May 2007, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 138-147 The Impact of Gaining an NVQ Level 2: Will the Leitch Review Recommendations Address the Low Returns?
by Rosie Page - 148-162 Employers' Responses to Demographic Changes in Rural Labour Markets: The Case of Dumfries and Galloway
by Emma Hollywood & Ronald W. Mcquaid - 163-185 The Growing Localness of the Canadian City, or, On the Continued (Ir)relevance of Economic Base Theory
by Ted Rutland & Sean O'Hagan - 186-187 Introduction: Coordinating Employment Strategies
by Andrew Jones - 188-194 Joined up for Jobs - An Employability Agreement for Edinburgh
by Ken Shaw - 195-200 From Coal Mines to Culture - Utilising Economic Regeneration to Maximise Economic Inclusion
by Alan Jobling - 201-206 Employment and Development Centres in Malmö
by Pia Hellberg Lannerheim - 207-212 Refining Employment Policy
by Marit Holmberg - 213-220 Book Reviews
by Raj Patel & Charles Fraser & Andrew Jones & Judith Rutherford
February 2007, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-5 Bringing the Environment into Economic Development
by Andrew Jones & Nick Ennis - 6-11 Mainstreaming Sustainable Development
by Warren Hatter - 12-26 Mainstreaming Sustainability in Local Economic Development Practice
by Tony Jackson - 27-39 An Exploratory Review of the Role of Ecological Modernisation in Supporting Local Economies' Green Drive
by Munir Morad - 40-61 Opportunities for Air Pollutant and Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction through Local Transport Plannin
by F. Ruth Wood & Melissa Burgan & Steve Dorling & Rachel Warren - 62-74 Mainstreaming Sustainable Development - A Case Study: Ashton Hayes is going Carbon Neutral
by Roy Alexander & Max Hope & Martin Degg - 75-79 Grass Roots Village Action Inspires other Communities to Take on the Challenge of Climate Change
by Garry Charnock - 80-84 Community Energy in Practice
by Nicholas Gubbins - 85-91 The Cornwall Sustainable Energy Partnership
by Jasmine Reilly - 92-97 Green Building
by Rebecca S. Aarons-Sydnor - 98-101 The Mayor's Green Procurement Code
by Claire Appleby - 102-110 Book Reviews
by Andrew Jones & Nick Ennis & Gemma Roberts & Andrew Jones
November 2006, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 353-361 Inequalities in Britain 1997–2006: the Dream that Turned Pear-shaped
by Danny Dorling - 362-377 Cluster Dynamics: Corporate Strategy, Industry Evolution and Technology Trajectories - A Case Study of the East Midlands Aerospace Cluster
by David Smith & Gamal Ibrahim - 378-390 Modelling the Impact of Community Engagement on Local Democracy
by Rhys Andrews & David Turner - 391-408 Regional Self-reliance and Economic Development: The Pembrokeshire Case
by Peter Midmore & Dennis Thomas - 409-422 The Neoliberal Framework of EU Urban Policy in Action: Supporting Competitiveness and Reaping Disparities
by Ioannis Chorianopoulos & Theodoros Iosifides - 423-428 Decentralization, Governance and Capacity Building in Cambodia
by Alex White - 429-438 Full Employment, a New Deal for Welfare and the Cities Strategy . . . the Story so Far
by Chris Duffill & Donna-Louise Hurrell - 439-444 Book Reviews
by Munir Morad & Andrew Jones & Charles Fraser
August 2006, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 239-240 Editorial
by Paul Convery - 241-248 Skills in a Global Economy: Ten Proposals for a UK Skills Policy
by Chris Humphries - 249-263 The Decline of the Temporary Worker: A Regional Perspective
by David Biggs - 264-278 The Temporary Staffing Industry and Workforce Development: Assessing a System of Local Experiments
by Marc Doussard & Nik Theodore - 279-291 Local-Authority led Economic Regeneration Strategies in the Aftermath of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Crisis of 2001
by Ian Taylor & Mike Tricker - 292-315 What is the Role of Universities in High-tech Economic Development? The Case of Portland, Oregon, and Washington, DC
by Heike Mayer - 316-327 Local Enterprise Growth Initiative
by Paul Convery - 328-332 Three-district Enterprise Growth Solution Proves a Successful Alternative to City-based Approaches in East Midlands
by Andrew Smith - 333-338 Building a Better Future for Generations in Barking and Dagenham
by Derek Levy - 339-344 Constructing an Enterprise Island in Bradford
by Dave Moss - 345-349 Croydon Finds LEGI Answers in Community
by Stella Okeahialam - 350-352 Book Review: Foreign Direct Investment and Regional Development in East Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union
by Istvan Egresi
May 2006, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 105-106 Editorial
by David Walburn - 107-116 Welfare Reform: Facing up to the Geography of Worklessness
by David Webster - 117-135 The Impact of a Business School on Regional Economic Development: a Case Study
by Sue Cox & Jim Taylor - 136-150 New Labour and Community Protests: the Case of the Govanhill Swimming Pool Campaign, Glasgow
by Gerry Mooney & Nick Fyfe - 151-165 Local Rural Labour Markets: Enterprising or Constraining?
by David Jarvis & Philip Dunham & Brian Ilbery - 166-179 Dilemmas in Regional University—Industry Research Collaboration
by Chrys Gunasekara - 180-196 Promoting ‘Strategic’ Working within Area-based and Thematic Social Inclusion Partnerships in Scotland
by Suzi Macpherson - 197-199 Supporting Women's Engagement with their Local Labour Markets: Introduction
by Sue Yeandle - 200-210 Women Outside Paid Employment: Getting to Grips with Local Labour Markets
by Linda Grant & Lisa Buckner & Gerard Poole & Christopher Price - 211-218 Building Policy/Research Relationships: Using Innovative Methodologies to Engage Ethnic Minority Women
by Bernadette Stiell & Ning Tang & Cinnamon Bennett & Christopher Price - 219-225 Tackling Gender Inequality: Linking Research to Policy Making and Mainstreaming
by Karen Escott & Surinder Punn - 226-232 Mainstreaming Women's Enterprise: Yorkshire Forward's Approach
by Cinnamon Bennett & Mike Chadwick - 233-238 Book Review: City of Quarters: Urban Villages in the Contemporary City David Bell and Mark Jayne (Eds) Ashgate, Aldershot, 2004, 287 pp, ISBN 0754634140; Developing Coalfield Communities: Breathing New Life into Warsop Vale David Waddington Bristol, The Policy Press, 2003, pp. viii + 60, £14.99 (paperback), ISBN 1 86134 553 4; The Well-Connected Community: a Networking Approach to Community Development Alison Gilchrist Policy Press, Bristol, 2004, pp. 166 (paperback), ISBN 1-86134-527-5
by Mark Davidson & Iain Deas & Colin C. Williams
February 2006, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-3 The Role of Finance: Spotlight by Local Economy
by Raj Patel - 4-12 Opportunities and Problems in the Local Enterprise Growth Initiative
by Emma Drever - 13-24 Harnessing the Hidden Enterprise Culture: the Street UK Community Development Finance Initiative
by Colin C. Williams - 25-35 Closing the Savings Gap? The Role of the Saving Gateway
by Sharon Collard & Stephen Mckay - 36-48 Giving Credit where it's Due: Promoting Financial Inclusion through Quality Credit Unions
by Paul A. Jones - 49-64 Evaluating Property-led Initiatives in Urban Regeneration: Tracing Vacancy Chains in Cardiff Bay
by Laura Francis & Huw Thomas - 65-72 Building an Investment Market for Economic Development
by Andrew Carter - 73-77 Under-served Markets
by Jenny Dunford - 78-83 Access to Finance in Europe
by Maritza Tucker - 84-90 CDFIs—Coming of Age?
by Sarah Mcgeehan - 91-96 Providing Pensions for People
by Richard Murphy - 97-104 Book Reviews
by G.J. Ashworth & Gillian Bristow & Edward J. Malecki & Aidan While
November 2005, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 335-336 Introduction
by David Walburn - 337-343 Beware ‘the Creative Class’. Creativity and Wealth Creation Revisited
by John Montgomery - 344-359 Socio-economic Decline and Adaptation: South Yorkshire's Former Coalfields
by Robert Murray & James Baldwin & Keith Ridgway & Belinda Winder - 360-371 Industrial Restructuring and the State: the Case of MG Rover
by Nigel Berkeley & Tom Donnelly & David Morris & Martin Donnelly - 372-388 Business Reactions to the 2001 Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak in Scotland
by Wendy Kenyon & Alana Gilbert - 389-403 Are Employment Zones Successful? Evidence From the First Four Years
by Oliver Bruttel - 404-411 Cities, Regions, and Metropolitan Development Agencies
by Greg Clark
August 2005, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 249-265 Restructuring the Automotive Industry in the English West Midlands
by Tom Donnelly & Sally Barnes & David Morris - 266-279 Information and Communication Technologies and their Role in Urban Regeneration
by Alan Southern & Alan Townsend - 280-293 Promoting Image and Identity in ‘Cultural Quarters’: the Case of Dundee
by John Mccarthy - 294-304 How ‘Modern’ is the Modern Apprenticeship?
by Jim Campbell & Ailsa Mckay & Emily Thomson - 305-308 The Lisbon Agenda: Regional Performance in a Two Speed Europe. The Important Contribution of Local Programmes of SME Support
by David Walburn - 309-313 Programme to Improve Access to Finance for Small Businesses in the Objective 2 Areas of London
by Keith Gilbey - 314-317 Delivering Quality Accommodation for Small Businesses in London despite Market Difficulties
by Martin Large & Chris Rushton - 318-322 London Business Angels: Boosting Investment in the Equity Gap
by Anthony Clarke - 323-330 Sustainable Development, Support Mechanisms and the Opinions of Wood-using Micro-business Owner/Managers: The Case of a Community Forest
by Gary Lynch-Wood & David Williamson - 331-334 Review Article: Poverty Street: The Dynamics of Neighbourhood Decline and Renewal R. Lupton Bristol, Policy Press, 2003, pp. xii+244, £21.99 paperback, ISBN 1-861-34535-6; Evaluating British Urban Policy S. Ying Ho Aldershot, Ashgate, 2003, pp. x+234, £50.00 hardback, ISBN 0-754-61851-X
by Rob Imrie
May 2005, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 131-140 Clusters: Myth or Realistic Ambition for Policy-makers?
by Manuel Palazuelos - 141-153 A Step Change or a Step Back? The Thames Gateway and the Re-birth of the Urban Development Corporations
by Mike Raco - 154-167 Redressing Gender Inequality in Employment: the National and Sub-regional Policy ‘Fit’
by Sally-Anne Barnes & Anne Green & Michael Orton & Jenny Bimrose - 168-182 The Role of Retailing in Urban Regeneration
by Timothy J. Dixon - 183-204 Marketing Town Centres: Retailing and Town Centre Management
by Gary Warnaby & David Bennison & Barry J. Davies - 205-220 The Performance of Business Incubators and their Potential Development in the North East Region of England
by Pooran Wynarczyk & Arnold Raine - 221-223 The Future of Local Economic Development
by John Shutt & Roger Henderson - 224-229 Urban Regeneration in an Era of Well-being
by Scott Dickinson - 230-237 Future Local Economic Development under New Labour?: a New Sub-regional Development Agency - ‘Wakefield first’
by John Shutt & Roger Henderson - 238-243 Fitting the Piece in the Jigsaw Puzzle? The Governance of Local Economic Development Policy and Regeneration in Birmingham
by Gill Bentley - 244-247 Book Reviews
by William A. Maloney & Frances Heywood
February 2005, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 3-5 Local Economy@20
by Stuart Wilks-Heeg - 6-12 The Accidental Renaissance of Local Government
by Dick Sorabji - 13-26 ‘On the Side of the Angels’: Community Involvement in the Governance of Neighbourhood Renewal
by Fred Robinson & Keith Shaw & Gill Davidson - 27-39 Marginalised Voices: Resisting the Privatisation of Council Housing in Glasgow
by Gerry Mooney & Lynne Poole - 40-52 City-Visions: Visioning and Delivering Scotland's Economic Future
by Deborah Peel & Greg Lloyd - 53-66 The Newcastle Employment Bond: Investing in Local Communities
by Arthur Affleck & Mary Mellor - 67-78 Job Guarantees, Employability Training and Partnerships in the Retail Sector
by Ronald W. McQuaid & Colin Lindsay & Malcolm Greig - 79-89 Averting the Construction Skills Crisis: A Regional Approach
by Andrew R. J. Dainty & Stephen G. Ison & David S. Root - 90-92 Trends In Entrepreneurship Policy
by David Walburn - 93-97 The Changing Demography of Entrepreneurship
by Erik R. Pages - 98-103 The Green Paper on Entrepreneurship. The Entrepreneurship Action Plan
by Sonia Herrero-Rada - 104-110 Entrepreneurship Policy at Local Level: Rationale, Design and Delivery
by Jonathan Potter - 111-117 Challenges for Public Policy in Promoting Entrepreneurship in South Eastern Europe
by Ricardo Pinto - 118-122 Review Article: Knowledge, Industry and the Environment: Institutions and Innovation in Territorial Perspective R. Hayter & R. Le Heron (Editors) Aldershot, Ashgate, 2002, pp. 420, £51.50 cloth, ISBN 0754630528; Embedded Enterprise and Social Capital: International Perspectives M. Taylor & S. Leonard (Editors) Aldershot, Ashgate, 2002, pp. 300, £46.50 cloth, ISBN 0754615170; Cluster Development and Policy P. Raines (Editor) Aldershot, Ashgate, 2002, pp. 191, £45.00 cloth, ISBN 0754618870
by Danny MacKinnon - 123-130 Book Reviews
by Frank Barry & Steven Henderson & Sally Randles
November 2004, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 305-311 Cultural Policy and Urban Regeneration: a Special Edition of Local Economy
by Stuart Wilks-Heeg & Peter North - 312-326 Cultural Policy and Urban Regeneration in Western European Cities: Lessons from Experience, Prospects for the Future
by Beatriz GarcÃa - 327-340 Cultural Policy as Urban Transformation? Critical Reflections on Glasgow, European City of Culture 1990
by Gerry Mooney - 341-360 Capitalising Culture: Liverpool 2008
by Paul Jones & Stuart Wilks-Heeg - 361-379 Making Space for Culture(s) in Boomtown. Some Alternative Futures for Development, Ownership and Participation in Leeds City Centre
by Paul Chatterton & Rachael Unsworth - 380-395 Big Ideas for a Small Town: the Huddersfield Creative Town Initiative
by Phil Wood & Calvin Taylor - 396-410 City Centre Regeneration in the Context of the 2001 European Capital of Culture in Porto, Portugal
by Carlos J. L. Balsas - 411-413 Overview: Arts, Culture and the Local Economy
by Jo Dungey - 414-419 Creative Sheffield: Creating Value and Changing Values?
by Gordon Dabinett - 420-422 Brighton and Hove: a Natural Festival City
by Paula Murray - 423-427 Shared Space: New Audiences
by Naseem Khan - 428-431 A Festival of Ideas
by Gill Cooper
August 2004, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 193-198 Power to the People? How to Judge Public Participation
by Paul Burton - 199-211 Watching the Degenerate: Street Camera Surveillance and Urban Regeneration
by Roy Coleman - 212-225 Building for the Future: Housing-Related Sectors and the Welsh Economy
by Max Munday & David Pickernell & Annette Roberts - 226-248 Rural Labour Markets: The Welsh Example
by Melanie K. Jones - 249-263 Regional Job-Turnover and Industrial Policy. A Note on a Potential Time Pattern of Regional Industrial Policies and their Job Effects — the Case of the German City-State of Bremen
by Wolfram Elsner - 264-275 Including the Community in Local Regeneration? The Case of Greater Pollok Social Inclusion Partnership
by Chris McWilliams - 276-277 Introduction. Working with Men
by Trefor Lloyd - 278-281 Men's Health and Economic Well-being
by Peter Baker - 282-287 Making the Most of Fathers
by Adrienne Burgess - 288-291 Preparing Underachieving Young Men for the Workplace
by Trefor Llyod - 292-297 Men on the Margins: Strategies for Engagement
by Sandy Ruxton - 298-302 Review Article: Working Capital: Life and Labour in Contemporary London N. Buck, I. Gordon, P. Hall, M. Harloe and M. Kleinman London: Routledge, 2002, ISBN 0-415-27932-1, £23.99 paper, 424 pp.; How London Works: London's Economy and London's Markets E. Ellis, A. Hirmis and M. Spilsbury London: Kogan Page, 2002, ISBN 0-7494-3784-70, £19.95 paper, 184 pp.; Unequal City: London in a Global Era C. Hamnett London: Routledge, 2003, ISBN 0-415-31730-4, £85.00 cloth, 304 pp
by Peter J Taylor
May 2004, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 97-101 The Responsibilities of Place
by Doreen Massey - 102-116 Trade Unions in Local and Regional Development and Governance: The Northern Trades Union Congress in North East England
by Andy Pike & Peter O'Brien & John Tomaney - 117-133 Evaluating the Economic Benefits from Tourism Spending through Input-Output Frameworks: Issues and Cases
by Calvin Jones & Max Munday - 134-149 Urban and Regional High Technologies: The Case of Oulu
by Tom Donnelly & Martti Hyry - 150-158 ‘Race’, Employment, and Contract Compliance: A Way Forward for Local Authorities?
by Michael Orton & Peter Ratcliffe - 159-173 Improving Access to Early Stage Venture Capital in Regional Economies: A New Approach to Investment Readiness
by Colin M. Mason & Richard T. Harrison - 174-174 Making Recycling Work for the Local Economy
by John Batchelor - 175-180 Recycling, Best Value and Social Enterprise: Assessing the ‘Liverpool Model’
by Sarah Brennan & Stephen Ackers - 181-188 Book Reviews
by Doug Watts & Henry Wai-chung Yeung & Ron Griffiths & Nicola Thompson
February 2004, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-7 Dealing with Housing Abandonment: A Coherent Framework to Facilitate Urban Restructuring?
by Brendan Nevin - 8-24 Market Town Regeneration; Challenges for Policy and Implementation
by Alison Caffyn - 25-37 Responding to a Coalfield Closure: Old Issues for a New Regional Development Agency?
by Roger Henderson & John Shutt - 38-54 Visualising the Operating Behaviour of SMEs in Sector and Cluster: Evidence from the West Midlands
by Janet Tully & Nigel Berkeley - 55-68 Decentralisation of Competencies and Local Development Agencies in North-Eastern Italy
by Stefano Solari - 69-84 Social Enterprise: Mainstreamed from the Margins?
by Mark Morrin & Dave Simmonds & Will Somerville - 85-88 Book Review: Partnerships, New Labour and the Governance of Welfare C. Glendinning, M. Powell & K. Rummery K (Editors) Bristol: Policy Press, 2002, ISBN 1 86134 339 6, £18.99 paper, 259 pp.; Evaluating New Labour's Welfare Reforms M. Powell (Editors) Bristol: Policy Press, 2002, ISBN 1 86134 335 3, £17.99 paper, 262 pp
by Julie MacLeavy - 89-90 Book Review: Innovative Cities
by Philip McCann
November 2003, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 284-290 Ageing: It's Everyone's Business
by Richard Baker - 291-305 ‘Going Grey’: Demographic Change and the Changing Labour Market in Scotland
by Ross Brown & Mike Danson - 306-321 Labour Market Trends, Skill Needs and the Ageing of the Workforce: A Challenge for Employability?
by Anne E. Green - 322-336 The Labour Market Potential for Scientists, Engineers and Managers in Milton Keynes, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire
by Helen Lawton Smith - 337-346 Growing Old in England: Economic and Social Issues
by Irene Hardill - 347-351 Age diversity in employment - Local Government responses
by Sam Mercer - 351-353 The PRIME Initiative: encouraging self-employment among older workers
by Laurice South - 354-355 Book Review: Sports and City Marketing
by Calvin Jones - 355-356 Book Review: The Social Economy
by Ivan Turok - 356-358 Book Review: Mutualism in Public Policy
by Martin Purvis - 358-359 Book Review: The Knowledge Economy
by Andy Cumbers
August 2003, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 190-195 Neighbourhood governance: Holy Grail or poisoned chalice?
by Marilyn Taylor - 196-207 The State of Construction Training and Employment in the Local Economy of Jersey
by Sepiden Arhani & Linda Clarke & Elisabeth Michielsens - 208-221 Unemployment Trends in Some American Cities with Living Wage Ordinances
by James A. Buss & Dina Franceschi - 222-236 Trust and Networking in Inter-firm Relations: the Case of Eco-industrial Development
by David Gibbs - 237-252 Developing Frameworks for Examining Community Participation in a Multi-Level Environment
by Mike Smith & Helen Sullivan - 253-253 More than Tea and Biscuits; the Role of Time Banks and LETS in Local Economic Development
by John Batchelor - 253-257 The New Mutualism and the Meaning of Time Banks
by David Boyle - 257-264 ‘With a little help from my friends.’ Evaluating time banks as a tool for community self-help
by Gill Seyfang - 264-267 “All You Need is Love†? Assessing Time Banks as a Tool for Sustainable Economic Development
by Stuart Callison - 267-270 Time Banks — Learning the Lessons from LETS?
by Peter North - 271-272 Book Review: Urban Competitiveness
by Mike Raco - 272-274 Book Review: Critical Economic Governance
by Martin Jones - 274-275 Urban and Regional Economics
by Richard Harris - 275-276 Book Review: Social Exclusion
by Keith Halfacree - 276-278 Book Review: Skills
by Richard Edwards
May 2003, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 102-108 Doing One's Duty? Voluntary Work and the ‘New Economy’
by Irene Hardill & Susan Baines - 109-120 The Countryside in the City - Situating a Farmers' Market in Birmingham
by Gillian Bentley & Alan G. Hallsworth & Anna Bryan - 121-134 ‘Design-led’ Urban Regeneration: a Critical Perspective
by David Bell & Mark Jayne - 135-158 The Competitiveness of Former Coalfields: Manufacturing Managers' Perceptions of Competitiveness Strengths and Weaknesses in South Yorkshire
by Nick J. Bowes - 159-173 Local Responses to Longterm Unemployment: Delivering Access to Employment in Edinburgh
by Colin Lindsay & Garry Sturgeon - 174-175 The LGA's ‘Helping the Hardest to Reach into Work’ Commitment: Overcoming the Barriers to Employment
by Tony Rich - 176-177 Nottinghamshire County Council: LGA Six Commitments - ‘Helping the Hardest to Reach into Work’
by Michael Burrows - 178-179 Bristol City Council - Doing the Deal, Finding the Path, Building Success
by David Sanderson - 180-182 Knowsley Borough Council's Employment Programmes
by Fishwick Tracy - 184-185 Book Review: Business Services
by Alan MacPherson - 185-186 Book Review: Economic Development in Nottingham
by Irene Hardill - 186-187 Book Review: The City
by Alan Latham
February 2003, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 2-6 Universities and Local Economic Development: An Appraisal of the Issues and Practices
by Helen Lawton Smith - 7-20 Universities and Territorial Development: Reshaping the Regional Role of UK Universities
by David Charles - 21-37 The Widening Local and Regional Development Impacts of the Modern Universities — A Tale of Two Cities (and North-South Perspectives)
by John Glasson - 38-48 Towards the Entrepreneurial University
by Michela Lazzeroni & Andrea Piccaluga - 49-62 Regional Development Agencies and Cluster Strategies: Engaging the Knowledge-base in the North of England
by Frank Peck & David McGuinness - 63-79 University-Industry Linkages and the Development of Knowledge Clusters in Canada
by Jérôme Doutriaux - 80-90 Universities and Technology-based Entrepreneurship in the Gothenburg Region
by Ã…sa Lindholm Dahlstrand & Staffan Jacobsson - 91-95 Product Development through University-SME Collaboration: Lessons from Reactive and Proactive Approaches
by Anne Tomes & Mark Phillips - 96-99 Reviews
by Andrew Jones & Graham Haughton & Anne E. Green
November 2002, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 266-272 Taking Stock - Regeneration Programmes and Social Housing
by Glyn Robbins