December 2011, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 223-224 Injustice: Why Social Inequality Persists
by Daniel Dorling & Tracy Shildrick - 225-226 “Stretching†Exercises for Qualitative Researchers
by Valerie J. Janesick & Najam Abbas - 227-230 Underlying the Riots: The Invisible Politics of Class
by Graham Scambler & Annette Scambler
August 2011, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 1-14 Downward Social Mobility across Generations: The Role of Parental Mobility and Education
by Susanne Alm - 15-27 The Modality of the Textual Institutionalisation of Literary Studies: Towards a Sociology of Literature
by Soh-Young Chung - 28-41 Is Social Mobility Really Declining? Intergenerational Class Mobility in Britain in the 1990s and the 2000s
by Yaojun Li & Fiona Devine - 42-55 Post ‘Celtic Tiger’ Ireland, Silver Vigilantes and Public Sociology: Protesting against Global Neoliberalisation
by Lee F. Monaghan - 56-65 Death as a Fateful Moment? The Reflexive Individual and Scottish Funeral Practices
by Glenys Caswell - 66-81 Fathers ‘Care’ Too: The Impact of Family Relationships on the Experience of Work for Parents of Disabled Children
by Katharine Venter - 82-93 Preconditions for Citizen Journalism: A Sociological Assessment
by Hayley Watson - 94-105 Keeping It Real!: Constructing and Maintaining Traditional Authenticity in a Tibetan Buddhist Organisation in Scotland
by John S. McKenzie - 106-119 Paradoxes and Pitfalls in Using Fuzzy Set QCA: Illustrations from a Critical Review of a Study of Educational Inequality
by Barry Cooper & Judith Glaesser - 120-122 Editorial Introduction: John d Brewer and Jennifer Platt
by John D. Brewer & Jennifer Platt - 123-126 Bulletin: The Present State and Development of Professional Sociology
by A. Tropp - 127-138 Conversation with Anne Dix, 1992
by N/A - 139-140 On Being a Comparative Europeanist
by Colin Crouch - 141-142 British Sociology: Gains and Losses
by John Hall - 143-144 The Appeal of British Sociology; a View from outside and Inside
by Barbara Misztal - 145-146 Different Times, Different Places, Different Standpoints
by Ewa Morawska - 147-148 Academic Sociology and Social Policy Think Tanks in Britain and Australia: A Personal Reflection
by Peter Saunders - 149-153 Half-Remembrance of Things Past: Critics and Cuts of Old
by John Eldridge - 154-157 Experimenting with Sociology: A View from the Outlook Tower
by Charlotte Bates - 158-168 The Impact of Feminism on Sociology
by Sylvia Walby - 176-183 Changing Perspectives in British Economic Sociology
by Duncan Gallie - 176-183 The BSA and the Emergence of a ‘Sociology of Food’: A Personal View[1]
by Anne Murcott - 184-193 Ray Pahl's Sociological Career: Fifty Years of Impact
by Graham Crow & Naoko Takeda - 194-201 Forty Four Years of Debate: The Impact of Race, Community and Conflict
by Robert Moore - 202-211 Developments in British Sociology as Shown in British Sociology Journals
by Charles Crothers - 212-212 Security and Global Health
by Stefan Elbe & Keerty Nakray - 213-214 Dialectic of Enlightenment: Critical Theory and the Messianic Light
by Jacob Klapwijk & Mark Dew - 215-216 Making Sense of Everyday Life
by Susie Scott & Andrew Mason
June 2011, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 1-9 The Biographical Illumination: A Bourdieusian Analysis of the Role of Theory in Educational Research
by Ciaran Thomas Burke - 10-18 Power and Resistance: A Case Study of Satire on the Internet
by Lijun Tang & Syamantak Bhattacharya - 19-28 Fees, Funding and Overseas Study: Mobile UK Students and Educational Inequalities
by Rachel Brooks & Johanna Waters - 29-38 Stories from Brixton: Gentrification and Different Differences
by George Mavrommatis - 39-48 Ethnographic Intimacy: Thinking through the Ethics of Social Research in Sex Worlds
by Maria Pérez-Y-Pérez & Tony Stanley - 49-58 Regulating Social Research: Exploring the Implications of Extending Ethical Review Procedures in Social Research
by Margaret Melrose - 59-72 Recent Methodological Opportunities in Online Hypermedia – a Case Study of Photojournalism in Singapore
by Terence Heng - 73-76 Introduction to Food: Representations and Meanings
by Wendy Wills - 77-87 Conceptualising Food as Death: A Radical Environmentalist Politics of Food
by Julie Van Kemenade - 88-98 Organic Hummus in Israel: Global and Local Ingredients and Images
by Rafi Grosglik - 99-107 ‘A Slice of Life’: Food Narratives and Menus from Mass-Observers in 1982 and 1945
by Sarah Nettleton & Emma Uprichard - 108-120 Saints and Slackers: Challenging Discourses about the Decline of Domestic Cooking
by Angela Meah & Matt Watson - 121-132 ‘If You're Not Allowed to Have Rice, What do you have with your Curry?’: Nostalgia and Tradition in Low-Carbohydrate Diet Discourse and Practice
by Christine Knight - 133-142 The Subject of Functional Foods: Accounts of Using Foods Containing Phytosterols
by Kate Weiner - 143-149 The Rise and Fall of the Jumbo Breakfast Roll: How a Sandwich Survived the Decline of the Irish Economy
by Perry Share - 150-154 Responsibility and the Big Society
by Antje Bednarek - 155-159 Liberty, National Security and the Big Society
by Alison Green & Nick Johns & Mark Rix - 160-164 ‘The Big Society’ Fact or Fiction? - a Sociological Critique
by Paul Ransome - 165-165 Book Review: Social Theory in the Twentieth Century and Beyond
by Bernhard Forchtner - 166-167 Book Review: The State in Africa
by Lincoln J. Fry - 168-169 Book Review: EcoStandards, Product Labelling and Green Consumerism (Consumption and Public Life)
by Tanya Wyatt - 170-171 Book Review: Faith, Public Policy and Civil Society: Policies, Problems and Concepts in Faith-Based Public Action
by Eddy Hogg - 172-173 Book Review: Being Interprofessional
by Rick Hood - 174-175 Book Review: Where We Live Now: Immigration and Race in the United States
by Marilyne Brun - 176-177 Book Review: Identifying Citizens
by Thorsten Nieberg - 178-178 Book Review: Habermas
by Jordan Mckenzie - 179-180 Book Review: New Racism: Revisiting Researcher Accountabilities
by Carole Truman
February 2011, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-8 Reflections on Doing Research Grounded in My Experience of Perinatal Loss: From Auto/biography to Autoethnography
by Deborah Davidson - 9-20 The Importance of Health in Promoting Employability in the East Midlands
by Vanessa Beck & Martin Quinn - 21-31 Gold Dreams, Gold Nightmares: The Social Construction of Inflation as Delegitimation Discourse
by Adam Rafalovich - 32-42 Woolworths and Wales: A Multi-Dimensional Analysis of the Loss of a Local Brand
by Robin James Smith & Jesse Heley & Ian Stafford - 43-53 Mapping the Social Organization of Labour in Moscow: Beyond the Formal/informal Labour Dualism
by Colin C. Williams & Sara Nadin & Peter Rodgers & John Round & Jan Windebank - 54-65 Cognitive Structure of Social Mobility: Moral Sentiments and Hidden Injuries of Class
by Yi-Lee Wong - 66-78 A Temporal Comparison of the Effects of Unemployment and Job Insecurity on Wellbeing
by Brendan Burchell - 79-88 Creating a Sexual Self in Heteronormative Space: Integrations and Imperatives Amongst Spiritual Seekers at the Findhorn Community
by Elizabeth Dinnie & Kath Browne - 89-94 Introduction: Friendship and Emotions
by Mary Holmes & Silvana Greco - 95-99 Commentary: Friendships and Emotions
by Graham Allan - 100-108 Social Relationships and Trust in Asylum Seeking Families in Sweden
by Ulla Björnberg - 109-118 Friendship and Social Emotions in Young Adult Finns’ Drinking Diaries
by Jukka Törrönen & Antti Maunu - 119-127 Friendship Dynamics between Emotions and Trials
by Paola Rebughini - 128-136 On Friendship, Equality and Introductions: Comparing English and German Regimes of Manners and Emotions
by Cas Wouters - 137-148 Emotional Reflexivity in Contemporary Friendships: Understanding it Using Elias and Facebook Etiquette
by Mary Holmes - 149-161 Ana's Friends. Friendship in Online Pro-Ana Communities
by Natà lia Cantó-Milà & Swen Seebach - 162-163 Book Review: Imprisoning Communities: How Mass Incarceration Makes Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Worse (Studies in Crime and Public Policy)
by Basak Tanulku - 164-165 Book Review: The Global Politics of Health
by Dev R Acharya - 166-167 Book Review: The End of Multiculturalism?: Terrorism, Integration and Human Rights
by Leon Moosavi - 168-169 Book Review: Habermas
by Jordan Mckenzie - 170-171 Book Review: The Music Industry: Music in the Cloud (DMS Digital Media and Society)
by Richard Mills
November 2010, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 1-13 Governing through Standards: Networks, Failure and Auditing
by Dale Spencer - 14-23 Class, Individualisation and Perceived (Dis)advantages: Not Either/Or but Both/And?
by Will Atkinson - 24-35 Developing Email Interview Practices in Qualitative Research
by Edgar Burns - 36-46 Innovation and Reduction in Contemporary Qualitative Methods: The Case of Conceptual Coupling, Activity-Type Pairs and Auto-Ethnography
by William Housley & Robin James Smith - 47-54 ‘I’ and ‘We’ Identities – an Eliasian Perspective on Lesbian and Gay Identities’
by Allison Moore - 55-64 Tensions in Young People's Conceptualisation and Practice of Politics
by Nathan Manning - 65-68 Introduction: ‘Changing Parenting Culture’
by Charlotte Faircloth & Ellie Lee - 69-74 Researching Barriers to Cultural Change for those in Loco Parentis
by Heather Piper & Pat Sikes - 75-84 Under the Influence? The Construction of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome in UK Newspapers
by Pam Lowe & Ellie Lee & Liz Yardley - 85-98 ‘What Science Says is Best’: Parenting Practices, Scientific Authority and Maternal Identity
by Charlotte Faircloth - 99-105 Understanding the Significance of the Teenage Mother in Contemporary Parenting Culture
by Jan Macvarish - 106-115 The ESRC's 2010 Framework for Research Ethics: Fit for Research Purpose?
by Liz Stanley & Sue Wise - 116-119 Research Ethics Committees (RECs) and the Creaking Piers of Peer Review
by John Holmwood - 120-122 The Spectre of Research Ethics and Governance and the ESRC's 2010 FRE: Nowhere Left to Hide?
by Kate Reed - 123-125 Creeping Ethical Regulation and the Strangling of Research
by Martyn Hammersley - 126-130 Ethics in Online Research; Evaluating the ESRC Framework for Research Ethics Categorisation of Risk
by Kate Orton-Johnson - 131-134 The Risks of Assessing Ethical Risks
by Michael Rustin - 135-137 Sociology Still Lagging on Climate Change
by Constance Lever-Tracy - 138-138 Book Review: Conspiracy Panics
by S. Nefes Türkay - 139-140 Book Review: Religion and Youth (Theology and Religion in Interdisciplinary Perspective Series in Association with the BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group)
by Sarah-Jane Page - 141-142 Book Review: After the Car
by Basak Tanulku - 143-144 Book Review: Politics of Climate Change
by Michael Scott - 145-146 Book Review: Europe: The Faltering Project
by Jordan McKenzie - 147-148 Book Review: Irregular Migration in Europe (Research in Migration and Ethnic Relations Series)
by Lincoln J. Fry - 149-150 Book Review: The Sociology of Work: Structures and Inequalities
by Ciaran T. Burke
August 2010, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 1-12 Meaning and Structure in the Work and Family Interface
by Stefano Ba - 10-10 WITHDRAWN: Book Review: Ethnicity (Key Concepts)
by N/A - 11-12 WITHDRAWN: Book Review: Wasted: Why Education Isn’t Educating
by N/A - 13-14 WITHDRAWN: Book Review: Pole Dancing, Empowerment and Embodiment
by N/A - 13-25 Choosing National Identity
by Frank Bechhofer & David McCrone - 15-15 WITHDRAWN: Book Review: Material Religion and Popular Culture (Routledge Studies in Religion)
by N/A - 16-17 WITHDRAWN: Book Review: Selected Studies in International Migration and Immigrant Incorporation (IMISCOE Textbooks)
by N/A - 18-19 WITHDRAWN: Book Review: Transitions through Homelessness: Lives on the Edge
by N/A - 26-44 Interpreting Images of Motherhood: The Contexts and Dynamics of Collective Viewing
by Helen Lomax & Janet Fink - 45-60 Battles over Biofuels in Europe: NGOs and the Politics of Markets
by Sarah Pilgrim & Mark Harvey - 61-74 HIV-Related Stigma among African Immigrants Living with HIV/AIDS in USA
by Emmanuel F. Koku - 75-85 Gendered Performances in a Male-Dominated Subculture: ‘Girl Racers’, Car Modification and the Quest for Masculinity
by Karen Lumsden - 86-96 Institutional Racism in Mental Health Services: The consequences of compromised conceptualisation
by Hannah Bradby - 97-118 The Work of Repair: Gesture, Emotion and Sensual Knowledge
by Tim Dant - 119-132 Modelling Dimensions of ‘the Social’ in Knowledge Teams: An Operationalisation of Habermas’ Theory of Communicative Action
by Elizabeth Quinlan & Susan Robertson - 133-144 Racial Hatred and Unmourned Loss
by David Gadd - 145-147 Sociology Facing Climate Change
by John Urry - 148-150 Sociology in a Changing Climate
by Elizabeth Shove - 151-152 Book Review: The Conservative Party: From Thatcher to Cameron
by Antje Bednarek - 153-153 Book Review: Ethnicity (Key Concepts)
by Kerryn Husk - 154-154 Book Review: Wasted: Why Education Isn't Educating
by Najam Abbas - 155-155 Book Review: Pole Dancing, Empowerment and Embodiment
by Fran Carter - 156-156 Book Review: Material Religion and Popular Culture (Routledge Studies in Religion)
by Anja Finger - 157-157 Book Review: Selected Studies in International Migration and Immigrant Incorporation (IMISCOE Textbooks)
by Pratik Adhikary - 158-159 Book Review: Transitions through Homelessness: Lives on the Edge
by Alasdair B R Stewart
May 2010, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 1-16 Retirement: Institutional Pathways and Individual Trajectories in Britain and Germany
by Anette E. Fasang - 17-29 Social Mobility and Social Inequality: The Ambivalence of the Middle Class
by Yi-Lee Wong - 30-41 Social Security Policy and Vindictiveness
by Chris Grover - 42-52 Researcher-Led Development of E-Research in the Social Sciences: The Case of an E-Social Science Pilot Demonstrator Project
by Bridgette Wessels & Max Craglia - 53-64 Empowering or Disempowering? Online Support among Seafarer-Partners
by Lijun Tang - 65-77 ‘My Bed or Our Bed?’: Gendered Negotiations in the Sleep of Same-Sex Couples
by Allison Kirkman - 78-96 The Meanings of Communion: Anglican Identities, the Sexuality Debates, and Christian Relationality
by Robert M. Vanderbeck & Gill Valentine & Kevin Ward & Joanna Sadgrove & Johan Andersson - 97-108 “If I Shut My Eyes, I Cannot Hear You†: The Regulation of Parent and Adolescent Communication about Sexual Practices and Identities in the Family Context
by Sharon Elley - 109-115 Introduction: The Dynamics of Epistemic Communities
by Morgan Meyer & Susan Molyneux-Hodgson - 116-132 From Communities of Practice to Epistemic Communities: Health Mobilizations on the Internet
by Madeleine Akrich - 133-146 Caring for Weak Ties - the Natural History Museum as a Place of Encounter between Amateur and Professional Science
by Morgan Meyer - 147-160 Epistemic Communities Facing a New Type of Agora? Centres of Science, Technology and Innovation as Defining the New Research Landscape in Finland
by Seppo Poutanen & Anne Kovalainen - 161-173 Possibilities of Enacting and Researching Epistemic Communities
by Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer - 174-188 Let's Get Organised: Practicing and Valuing Scientific Work inside and outside the Laboratory
by Lisa Garforth & Anne Kerr - 189-190 Book Review: Mundane Heterosexualities: From Theory to Practices
by Yiu Tung Suen - 191-192 Book Review: Children of International Migrants in Europe: Comparative Perspectives
by Pratik Adhikary - 193-194 Book Review: The Competent Public Sphere
by Ewa Sadurska
February 2010, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-10 Parenting in Post-Divorce Estonian Families: A Qualitative Study
by Leeni Hansson - 11-23 Using Focus Group Research in Exploring the Relationships between Youth, Risk and Social Position
by Dave Merryweather - 24-36 The Impact of Spatial Segregation on the Employment Outcomes Amongst Bangladeshi Men and Women in England and Wales
by Nabil Khattab & Ron Johnston & Ibrahim Sirkeci & Tariq Modood - 37-46 Social Work, Risk, Power
by Roger Smith - 47-53 Can We Re-Use Qualitative Data via Secondary Analysis? Notes on Some Terminological and Substantive Issues
by Martyn Hammersley - 54-67 Individualized Housing Careers in Early Adulthood: Conditions and Constraints in a Familistic Society
by Magda Nico - 68-76 Portfolio-Based Performance Appraisal for Doctors: A Case of Paperwork Compliance
by John Martyn Chamberlain - 77-93 Criminology and Criminal Justice: Differences in Programs at the Master's Level
by Ruth Triplett & Elizabeth Monk-Turner - 94-95 Book Review: Gender, Health and Information Technology in Context (Health, Technology and Society)
by Michael Spivey - 96-99 Book Review: Who now reads (books on) Talcott Parsons?
by Bruce C Wearne - 100-101 Book Review: Boundaries of Touch: Parenting and Adult-Child Intimacy
by Tomaž Krpic - 102-103 Book Review: Television and Youth Culture: Televised Paranoia (Education, Psychoanalysis, Social Transformation)
by Mark Carrigan - 104-105 Book Review: Unanticipated Gains: Origins of Network Inequality in Everyday Life
by Dave Griffiths - 106-107 Book Review: Contesting Stories of Childhood Sexual Abuse
by Stephanie Petrie
January 2009, Volume 14, Issue 42
- 42-52 Born in the USA: Exceptionalism in Maternity Care Organisation among High-Income Countries
by Edwin van Teijlingen & Sirpa Wrede & Cecilia Benoit & Jane Sandall & Raymond DeVries
November 2009, Volume 14, Issue 5
- 1-13 Explaining the Health Gap Experienced by Girls and Women in Canada: A Social Determinants of Health Perspective
by Cecilia Benoit & Leah Shumka & Kate Vallance & Helga HallgrÃmsdóttir & Rachel Phillips & Karen Kobayashi & Olena Hankivsky & Colleen Reid & Elana Brief - 14-26 Using Mead's Theory of Emergence as a Framework for Sociological Inquiry into Pre-Service Teacher Education
by Jeanne Allen & Mark Sinclair & Richard Smith - 27-37 Archiving from below: The Case of the Mobilised Hawkers in Calcutta
by Ritajyoti Bandyopadhyay - 38-48 A Membership Categorization Analysis of the Waco Siege: Perpetrator-Victim Identity as a Moral Discrepancy Device for ‘Doing’ Subversion
by Jonathan Clifton - 49-67 Pillars of Trust: An Experimental Study on Reputation and Its Effects
by Riccardo Boero & Giangiacomo Bravo & Marco Castellani & Francesco Laganà & Flaminio Squazzoni - 68-76 What a Difference a Death Makes: Protest, Policing and the Press at the G20
by Michael Rosie & Hugo Gorringe - 80-91 Revisiting the 2001 Riots: New Labour and the Rise of ‘Colour Blind Racism’
by James Rhodes - 92-104 Part-Time Work and Activity in Voluntary Associations in Great Britain
by Daiga KamerÄ de - 105-115 Jade's Dying Body: The Ultimate Reality Show
by Tony Walter - 116-123 Narratives from Major to Minor: On Resisting Binaries in Favour of Joined up Thinking
by Liz Stanley - 124-136 Apocalypse in the Long Run: Reflections on Huge Comparisons in the Study of Modernity
by John R. Hall - 137-146 Problems, Crises, Events and Social Change: Theory and Illustrations
by Constance A. Nathanson - 147-160 The Origins of Modern Nationalism in the North Atlantic Interaction Sphere
by Jonathan Hearn - 161-174 The Number of the South African War (1899-1902) Concentration Camp Dead: Standard Stories, Superior Stories and a Forgotten Proto-Nationalist Research Investigation
by Liz Stanley & Helen Dampier - 175-186 Fast Girls, Foreigners and GIs: An Exploration of the Discursive Strategies through Which the Status of Pre-Marital (Hetero)sexual Ignorance and Restraint Was Upheld during the Second World War
by Jenny Hockey & Angela Meah & Victoria Robinson - 187-195 Trans-Generational Memory: Narratives of World Wars in Post-Conflict Northern Ireland
by Tomoko Sakai - 196-205 Illness Narratives Revisited: The Failure of Narrative Reductionism
by Paul Atkinson - 206-212 Narrative Foundations of Knowing: Towards a New Perspective in the Sociology of Knowledge
by Anna Borisenkova - 213-222 Neopagan Narratives: Knowledge Claims and Other World ‘Realities’
by Sara Delamont - 223-230 Big Punning, Large Troping and Huge Riddling: Why and how Macbeth and other narrative texts are important and how to deal with them
by Joseph Maslen - 231-242 Futures Narratives, Possible Worlds, Big Stories: Causal Layered Analysis and the Problems of Youth
by Cate Watson - 243-258 Tilly's Technical Accounts and Standard Stories Explored in Financial Markets: The Case of the Istanbul Stock Exchange
by Emre Tarim - 259-271 The Age of Grief in the Time of Talk
by Julie Brownlie - 272-286 Narratives of Health Protection in Families with a Late-Onset Kidney Disease: Re-Defining Governmentality and Responsibility for Health in the Era of the ‘New’ Genetics
by Lucy Brindle - 287-292 Charles Tilly: Connecting Large Scale Social Change and Personal Narrative
by Ernesto Castañeda - 293-294 Coming of Age in Times of Uncertainty: Redefining Contemporary Adulthood
by Andrew King - 295-296 Youth Cultures: Scenes, Subcultures and Tribes (Routledge Advances in Sociology)
by Laura Manicom - 297-298 Youth (Key Concepts)
by Najam Abbas - 299-303 Books received from 22/8/2009 to 30/11/2009
by N/A
September 2009, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 1-7 Researching ‘Care’ in and around the Workplace
by Andrew Smith & Linda McKie - 8-18 ‘Their Risks Are My Risks’: On Shared Risk Epistemologies, Including Altruistic Fear for Companion Animals[1]
by Kevin Walby & Aaron Doyle - 19-26 Blurring Public and Private Sociology: Challenging an Artificial Division
by Kate Butler - 27-36 Work as Community: Narratives of Solidarity and Teamwork in the Contemporary Workplace, who Owns Them?
by Gillian Vogl - 37-49 Modes of Individualisation at Cemeteries
by Raf Vanderstraeten - 50-64 Analysing an Advertising Campaign: Towards an Integrated Cultural-Industrial Analysis
by Neil O'Boyle - 65-76 Through the Interviewer's Lens: Representations of 1960s Households and Families in a Lost Sociological Study
by John Goodwin & Henrietta O'Connor - 77-87 Making Use of Audio Diaries in Research with Young People: Examining Narrative, Participation and Audience
by Nancy Worth