August 1994, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 153-165 Partnership — Sop or Solution? Trying to Tackle Poverty Through Partnership in Wood End, Coventry
by Carol Hayden - 166-184 Local Authorities And The Expansion Of Credit Unions, 1991–93
by Ian C. Thomas & Susan Balloch - 185-191 Campaigning Against Poverty: The Local Authority Role
by Rose Wheeler - 192-206 Poverty, The Local Economy and the Scope for Local Initiative
by Mike Geddes & Angus Erskine - 207-208 Book Review: Urban Tourism
by N/A
May 1994, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-1 Local Economy Advisory Board
by N/A - 1-1 Editorial
by N/A - 4-18 The Effectiveness of Local Labour Market Action: Issues of Quantity and Quality
by Ivan Turok & Adrian Healy - 19-30 Managing Change in Northern Ireland's Rural Economy
by Mark Hart & Michael Murray - 31-47 Playing the Defence Card: Local Authority Responses to the 1992 Regional Policy Consultation Paper
by R.M. Ball - 48-61 Inward Investment, Labour Market Adjustment and Skills Development: Recent Experience in South Wales
by Gareth Rees & Marilyn Thomas - 62-72 TECs and Local Communities: The Role of Research in a Multi-Ethnic District
by Jane Pitcher - 73-82 Rethinking the Role of the Service Sector in Local Economic Revitalisation
by Colin C. Williams - 83-93 Reviews
by N/A - 93-96 Publications Received
by N/A
February 1994, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 1-1 Local economy advisory board
by N/A - 291-291 Editorial
by N/A - 292-306 Towards a research agenda for public-private partnership in the 1990s
by Nick Bailey - 307-325 Prestige project developments: Economic renaissance or economic myth? A case study of Birmingham
by Patrick Loftman & Brendan Nevin - 326-337 Urban Development Corporations and the creation of employment: An evaluation of Tyne & Wear and Teesside Development Corporations
by Fred Robinson & Keith Shaw & Marty Lawrence - 338-351 Markets and the state and the role of local regeneration strategies: A case study of The Defence Sector in the UK in the 1980s
by Gordon Dabinett - 352-364 Developing a local retail strategy: A case study of Leicester
by Philip Dunham & Nigel Berkeley & Michael Healey & David Noon - 365-368 Gearing up for Business Link
by Maria Cutler - 369-374 Review Article: Local government: Big business
by N/A - 374-374 Publications Received
by N/A - 375-384 Reviews
by N/A
November 1993, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 1-1 Local economy advisory board
by N/A - 195-195 Editorial
by N/A - 197-208 The role of inward investment promotion in economic development strategies: The case of northern England
by Adam Tickell & Peter Dicken - 209-229 The costs and benefits of inward investment: The case of Plymouth
by Peter Gripaios & Rose Gripaios - 231-246 Analysing the impact of the Single European Market and European integration upon local economies: A case study of Gloucestershire
by Terence Hogarth & Anne Green & Helen Flanagan - 247-259 Local public services and the local economy
by Mike Geddes - 261-267 Local authority assistance to ethnic minority owned small firms: Some recent survey evidence from Britain
by Huw Thomas & Vijay Krishnarayan - 268-270 What role for support agencies? Building on the best
by David Irwin - 271-272 Preston Technology Management Centre
by N/A - 272-276 The Foundation for Occupational Training, Hamburg
by N/A - 277-280 Reappraising Retail Jobs?
by N/A - 280-280 Publications Received
by N/A - 281-288 Reviews
by N/A
August 1993, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-1 Local economy advisory board
by N/A - 99-99 Editorial
by N/A - 100-116 Economic development and local authorities: The Scottish case
by Ronald W. McQuaid - 117-129 Minority firms, racism and economic development
by Monder Ram & John Sparrow - 130-142 Local economic development and environmental management: An integrated approach
by Richard Welford - 143-154 Training and evaluation in SMEs: Manufacturing enterprises in the West Midlands
by Karen Ross - 155-165 Employment change in the 1990s: Findings from a study in Nottingham
by Irene Hardill & Jill Armstrong - 167-175 The Nottinghamshire work and technology programme
by N/A - 176-177 Unemployment initiatives in Harlow
by N/A - 178-189 Reviews
by N/A - 190-191 Short Reviews
by N/A - 192-192 Publications Received
by N/A
May 1993, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-1 Local economy advisory board
by N/A - 3-3 Editorial
by N/A - 4-21 Training and enterprise councils: Time for change
by Jamie Peck & Mike Emmerich - 22-32 Social work, poverty and community economic development
by Mark Drakeford & Bill Hudson - 33-42 Women and part-time employment training
by Simin Davoudi - 43-56 Defence in a peripheral region: The case of Devon and Cornwall
by Paul Bishop & Peter Gripaios - 57-68 What role for support agencies? A case study of UK Enterprise Agencies
by David Deakins - 69-81 Highlands and Islands Enterprise: Strategies for economic and social development
by Greg Lloyd & Stuart Black - 82-87 Whatever happened to Industrial Training?
by N/A - 88-92 Reviews
by N/A - 92-93 Short Reviews
by N/A
February 1993, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 291-291 Editorial
by N/A - 293-306 Housing expenditure and neighbourhood economic development
by Alan McGregor - 307-317 The Northern Ireland economy: A time for institutional change
by Paul Teague - 318-333 Small high technology firms in an era of rapid change: Evidence from Cambridge
by Elizabeth Garnsey & Andrew Cannon-Brookes - 334-346 Company-led strategies in defence sector restructuring: Implications for local economic development
by John Finch - 347-360 Training and enterprise councils in the North West of England — Recent developments and future prospects
by Richard Evans - 361-368 Local authority tourism development strategies — The role of tourism development action programmes
by Adrian J Palmer - 369-370 Beta 2000 — A business, employment and training advice centre in West London
by N/A - 371-383 Reviews
by N/A - 383-384 Short Reviews
by N/A - 384-384 Publications Received
by N/A
November 1992, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-1 Local economy advisory board
by N/A - 195-195 Editorial
by N/A - 196-209 City challenge: Competing in the urban regeneration game
by Lucy De Groot - 210-224 Partnership: Issues of policy and negotiation
by Maureen Mackintosh - 225-247 Urban policy and infrastructure networks
by Simon Marvin - 248-260 Assessing the impact of a plant closure: A case study of the BAe Kingston site closure
by Mick Feloy & Paul Field & Peter Dickinson - 261-272 Sustainable development and the local economy
by Michael Jacobs & Martin Stott - 273-278 Restructuring for the 21st century: The end of ideology or rediscovering corporatism?
by Allan Cochrane - 279-287 Reviews
by N/A - 288-288 Publications Received
by N/A
August 1992, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-1 Local economy advisory board
by N/A - 99-99 Editorial
by N/A - 100-113 The role of local sector studies: The development of sector studies in the UK
by Graham Haughton & Kevin Thomas - 114-130 Foreign direct investment in the West Midlands: An analysis and evaluation
by Clive Collis & Peter Roberts - 132-145 European foreign direct investment and local development: The case of the automotive sector
by Peter Wells - 146-162 Ford of Britain in the 1990s: Corporate strategy in Europe and the future of the Ford localities
by Andrew Mair - 163-169 Piecing together the peace dividend: Managing change in communities dependent on defence expenditure
by William Roe - 169-173 Evaluation units and local strategies - A cautionary tale
by N/A - 174-190 Reviews
by Margaret Grieco & Rob Imrie & Paul Quigley & Marjorie Mayo & Susan Oppenheimer & Andrew Wilson - 191-192 Publications received
by N/A
May 1992, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-1 Local economy advisory board
by N/A - 3-3 Editorial
by N/A - 4-8 British Coal Enterprise: Bringing the “enterprise culture†to a deindustrialised local economy?
by Royce Logan Turner - 10-25 Evaluating Science parks
by Dorren Massey & David Wield - 26-38 Urban regeneration and the community: Birmingham Heartlands — Mid-term report
by Harry Salmon - 39-50 Training initiatives in Edinburgh
by Matthew Creighton - 51-63 Positive action employment and training: developing local initiatives
by Martin Boddy - 64-73 Food, Health and Work
by Kevin Maton & Jenny Douglas & Denise Donovan & John D. Middleton - 74-78 Poverty 3 in the UK
by N/A - 79-81 Should training be competence-based?
by Sheila Marsh - 82-89 Reviews
by Michael Marshall & Irene Bruegel & Richard Kerley & Mathew Taylor - 90-92 Short Reviews
by Ines Newman & Jean Bickerstaffe & Brendan Sheehan - 93-94 Publications Received
by N/A
February 1992, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 1-1 Local economy advisory board
by N/A - 291-291 Editorial
by N/A - 292-310 Additionality in the distribution of European Regional Development Fund Grants to local authorities
by Ian C. Thomas - 311-315 Third time right? The EC's third Action Programme for women
by Irene Bruegel - 316-325 New jobs for old? Reindustrialisation policies in Derwentside in the 1980s
by Ray Hudson & David Sadler - 326-335 Science parks: A property-based initiative for urban regeneration
by John Henneberry - 336-350 The physical environment, accounting and local development
by Rob Gray & Sheila Morrison - 351-353 Beyond the urban development corporations?
by Rob Imrie - 354-360 The IPPR and industrial policy
by Peter Brayshaw - 361-364 The Labour Party's policy for manufacturing revival — complacency or revolution?
by Andrew Coulson - 365-368 Reviews
by Peter Totterdill & Martin Stott
November 1991, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-1 Local economy advisory board
by N/A - 195-195 Editorial
by N/A - 196-210 Women and economic development
by Clare Rigg & Miranda Miller - 211-223 Diversification in Coventry's military industry: Implications for a decentralised conversion strategy
by P.M. Quigley - 224-239 Greening the local economy
by D.C. Gibbs - 240-249 Explaining persistent inner-city unemployment: A case study in Nottingham
by Francis Green & Malcolm Maguire & Beverley Roberts & Kathie Wray - 250-270 Industrial policy in Detroit: The search for a new regional development model in the home of Fordism
by William J.V. Neill - 272-274 Using a videotex system as a labour market tool: The case of OXCIS
by Martin Stott & Joan Stonham - 275-285 Reviews
by Gerry Mooney & Michael Jacobs & Stephen V. Ward & Allan Cochrane & Maureen Mackintosh & Charlie Mason - 286-287 Short reviews
by Anne Wilkinson & Berwyn Peet & Ines Newman - 288-288 Publications received
by N/A
August 1991, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-1 Local economy advisory board
by N/A - 99-99 Editorial
by N/A - 100-115 Business in urban regeneration partnerships: A case study in Birmingham
by Michael Carley - 116-136 Telecommunications and the local economy: Some emerging policy issues
by Stephen Graham - 137-143 Cultural partnership: The old fire station arts centre, Oxford
by Martin Stott - 144-153 The car industry in transition: Responding to restructuring at Rover in Oxford
by Paul Field & Brian Spragg - 154-159 The use of local employer surveys for information on local, regional and national labour market trends
by Anne Green & David Owen - 160-164 Technology incubators in the US: The case of the Austin Technology Incubator
by Ian Masser - 164-172 Where does the buck stop? Local enterprise companies in Scotland
by Mike Danson & Greg Lloyd & David Newlands - 172-176 Addressing the problems of training provision in urban areas: A locality-based response
by Alistair Bruce & David Clarson - 177-183 In search of a moving target — skills surveys and skills audits
by Graham Haughton - 184-188 Reviews
by Irene Bruegel & Richard Whittington & Malcolm Cross - 189-192 Short reviews
by Mark Hart & Nigel Guy & Christina Hartshorn & Harry Goulbourne & William J.V. Neill
May 1991, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-1 Local economy advisory board
by N/A - 3-3 Editorial
by N/A - 4-20 TECs: A revolution in training and enterprise, or old wine in new bottles?
by Nigel Meager - 21-34 Foreign direct investment in Wales
by Stephen Hill & Max Munday - 35-47 Rural needs and strategic response: The case of rural Wales
by Graham Day & Dennis Thomas - 48-60 Housing cooperatives: From housing improvement to economic regeneration?
by Jon Dawson - 61-73 Urban regeneration and community involvement
by Fred Robinson & Keith Shaw - 73-73 Publications Received
by N/A - 74-77 Responding to 1992 locally — The role of European information centres
by Mike Coyne - 77-80 Common Purpose
by Zahida Manzoor - 81-87 Greening the environment: National and local economic issues
by Chas Ball & Geoff Wright - 88-93 Reviews
by Ray Hudson & Philip Pearson & Valerio Lintner - 94-96 Short Reviews
by Ken Worpole & Ines Newman & Gill Alcock
February 1991, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 291-292 Editorial
by N/A - 293-304 Surviving in a cold climate: Local authority economic strategy today
by Ines Newman - 305-316 Progressing Scottish Enterprise
by Keith Hayton & Ewan Mearns - 317-329 Women returners in Newcastle: A comparison of Benwell and South Gosforth
by A.E. Green & I. Hardill - 330-346 What kind of EC regional policy?
by Karel Williams & John Williams & Colin Haslam - 347-362 The role of the public and private sectors in technology transfer
by John Blackburn - 363-368 Three reviews on rural economic policy
by John Bryden - 369-377 Reviews
by Anne Gray & Michael Marshall & William J. V. Neill & Graham Haughton - 378-382 Short Reviews
by George Harte & Bill Seary & David Byrne & Joe Watson & Priscilla Annamanthodo - 384-384 Publications Received
by N/A
November 1990, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 195-195 Editorial
by N/A - 196-213 Inward investment and economic change: The future role of Regional Development Agencies
by Mark Hart & Richard T. Harrison - 214-224 Urban Development Corporations and Enterprise Boards revisited: A survey of current policies and practice
by Peter Brayshaw - 225-232 Back to the future: Greater London Enterprise in the 1990s
by Richard Minns - 233-248 Local government responses to aerospace restructuring in France and Germany
by Richard Whittington & Rosa Dover - 249-257 Curing the tobacco economy: Local implications of a decline in tobacco sales
by Mike Press & Paul Field & Jenny Douglas & Jammi Nagaraj Rao & John Middleton - 258-260 The Advent Project
by Mike Kennedy - 260-263 Metra: A local government response to skill shortages
by Stephen Bubb - 263-264 The Ealing Venture fund
by N/A - 264-266 Regional government and a Europe of the regions: Towards an agenda for the 90s
by Paul Salveson - 267-273 Economics of the public sector
by Maureen Mackintosh - 274-282 Reviews
by Ivan Turok & Richard Kerley & David Newlands & Nick Oatley - 283-287 Short Reviews
by Priscilla Annamanthodo & Ken Worpole & Nigel Guy & Conor Kearney & Ines Newman & Mike Newman - 288-288 Publications Received
by N/A
August 1990, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 99-99 Editorial
by N/A - 100-118 Local industrial promotion and development policies 1899–1940
by Stephen V. Ward - 119-128 Technology, the labour process and markets: Industrial policy and the organisation of work
by Peter Totterdill - 129-146 The future of European motor industry regions: New local authority responses to industrial restructuring
by Eileen Davenport & John Benington & Mike Geddes - 147-153 Military spending and local economic dependency: The need for new alternative plans
by P. E. Wells - 154-158 Employment experiences following the Stoke-on-Trent Garden Festival
by Peter Lawrence & Leslie Rosenthal - 159-163 Training and Enterprise Councils
by Mike Campbell - 163-167 Training and Enterprise Councils and Local Enterprise Companies: The CLES monitoring project
by Jamie Peck & Mike Emmerich - 167-169 Do TECs need the Employment Service?
by Molly Meacher - 170-171 TECs and local authorities the association of District Councils survey
by Mike Campbell - 172-173 The Essex TEC and Harlow District Council
by Ines Newman - 174-179 Developing successful worker co-operatives
by Johnston Birchall - 180-185 Reviews
by Richard Whittington & Marj Mayo & David Newlands - 186-189 Short Reviews
by David Byrne & J. Bickerstaffe & Andrew Coulson & Joseph Watson & Peter Brayshaw - 190-192 Publications Received
by N/A
May 1990, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-1 Local economy advisory board
by N/A - 3-3 Editorial
by N/A - 4-14 Towards a local labour market strategy
by Mike Campbell - 15-25 An information framework for a local labour market
by Chris Hasluck - 28-43 Making local labour markets work: A Scottish case study
by Keith Hayton