June 1972, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 335-336 Response
by Dorothy Buckton James - 337-362 Watching the Revolution Uncork
by Mark Reader
March 1972, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 127-164 The Political Economy of Health Care: Dynamics Without Change
by Robert R. Alford - 165-182 Social Science and the Problem of Rationality: notes on the sociology of technocrats
by Hans Peter Dreitzel - 183-207 Moments of Madness
by Aristide R. Zolberg - 209-234 Emotional Attitudes and Political Choices
by Michael Maccoby
December 1971, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-20 Multinational Enterprises as Worldwide Interest Groups
by Jonathan F. Galloway - 21-45 Towards a Theory of Ethnic Change'
by Michael Hechter - 47-56 The Problem with Social Problems
by James B. Rule - 57-88 Two Model Cities: Negotiations in Oakland
by Judith V. May - 89-104 Explanation of Political Violence: Some Psychological Theories Versus Indignation
by Peter A. Lupsha - 105-126 The Politics of Liberal Reform: Restructuring at Columbia
by Ellen Kay Trimberger
September 1971, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 409-440 For Cmnmunism: Theses of the Il Manifesto Group
by Andrew Levine - 441-447 A New Version of the Socialist Tradition?
by Norman Birnbaum - 449-462 "On the Pavement Thinking 'bout the Government" : Notes on Il Manifesto
by Gordon M. Adams - 463-477 The Rebirth of Spontaneity: II Manifesto and West European Communism
by Bogdan Denitch - 479-526 Law as Political Weapon
by Harry R. Blaine & David Kettler - 527-537 Repression in Academia: A Report from the Field
by Michael Parenti - 539-541 The Wolfe Who Cried Caucus: Reform and the Political Science Profession
by Lewis Lipsitz - 543-544 Response
by Alan Wolfe
June 1971, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 269-312 Liberal Society and the Indian Question
by Michael Paul Rogin - 313-326 Economic Power and Public Policy: The Case of Consumer Protection
by Mark Nadel - 327-357 Dependency and Imperialism: The Roots of Latin American Underdevelopment
by Susanne Bodenheimer - 359-364 'The State and Social Transformation: Will and Possibility"
by Immanuel Wallerstein - 365-391 Policy and Public Administration: The Legal Services Program in the War on Poverty
by Richard M. Pious - 393-406 Unthinking about the Thinkable: Reflections on the Failure of the Caucus for a New Political Science
by Alan Wolfe - 407-407 Il Manifesto
by N/A
March 1971, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 151-177 The Concept of Interest in Pluralist and Marxian Analysis
by Isaac D. Balbus - 179-201 Social and Ideological Bases of British Elite Reactions to Domestic Crisis in 1829 - 1832
by Allan Silver - 203-224 Socialism in One Island: A Decade of Cuban Revolutionary Government
by James F. Petras - 225-233 Black Power: The Politics of Existence
by A. Sivanandan - 235-256 From Dissent to Disobedience: A Justification of Rational Protest
by Gordon J. Schochet - 257-268 The National Security Managers and the National Interest
by Richard J. Barnet
March 1970, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 2-2 Editorial Introduction
by N/A - 3-21 Counter-Ideological Uses of 'Totalitarianism'
by Herbert J. Spiro & Benjamin R. Barber - 23-49 The Vocation of Radical Intellectuals
by David Kettler - 51-77 Politics, Policy, and Political Science: Theoretical Alternatives
by Stuart H. Rakoff & Guenther F. Schaefer - 79-90 The Possibilities for Political Change
by Michael Parenti - 91-111 Un the Study of Power
by John R. Champlin - 113-131 History and Class-Consciousness: Georg Lukács' Theory of Social Change
by Fred R. Dallmayr - 133-149 Peter Gay and the Politics of Skeptical Liberalism
by Robert Booth Fowler