarchy and Urban Area Production Function: A Synthesis
by Gordon P. Schaefer - 327-337 Reconciliation Techniques in Input-Output Analysis: Some Comparisons and Implications
by R.C. Jensen & D. McGaurr - 339-345 The Impact of Local Government Activity on a Small Rural Economy: An Input-Output Study of Shetland
by Iain H. McNicoll - 347-351 Center-Hinterland Interrelationships in a Nodal Region: An Input-Output Analysis
by Baruch A. Kipnis - 353-357 Measuring Residential Decentralisation of Blacks and Whites
by Clifford E. Reid - 359-363 Determinants of Urban House Prices: A Methodological Comment
by Jonathan Mark - 365-369 Constraints of Theory and Practice in the Evaluation of Environmental Quality
by H.E. Williams - 371-377 Regional Elasticities of Substitution in the United Kingdom in 1968: A Comment
by A.T. O'Donnell & J.K. Swales - 379-382 Regional Elasticities of Substitution in the United Kingdom in 1968: A Reply
by Michael J. Tooze - 383-384 Book Review
by P.L. Knox - 384-386 Book Review: Capitalism, Socialism and the Environment
by Max Neutze - 386-387 Book Review: Urban Problems and Public Policy
by K. Newton - 387-388 Book Review: The Economics of Natural Environments: Studies in the Valuation of Commodity and Amenity Resources
by Robert C. Anderson - 388-389 Book Review: Capital Versus the Regions by STUART HOLLAND. London: Macmillan. 1976. pp. 328. £8.95 (hardcover), £3.95 (paperback) and
by G.A. Mackay - 389-390 Book Review: Colonial Urban Development: Culture, Social Processes and Environment
by William Kirk - 390-391 Book Review: Urban Fields
by H.C.W.L. Williams - 391-393 Book Review: Innovations for Future Cities
by Andrew Blowers - 393-394 Book Review: Municipal Output and Performance in New York City
by Elinor Ostrom & Stephen Percy - 394-395 Book Review: Computer and Statistical Techniques for Planners
by David Booth - 395-396 Book Review: The Urban Criminal: A Study in Sheffield
by John Mack - 396-397 Book Review: The Gecekondu: Rural Migration and Urbanization
by A.P. Saab - 399-402 Book Notes
by N/A - 403-405 Books Received
by N/A
June 1977, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 135-145 An Econometric Model of Migration Between US Metropolitan Areas
by Gershon Alperovich & Joel Bergsman & Christian Ehemann - 147-159 Revealed Preferences for Neighbourhood Characteristics
by Charles L. Leven & Jonathan H. Mark - 161-168 The Move into Council Housing: The Effect on Quit Rates
by S.R. Engleman - 169-179 Defensible Space: A Theoretical and Empirical Appraisal
by R.I. Mawby - 181-189 Industrial Decline in London: An Examination of its Causes
by Peter Gripaios - 191-201 Metropolitan Fragmentation and Suburban Homogeneity
by Howard Pack & Janet Rothenberg Pack - 203-205 A Retail Location Model with Overlapping Market Areas: Hotelling's Problem Revisited
by H.C.W.L. Williams & M.L. Senior - 207-210 Choosing the Optimal Land Use Mix: A LP/DCF Model
by Bruce G. Boaden - 211-214 The Location of the Headquarters of Industrial Companies: A Comment
by Leland S. Burns - 215-218 Faludi's 'Sociology in Planning Education': A Critical Comment
by Philip Cooke & Gareth Rees - 219-222 Sociology in Planning Education: A Comment
by David Frost - 223-224 Sociology in Planning Education: A Rejoinder
by Andreas Faludi - 225-227 The Arguments for Very Large Cities Reconsidered: A Reply
by Alan Gilbert - 229-231 The Calibration of Trip Distribution Models: Comments on the New Philosophy of Rose
by Frank J. Cesario - 232-232 Reply to Cesario
by J.G. Rose - 233-234 Book Review: Strategic Planning in London by D. A. HART. Oxford: Pergamon Press. 1976. pp.237. £4.95
by H. Gillender - 234-234 Book Review: Fiscal Centralization and Tax Burdens
by Richard D. Gustely - 235-236 Book Review: Environmental Planning 1939-1969. Volume II. National Parks and Recreation in the Countryside
by J.T. Coppock - 236-237 Book Review: The Architecture of Form
by John O'Keefe - 237-238 Book Review: Introduction to Multiregional Mathematical Demography
by David Gleave - 238-239 Book Review: Evaluation in the Planning Progress
by J.C. Holmes - 239-241 Book Review: No Shining Amour
by Clive C. Taylor - 241-242 Book Review: Second City Politics: Democratic Processes and Decision-Making in Birmingham
by W.A. Hampton - 242-243 Book Review: Regional Planning and Social Change
by David Frost - 243-244 Book Review: Housing Costs and Housing Needs
by Gary Sands - 244-246 Book Review: Place and Placelessness
by Brian Goodey - 246-247 Book Review: Airport Systems Planning
by E.V.K. Fitzgerald - 247-248 Book Review: Australian Urban Economics: A Reader
by Joan Vipond - 248-249 Book Review: The Contemporary New Communities Movement in the United States
by Brian J. Heraud - 249-251 Book Review: Public Housing Policy: Convention Versus Reality
by Louis Rosenburg - 253-255 Book Notes
by N/A - 257-259 Books Received
by N/A
February 1977, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-9 Urban Structure and Modal Split in the Journey to Work
by Roger Sammons & Peter Hall - 11-32 Accessibility and Supply Constraints in the Urban Housing Market
by M.J. Ball & R.M. Kirwan - 33-40 Housing in a Welfare State
by Adela Adam Nevitt - 41-50 Some Views on Long-Term Trends in Urban and Regional Research in Western Europe
by U. Wullkopf & A.E. Pearce - 51-58 Financing Public Goods and Residential Location
by Colin Wright - 59-71 Some Thoughts on the Nature and Purpose of House Price Studies
by Duncan Maclennan - 73-77 Urban Land Use Succession Under Risk
by John M. Clapp - 79-88 Some Theoretical Developments on Threshold Analysis and Testing
by Barry Simpson - 89-93 The Effect of Urban Structure on the Concentration of Pollution
by Arthur J. Robson - 95-98 Habit and Hysteresis in Mode Choice
by P.B. Goodwin - 99-101 City Size and Unemployment: Some New Estimates
by C.F. Sirmans - 103-105 Regional and Local Variations in Priority Preferences
by P.L. Knox - 105-107 A Comparative Evaluation of the Cooper and Hua Lo-Keng Algorithms for the Solution of the Location-Allocation Problem
by Elizabeth M. Kerr & Andrew H. Dawson - 109-110 Book Review: The Quest for Community: Social Aspects of Residential Growth
by Maurice Broady - 110-111 Book Review: Patterns of Urban Change: The New Haven Experience
by John R. Ottensmann - 111-111 Book Review: Urban Modelling: Algorithms, Calibrations and Predictions
by I. Masser - 111-113 Book Review: Metropolitan Growth: Public Policy for South and South-east Asia
by Robert Lawless - 113-115 Book Review: Genese d'une Ville Moderne: Caen au XVIIIe Siecle
by A.P. Saab - 115-116 Book Review: A History of Urban America: Second Edition
by Gunther Barth - 116-118 Book Review: Labour Market Segmentation
by Cameron I. Mcphail - 118-119 Book Review: The Development of the West of Scotland: 1750-1960
by S.G.E. Lythe - 119-121 Book Review: The Sociology of Community Action
by Sean Baine - 121-122 Book Review: General Improvement Areas
by Tom Duncan - 122-123 Book Review: Econocrats and the Policy Process: The politics and philosophy of cost benefit analysis
by G.H. Peters - 123-124 Book Review: Housing Policy and the Housing System
by John English - 124-125 Book Review: Citizen Participation in Transportation Planning: The Boston Experience
by M.J. Bruton - 127-130 Book Notes
by N/A - 131-134 Books Received
by N/A
October 1976, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 231-246 The Idea of Social Mix in Town Planning: An Historical Review
by Wendy Sarkissian - 247-260 Economic Influences on Social Mix
by Alan Evans - 261-271 Social Change and Social Segregation in Inner London, 1961-71
by Chris Hamnett - 273-283 The Quality of Housing and the Measurement of Long-Term Changes in House Prices 1
by R.K. Wilkinson & C.A. Archer - 285-293 American Metropolitanism and the Ambiguity of 'Mild Chaos'
by Dilys M. Hill - 295-305 Urban Renewal in an Asian Context: A Case Study in Hong Kong
by D.W. Drakakis-Smith - 307-310 The Argument for very Large Cities Reconsidered: A Comment
by Harry W. Richardson - 311-317 Access to the Owner-Occupied and Local Authority Sectors: An Exploratory Analysis'
by J. Bruce Walker - 319-323 Housing Allocation and a Deprived Scottish Estate
by John English - 325-331 The Incubator Hypothesis: Evidence from Five SMSAs
by Robert A. Leone & Raymond Struyk - 333-338 Births and Deaths of Firms in the Inner City
by John Whitelegg - 339-342 The Sydney Betterment Levy, 1969-1973: An Experiment in Functional Funding for Metropolitan Development
by R.W. Archer - 343-345 Low Economic Activity as an Indicator of Deprivation
by Sally Holtermann & Frances Silkin - 345-347 The Costs and Benefits of Improving Older Houses
by J.N. Randall - 349-351 Book Review: The Social Economy of Cities edited by G. GAPPERT and H. M. RosE. London: Sage Publications. 1975. pp. 640. £12
by John Carney - 351-352 Book Review: Housing Markets and Congressional Goals
by Eugene J. Meehan - 352-354 Book Review: Public Housing and Urban Renewal: An Analysis of Federal-Local Relations
by Ernest M. Fisher - 354-357 Book Review: Urban Sociology: Critical Essays C. G. PICKVANCE. London: Tavistock Publications Ltd. 1976. pp. 223. £6, £2·75 (paper). Whose City? by R. PAHL. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. 1976. pp. 306. £1·25
by C. Paris - 357-358 Book Review: Housing and Social Policy
by Louis Rosenburg - 358-360 Book Review: Housing the Poor in Suburbia: Public Policy at the Grass-roots
by Chris Hamnett - 360-361 Book Review: Peasants and Strangers: Italians, Rumanians, and Slovaks in an American City, 1890-1950
by Ivan Light - 361-361 Book Review: Introduction to Transportation Planning
by W.R. Blunden - 361-361 Book Review: Introduction to Transportation Planning
by W.R. Blunden - 363-364 Book Review: Berlin Eine Geographische Strukturanalyse der Zwölf Westlichen Bezirke
by Ann Pottinger Saab - 364-364 Book Review: Anatomy of Traditional Markets in Nigeria: Focus on Ibadan City
by Andrew G. Onokerhoraye - 365-367 Book Notes
by N/A - 368-370 Books Received
by N/A - 371-372 Index for volume 13 (1976) by subject and author
by N/A - 372-372 Author index
by N/A
June 1976, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 107-120 Racial and Ethnic Price Differentials in an Urban Housing Market
by Ann B. Schnare - 121-132 Sociology in Planning Education1
by Andreas Faludi - 133-146 The Local 'Sense of Place' as Evidenced in North-East England
by Clive C. Taylor & Alan R. Townsend - 147-153 Planning and Philosophy: The Case of Owenism and the Owenite Communities
by A. Haworth - 155-166 African Squatter Settlements: A Comparative Study
by Margaret Peil - 167-169 Self-Help Housing Policies in a Zambian Mining Town
by A.G. Tipple - 171-179 The Impact of Regional Policy on Investment in Manufacturing Industry: Scotland 1960-71
by H.M. Begg & C.M. Lythe & D.R. MacDonald - 181-192 Economic Efficiency and Regional Policy
by John A. Schofield - 193-200 Functional Form, Density Gradient and Price Elasticity of Demand for Housing
by James B. Kau & Cheng F. Lee - 201-204 The Interrelations of Urban and National Planning—A Comment
by M.A. Tribe - 205-206 Book Review: Power Persistence and Change: A Second Study of Banbury
by Elizabeth Gittus - 206-207 Book Review: Industrial Movement and Regional Development: The British Case
by John Rhodes - 207-209 Book Review: Dynamic Benefit-Cost Analysis
by David Pearce & Christine Eadie - 209-210 Book Review: The Structure and Dynamic Properties of a Regional Economy
by W.I. Morrison - 210-211 Book Review: Housing and Urban Spatial Structure: a case study
by Colin Jones - 211-212 Book Review: Essays on the Study of Urban Politics
by Martin Staniland - 212-214 Book Review: Urbanization and Political Changes: The Politics of Lagos 1917-1967. by PAULINE H. BAKER. London: University of California Press. 1975. pp. 384. £10·15 Urban Policy and Political Conflict in Africa: A Study of the Ivory Coast by MICHAEL A. COHEN. London: University of Chicago Press. 1975. pp. 262. £8·10 Grass Roots in an African City: Political Behaviour in Nairobi by MARC HOWARD Ross. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press. 1975. pp. 169. n.p
by M.A. Tribe - 214-215 Book Review: People and Housing in Third World Cities: Perspectives on the Problem of Spontaneous Settlements
by John Collins - 215-216 Book Review: The Suburbanization of Multifamily Housing
by James A. Spencer - 216-217 Book Review: In-Zoning: A Guide for Policy-Makers on Inclusionary Land Use Programs
by Daniel Lauber - 217-218 Book Review: Local Authority Housing Policy and Practice-A Case Study Approach
by Fred Gray - 219-220 Book Review: Urban Planning Problems
by M.P. Collins