November 2002, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 273-288 COWS: The Center on Wisconsin Strategy
by Anthony P. Vigor - 289-302 Persistent Poverty and the Failure of Area-Based Initiatives in the U.S
by Ali Modarres - 303-312 Expanding Childminding Provision in Areas of Deprivation
by Meg Bond & David Kersey - 313-327 Creating new industries and service clusters on Tyneside
by Paul Benneworth - 328-334 The Newlands Local Enterprise Project - A Case Study of Community Economic Development
by Steven Schofield
August 2002, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 186-190 Devolution, Regionalism and Local Economic Development
by Dave Valler & Nick Phelps & Andy Wood - 191-199 The New Regeneration Narrative - Local Development in the Multi-Level Polity
by Kevin Morgan - 200-215 Devolution and Economic Governance in the UK: Uneven Geographies, Uneven Capacities?
by Mark Goodwin & Martin Jones & Rhys Jones & Kevin Pett & Glenn Simpson - 216-225 Building a World Class Region: Regional Strategy in the South East of England
by Steven Musson & Adam Tickell & Peter John - 226-238 In What Sense a Regional Problem? Sub-national Governance in England
by John Tomaney - 239-252 Devolution, Sustainability and Local Economic Development: Impacts on Local Autonomy, Policymaking and Economic Development Outcomes
by Paul Benneworth & Peter Roberts - 253-255 The Government White Paper, Your Region, Your Choice: Revitalising the English Regions
by Ines Newman & Jo Dungey - 256-263 Partnerships in Rural Regeneration
by Neil Ward
May 2002, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 90-95 After Oldham and September 11th — Capacity Building for Stronger Diverse Communities?
by Balraj Sandhu - 96-110 Dematerializing Local Economies: A Case for ad hoc Governance
by Don J. Webber & Tony Gore - 111-122 The Digital Divide and ICT Learning in Rural Communities: Examples of Good Practice Service Delivery
by Robert Huggins & Hiro Izushi - 123-135 Barriers to Involvement: the Disconnected Worlds of Disability and Regeneration
by Claire Edwards - 136-146 Harnessing Community Self-Help: Some Lessons from Rural England
by Colin C. Williams - 147-169 Capacity Building and Community Control of Local Economic Assets
by Pete North & Stuart Wilks-Heeg & James DeFilippis & Stuart Wilks-Heeg & Duncan Fuller & Andrew E. G. Jonas & Nick Oatley - 170-174 Review Article
by Sean Baine & Bob Colenutt - 175-175 Publications Received
by N/A - 176-181 Reviews
by Barbara Tilson & P. W. Daniels & David Boyle & David Gibbs
February 2002, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 2-7 Local Economies and the Impact of the Privatization of Public Services
by Kate Foley - 8-24 Supporting Local Economic Development in Post-Apartheid South Africa
by Tony Binns & Etienne Nel - 25-34 The London Development Agency and Local Regeneration Issues: an Overview of Urban Regeneration Management
by Emmanuel Mutale & Michael Edwards - 35-49 Helping Those With Mental Health Problems Access Open Employment - A Glasgow Case Study
by Keith Hayton - 50-64 How new is the New Deal? A qualitative study of the New Deal for Young People on minority ethnic groups in Oldham
by Dr. Edward A. Fieldhouse & Dr. Virinder S. Kalra & Saima Alam - 65-79 Business TravelWise®: The economic development of an aspect of transport; Hertfordshire - The Film Friendly County; Artists at Work - A Fresh Look
by Lilian Goldberg & Annie Hawkins & Janet Summerton - 80-82 New Mutualism
by Martin Stott - 83-83 Publications Received
by N/A - 84-88 Reviews
by Paul Benneworth & Paul Benneworth & James De Filippis
November 2001, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 264-271 What Matters Is What Works? - The Management of Regeneration
by Alan Southern - 272-285 Managing Change or Coping with Conflict? - Mapping the Experience of a Local Regeneration Partnership
by John Diamond - 286-298 Regenerating Neighbourhoods: A Critical Look at the Role of Community Capacity Building
by Sarah Banks & Felicity Shenton - 299-311 Partnership and Community Involvement: Institutional Morphing in Dundee
by Keith Fernie & John McCarthy - 312-323 RDAs, Sub-Regional Partnerships and Local Regeneration
by Joyce Liddle - 324-325 Local Statistics for All
by Irene Bruegel - 326-328 Bradford Community Statistics Project
by Paul Meszaros - 328-332 The Use of Benefits Data in Estimating Worklessness and Unemployment
by James Arnott - 333-333 Publications Received
by N/A - 334-338 Reviews
by Ines Newman & Jeremy Crook & Ivan Turok - 339-339 Announcement
by N/A
August 2001, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 178-186 Social Capital, or Local Workfarism? Reflections on Employment Zones
by Martin Jones & Anne Gray - 187-197 The Contribution of Childcare to Local Employment: Poor Work or Work for the Poor?
by Gill Scott & Jim Campbell & Usha Brown - 198-220 Inward Investment and Economic Regeneration: Listening to Workers in Rhondda-Cynon-Taff
by Molly Scott Cato - 221-235 From Cause To Effect?
by Greg Lloyd & John McCarthy & Keith Fernie - 236-248 Are Spatially Focused Initiatives in Current Economic Inclusion Policies Well Founded?
by John Adams & Malcolm Greig & Ronald W. McQuaid - 249-252 Proper Job Community Co-op
by Jo Hodges - 252-255 Sustrans: The National Cycle Network
by Richard Tibenham - 255-256 Buzz Buses
by Bob Davis - 257-259 The next stage in integration
by Lesley Harding - 260-260 Publications Received
by N/A - 261-263 Reviews
by Raj Patel & Danny Myers
May 2001, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 80-86 Improving Schools in Disadvantaged Areas: Can Standards Improve Without Changes in Structure?
by Ruth Lupton - 87-102 Reflections on the Task Force Model in Economic Development
by Andy Pike - 103-122 City-regional Systems and Competitive Internet Economies
by Philip McCready - 123-141 Evaluating the Role of the Sunshine Coast University (USC) in the Regional Economy
by Janelle Allison & Julie Keane - 142-159 Pathways to the Future? An Initial Assessment of RDA Strategies and their Contribution to Integrated Regional Development
by Peter Roberts & Paul Benneworth - 160-163 Transport: Promoting Wider Choices to Business
by Dave Roberts - 163-165 Wheels of Hope
by Jonathan Entwistle - 166-168 Community Car Share Network: A Practical Alternative to Car Dependency
by Antonia Roberts - 169-171 Globalization and Localization
by David Gibbs - 172-172 Publications Received
by N/A - 173-176 Reviews
by Nicholas Phelps & Amanda Root & Pete North
February 2001, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 2-13 Northern Ireland: Democratizing for Development
by Mike Morrissey & Frank Gaffikin - 14-25 Northern Ireland: the Development Context
by Frank Gaffikin & Malachy McEldowney & Mike Morrissey & Ken Sterrett - 26-37 The Other Crisis
by Frank Gaffikin & Mike Morrissey - 38-49 Shaping a Regional Vision: the Case of Northern Ireland
by Malachy McEldowney & Ken Sterrett - 50-62 Partnerships and Policy in Northern Ireland
by Brendan Murtagh - 63-71 Regional Development
by Frank Gaffikin & Mike Morrissey - 73-77 Reviews
by Gareth Potts & Andrew Jones & Michael McDermott
November 2000, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 276-279 Lighting the Torch
by Kamila Zahno - 280-301 The Role of Small Towns in the Local Economy and Some Implications for Development Policy
by Paul Courtney & Andrew Errington - 302-311 Supporting Rural Labour Markets
by Sarah Monk & Ian Hodge & Jessica Dunn - 312-324 Dealed out? Welfare to Work and Social Exclusion
by David Smith - 325-337 MNE Supply Linkages and the Local SME Sector: Evidence from Yorkshire and Humberside
by M. Crone & H. D. Watts - 338-339 Initiatives to Support Refugees and Asylum Seekers
by Nick Oatley - 339-342 Helping Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants to Use Their Wealth of Talents and Experience
by Diana Cliff - 342-343 Refugee Assessment and Guidance Unit (RAGU)
by Azar Sheibani - 343-349 Refugee Employment
by Alison Feeney - 350-351 Other initiatives
by N/A - 352-353 Green Growth
by Roger Levett - 354-354 Publications Received
by N/A - 355-361 Reviews
by Barbara Tilson & David Parry Coalfield & Allan Cochrane
September 2000, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 188-197 Community, Utopia and New Labour
by Ruth Levitas - 198-213 The Midweek Match: Premiership Football and the Urban Economy
by Sam Johnstone & Alan Southern & Rogan Taylor - 214-224 The Land Reform Policy Group in Scotland
by M. G. Lloyd & M. W. Danson - 225-237 Job Creation by Assisted Rural Firms: a European North-South Perspective
by Dimitris Skuras & Nick Tzamarias - 238-250 The Use of Input-Output Models in Local Impact Analysis
by Paul Bishop & Steven Brand & Eric McVittie - 251-255 Maintaining Community Involvement in Regeneration: What are the Issues?
by Marilyn Taylor - 256-261 Changing Cultures and Building Shared Ownership
by Christina Ashworth - 261-263 Maintaining the momentum through community activism in Kings Cross
by Michael Parkes - 264-267 Establishing Community Forums that Make a Difference
by Chris Khamis - 268-268 Publications Received
by N/A - 269-274 Reviews
by Lyndon Bracewell & Helen Lawton Smith & Charlie Mason & Paul Chaplin
July 2000, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 86-97 New Labour's Approach to Age-old Problems
by Nick Oatley - 98-111 Bringing Britain Together?
by Paul Chatterton & David Bradley - 112-127 New Deal: The Experience and Views of Clients in One Pathfinder City (Sheffield)
by Ankie Hoogvelt & Alan France - 128-143 Is There a Local Business Community?
by James Curran & Robert Rutherfoord & Stephen Lloyd Smith - 144-158 The Estimation of Rates of Unemployment for Small Spatial Units
by Calvin Jones - 159-167 Developing Business Start-up Support Programmes: Evidence from Scotland
by David Deakins & Robert Sullivan & Geoff Whittam - 167-175 The Role of Incentives in Assisting Unemployed People into Employment: the impact of the Jobfinder's Grant
by Peter Dickinson & Steve Broome - 176-178 Review Article: Environmental Modernisation
by Martin Stott - 179-179 Publications Received
by N/A - 180-185 Reviews
by Anne Gray & Ivan Turok & Stuart Wilks Heeg & David Donnison - 186-186 Erratum
by N/A
May 2000, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 2-8 Getting Explicit
by Irene Bruegel - 9-17 The Role of a Toolkit in Mobilising Women in Local and Regional Development
by Rose Gilroy & Christine Booth - 18-31 Women's Enterprise and Business Development
by Fiona Forsyth - 32-44 Barriers to Lone Parents' Employment
by Suzanne Speak - 45-58 Older Female Workers in Britain and its Regions
by Clive Collis & Anne Green & Tony Mallier - 59-74 Women entrepreneurs, Barcelona
by Anna Webb - 75-83 Reviews
by Elly Tams & Anne Gray & Amanda Root & Clara Greed & Pam Walton & Jane Darke
February 2000, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial
by Irene Bruegel - 1-1 Members of Editorial Board
by N/A - 290-294 Let a Thousand Monies Bloom
by Ed Mayo & David Boyle - 295-312 Integrating the Economic and the Social
by David Betteley & David Valler - 313-328 Improving Competitiveness
by Rhodri Thomas & Jonathan Long - 329-345 Accountability and Regional Governance
by Aidan While - 346-356 Village Appraisals
by Stephen P. Osborne & Mike Tricker - 357-369 Towards internal cohesion?
by Lynda White & Mark Hart & Stephen Harvey - 371-375 Reviews
by Roberta Woods & Gordon Dabinett & Theresa Aldridge & Martin Stott - 376-376 Publications Received
by N/A
November 1999, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial
by Mike Geddes - 1-1 Members of Editorial Board
by N/A - 194-199 How Green is the Blair Government?
by Andrew Coulson - 200-213 Plant Closure and Institutional Modernisation
by David Charles & Paul Benneworth - 214-231 “Community†Economic Development in Knowsley, Merseyside
by Philip Boland - 232-244 Integration, Embeddedness and Local Economic Development
by David Clark & James Smith-Canham - 245-256 Managed Workspace
by Howard Green & Adam Strange - 257-264 Cultural policy and the cultural economy in Bristol
by Ron Griffiths & Keith Bassett & Ian Smith - 264-268 Discovering culture-led regeneration in Dundee
by John McCarthy & Greg Lloyd - 269-272 The Third Way
by Peter North - 273-274 Urban manifestos
by Sue Brownill - 275-277 Job-centred economic development
by Mike Geddes - 277-277 Publications Received
by N/A - 278-288 Reviews
by Sarah Bissett Johnson & Danny Myers & Adrian Atkinson & Chris Mulhearn & Madeleine Leonard & Andrew Jones & Stephen Marks & Carole Hassan
August 1999, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 1-1 Members of editorial board
by N/A - 1-1 Editor's note
by N/A - 114-132 The Song has Ended but the Melody Lingers
by Iain Deas & Kevin G. Ward - 133-143 “Sent to Coventry?â€
by Jane Watts & Richard Farnell - 144-160 Inward Investment, Diffusion of Knowledge and New Working Practices
by D. G. Pickernell - 161-174 Local Economic Development Strategies for the UK Computer Services Sector
by Neil M. Coe - 175-179 Job Rotation
by Jo Hutchinson - 180-191 Reviews
by Bob Colenutt & Anne Gray & Gary Craig & Chris Mulhearn & Nicholas Deakin & Marjorie Mayo & Peter Lloyd & Gareth Potts & Barbara Tilson - 192-192 Publications Received
by N/A
May 1999, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Mike Geddes & Irene Bruegel - 1-1 Members of editorial board
by N/A - 3-11 From cable street to the city?
by Irene Bruegel - 12-26 Evolution and conflict in local economic development
by Mike Geddes & Ines Newman - 27-42 Democratic evaluation: Putting principles into practice
by Bob Townley & Stuart Wilks-Heeg - 43-54 Local economic development
by Karl Birkhölzer - 55-71 Putting the social into urban regeneration policy
by Norman Ginsburg - 72-86 Localisation or mainstream bending in urban regeneration?
by Ivan Turok - 87-95 Move on up the car
by Ian Gordon - 96-109 The community programme revisited
by Anne Gray - 110-110 A Bibliography of the papers, articles and books of Sam Aaronovitch
by N/A
February 1999, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 1-1 Members of editorial board
by N/A - 1-1 Editorial
by Irene Bruegel - 290-294 The Future of the European Union and its Regions
by John Palmer - 295-309 A Tidal Wave for Change
by Barbara Tilson - 310-326 Regional Competitiveness Indicators
by David J. Brooksbank & David G. Pickernell - 327-338 Making the Link
by Andrew McArthur - 339-345 Developing the Social Economy
by Nick Oatley - 346-347 Audit of Leicester's Social Economy
by Dave Ahlquist - 348-359 The development of the third sector economy in Bristol
by Marion Cooper - 359-360 Bristol City Council Development of the Third Sector or Social Economy Initiative
by Marion Cooper - 361-368 Employment policy and the Social Economy: promise and misconceptions
by Gabriel Chanan - 368-368 Publications Received
by N/A - 369-372 Social exclusion
by Anne Gray - 373-384 Reviews
by Peter John & Anne Gray & Amer Hirmis & Allan Cochrane & Helen Lawton Smith & Barry Detter & Andrew Jones & Gary Craig & Andy Pike
November 1998, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial
by Irene Bruegel - 1-1 Members of Editorial Board
by N/A - 194-197 Regional Development Agencies
by John Harman - 198-215 Backward Linkages from Construction
by Kenneth Gibb & Margaret Keoghan - 216-227 An Exploration of the Use of Language Training in Exporting Firms
by Sandra MacDonald & Mark Cook - 228-238 Tourism and Local Economic Development
by Jon Stobart & Rick Ball - 239-254 Renewing the Black Country
by Brendan Nevin - 254-254 Publications Received
by N/A - 255-257 The Role of Further and Higher Education in Local Economic Development
by Nick Oatley - 257-266 University collaboration and Regional Economic Development — exploiting the potential
by Adrian Sargeant & Eugene Sadler-Smith & Adele Dawson - 267-271 The HESIN Knowledge House: A front door to North East universities
by Gareth Potts - 272-277 Recognising the roles of further education in economic development
by Simon James & Greg Clark - 278-282 Education, training, and economic growth
by Andrew Jones - 283-288 Reviews
by Anne Gray & John Tilley & Amer Hirmis & Stephen Marks & Ivan Turok
August 1998, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 1-1 Members of Editorial Board
by N/A - 1-1 Editorial
by Mike Geddes - 98-101 Best Value and Best Employment
by Jack Dromey - 102-113 Trading Places
by Irene Hardill - 114-132 LETS, “Hours†and the Swiss “Business Ring†"
by Peter North - 133-150 Building and Sustaining Inter-firm Networks
by Robert Huggins - 151-165 Local Economies and Business Networks Re-Visited
by Andrew Jones - 166-167 Racial equality and the New Deal
by Martin Boddy - 167-167 Publications Received
by N/A - 176-186 “New Deal with marked cardsâ€
by Charlie Mason - 187-189 Change into a new millennium Nick Oatley Blowers, A., and Evans, B. (eds) 1997 TOWN PLANNING INTO THE 21ST CENTURY London: Routledge, £15.99 paper; Boddy, M., Lambert, C. and Snape, D. 1997: CITY FOR THE 21 ST CENTURY? GLOBALISATION, PLANNING AND URBAN CHANGE IN CONTEMPORARY BRITAIN Bristol: The Polity Press, £16.95 paper
by Nick Oatley - 190-192 Reviews
by Dylan Jones-Evans & Harry Matlay