June 2007, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 329-359 The Two “Logics†of Community Development: Neighborhoods, Markets, and Community Development Corporations
by L. Owen Kirkpatrick
March 2007, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 3-33 Understanding the Diverging Trajectories of the United States and Western Europe: A Neo-Polanyian Analysis
by Fred Block - 35-70 But Is It for Real? The British Columbia Citizens’ Assembly as a Model of State-Sponsored Citizen Empowerment
by Amy Lang - 71-102 Backlash in Bolivia: Regional Autonomy as a Reaction against Indigenous Mobilization
by Kent Eaton - 103-144 The Politics of Institutional Renovation and Economic Upgrading: Recombining the Vines That Bind in Argentina
by Gerald A. McDermott - 145-179 The Failure of Organizational Control: Changing Party Power in the Chinese Countryside
by An Chen
December 2006, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 463-502 The Political Paradox of Finance Capitalism: Interests, Preferences, and Center-Left Party Politics in Corporate Governance Reform
by John W. Cioffi & Martin Höpner - 503-542 France’s 35-Hour Week: Attack on Business? Win-Win Reform? Or Betrayal of Disadvantaged Workers?
by Anders Hayden - 543-570 A Victim of Its Own Success: Internationalization, Neoliberalism, and Organizational Involution at the Business Council of Australia
by Stephen Bell - 571-602 When the Forum Meets Interest Politics: Strategic Uses of Public Deliberation
by Carolyn M. Hendriks - 603-605 Index to Politics & Society
by N/A
September 2006, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 307-342 Variation in Sexual Violence during War
by Elisabeth Jean Wood - 343-368 The Strength of Weekly Ties: Relations of Material and Symbolic Exchange in the Conservative Movement
by Thomas Medvetz - 369-398 Fighting Corporate Swine
by Heather Williams - 399-430 Varieties of Institutional Investors and National Models of Capitalism: The Transformation of Corporate Governance in France and Germany
by Michel Goyer - 431-460 The People’s Library and the Electronic Workshop: Comparing Swedish and British Social Democracy
by Jenny Andersson
June 2006, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 131-134 Making Capital Socially Accountable: An Introduction to Robin Blackburn and Ewald Engelen
by Erik Olin Wright - 135-186 The Global Pension Crisis: From Gray Capitalism to Responsible Accumulation
by Robin Blackburn - 187-218 Resocializing Capital: Putting Pension Savings in the Service of “Financial Pluralism†?
by Ewald Engelen - 219-244 Deliberative Impacts: The Macro-Political Uptake of Mini-Publics
by Robert E. Goodin & John S. Dryzek - 245-275 Must Exceptionalism Prove the Rule? An Angle on Emergency Government in the History of Political Thought
by Nomi Claire Lazar - 277-304 Political Openness and Transnational Activism: Comparative Insights from Labor Activism
by Teri L. Caraway
March 2006, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 5-10 Caring about Caring Labor: An Introduction
by Dan Jacoby - 11-32 Demanding Quality: Worker/Consumer Coalitions and “High Road†Strategies in the Care Sector
by Nancy Folbre - 33-54 What Can We Expect from Paid Carers?
by Gabrielle Meagher - 55-80 Culture Change Management in Long-Term Care: A Shop-Floor View
by Steven Henry Lopez - 81-108 Organizing Home Care: Low-Waged Workers in the Welfare State
by Eileen Boris & Jennifer Klein - 109-128 Who Pays? The Visible and Invisible Costs of Child Care
by Marcia K. Meyers & Alesha Durfee
December 2005, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 511-565 A Rewarding Engagement? The Treatment Action Campaign and the Politics of HIV/AIDS
by Steven Friedman & Shauna Mottiar - 567-594 Employers and the Politics of Skill Formation in a Coordinated Market Economy: Collective Action and Class Conflict in Norway
by John R. Bowman - 595-636 The Effects of Protective Labor Legislation on Women’s Wages and Welfare: Lessons from Britain and France
by Frieda Fuchs - 637-669 War v. Justice: Terrorism Cases, Enemy Combatants, and Political Justice in U.S. Courts
by Christiane Wilke - 671-702 Credit Where Credit Is Due: Open Economy Industrial Policy and Export Diversification in Latin America and the Caribbean
by Andrew Schrank & Marcus J. Kurtz - 703-705 Index to Politics & Society Volume 33
by N/A
September 2005, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 359-385 Divergent Trends and Different Causal Logics: The Importance of Bargaining Centralization When Explaining Earnings Inequality across Advanced Democratic Societies
by Sven Oskarsson - 387-423 Maintaining the Coalition: Class Coalitions and Policy Trajectories
by Bill Winders - 425-447 Eco-terrorism or Justified Resistance? Radical Environmentalism and the “War on Terrorâ€
by Steve Vanderheiden - 449-480 Translatio versus Concessio
by David Ellerman - 481-506 Guerrilla Workfare: Migrant Renovators, State Power, and Informal Work in Urban China
by Lei Guang
June 2005, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 203-333 Global Governance and Labor Rights: Codes of Conduct and Anti-Sweatshop Struggles in Global Apparel Factories in Mexico and Guatemala
by César A. RodrÃguez-Garavito - 234-252 National Model under Globalization: The Japanese Model and Its Internationalization
by Hyeong-Ki Kwon - 253-276 Decentralizing Government and Decentering Gender: Lessons from Local Government Reform in South Africa
by Jo Beall - 277-326 Problems and Prospects for Democratic Settlements: South Africa as a Model for the Middle East and Northern Ireland?
by Courtney Jung & Ellen Lust-Okar & Ian Shapiro - 327-353 Social Movements and Judicial Empowerment: Courts, Public Policy, and Lesbian and Gay Organizing in Canada
by Miriam Smith
March 2005, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 3-45 Boom, Gloom, Doom: Balance Sheets, Monetary Fragmentation, and the Politics of Financial Crisis in Argentina and Russia
by David M. Woodruff - 46-87 Varieties in Capitalism, Varieties of Association: Collaborative Learning in American Industry, 1900 to 1925
by Gerald Berk & Marc Schneiberg - 88-122 Anti-Americanism and Americanization in Germany
by Mary Nolan - 123-152 It Takes a Village to Win a Union: A Case Study of Organizing among Florida’s Nursing Home Workers
by Dorothee E. Benz - 153-199 Community Unions and the Revival of the American Labor Movement
by Janice Fine
December 2004, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 439-473 Three Worlds of Working Time: The Partisan and Welfare Politics of Work Hours in Industrialized Countries
by Brian Burgoon & Phineas Baxandall - 475-509 Race, Labor, and the Twentieth-Century American State
by Paul Frymer - 511-543 Farmers’ Rights: Intellectual Property Regimes and the Struggle over Seeds
by Craig Borowiak - 545-574 Regionalism in South Korea: Its Origins and Role in Her Democratization
by Keedon Kwon - 575-609 Can We Grant a Right to Place?
by David L. Imbroscio - 611-612 Index to Politics & Society Volume 32
by N/A
September 2004, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 291-326 State Structures and Social Movement Strategies: The Shaping of Farm Labor Protections in California
by Miriam J. Wells & Don Villarejo - 327-365 A Labor of Laws: Courts and the Mobilization of French Workers
by Philippe Couton - 367-388 European Integration and the Nationalities Question
by Michael Keating - 389-416 A Perestroikan Straw Man Answers Back: David Laitin and Phronetic Political Science
by Bent Flyvbjerg - 417-433 Beyond Paradigm: Resisting the Assimilation of Phronetic Social Science
by Sanford F. Schram
June 2004, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 131-170 Labor Migration Policy and the Governance of the Construction Industry in Israel and Japan
by David Bartram - 171-202 Zones of Regulation: Restructuring Labor Control in Privatized Export Zones
by Steven C. McKay - 203-230 Municipality and Community in Chile: Building Imagined Civic Communities and Its Impact on the Political
by Edward F. Greaves - 231-256 Adaptation of a Political Bureaucracy to Economic and Institutional Change Under Socialism: The Chinese State Family Planning System
by M. Giovanna Merli & Zhenchao Qian & Herbert L. Smith - 257-285 Criminal Rebels? A Discussion of Civil War and Criminality from the Colombian Experience
by Francisco Gutiérrez SanÃn
March 2004, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 3-6 Introduction
by Erik Olin Wright - 7-39 Basic Income: A Simple and Powerful Idea for the Twenty-First Century
by Philippe Van Parijs - 41-60 Why Stakeholding?
by Bruce Ackerman & Anne Alstott - 61-78 The Citizen’s Stake and Paternalism
by Stuart White - 79-87 Basic Income, Stakeholder Grants, and Class Analysis
by Erik Olin Wright - 89-105 Democratizing Citizenship: Some Advantages of a Basic Income
by Carole Pateman - 107-118 A Swedish-Style Welfare State or Basic Income: Which Should Have Priority?
by Barbara R. Bergmann - 119-126 Stakeholding and Inheritances
by Edward N. Wolff
December 2003, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 467-502 Transnationalism, the State, and the Extraterritorial Citizen
by Michael Peter Smith - 503-536 How to Combine Openness and Protection? Citizenship, Migration, and Welfare Regimes
by Ewald Engelen - 537-566 Trust, Institutions, and Institutional Change: Industrial Districts and the Social Capital Hypothesis
by Henry Farrell & Jack Knight - 567-608 Evidence-Based Social Science and the Rehnist Interpretation of the Development of Active Labor Market Policy in Sweden During the Golden Age: A Critical Examination
by Christian Toft - 609-635 Institutional Explanations of Union Strength: An Assessment
by Sven Oskarsson
September 2003, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 359-362 Introduction
by April Linton - 363-379 Where are the Workers in Consumer-Worker Alliances? Class Dynamics and the History of Consumer-Labor Campaigns
by Dana Frank - 381-406 Monitoring Multinationals: Lessons from the Anti-Apartheid Era
by Gay W. Seidman - 407-432 Fair Trade: A Cup at a Time?
by Margaret Levi & April Linton - 433-464 Certifying Forests and Factories: States, Social Movements, and the Rise of Private Regulation in the Apparel and Forest Products Fields
by Tim Bartley
June 2003, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 187-191 Introduction
by Sean O'Riain & Fred Block - 193-261 For a Sociological Marxism: The Complementary Convergence of Antonio Gramsci and Karl Polanyi
by Michael Burawoy - 263-282 The Near-Death of Liberal Capitalism: Perceptions from the Weber to the Polanyi Brothers
by Guenther Roth - 283-323 In the Shadow of Speenhamland: Social Policy and the Old Poor Law
by Fred Block & Margaret Somers - 325-355 Polanyi's “Double Movement†: The Belle Époques of British and U.S. Hegemony Compared
by Beverly J. Silver & Giovanni Arrighi
March 2003, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 3-30 Shock Privatization: The Effects of Rapid Large-Scale Privatization on Enterprise Restructuring
by Lawrence King - 31-53 De-Development in Post-Socialism: Conceptual and Measurement Issues
by Mieke Meurs & Rasika Ranasinghe - 55-91 Beyond the Arab Street: Iraq and the Arab Public Sphere
by Marc Lynch - 93-130 Divergent Constitution of Liberal Regimes: Comparison of the U.S. and German Automotive Supplier Markets
by Hyeong-Ki Kwon - 131-162 Guanxi Civility: Processes, Potentials, and Contingencies
by Ming-Cheng M. Lo & Eileen M. Otis - 163-184 The Perestroikan Challenge to Social Science
by David D. Laitin
December 2002, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 527-528 Contributors
by N/A - 529-554 Reconceptualizing the State: Lessons from Post-Communism
by Anna Grzymala-Busse & Pauline Jones Luong - 555-578 Building State Capacity from the Inside Out: Parties of Power and the Success of the President’s Reform Agenda in Russia
by Regina Smyth - 579-598 The Dilemmas of Reform in Weak States: The Case of Post-Soviet Fiscal Decentralization
by Lucan A. Way - 599-627 Politics of Revenue Extraction in Post-Communist States: Poland and Russia Compared
by Gerald M. Easter
September 2002, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 363-363 Contributors
by N/A - 365-426 The Great Trough in Unemployment: a Long-term View of Unemployment, Inflation, Strikes, and the Profit/Wage Ratio
by Walter Korpi - 427-463 Organizing against Globalization: the Case of ATTAC in France
by Marcos Ancelovici - 465-496 Race, Skill, and Section in Northern California
by Geoff Mann - 497-523 Associational Membership and Social Capital in Comparative Perspective: a Note on the Problems of Measurement
June 2002, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 191-191 Contributors
by N/A - 193-243 Increasing Earnings Inequality and Unemployment in Developed Countries: Markets, Institutions, and the “Unified Theoryâ€
by David R. Howell - 245-275 Globalization, Tax Competition, and the Welfare State
by Philipp Genschel - 277-325 Business Power and Social Policy: Employers and the Formation of the American Welfare State
by Jacob S. Hacker & Paul Pierson - 327-357 The Construction of “Democratic†Corporatism in Italy
by Lucio Baccaro
March 2002, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 3-4 Contributors
by N/A - 5-49 Quandaries of War and of Union in North America: 1763 to 1861
by Norman Schofield - 51-83 The Fragile Flower of Local Democracy: a Case Study of Decentralization/Participation in Montevideo
by Benjamin Goldfrank - 85-111 The Reasonable and the Rational Capacities in Political Analysis
by Paul Clements & Emily Hauptmann - 113-148 Forging the Frontiers Between State, Church, and Family: Religious Cleavages and the Origins of Early Childhood Education and Care Policies in France, Sweden, and Germany
by Kimberly J. Morgan - 149-186 It May be Social, But Why is it Capital? The Social Construction of Social Capital and the Politics of Language
by Stephen Samuel Smith & Jessica Kulynych
December 2001, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 483-484 Contributors
by N/A - 485-514 Collective Action, Property Rights, and Decentralization in Resource Use in India and Nepal
by Arun Agrawal & Elinor Ostrom - 515-555 National Political Community and the Politics of Income Taxation in Brazil and South Africa in the Twentieth Century
by Evan S. Lieberman - 557-588 Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Local Governments, Industrial Sectors, and Development in China
by Adam Segal & Eric Thun - 589-611 Free-Splitting Revisited: Concealing Surplus Value in the Temporary Employment Relationship
by George Gonos
September 2001, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 335-336 Contributors
by N/A - 337-362 Ethnic Bargains, Group Instability, and Social Choice Theory
by Kanchan Chandra - 363-383 The Organization of Disorganization in Agricultural Labor Markets
by Greta R. Krippner - 385-414 The Limited Reach of Russia's Party System: Underinstitutionalization in Dual Transitions
by Kathryn Stoner-Weiss - 415-445 The Coevolution of Institutions, Organizations, and Ideology: The Longlake Experience of Property Rights Transformation
by Ning Wang - 447-480 Making Love “Legible†in China: Politics and Society during the Enforcement of Civil Marriage Registration, 1950-66
by Neil J. Diamant
June 2001, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 171-172 Contributors
by N/A - 173-206 Labor as an Imagined Commodity
by Richard Biernacki - 207-241 Social Capital in the Social Democratic Welfare State
by Bo Rothstein - 243-271 “Aggregative†and “Deliberative†Decision-Making Procedures: A Comparison of Two Southern Italian Factories
by Lucio Baccaro - 273-296 Without Unions, but Socialist: The Spanish Socialist Party and its Divorce From its Union Confederation (1982-96)
by Javier Astudillo Ruiz - 297-330 Gender Frames and Collective Action: Configurations of Masculinity in the Pittston Coal Strike
by Karen Beckwith
March 2001, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 3-4 Contributors
by N/A - 5-41 Deepening Democracy: Innovations in Empowered Participatory Governance
by Archon Fung & Erik Olin Wright - 43-72 Participation, Activism, and Politics: The Porto Alegre Experiment and Deliberative Democratic Theory
by Gianpaolo Baiocchi - 73-103 Accountable Autonomy: Toward Empowered Deliberation in Chicago Schools and Policing
by Archon Fung - 105-130 Habitat Conservation Planning: Certainly Empowered, somewhat Deliberative, Questionably Democratic
by Craig W. Thomas - 131-163 Moving the State: The Politics of Democratic Decentralization in Kerala, South Africa, and Porto Alegre
by Patrick Heller
December 2000, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 435-436 Contributors
by N/A - 437-482 Rules for Followers: Institutional Theory and the New Politics of Economic Backwardness in Russia
by David M. Woodruff - 483-501 Between Economy and the State: Private Security and Rule Enforcement in Russia
by Vadim Volkov - 503-530 Illusory Corporatism in Eastern Europe: Neoliberal Tripartism and Postcommunist Class Identities
by David Ost - 531-555 The Culture of Citizenship
by Christine Sypnowich - 557-587 The Limits of Supply-Side Social Democracy: Australian Labor, 1983-96
by John Phillimore
September 2000, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 307-308 Contributors
by N/A - 309-329 The Battles in Seattle
by Margaret Levi & David Olson - 331-365 The Cultural Foundation of Resources, the Resource Foundation of Political Cultures: An Explanation for the Outcomes of Two General Strikes
by Victoria Johnson - 367-391 Contesting Globalization on the Waterfront
by Peter Turnbull - 393-412 The Australian Waterfront Dispute 1998
by CHRIS McCONVILLE - 413-430 Power Repertoires and Globalization
by Frances Fox Piven & Richard A. Cloward
June 2000, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 155-156 Contributors
by N/A - 157-193 The Flexible Developmental State: Globalization, Information Technology, and the “Celtic Tigerâ€
by Seã N Ó Riain - 195-221 Corporate Governance and the Politics of Property Rights in Germany
by J. Nicholas Ziegler - 223-244 Strategic Alliances and Social Policy Reform: Unemployment Insurance in Comparative Perspective
by Isabela Mares - 245-264 Challenging the Citizenship Regime: The James Bay Cree and Transnational Action
by Jane Jenson & Martin Papillon - 265-304 The Positive Political Economy of Individualism and Collectivism: Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau
by James Devine
March 2000, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 3-4 Contributors
by N/A - 5-33 Between Deregulation and Social Pacts: The Responses of European Economies to Globalization
by Marino Regini - 35-65 State and Finance in the OECD: Previous Trends and Current Change
by Daniel Verdier - 67-92 Globalization, “New Tigers,†and the End of the Developmental State? The Case of the Celtic Tiger
by Denis O'Hearn - 93-118 Globalization and the Erosion of Class Compromise in Contemporary Australia
by Rob Lambert - 119-150 Contesting Globalization: Organized Labor, NAFTA, and the 1997 and 1998 Fast-Track Fights
by James Shoch
December 1999, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 475-475 Contributors
by N/A - 477-505 The Effects of Globalization on Labor Revisited: Lessons from Germany and Japan
by Kathleen Thelen & Ikuo Kume - 507-527 Two Logics of Class Formation? Collective Identities among Proprietary Employers, 1880-1900
by Jeffrey Haydu - 529-559 International Norms and Domestic Change: Arguing and Communicative Behavior in the Human Rights Area
by Thomas Risse - 561-585 The Lost City of Solidarity: Metropolitan Unionism in Historical Perspective
by Colin Gordon
September 1999, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 307-308 Contributors
by N/A - 309-346 Building a Developmental State: The Korean Case Reconsidered
by Vivek Chibber - 347-385 Toward a Class Compromise in South Africa's “Double Transition†: Bargained Liberalization and the Consolidation of Democracy
by Edward Webster & Glenn Adler - 387-402 Reciprocity and the Guaranteed Income
by Karl Widerquist - 403-430 Tax Competition in the European Union
by Vivek H. Dehejia & Philipp Genschel - 431-465 State Building and Religious Resources: An Institutional Theory of Church-State Relations in Iran and Mexico
by Anthony Gill & Arang Keshavarzian
June 1999, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 171-171 Contributors
by N/A - 173-215 The Heart of the Atlantic Constitution: International Economic Stability, 1919-1998
by Norman Schofield - 217-237 Peaceful versus Violent State Dismemberment: A Comparison of the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia
by Valerie Bunce - 239-273 Vice into Virtue? Progressive Politics and Welfare Reform in Continental Europe
by Jonah D. Levy - 275-301 Free Markets and Democratic Consolidation in Chile: The National Politics of Rural Transformation
by Marcus J. Kurtz
March 1999, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 3-4 Contributors
by N/A - 5-38 Why Islam is like Spanish: Cultural Incorporation in Europe and the United States
by Aristide R. Zolberg & Long Litt Woon - 39-66 The Real Value of Welfare: Why Poor Families do not Migrate
by Sanford Schram & Joe Soss - 67-103 Political and Institutional Conditions for Governance by Association: Private Order and Price Controls in American Fire Insurance
by Marc Schneiberg - 105-138 The Racial Triangulation of Asian Americans
by Claire Jean Kim - 139-166 Mobile Capital and Transborder Labor Rights Mobilization
by Heather L. Williams
December 1998, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 427-428 Contributors
by N/A - 429-459 The Internationalization of Industrial Relations in Europe: Prospects and Problems
by Wolfgang Streeck - 461-510 Participatory Budgeting in Porto Alegre: Toward a Redistributive Democracy
by BOAVENTURA de SOUSA SANTOS - 511-537 From Clientelism to Cooperation: Local Government, Participatory Policy, and Civic Organizing in Porto Alegre, Brazil
by Rebecca Abers - 539-573 Prospects for Associative Governance: Lessons from Ontario, Canada
by Neil Bradford - 575-602 The Mass Production of Craft Unionism: Exploring Workers' Solidarity in Late Nineteenth-Century France and America
by Christopher K. Ansell & Antoine Joseph - 603-642 The Politics of Interpretation: Rationality, Culture, and Transition
September 1998, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 301-302 Contributors
by N/A - 303-336 Achieving Capitalist Solidarity: Collective Action among Norwegian Employers
by John R. Bowman - 337-361 Capital Contests: National and Transnational Channels of Corporate Influence on the Climate Change Negotiations
by David L. Levy & Daniel Egan - 363-390 Welfare State Limits to Globalization
by Elmar Rieger & Stephan Leibfried - 391-422 Unions, Courts, and Parties: Judicial Repression and Labor Politics in Late Nineteenth-Century America
by Robin Archer
June 1998, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 179-180 Contributors
by N/A - 181-219 Universalism and Deconcentration: Why Race Still Matters in Poverty and Economic Development
by J. Phillip Thompson Iii