February 1981, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 128-129 Book Review: Western European Cities in Crisis
by N.J. Williams - 130-130 Book Review: Metropolis and Beyond: Selected Essays by Hans Blumenfeld
by Peter Hall - 130-132 Book Review: The Good City: A Study of Urban Development and Policy in Britain
by Ian Gordon - 132-133 Book Reviews: Evaluation in Environmental Planning by DONALD M. McALLISTER. London: The MIT Press. 1980. pp. 308 £14.90
by Michael Whitbread - 133-135 Book Review: The Environmental Protection Hustle
by W. David Conn - 135-136 Book Review: Housing and Residential Structure : Alternative Approaches by KEITH BASSETT and JOHN SHORT. Henley-on-Thames : Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1980. pp. 254. £9.45 H/B; £4.95 P/B
by Chris Hamnett - 137-137 Book Review: Minorities in Suburbs by FRANCINE F. RABINOVITZ and WILLIAM J. SIEMBIEDA. Farnborough: Lexington Books. 1977. pp. 100. £7.85 Blacks in Suburbs: A National Perspective by THOMAS A. CLARK. New Brunswick, N.J.: Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University. 1979. pp. 127. n.p
by Robert Miles - 137-139 Book Review: Housing the Elderly near Relatives: Moving and other Options by ANTHEA TINKER. HDD Occasional Paper 1/80. London: HMSO. 1980. pp. 30. £1.25 Communal Facilities in Sheltered Housing by EDGAR A. ROSE and NICHOLAS B. BOZEAT. Farnborough : Gower Publishing Co. Ltd. 1980. pp. 158. £10.50 Unmet Needs and the Delivery of Care: A study of the utilisation of social services by old people by PAUL CHAPMAN. Occasional papers on Social Administration No. 61. London: Bedford Square Press of the National Council of Social Service. 1979. pp. 110. £3.95
by Dorothy Wilson - 139-140 Book Review: The Suburban Environment and Women
by Christina Larner - 140-140 Community Groups in Action: Case Studies and Analysis by H. BUTCHER, P. COLLIS, A. GLEN and P. SILLS. Henley-on-Thames: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1980. pp. 290. £10.95 H/B; £7.95 P/B
by Alan Barr - 140-141 Book Review: The Reorganisation of British Local Government: Old Orthodoxies and a Political Perspective
by Ronald G. Young - 141-142 Book Review: Urban Fiscal Stress: A Comparative Analysis of 66 U.S. Cities
by S.J. Bailey - 142-143 Book Review: Ten Billion Pounds: Whitehall's Take-over of the Town Halls by TYRRELL BURGESS and TONY TRAVERS. London: Grant McIntyre Limited. 1980. pp. 208. £10.95 H/B; £4.95 P/B
by Adrian Ellis - 143-144 Book Review: Norwegian Oil Policies by T. LIND and G. A. MACKAY. London: C. Hurst & Co. 1980. pp. 150. £9.50
by Gordon Adams - 144-145 Book Review: Redistribution of Land Values: A Re-examination of the 1947 scheme
by Alistair Macleary - 145-145 Book Review: Moving the Masses: Urban Public Transit in New York, Boston and Philadelphia, 1880-1912
by T. Hart - 145-147 Book Review: The Journey to Work by IAN MANNING. Sydney: George Allen & Unwin. 1978. pp. 194. n.p. Office Location and the Journey to Work: a comparative study of five urban areas by P. W. DANIELS. Farnborough: Gower Publishing Company. 1980. pp. 174. £10.50/$25.00
by M.C. Reed - 148-150 Book Notes
by N/A - 151-154 Books Received
by N/A
October 1980, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 265-276 The Attraction of Property Crimes to Suburban Localities: A Revised Economic Model
by Simon Hakim - 277-286 The Contribution of Crime to Urban Decline
by Martin T. Katzman - 287-297 Mixed-Use Area Development Control
by S.N. Tucker - 299-311 Spatial Choice and Interaction Models: Criteria and Aggregation
by Wal van Lierop & Peter Nijkamp - 313-321 A Comparison of Urban Population Density Functions in Developed and Developing Countries
by Edwin S. Mills & Jee Peng Tan - 323-331 Asians and Council Housing
by Vaughan Robinson - 333-341 The Contribution of Council House Allocation to West Indian Desegregation in London, 1961-71
by Ceri Peach & Samir Shah - 343-351 Contrasts in Agglomeration: New York and Pittsburgh Reconsidered
by Gerald A. Carlino - 353-355 Geographic Mobility and the Cost of Living: An Exploratory Note
by Richard J. Cebula - 357-359 The Space Cost Curve and Variable Transport Costs
by Chao-Cheng Mai - 361-362 Book Review: Urbanisme et Construction en Chine edited by G. LEBLANC and F. ROL-TANGUY. Paris: Centre de Recherche d'Urbanisme. 1979. pp. 89. Frs. 50 Planning and Urbanism in China Vol. 8, Part 2 of Progress in Planning edited by NICK JEFFREY and MALCOLM CALDWELL. Oxford: Pergamon Press Ltd. 1977. pp. 182. $10.00/ £4.00
by David D. Buck - 362-363 Book Review: Soviet Urban Management: With Comparisons to the United States
by Mervyn Matthews - 363-364 Book Review: Urban Politics: A Sociological Interpretation
by Patrick Dunleavy - 364-365 Book Review: Segregation Spatiale: Actes de Colloques, Rennes 16-17 mai 1978 Plan Construction. Paris: Ministère de l'Environnement et du Cadre de Vie. 1979. pp. 174. 30 Frs
by Timothy Cordy - 365-366 Book Review: The City and Social Theory
by Alan Barr - 366-367 Book Review: Crime, the Police and Criminal Statistics: An Analysis of Official Statistics for England and Wales using Econometric Methods by R. A. CnxR-HiLL and N. H. STERN. London: Academic Press Inc. 1979. pp. 356. £14.00/$29.50
by P.M. Jackson - 367-368 Book Review: Implementation: How Great Expectations in Washington Are Dashed in Oakland; or, Why It's Amazing that Federal Programs Work at All, This Being a Saga of the Economic Development Administration as Told by Two Sympathetic Observers Who Seek to Build Morals on a Foundation of Ruined Hopes by JEFFREY L. PRESSMAN and AARON WILDAVSKY. London: University of California Press. 1980 (Second Edition). pp. 209. £8.75
by Michael Edwards - 368-369 Book Review: Urban Growth Policy in a Market Economy by G. S. TOLLEY, P. E. GRAVES and J. L. GARDNER. New York, San Francisco and London: Academic Press. 1979. pp. 220. $16.50
by R.M. Kirwan - 369-371 Book Review: Urban Development in the Third World : Policy guidelines by JOHN D. HERBERT. Eastbourne: Holt Saunders Ltd. (under the Praeger Special Studies Imprint). 1979. pp. 238. £12.25 H/B Cities of Peasants by BRYAN ROBERTS. London: Edward Arnold. 1978. pp. 199. £9.50 H/B; £4.50 P/B
by Alan Middleton - 371-373 Book Review: Underdeveloped Europe: Studies in Core-Periphery Relations by DUDLEY SEERS, BERNARD SCHAFFER, and MARJA-LIISA KILJUNEN. Sussex: The Harvester Press Ltd. 1979. pp. 325. £14.95
by Gordon Adams - 373-374 Book Review: Rural Communities: A Social Geography by G. J. LEWIS. Newton Abbot: David & Charles Ltd. 1979. pp. 255. £9.50
by Padraig O'Riagain - 374-375 Book Review: A Social History of Housing: 1815-1970
by Sean Damer - 375-376 Book Review: Housing, Social Policy and the State
by John English - 376-376 Book Review: Open Housing: Dynamics of a Social Movement
by Grace Milgram - 377-377 Book Review: Urban Land Economics: Principles and Policyby GRAHAM HALLETT. London: Macmillan Press Ltd. 1979. pp. 274. £15.00
by S.J. Bailey - 377-377 Book Review: Urban Land Economics: Principles and Policy by GRAHAM HALLETT. London: Macmillan Press Ltd. 1979. pp. 274. £15.00
by S.J. Bailey - 379-381 Book Review: Council of Europe Study Series: Local and Regional Authorities in Europe. Study No. 17: Information and Communication about Municipal Affairs Strasbourg: Council of Europe. 1979. pp. 191. n.p
by Janet Brand - 381-382 Book Review: An Introduction to Behavioural Geography
by Douglas Pocock - 383-387 Book Notes
by N/A - 389-392 Books Received
by N/A - 393-394 Index for volume 17 (1980) by subject and author
by N/A - 394-394 Author Index
by N/A
June 1980, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 115-129 Industrial Environments: a Niche Theoretic Interpretation
by Paul Keys & Nigel Thrift - 131-138 Intra-Urban Unemployment Differentials in Sydney, 1971
by Joan Vipond - 139-157 An Investigation into the Estimation and Reliability of Urban Shopping Models
by R. Turner & H.S.D. Cole - 159-172 Planning Theory and the Philosophy of Planning
by Nigel Taylor - 173-184 Industrial Decline in Greater Manchester 1966-1975: a Components of Change Approach
by Colin M. Mason - 185-192 Determinants of Population Density Gradient in Tel Aviv Metropolitan Area
by Gershon Alperovich - 193-209 The Inner City Employment Problem in Great Britain, 1952-76: a Shift-Share Approach
by M.W. Danson & W.F. Lever & J.F. Malcolm - 211-215 Car Ownership in West Yorkshire: the Influence of Public Transport Accessibility
by K.J. Button & A.S. Fowkes & A.D. Pearman - 217-222 An Assessment of the Errors in a Housing Survey
by Alan O'Dell - 223-230 A Note on the Dimensions of a National Settlement Pattern
by Thomas A. Reiner & John B. Parr - 231-235 The Dynamics of Ghetto Boundary Movement and Ghetto Shape
by J. Barkley Rosser JR - 237-237 Book Review: Industrial Movement: Experience in the US and the UK
by Peter Hall - 237-237 Book Reviews
by Peter Hall & W. P. Lever - 239-240 Book Review: Planning Smaller Cities by HERRINGTON J. BRYCE. Farnborough: Lexington Books, Teakfield Ltd. 1979. pp. 214. £14.50
by David Kirk - 240-241 Book Review: The Politics of Positive Discrimination: An Evaluation of the Urban Programme 1966-77 by JOHN EDWARDS and RICHARD BATLEY. London: Tavistock Publications Ltd. 1978. pp. xiii+289. £9.95 Urban Deprivation and Government Initiative by PAUL LAWLESS. London: Faber and Faber. 1979. pp.251. £8.95
by Peter Marris - 241-242 Book Reviews: Colonial Immigrants in a British City: a Class Analysis by JOHN REX and SALLY TOMLINSON. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1979. pp. 357. £10.50
by Robert Miles - 242-244 Book Review: Zoning and Property Rights: An Analysis of the American System of Land Use Regulation by ROBERT H. NELSON. London: The M.I.T. Press. 1978. pp. xiii+259. £11.90
by Leslie A. Stein - 244-244 Book Review: Current Issues in Urban Economics
by Anthony J. Harrison - 244-244 Book Review: Current Issues in Urban Economics
by Anthony J. Harrison - 245-247 Book Review: The Regional Planning Process by DAVID GILLINGWATER and DOUGLAS HART. Farnborough : Saxon House, Teakfield Ltd. 1978. pp. 197. £8.50
by U.A. Wannop - 247-248 Book Review: Housing and Public Policy by STEWART LANSLEY. London: Croom Helm Ltd. 1979. pp. 246. £9.95 H/B; £4.95 P/B State Housing in Britain by STEPHEN MERRETT. Henley-on-Thames: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1979. pp.376. £12.00 H/B; £6.95 P/B
by J. Barry Cullingworth - 248-248 Book Review: Housing Improvement and Social Inequality: Case Study of an Inner City
by Jane Stanley - 248-248 Book Review: Housing Improvement and Social Inequality: Case Study of an Inner City
by Jane Stanley - 249-250 Book Review: Housing and Building Technology in Developing Countries
by J.D. Mccallum - 250-251 Book Review: Planting Design
by W. Gillespie - 251-253 Book Reviews: The Urban Transportation System: Politics and Policy Innovation by ALAN ALTSHULER with JAMES P. WOMACK and JOHN R. PUCHER. London: The M.I.T. Press. 1979. pp. 558. £19.50
by M.C. Reed - 253-254 Book Review: Conflict in Urban Transportation: The People Against the Planners by H. M. STEINER. Farnborough: Lexington Books, Teakfield Ltd. 1978. pp. 124. £9.50 The Automobile and the Environment: An International Perspective edited by R. GAKENHEIMER. London: The M.I.T. Press. 1979. pp.494. £22.75
by D.N.M. Starkie - 255-258 Book Notes
by N/A - 260-264 Books Received
by N/A
February 1980, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-12 Income and Residential Location: Muth Revisited
by Douglas B. Diamond JR - 13-23 Determinants of Home-ownership in a Developing Economy: the Case of Korea
by Gill-Chin Lim & James Follain & Bertrand Renaud - 25-34 Tenant Benefits in Alternative Federal Housing Programmes
by Michael P. Murray - 35-44 A Re-examination of the Incubator Hypothesis: A Case Study of Greater Leicester
by J.J. Fagg - 45-52 The Opportunity Cost of the Sale of Local Authority Rented Accommodation
by Chris Edwards & John Posnett - 53-62 Housing Deterioration, Housing Codes and Rent Control
by David Kiefer - 63-69 Occupational Segregation in Metropolitan Areas in the United States, 1970
by Barrie S. Morgan - 71-75 Stability of Trade Patterns in Regional Input-Output Tables
by Jeremy Baster - 77-82 Principal Component and Cluster Analysis of 185 Large Towns in England and Wales
by D.M. Grove & Carole A. Roberts - 83-85 Book Reviews
by N/A - 85-86 Book Review: Urban Planning in Rich and Poor Countries
by David Donnison - 86-87 Book Review: Homeboys: Gangs, Drugs, and Prison in the Barrios of Los Angeles
by Stanley Cohen - 87-88 Book Review: Coming of Age in the Ghetto: A Dilemma of Youth Unemployment
by Robert Miles - 88-89 Book Review: Housing Asia's Millions
by W. Paul Strassman - 89-91 Book Review: Essays On Housing Policy: The British Scene
by William G. Grigsby - 91-92 Book Review: Strategy and Conflict in Metropolitan Housing
by David Donnison - 92-93 Book Review: Spatial Patterns of Office Growth and Location
by Peter Damesick - 93-94 Book Review: Workers' Co-operatives in France
by Eric Batstone - 94-95 Book Review: International Urban Growth Policies: New Town Contributions
by John K. Billingham - 95-96 Book Review: The Growth and Management of the Japanese Urban System
by Augustin Berque - 96-98 Book Review: Regional Policies in Nigeria, India, and Brazil
by Martin T. Katzman - 98-99 Book Review: Public Administration and Policy Analysis: Recent Developments in Britain and America
by W.J. Money - 99-100 Book Review: The Implementation and Development of Area Management by K. J. HARROP, T. MASON, C. A. VIELBA and B. A. WEBSTER. Second Interim Report of the Area Management Monitoring Project. University of Birmingham: Inlogov. 1978. pp. 205. £3.50
by Robin Hambleton - 100-101 Book Review: Urban Forestry by GENE W. GREY and FREDERICK J. DENEKE. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 1978. pp. xv+279. £10.50
by Derek C. Nicholls - 101-102 Book Review: Urban Poverty in Britain 1830-1914 by JAMES H. TREBLE. London: Batsford Academic. 1979. pp.216. £12.50 Power and Authority in the Victorian City by DEREK FRASER. Oxford: Blackwell. 1979. pp. 183. £9.95 H/B; £3.75 P/B Victorian Writers and the City edited by JEAN-PAUL HULIN and PIERRE COUSTILLAS. Universite de Lille: Centre d'etudes victoriennes. 1979. pp. 199. n.p
by M.A. Crowther - 103-104 Book Review: The Politics of Urban Change by DAVID H. McKAY and ANDREW W. Cox. London: Croom Helm Ltd. 1979. pp. 297. £11.50 H/B; £5.50 P/B Marxism and the Metropolis: New Perspectives in Urban Political Economy edited by WILLIAM K. TABB and LARRY SAWERS. New York: Oxford University Press. 1978. pp. 376. £4.25
by K. Newton - 106-108 Book Notes
by N/A - 109-113 Books Received
by N/A
October 1979, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 251-271 Macro Evaluations of the Impact of Regional Policy in Britain: a Review of Recent Research1
by J.A. Schofield - 273-289 Social Area Analysis and Planning Research
by T.S. Brindley & J.W. Raine - 291-297 An Empirical Test of a Theory of the Urban Housing Market
by John F. McDonald - 299-307 The Effect of Crowding on Behaviour: Empirical Measures for Testing Theoretical Models
by John Dunstan - 309-319 In Defence of Shift-Share
by Stephen Fothergill & Graham Gudgin - 321-328 Externalities and Non-Monotonic Price-Distance Functions
by Allen C. Goodman - 329-332 A New Approach to Quality of Life Measurement
by Robert Gillingham & William S. Reece - 333-339 Relaxation and Reorientation: Parallel Trends in Regional Disincentive Policies
by W.R. Nicol - 341-343 Income Distribution, City Size and Urban Growth: A Comment
by Bruce Walker - 345-347 Income Distribution, City Size and Urban Growth: A Reply
by C.T. Haworth & J.E. Long & D.W. Rasmussen - 349-353 Book Review: Reappraising the Environmental Revolution: A Review Article The Limits of Altruism by G. HARDIN. Bloomington and London: Indiana University Press. 1978. pp. 154. £7.00 Current Issues in US Environmental Policy edited by P. R. PORTNEY. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press for Resources for the Future. 1978. pp. 207. £10.50 H/B; £3.50 P/B Environmental Improvement Through Economic Incentives by F. R. ANDERSON et al. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press for Resources for the Future. 1977. pp. 194. £9.00 H/B; £3.25 P/B Pollution and Policy - A Case Essay on California and Federal Experience with Motor Vehicle Air Pollution 1940-1975 by J. KRIER and E. URSIN. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press. 1978. pp. 401. £11.25 Air Pollution and Human Health by L. LAVE and E. SESKIN. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press for Resources for the Future. 1978. pp. 368. £15.75 Environmental Assessment - Approaching Maturity by S. BENDIX and H. GRAHAM. Chichester: Ellis Horwood Ltd., distributed by John Wiley and Sons Ltd. 1978. pp. 288. £12.60 Principles for Local Environmental Management by P. ROWE et al. Cambridge, Mass: Ballinger Publishing Co., distributed by John Wiley and Sons Ltd. 1978. pp.272. £10.40
by David Pearce - 353-354 Book Review: The Politics of Housing in Britain and France
by David Donnison - 354-355 Book Review: Beyond Capitalist Planning
by Tom Schuller - 355-357 Book Review: Industrial Location Processes and Regional Employment Growth
by B.M. Nicholson - 357-359 Book Review: Residential Location and Urban Housing Markets edited by G. K. INGRAM. Studies in Income and Wealth No. 43: Ballinger Publishing Company for the National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. London: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 1978. pp. 403. £12.60 Urban Housing Markets: Recent Directions in Research and Policy edited by L. S. BOURNE and J. R. HITCHCOCK. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 1978. pp.334. $12-50 P/B
by Duncan Maclennan - 359-360 Book Review: Economics and Health Planning
by S.R. Engleman - 360-361 Book Review: Human Response to Crowding
by John K. Bowers - 361-362 Book Review: Social Deviance: Perspectives and Prospects
by Russell Dobash - 363-364 Book Review: The Origin and Resolution of an Urban Crisis: Baltimore 1890-1930 by ALAN D. ANDERSON. London: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 1978. pp. 143. £8.50 Productivity in Local Government by FREDERICK O'R. HAYES. Farnborough: Lexington Books. 1977. pp. 295. £13.75
by P.M. Jackson - 364-366 Book Review: Local Government Development: The Federal Connection by C. H. MARTIN and R. A. LEONE. Farnborough: Lexington Books, Teakfield Ltd. 1978. pp. xvii + 138. £10.00 Small Area Employment Forecasting by K. ALLEN and D. YUILL. Farnborough: Saxon House, Teakfield Ltd. 1978. pp. xii + 248. £9.50 Can Business Management Save the Cities? The Case of New York by D. RODGERS. West Drayton: Collier Macmillan. 1978. pp.xii+276. £11.20
by J.T. Hughes - 366-367 Book Review: Cities and Frontiers in Brazil: Regional Dimensions of Economic Development
by Douglas Mccallum - 367-368 Book Review: Rural Resource Development - An Economic Approach
by F.G. Hay - 369-371 Book Notes
by N/A - 373-374 Books Received
by N/A - 375-376 Index for volume 16 (1979) by subject and author
by N/A - 376-376 Author Index
by N/A
June 1979, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 143-156 Neglected Issues in the Study of Urban Service Distributions: a Research Agenda
by Richard C. Rich - 157-164 Industrial Diversification in New Towns
by Chris Gratton - 165-177 A Longitudinal Study of Urban Populations in England and Wales 1951-1971
by E.M. Davies - 179-190 Changing Spatial Patterns in the Journey-to-Work : a comparison of the 1966 and 1971 Census Data in London
by M.J.H. Mogridge - 191-195 The Segregation of Socioeconomic Groups in Urban Areas: a Comment
by Robert A. Elgie - 197-204 Housing : the Element of Choice
by Colin Jones - 205-211 Location of Manufacturing Industries in Hong Kong
by Hok Lin Leung - 213-215 A Note on Intra-Urban Wage Differentials1
by Martin Ravallion - 217-223 Pivotal Density: What is it?
by John Craig & John Haskey - 225-226 Book Review: Federal Government and Urban Problems by M. CARTER McFARLAND. Boulder, Colorado: West-view Press Inc., distributed by Ernest Benn Limited, London. 1978. pp.277. £13.75/$20.00 Housing the Poor: The Case for Heroism by ALEXANDER POLIKOFF. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Limited. 1978. pp. 216. £9.45
by Michael Harloe - 226-228 Book Review: Small Cities in Transition: The Dynamics of Growth and Decline
by L.S. Bourne - 228-230 Book Review: The Political Economy of Fiscal Federalism
by P.M. Jackson - 230-231 Book Review: Urban Anthropology: The Cross-Cultural Study of Complex Societies
by Kenneth Little - 231-232 Book Review: Urban Relocation and Racial Segregation: the Case of Indian South Africans
by A.W. Stadler - 232-234 Book Review: Big-City Police
by John Mack - 234-235 Book Review: The Government Land Developers by NEAL ALISON ROBERTS (Ed.). Farnborough: Lexington Books, Teakfield Ltd. 1977. pp.249. £11.25 A Fair Price: The Land Commission Program 1972-1977 by PATRICK N. TROY. Sydney: Hale & Iremonger. 1978. pp. 326. n.p
by Tony Eddison - 235-236 Book Review: Capital and Land: Landownership by Capital in Great Britain
by Bob Allan - 236-238 Book Review: Architecture and Social Behavior: Psychological Studies of Social Density
by Peter Ellis - 238-239 Book Review: Housing the Urban Poor in Africa: Policy, Politics and Bureaucracy in Mombasa
by Jane Stanley - 239-240 Book Review: Policy Planning and Local Government
by Francis J.C. Amos - 240-241 Book Review: Community Control of Economic Development
by Ann Warden - 241-242 Book Review: The Man-Made Future
by Norman Clark - 243-243 Book Review: France: An Applied Geography
by Ian Thompson - 244-246 Book Notes
by N/A - 248-250 Books Received
by N/A
February 1979, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-18 The Analysis in English Structure Plans
by R. Barras & T.A. Broadbent - 19-28 Habitability Laws and the Shrinkage of Substandard Rental Housing Stock
by Werner Z. Hirsch & Cheung-Kwok Law - 29-43 Inner Areas as Spatial Labour Markets: a Critique of the Inner Area Studies
by Paul C. Cheshire - 45-60 The Components of Industrial Change for Merseyside Inner Area: 1966-1975
by P.E. Lloyd - 61-80 Identification of Industrial Clusters and Complexes: a Comparison of Methods and Findings
by Stan Czamanski & Luiz Augusto de Q. Ablas - 81-93 The Evaluation of Urban Change: Equilibrium and Adaptive Approaches
by R.W. Vickerman - 95-104 Commodity Production and the Dynamics of Land-use Differentiation
by A.J. Scott - 105-112 The Impact of Crime on Urban Residential Property Values
by Daryl A. Hellman & Joel L. Naroff - 113-119 Reactions to Rehousing: Loss of Community or Frustrated Aspirations?
by Ephriam Yuchtman-Ya'ar & Shimon E. Spiro & Judith Ram - 121-122 Book Review: Growing Up in Cities edited by KEVIN LYNCH. London: The MIT Press and UNESCO. 1977. pp. 177. £8.75 The Child in the City by COLIN WARD. London: The Architectural Press Ltd. 1978. pp.221. £5.95 Parents and Children in the Inner City by HARRIETT WILSON and G. W. HERBERT. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. 1978. pp.248. £5.90 P/B
by Kay Carmichael - 122-123 Book Review: City Governments and Urban Problems: a New Introduction to Urban Politics
by Stephen David - 123-125 Book Review: Local Government and the Public edited by R. DARKE and R. WALKER. London: Leonard Hill. 1977. pp. viii & 255. £6.50 The Local State: Management of Cities and People by CYNTHIA CoCKBURN. London: Pluto Press. 1977. pp.207. £2.95 P/B ; £6.60 H/B
by R.A.W. Rhodes - 125-127 Book Review: Models of Cities and Regions: Theoretical and Empirical Developments
by Michael A. Goldberg - 127-128 Book Review: The Eternal Slum: Housing and Social Policy in Victorian London
by John R. Kellett - 128-129 Book Review: Urban Harvest: Urban Renewal in Retrospect and Prospect
by A.D.G. Smart - 129-130 Book Review: Mining and Social Change
by A. Slaven - 130-131 Book Review: Planning Without Prices
by Keith Davies - 131-132 Book Review: Capital Markets and the Housing Sector: Perspectives on Financial Reform
by Alan Evans - 132-133 Book Review: The World Trade Center: Politics and Policies of Sky-scraper Development
by Hilary A. Robinson - 134-136 Book Notes
by N/A - 137-140 Books Received
by N/A
October 1978, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 261-272 Bandwagon Effects and Product Cycles in Urban Dynamics
by Edwin von Boventer - 273-288 Industrial Restructuring versus the Cities
by Doreen B. Massey & Richard A. Meegan - 289-297 An Approach to Land-use Control: the California Land Conservation Act
by Richard Goodenough - 299-312 Urban Growth Patterns in Latin America with Illustrations from Caracas
by A.S. Morris - 313-320 Urban Home-ownership in Sweden
by J. Kemeny - 321-326 An Econometric Analysis of Industrial Land-use Intensity within an Urban Area
by Ronald L. Moomaw - 327-331 The Dynamics of Neighbourhood Change
by Ann B. Schnare & C. Duncan MacRae - 333-342 Housing Improvement in the Inner City: A Case Study of Changes Before and After the 1974 Housing Act
by K. Bassett & J. Short - 343-349 Regional Disparities in India: 1950-51 to 1967-68
by Madhavi Majmudar - 351-355 Estimating Inter-city Differences in the Price of Housing Services
by Harvey S. Rosen - 357-358 Book Review: The Urban Question: A Marxist Approach
by S.G. Checkland - 358-359 Book Review: In Search of the Common Good: Utopian Experiments Past and Future
by Robert Fishman - 359-361 Book Review: Metropolitan Development and Change - The West Midlands: A Policy Review
by U.A. Wannop - 361-362 Book Review: The History of Lancashire County Council 1889-1974
by Stephen N. Leach - 362-364 Book Review: The Role of Housing Associations in Major Urban Areas
by Malcolm C. Matheson - 364-365 Book Review: The Economics of Housing Policy
by Helen R. Piddington - 365-366 Book Review: The Urban Experience by Claude S. Fischer. New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich. 1976. pp. 309. $6.95
by Willem vanVliet - 366-367 Book Review: How Cities Provide Services: an Evaluation of Alternative Delivery Structures
by Simon Booth