April 1978, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 322-335 The Job Rights of Strikers in the Public Sector
by Leroy H. Schramm - 336-346 The Relative Earnings of Blacks and other Minorities
by James D. Gwartney & James E. Long - 347-355 Race and the Determinants of Lifetime Earnings
by Allan G. King & Charles B. Knapp - 356-367 The Male Labor Supply Function Reconsidered
by Edward Kalachek & Wesley Mellow & Fredric Raines - 368-378 A Comparison of Marginal Productivity and Earnings by Occupation
by Peter T. Gottschalk - 379-384 Concentration and Professional Earnings in Manufacturing
by James A. Dalton & E. J. Ford Jr. - 385-399 Recent Publications
by Gordon T. Law Jr. - 400-401 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Grievance Procedures
by Milton Berber - 401-402 Book Review: Labor Organizations: American Welfare Capitalism, 1880–1940
by Cletus E. Daniel - 402-403 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Labor Unions
by Jack Barbash - 403-404 Book Review: Politics, Government, and Industrial Relations: Senator Joseph McCarthy and the American Labor Movement
by Robert Ozanne - 404-405 Book Review: Labor Market: The Economics of Poverty
by Oscar A. Ornati - 405-406 Book Review: Labor Market: Toward an Economic Theory of Income Distribution
by Barry R. Chiswick - 406-407 Book Review: Labor Conditions: Minority Enterprise in Construction
by Howard G. Foster
January 1978, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 1-1 Dedication: Robert H. Ferguson
by N/A - 149-158 Further Reflections on Wage Controls
by Arnold R. Weber & Daniel J.B. Mitchell - 159-160 Further Reflections on Wage Controls
by George P. Shultz & Kenneth W. Dam - 161-171 Bluffing and the “Split-The-Difference†Theory of Wage Bargaining
by Roger L. Bowlby & William R. Schriver - 172-182 Prepaid Legal Services: An Emerging Fringe Benefit
by Guvenc G. Alpander & Jordan I. Kobritz - 183-192 Unions and Wages: Wage Determination in the Union and Nonunion Sectors
by Farrell E. Bloch & Mark S. Kuskin - 193-204 Unions and Wages: Relative Wage Effects of Unions in the Public and Private Sectors
by David Shapiro - 205-216 Unions and Wages: The Effect of Unions on the Earnings of Nonunion Workers
by Lawrence M. Kahn - 217-226 Earnings and the Sex Differential: The Influence of the Status and Sex Composition of Occupations on the Male-Female Earnings Gap
by Morley Gunderson - 227-238 Earnings and the Sex Differential: Sex Differentials in the Earnings of Ph.D.s
by Marianne A. Ferber & Betty Kordick - 239-257 Recent Publications
by Gordon T. Law Jr. - 258-259 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Education and Collective Bargaining: Readings in Policy and Research
by Hirschel Kasper - 259-260 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Scope of Public-Sector Bargaining
by June Miller Weisberger - 260-261 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Value Judgments in Arbitration: A Case Study of Saul Wallen
by Peter Seitz - 261-262 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Labor Relations
by Glenn W. Miller - 262-263 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Catholic Activism and the Industrial Worker
by Marc Karson - 263-264 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Industrialization and the American Labor Movement, 1850–1900
by Melvin Dubofsky - 265-266 Book Review: Labor Law: Black Workers in White Unions: Job Discrimination in the United States
by Arthur B. Smith Jr. - 266-268 Book Review: Labor Law: Rights of Union Members and the Government
by Reed C. Richardson - 268-269 Book Review: International and Comparative Industrial Relations: Freedom of Association and Economic Development
by Sanford Cohen - 269-269 Book Review: International and Comparative Industrial Relations: Industrielle Arbeitsbeziehungen
by Jürg K. Siegenthaler - 270-271 Book Review: Labor Market: Suburbanization and the City
by David Arbeit & William W. Goldsmith - 271-272 Book Review: Income Security, Insurance, and Benefits: Jobless Pay and the Economy
by Paul A. Brinker - 272-272 Book Review: Labor Conditions: We Were There: The Story of Working Women in America
by Anne Firor Scott - 272-273 Book Review: Manpower: The Opportunities Industrialization Centers: A Decade of Community-Based Manpower Services
by Vernon M. Briggs Jr. - 273-274 Book Review: Manpower: Entry-Level Health Occupations: Development and Future
by Elton Rayack - 274-276 Book Review: Manpower: Too Little but Not Too Late: Federal Aid to Lagging Areas
by Alfred S. Eichner - 276-277 Book Review: Personnel: Managing Human Resources
by Myron D. Fottler - 277-278 Book Review: Management: Remaking American Values: Challenge to a Business Society
by George H. Quester - 278-279 Book Review: Work Performance and Satisfaction: South Indian Factory Workers: Their Life and Their World
by Richard L. Shortlidge Jr. - 280-285 Research in Progress
by N/A
October 1977, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 114-115 Book Review: International and Comparative Industrial Relations: Social Democracy and Industrial Militancy: The Labour Party, the Trade Unions and Incomes Policy, 1945–1974
by Bruno Stein - 115-117 Book Review: International and Comparative Industrial Relations: Trade Unionism under Collective Bargaining: A Theory Based on Comparisons of Six Countries
by Everett M. Kassalow - 117-118 Book Review: Income Security, Insurance, and Benefits: The Future of Private Pension Plans
by George F. Rohrlich - 118-119 Book Review: Labor Conditions: Equal Employment Opportunity and the AT&T Case
by Francine D. Blau - 119-120 Book Review: Labor Conditions: Sex Discrimination in the Labour Market
by Myra H. Strober - 120-121 Book Review: Manpower: Jobs for the Disabled
by Edward Steinberg - 122-123 Book Review: Manpower: Occupations and Society: Toward a Sociology of the Labor Market
by Robert N. Stern - 123-124 Book Review: Management: The Harassed Worker
by Patricia Cayo Sexton - 124-125 Book Review: Organization: Human Energy: The Critical Factor for Individuals and Organizations
by John R. Hinrichs - 125-127 Book Review: Organization: Social Control in Industrial Organisations, Industrial Relations and Industrial Sociology
by Sigmund Nosow - 127-128 Book Review: Work Performance and Satisfaction: Alternatives to Hierarchies, Democracy at Work
by William A. Faunce - 129-139 Research in Progress
by N/A
July 1977, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 445-450 Effects of Unemployment Insurance Entitlement on Duration and Job Search Outcome
by Arlene Holen - 451-461 What Have We Learned from Empirical Studies of Unemployment Insurance?
by Finis Welch - 462-466 A Model of Unemployment Insurance and the Work Test
by Stanley A. Horowitz - 467-468 Comment
by Orley Ashenfelter - 469-479 The Incidence of the Financing of Unemployment Insurance
by Charles E. McLure Jr. - 480-482 Comment
by Daniel S. Hamermesh - 483-492 Unemployment Insurance Taxes and Labor Turnover: Summary of Theoretical Findings
by Frank Brechling - 493-494 Comment
by John H. Pencavel - 495-504 Unemployment Insurance as Insurance for Workers
by Martin Neil Baily - 505-517 Unemployment Insurance and Job Search Decisions
by Dale T. Mortensen - 518-520 Comment
by Sherwin Rosen - 521-526 More on Unemployment Insurance as Insurance
by Frank P. Stafford - 529-545 Recent Publications
by Gordon T. Law Jr. - 546-547 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Emergence of the Public Sector Arbitrator
by Peter Feuille - 547-547 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Labor Relations in the Federal Government Service
by N/A
April 1977, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 275-282 Policy Decisions and Research in Economics and Industrial Relations
by John T. Dunlop - 283-301 Impasse Procedures in the Canadian Federal Service: Effects on the Bargaining Process
by John C. Anderson & Thomas A. Kochan - 302-313 The Short-Run Behavior of Skilled Wage Differentials
by William D. Walsh - 314-324 Secular Changes in the Skill Differential in Manufacturing, 1952–1973
by Robert N. Schoeplein - 325-341 Early North American Strikes: A Reinterpretation
by David Snyder - 342-355 The Union Impact on Hospital Wages
by Myron D. Fottler - 356-363 Coalition Bargaining & Strike Activity in the Electrical Equipment Industry 1950–1974
by Robert A. McLean - 364-372 Airline Strike Insurance: A Study in Escalation
by Herbert R. Northrup - 373-379 Reply
by S. Herbert Unterberger & Edward C. Koziara - 380-381 The Effect of Disability on Labor Supply
by William G. Johnson - 382-382 Reply
by Richard M. Scheffler & George Iden - 383-395 Recent Publications
by Gordon T. Law Jr. - 396-397 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: NLRB and Management Decision Making
by Arthur B. Smith Jr. - 398-398 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Chibaro: African Mine Labour in Southern Rhodesia 1900–1933
by Robert L. Kraft - 399-400 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Coal-Mining Safety in the Progressive Period: The Political Economy of Reform
by Edward Berkowitz - 400-401 Book Review: Labor Organizations: The Development of an African Working Class: Studies in Class Formation and Action
by William H. Friedland - 401-402 Book Review: Politics, Government, and Industrial Relations: Controls and Inflation: The Economic Stabilization Program in Retrospect
by Barry R. Chiswick - 402-402 Book Review: International and Comparative Industrial Relations: Dictionnaire Canadien des Relations du Travail
by Adolf Sturmthal - 403-404 Book Review: International and Comparative Industrial Relations: The Manager and His Values: An International Perspective from the United States, Japan, Korea, India and Australia
by Thomas H. Patten Jr. - 404-405 Book Review: Labor Market: Women in Changing Japan
by Alice H. Cook - 405-406 Book Review: Income Security, Insurance, and Benefits: Work and Welfare in New York City
by Roger M. Battistella - 406-407 Book Review: Labor Conditions: Black Employment in the South: The Case of the Federal Government
by Richard L. Rowan - 407-408 Book Review: Manpower: The Comprehensive Employment and Training Act: Impact on People, Places, Programs
by Garth L. Mangum - 408-409 Book Review: Manpower: An Economic Analysis of the Nurse Shortage
by Dale L. Hiestand - 409-410 Book Review: Manpower: The Economic Evaluation of Vocational Training Programs
by Markley Roberts - 410-411 Book Review: Manpower: The Job Corps: A Social Experiment That Works
by Jacob J. Kaufman - 411-412 Book Review: Personnel: Work Analysis and Pay Structure
by James H. Davis - 412-412 Book Review: Management: Effective Behavior in Organizations: Learning from the Interplay of Cases, Concepts, and Student Experiences
by Fred H. Goldner - 412-413 Book Review: Management: New Ways of Managing Conflict
by Harry C. Triandis - 413-414 Book Review: Management: Workers' Participation in Industry
by William Gomberg - 414-416 Book Review: Organization: Organizational Behavior: Theory, Research and Application
by John R. Kimberly - 417-424 Research in Progress
by N/A
January 1977, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 139-151 Reflections on Wage and Price Controls
by George P. Shultz & Kenneth W. Dam - 152-160 Flexitime: Some Problems and Solutions
by John D. Owen - 161-174 The New Job Market for Black Academicians
by Richard B. Freeman - 175-187 Statistical Theories of Discrimination in Labor Markets
by Dennis J. Aigner & Glen G. Cain - 188-196 Officer Performance and Compensation in Local Building Trades Unions
by Ronald Ehrenberg & Steven Goldberg - 197-204 The Future of the Portable Pension Concept
by Susan Meredith Phillips & Linda Pickthorne Fletcher - 205-218 Oligarchy and Democracy in Two Mexican Labor Unions: A Test of Representation Theory
by Howard Handelman - 219-220 An Empirical Study of Labor Market Segmentation
by William J. Kruse - 221-224 Reply
by Paul Osterman - 225-238 Recent Publications
by Gordon T. Law Jr. - 239-240 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Collective Bargaining and Productivity
by Daniel J.B. Mitchell - 240-241 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Managers and Workers: Origins of the New Factory System in the United States, 1880–1920
by Milton J. Nadworny - 241-241 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Mindful Militants: The Amalgamated Engineering Union in Australia 1920–1972
by John M. Howells - 241-242 Book Review: Labor Organizations: The Town Labourer and the Industrial Revolution
by Martin P. Oettinger - 242-243 Book Review: Labor Organizations: The Union Politic: The CIO Political Action Committee
by Robert Asher - 243-244 Book Review: Labor Organizations: Workers without Weapons: The South African Congress of Trade Unions and the Organization of the African Workers
by Frank T. de Vyver - 244-245 Book Review: International and Comparative Industrial Relations: Australian Labour Economics Readings
by Marten Estey - 245-246 Book Review: International and Comparative Industrial Relations: The Labour Movement in Europe
by Benjamin Martin - 246-248 Book Review: Labor Market: Generating Inequality: Mechanisms of Distribution in the U.S. Economy
by Martin Bronfenbrenner - 248-249 Book Review: Labor Market: Labor Market Segmentation
by Edward Steinberg - 249-250 Book Review: Income Security, Insurance, and Benefits: Public Employee Pension Funds
by Joseph Krislov - 250-251 Book Review: Income Security, Insurance, and Benefits: Work or Welfare? Factors in the Choice for AFDC Mothers
by Elizabeth Durbin - 251-252 Book Review: Labor Conditions: Crisis in the Workplace: Occupational Disease and Injury
by Robert Stewart Smith - 252-253 Book Review: Labor Conditions: Equal Pay for Women: Progress and Problems in Seven Countries
by Marjorie Galenson - 253-254 Book Review: Manpower: The Impact of Government Manpower Programs: In General, and on Minorities and Women
by Karen S. Koziara - 254-255 Book Review: Manpower: Sex, Discrimination, and the Division of Labor
by Francine D. Blau - 255-256 Book Review: Manpower: Training and Entry into Union Construction
by Howard G. Foster - 256-257 Book Review: Management: Public Personnel Management: The Heritage of Civil Service Reform
by Gerald E. Fitzgerald - 257-258 Book Review: Organization: Theories of Management: Implications for Organizational Behavior and Development
by Joseph A. Alutto - 258-259 Book Review: Organization: Toward Industrial Democracy: Management and Workers in Modern Japan
by Koji Taira - 259-260 Book Review: Work Performance and Satisfaction: Work, Productivity, and Job Satisfaction: An Evaluation of Policy-Related Research
by Tove Helland Hammer - 261-269 Research in Progress
by N/A
October 1976, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 16-24 Changes in the Skill Differential: Union Wages in Construction, 1907–1972
by Eliot S. Orton - 25-31 The Impact of Unemployment Insurance Benefits on Reemployment Success
by Paul L. Burgess & Jerry L. Kingston - 32-46 Multinational Bargaining Approaches in the Western European Flat Glass Industry
by Herbert R. Northrup & Richard L. Rowan - 47-58 The Structure and Determinants of Occupational Militancy among Public School Teachers
by William S. Fox & Michael H. Wince - 59-67 Labor Supply of Married Women in Part-Time and Full-Time Occupations
by Richard D. Morgenstern & William Hamovitch - 68-78 The Occupational Mobility of Young Men, 1965–1970
by Duane E. Leigh
July 1976, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 523-543 The Estimated Impact of the Antidiscrimination Program Aimed at Federal Contractors
by Morris Goldstein & Robert S. Smith - 544-564 Does the Contract Compliance Program Work? An Analysis of Chicago Data
by James J. Heckman & Kenneth I. Wolpin - 565-571 A Process Evaluation of the Contract Compliance Program in Nonconstruction Industry
by Gregory J. Ahart - 572-576 Comment
by Glen G. Cain - 577-580 Comment
by Orley Ashenfelter - 581-584 Comment
by James E. Jones Jr.
April 1976, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 331-351 Determinants of Bargaining Outcomes in Local Government Labor Negotiations
by Paul F. Gerhart - 352-362 The Effect of Collective Bargaining on Internal Salary Structures in the Public Schools
by Gary A. Moore - 363-376 Stabilization Characteristics of Unemployment Insurance
by George M. Von Furstenberg - 377-387 The Sex Differential in Earnings: A Reappraisal
by Marianne A. Ferber & Helen M. Lowry - 388-404 The Composition of Strike Activity in the Construction Industry
by David B. Lipsky & Henry S. Farber - 405-411 Interrelatedness of Occupational and Geographical Labor Mobility
by Larry D. Schroeder - 412-419 The Job Vacancy-Unemployment Ratio and Labor-Force Participation
by Edward Alban & Mark Jackson - 420-422 Urban-Rural Differences in Job Satisfaction
by Richard E. Ginnold - 422-424 Reply
by John A. Fossum - 425-444 Recent Publications
by Gordon T. Law Jr. - 445-446 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Final-Offer Arbitration: The Effects on Public Safety Employee Bargaining
by Paul D. Staudohar - 446-448 Book Review: Labor Economics: Labor Economics
by Mark R. Killingsworth - 448-449 Book Review: Labor Economics: Labor in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors
by Myron Roomkin - 449-450 Book Review: Labor Economics: Labor Market Analysis of Engineers and Technical Workers
by Hugh Folk - 450-451 Book Review: Labor Economics: Still a Dream: The Changing Status of Blacks since 1960
by Marc Rosenblum - 451-453 Book Review: Labor Economics: Wage Determination: Papers Presented at an International Conference
by Daniel J. B. Mitchell - 453-454 Book Review: Labor Law and Legislation: The Davis-Bacon Act
by Joseph B. Rose - 454-455 Book Review: Manpower: Schooling, Experience, and Earnings
by Lester C. Thurow - 455-457 Book Review: Manpower: The Urban Labor Market: Institutions, Information, Linkages
by Robert M. Fearn - 457-458 Book Review: Social Insurance and Employee Welfare: Providing Adequate Retirement Income: Pension Reform in the United States and Abroad
by Melvin J. Segal - 458-459 Book Review: Organizational Behavior: Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior: An Applied Perspective
by Harold C. White - 459-461 Book Review: Organizational Behavior: Hierarchy in Organizations
by Bryan M. Downie - 461-462 Book Review: Organizational Behavior: Organizational Change: An Exploratory Study and Case History
by Ernest W. Toy Jr. - 462-463 Book Review: Organizational Behavior: Organizations of the Future: Interaction with the External Environment
by Michael Betz - 463-463 Book Review: International and Comparative Labor Relations: African Railwaymen: Solidarity and Opposition in an East African Labour Force
by Hans E. Panofsky - 464-465 Book Review: International and Comparative Labor Relations: Bargaining without Boundaries: The Multinational Corporation and International Labor Relations
by Everett M. Kassalow - 465-466 Book Review: International and Comparative Labor Relations: Essays in Anti-Labour History: Responses to the Rise of Labour in Britain
by Gerald William Pocock - 466-467 Book Review: International and Comparative Labor Relations: The Role of Trade Unions in the Development Process: With a Case Study of Ghana
by Elliot Berg - 467-468 Book Review: International and Comparative Labor Relations: Strikes in France: 1830–1968
by John P. Windmuller - 469-475 Research Notes
by N/A
January 1976, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 179-197 Pay Differentials between Federal Government and Private Sector Workers
by Sharon P. Smith - 198-217 Union Structure, Internal Control, and Strike Activity
by Myron Roomkin - 218-235 Intermetropolitan Patterns of Strike Frequency
by Robert N. Stern - 236-248 A Cobweb Model of the Supply and Starting Salary of New Engineers
by Richard B. Freeman - 249-257 Reflections on Selig Perlman as a Teacher and Writer
by Philip Taft - 258-268 Wage Linkages between Canada and the United States
by Douglas A. Smith
October 1975, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 03-25 Collective Bargaining in the Conglomerate, Multinational Firm: Litton's Shutdown of Royal Typewriter
by Charles Craypo - 26-45 Airline Strike Insurance: A Study in Escalation
by S. Herbert Unterberger & Edward C. Koziara - 46-66 Municipal Collective Bargaining: A Model and Analysis of Bargaining Outcomes
by Thomas A. Kochan & Hoyt N. Wheeler - 67-84 British Incomes Policy, 1972–1974
by Laurence C. Hunter - 85-96 The Response of Low-Income Households to Income Losses from Disability
by William G. Johnson & Edward H. Murphy Jr. - 97-106 Measuring the Imaginary: The Employment Effect of Imported Steel Revisited
by Robert G. Stevens - 107-120 Union Use of Staff Experts: The Case of the Histadrut
by Arie Shirom - 121-137 Recent Publications
by Gordon T. Law Jr. - 138-139 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: The Development of Industrial Relations in Britain 1911–1939
by A. W. J. Thomson - 139-140 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Labor in the Transportation Industries
by Mario F. Bognanno - 140-141 Book Review: Labor Economics: Discrimination in Labor Markets
by Vladimir Stoikov - 141-142 Book Review: Labor Economics: Econometric Wage and Price Models
by Arnold Katz - 143-144 Book Review: Labor Economics: Marketing Signaling: Informational Transfer in Hiring and Related Screening Processes
by David E. Kaun - 144-145 Book Review: Labor Organizations: The Fall and Rise of Jimmy Hoffa
by B. J. Widick