2025, Volume 55, Issue 1
- 1-2 Security, Cooperation, Governance: The Canada–United States Open Border Paradox, edited by Christian Leuprecht and Todd Hataley
by Michael Keating - 1-2 A Note from the Editors
by Paul Nolette & Philip Rocco - 3-7 Democratic Federalism: The Economics, Politics, and Law of Federal Governance, by Robert P. Inman and Daniel L. Rubinfeld
by Mikhail Filippov - 3-29 The Emergence of the Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement: Partisan Federalism, Not White Protectionism
by Alexandra Filindra & Cassidy Reller & Craig Burnett - 8-10 Experimentalist Constitutions: Subnational Policy Innovations in China, India, and the United States by Yueduan Wang
by Ken Kollman - 11-13 Progressive States’ Rights: The Forgotten History of Federalism, by Sean Beienburg
by Robinson Woodward-Burns - 14-17 Intergovernmental Relations in the UK: Cooperation and Conflict in a Devolved Unitary State, by Marius Guderjan
by Simon Toubeau - 30-57 Comparing Regional and National Climate Policy Preferences: An Analysis of Political Parties in the Basque Country and Catalonia
by Joan Enguer - 58-88 Subjective Perceptions of Difference in Multi-level States: Regional Values, Embeddedness, and Bias in Canadian Provinces
by Ailsa Henderson & Antoine Bilodeau & Luc Turgeon & Stephen E White - 89-111 Addressing the Challenges of Rural Local Governments: Perceptions of State Assistance
by David J Helpap - 112-146 The Indebtedness of the Spanish Regions in the Context of Fiscal Consolidation
by Carmen Marín-González & Diego Martínez-López - 147-173 Between Decentralization and Asymmetry: Explaining Preferences toward the Division of Power in Canada
by Philippe Chassé & Olivier Jacques & Colin Scott - 174-200 Bringing Capacity Back In: Paradiplomacy and Sub-State Government Internationalization in the Global Economy
by Lucia Kovacikova - 201-221 Territorial Conflict in the Spotlight: Unveiling Paths to Territorial Clarity
by Marc Sanjaume-Calvet & Lesley-Ann Daniels & Pau Bossacoma Busquets
2024, Volume 54, Issue 4
- 52-54 Fiscal Federalism in Canada, edited by Andre Lecours, Daniel Béland, Trevor Tombe, and Eric Champagne
by Jonathan Rodden - 55-57 Multiple Barriers: The Multilevel Governance of Homelessness in Canada, by Alison Smith
by Keith Banting - 58-60 What’s the Matter with Delaware? How the First State Has Favored the Rich, Powerful, and Criminal—and How It Costs Us All, by Hal Weitzman
by Isaac William Martin - 599-627 Paradiplomacy in Hard Times: Cooperation and Confrontation in Subnational U.S.–China Relations
by Kyle A Jaros & Sara A Newland - 628-655 The Frontiers of Nullification and Anticommandeering: Federalism and Extrajudicial Constitutional Interpretation
by Jesse Hartery & Geoffrey T Sigalet - 656-682 Navigating Conflicting Incentives: Discursive Strategies of Political Parties in Germany’s Cooperative Federalism
by Antonios Souris & Sabine Kropp & Christoph Nguyen - 683-710 Out of Many, One? Exploring Ethnolinguistic Identity Appeals in the Brussels Capital Region
by Benjamin Blanckaert & Didier Caluwaerts - 711-736 Integration through Expansive Unification: The Birth of the European Health Union
by Maurizio Ferrera & Anna Kyriazi & Joan Miró - 737-762 States, Alliances, and Subnational Inequality: Argentina in Comparative Perspective, 2003–2019
by Lucas I González & Marcelo Nazareno - 763-790 Local Fiscal Response to State Preemption: A Case Study of Massachusetts’ Proposition 2½ Tax Referendum
by Shu Wang & Yonghong Wu - 791-793 In Memoriam: Donald S. Lutz (1943–2024)
by Christopher Hammons & George Connor
2024, Volume 54, Issue 3
- 46-48 Managing Federalism through Pandemic, by Kathy L. Brock and Geoffrey Hale
by Shannon Dinan - 49-51 Indigenous Peoples and the Future of Federalism, edited by Amy Swiften and Joshua Nichols
by Martin Papillon - 435-464 The State of American Federalism 2023–2024: Judicialization of Gridlocked Politics
by Rebecca Bromley-Trujillo & Michael A Dichio - 465-486 Federal Judges, States Legislators, and State Voting Rights Rollback
by Robinson Wood - 487-510 Fiscal Federalism, ARPA, and the Politics of Repair
by Yuanshuo Xu & Mildred E Warner - 511-533 American Federalism: A Blessing and a Curse for Transgender Rights
by Jami Taylor & Andrew Flores & Donald Haider-Markel & Daniel Lewis & Patrick Miller - 534-572 Armed Federalism, Gun Markets, and the Right to Bear Arms in the United States
by Jonathan Obert - 573-597 Democratic Backsliding in the American States: The Case of Judicial Independence
by Meghan E Leonard
2024, Volume 54, Issue 2
- 18-21 Fiscal Unions: Economic Integration in Europe and the United States, by Tomasz Wozniakowski
[Comparative fiscal federalism and the post-Covid EU: between debt rules and borrowing power]
by Christakis Georgiou - 22-23 Precolonial Legacies in Postcolonial Politics: Representation and Redistribution in Decentralized States, by Martha Wilfahrt
by Constantine Manda - 24-26 Inequality Across State Lines: How Policymakers Have Failed Domestic Violence Victims in the United States, by Kaitlin N. Sidorsky and Wendy J. Schiller
by Sabine Lang - 27-31 Splitsville USA: A Democratic Argument for Breaking up the United States, by Christopher F. Zurn
[The Democratic Disconnect]
by Ilya Somin - 32-34 Rethinking Federalism Studies, by Carol S. Weissert
by John Kincaid - 35-38 Nation-Building and Federalism in Nepal, by Krishna Hachhethu
[Nepal, federalism and participatory constitution-making: Deliberative democracy and divided societies]
by Michael G Breen - 39-41 Rethinking Decentralization: Mapping the Meaning of Subsidiarity in Federal Political Culture, by Jacob Deem
[Canadian federalism and the principle of subsidiarity: Should we open Pandora's box?]
by Bianca Jamal & Loleen Berdahl - 42-45 Constitutional Crises and Regionalism by Vito Breda
[State making or state breaking?’ Crisis, COVID-19 and the constitution in Belgium, Spain and the United Kingdom]
by Paul Anderson - 179-200 What is Federalism? Some Definitional Clarification
by Alan Fenna & Johanna Schnabel - 201-227 Seeing Red and Blue: Assessing How Americans Understand Geographic Polarization, Secession, and the Value of Federalism
by Nicholas F Jacobs - 228-256 Measuring Policy Diffusion in Federal Systems: The Case of Legalizing Cannabis in Canada under Time Constraints
by Evelyne Brie & Cynthia Huo & Christopher Alcantara - 257-282 Federalism and Confidence in Australian Governments During the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Nicholas Biddle & Matthew Gray & Ian McAllister - 283-312 Assessing the Effects of Amendment Rules in Federal Systems: Australia and Switzerland Compared
by Rahel Freiburghaus & Adrian Vatter - 313-338 Fiscal Decentralization and Health Care Access and Quality: Evidence from Local Governments around the World
by Andreas P Kyriacou & Oriol Roca-Sagalés - 339-360 A Regional System under Tight-Knit Elite Rule: The Last Attempt to Introduce Decentralization in Early Italy
by Giorgio Brosio - 361-385 Past Political Asymmetry and Present Public Opinion: How Has the Asymmetrical Federation of the EU Shaped Popular Opinion of Its Optimal Shape?
by Martin Moland - 386-406 State Pride and the Quality of Democracy in the American States
by Patrick J Flavin & Gregory Shufeldt - 407-433 Federalism, Decentral Governance, and Joint Decision-Making: Bad News for the Implementation of International Environmental Agreements?
by Johannes Müller Gómez
2024, Volume 54, Issue 1
- 1-4 Putting Federalism in Its Place: The Territorial Politics of Social Policy Revisited, by Scott L. Greer, Daniel Béland, André Lecours, and Kenneth A. Dubin
by Jared Sonnicksen - 1-5 A Note from the Editors
[From the Editor: The Themes of a Journal of Federalism]
by Paul Nolette & Philip Rocco - 5-11 Federalism and Decentralization in the Contemporary Middle East and North Africa, Edited by Aslı Ü. Bâli and Omar M. Dajani
by Bizuneh Yimenu - 6-33 Federalism and State Restructuring in Africa: A Comparative Analysis of Origins, Rationales, and Challenges
by Bizuneh Yimenu - 12-14 Small Isn’t Beautiful: The Case against Localism, by Trevor Latimer
by Juliet F Gainsborough - 15-17 The Municipal Fiscal Crisis: A Framework for Understanding and Fixing Government Budgeting, by Mark Moses
by Eric Scorsone - 34-58 The Timing of Implementation of COVID-19 Lockdown Policies: Does Decentralization Matter?
by Vassilis Tselios - 59-87 Health Expenditure Decentralization and Health Outcomes: The Importance of Governance
by Ryota Nakatani & Qianqian Zhang & Isaura Garcia Valdes - 88-120 The Determinants of Taxation Innovation Policy in Spain’s Common Regime Autonomous Communities (1986–2018)
by Mario Kölling & Simon Toubeau & Deborah Zak Godoy - 121-145 Why States Preempt City Ordinances: The Case of Workers’ Rights Laws
by Christopher B Goodman & Megan E Hatch - 146-177 The First- and Second-Nature Geographic Correlates of Federal Budget Transfers and Fiscal Dependence—Evidence from Russia and the United States
by Allison C White & Youngsung Kim
2023, Volume 53, Issue 4
- 37-39 Following in Footsteps or Marching Alone? How Institutional Differences Influence Renewable Energy Policy, by Srinivas C. Parinandi
by Joshua A Basseches - 40-45 Cities in Federal Constitutional Theory, Edited by Erika Arban
by Philipp Renninger - 46-48 Educational Accountability and American Federalism: Moving beyond a Test-Based Approach, by John Portz
by Kenneth K Wong - 49-53 Still a Hollow Hope: State Power and the Second Amendment, by Anthony D. Cooling
by Logan Strother - 511-535 Ideology and Support for Federalism in Theory—And in Practice
by James M Glaser & Jeffrey M Berry & Deborah J Schildkraut - 536-565 The Consequences of Direct Democracy for the Balance of Power between State and Local Governments in the United States
by Matthew J Uttermark - 566-592 State Attorneys General and their Challenges to Federal Policies: Insights from the Texas v. California Litigation Regarding the Affordable Care Act
by Michael A Dichio & Phillip Singer - 593-617 Managing Diversity in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic National Assembly: Integrated Parties versus Ethno-Regional Balancing
by Leila Demarest & Arnim Langer - 618-641 Exploring the Relationship between Federal Reform and the Representation of the People: The Case of the Belgian House of Representatives
by Jakob Frateur & Peter Bursens & Petra Meier - 642-678 Fiscal Federalism: The Interaction between Own Revenues and Intergovernmental Transfers in Local Governments—The Case of Municipalities in Buenos Aires
by Alberto Porto & Jorge Puig
2023, Volume 53, Issue 3
- 19-22 Monitoring American Federalism: The History of State Legislative Resistance, by Christian G. Fritz
by John D Nugent - 23-26 A Written Constitution for Quebec? edited by Léonid Sirota and Richard Albert
by Andrew McDougall - 27-29 Teaching Federalism: Multidimensional Approaches, by John Kincaid and J. Wesley Leckrone
by Jan Erk - 30-32 We Are Not One People: Secession and Separatism in American Politics since 1776, by Michael J. Lee and R. Jarrod Atchison
by Kyle Scott - 33-36 Intergovernmental Relations: State and Local Challenges in the Twenty-First Century, by Jonathan M. Fisk
by Brittany Blizzard - 325-348 The State of American Federalism 2022–2023: Escalating Culture Wars in the States
by Rebecca Bromley-Trujillo & Paul Nolette - 349-377 Delivering on Environmental Justice? U.S. State Implementation of the Justice40 Initiative
by Shannon Conley & David M Konisky & Megan Mullin - 378-404 Dobbs, American Federalism, and State Abortion Policymaking: Restrictive Policies Alongside Expansion of Reproductive Rights
by Martin K Mayer & John C Morris & Joseph A Aistrup & R Bruce Anderson & Robert C Kenter - 405-434 Dividing Authority Three Ways: Federal–Tribal–State Relations after Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta
by Kirsten Matoy Carlson - 435-461 West Virginia v. EPA: Major Questions for the Future of the Administrative State and American Federalism
by Elysa M Dishman - 462-483 The Role of Federalism and the Centrality of State Governments for Labor Unions, Employment, and Organizing
by Laura C Bucci - 484-510 State Incarceration Policy in the U.S. Federal System: Assessing Recent Approaches to Reducing Incarceration Rates
by Brandon R Davis
2023, Volume 53, Issue 2
- 11-15 The Federal Contract: A Constitutional Theory of Federalism, by Stephen Tierney
by Michael Da Silva - 16-18 The Dead Hand’s Grip: How Long Constitutions Bind States, by Adam R. Brown
by Nancy Martorano Miller - 153-173 Rethinking the Supreme Court’s Impact on American Federalism and Centralization
by Michael A Dichio & Ilya Somin - 174-200 The Efficiency-Equity Trade-off in a Federal System: Local Financing of Schools and Student Achievement
by Carlos X Lastra-Anadón & Paul E Peterson - 201-226 Financial Oversight Boards in the U.S. Federal System: Insights from the Puerto Rican Debt Crisis
by Mariely López-Santana - 227-250 Divided We Survive? Multilevel Governance during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy and Spain
by Marta Angelici & Paolo Berta & Joan Costa-Font & Gilberto Turati - 251-277 Measuring and Explaining de facto Regional Policy Autonomy Variation in a Constitutionally Symmetrical Federation: The Case of Ethiopia, 1995–2020
by Bizuneh Yimenu - 278-300 Two Concepts of Federalism in Myanmar: How the 2021 Military Coup Reshaped Political Discourse and Opposition Institutions
by Aung Kaung Myat & Roman David & Ian Holliday - 301-324 Mind the Gap between the Governor and the People: The Common Agency Problem in Russian Authoritarian Federalism
by Stanislav Klimovich
2023, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 1-4 A Research Agenda for Regional and Local Government, Edited by Mark Callanan and John Loughlin
by Antonia Baraggia - 1-27 Regulating Family Law in Federations: The Impact of De/Centralization, Religion, and International Treaties on Abortion and Child Marriage Policies
by Jill Vickers - 5-10 Clean Water Policy and State Choice: Promise and Performance in the Water Quality Act, by John C. Morris
[A public management for all seasons?]
by John A Hoornbeek - 28-54 Regionalism against Centralization: Resistance to Federal Education after the Mexican Revolution
by Manuel Cabal - 55-81 Regulatory Decentralization and Stringency: The Case of Comparative Minimum Wage and Renewable Energy Policies
by Jason Sorens - 82-105 Does Ethnic Federalism Lead to Greater Ethnic Identity? The Case of Ethiopia
by John Ishiyama - 106-132 From the Ivory Tower to the Courtroom: Cooperative Federalism in the Supreme Court of Canada
by Mark S Harding & Dave Snow - 133-151 Scrutinizing Relative Territorial Identity Measures
by James David Griffiths
2022, Volume 52, Issue 4
- 45-47 Comparative Federalism and Covid-19: Combating the Pandemic, Edited by Nico Steytler
by Yvonne Hegele - 48-51 The Symbolic State: Minority Recognition, Majority Backlash, and Secession in Multinational Countries, by Karlo Basta
by Jaime Lluch - 52-55 Laboratories Against Democracy: How National Parties Transformed State Politics, by Jacob M. Grumbach
[Partisan Federalism]
by Timothy Callaghan - 56-60 Cords of Affection: Constructing Constitutional Union in Early American History, by Emily Pears
by Grace Mallon - 525-552 Dual versus Administrative Federalism: Origins and Evolution of Two Models
[What can federalism teach us about the European Union? The German experience]
by Sean Mueller & Alan Fenna - 553-578 Laboratories of Bureaucracy: How Bureaucrats Learn across States in Setting Early Childhood Education Standards
[Making the national local: Specifying the conditions for national government influence on state policymaking]
by Kelly B Smith - 579-604 Providing Opinions: State Attorneys General and State Constitutions
[The state attorney general: A friend of the court?]
by James N G Cauthen - 605-631 The Political Economy of Local Governments’ Requests for Permission to Override Central Fiscal Limitations: Insights from Israel
[Leviathan or public steward? Evidence on local government taxing behavior from New York State]
by Omer Kimhi & Itai Beeri & Yaniv Reingewertz - 632-654 Public Opinion, Federalism, and Level of Governmental Intervention: Perceptions of Law Enforcement Response to the 2020 George Floyd Protests
[Does federalism weaken democratic representation in the United States?]
by Burcu Kolcak & Katherine T McCabe - 655-674 A Tale of Two Regions: An Analysis of Two Decades of Belgian Public Opinion
[Institutional change, economic conditions and confidence in government: Evidence from Belgium]
by Marc Hooghe & Dieter Stiers - 675-676 In Memoriam: Stephen L. Schechter
by John Kincaid
2022, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 37-39 Nationalism, Secessionism, and Autonomy, by André Lecours
by Karlo Basta - 40-42 Gerrymandering the States: Partisanship, Race, and the Transformation of American Federalism, by Alex Keena, Michael Lanter, Anthony J. McGann, and Charles Anthony Smith
by Michael Smith - 43-44 When Cities Lobby: How Local Governments Compete for Power in State Politics, by Julia Payson
by Katherine Levine Einstein - 353-381 The State of American Federalism 2021–2022: Federal Courts, State Legislatures, and the Conservative Turn in the Law
by David M Konisky & Paul Nolette - 382-407 Biden and the Affordable Care Act: Congressional Action, Executive Federalism, State Litigation, and Program Durability
by Frank J Thompson & Michael K Gusmano - 408-427 Climate and Environmental Justice Policies in the First Year of the Biden Administration
by J Mijin Cha & Caroline Farrell & Dimitris Stevis - 428-451 Districts for a New Decade—Partisan Outcomes and Racial Representation in the 2021–22 Redistricting Cycle
by Christopher Warshaw & Eric McGhee & Michal Migurski - 452-475 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Election Administration, Voting Options, and Turnout in the 2020 US Election
by Paul S Herrnson & Michael J Hanmer & Matthew Weil & Rachel Orey - 476-496 Exploring Intra-State Tensions in Government Responses to COVID-19
by Peter Stanley Federman & Cali Curley - 497-522 Monitoring Corporate Compliance through Cooperative Federalism: Trends in Multistate Settlements by State Attorneys General
by Colin Provost & Elysa Dishman & Paul Nolette
2022, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 18-21 Routledge Handbook of Subnational Constitutions and Constitutionalism, edited by Patricia Popelier, Giacomo Delledonne, and Nicholas Aroney
by Christophe Van der Beken - 22-25 Hidden Laws: How State Constitutions Stabilize American Politics, by Robinson Woodward-Burns
by Kevin G Lorentz - 26-30 Who Decides? States as Laboratories of Constitutional Experimentation, by Jeffrey S. Sutton
by Sean Beienburg - 31-33 Fighting Political Gridlock: How States Shape Our Nation and Our Lives, by David J. Toscano
by Ben Merriman - 34-36 Federalism in Canada: Contested Concepts and Uneasy Balances, by Thomas O. Hueglin
by James T McHugh - 173-200 The Correlates and Characteristics of American State Identity
by Emily Pears & Emily Sydnor - 201-224 Political Parties and Decentralization in Pakistan
by Sameen A Mohsin Ali & Mariam Mufti - 225-253 Deproblematizing the Federal–Unitary Dichotomy: Insights from a Public Opinion Survey about Approaches to Designing a Political System in Afghanistan
by Mohammad Bashir Mobasher & Mohammad Qadam Shah - 254-282 Intergovernmental Influence, Managerial Turnover, and City Energy Policy Adoption
by Chien-Shih Huang & Frances Berry - 283-309 Subnational Politics and Redistribution in a Federal System: Determinants of Progressive Social Spending in Brazilian States
by Claire Dunn - 310-328 Dissecting Public Opinion on Regional Authority: Four Types of Regionalists Based on Citizens’ Preferences for Self-Rule and Shared Rule
by Arjan H Schakel & A J Brown - 329-350 Who Backs Separation? An Empirical Assessment of the Objective and Subjective Markers of Identity in Support for Secession in Catalonia
by Marc Guinjoan - 351-352 In Memoriam: Richard P. Nathan
by Sarah F Liebschutz
2022, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 1-4 Dynamic Federalism: A New Theory for Cohesion and Regional Autonomy, by Patricia Popelier
by Anna Gamper - 1-25 Federal Constitutional Values and Citizen Attitudes to Government: Explaining Federal System Viability and Reform Preferences in Eight Countries
by A J Brown & Jacob Deem & John Kincaid - 5-7 Federalism and Constitutional Law: The Italian Contribution to Comparative Regionalism, edited by Erika Arban, Giuseppe Martinico, and Francesco Palermo
by Davide Vampa - 8-11 Cooperation and Conflict between State and Local Government, edited by Russell L. Hanson and Eric S. Zeemering
by Jonathan M Fisk - 12-17 Democracy and Deliberation: The Law and Politics of Sex Offender Legislation, by Cary Federman
by Paul Chen - 26-54 Explaining Defederalization in Ghana
by Dennis Amego Korbla Penu - 55-81 Indonesian Autonomies: Explaining Divergent Self-Government Outcomes in Aceh and Papua
by Shane Joshua Barter & Hipolitus Ringgi Wangge - 82-106 Projecting the Nation(s) in Multinational Federal Systems: International Education and Nation Branding in Canada/Quebec
by Hannah Moscovitz - 107-132 The Effect of Intergovernmental Policy Conflict on Immigrants’ Behavior: Insights from a Survey Experiment in California
by Tom K Wong & Karina Shklyan & Andrea Silva - 133-153 The Impact of Regional and National Leaders in Subnational Elections in Spain: Evidence from Andalusian Regional Elections
by Carmen Ortega & Fátima Recuero & José Manuel Trujillo & Pablo Oñate - 154-172 Indirect Federal Subsidy and Tax Exportation through State and Local Tax Deduction: Understanding the Impact of the 2017 Tax Reform on State and Local Governments
by Yonghong Wu
2021, Volume 51, Issue 4
- 28-30 How We Vote: Innovation in American Elections, by Kathleen Hale and Mitchell Brown
by Daniel Palazzolo - 31-34 Abortion and the Law in America: Roe v. Wade to the Present, by Mary Ziegler
by Joshua C Wilson - 513-536 Explaining Intergovernmental Conflict in the COVID-19 Crisis: The United States, Canada, and Australia
by André Lecours & Daniel Béland & Alan Fenna & Tracy Beck Fenwick & Mireille Paquet & Philip Rocco & Alex Waddan - 537-569 Explaining Intergovernmental Coordination during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Responses in Australia, Canada, Germany, and Switzerland
by Johanna Schnabel & Yvonne Hegele - 570-600 Pandemic Policymaking in Presidential Federations: Explaining Subnational Responses to Covid-19 in Brazil, Mexico, and the United States
by Cyril Bennouna & Agustina Giraudy & Eduardo Moncada & Eva Rios & Richard Snyder & Paul Testa - 601-626 COVID-19 and Territorial Policy Dynamics in Western Europe: Comparing France, Spain, Italy, Germany, and the United Kingdom
by Davide Vampa - 627-649 Assessing the Performance of Australian Federalism in Responding to the Pandemic
by Julian R Murphy & Erika Arban - 650-672 Governing in a Polarized Era: Federalism and the Response of U.S. State and Federal Governments to the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Thomas A Birkland & Kristin Taylor & Deserai A Crow & Rob DeLeo - 673-692 Fighting COVID-19 in the United States with Federalism and Other Constitutional and Statutory Authority
by Beverly A Cigler - 693-719 Federalism, Polarization, and Policy Responsibility during COVID-19: Experimental and Observational Evidence from the United States
by Nicholas Jacobs
2021, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 17-19 Handbook on Gender, Diversity and Federalism, edited by Jill Vickers, Joan Grace, and Cheryl N. Collier
by Christine Forster - 20-22 Citizenship Reimagined: A New Framework for State Rights in the United States, by Allan Colbern and S. Karthick Ramakrishnan
by Margaret M Commins - 23-24 Power-Sharing in Europe: Past Practice, Present Cases and Future Directions, edited by Soeren Keil and Allison McCulloch
by Arianna Piacentini - 25-27 Hybrid Regimes within Democracies: Fiscal Federalism and Subnational Rentier States, by Carlos Gervasoni
by Michael Buehler - 327-364 The State of American Federalism, 2020–2021: Deepening Partisanship amid Tumultuous Times
by David M Konisky & Paul Nolette - 365-395 Fiscal Federalism and Economic Crises in the United States: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic and Great Recession
by Mariely López-Santana & Philip Rocco - 396-428 Governors in Control: Executive Orders, State-Local Preemption, and the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Carol S Weissert & Matthew J Uttermark & Kenneth R Mackie & Alexandra Artiles - 429-458 Energy Policy Reversal during the Trump Administration: Examination of Its Legacy and Implications for Federalism
by Madeline Yozwiak & Hannah Abell & Sanya Carley - 459-483 Advocating for Medicaid Expansion in Republican States: Overcoming “Fractious Federalism” in the Statehouse and Ballot Box
by Jake Haselswerdt - 484-511 Federalism, Defunding the Police, and Democratic Values: A Functional Accountability Framework for Analyzing Police Reform Proposals
by J AndrewSinclair & Maya Love & María Gutiérrez-Vera
2021, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 13-13 Trump, the Administrative Presidency, and Federalism, by Frank J. Thompson, Kenneth K. Wong, and Barry G. Rabe
by Adam L Warber - 14-14 City, State: Constitutionalism and the Megacity, by Ran Hirschl
by Amal Sethi - 15-15 Identities, Trust, and Cohesion in Federal Systems: Public Perspectives, edited by Jack Jedwab and John Kincaid
by Jennifer Wolak - 16-16 Local Accountability and National Coordination in Fiscal Federalism, by Charles Hankla, Jorge Martinez-Vazquez, and Raul Alberto Ponce Rodriguez
by Vlad Tarko - 161-185 Building a National Economy: Origins of Centralized Federalism in India
by Louise Tillin - 186-211 Brexit and Territorial Preferences: Evidence from Scotland and Northern Ireland
by Lesley-Ann Daniels & Alexander Kuo - 212-237 Public Attribution of Responsibility for Disaster Preparedness across Three Levels of Government and the Public: Lessons from a Survey of Residents of the U.S. South Atlantic and Gulf Coast
by Wesley Wehde & Matthew C Nowlin - 238-261 An Environmental Race to the Bottom? “No More Stringent” Laws in the American States
by Neal D Woods - 262-282 The Effect of Institutional Affiliation and Career Patterns on (De)centralization Preferences in Advanced Multi-Level States: Parliamentarians’ Support for (De)Centralization in Belgium
by Jeremy Dodeigne & Christoph Niessen & Min Reuchamps & Dave Sinardet - 283-306 Undermining Governors: Argentina’s Double-Punishment Federal Spending Strategy
by Tracy Beck Fenwick & Lucas González - 307-326 Post-Partition Citizenship Policies: Lessons from Post-Yugoslav Federal States
by Jelena Džankić & Soeren Keil
2021, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 1-26 Shock or Design: What Drives Fiscal De/Centralization? A Comparative Analysis of Twenty-Nine OECD Countries, 1995–2017
by Tobias Arnold & Sean Mueller & Adrian Vatter - 27-53 Attitudes toward Ethnocultural Diversity in Multilevel Political Communities: Comparing the Effect of National and Subnational Attachments in Canada
by Antoine Bilodeau & Audrey Gagnon & Stephen E White & Luc Turgeon & Ailsa Henderson - 54-78 Support for Regionalization in Federal Belgium: The Role of Political Socialization
by Claire Dupuy & Soetkin Verhaegen & Virginie Van Ingelgom - 79-103 Decentralization’s Effects on Education and Health: Evidence from Ethiopia
by Jean-Paul Faguet & Qaiser Khan & Devarakonda Priyanka Kanth - 104-130 Legislative Territorialization: The Impact of a Decentralized Party System on Individual Legislative Behavior in Argentina
by Paula Clerici - 131-160 Does the Primacy System Work? State versus Federal Implementation of the Clean Water Act
by Luke Fowler & Chris Birdsall
2020, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 10-10 Intergovernmental Transfers in Federations, edited by Serdar Yilmaz and Farah Zahir
by Andreas Pehr - 11-11 Divided Unions: The Wagner Act, Federalism, and Organized Labor, by Alexis N. Walker
by Daniel DiSalvo - 12-12 Decentralisation and Constitutionalism in Africa, edited by Charles M. Fombad and Nico Steytler
by Gaopalelwe Mathiba - 541-543 Publius: The Journal of Federalism from its Founding to Half-Century Mark
by John Kincaid - 544-565 Staying in Place: Federalism and the Political Economy of Place Attachment
by Nicholas F Jacobs & B K Munis - 566-592 Partisan Federalism and Subnational Governments’ International Engagements: Insights from India
by Chanchal Kumar Sharma & Sandra Destradi & Johannes Plagemann - 593-619 Transforming Unitary States into Federations: Path-Dependent Construction of Political Identities in Belgium and Lebanon
by Nadim Farhat & Ward Vloeberghs & Philippe Bourbeau & Philippe Poirier - 620-644 Legislating Fiscal Imbalance: Using Tax Policy to Protect Fiscal Decentralization in the Argentine Congress
by Alejandro Bonvecchi & Ernesto Calvo & Ernesto Stein - 645-671 How Policy-Specific Factors Influence Horizontal Cooperation among Subnational Governments: Evidence from the Swiss Water Sector
by Manuel Fischer & Nicolas W Jager - 672-697 Fiscal Decentralization and Public Investment in Innovation: A Country Panel Analysis
by Daniel G Colombo & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez - 698-709 Subsidiarity and the Moral Justification of Intergovernmental Equalization Grants to Decentralized Governments
by Joseph Drew & Masato Miyazaki
2020, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 1-3 Conservative Innovators: How States Are Challenging Federal Power, by Ben Merriman. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2019, 232 pp. $32.50 Paperback
by Ilaria Di Gioia - 1-3 Education, Equity, and the States: How Variations in State Governance Make or Break Reform, by Sara E. Dahill-Brown
by Jennifer Wallner - 4-4 Conservative Innovators: How States Are Challenging Federal Power, by Ben Merriman
by Ilaria Di Gioia - 5-5 Education, Equity, and the States: How Variations in State Governance Make or Break Reform, by Sara E. Dahill-Brown
by Jennifer Wallner - 157-187 Policy Dynamics in Federal Systems: A Framework for Analysis
by R Kent Weaver