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- 115613 Cross Countries Economic Performances - SPF Approach
by Alali, Walid Y.
- 115612 Impact of Natural Environment, Regional Integration, and Policies on FDI
by Alali, Walid Y.
- 115611 Role of Political Institutions on Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence
by Alali, Walid Y.
- 115610 Impact of Institutions and Policy on Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence
by Alali, Walid Y.
- 115609 Institutions, Policies, and Economic Growth: Overview
by Alali, Walid Y.
- 113831 Impact of PRIME interventions on Monga mitigation in greater Rangpur region in Bangladesh- Institute of Microfinance
by Baqui, Khalily & Muhammad Abdul, Latif & Mohammad Monirul, Hasan & Md. Abdul, Khaleque & Badrun Nessa Ahmed, Tamanna & Rubayyat, Hashmi & Mohammad Nasir Uddin, Sarwar & Md Tareq Ferdous, Khan
- 113532 Стандартът Bs Ohsas 18001:2007 Като Система За Управление На Здравословни И Безопасни Условия На Труд В Предприятието
[The BS OHSAS 18001: 2007 (Occupational health and safety system) standard as a management system for healthy and safe working conditions in the enterprise]
by Стайков, Ивайло
- 113531 Приложима Ли Е Разпоредбата На § 11 От Преходните И Заключителните Разпоредби На Закона За Висшето Образование По Отношение На Едноличните Органи За Управление Във Висшето Училище?
[Is the provision of § 11 of the transitional and final provisions of the Higher Education Act applicable to the sole governing bodies of the higher education institution?]
by Стайков, Ивайло
- 113480 Прилагането На Конвенциите На Международната Организация На Труда В Практиката На Конституционния Съд На Република България
[The application of the conventions of the International Labor Organization in the practice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria]
by Стайков, Ивайло
- 113220 Pioneers of Financial Economics: Das Adam Smith Irrelevanzproblem?
by Poitras, Geoffrey & Jovanovic, Franck
- 112210 Auction design for the allocation of carbon emission allowances: uniform or discriminatory price?
by Cong, Rong-Gang & Wei, Yi-Ming
- 111643 On fractional filtering versus conventional filtering in economics
by Nigmatullin, Raul R. & Omay, Tolga & Baleanu, Dumitru
- 111445 Are the Chinese in Africa More Innovative than the Africans? Comparing Chinese and Nigerian Entrepreneurial Migrants’ Cultures of Innovation
by Kohnert, Dirk
- 111409 Angewandtes Service Engineering für KMU
[Applied Service Engineering for SMEs]
by Siegfried, Patrick
- 111253 The New Social Projection Paradigm
[El nuevo Paradigma de la Proyección Social]
by Zuniga-Gonzalez, C.A & Hernandez:Munguia, J.
- 110951 Impacto del Consumo de substancias agotadoras de la capa de ozono en el PIBA Centroamericano: Un Input orientado del Índice DEA de Malmquist
[Consumption Ozone-Depleting Substances Impact in Central American GDAP: An Input Oriented Malmquist DEA Index]
by Zuniga-Gonzalez, C.A.
- 108869 Weighting and valuing quality-adjusted life-years using stated preference methods: preliminary results from the Social Value of a QALY Project
by Odejar, Maria & Baker, Rachel & Ryan, Mandy & Donalson, Cam & Bateman, Ian J. & Jones-Lee, M & Lancsar, Emily & Mason, Helen & Pinto Paredes, JL & Robinson, A & Shackley, P & Smith, R & Sugdem, R & Wildman, John
- 108324 За Тълкуването И Процесуалните Аспекти На Прилагането На Чл. 61, Ал. 2 От Кодекса На Труда (Становище Относно Тълкувателно Дело № 1 От 2010 Г. На Осгк На Вкс)
[On the interpretation and the procedural aspects of the application of Article 61, paragraph 2 of the Labour code (opinion regarding interpretive case № 1/2010 of the General assembly/civil college of the Supreme court of cassation)]
by Стайков, Ивайло
- 107902 Прекъсване На Ползването На Платения Годишен Отпуск
[Interruption of the use of paid annual leave]
by Стайков, Ивайло
- 107888 Прекратяване На Трудовия Договор На Хабилитиран Преподавател Във Висше Училище По Чл. 328, Ал. 1, Т. 10 От Кодекса На Труда И Прилагането На § 11 От Преходните И Заключителните Разпоредби На Закона За Висшето Образование
[Termination of the employment contract of a habilitated lecturer in a higher school under Art. 328, para. 1, item 10 of the Labour Code and the application of § 11 of the Transitional and Final Provisions of the Higher Education Act]
by Стайков, Ивайло
- 107407 „Откупуване” На Осигурителен Стаж По Реда На § 9, Ал. 2-9 От Преходните И Заключителни Разпоредби На Кодекса За Социално Осигуряване
["Purchase" of insurance experience under § 9, para. 2-9 of the transitional and final provisions of the Code of social security]
by Стайков, Ивайло
- 107011 The Long-term Care System for the Elderly in Belgium
by Willemé, Peter
- 106867 Impact of Globalization on HDI (Human Development Index): Case Study of Pakistan
by Mohammad, Sulaiman D. & Majeed, Sadaf & Hussain, Adnan & Lal, Irfan
- 106865 The Euro Dollar Exchange Rate & Pakistan Economy
by Mohammad, Sulaiman D. & Lal, Irfan
- 106552 Análisis de Riesgo Macro-financiero para Venezuela
[Macro-financial risk for Venezuela]
by Moreno, María Antonia & Pagliacci, Carolina
- 106539 Foreign Reserve Management in an Oil Economy: Macroeconomic Risk as a Real Option
by Scandizzo, Pasquale & Pagliacci, Carolina
- 105754 Energy planning of a hospital using Mathematical Programming and Monte Carlo simulation for dealing with uncertainty in the economic parameters
by Mavrotas, George & Florios, Kostas & Vlachou, Dimitra
- 105689 Los Museos y el Cuadro de Mando Integral: Una adaptación de la perspectiva del cliente
[Museums and Balanced Scorecard: An customer perspective adaptation]
by Asuaga, Carolina & Peombo, Carina
- 105160 A Typology of Long-term Care Systems in Europe
by Kraus, Markus & Riedel, Monika & Mot, Esther & Willemé, Peter & Röhrling, Gerald & Czypionka, Thomas
- 104656 Alternative vs Traditional Corporate Governance Systems in Italy: An Empirical Analysis
by Bellavite Pellegrini, Carlo & Pellegrini, Laura & Sironi, Emiliano
- 104045 Japanese Manufacturers in Australia: Analysing Their Quality Evaluation and Employee Participation
by Bayari, Celal
- 103801 The multi fibre arrangement and South Asia
by Kar, Saibal & Kar, Mausumi
- 101936 Analiza problemów biznesowych
[Analysis of Business Problems]
by Moszoro, Marian
- 101917 Partnerstwo publiczno-prywatne w sferze użyteczności publicznej
[Public-Private Partnerships in the Utilities Sector]
by Moszoro, Marian
- 101832 Japanese Hybrid Factories in Australia: Analysing Labor Relations and Reflecting on the Work of Tetsuo Abo
by Bayari, Celal
- 101695 Economics of Insulin Device vs Conventional Vial and Syringe
by Baser, Onur & Bouchard, Jonathan & DeLuzio, Tony & Henk, Henry & Aagren, Mark
- 99867 Governance of agrarian sustainability
by Bachev, Hrabrin
- 99854 Management of farm contracts and competitiveness
by Bachev, Hrabrin
- 98987 Inference for Noisy Long Run Component Process
by Gourieroux, Christian & Jasiak, Joann
- 98883 Оценка На Конкурентноспособността На Българските Ферми
[Assessing competitiveness of Bulgarian farms]
by Bachev, Hrabrin
- 98760 Fisher Effect and the Relationship between Nominal Interest Rates and Inflation: The Case of Nigeria
by Peter Kehinde, Mogaji
- 98502 Postwar Financial Crises and Economic Recoveries in the United States
by Lopez-Salido, David & Nelson, Edward
- 97329 Психология Коммерции
[Psychology of Commerce]
by Pushkareva, Lyudmila
- 96700 К Вопросу Обеспечения Асимптотической Устойчивости Макропараметров Технологического Процесса
[Of the asymptotic stability of macro parameters of the technological process]
by Пигнастый, Олег
- 96615 Основы Статистической Теории Моделирования Технологических Процессов
[Statistical technological process modelling]
by Пигнастый, Олег
- 96529 Globalisation impact on Danish SME: Offshore Outsourcing & local competitiveness
by Molintas, Dominique Trual
- 96304 VIX Index in Interday and Intraday Volatility Models
by Degiannakis, Stavros & Floros, Christos
- 96301 Hedge Ratios in South African Stock Index Futures
by Degiannakis, Stavros & Floros, Christos
- 95808 An Assessment of the Impact of Reducing Implicit and Explicit Energy Subsidies in Iran; Using a Computable General Equilibrium Model Based on a Modified Micro Consistent Matrix
by Davood, Manzoor & Asghar, Shahmoradi & Iman, Haqiqi
- 95557 Export-led Growth: A Case Study of Mexico
by Waithe, Kimberly & Lorde, Troy & Francis, Brian
- 95513 The dimension of public administration in Central and Eastern European countries in the current financial crisis
by Onofrei, Mihaela & Lupu, Dan
- 95495 Do Tourism Receipts Contribute to the Sustainability of Current Account Deficits: A Case Study of Barbados
by Lorde, Troy & Lowe, Shane & Francis, Brian
- 93877 Investigating double counting terms in the value-added decomposition of gross exports
by Miroudot, Sébastien & Ye, Ming
- 93690 Финансијализација Као Узрочник И Мултипликатор Кризе
[Financialization as a Cause and Multiplier of the Crises]
by Bukvić, Rajko & Ocić, Časlav
- 93429 نحو صكوك إسلامية حقيقية
[Toward genuine Islamic Sukuk]
by Abozaid, Abdulazeem
- 93408 Contempoary Islamic modes of finance betweem the technicalities of contracts and Shariah objectives
by Abozaid, Abdulazeem
- 93297 Application of teh Kalman Filter to Interest Rate Modelling
by Ibhagui, Oyakhilome
- 92004 Rola funduszy europejskich w rozwoju przedsiębiorstw innowacyjnych
[The role of european funds in the development of innovative enterprises]
by Piątkowski, Marcin J.
- 91761 Областният Управител Като Орган На Изпълнителната Власт
[The governor as a body of the executive power]
by Dimitrova, Darina
- 89921 Profundización financiera estadal en Venezuela: Enfoque alternativo usando la encuesta de hogares de propósitos múltiples
[Financial deepening at state level in Venezuela: Alternative approach using the household survey of multiple purposes]
by Maldonado, Leonardo
- 88759 On the Impact of Inflation and Exchange Rate on Conditional Stock Market Volatility: A Re-Assessment
by Yaya, OlaOluwa S & Shittu, Olanrewaju I
- 88605 Location Decisions of Microfinance Institutions of Bangladesh
by Wadood, Syed Naimul & Mahmoud, Chowdhury Shameem
- 87493 An Analytical Study of the Determinants of Access to Insurance Services in Rural Nigeria
by Sani Ibrahim, Saifullahi & Muhammad Aliero, Haruna
- 86596 Trade in services: The elasticity approach for the case of Turkey
by Ketenci, Natalya & Uz, Idil
- 86547 Police Accreditation and Clearance Rates
by Doerner, William M. & Doerner, William G.
- 86225 Financement des hydrocarbures et libéralisation financière en Algérie. Quels liens ?
[Financing of hydrocarbons and financial liberalization in Algeria. Which links?]
by Menna, khaled & Hamidouche, Nassima
- 85663 Logistique hospitalière : proposition d’une grille de sélection des indicateurs pour le pilotage de la performance
[Hospital logistics: proposal for an indicator selection grid for performance management]
by JAWAB, Fouad & IBN EL FAROUK, Imane & TALBI, Abdennebi
- 85009 Wpływ zmian demograficznych na rynek pracy
[The Impact of Demographic Changes on the Labor Market]
by Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena
- 85004 Startery podlaskiej gospodarki - analiza gospodarczych obszarów wzrostu i innowacji województwa podlaskiego. Sektor call center
[Starters of the Podlasie Economy: Analysis of Economic Areas of Growth and Innovation in the Podlaskie region: Call Center Sector]
by Plawgo, Bogusław & Grabska, Anna & Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena & Citkowski, Mariusz & Juchnicka, Marta & Sosnowicz, Agnieszka & Żynel-Etel, Justyna & Leszko, Kamil
- 85002 Startery podlaskiej gospodarki - analiza gospodarczych obszarów wzrostu i innowacji województwa podlaskiego. Sektor produkcji żywności leczniczej
[Starters of the Podlasie Economy: Analysis of Economic Areas of Growth and Innovation in the Podlaskie region: The Food Production Sector]
by Plawgo, Bogusław & Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena & Citkowski, Mariusz & Juchnicka, Marta & Sosnowicz, Agnieszka & Żynel-Etel, Justyna & Leszko, Kamil & Grabska, Anna
- 85001 Startery podlaskiej gospodarki - analiza gospodarczych obszarów wzrostu i innowacji województwa podlaskiego. Sektor produkcji bielizny
[Starters of the Podlasie Economy: Analysis of Economic Areas of Growth and Innovation in the Podlaskie region: Lingerie Production Sector]
by Plawgo, Bogusław & Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena & Citkowski, Mariusz & Juchnicka, Marta & Sosnowicz, Agnieszka & Żynel-Etel, Justyna & Grabska, Anna & Leszko, Kamil
- 84997 Rola uczelni wyższych w procesie transferu wiedzy do przedsiębiorstw
[The Role of Universities in the Process of Knowledge Transfer to Enterprises]
by Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena
- 84996 Rola samorządów gminnych w procesach rozwojowych Polski Wschodniej
[The Role of Municipal Governments in the Development Processes of Eastern Poland]
by Plawgo, Bogusław & Bojar, Ewa & Juchniewicz, Małgorzata & Olesiński, Zbigniew & Salachna, Joanna & Grabska, Anna & Kaszuba, Krzysztof & Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena & Perło, Dariusz & Perło, Dorota & Citkowski, Mariusz & Juchnicka, Marta & Sosnowicz, Agnieszka & Żynel-Etel, Justyna
- 84992 Raport końcowy z badania ewaluacyjnego pn. Ocena wpływu realizacji polityki spójności perspektywy 2004-2006 na zwiększenie możliwości rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego regionów Polski wschodniej
[Final Report from the Evaluation Study Entitled: Assessment of the Impact of Cohesion Policy Implementation in the 2004-2006 Perspective on Increasing the Opportunities for Socio-economic Development of Eastern Poland's Regions]
by Skierniewski, Tomasz & Plawgo, Bogusław & Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena & Citkowski, Mariusz & Jaroszek, Karolina & Juchnicka, Marta & Puchalska, Katarzyna & Turkowski, Karol & Zych, Mateusz & Zynel-Etel, Justyna & Młodożeniec, Marek
- 84985 Klastry jako potencjał rozwoju - województwo podlaskie
[Clusters as Development Potential: Podlaskie Province]
by Plawgo, Bogusław & Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena & Citkowski, Mariusz
- 84974 Raport końcowy z badania marketingowego ex-ante w ramach realizacji Programu Promocji Polski Wschodniej działania I.4, Komponent Promocja i Priorytetu Programu Operacyjnego Rozwój Polski Wschodniej
[Final Report on Ex-ante Marketing Research Within the Framework of the Implementation of the Eastern Poland Promotion Program Measure I.4, Promotion and Priority Component of the Operational Program Development of Eastern Poland]
by Zarzecki, Marcin & Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena & Wiśniewski, Rafał & Jaroszek, Karolina & Puchalska, Katarzyna & Turkowski, Karol
- 84971 Analiza kluczowych sektorów województwa podlaskiego. Sektor budownictwa
[Analysis of Key Sectors of the Podlaskie Voivodeship: Construction Sector]
by Plawgo, Bogusław & Grabska, Anna & Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena & Citkowski, Mariusz & Juchnicka, Marta & Sosnowicz, Agnieszka & Żynel-Etel, Justyna & Leszko, Kamil
- 84968 Analiza kluczowych sektorów województwa podlaskiego. Sektor handlu
[Analysis of Key Sectors of the Podlaskie Voivodeship: The Trade Sector]
by Plawgo, Bogusław & Grabska, Anna & Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena
- 83991 The economics of fiscal decentralisation
by Vo, Duc Hong
- 83356 Building a Responsibility Model to Foster Information Technology: Contributions from Social Sciences
by Christophe, Feltus
- 82946 Choix de portefeuille: comparaison des différentes stratégies
[Portfolio selection: comparison of different strategies]
by Trabelsi, Mohamed Ali
- 82660 Absorption capacity of the structural funds. Integrating perspectives
by Cace, Corina & Cace, Sorin & Iova, Cristina & Victor, Nicolaescu
- 81931 1929 və 2008 böhranlarının makroiqtisadi səbəb və nəticələr baxımından müqayisəsi
[The Comparative Analysis of Macroeconomic Reason and Consequences of Crisis in 1929 and 2008]
by Aras, Osman Nuri & Süleymanov, Elçin
- 81930 Azərbaycan Respublikasında qeyri-neft sektoru üzrə idxal-ixracın mövcud vəziyyətinin təhlili və qiymətləndirilməsi
[Analyzing and Valuing of the Existing Situation of Export and Import Non-Oil Sector in the Azerbaijan Republic]
by Aras, Osman Nuri & Süleymanov, Elçin & Zeynalov, Ayaz
- 81853 Effect of the Global Economic Crisis on Turkish Banking Sector
by Aras, Osman Nuri
- 81472 Sélection de portefeuille via la stratégie de sur-réaction
[Portfolio selection via the overreaction strategy]
by Trabelsi, Mohamed Ali
- 81407 Flexibilidade Alocativa Do Mercado De Trabalho Brasileiro: Uma Avaliação Empírica Dos Estados E Das Regiões Metropolitanas E Não-Metropolitanas
[Allocative Flexibility Of The Brazilian Labor Market: An Empirical Evaluation Of The States And The Metropolitan And Non-Metropolitan Regions]
by Staduto, Jefferson Andronio Ramundo & Schio, Thyago Américo
- 81258 Overreaction and Portfolio Selection Strategies in the Tunisian stock market
by Trabelsi, Mohamed Ali
- 81084 Spillover Effects of FDI in China: From the Perspective of Technology Gaps
by Lu, Qian & Zhao, Yunhui
- 80440 Governance and Performance of Tunisian banks
by Trabelsi, Mohamed Ali
- 79941 Social economy in Europe
by Cace, Sorin
- 79940 Good Practices in Social Economy in Greece and in Other States of the European Union
by Cace, Sorin
- 79592 The Term Structure of Savings, the Yield Curve, and Maturity Mismatching
by Bagus, Philipp & Howden, David
- 79591 Knowledge Shifts and the Business Cycle: When Boom Turns to Bust
by Howden, David
- 79590 Fractional Reserve Banking: Some Quibbles
by Bagus, Philipp & Howden, David
- 79240 Aligning with both the Soviet Union and with the Pharmaceutical Transnationals: Dilemmas attendant on initiating Drug Production in India
by Tyabji, Nasir
- 79060 Performance of Bayesian Latent Factor Models in Measuring Pricing Errors
by Chadwick, Meltem
- 78946 Le medie imprese multinazionali del “quarto capitalismo”
[Medium sized multinationals of "fourth capitalism"]
by Schilirò, Daniele & Musca, Maria
- 78846 Response of the Financial Markets to the European Central Bank’s Policy Announcements during the Subprime and Global Financial Crisis
by Ayoki, Milton
- 78837 Distretti, pmi, competitività. Analisi e proposte sulla Sicilia
[Districts, SMEs, competitiveness. Analysis and proposals on Sicily]
by Schilirò, Daniele
- 78711 Jobless Growth Based on a 2-Digit Industry-wise Analysis for Tamil Nadu: Pre and Post-reform Years: 1984-2006
by Anthony, Balu & Bagur, Prakash
- 78710 Jobless Growth-A District-Level Analysis of Tamil Nadu: 2001-05
by Bagur, Prakash & Anthony, Balu
- 77667 Oligopolistic Competition, Firm Heterogeneity, and the Impact of International Trade
by Zhou, Haiwen
- 77554 Neoclassical Theory versus New Economic Geography. Competing explanations of cross-regional variation in economic development
by Fingleton, Bernard & Fischer, Manfred M.
- 77551 A spatial autoregressive Poisson gravity model
by Sellner, Richard & Fischer, Manfred M. & Koch, Matthias
- 77287 The political economy of pension systems under free labor mobility
by Gouveia, Ana
- 76960 Анализа На Ефектите Од Економската Криза Во Грција Врз Македонската Економија
[Study on the Effects of The Greek Economic Crisis on The Macedonian Economy]
by Trenovski, Borce & Risteski, Hristijan
- 76877 Porovnanie alternatívnych prístupov k odhadu individuálneho blahobytu domácností ohrozených rizikom chudoby
[The Comparison of Alternative Approaches to the Estimation of Individual Welfare of Poor Households]
by Zelinsky, Tomas
- 76577 As inovações nos territórios e o papel das universidades: notas preliminares para o desenvolvimento territorial no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
[Innovations in territories and the role of universities: preliminary notes for territorial development in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)]
by Tartaruga, Iván G. Peyré
- 76446 Administration of GST: Can we Continue with Present Structures?
by Rao, R. Kavita & Mukherjee, Sacchidananda
- 76210 Rare Events in the American GDP Time Series, 1790-Present: Fact or Artefact
by Chikhi, Mohamed & Diebolt, Claude
- 75840 Modelling Time-varying Bond Risk Premia for Utilities Industry
by Chadwick, Meltem
- 75682 Health, Employment and the Quality of Life in Ireland
by Borooah, Vani & Dineen, Donal & Lynch, Nicola
- 75304 An Empirical Analysis of Fluctuations in Economic Efficiency in European Countries
by Chadwick, Meltem
- 75083 Tourism and Globalization: The International Division of Tourism Production
by Nowak, Jean-Jacques & Petit, Sylvain & Sahli, Mondher
- 74889 Perú: Lecciones de la recesión de 2008-2009
[Peru: Lessons from the recession of 2008-2009]
by Dancourt, Óscar & Jiménez Sotelo, Renzo
- 74752 Choques Externos, Regulación y Crisis Bancarias en el Perú: Una revisión para el periodo 1990-2009
[External Shocks, Regulation and Banking Crises in Peru: A review for the period 1990-2009]
by Jiménez Sotelo, Renzo
- 74488 The effects of environmental investments on employment in the Greek economy: An input-output approach (2010-2020)
by Belegri-Roboli, Athena & Markaki, Maria & Michaelides, Panayotis G.
- 74481 Sumner Slichter and Emil Lederer: Central Visions Compared
by Katselidis, Ioannis & Vouldis, Angelos & Michaelides, Panayotis G.
- 74461 Estimating a modified nonlinear Hicks model: Evidence from the US economy (1960-2008)
by Michaelides, Panayotis G. & Belegri-Roboli, Athena & Arapis, Gerasimos
- 74429 The macroeconomic impacts of the Attiki Odos motorway in the Greek Economy: An Input–Output Analysis
by Belegri-Roboli, Athena & Markaki, Maria & Michaelides, Panayotis G.
- 74304 International Diversification through Acquisition: Fundamentals and Estimations of Vedanta buyout of Cairn India
by Reddy, Kotapati Srinivasa
- 74291 Makeup behind the Mirror; Going beyond Delisting? – A Case of NIRMA
by Reddy, Kotapati Srinivasa
- 73626 Luka zasobowa w procesie tworzenia innowacji
[Resource gap in the process of innovation creation]
by Karbowski, Adam
- 73164 La dynamique de la croissance est-elle pro-pauvres au Niger ?
[Is the dynamics of growth pro-poor in Niger?]
by Hamadou Daouda, Youssoufou
- 73162 Dynamiques de la pauvreté au Niger
[Dynamics of poverty in Niger]
by Hamadou Daouda, Youssoufou
- 72804 Child Labor and FDI: Evidence from Vietnam
by Olarreaga, Marcelo & Piacentini, Mario & Nguyen, Cuong
- 72169 A stochastic analysis of goods allocation by queuing and the prevention of violence
by Batabyal, Amitrajeet & Herath, Gamini
- 72152 A stochastic model of the provision of guided tours to tourists
by Batabyal, Amitrajeet & Beladi, Hamid
- 71986 Downturn LGD: A Spot Recovery Approach
by Li, Hui
- 71601 The presence of MNCs and the differentials and spillovers of productivity and wages in Southeast Asian manufacturing
by Nakmai, Siwat
- 71481 Testing the international capital asset pricing model with Markov switching model in emerging markets
by Korkmaz, Turhan & Cevik, Emrah Ismail & Gurkan, Serhan
- 71479 Testing CAPM using Markov switching model: the case of coal firms
by Korkmaz, Turhan & Cevik, Emrah Ismail & Birkan, Elif & Özataç, Nesrin
- 71405 Trade and the Environment with Heterogeneous Firms
by Bajona, Claustre & Pierce, Andrea & Missios, Paul
- 70349 Banks and the Domestic and International Propagation of Macroeconomic and Financial Shocks
by Kollmann, Robert
- 70165 La délocalisation au Maroc : Etat des leix et perspectives de développement
[The relocation in Morocco: Current sutuation and development prospects]
by Moudine, Chourouk & El Khattab, Youness
- 70152 Power Sector Reforms and the Poor in Vietnam
by Kozel, Valerie & Nguyen, Cuong
- 70047 Morgentauov plan i Vašingtonski konsenzus: ima li razvojnog izlaza za zemlje u tranziciji
[Morgenthau’s plan and Washington’s consensus: is there the development way for the tranzition countries]
by Bukvić, Rajko
- 70004 Economic Theory in Historical Perspective
by Tsoulfidis, Lefteris
- 69908 The Other canon against Washington consensus: Re-industrialization as a condition for revival and development
by Bukvić, Rajko
- 69891 Comment on ‘Fiscal Policy, Intercountry Adjustment and the Real Exchange Rate within Europe (C. Allsopp and D. Vines, Oxford University)
by Kollmann, Robert
- 69873 Foundations, results and perspectives of transition: A case of Serbia
by Bukvić, Rajko
- 69753 Investissement en capital humain et croissance économique dans la région MENA : Etude économétrique sur données de panel
[Human Capital Investment and Economic Growth in the MENA Region: an Econometric Study on Panel Data]
by Liouaeddine, Mariem & Guenouni, Hanane
- 69740 Urban Location and the Success of Casinos in Five States: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach
by Lambert, Thomas & Srinivasan, Arun & Dufrene, Uric & Min, Hokey
- 69132 Effective Policies for Research Infrastructure: The role of foresight
by Havas, Attila
- 69037 Intercambios comerciales en la Confederación Granadina según la Comisión Corográfica, 1850-1856
[Trade in the Confederación Granadina according to the Chorographic Commission 1850-1856]
by Vallecilla Gordillo, Jaime & Botero, María Mercedes
- 68917 Proliferation of preferential trade agreements: an empirical analysis
by Koumtingué, Nelnan
- 68718 Overview of work-life balance discourse and its relevance in current economic scenario
by Naithani, Pranav
- 68576 Polish stock market and some foreign markets – dependence analysis by regime-switching copulas
by Gurgul, Henryk & Syrek, Robert
- 68462 Migrant Workers in Kerala: A Study on their Socio-Economic Conditions
by Saikia, Dilip
- 68433 Selection Factors of Customer towards Islamic and Conventional Home Financing: A Case Study in Johor, Malaysia
by Abd Jalil, Mohamad Isa & Yusoff, Remali & Mahmud, Roslinah
- 67647 Sueño y asignación de tiempo entre los estudiantes universitarios: el caso de la Universidad del Atlántico
by Trujillo, Juan C. & Iglesias, Wilman J.
- 67615 Multinational investment projects in the petrochemical industry in China
by Todeva, Emanuela & Fu, Yan
- 67556 Impacts of the Economic Reform Program on the Performance of the Egyptian Agricultural sector
by Soliman, Ibrahim & F. Fabiosa, Jacinto & Gaber Amer, Mohamed & Kandil, Siham
- 67476 Accession to the WTO. Computable General Equilibrium Analysis: the Case of Ukraine. Part I
by Eromenko, Igor
- 67452 Accession to the WTO. Computable General Equilibrium Analysis: the Case of Ukraine. Part II
by Eromenko, Igor
- 67409 Recession and work-life balance initiatives
by Naithani, Pranav
- 67250 Testing for Endogenous Sunk Costs in the Retail Industry
by Roman, Hernan
- 66824 Methodologies of Analyzing Inter-Regional Income Inequality and Their Applications to Russia
by Gluschenko, Konstantin
- 66756 Vertical Integration and Macroeconomic Growth: the Case of the Steel Industry
by Scheuplein, Christoph
- 66740 Особенности Социальной Защиты Населения В Омском Регионе: Методические Указания К Семинарским Занятиям И Срс
[Features of social protection of the population in Omsk region: guidelines for seminars and independent work of students]
by Kuznetsova, Elena & Filatov, Vasiliy
- 66732 Reviving the Ethics of Islamic Finance
by Al-Jarhi, Mabid
- 66704 Особенности Социальной Защиты Населения В Омском Регионе
[Features of social security in Omsk region]
by Kuznetsova, Elena & Filatov, Vasiliy
- 66659 Местное Самоуправление И Социальная Работа
[Local government and social work]
by Kuznetsova, Elena
- 66630 Rural Development Policies in Egypt
by Soliman, Ibrahim & Gaber, Mohamed
- 66573 Distance to School and Competition in the Chilean Schooling System
by Meneses, Francisco & Urzua, Sergio & Paredes, Ricardo & Chumacero, Romulo
- 66547 Human Development Indicators in Rural Egypt
by Soliman, Ibrahim
- 66185 Telecommunications reform in Fiji, Samoa and Vanuatu and the credibility problem: the impact of independent regulators
by 'Ofa, Siope Vakataki
- 65836 Finance and growth: new evidence on the role of insurance
by Azman-saini, W.N.W & Smith, Peter
- 65603 Penentuan Efek Dan Arah Kebijakan Fiskal Pemerintah Indonesia: Fiscal Impulse Measure
[Fiscal Policy Stance in Indonesia : Fiscal Impluse Measure]
by Nizar, Muhammad Afdi
- 65571 The Role of the Fiscal Policy in the Development of the Non-Resource
by Hasanov, Fakhri & Mammadov, Fuad
- 65504 Combining Energy Networks
by Abrell, Jan & Weigt, Hannes
- 65073 Financial Liberalization and Banking Profitability: A Panel Data Analysis for Tunisian Banks
by Hakimi, Abdelazizi & Hamdi, Helmi & Djelassi, Mouldi
- 64842 The dynamic impacts of M&A on target firm’s labor in Japan: tentative dynamic panel estimation by GMM
by Yamada, Toshihiro & Taguchi, Hiroyuki
- 64597 Can e-payment systems revolutionize finance of the less developed countries? The case of mobile payment technology
by Hamdi, Helmi
- 64092 Razvoj privrede zasnovan na ulaganjima u ljudske resurse i stranim investicijama
[Economic Growth Based on Investments in Human Resources and Foreign Investments]
by Zubovic, Jovan
- 64063 A note on the adverse effect of competition on consumers
by Dinda, Soumyananda & Mukherjee, Arijit
- 63975 Об Истории И Современном Состоянии Среднего Общего И Профессионального Образования В Условиях Развивающейся Экономики
[About the history and present state of secondary and vocational education in Russia]
by Kormiltseva, Elena
- 63789 The pre- and post-crisis real exchange rate behavior in selected East Asian countries
by Taguchi, Hiroyuki
- 63617 The value of mortality risk reductions in the Tunisian building and manufacturing industries
by Benkhalifa, Abdelaziz
- 63461 Vietnam Industrial Policy and Large Economic Groups: A discussion
by Nguyen, Anh & Nguyen, Nhat
- 63386 A 2007 social accounting matrix (SAM) for Vietnam
by Arndt, Channing & Garcia, Andres & Ha Pham, Hoang & McCoy, Simon & Tarp, Finn & Thurlow, James
- 63374 Todo el mundo es país. Rapporto col proprio lavoro e percezione della discriminazione nella popolazione immigrata
["Todo el mundo es país". Immigrant population relationship with work and perception of discrimination]
by Pietravalle, Lorenzo & Savioli, Marco
- 63242 Building on the trust of management: overcoming the paradoxes of principles based regulation
by Ojo, Marianne
- 63033 EU Studies in the South Caucasus
by Buda, Mariana & Khvedelidze, Maka
- 62858 Global Financial Crises and Its Effect on India
by Aziz, Ghazala
- 62857 The Dynamics of Fiscal Federalism in India and the Global Financial crises
by Aziz, Ghazala & Khan, Mohd Saeed
- 62786 Мировой Экономический Кризис И Маркетинговая Деятельность В России
[The global economic crisis and marketing activities in Russia]
by Kaluzhsky, Mikhail
- 62582 How career changes affect technological breakthrough - Reconsidering the prolonged slump of the Japanese economy -
by Azuma, Yoshiaki
- 62208 Identification of Altruism among Team Members: Empirical Evidence from the Classroom and Laboratory
by Griffiths, Barry
- 62172 State Level Efficiency Measures for Healthcare Systems
by Makiela, Kamil
- 62080 The Role of Energy Economics in Sustainable Development
by Gorgulu, Mehmet Emre & Kandemir, Tugrul
- 62079 Potential Prospects of Turkey in Africa
by Gorgulu, Mehmet Emre
- 62063 Romanian-Hungarian cross-border cultural and educational relations
by Stoica, Alina & Toca, Constantin-Vasile
- 62040 Value, Prices and Money. Comparing Marx and Menger
by Nenovsky, Nikolay & Karpouzanov, Momtchil
- 61948 An empirical investigation of the financial growth life cycle
by Mac an Bhaird, Ciarán & Lucey, Brian
- 61870 Ludzie starzy o swoim wizerunku w mediach
[Older People About Their Media Image]
by Klimczuk, Andrzej
- 61866 Bezpieczeństwo ludzi starych w kontekście badań nad kapitałem społecznym na przykładzie mieszkańców Białegostoku
[The safety of elderly people in the context of social capital research - Bialystok residents example]
by Klimczuk, Andrzej