January 2012, Volume 21, Issue suppl_2
- -85 Industrialisation for Structural Transformation in Africa: Appropriate Roles for the State
by Ernest Aryeetey & Nelipher Moyo - -124 Can Africa Industrialise?-super- †
by John Page - -151 Firm Size and Structural Change: A Case Study of Ethiopia-super- †
by Måns Söderbom
January 2012, Volume 21, Issue suppl_1
- -2 Preface
by Olu Ajakaiye - -9 Finance and Economic Development in Africa: Introduction and Overview
by Olu Ajakaiye & Finn Tarp - -56 Financial Development and Economic Growth: Global and African Evidence
by Victor Murinde - -88 The Finance–Growth Thesis: A Sceptical Assessment-super- †
by Thomas Barnebeck Andersen & Sam Jones & Finn Tarp - -106 From Financial Development to Economic Growth and Vice Versa: A Review of International Experience and Policy Lessons for Africa
by Laurence Harris
November 2012, Volume 21, Issue 5
- -690 Impact Evaluation in Africa: Introduction to the Special Issue
by Marcel Fafchamps & Andrew Zeitlin - -722 Does Free Primary Education Narrow Gender Differences in Schooling? Evidence from Kenya -super-†
by Adrienne M. Lucas & Isaac M. Mbiti - -760 Educational and Child Labour Impacts of Two Food-for-Education Schemes: Evidence from a Randomised Trial in Rural Burkina Faso-super- †
by Harounan Kazianga & Damien de Walque & Harold Alderman - -786 The Impact of Ethiopia's Productive Safety Net Programme and Related Transfers on Agricultural Productivity
by John Hoddinott & Guush Berhane & Daniel O. Gilligan & Neha Kumar & Alemayehu Seyoum Taffesse - -807 The Impacts of Mobile Phones and Personal Networks on Rural-to-Urban Migration: Evidence from Uganda
by Megumi Muto - -827 Business Training in Tanzania: From Research-driven Experiment to Local Implementation-super- †
by Lars Ivar Oppedal Berge & Kjetil Bjorvatn & Kartika Sari Juniwaty & Bertil Tungodden
August 2012, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 499-547 What Drives Corruption? Evidence from North African Firms
by Clara Delavallade - 548-579 Do Limitations in Land Rights Transferability Influence Mobility Rates in Ethiopia?
by Alan de Brauw & Valerie Mueller - 580-608 Assessing the Returns to Education in The Gambia-super- †
by Jeremy D. Foltz & Ousman Gajigo - 609-636 Network Structure and Innovative Performance of African Entrepreneurs: The Case of Uganda-super- †
by Gerrit Rooks & Adam Szirmai & Arthur Sserwanga - 637-668 Farm Households' Preferences for Cash-based Compensation versus Livelihood-enhancing Programmes: A Choice Experiment to Inform Avian Flu (HPAI H5N1) Compensation Policy in Nigeria
by Adewale Oparinde & Ekin Birol - 669-686 Seasonal Variation in Price Transmission between Tomato Markets in Ghana
by Joseph Amikuzuno & Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel
June 2012, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 343-372 The Short-run Impact of Oil Windfalls in Low-income Countries: A DSGE Approach-super- †
by Jihad Dagher & Jan Gottschalk & Rafael Portillo - 373-408 Giving up Job Search during a Recession: The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the South African Labour Market-super- †
by Sher Verick - 409-439 Trade and Colonial Status-super- †
by José de Sousa & Julie Lochard - 440-464 Returns to Scope? Smallholders' Commercialisation through Multipurpose Cooperatives in Ethiopia
by Tanguy Bernard & Alemayehu Seyoum Taffesse - 465-498 Mines, Migration and HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa
by Lucia Corno & Damien de Walque
March 2012, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 167-191 Does the System of Allocation of Intergovernmental Transfers in Senegal Eliminate Politically Motivated Targeting?
by Emilie Caldeira - 192-227 Wealthiest Is Not Always Healthiest: What Explains Differences in Child Mortality in West Africa?
by Amy Ickowitz - 228-265 Economic Integration and the Two Margins of Trade: The Impact of the Barcelona Process on North African Countries' Exports
by Sami Bensassi & Laura Márquez-Ramos & Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso - 266-306 Ostracism and Common Pool Resource Management in a Developing Country: Young Fishers in the Laboratory
by Wisdom Akpalu & Peter Martinsson - 307-341 Determinants of Rural Income: The Role of Geography and Institutions in Kenya
by Maren Radeny & Erwin Bulte
January 2012, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-27 Tax Revenue Instability in Sub-Saharan Africa: Consequences and Remedies
by Christian Ebeke & Helene Ehrhart - 28-64 Anchoring to the Euro (and Grouped Together)? The Case of African Countries
by João Loureiro & Manuel M.F. Martins & Ana Paula Ribeiro - 65-93 Ethnic Fractionalisation and Aid Effectiveness
by Roland Hodler & David S. Knight - 94-123 Agglomeration, Growth and Regional Equity: An Analysis of Agriculture- versus Urban-led Development in Uganda
by Paul Dorosh & James Thurlow - 124-165 An Assessment of the Effects of the 2002 Food Crisis on Children's Health in Malawi-super- †
by Renate Hartwig & Michael Grimm
August 2011, Volume 20, Issue suppl_3
- -2 Preface
by Olu Ajakaiye - -13 Higher Education and Economic Development in Africa: Introduction and Overview
by Olu Ajakaiye & Mwangi S. Kimenyi - -49 Contribution of Higher Education to Economic Development: A Survey of International Evidence
by Mwangi S. Kimenyi - -79 Higher Education and Economic Development in Africa: A Review of Channels and Interactions -super-†
by Francis Teal - -132 Estimating Returns to Higher Education: A Survey of Models, Methods and Empirical Evidence
by Abdoulaye Diagne & Bity Diene - -154 Making Higher Education Finance Work for Africa -super-†
by Shantayanan Devarajan & Célestin Monga & Tertius Zongo
May 2011, Volume 20, Issue suppl_2
- -2 Preface
by Olu Ajakaiye - -15 Central Banking in Sub-Saharan Africa: Introduction and Overview
by Olu Ajakaiye & Stephen A. O'Connell - -35 The Design and Effects of Monetary Policy in Sub-Saharan African Countries-super- †
by Mohsin S. Khan - -66 Towards a Rule-based Approach to Monetary Policy Evaluation in Sub-Saharan Africa-super- †
by Stephen A. O'Connell - -103 Is There a Case for Formal Inflation Targeting in Sub-Saharan Africa?-super- 1
by James Heintz & Léonce Ndikumana - -150 Should African Monetary Unions Be Expanded? An Empirical Investigation of the Scope for Monetary Integration in Sub-Saharan Africa-super- †
by Xavier Debrun & Paul R. Masson & Catherine Pattillo
May 2011, Volume 20, Issue suppl_1
- -2 Preface
by Olu Ajakaiye - -11 Causes, Consequences and Policy Implications of Global Food Price Shocks: Introduction and Overview
by Christopher Adam & Olu Ajakaiye - -62 Recent Global Food Price Shocks: Causes, Consequences and Lessons for African Governments and Donors-super- †
by Philip Abbott & Adeline Borot de Battisti - -99 On the Macroeconomic Management of Food Price Shocks in Low-income Countries-super- †
by Christopher Adam - -141 Managing Food Security Implications of Food Price Shocks in Africa
by Chris Ackello-Ogutu - -210 Political Economy of Recent Global Food Price Shocks: Gainers, Losers and Compensatory Mechanism-super- †
by Bernadette Dia Kamgnia
November 2011, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 673-703 Nutritional Gains from Extended Exposure to a Large-scale Nutrition Programme
by Emanuela Galasso & Nithin Umapathi & Jeffrey Yau - 704-736 The Effects of the Coffee Trademarking Initiative and Starbucks Publicity on Export Prices of Ethiopian Coffee
by Aslihan Arslan & Christopher P. Reicher - 737-780 Have Returns to Education Changed in Nigeria? Uncovering the Role of Democratic Reforms
by Ruth Uwaifo Oyelere - 781-822 Smallholder Diversification and Income Growth in Zambia
by Arne Bigsten & Sven Tengstam - 823-849 A Tale of Cyclicality, Aid Flows and Debt: Government Spending in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Victor D. Lledó & Irene Yackovlev & Lucie Gadenne
August 2011, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 531-561 Capital Accumulation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Income-group and Sector Differences-super- †
by Nihal Bayraktar & Hippolyte Fofack - 562-595 Is Agricultural Extension Helping the Poor? Evidence from Rural Mozambique
by Benedito Cunguara & Karl Moder - 596-599 Randomised Controlled Trials or Structural Models (or Both, or Neither)?
by Marcel Fafchamps - 600-625 How Can We Learn Whether Firm Policies Are Working in Africa? Challenges (and Solutions?) For Experiments and Structural Models -super-†
by David McKenzie - 626-652 Randomisation and Its Discontents
by Glenn W. Harrison - 653-672 Methodology Update: Randomised Controlled Trials, Structural Models and the Study of Politics-super- †
by Leonard Wantchekon & Jenny Guardado R.
June 2011, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 377-394 Growth, Stagnation or Retrogression? On the Accuracy of Economic Observations, Tanzania, 1961–2001
by Morten Jerven - 395-418 Income Shocks and Corruption in Africa: Does a Virtuous Cycle Exist?
by Maarten J. Voors & Èrwin H. Bulte & Richard Damania - 419-462 Fiscal and Monetary Determinants of Inflation in Low-Income Countries: Theory and Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa-super- †
by Alfredo Baldini & Marcos Poplawski-Ribeiro - 463-504 Poor, Multidimensionally Speaking: Evidence from South Africa
by Hasan Basarir - 505-529 Economic Status and Coping Mechanisms of Individuals Seeking HIV Care in Uganda
by Sebastian Linnemayr & Brooke Stearns Lawson & Peter Glick & Glenn Wagner
March 2011, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 179-216 An Impact Study of the Economic Partnership Agreements in the Six ACP Regions
by Lionel Fontagné & David Laborde & Cristina Mitaritonna - 217-262 Sub-Saharan Growth Surprises: Being Heterogeneous, Inland and Close to the Equator Does not Slow Growth Within Africa-super- †
by Matthias M. Cinyabuguma & Louis Putterman - 263-311 The Impact of European Settlement within French West Africa: Did Pre-colonial Prosperous Areas Fall Behind?
by Elise Huillery - 312-340 Determinants and Macroeconomic Impact of Remittances in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Raju Jan Singh & Markus Haacker & Kyung-woo Lee & Maëlan Le Goff - 341-375 Differential Nutritional Responses across Various Income Sources Among East African Pastoralists: Intrahousehold Effects, Missing Markets and Mental Accounting
by Kira M. Villa & Christopher B. Barrett & David R. Just
January 2011, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-26 Educational Achievement and Socio-economic Background: Causality and Mechanisms in Senegal
by Christelle Dumas & Sylvie Lambert - 27-59 Unions and the Gender Wage Gap in South Africa
by Daniela Casale & Dorrit Posel - 60-89 The Virgin HIV Puzzle: Can Misreporting Account for the High Proportion of HIV Cases in Self-reported Virgins?
by Eva Deuchert - 90-110 Parental Attitudes and Demand for Schooling in Ethiopia
by Sharada Weir - 111-152 Budget Institutions and Fiscal Performance in Africa
by Sophia Gollwitzer - 153-177 Ethiopian Agricultural Cooperatives in an Era of Global Commodity Exchange: Does Organisational Form Matter?
by Gian Nicola Francesconi & Nico Heerink
November 2010, Volume 19, Issue suppl_3
- 1-2 Preface
by Olu Ajakaiye - 3-11 Endemic Diseases and Development: Introduction and Overview
by Olu Ajakaiye & Martine Audibert - 12-80 Health Human Capital and Economic Development
by T. Paul Schultz - 81-109 Endemic Diseases and African Economic Growth: Challenges and Policy Responses-super- †
by David N. Weil - 110-165 Endemic Diseases and Agricultural Productivity: Challenges and Policy Response-super- †
by Martine Audibert - 166-200 Markets and Policy Challenges in Access to Essential Medicines for Endemic Disease
by Maureen Mackintosh & Phares G.M. Mujinja
2010, Volume 19, Issue suppl_2
- 1-2 Preface
by Olusanya Ajakaiye - 3-6 Agricultural Sector Performance and a Green Revolution in Africa: An Overview
by Olu Ajakaiye & Alain de Janvry - 7-39 Agriculture for Development in Africa: Business-as-Usual or New Departures?-super- †
by Alain de Janvry & Elisabeth Sadoulet - 40-59 World Trade Order and Agricultural Transformation in Africa-super- †
by T. Ademola Oyejide - 60-76 Technology Policies for a Green Revolution and Agricultural Transformation in Africa
by Keijiro Otsuka & Yoko Kijima - 77-105 Implications of Climate Change for Agricultural Sector Performance in Africa: Policy Challenges and Research Agenda-super- †
by Rashid M. Hassan
2010, Volume 19, Issue suppl_1
- 1-2 Preface
by Olu Ajakaiye - 3-12 Infrastructure and Economic Development in Africa: An Overview
by Olu Ajakaiye & Mthuli Ncube - 13-87 Infrastructure and Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa-super- †
by César Calderón & Luis Servén - 88-113 Infrastructure, Trade Expansion and Regional Integration: Global Experience and Lessons for Africa-super- †
by Kennedy K. Mbekeani - 114-164 Financing and Managing Infrastructure in Africa
by Mthuli Ncube
November 2010, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 605-634 The Remitting Patterns of African Migrants in the OECD-super- †
by Albert Bollard & David McKenzie & Melanie Morten - 635-656 Geographical Influences on Long-Run Development
by Michael Bleaney & Arcangelo Dimico - 657-690 Asymmetric Terms-of-Trade Shocks in a Monetary Union: An Application to West Africa
by Benjamin Carton & Agnès Bénassy-Quéré & Gilles Dufrénot & Loïc Batté - 691-717 Analysing the Radius of Trust in Rural Cameroon
by Alvin Etang - 718-767 Addressing the Gender Pay Gap in Ethiopia: How Crucial is the Quest for Education Parity?
by Alexandre Kolev & Pablo Suárez Robles - 768-792 The Enforcement of Traditional Vegetable Marketing Contracts in the Eastern and Central Parts of Ethiopia
by Jema Haji
August 2010, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 433-458 Liberalisation and Producer Price Risk: Examining Subjective Expectations in the Ugandan Coffee Market
by Ruth Vargas Hill - 459-495 Birth Order and Schooling: Theory and Evidence from Twelve Sub-Saharan Countries
by Michel Tenikue & Bertrand Verheyden - 496-535 Would More Skills Raise Demand for Those Who Do Not Get Them? Evidence from South African Manufacturing
by Alberto Behar - 536-558 The Value of a Nutritionally Enhanced Staple Crop: Results from a Choice Experiment Conducted with Orange-fleshed Sweet Potatoes in Mozambique
by Abdul T. A. Naico & Jayson L. Lusk - 559-604 The Evolution of Groupwise Poverty in Madagascar, 1999--2005-super- †
by David Stifel & Felix Forster & Christopher B. Barrett
June 2010, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 257-293 Do the Poor Adapt to Low Income, Minimal Education and Ill-health?
by Abigail Barr & David Clark - 294-329 Christian Missionaries and Education in Former African Colonies: How Competition Mattered
by Francisco A. Gallego & Robert Woodberry - 330-356 The Determinants of Migration from Sub-Saharan African Countries-super- †
by Wim Naudé - 357-398 Poverty and Inequality: A Micro Framework
by Abdelkrim Araar & Jean-Yves Duclos - 399-432 Road Network Upgrading and Overland Trade Expansion in Sub-Saharan Africa-super- †
by Piet Buys & Uwe Deichmann & David Wheeler
March 2010, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 141-162 The Demographic and Socio-economic Distribution of Excess Mortality during the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda
by D. de Walque & P. Verwimp - 163-204 Do Unions Matter? Trade Reform and Manufacturing Wages in South Africa-super- †
by Riham Shendy - 205-236 The Distributional Effects of Oil Price Changes on Household Income: Evidence from Mali
by Kangni Kpodar & Calvin Djiofack - 237-255 Job Satisfaction and Employment Equity in South Africa
by Tim Hinks
January 2010, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-24 How Fragile Is Africa's Recent Growth?
by Jorge Saba Arbache & John Page - 25-51 Endogenous Optimal Currency Areas: the Case of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community
by Fabrizio Carmignani - 52-87 Migration, Self-selection and Returns to Education in the WAEMU
by Philippe De Vreyer & Flore Gubert & François Roubaud - 88-110 Emerging Markets in the Post-Liberalisation Period: Evidence from the Raw Milk Market in Rural Kenya
by Yoko Kijima & Takashi Yamano & Isabelle Baltenweck - 111-139 Non-monetary Determinants of Inflation Volatility: Evidence from Nigeria
by David Fielding
November 2009, Volume 18, Issue 5
- 711-744 Help or Hindrance? The Impact of Harmonised Standards on African Exports †
by Witold Czubala & Ben Shepherd & John S. Wilson - 745-780 Root Causes of African Underdevelopment
by Sambit Bhattacharyya - 781-823 China and the Manufacturing Terms-of-Trade of African Exporters
by Nelson B. Villoria - 824-868 Wage Gaps and Job Sorting in African Manufacturing
by Marcel Fafchamps & Mans Söderbom & Najy Benhassine
August 2009, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 529-554 Economic Impact of Climate Change on Crop Production in Ethiopia: Evidence from Cross-section Measures
by Temesgen Tadesse Deressa & Rashid M. Hassan - 555-591 Social Aspects of Drug Use in Djibouti: The Case of the Leaf of Allah
by Sara Borelli - 592-633 Is There a Glass Ceiling in Morocco? Evidence from Matched Worker--Firm Data
by Christophe J. Nordman & François-Charles Wolff - 634-666 Determinants of Grade 12 Pass Rates in the Post-Apartheid South African Schooling System
by Haroon Bhorat & Morne Oosthuizen - 667-709 Public Governance, Health and Foreign Direct Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Céline Azémar & Rodolphe Desbordes
June 2009, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 363-387 Determinants of Children's Nutritional Status in Kenya: Evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys
by Jane Kabubo-Mariara & Godfrey K. Ndenge & Domisiano K. Mwabu - 388-430 The Elimination of Madagascar's Vanilla Marketing Board, 10 Years on
by Olivier Cadot & Laure Dutoit & Jaime de Melo - 431-460 Changes in Wage Distributions, Wage Gaps and Wage Inequality by Gender in Kenya
by Richard U. Agesa & Jacqueline Agesa & Andrew Dabalen - 461-495 A Gender-based Investigation into the Determinants of Labour Market Outcomes: Evidence from Uganda
by Sarah Bridges & David Lawson - 496-528 Farm Input Use in a Context of Liquidity Constraints and Contract Unenforceability
by Matthieu Delpierre
March 2009, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 183-211 Universal Primary Education and School Entry in Uganda
by Louise Grogan - 212-260 The Production of Child Health in Kenya: A Structural Model of Birth Weight
by Germano Mwabu - 261-286 Forest Depletion and Food Security of Poor Rural Populations in Africa: Evidence from Cameroon
by Daniel Gbetnkom - 287-318 Trade Intensity and Business Cycle Synchronicity in Africa
by S. Jules-Armand Tapsoba - 319-361 Key Constraints for Rural Non-Farm Activity in Tanzania: Combining Investment Climate and Household Surveys
by Songqing Jin & Klaus Deininger
January 2009, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-51 Surviving Unemployment Without State Support: Unemployment and Household Formation in South Africa
by Stephan Klasen & Ingrid Woolard - 52-83 Leakage of Public Resources in the Health Sector: An Empirical Investigation of Chad †
by Bernard Gauthier & Waly Wane - 84-112 Where Has All the Money Gone? Wealth and the Demand for Money in South Africa †
by Stephen G. Hall & George Hondroyiannis & P.A.V.B. Swamy & George S. Tavlas - 113-152 Food Priorities and Poverty: The Case of Smallholder Farmers in Rural Uganda
by Nicky R.M. Pouw - 153-175 Does Ethnicity Matter for Trust? Evidence from Africa
by Daniel Zerfu & Precious Zikhali & Innocent Kabenga - 176-182 An Economic History of South Africa: Conquest, Discrimination and Development
by Jesmond Bluemenfeld
November 2008, Volume 17, Issue 5
- 661-687 Qat Expenditures in Yemen and Djibouti: An Empirical Analysis
by Branko Milanovic - 688-728 The Impact of AIDS Mortality on the Distribution of Income in Côte d'Ivoire
by Denis Cogneau & Michael Grimm - 729-746 Sources of Inflation in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Régis Barnichon & Shanaka J. Peiris - 747-764 Market Institutions and Transaction Costs Influencing Trader Performance in Live Animal Marketing in Rural Ethiopian Markets
by Mohammad Jabbar & Samuel Benin & Eleni Gabre-Madhin & Zeleka Paulos - 765-793 Identifying Aggregate Supply and Demand Shocks in South Africa †
by Stan du Plessis & Ben Smit & Federico Sturzenegger
August 2008, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 527-549 Evaluating the Impact of Land Redistribution: A CGE Microsimulation Application to Zimbabwe
by Margaret Chitiga & Ramos Mabugu - 550-577 Land Reform, Distribution of Land and Institutions in Rural Ethiopia: Analysis of Inequality with Dirty Data-super- 1
by Bereket Kebede - 578-599 Services Inputs and Firm Productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Firm-Level Data
by Jens Matthias Arnold & Aaditya Mattoo & Gaia Narciso - 600-634 Estimating Equilibrium Real Exchange Rates in the Franc Zone
by Simeon Coleman - 635-659 Voting over Informal Risk--Sharing Rules
by Stefan Ambec
June 2008, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 357-394 Regional Economic Integration in Africa: A Review of Problems and Prospects with a Case Study of COMESA
by Alemayehu Geda & Haile Kebret - 395-450 Determinants of Agricultural and Land Management Practices and Impacts on Crop Production and Household Income in the Highlands of Tigray, Ethiopia
by John Pender & Berhanu Gebremedhin - 451-464 Explaining Procyclical Fiscal Policy in African Countries †
by John Thornton - 465-489 Who Benefits from Export-led Growth? Evidence from Madagascar's Textile and Apparel Industry †
by Alessandro Nicita - 490-525 Language and Labour Markets in South Africa
by Katy Cornwell & Brett Inder
March 2008, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 161-206 Technical Efficiency Analysis of Micro-enterprises: Theoretical and Methodological Approach of the Stochastic Frontier Production Functions Applied to Nigerian Data
by Igbekele A. Ajibefun - 207-238 Risk and Schooling Decisions in Rural Madagascar: A Panel Data-Analysis
by Flore Gubert & Anne-Sophie Robilliard - 239-276 Are Poor, Remote Areas Left behind in Agricultural Development: The Case of Tanzania
by Nicholas Minot - 277-304 Using a Contingent Valuation Approach for Improved Solid Waste Management Facility: Evidence from Enugu State, Nigeria
by William M. Fonta & H. Eme Ichoku & Kanayo K. Ogujiuba & Jude O. Chukwu - 305-355 Learning to Export: Evidence from Moroccan Manufacturing †
by Marcel Fafchamps & Said El Hamine & Albert Zeufack
January 2008, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-33 Prices and Poverty in Urban Ethiopia 1
by Tesfaye Alemayehu Gebremedhin & Stephen Whelan - 34-61 Infant Mortality in Uganda: Determinants, Trends and the Millennium Development Goals
by Sarah Ssewanyana & Stephen D. Younger - 62-84 The Agricultural Technology--Market Linkage under Liberalisation in Ghana: Evidence from Micro Data
by Tsegaye Yilma & Ernst Berg & Thomas Berger - 85-130 The Impact of Economic Partnership Agreements in Countries of the Southern African Development Community
by Alexander Keck & Roberta Piermartini - 131-160 Trade Policy Reform and the Missing Revenue †
by Channing Arndt & Finn Tarp
November 2007, Volume 16, Issue 5
- 661-667 South African Economic Policy Under Democracy
by Janine Aron & Geeta Kingdon - 668-704 South Africa's Growth Revival After 1994
by Stan Du Plessis & Ben Smit - 705-744 Review of Monetary Policy in South Africa since 1994
by Janine Aron & John Muellbauer - 745-781 Fiscal Renaissance in a Democratic South Africa
by Tania Ajam & Aron Janine - 782-812 Poverty and Inequality in the First Decade of South Africa's Democracy: What can be Learnt from Panel Data from KwaZulu-Natal?
by Jorge Agüero & Michael R. Carter & Julian May - 813-848 Unemployment in South Africa, 1995--2003: Causes, Problems and Policies
by Geeta Kingdon & John Knight - 849-880 Apartheid's Enduring Legacy: Inequalities in Education-super- 1
by Servaas van der Berg
August 2007, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 519-563 Child Work and Schooling: The Role of Household Asset Profiles and Poverty in Rural Ethiopia
by John Cockburn & Benoit Dostie - 564-595 From Tailors to Mini-Manufacturers: The Role of Traders in the Performance of Garment Enterprises in Kenya
by John E. Akoten & Keijiro Otsuka - 596-628 Growth, Inequality and Simulated Poverty Paths for Tanzania, 1992--2002
by Gabriel Demombynes & Johannes G. Hoogeveen - 629-659 Poverty and Inequality Impact Analysis Regarding Cotton Subsidies: A Mali-based CGE Micro-accounting Approach
by Dorothée Boccanfuso & Luc Savard
June 2007, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 349-392 Economic Mobility in Rural Rwanda: A Study of the Effects of War and Genocide at the Household Level
by Marijke Verpoorten & Lode Berlage - 393-405 Saving, Investment and Capital Mobility in African Countries-super- 1
by Olumuyiwa S. Adedeji & John Thornton - 406-438 Locally Adapted Poverty Indicators Derived from Participatory Wealth Rankings: A Case of Four Villages in Rural Tanzania
by Bjorn F.H. Van Campenhout - 439-484 Public Investment to Reverse Dutch Disease: The Case of Chad
by Stephanie Levy - 485-518 Public Service Provision, User Fees and Political Turmoil
by Marcel Fafchamps & Bart Minten
March 2007, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 177-197 On the Relation between Nominal Devaluation and Real Devaluation: Evidence from African Countries
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Abera Gelan - 198-233 Household Migration Decisions as Survival Strategy: The Case of Burkina Faso
by Adama Konseiga - 234-258 Is Africa an Optimum Currency Area? A Comparison of Macroeconomic Costs and Benefits
by Georgios Karras - 259-300 An Examination of Morocco's Trade Options with the EU
by G. Philippidis & A.I. Sanjuán - 301-348 Globalisation and Gender Inequality: Is Africa Different?
by Mina Baliamoune-Lutz
January 2007, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-27 Production Efficiency of Smallholders' Vegetable-dominated Mixed Farming System in Eastern Ethiopia: A Non-Parametric Approach
by Jema Haji - 28-69 Mark-up Pricing in South African Industry
by Johannes Fedderke & Chandana Kularatne & Martine Mariotti - 70-101 Growth and Poverty in Burkina Faso: A Reassessment of the Paradox
by Michael Grimm & Isabel Günther - 102-133 Maize Market Liberalisation in Benin: A Case of Hysteresis
by Clemens Lutz & W. Erno Kuiper & Aad van Tilburg - 134-165 Production Externalities of Education: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia
by Sharada Weir & John Knight