October 1982, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 139-141 Book Review: Work Performance and Satisfaction: Manufacturing Consent: Changes in the Labor Process under Monopoly Capitalism
by Paul Osterman - 142-156 Research in Progress
by N/A
July 1982, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 471-472 Referees
by N/A - 473-490 The Determinants of Strikes in the United States, 1900–1977
by Bruce E. Kaufman - 491-503 The Economic and Organizational Basis of Early United States Strikes, 1900–1948
by Jack W. Skeels - 504-521 The Macroeconomic Strike Model: A Study of Seventeen Countries, 1948–1975
by Martin Paldam & Peder J. Pedersen - 522-538 Strikes as a Result of Imperfect Information
by Martin J. Mauro - 539-549 Political Bias in NLRB Unfair Labor Practice Decisions
by William N. Cooke & Frederick H. Gautschi III - 550-564 Traditional or Reverse Sex Discrimination? A Case Study of a Large Public University
by Marianne A. Ferber & Carole A. Green - 565-577 The Intra-Unit Wage Structure and Unions: A Median Voter Model
by Michael D. White - 578-589 Wages, Nonwage Job Characteristics, and Labor Mobility
by Ann P. Bartel - 590-599 Worker Response to a Menu of Implicit Contracts
by Don Bellante & Albert N. Link - 600-608 Recent Publications
by Gordon T. Law Jr. - 609-610 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Evidence in Arbitration
by James A. Gross - 610-611 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Labor Peacemaker: The Life and Works of Father Leo C. Brown, S.J
by Harold W. Davey - 611-612 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Wages Policy in the British Coalmining Industry: A Study of National Wage Bargaining
by C. Glyn Williams - 612-613 Book Review: Labor Organizations: The Communist Party and the Auto Workers Unions
by Harvey Levenstein - 613-614 Book Review: Labor Organizations: The Miners' Fight for Democracy: Arnold Miller and the Reform of the United Mine Workers
by Warren Van Tine - 614-615 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Unions and Universities: The Rise of the New Labor Leader
by Al Nash - 615-616 Book Review: International and Comparative Industrial Relations: The False Promise of Codetermination: The Changing Nature of European Workers' Participation
by Gerald P. Holmes - 616-618 Book Review: Labor Market: Building a Career: The Effect of Initial Job Experiences and Related Work Attitudes on Later Employment
by Myron D. Fottler - 618-619 Book Review: Labor Market: On the Road for Work: Migratory Workers on the East Cost of the United States
by Philip L. Martin - 619-620 Book Review: Labor Market: Racial Inequality: A Political-Economic Analysis
by Thomas Hyclak - 620-621 Book Review: Labor Market: Work and Retirement: A Longitudinal Study of Men
by Robert L. Clark - 621-622 Book Review: Human Resources: Workplace Perspectives on Education and Training
by Thomas G. Gutteridge - 622-623 Book Review: Personnel: Human Resources: Organizational Entry: Recruitment, Selection, and Socialization of Newcomers
by Elmer H. Burack - 623-625 Book Review: Management: Frederick W. Taylor and the Rise of Scientific Management
by Nick Salvatore - 625-627 Book Review: Organization: Power in Organizations
by William F. Joyce - 627-628 Book Review: Work Performance and Satisfaction: The Work Ethic: Working Values and Values That Work
by Norman E. Bowie - 629-640 Research in Progress
by N/A
April 1982, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 307-318 Wellington-Winter Revisited: The Case of Municipal Sanitation Collection
by Linda N. Edwards & Franklin R. Edwards - 319-329 UI-Assisted Worksharing as an Alternative to Layoffs: The Canadian Experience
by Frank Reid - 330-342 Influencing the Electorate: Experience with Referenda on Public Employee Bargaining
by Darold T. Barnum & I. B. Helburn - 343-353 The Earnings of Male Hispanic Immigrants in the United States
by George J. Borjas - 354-367 Job Queues and the Union Status of Workers
by John M. Abowd & Henry S. Farber - 368-376 Teachers, Unions, and Wages in the 1970s: Unionism Now Pays
by William H. Baugh & Joe A. Stone - 377-391 Teacher Unionism and Collective Bargaining in England and Wales
by Robert J. Thornton - 392-405 Unions and the Labor Market Status of White and Minority Youth
by Harry J. Holzer - 406-422 Models of Militancy: Support for Strikes and Work Actions among Public Employees
by Russell K. Schutt - 423-432 Recent Publications
by Gordon T. Law Jr. - 433-434 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Labor in the American Economy: Labor Problems and Union-Management Relations
by Sahab Dayal - 434-435 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Owners versus Players: Baseball and Collective Bargaining
by Peter Feuille - 435-437 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Public-Sector Bargaining: A Policy Reappraisal
by Robert E. Doherty - 437-438 Book Review: Labor Organizations: The ACLU and the Wagner Act: An Inquiry into the Depression-Era Crisis of American Liberalism
by Richard Lowitt - 438-439 Book Review: Labor Organizations: TUC: The Growth of a Pressure Group, 1868–1976
by Robert Rogow - 439-440 Book Review: Politics, Government, and Industrial Relations: Governments and Trade Unions: The British Experience, 1964–79
by Jack Barbash - 440-442 Book Review: Labor Market: Politics, Government, and Industrial Relations: The Economics of Legal Minimum Wages
by J. Wilson Mixon - 442-443 Book Review: Labor Market: Labour Market Economics
by Neil O. Alper - 443-444 Book Review: Politics, Government, and Industrial Relations: The Origins and Development of Labor Economics: A Chapter in the History of Social Thought
by Charles A. Myers - 444-445 Book Review: Politics, Government, and Industrial Relations: Taxation and the Incentive to Work
by Janet C. Hunt - 445-446 Book Review: Management: Flexible Working Hours: An Innovation in the Quality of Work Life
by John D. Owen - 446-447 Book Review: Organization: Control and Ideology in Organizations
by Fred H. Goldner - 447-448 Book Review: Work Performance and Satisfaction: Democracy, Authority, and Alienation in Work: Workers' Participation in an American Corporation
by George Strauss - 448-449 Book Review: Work Performance and Satisfaction: Productivity and Motivation: A Review of State and Local Government Initiatives
by Jon Brock - 449-451 Book Review: Work Performance and Satisfaction: Worker Participation: Success and Problems
by Robert J. Kühne - 452-461 Research in Progress
by N/A
January 1982, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 163-180 The Role of Military Forces in Public Sector Labor Relations
by James B. Jacobs - 181-195 The Determinants of Bargaining Structure in U.S. Manufacturing Industries
by Wallace E. Hendricks & Lawrence M. Kahn - 196-206 The Union Impact on Hospital Wages and Fringe Benefits
by Roger Feldman & Richard Scheffler - 207-220 The Persistence of Ideas in the American Labor Movement: The Heritage of the 1830s
by Maurice F. Neufeld - 221-234 Forecasting the Effects of a Negative Income Tax Program
by Terry R. Johnson & John H. Pencavel - 235-242 The Influence of Workers' Compensation on Safety Incentives
by James R. Chelius - 243-251 The Differential Impact of CETA Training
by Pawan K. Sawhney & Robert H. Jantzen & Irwin L. Herrnstadt - 252-259 Ranking Occupations as Risky Income Prospects
by Richard Evans & Robert Weinstein
October 1981, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 3-20 Estimating the Narcotic Effect of Public Sector Impasse Procedures
by Richard J. Butler & Ronald G. Ehrenberg - 21-28 Estimating the Narcotic Effect: Choosing Techniques That Fit the Problem
by Thomas A. Kochan & Jean Baderschneider - 29-42 Union Organization among Engineers: A Current Assessment
by Geoffrey W. Latta - 43-57 Concentration Trends in Union Structure: An International Comparison
by John P. Windmuller - 58-69 Voluntarism and Factional Disputes in the AFL: The Painters' Split in 1894–1900
by Elizabeth Fones-Wolf & Kenneth Fones-Wolf - 70-77 Splitting-the-Difference in Interest Arbitration
by Henry S. Farber - 78-87 Final-Offer Arbitration and the Naive Negotiator
by Angelo S. DeNisi & James B. Dworkin - 88-102 Discouraged Workers and Economic Fluctuations
by T. Aldrich Finegan - 103-114 The School-to-Work Transition of College Graduates
by Jack Fiorito - 115-125 Recent Publications
by Gordon T. Law Jr. - 126-127 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: The Bargaining Structure in Construction: Problems and Prospects: Public Policy, Bargaining Structure and the Construction Industry
by William F. Maloney - 128-129 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: The Changing System of Industrial Relations in Great Britain
by A.W.J. Thomson - 129-130 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Creative Academic Bargaining: Managing Conflict in the Unionized College and University
by Walter J. Gershenfeld - 130-131 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Union and Open-Shop Construction
by Joseph B. Rose - 131-132 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Hard-Rock Epic: Western Miners and the Industrial Revolution, 1860–1910
by Irwin Yellowitz - 132-133 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Wartime Strikes: The Struggle against the No-Strike Pledge in the UAW during World War II
by Warren Van Tine - 133-134 Book Review: International and Comparative Industrial Relations: The Quality of Working Life in Western and Eastern Europe
by Hem C. Jain - 134-135 Book Review: Labor Market: Black Women in the Labor Force
by Alan L. Sorkin - 135-136 Book Review: Labor Market: The Economics of Sex Differentials
by Myra H. Strober - 136-137 Book Review: Labor Market: The Labor Market in Japan: Selected Readings
by Makoto Ohtsu - 137-139 Book Review: Income Security, Insurance, and Benefits: Unemployment Compensation: Final Report and Unemployment Compensation: Studies and Research, Volumes I, II and III
by Joseph M. Becker S.J. - 139-140 Book Review: Labor Conditions: Individual Rights in the Corporation: A Reader on Employee Rights
by Alan Miles Ruben - 140-142 Book Review: Labor Conditions: Mental Health and the Economy
by Helen Ginsburg - 142-143 Book Review: Human Resources: CETA: Assessment of Public Service Employment Programs
by Paul Bullock - 143-145 Book Review: Human Resources: Education for Employment: Knowledge for Action
by Ernst W. Stromsdorfer - 145-146 Book Review: Human Resources: Job Market Futurity: Planning and Managing Local Manpower Programs
by Robert L. Aronson - 146-148 Book Review: Human Resources: Youth Employment and Public Policy
by Andrew Sum - 148-149 Book Review: Personnel: Comparable Worth: Issues and Alternatives
by Richard I. Henderson - 150-158 Research in Progress
by N/A
July 1981, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 489-509 The Effect of Unionism on Fringe Benefits
by Richard B. Freeman - 510-521 The Effect of Unionism on Workers' Valuation of Future Pension Benefits
by Duane E. Leigh - 522-530 Scale Economies in Private Multi-Employer Pension Systems
by Olivia S. Mitchell & Emily S. Andrews - 531-544 Challenging the Taylor Law: Prison Guards on Strike
by Lynn Zimmer & James B. Jacobs - 545-562 Deterring Strikes by Public Employees: New York's Two-For-One Salary Penalty and the 1979 Prison Guard Strike
by Andrew A. Peterson - 563-577 Race and Sex Differences in Quits by Young Workers
by Francine D. Blau & Lawrence M. Kahn - 578-590 The Changing Skill Requirements of Jobs in the U.S. Economy
by Russell W. Rumberger - 591-595 Labor Supply Adjustment over the Business Cycle
by Donald A. Larson - 595-595 Erratum
by N/A - 596-596 Referees
by N/A - 597-607 Recent Publications
by Gordon T. Law Jr. - 608-609 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Industrial Conflict in Modern Britain
by Bruce E. Kaufman - 609-610 Book Review: Politics, Government, and Industrial Realtions: Employment and Lab or-Relations Policy
by James A. Craft - 610-612 Book Review: International and Comparative Industrial Relations: Challenge to Power: Trade Unions and Industrial Relations in Capitalist Countries
by Roy J. Adams - 612-613 Book Review: International and Comparative Industrial Relations: Forces of Change in Western Europe
by Walter Galenson - 613-614 Book Review: Labor Market: The Changing Labor Content of American Foreign Trade: 1970–1975
by Daniel J.B. Mitchell - 614-616 Book Review: Labor Market: Female Labor Supply: Theory and Estimation
by Jane H. Leuthold - 616-617 Book Review: Labor Market: Hospital Labor Markets
by Charles R. Link - 617-618 Book Review: Labor Market: Labour Market Economics: Theory, Evidence and Policy in Canada
by W. Craig Riddell - 619-620 Book Review: Labor Market: Public Employment and State and Local Government Finance
by Daniel G. Gallagher - 620-621 Book Review: Labor Market: Technical Change and Employment
by Robert L. Aronson - 621-622 Book Review: Labor Market: Unions, Wages and Inflation
by Myron Roomkin - 622-623 Book Review: Labor Conditions: Discrimination in Organizations: Using Social Indicators to Manage Social Change
by Marcia Ann Pulich - 623-624 Book Review: Labor Conditions: Employee Ownership in Plant Shutdowns: Prospects for Employment Stability
by Barry A. Stein - 624-625 Book Review: Labor Conditions: Reasoning about Discrimination: The Analysis of Professional and Executive Work in Federal Antibias Programs
by James V. Koch - 625-626 Book Review: Manpower: Human Resources in Japanese Industrial Development
by Robert Evans Jr. - 626-628 Book Review: Organization: Modern Human Relations
by Richard E. Kopelman - 628-629 Book Review: Work Performance and Satisfaction: Managers and Work Reform
by Lawrence Stessin - 629-630 Book Review: Work Performance and Satisfaction: Work Redesign
by Reuben T. Harris - 631-641 Research in Progress
by N/A
April 1981, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 333-355 Bargaining Theory, Inflation, and Cyclical Strike Activity in Manufacturing
by Bruce E. Kaufman - 356-364 Strike Activity and Wage Determination under Rapid Inflation: The Chilean Case
by Mario I. Blejer - 365-376 Job Mobility and Earnings over the Life Cycle
by George J. Borjas - 377-385 Distributional Equity in the Unemployment Insurance System
by Robert Hutchens - 386-395 The Behavior of Unemployment Insurance Recipients under Adverse Market Conditions
by William N. Cooke - 396-407 Unionized Professionals and the Scope of Bargaining: A Study of Nurses
by Allen M. Ponak - 408-412 Are Public Sector Workers More Risk Averse Than Private Sector Workers?
by Don Bellante & Albert N. Link - 413-425 Married Women in Part-Time Employment
by James E. Long & Ethel B. Jones - 426-432 Taxation and the Wife's Use of Time
by Janet C. Hunt & Charles D. DeLorme Jr. & R. Carter Hill
January 1981, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 175-190 Coalition Bargaining in Municipal Government: The New York City Experience
by David Lewin & Mary McCormick - 191-206 The Davis-Bacon Act: An Appraisal of Recent Studies
by Robert S. Goldfarb & John F. Morrall III - 207-218 Compensation, Safety, and Absenteeism: Evidence from the Paper Industry
by Steven G. Allen - 219-233 Power and Tactics in Bargaining
by Samuel B. Bacharach & Edward J. Lawler - 234-244 The Effect of Settlement Stage on Negotiated Wage Settlements in Canada
by D. A. L. Auld & L. N. Christofides & R. Swidinsky & D. A. Wilton - 245-256 A Quantitative Study of Unfair Labor Practice Cases
by Myron Roomkin - 257-264 The Mobility of Professional Workers and Fair Hiring
by Sheldon E. Haber - 265-272 Racial Discrimination in the British Labor Market
by Michael Firth - 273-275 Sex Discrimination in Professional Employment: A Case Study
by Lawrence M. Kahn - 275-276 Reply
by Paul Osterman - 277-291 Recent Publications
by Gordon T. Law Jr. - 292-293 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: City Workers and Fiscal Crisis: Cutbacks, Givebacks, and Survival
by David T. Stanley - 293-294 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Collective Bargaining and Manpower Utilization in Big City Government
by Charles E. Krider - 294-295 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Portrait of a Process—Collective Negotiations in Public Employment
by Anthony V. Sinicropi - 295-296 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Women at Work: The Transformation of Work and Community in Lowell, Massachusetts, 1826–1860
by Mary H. Blewett - 296-297 Book Review: Labor Law: Working Women and the Law
by Janice R. Bellace - 297-299 Book Review: Politics, Government, and Industrial Relations: The American Working Class: Prospects for the 1980s
by David Chaplin - 299-300 Book Review: Politics, Government, and Industrial Relations: Industrial Politics
by Leo Panitch - 300-301 Book Review: Politics, Government, and Industrial Relations: Unions in American National Politics
by George T. Sulzner - 301-302 Book Review: International and Comparative Industrial Relations: The Control of Work
by Lorna Marsden - 302-303 Book Review: International and Comparative Industrial Relations: International Encyclopaedia for Labour Law and Industrial Relations
by Herbert L. Sherman Jr. - 303-304 Book Review: International and Comparative Industrial Relations: Models of Industrial Democracy: Consultation, Co-De Termination and Workers' Management
by Paul Blumberg - 304-306 Book Review: International and Comparative Industrial Relations: Multinational Collective Bargaining Attempts: The Record, the Cases and the Prospects
by Duane Kujawa - 306-307 Book Review: Labor Market: A Human Service Labor Market: Developmental Disabilities
by Myron D. Fottler - 307-308 Book Review: Labor Market: The Subtle Revolution: Women at Work
by Ethel B. Jones - 308-310 Book Review: Labor Conditions: Economic Democracy: Workers' Participation in Chilean Industry 1970–1973
by Donald P. Warwick - 310-311 Book Review: Labor Conditions: Hard Hats: The Work World of Construction Workers
by Paul R. Zelus - 311-312 Book Review: Personnel: Essentials of Personnel Management
by Harold C. White - 312-313 Book Review: Organization: Organizations and Environments
by Bill McKelvey - 314-314 Book Review: Work Performance and Satisfaction: Implementing Change: Alcoholism Policies in Work Organizations
by Carl J. Schramm - 315-323 Research in Progress
by N/A
October 1980, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 3-23 Unionism and the Dispersion of Wages
by Richard B. Freeman - 24-34 Wage Determination in the Union and Nonunion Sectors: A Sample Selectivity Approach
by Gregory M. Duncan & Duane E. Leigh - 35-50 The National Accord as a Social Contract
by Robert J. Flanagan - 51-66 Presidential Labor-Management Committees: Productive Failures
by William T. Moye - 67-81 Regulation, Deregulation, and Collective Bargaining in Airlines
by Wallace Hendricks & Peter Feuille & Carol Szerszen - 82-89 The Demise of Airline Strike Insurance
by S. Herbert Unterberger & Edward C. Koziara - 90-100 The Agency Shop after ABOOD: No Free Ride, but What's the Fare?
by Charles M. Rehmus & Benjamin A. Kerner - 101-113 Union Organizing and the Allocation of Union Resources
by Richard N. Block - 114-120 A Note on Union Merger Trends, 1900 – 1978
by Gary N. Chaison
July 1980, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 451-469 The Impact of Unionization on Productivity: A Case Study
by Kim B. Clark - 470-483 Retirement System Characteristics and Compensating Wage Differentials in the Public Sector
by Ronald G. Ehrenberg - 484-492 The Early Acceptance of Social Security: An Asset Maximization Approach
by Richard V. Burkhauser - 493-505 The Law and Equal Employment Opportunity: What's Past Should Not Be Prologue
by Arthur B. Smith Jr. - 506-517 Occupational Attainment and Segregation by Sex
by Randall S. Brown & Marilyn Moon & Barbara S. Zoloth - 518-524 The Earnings Effect of Black Matriculation in Predominantly White Colleges
by Mickey L. Burnim - 525-535 The Predicability of Strikes: Evidence from the Stock Market
by George R. Neumann - 536-542 On the Empirical Testing of the Nash-Zeuthen Bargaining Solution
by Jan Svejnar - 543-547 Discrimination in Recruitment: An Empirical Analysis
by Shelby J. McIntyre & Dennis J. Moberg & Barry Z. Posner - 547-550 Reply
by Jerry M. Newman - 551-552 Referees
by N/A - 553-564 Recent Publications
by Gordon T. Law Jr. - 565-566 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Collective Bargaining and Compulsory Arbitration in Australia
by Clifford B. Donn - 566-567 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Labor Relations: Development, Structure, Process
by John C. Anderson - 567-568 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Labor Relations in Japan Today
by Solomon B. Levine - 568-569 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Unions and Unionists in Australia
by John E. Drotning - 569-571 Book Review: Labor Law: Fair Representation, the NLRB, and the Courts
by Robert J. Rabin - 571-572 Book Review: Labor Law: The Landrum-Griffin Act: Twenty Years of Federal Protection of Union Members' Rights
by Theodore J. St. Antoine - 572-573 Book Review: Labor Law: The Landrum-Griffin Act and Union Democracy
by Marten Estey - 573-574 Book Review: International and Comparative Industrial Relations: Industrialism and Industrial Man in Retrospect: A Critical Review of the Ford Foundation's Support for the Inter-University Study of Labor
by Milton Derber - 574-575 Book Review: International and Comparative Industrial Relations: Trade Unions as a Pressure Group in the European Community
by Alice H. Cook - 575-576 Book Review: Labor Market: A Theory of Pay
by G. E. Du Guay - 576-578 Book Review: Labor Market: Working Hours: An Economic Analysis
by Thomas J. Kniesner - 578-579 Book Review: Labor Conditions: The Careers of Professional Women: Commitment and Conflict
by Hilda Kahne - 579-581 Book Review: Manpower: Controlling Social Expenditures: The Search for Output Measures
by Thomas G. Gutteridge - 581-582 Book Review: Management: Job Sharing: A New Pattern for Quality of Work and Life
by John D. Owen