2014, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 1-8 Federal Property Policy in Canadian Municipalities, edited by Michael C. Ircha and Robert Young
by Christopher Leo - 1-9 Financing Medicaid: Federalism and the Growth of America’s Health Care Safety Net, by Shanna Rose
by Laura Katz Olson - 1-10 Decentralization and Reform in Latin America: Improving Intergovernmental Relations, edited by Giorgio Brosio and Juan Pablo Jiménez
by Claudia N. Avellaneda - 1-11 The Involvement of State Governments in US Foreign Relations, by Samuel Lucas McMillan
by Reviewed by Pawel Frankowski - 1-12 Renegade Cities, Public Policy, and the Dilemmas of Federalism, by Lori Riverstone-Newell
by Ryan Eric Emenaker - 1-13 Environmental Protection in Multi-Layered Systems: Comparative Lessons from the Water Sector, edited by Mariachiara Alberton and Francesco Palermo
by Melissa Scanlan & Richard Oliver Brooks - 369-398 Polarized Parties, Politics, and Policies: Fragmented Federalism in 2013–2014
by J. Mitchell Pickerill & Cynthia J. Bowling - 399-425 Implementing Health Reform: Intergovernmental Bargaining and the Affordable Care Act
by John Dinan - 426-450 The Administrative Presidency and Fractious Federalism: The Case of Obamacare
by Frank J. Thompson & Michael K. Gusmano - 451-474 State Litigation during the Obama Administration: Diverging Agendas in an Era of Polarized Politics
by Paul Nolette - 475-498 Fusion Center Accountability and Intergovernmental Information Sharing
by Priscilla M. Regan & Torin Monahan - 499-518 Collaborative Federalism and the Emerging Role of Local Nonprofits in Water Quality Implementation
by John C. Morris & William A. Gibson & William M. Leavitt & Shana C. Jones - 519-540 Parties as the Political Safeguards of Federalism: The Impact of Local Political Party Activity on National Elections
by Shannon Jenkins & Douglas D. Roscoe
2014, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 1-5 The Challenge of Local Government Size: Theoretical Perspectives, International Experience and Policy Reform, edited by Santiago Lago-Penas and Jorge Martinez-Vazquez
by Reviewed by Roy Bahl - 1-6 Boundary Control: Subnational Authoritarianism in Federal Democracies, by Edward Gibson
by Reviewed by Michael Buehler - 1-7 Federalizing India in the Age of Globalization, by M. P. Singh and Rekha Saxena
by Reviewed by Karabi Bezboruah - 227-248 Vincent Ostrom’s Contributions to Political Economy
by Robert L. Bish - 249-274 "Political Monitoring" as an Analytical Concept: A Lasting Legacy?
by Thomas D. Lancaster - 275-297 The Federalist and V. Ostrom on Concurrent Taxation and Federalism
by John Kincaid - 298-323 Governance of Commons in a Large Nondemocratic Country: The Case of Forestry in the Russian Federation
by Alexander Libman & Anastassia Obydenkova - 324-343 Informal Federalism: Self-Governance and Power Sharing in Afghanistan
by Jennifer Brick Murtazashvili - 344-368 The Federalism of Fracking: How the Locus of Policy-Making Authority Affects Civic Engagement
by Gwen Arnold & Robert Holahan
January 2014, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-1 Horizontal Federalism: Interstate Relations, by Joseph F. Zimmerman
by Ann O'M. Bowman - 1-23 Is Federalism a Political Safety Valve? Evidence from Congressional Decision Making, 1960--2005
by Sara Chatfield & Philip Rocco - 2-2 Changing Federal Constitutions: Lessons from International Comparison, edited by Arthur Benz and Felix Knüpling
by Heather L. Tafel - 3-3 Constitutional Dynamics in Federal Systems: Sub-national Perspectives, edited by Michael Burgess and G. Alan Tarr
by James A. Gardner - 4-4 American Federalism in Practice: The Formulation and Implementation of Contemporary Health Policy, by Michael Doonan
by Timothy Conlan - 24-50 Gendering County Government and the End of 100,000 American School Districts, 1920--1970
by Michael Callaghan Pisapia - 51-81 Can Subnational Autonomy Strengthen Democracy in Bolivia?
by Jean-Paul Faguet - 82-108 Shared Rule in Federal Political Systems: Conceptual Lessons from Subnational Switzerland
by Sean Mueller - 109-134 Federalism without Adjectives in Spain
by Gemma Sala - 135-156 On the Political Determinants of Intergovernmental Grants in Decentralized Countries: The Case of Spain
by Pablo Simon-Cosano & Santiago Lago-Peñas & Alberto Vaquero - 157-182 Federalism and Equality Rights Implementation in Canada
by Linda A. White - 183-204 Indigenous Peoples and the State in Settler Societies: Toward a More Robust Definition of Multilevel Governance
by Christopher Alcantara & Jen Nelles - 205-225 Portfolio Allocation under Decentralization
by Albert Falcó-Gimeno
July 2013, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 9-9 Federalism and the Tug of War Within
by G. Alan Tarr - 11-11 Tomorrow's Federation: Reforming Australian Government, by Paul Kildea, Andrew Lynch, and George Williams
by Andrew Parkin - 311-310 Metropolitan Governance in the Federalist Americas: Strategies for Equitable and Integrated Development
by Richard L. Cole - 315-346 Fragmented Federalism: The State of American Federalism 2012--13
by Cynthia J. Bowling & J. Mitchell Pickerill - 347-367 Hispanic Population Growth and State Immigration Policy: An Analysis of Restriction (2008--12)
by Timothy Marquez & Scot Schraufnagel - 368-391 Hybrid Federalism, Partisan Politics, and Early Implementation of State Health Insurance Exchanges
by Elizabeth Rigby & Jake Haselswerdt - 392-427 The Election Law Connection and U.S. Federalism
by Kirsten Nussbaumer - 428-451 Adopting, Adapting, and Opting Out: State Response to Federal Voting System Guidelines
by Kathleen Hale & Mitchell Brown - 452-473 The Bigger They Are: Cross-State Variation in Federal Education and Medicaid Waivers, 1991--2008
by Bryan Shelly - 474-496 Fractured, Fragmented Federalism: A Study in Fracking Regulatory Policy
by Barbara Warner & Jennifer Shapiro
April 2013, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 4-4 The Fallacies of States' Rights, by Sotirios A. Barber
by John Dinan - 5-5 The Political and Economic Sustainability of Health Care in Canada: Private-Sector Involvement in the Federal Provincial Health Care System, by Howard A. Palley, Marie-Pascale Pomey, and Owen B. Adams
by Pauline Vaillancourt Rosenau - 6-6 Medicaid Politics: Federalism, Policy Durability, and Health Reform, by Frank J. Thompson
by James E. Monogan - 7-7 Federalism in the European Union, edited by Elke Cloots, Geert De Baere, and Stefan Sottiaux
by Michèle Finck - 8-8 Decentralization and Popular Democracy: Governance from Below in Bolivia
by Martin Ardanaz - 151-178 National Policy Preferences and Judicial Review of State Statutes at the United States Supreme Court
by Stefanie A. Lindquist & Pamela C. Corley - 179-204 Beyond Federalism: Estimating and Explaining the Territorial Structure of Government
by Liesbet Hooghe & Gary Marks - 205-226 Nullification and the Political, Legal, and Quasi-Legal Constitutions
by Bradley D. Hays - 227-250 Peace-Promoting Federalism: Making Sense of India and Nigeria
by Andrea Iff - 251-274 Federal Supremacy and the Occupied Field: A Comparative Critique
by Arun Sagar - 275-296 (Sub)national Economic Union: Institutions, Ideas, and Internal Trade Policy in Canada
by Loleen Berdahl - 297-314 From Intuition to Reality: Measuring Federal Political Culture in Australia
by A. J. Brown
January 2013, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-1 The Case for Centralized Federalism, edited by Gordon DiGiacomo and Maryantonett Flumian. The Case for Decentralized Federalism, edited by Ruth Hubbard and Gilles Paquet
by Michael W. Hail - 1-23 Is Federalism Gendered? Incorporating Gender into Studies of Federalism
by Jill Vickers - 2-2 Sites of Governance: Multilevel Governance and Policy Making in Canada's Big Cities, edited by Martin Horak and Robert Young
by Michael B. Stein - 3-3 Federalism and the Tug of War Within, by Erin Ryan
by Jack McGuire - 24-43 Does Federalism Matter? Evaluating State Architecture and Family and Domestic Violence Policy in Australia and New Zealand
by Louise Chappell & Jennifer Curtin - 44-67 Social Movement Organizations and Changing State Architectures: Comparing Women's Movement Organizing in Flanders and Scotland
by Karen Celis & Fiona Mackay & Petra Meier - 68-89 Does Federalism Impact Gender Architectures? The Case of Women's Policy Agencies in Germany and Austria
by Sabine Lang & Birgit Sauer - 90-108 Federalism and the "New Politics" of Welfare Development: Childcare and Parental Leave in Australia and Canada
by Rianne Mahon & Deborah Brennan - 109-128 Decentralization, Political Parties, and Women's Representation: Evidence from Spain and Britain
by Meryl Kenny & Tània Verge - 129-150 Federalism, Decentralization, and Reproductive Rights in Argentina and Chile
by Susan Franceschet & Jennifer M. Piscopo
October 2012, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 143-149 Local Politics in Indonesia: Pathways to Power
by Michael Buehler - 168-161 The Convergence of Science and Governance: Research, Health Policy, and American States
by William G. Weissert - 206-208 Collision Course: Federal Education Policy Meets State and Local Realities
by Sandra Vergari - 290-210 Clear as Mud: Planning for the Rebuilding of New Orleans
by Jane S. Brooks & Robert W. Becker - 298-297 Federalism beyond Federations: Asymmetry and Processes of Resymmetrisation in Europe. Federalism Studies
by Sonja Wälti - 304-302 The EU and Federalism: Polities and Policies Compared
by Fernando Mendez - 310-313 Ethnic Diversity and Federalism: Constitution Making in South Africa and Ethiopia
by Alem Habtu - 336-335 Crafting State-Nations: India and Other Multinational Democracies
by Louise Tillin - 493-496 Varieties of Federal Governance: Major Contemporary Models
by Beryl A. Radin - 539-565 A Step Towards Inclusive Federalism in Pakistan? The Politics of the 18th Amendment
by Katharine Adeney - 566-591 Beyond Decentralization--The Comparative Study of Interdependence in Federal Systems
by Nicole Bolleyer & Lori Thorlakson - 592-612 Macrolevel Consent: A Defense of Federalism
by Kyle A. Scott - 613-635 Saying No to Abstinence-Only Education: An Analysis of State Decision-Making
by Alesha E. Doan & Deborah R. McFarlane - 636-661 Centralizing Decentralized Governance in Brazil
by Jessica A. J. Rich & Eduardo J. Gómez - 662-687 Historical Institutionalism and the Varieties of Federalism in Germany and Canada
by Jörg Broschek - 688-707 Tax Decentralization and Public Deficits in OECD Countries
by Thushyanthan Baskaran - 708-709 In Memoriam:
by Elinor Ostrom & Vincent Ostrom
July 2012, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 357-386 The State of American Federalism 2011--2012: A Fend for Yourself and Activist Form of Bottom-Up Federalism
by Shama Gamkhar & J. Mitchell Pickerill - 387-400 Rethinking Federalism for More Effective Governance
by Alice M. Rivlin - 401-421 Bottom-Up Activism: A Local Political Strategy for Higher Policy Change
by Lori Riverstone-Newell - 422-448 Immigration Restriction in the States: Contesting the Boundaries of Federalism?
by Gary Reich & Jay Barth - 449-466 Leaving Money on the Table: Learning from Recent Refusals of Federal Grants in the American States
by Sean Nicholson-Crotty - 467-493 Predicting the Impact of the U.S. Housing Crisis and "Great Recession" on Central City Revenues
by Howard Chernick & Adam Langley & Andrew Reschovsky - 494-515 The Costs of Compliance with Interstate Agreements: Lessons from Water Compacts in the Western United States
by Edella Schlager & Tanya Heikkila & Carl Case - 516-537 The End of the Federalism Five? Statutory Interpretation and the Roberts Court
by Christopher Shortell
April 2012, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 189-210 The Distortion Gap: Policymaking under Federalism and Interest Group Capture
by Ryan T. Moore & Christopher T. Giovinazzo - 211-233 State Courts and Policy Legitimation: An Experimental Study of the Ability of State Courts to Change Opinion
by Robert J. Hume - 234-259 Fiscal Federalism in Germany: Stabilization and Redistribution Before and After Unification
by Ralf Hepp & Jürgen von Hagen - 260-288 The Challenge of Designing Capital Equalization Transfers: An Application to Spanish Regions
by Ana Herrero-Alcalde & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Encarnacion Murillo-Garcia - 289-312 Adapting Federalism: Indigenous Multilevel Governance in Canada and the United States
by Martin Papillon - 313-333 Central Mandates in Flux: Local Noncompliance in China
by Ting Gong & Alfred M. Wu - 334-356 Fiscal Reform and Public Education Spending: A Quasi-natural Experiment of Fiscal Decentralization in China
by Wen Wang & Xinye Zheng & Zhirong Zhao
January 2012, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-24 The Politics of Appeasement? Politics and Federal Financial Disbursements: The Case of Ethiopia
by John Ishiyama - 25-51 Bottom-up Policy Diffusion: National Emulation of a Conditional Cash Transfer Program in Brazil
by Natasha Borges Sugiyama - 52-77 On the Local Politics of Administrative Decentralization: Applying for Policy Responsibilities in Ecuador
by Jörg Faust & Imke Harbers - 78-107 Politics Close to Home: The Impact of Meso-level Institutions on Women in Politics
by Candice D. Ortbals & Meg Rincker & Celeste Montoya - 108-133 American State Cultures: Testing a New Measure and Theory
by Joel Lieske - 134-161 Autonomism and Federalism
by Jaime Lluch - 162-187 Interlocal Emergency Management Collaboration: Vertical and Horizontal Roadblocks
by Kiki Caruson & Susan A. MacManus
October 2012, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1592-1594 Federalism
by Troy E. Smith
Summer 2011, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 222-560 United Kingdom: The Impact of Devolution on Social Policy
by Joseph F. Zimmerman - 249-562 The Creation of a Federal Partnership: The Role of the States in Affordable Housing
by Robert K. Whelan - 285-549 Decentralization and Subnational Politics in Latin America
by Maria C. Escobar-Lemmon - 361-394 The State of American Federalism 2010--2011: The Economy, Healthcare Reform and Midterm Elections Shape the Intergovernmental Agenda
by Shama Gamkhar & J. Mitchell Pickerill - 395-420 Shaping Health Reform: State Government Influence in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
by John Dinan - 414-554 A Government Out of Sight: The Mystery of National Authority in Nineteenth-Century America
by Brian Steele - 421-446 Inflection Point? Federalism and the Obama Administration
by Timothy J. Conlan & Paul L. Posner - 447-470 Federalism and Health Care Reform: Understanding the States' Challenges to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
by Bradley W. Joondeph - 447-557 The Anti-Federalist Writings of the Melancton Smith Circle
by Jonathan L. Silver - 471-493 Emergency Response, Doctrinal Confusion, and Federalism in the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
by Thomas A. Birkland & Sarah E. DeYoung - 494-521 Contested Federalism and American Climate Policy
by Barry Rabe - 522-546 Competitive Grants and Educational Federalism: President Obama's Race to the Top Program in Theory and Practice
by Paul Manna & Laura L. Ryan
Spring 2011, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 179-206 The Dual Logic of Intergovernmental Transfers: Presidents, Governors, and the Politics of Coalition-Building in Argentina
by Alejandro Bonvecchi & Germán Lodola - 207-231 The Institutions of Fiscal Federalism
by Jason Sorens - 231-354 The Way We Vote: The Local Dimensions of American Suffrage
by Kathleen Hale - 232-256 Claiming Credit in the U.S. Federal System: Testing a Model of Competitive Federalism
by Sean Nicholson-Crotty & Nick Theobald - 257-285 Regime Change and the Federal Gamble: Negotiating Federal Institutions in Brazil, Russia, South Africa, and Spain
by Heather L. Tafel - 286-310 Policy Attention in State and Nation: Is Anyone Listening to the Laboratories of Democracy?
by David Lowery & Virginia Gray & Frank R. Baumgartner - 311-335 Federalism and Economic Growth: The Importance of Context in Nigerian Public Finance Reform
by Eyene Okpanachi - 312-356 The Ideological Origins of American Federalism
by Bruce Miroff - 336-348 Domestic Use of the Armed Forces to Maintain Law and Order--posse comitatus Pitfalls at the Inauguration of the 44th President
by Garri Benjamin Hendell - 345-359 Self-Organizing Federalism: Collaborative Mechanisms to Mitigate Institutional Collective Action Dilemmas
by Shui-Yan Tang - 349-359 From Dual to Cooperative Federalism: The Changing Structure of European Law
by Erin F. Delaney
Winter 2011, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-30 Public Opinion Toward Intergovernmental Policy Responsibilities
by Saundra K. Schneider & William G. Jacoby & Daniel C. Lewis - 31-52 Federalism and Public Responsiveness to Policy
by Christopher Wlezien & Stuart N. Soroka - 53-75 Citizen Attitudes Toward Issues of Federalism in Canada, Mexico, and the United States
by John Kincaid & Richard L. Cole - 76-100 Public Preferences for Environmental Policy Responsibility
by David Konisky - 101-125 Sticky Dollars: Inertia in the Evolution of Federal Allocations for HIV Care through the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program
by Erika G. Martin & Patricia S. Keenan - 126-145 Making Sense of Metropolitan Regions: A Dimensional Approach to Regional Governance
by David Young Miller & Joo Hun Lee - 146-157 Decentralization of Social Protection Expenditure and Economic Growth in the OECD
by Roberto Ezcurra & Andrés Rodríguez-Pose - 169-175 Federalism: Political Identity and Tragic Compromise
by Dale Krane - 175-177 Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Governance in Federal Countries
by Joseph P. McLaughlin - 233-248 The Supreme Court's Federalism: Real or Imagined?
by John Dinan - 404-169 Intergovernmental Relations in Democratic Spain: Interdependence, Autonomy, Conflict, and Cooperation
by Gregg Van Ryzin
Fall 2010, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 438-721 The Practice of Fiscal Federalism: Comparative Perspectives
by J. Edwin Benton - 569-596 Federalism and Fiscal Policy: The Politics of Equalization in Canada
by André Lecours & Daniel Béland - 597-616 When is AG Short for Aspiring Governor? Ambition and Policy Making Dynamics in the Office of State Attorney General
by Colin Provost - 617-645 Comparing Privacy Regimes: Federal Theory and the Politics of Privacy Regulation in the European Union and the United States
by Fernando Mendez & Mario Mendez - 646-671 Beyond National Standards: Reconciling Tension between Federalism and the Welfare State
by Jennifer Wallner - 672-696 Subnational Governance in Russia: How Putin Changed the Contract with His Agents and the Problems It Created for Medvedev
by Gulnaz Sharafutdinova - 697-718 State Rules and Local Governance Choices
by Skip Krueger & Ethan M. Bernick
Summer 2010, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 256-565 Polyphonic Federalism: Toward the Protection of Fundamental Rights
by Hugh D. Spitzer - 276-276 Majority Rule versus Consensus: The Political Thought of John C. Calhoun
by John Kincaid - 344-344 Safeguarding Federalism: How States Protect Their Interests in National Policymaking
by William Gormley - 351-356 Comparing Federations: Lessons from Comparing Canada and the United States
by Shama Gamkhar & Jill Vickers - 357-365 Reflections on Comparing Federalisms: Canada and the United States
by Richard Simeon & Beryl A. Radin - 366-388 Federalism and Representation in the Theory of the Founding Fathers: A Comparative Study of U.S. and Canadian Constitutional Thought
by Michael Hail & Stephen Lange - 389-411 What Explains the Paradox of Tobacco Control Policy under Federalism in the U.S. and Canada? Comparative Federalism Theory versus Multi-level Governance -super-†
by Donley T. Studlar - 412-435 A Two-Way Street: Federalism and Women's Politics in Canada and the United States
by Jill Vickers - 436-459 Going Alone or Moving Together: Canadian and American Middle Tier Strategies on Climate Change
by Brendan Burke & Margaret Ferguson - 460-483 Playing the Field: Federalism and the Politics of Venue Shopping in the United States and Canada
by John Constantelos - 464-567 Local Government and Metropolitan Regions in Federal Systems
by Richard L. Cole - 484-507 Policy Coordination in Federal Systems: Comparing Intergovernmental Processes and Outcomes in Canada and the United States
by Herman Bakvis & Douglas Brown - 508-533 Federal-State Tax Interactions in the United States and Canada
by Howard Chernick & Jennifer Tennant - 534-557 Safeguarding Federalism in Education Policy in Canada and the United States
by Sandra Vergari
Spring 2010, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 235-256 Federal Policy for Preserving Farmland: The Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program
by Alvin D. Sokolow - 257-274 Giving and Taking Away: Exploring Federal Grants' Differential Burden on Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Regions
by Jeremy L. Hall - 275-295 Federalism and Election Law: Implementation Issues in Rural America
by Heather M. Creek & Kimberly A. Karnes - 296-311 Energy Development in the US Rockies: A Role for Counties?
by Charles Davis & Katherine Hoffer - 312-331 Fiscal Decentralization to Rural Local Governments in India: A Case Study of West Bengal State
by Roy Bahl & Geeta Sethi & Sally Wallace - 332-349 Comparing Rural Health and Health Care in Canada and the United States: The Influence of Federalism
by Joe Blankenau
Winter 2010, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-30 On the Merits of Decentralization in Young Democracies
by Wolf Linder - 31-58 Hannah Arendt's Case for Federalism
by Douglas Klusmeyer - 59-81 Institutional Resilience Meets Critical Junctures: (re)allocation of Power in Three British Parties Post-devolution
by Oivind Bratberg - 82-113 Incrementing Toward Nowhere: Universal Health Care Coverage in the States
by Virginia Gray & David Lowery & James Monogan & Erik K. Godwin - 114-135 Shari'ah in Northern Nigeria in the Light of Asymmetrical Federalism
by M. H. A. Bolaji - 136-170 Rethinking Overlap and Duplication: Federalism and Environmental Assessment in Australia
by Robyn Hollander - 148-233 NCLB Meets School Realities: Lessons from the Field
by Kenneth K Wong - 171-199 Preconditions for Foreign Activities of European Regions: Tracing Causal Configurations of Economic, Cultural, and Political Strategies
by Joachim Blatter & Matthias Kreutzer & Michaela Rentl & Jan Thiele - 200-225 EU Federalism and the Governance of Financial Reporting
by Jochen Zimmermann
Fall 2009, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 368-711 Intergovernmental Management for the 21st Century
by Deil Wright - 585-605 Government Quality and Vertical Power-Sharing in Fractionalized States
by Nicholas Charron - 606-631 Competitive Federalism and the Governance of Controversial Science
by Michael Mintrom - 632-650 When is Fiscal Decentralization Good for Governance?
by Charles R. Hankla - 651-676 What Makes Strong Federalism Seem Weak? Fiscal Resources and Presidential-Provincial Relations in Argentina
by Allyson L. Benton - 677-695 Continuity and Change: A Ranking of Key Issues Affecting U.S. Intergovernmental Relations (1995--2005)
by Carol S. Weissert & Carl W. Stenberg & Richard L. Cole - 696-706 Functional Federalism in Political Campaign Debates
by Jayne R. Henson & William Lyon Benoit - 707-708 In Memoriam: Samuel H. Beer Deil S. Wright
by Carol Weissert - 712-716 Defunct Federalisms: Critical Perspectives on Federal Failure
by Arjun Tremblay
Summer 2009, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 168-582 Explaining Federalism: State, Society and Congruence in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany and Switzerland
by Christopher S. Allen - 299-583 Enhancing Government: Federalism for the 21-super-st Century
by Richard P. Nathan - 369-407 The State of American Federalism 2008-2009: The Presidential Election, the Economic Downturn, and the Consequences for Federalism
by John Dinan & Shama Gamkhar - 408-431 State Immigration Policies: Innovation, Cooperation or Conflict?
by Lina Newton & Brian E. Adams - 432-454 Whither Subnational Climate Change Initiatives in the Wake of Federal Climate Legislation?
by Kirsten H. Engel - 455-475 State and Local Finance: Increasing Focus on Fiscal Sustainability
by Robert B. Ward & Lucy Dadayan - 476-505 State Opposition to REAL ID
by Priscilla M. Regan & Christopher J. Deering - 506-526 Reauthorization of the Federal Higher Education Act and Accountability for Student Learning: The Dog that Didn't Bark
by Robert C. Lowry - 527-556 Criminal Disenfranchisement and the Challenge of American Federalism
by Alec C. Ewald - 557-579 Stretched Net: The Retrenchment of State and Local Social Welfare Spending Before the Recession
by Thomas L. Gais
Spring 2009, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 156-367 Healthy Voices, Unhealthy Silence: Advocacy and Health Policy for the Poor
by Courtney Burke - 213-240 The Politics of Constitutional Change between Reform and Evolution
by Nathalie Behnke & Arthur Benz