1987, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 593-608 An Energy Input-Output Table of Pakistan for 1979-80 and Some Applications
by PETER PINTZ & Ivo C. HAVINGA - 609-626 Modelling the Prospects of Economic Growth and Social Development: Results of Circular Flow Planning Models Applied to Pakistan 1980-1993
by S. I.Cohen - 627-641 A Social Accounting Matrix for the Agricultural Sector of Pakistan
by Ivo C. HA VINGA & KHWAJA SARMAD & FAZAL HUSSAIN & GHULAM RADAR - 645-657 Aggregate and Regional Demand Response Patterns in Pakistan
by Ehtisham Ahmad & Stephen Ludlow - 659-672 Sources of Income Inequality in Pakistan
by Hans De Kruijk - 673-684 Rural-Urban Differences and the Stability of Consumption Behaviour: An Inter-temporal Analysis of the Household Income and Expenditure Survey Data for the Period 1963-64 to 1984-85
by Sohail J. Malik & Kalbe Abbas & Ejaz Ghani - 687-698 Female Labour Force Participation Rates in Rural Pakistan: Some Fundamental Explanations and Policy Implications
by M. Ghaffar Chaudhry & Zubeda Khan - 699-709 Is Female Labour Force Participation Really Low and Declining in Paotan? A look at Alternative Data Sources
by M. Afzal & Zafar Moeen Nasir - 711-719 Skill Fonnation, Employment and Earnings in the Urban Infonnal Sector
by Shahnaz Kazi - 723-734 International Labour Migration - Theoretical Considerations and Evidence from the Experience of the Mediterranean Sending Countries
by HElKO KORNER - 735-744 Remigration and Social Change - Prospects for the Migrant Worker Sending Countries of the Middle East
by Georg Stauth - 745-753 Workers' Remittances from the Middle East and their Effect on Pakistan's Economy
by Nadeem A. Burney - 767-774 The IMF Stabilization Package and Pakistan's Stabilization Experience
by Faiz Bilquees - 775-785 Effective Protection Rates - A Guide to Tariff Making
by Ar.Kemal - 787-789 The Impact of Foreign Capital Inflow on Savings and Investment: The Case of Pakmtan
by Naheed Aslam - 793-803 The Perfonnance of Public Sector Enterprises:1981-1986
by Mir Annice Mahmood & Shamim A Sahibzada
1987, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 135-160 Unilateral International Transfers and their Effects on the Welfare of the Recipient and. Donor Countries
by Nadeem A. Burney - 179-200 Impact of Inflation on Fiscal Deficits in the Bangladesh Economy
by Md. Akhtar Hossain - 201-214 Trends and Differentials in Knowledge, Ever Use,Current Use, and Future Intended Use of Contraceptives in Rural Bangladesh:Evidence from Three Surveys
by Ruhul Amin & A. G. Mariam & Rashid Faruqee
1987, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-54 Flattening the Kuznets Curve: The Consequences for Income Distribution of Development Strategy, Government Intervention, Income and the Rate of Growth
by Gustav F. Papanek & Gustav F. Papanek - 55-70 Seeking Explanations for High Levels of Infant Mortality in Pakistan
by Zeba A. Sathar - 71-80 Disaggregated Import Demand Functions for Pakistan
by Khwaja Sarmad & Riaz Mahmood - 81-105 Intersectoral Tenns of Trade for Pakistan's Economy: 1970-71 - 1981-82
by Shahnaz Kazi - 107-118 The "New Beginning"in Pakistan's Family Planning Programme
by Warren C. Robinson
1986, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 431-449 Mechanization and Agricultural Development in Pakistan
by M. Ghaffar Chaudhry - 451-468 Stabilizing Pakistan's Supply of Wheat. Issues in the Optimization of Storage and Trade Policies
by Thomas C. Pinckney - 469-487 Optimum Resource Utilization in Pakistan's Agriculture
by Nasir M. Khilji - 489-513 Wealth Effects of the Green Revolution in Pakistan
by Faiz Mohammad - 517-534 Some Considerations for Demographic Assessment of Developing Countries
by Mohammad Afzal - 535-552 Delayed Marriages in Pakistan
by Zeba A. Sathar & M. Framurz K. Kiani - 553-570 Detenninants of Aggregate Fertility in Pakistan
by Ghulam Yasin Soomro - 573-589 Sources of Pakistan's Economic Growth
by Nadeem A. Burney - 593-608 Productive and Reproductive Choices.Report of a Pilot Survey of Urban Working Women in Karachi
by Shahnaz Kazi & Zeba A Sathar - 609-628 Intergenerational Mobility and Long-tenn Socio~conomic Change in Pakistan
by Ivo C. HAVINGA & FAIZ MOHAMMAD & SULEIMAN I. COHEN - 631-647 Demand-side Energy Policy as an Alternative Energy Strategy for Pakistan
by Peter Pintz - 649-670 Analysis of Inter-industry Relations in Pakistan.Some Further Experiments with the 1975-76 Data
by Aftab Ali Syed - 671-682 Issues in Pakistan's Health Sector
by S. Akbar Zaidi - 685-706 Inequality in the Four Provinces of Pakistan
by Hans De Kruijk - 707-729 Consumer Subsidies in Pakistan and other South Asian Countries
by Wolfgang-Peter Zingel - 731-739 Some Findings about the Unemployed Highly Educated Persons in Pakistan
by Shahrukh Rafi Khan & Syed Zahid Ali - 743-755 Migration and Development in Pakistan. Some Selected Issues
by Mohammad Irfan - 757-785 Impact of Workers' Remittances from the Middle East on Pakistan's Economy: Some Selected Issues
by Rashid Amjad - 789-807 The Role of Small-scale Industry in Pakistan's Economy and Government Incentives
by Muhammad Hussain Malik & Aftab Ahmad Cheema - 855-871 Estimation of Money Demand and Money Supply Functions for Pakistan: A Simultaneou~quations Approach
by NAJAM us SAQIB & ATHER MAQSsOOD AHMED - 873-887 Relative Price Variability and Inflation
by Tallat Mahmood & Shaheen A. Butt - 891-906 Social Rates of Return in Pakistan's Large-scale Manufacturing Sector
by Shamim A. Sahibzada & Mir Annice Mahmood
1986, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 127-140 The Demand for Heterogeneous Capital and Labour Inputs in a Developing Economy
by Prem S. Laumas & Martin Williams - 141-162 Monetary Disequilibrium and Inflation. A Monetary Model of Inflation in Pakistan, 1963-82
by Md. Akhtar Hossain - 163-174 Elasticity and Buoyancy of Federal Taxes in Pakistan
by Syeda Fizza Gillani
1986, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 43-72 Tax Reform for Pakistan. Overview and Effective Taxes for 1975-76
by Ehtisham Ahmad & Nicholas Stern - 73-84 Income-Specific Inflation Rates in Pakistan
by Aftab Ahmad Cheema & Muhammad Hussain Malik
1985, Volume 24, Issue 3-4
- 335-348 On the Optimal Size of a Buffer Stock- The Case of Wheat in Pakistan
by Peter A. Corneliss & Bart Kuijpers - 349-361 Size - Productivity Relationship in Pakistan's Agriculture in the Seventies
by M. Ghaffar Chaudhr & Manzoor A. Gill & Ghulam Mustafa Chaudhry - 363-383 Domestic Tenus of Trade and Public Policy for Agriculture in Pakistan
by SARFRAZ K. QURESHl - 385-403 Structure of Rural Income in Pakistan.Some Preliminary Estimates
by Faiz Mohammad & Ghulam Badar - 407-422 Changes in Poverty and Income Inequality in Pakistan during the 1970s
by Hans De Kruijk & Myrna Van Leeuwen - 423-440 Real Wages in Pakistan: Structure and Trends,1970-841
by Mohammad Irfan & Meekal Aziz Ahmed - 443-452 On Tariffs and Optimal Taxation Policy in Developing Countries
by GUNNAR FLoYSTAD - 453-462 Price and Income Elasticities of Consumer Goods Imports of Pakistan
by Khwaja Sarmad & Riaz Mahmood - 463-478 Dynamics of Change in Pakistan's Large-Scale Manufacturing Sector
by Usman Afridi - 481-495 An Analytical Approach to Interest Rate Determination in Developing Countries
by Mohsin S. Khan - 497-509 Who Bears the Burden of Federal Taxes in Pakistan?
by Muhammad Hussain Malik & Najam-Us-Saqib - 513-530 Analysis of Inter -Industry Relations in Pakistan for 1975 -76
by Aftab Ali Syed - 531-550 A Simple Inter-Industry Model of Pakistan, with an Application to Pakistan's Sixth Five-Year Plan
by Suleiman 1. Cohen & Ivo C. Hayinga & Mohammad Saleem - 551-563 Energy Policy: An Optimal Allocation Approach
by TARIQ RlAZ - 565-585 The Labour Force Matrix of Pakistan.Selected Applications
by SULElMAN IBRAHIM COHEN - 589-603 Literacy Transition and Female Nuptiality. Implications for Fertility in Pakistan
by Naushin Mahmood & Zubeda Khan - 605-618 Fertility Preferences and Contraceptive Use in Pakistan
by Ghulam Yasin Soomro & M. Naseem Iqbal Farooqu - 619-642 Social Structure of Pakistan: An Attempt at Developing Some Concepts
by Sabeeha Hafeez - 643-656 Unemployment of the Educated and Emigration of Post-Secondary Graduates from the LDCs
by Ake G. Blomqvist - 657-669 Differences in Household Characteristics by Income Distribution in Pakistan
by Shahnaz Kazi & Zeba A. Sathar - 671-683 Rates of Returns to Education and the Determinants of Earnings in Pakistan
by Shahrukh Rafi Khan & Mohammad Irfan - 687-701 Project Appraisal in Pakistan: A Review
by Shamim A. Sahibzada & Mir Annice Mahmood - 703-719 Evaluating the Operational Perfonnance of Manufacturing Enterprises: An Evaluation Framework and Application to Pakistani Industry
by Abdul Hafeez Shaikh
1985, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 87-102 Incrementalism and Structural Change. A Technical Note
by Syed Nawabhaider Naqvi & Asghar Qadir - 103-123 Farm Prices and the Green Revolution. Some Reflections on the Performance of Private Agricultural Markets in Pakistan
by Faiz Mohammad - 125-149 Landholding, Rural Fertility and Internal Migration in Developing Countries. Econometric Evidence from Cross-National Data
by R. E. Bilsborrow & C. R. Winegarden - 151-171 Consumption and Trade of Wheat and Flour in Pakistan -The Role of Public and Private Sectors
by PETER A. CORNELISSE & HANS de KRUlJK - 173-181 Effects of the Timing and the Number of Sprays on Cotton Yields in Sind. An Exploratory Analysis
by Sajjad Akhtar
1985, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-22 Changes in Consumption Patterns and Employment under Alternative Income Distributions in Pakistan
by Aftab Ahmad Cheema & Muhammad Hussain Malik - 23-37 Household Consumption and Saving Behaviour in Pakistan: An Application of the Extended Linear Expenditure System
by M Shaukat Ali - 39-50 Free Trade versus Protection : Static and Dynamic Aspects
by GUNNAR FLopYSTAD - 51-60 The Marginal Productivity of Inputs and Agricultural Production in Nepal
by Krishna Belbase & Richard Grabowski & Onesimo Sanchez - 61-76 The Controversial Debate on Development Economics. An Opinion
by S.I.Cohen
1984, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 509-530 International Trade and Foreign Investment.A Model with Asymmetric Production
by M ALl KHAN - 531-552 The Demographic Transition
by Ansley J. Coale - 553-572 Intersectoral Tax Burdens in Pakistan.A Critical Review of Existing Evidence and Some New Estimates
by Shahnaz Kazi - 573-590 Does Female Education Affect Fertility Behaviour in Pakistan
by Zeba Ayesha Sathar
1984, Volume 23, Issue 2-3
- 147-163 The Profitability of Public Enterprises in Pakistan
by Khwaja Sarmad - 165-178 The Project Monitoring System in Pakistan. An Evaluation
by Shamima. Sahibzad - 179-203 Perfonnance Evaluation of Public Enterprise in Pakistan.Experiment in Social Accounting System
by ISTAQBAL MEHDl - 207-223 Reproductive Behaviour in Pakistan: Insigh ts from the Population, Labour Force, and Migration Survey 1979-80
by Zeba A. Sathar & Mohammad Irfan - 225-238 An Analysis of Fertility Change in Pakistan
by M. Naseem Iqbal Farooqui & Ghulam Yasin Soomro - 241-255 Agricultural Policy Issues in Pakistan
by Mahmood Hasan Khan - 257-271 Autarky in Food: Evidence and Prospects
by M. Ghaffar Chaudhr - 273-285 Rural Credit and Rural Development.Some Issues
by Sarfraz K. Qureshi & Kalbe Abbas & Ahmed Naeem Siddiqui & Ejaz Ghani - 287-305 The Performance of Pakistan's Agricultural Markets in the Green Revolution Perspective
by Faiz Mohammad - 311-329 Issues in the Economics of Industrialization in Developing Countries: A Case Study from Pakistan's Light Engineering Sector
by Ijaz Nabi - 331-343 Factors' Employment Absorption, Growth and Income Distribution through Foreign Trade.Pakistan's Case
by S. M. Mazahir Hasnain Hamadani - 347-363 Consumption and Employment Effects of Income Redistribution in Pakistan
by AFTAB AHMAD CHEEMA & MUHAMMAD HUSSAIN MALlK - 365-379 Income Inequality in Pakistan. An Analysis of Existing Evidence
by Zafar Mahmood - 381-392 Effects of Dual Sector Inflation Across Income Levels in Pakistan
by USMAN AFRIDI & AsGHAR QADIR & JAVED ZAKI - 395-412 Educated Unemployed, Educational Subsidies and Growth
by T. DATTA CHAUDHURI & M. ALl KHAN - 413-427 An Assessment of the Priorities and Efficiency of Pakistan's Public Sector Educational Expenditure
by Shahrukh Rafi Khan & Naushin Mahmood & Rehana Siddiqui - 431-456 Pakistan: Energy Consumption and Economic Growth
by T. Ria - 457-475 Renewable Sources of Energy in Pakistan
by M.M. Qurash
1984, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-7 Alternative Optimal Social Orders
by Jan Tinbergen - 9-35 Possibilities of Regional Trade Expansion. A Link Model for Pakistan, India,Bangladesh and Sri Lanka
by Syed Nawab Haider Naqvi & Ather Maqsood Ahmed & Ashfaque H. Khan - 37-63 The Green Revolution: Inducement and Distribution
by YUJIRO HAyAMI & VERNON W RUTTAN - 65-79 Wheat-market Flows in the Punjab
by Peter A. Cornelisse - 81-94 An Empirical Evaluation of Consumption Behaviour in Oil Societies: The Case of Kuwait
1983, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 217-237 Some Issues in Middle Eastern Interna tional Migratio n
by ISMAIL SIRAGELDlN - 239-260 Effects of Alternative Policy Regimes on Foreign-Payments Imbalances
by Svbidey Togan - 261-282 South-South Co-operation. Trade Relations between Indonesia and South Asia
by K Kalirajan - 283-299 Level of Real Wages and Labour Productivity in the Manufacturing Sector of the Punjab
by Naheed Aslam - 301-305 "Inflationary Expectations and Monetary Adjustment in Nigeria:1960- 1978"Some Comments
by Pierre Mut Ambuka
1983, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 129-162 Classes and Agrarian Transition in Pakistan
by Mahmood Hasan Khan - 163-177 A Different Perspective of Pakistan's Economy. The Structure of Expenditures and Prices, 1975-81
by Alan Heston - 179-190 Estimating the Yield Advantage of High-Yielding Wheat and Maize: The Use of Pakistani On-Farm Yield Constraints Data
by Joseph G. Nagy - 191-210 Dual Sector Inflation in Pakistan
1983, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 63-71 Some Simple Thoughts on Model Building for Developing Countries
by HENK C. Bas - 73-96 Detenninants of Corporate Saving in Pakistan.A Macro-econometric Analysis
by Zia M Qureshi - 97-116 The Demand for Money and the Term Structure of Interest Rates in Pakistan
by SHAHEENA NISAR & NAHEED AsLAM - 117-123 "Green Revolution and Redistribution of Rural Incomes. Pakistan's Experience
by M.Ghaffar Chaudhry
1983, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-22 How Meaningful are Statements about the Desired Number of Additional Children? An Analysis of 1968 Pakistani Data
by M. ALl KHAN & I. SIRAGELDIN - 23-36 Residential Demand for Electricity and Natural Gas in Pakistan
by Mahmood Iqbal - 37-46 Household Demand for Money in an Underdeveloped Economy. A Case Study of India
by PREM S. LAUMAS & MARTIN WILLlAMS - 47-56 "Green Revolution and Redistribution of RuralIncomes. Pakistan'sExperience"-A Comment
by Mahmood Hasan Khan
1982, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 259-273 Pennanent Income, Inflation Expectations and the Money Demand Function in Developing Countries
by Ashfaque H. Khan - 275-296 An Analysis of Consumptjon Pattern in Pakistan
by Rehana Siddiqui - 297-328 Infant-Child Mortality and Son Preference as Factors Influencing Fertility in Pakistan
1982, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 173-205 Green Revolution and Redistribution of Rural Incomes. Pakistan's Experience
by M. Ghaffar Chaudhry - 207-216 The Economics of Rural Electrification Projects.Theory and Case Study of Pakistan
by Mark W. Gellerson - 217-230 Socio-Economic Indicators in Rural Pakistan.Some Evidence
by Mahmood Hasan Khan & Mahmood Iqbal - 231-244 The Pricing Of Petroleum Products In P Akist An
by MIA A. M. de KUIJPER - 245-253 Wheat in Pakistan and other Asian Countries
by J. H. M. Opdam & P. A. Cornelis
1982, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 93-103 Maximizing National Product by the Choice of Industries
by Jan Tinbergen - 105-126 Sub -optimal Tariff Policy and Gains from Trade for LDCs with Urban Unemployment
by M. Ali Khan & Po-Sheng Lin - 127-147 The Role of Institutions in Rural-Urban Migration and Urban Unemployment in LDCs: With and Without Changing Level of Indebtedness of the Peasantry
by Tamal Datta Chaudhuri - 149-158 Growth and Fluctuations in the Output of Major Crops in Pakistan, 1950-51 to 1979-80
by Mahmood Hasan Khan & Ahmad Saeed Siddiqui
1982, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-17 Issues in the Theory of Human Capital.Education as Investment
by Fritz Machlup - 19-48 Distortions in the Factor Market.Models and Realities
by GUNNAR FLIoYSTAD - 49-68 Wages, Employment and Trade Unions in Pakistan
by Muhammad Irfan
1981, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 375-397 Household Saving in Pakistan: Some Findings from Time-Series Data
by Zia M. Qureshi - 399-415 Changes in Export Shares and Competitive Strength in Pakistan
by Zafar Mahmood - 417-425 Production Functions and Input Elasticities in the Construction of Low -Cost Housing.A Comparison of Building Firms in Pakistan with Firms in Five other Countries
by Ehsan Ahmed - 427-445 Technological Change in Pakistan's Agriculture: 1953-54 to 1978-79
by SHAHIDA WlZARAT - 447-452 "Economics of Share -Cropping in Haryana (India) Agriculture" - A Comment
by Abdul Salam - 453-464 "Economics of Share-Cropping in Haryana (India) Agriculture" - Rejoinder
by F. S. Bagi
1981, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 277-301 Alternative Trade Strategies and Employment in LDCs: An Overview
by Anne O. Krueger - 303-322 A Long- Range Energy Sector Plan for Pakistan
by T. Riaz - 323-345 Farm Tractorization, Fertilizer Use and Productivity of Mexican Wheatin Pakistan
by Abdul Salam - 347-365 The Socioeconomic Position of Pakistan in the Third World
by M. H. Khan & J. A Zerby
1981, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 133-150 Quality Effects in Consumer Behaviour
by F. Desmond Mccarthy - 151-190 Fann Size and Productivity Revisited
by Moazam Mahmoo & Nadeem-Ul-Haque - 191-213 The Political Economy of Agricultural Research in Pakistan
by Mahmood Hasan Khan - 215-246 Housing Conditions in Pakistan: 1960-80
by M Javed Akbar Zak - 247-267 Impact of Agricultural Modernization on Crude Birth Rate in Indian Punjab
by Karamat Ali
1981, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-36 Substitution Elasticities in the Large- Scale Manufacturing Industries of Pakistan
by A. R. Kemal - 37-60 Intrafamily Interaction and Desired Additional Fertility in Pakistan.A Simultaneous-Equation Model with Dichotomous Dependent Variables
by M. ALl KHAN & ISMAIL SIRAGELDlN - 61-80 The Trade Effects of a South Asian Customs Union. An Expository Study
by M. Akhlaqur Rahman & Ayubur Rahman Bhuyan & Sadrel Reza - 81-93 Acceptors of Population Programme in Pakistan
by SABIHA HASAN SyED - 95-119 Economics of Share-Cropping in Haryana (India) Agriculture
by F. S. Bagi
1980, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 251-280 Planningfor Sectors and Projects in Developing Countries: Applications of the Semi-Input-Output Method1
by Arie Kuyvenhoye - 281-310 Two Attempts to Extend Economic Model to Socio-Political Issues and Realities
by Suleiman I. Cohen - 311-335 The Analysis of Food Poverty. An Dlustration from Kenya
by Eric Crawford & Erik Thorbecke - 337-352 A Development Strategy for Afghanistan. Lessons of an Employment Policy Mission
by I. Z. Bhatiy & L. Berouti
1980, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 181-210 Endogenising Demographic Variables in Demo -Economic Models. The Bachue Experience
by Rene Wery & Garry Rodgers - 211-235 Basic Needs and the Division of Labour
by Guy Standing - 237-246 Operationalising the Concept of Basic Needs
by Richard J. Szal
1980, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 85-90 "Models and Realities" An Introduction
by Syed Nawab Haider Naqvi - 91-99 Development Modelling The State of the Art
by Jan Tinbergen - 101-112 Relevance of Growth Models to Development Planning
by Sukhamoy Chakravarty - 113-117 Income Distribution in Keynesian Growth Models and Financing of Development Plans
by Amit Bhaduri - 119-127 Population and Agricultural Development Models.The Promise of the Third Generation
by Pan A Yotopoulos - 129-141 Basic Needs in the Year 2000
by Paul Streeten - 143-157 Western Textbook Theory and the Developing Countries
by Anthony Bottomley
1980, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-24 Dynamic Stability, Wage Subsidies and the Generalized Harris-Todaro Model
by M. ALl KHAN - 25-50 The Demand for Money in Pakistan. Some Further Results
by AsHFAQUE H. KHAN - 51-64 Relative Efficiency by Farm Size and the Green Revolution in Pakistan
by Mahmood H. Khan & Dennis R. Maki - 65-77 Labour Migration and Shadow Prices
by Henry J. Bruton - 75-77 "Shadow Prices for Pakistan: An Assessment of Alternative Estimates" - A Reply
by John Weiss
1979, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 283-312 The Effect of a Change in Wheat Prices on Incomes
by Mateen Thobani - 313-331 Underemployment in Pakistan
by Warren C. Robinson & Nasreen Abbasi - 333-339 Inflationary Expectations and Monetary Adjustment in Nigeria
by M. A. Shahi & I. H. Sheikh - 341-357 Female Labour Force Status and Fertility Behaviour- Some Theoretical, Methodological and Policy Issues
by Rafiqul Huda Chaudhury
1979, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 191-214 An Econometric Model of the Role of Financial Institutions in Financing Private Investment in Pakistan
by Abul M. M. Masih - 215-229 Female Participation in the Labour Force of Selected Latin American Countries
by Farhat Yusuf & D. K. Briggs - 231-251 Rural-Urban Fertility Differentials.1975
by Zeba Ayesha Sathar - 253-263 Shadow Prices for Pakistan: An Assessment of Alternative Estimates
by Isabelle Tsakok - 265-275 Some Observations on the Geographical Structure of International Deficits and their Financing
by Robert Triffin
1979, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 89-112 Shadow Pricingand Macroeconomic Analysis. Some Dlustrationsfrom Pakistan
by L. Squire & I. M. D. Little & M. Durdag - 113-115 Comments on "Shadow Pricing and Macroeconomic Analysis. Some lllustrations from Pakistan"1 by Squire et al
by T. N. Srinivasan - 117-127 CalculatingShadow Prices in Pakistan
by Stephen Guisinger - 129-145 Estimation of Shadow Prices for Project Evaluation in Pakistan
by Muhammad Zubair Khan - 147-163 Project Selection and the Equity Objective.The Use of Social Analysis
by John Weiss - 165-185 Towards a Synthesis of Semi-Input-Output and Little-Mirrlees: A Social Cost-Benefit Analysis with Multiplier Effects of An Irrigation Project in Northwest Malaysia
by Clive Bell & Shantayanan Devarajan