2018, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 483-512 Child Monetary Poverty and Multidimensional Deprivations: Why They Differ
by Paola Ballón & John Cockburn & Sylvain Dessy & Setou Diarra - 513-513 Microcredit and Food Security: Evidence from Rural Households in Uganda
by Faith M Namayengo & Gerrit Antonides & Francesco Cecchi
2018, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 251-273 The Lion on the Move Towards the World Frontier: Catching Up or Remaining Stuck?
by Tarek M Harchaoui & Murat Üngör - 274-284 Convergence and Spillover Effects in Africa: A Spatial Panel Data Approach
by Samba Diop - 285-320 Does Mobile Money Affect Saving Behaviour? Evidence from a Developing Country
by Serge Ky & Clovis Rugemintwari & Alain Sauviat - 321-346 Funeral Insurance: An Inter-Generational Commitment Device?
by Erlend Berg - 347-365 Does Internal Migration Improve Overall Well-Being in Ethiopia?
by Alan de Brauw & Valerie Mueller & Tassew Woldehanna - 366-366 The Lion on the Move Towards the World Frontier: Catching Up or Remaining Stuck?
by Tarek M Harchaouia & Murat Üngörb - 367-367 Does Internal Migration Improve Overall Well-Being in Ethiopia?
by Alan de Brauw & Valerie Mueller & Tassew Woldehanna
2018, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 149-171 Firm Survival and Change in Ghana, 2003–2013
by Elwyn Davies & Andrew Kerr - 172-200 Poverty, Welfare and Income Distribution Implications of Reducing Trade Costs Through Deep Integration in Eastern and Southern Africa
by Edward J Balistreri & Maryla Maliszewska & Israel Osorio-Rodarte & David G Tarr & Hidemichi Yonezawa - 201-226 Gender Bias and the Intrahousehold Distribution of Resources: Evidence from African Nuclear Households in South Africaâ€
by Olivier Bargain & Prudence Kwenda & Miracle Ntuli - 227-248 The Effect of Female Education on Adolescent Fertility and Early Marriage: Evidence from Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education in Ghana
by Emmanuel Adu Boahen & Chikako Yamauchi - 249-249 Corrigendum: The Effect of Female Education on Adolescent Fertility and Early Marriage: Evidence from Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education in Ghana
by Emmanuel Adu Boahen & Chikako Yamauchi
2018, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-9 Economic Structure, Growth, and Evolution of Inequality and Poverty in Africa: An Overview
by Augustin Kwasi Fosu - 10-27 An African Growth Miracle?
by Dani Rodrik - 28-65 Agricultural Labour Productivity and Industrialisation: Lessons for Africa
by Xinshen Diao & Margaret McMillan & Samuel Wangwe - 66-91 Is the Structure of Growth Different in Sub-Saharan Africa?
by Erik Thorbecke & Yusi Ouyang - 92-107 The Recent Growth Resurgence in Africa and Poverty Reduction: The Context and Evidence
by Augustin Kwasi Fosu - 108-126 Why Is Inequality High in Africa?
by Abebe Shimeles & Tiguene Nabassaga - 127-148 Determinants of the Evolution of Inequality in Africa
by Arne Bigsten
2017, Volume 26, Issue suppl_2
- 1-2 Preface
by Lemma W Senbet Executive Director - 3-11 Integrating African Markets: The Way Forward
by Bernard Hoekman & Lemma W Senbet & Witness Simbanegavi - 12-39 Integrating Africa: Some Trade Policy Research Priorities and Challenges†
by Bernard Hoekman & Dominique Njinkeu - 40-75 Regional Financial Integration and Economic Activity in Africa
by Akpan Ekpo & Chuku Chuku
2017, Volume 26, Issue suppl_1
- 1-2 Preface
by Lemma W. Senbet - 3-10 Agriculture and Structural Transformation in Africa: An Overview
by Lemma W. Senbet & Witness Simbanegavi - 11-35 On the Structural Transformation of Rural Africa
by Christopher B. Barrett & Luc Christiaensen & Megan Sheahan & Abebe Shimeles - 36-72 Pathways Less Explored—Locus of Control and Technology Adoption
by Alemayehu Seyoum Taffesse & Fanaye Tadesse - 73-98 A Green Revolution for Sub-Saharan Africa: Past Failures and Future Prospects
by Keijiro Otsuka & Rie Muraoka
2017, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 539-560 School Management and Public–Private Partnerships in Uganda
by Lee Crawfurd - 561-583 Do Dreams Come True? Aspirations and Educational Attainments of Ethiopian Boys and Girls
by Marta Favara - 584-606 Urbanisation, Education and the Growth Backlog of Africa
by Aysegul Kayaoglu & Joaquín Naval - 607-624 Income from International Commodity Price Windfalls and HIV Infections in sub-Saharan Africa
by Ting Ji & Faqin Lin - 625-654 Transport Costs and Food Price Volatility in Africa
by T Le Cotty & E Maitre d'Hotel & M Ndiaye - 655-655 Variable Returns to Fertiliser Use and the Geography of Poverty: Experimental and Simulation Evidence from Malawi
by Aurélie P Harou & Yanyan Liu & Christopher B Barrett & Liangzhi You
2017, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 433-442 Learning About Labour Impacts of Cash Transfers in Zambia
by Prifti Ervin & Estruch Elisenda & Daidone Silvio & Davis Benjamin & Van Ufford Paul & Michelo Stanfeld & Handa Sudhanshu & Seidenfeld David & Tembo Gelson - 443-469 Malaria and Education: Evidence from Mali
by Josselin Thuilliez & Hippolyte d'Albis & Hamidou Niangaly & Ogobara Doumbo - 470-491 Learning from a Bitter Past? The Behavioral Effect of a Child's Death on Mothers
by Ryoko Sato - 492-515 Gender and Policing Norms: Evidence from Survey Experiments Among Police Officers in Uganda
by Natascha Wagner & Matthias Rieger & Arjun Bedi & Wil Hout - 516-538 Tariffs, Smuggling and Economic Welfare: A Spatial Analysis of Nigerian Rice Policy Options
by Michael E. Johnson & Paul Dorosh
2017, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 295-321 Public Investment in a Developing Country Facing Natural Resource Depletion
by Adrian Alter & Matteo F. Ghilardi & Dalia S. Hakura - 322-341 Conflict and Coffee: Are Higher Coffee Prices Fuelling Rebellion in Uganda?
by Erick Gong & Katherine A. Sullivan - 342-371 Variable Returns to Fertiliser Use and the Geography of Poverty: Experimental and Simulation Evidence from Malawi
by Aurélie P. Harou & Yanyan Liu & Christopher B. Barrett & Liangzhi You - 372-431 Missionary Influence on Marriage Practices: Evidence from the Livingstonia Mission in Malawi†
by Yuya Kudo
2017, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 119-139 Youth Unemployment and Earnings in Africa: Evidence from Tanzanian Retrospective Data
by Sarah Bridges & Louise Fox & Alessio Gaggero & Trudy Owenstrudy - 140-168 Non-tuition Costs, School Access and Student Performance: Evidence from the Gambia
by Leanne Giordono & Todd Pugatchtodd - 169-191 The Impact of Insurance Literacy and Marketing Treatments on the Demand for Health Microinsurance in Senegal: A Randomised Evaluation
by Jacopo Bonanjacopo & Olivier Dagnelie & Philippe LeMay-Boucher & Michel Tenikue - 192-222 South African Labour Market Transitions Since the Global Financial and Economic Crisis: Evidence from two Longitudinal Datasets
by Dennis Essers - 223-255 Mega-Deals: What Consequences for SSA?
by Houssein Guimbard & Maëlan Le Goff - 256-293.14 Harnessing Resource Wealth for Inclusive Growth in Fragile Western African States
by Corinne Deléchat & Shu-Chun S. Yang & Will Clark & Pranav Gupta & Malangu Kabedi-Mbuyi & Mesmin Koulet-Vickot & Carla Macario & Toomas Orav & Manuel Rosales & René Tapsoba & Dmitry Zhdankin
2017, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-23 Learning to export and learning from exporting: The case of Ethiopian manufacturing
by Eyerusalem Siba & Mulu Gebreeyesus - 1-25 Exporting and Productivity: Learning from Vietnam
by Carol Newman & John Rand & Finn Tarp & Nguyen Thi Tue Anh - 24-51 Export Spillovers: Comparative Evidence From Kenya and Malaysia
by Bethuel Kinyanjui Kinuthia - 52-66 The Dynamics of Exporting and Innovation: Evidence from the Tunisian Manufacturing Sector
by Wided Mattoussi & Mohamed Ayadi - 93-118 Learning by Exporting: The Case of Mozambican Manufacturing
by Antonio Cruz & Carol Newman & John Rand & Finn Tarp
2016, Volume 25, Issue suppl_2
- 1-2 Preface
by Lemma W. Senbet - 3-19 Sovereign Wealth Funds and Natural Resource Management in Africa
by Samuel E. Wills & Lemma W. Senbet & Witness Simbanegavi - 20-40 Resource Funds: Stabilising, Parking, and Inter-generational Transfer
by Anthony J. Venables & Samuel E. Wills - 41-58 Should Countries Invest Resource Revenues Abroad When Demands for Public Infrastructure Are Pressing at Home? The Dilemma of Sovereign Wealth Funds in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Joe Amoako-Tuffour - 59-73 Financing Africa's Infrastructure Deficit: From Development Banking to Long-term Investing
by Rabah Arezki & Amadou Sy
2016, Volume 25, Issue suppl_1
- 1-2 Editor's choice Preface
by Lemma W. Senbet - 3-15 Youth Employment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges, Constraints and Opportunities
by Louise Fox & Lemma W. Senbet & Witness Simbanegavi - 16-36 Africa's Got Work To Do: A Diagnostic of Youth Employment Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Louise Fox & Alun Thomas - 37-60 What is in a Job? The Social Context of Youth Employment Issues in Africa
by Olawale Ismail - 61-102 Minimum Wages and Youth: The Case of South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Aalia Cassim & Ravi Kanbur & Benjamin Stanwix & Derek Yu
2016, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 637-669 Agricultural Technology Adoption under Climate Change in the Sahel: Micro-evidence from Niger
by Solomon Asfaw & Federica Di Battista & Leslie Lipper - 670-698 Determinants of ‘Exit’ from High Aid-Dependence
by Degol Hailu & Admasu Shiferaw - 699-717 The Impact of Social Health Insurance on Household Fertility Decisions
by Stephen O. Abrokwah & Christine M. Moser & Edward Norton
2016, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 499-501 Introduction to the Special Issue Africa's Macroeconomic Vulnerabilities
by Michael Bleaney & César Calderón - 502-528 Citius, Altius, Fortius: Is Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa More Resilient?
by Cesar Calderon & Sebastien Boreux - 529-547 Inflation and Fiscal Deficits in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Michael Bleaney & Manuela Francisco - 548-579 The Cyclical Nature of Fiscal Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa
by César Calderón & Ha Nguyen - 580-613 International Financial Flows and Macro-Financial Risk in SSA
by Philip R. Lane - 614-636 Fiscal Policy and Civil Conflict in Africa
by Alvaro Aguirre
2016, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 323-366 Revisiting the Link Between Political and Financial Crises in Africa
by Sara Bertin & Steve Ohana & Vanessa Strauss-Kahn - 367-387 Time Discounting and Credit Market Access in a Large-Scale Cash Transfer Programme
by Sudhanshu Handa & Bruno Martorano & Carolyn T. Halpern & Audrey Pettifor & Harsha Thirumurthy - 388-417 Destination or Distraction? Querying the Linkage Between Off-Farm Work and Food Crop Investments in Kenya
by Melinda Smale & Yoko Kusunose & Mary K. Mathenge & Didier Alia - 418-438 Formal Insurance and the Dynamics of Social Capital: Experimental Evidence from Uganda
by Francesco Cecchi & Jan Duchoslav & Erwin Bulte - 439-467 Who Benefits from Customary Justice? Rent-seeking, Bribery and Criminality in sub-Saharan Africa
by Olivia D'Aoust & Olivier Sterck - 468-498 Heterogeneous Aid Effects on Tax Revenues: Accounting for Government Stability in WAEMU Countries
by Hermann D. Yohou & Michaël Goujon & Wautabouna Ouattara
2016, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 201-232 Editor's choice FDI and Migration of Skilled Workers Towards Developing Countries: Firm-Level Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
by Rezart Hoxhaj & Léa Marchal & Adnan Seric - 233-266 Economic Analysis of Land and Livestock Management Interventions to Improve Resilience of a Pastoral Community in Southern Ethiopia
by Brigham W. Forrest & D. Layne Coppock & DeeVon Bailey & Ruby A. Ward - 267-299 Quantifying the Process and Performance of River Basin Water Management Decentralisation in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Ariel Dinar & Javier Ortiz Correa & Stefano Farolfi & Joao Mutondo - 300-321 Role of Access to Credit in Rice Production in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Mwea Irrigation Scheme in Kenya
by Timothy N. Njeru & Yukichi Mano & Keijiro Otsuka
2016, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-27 Editor's choice The Impact of the Slave Trade on Literacy in West Africa: Evidence from the Colonial Era
by Nonso Obikili - 28-54 Dollarisation in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Juan-Sebastian Corrales & Patrick A. Imam & Sebastian Weber & Etienne Yehoue - 55-109 Political Influence on Fiscal and Monetary Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Rebecca Neumann & John Ssozi - 110-132 Contribution of Structural Change to Productivity Growth: Evidence from Tunisia
by Mohamed Ali Marouani & Rim Mouelhi - 133-158 Interventions to Stop Female Genital Cutting and the Evolution of the Custom: Evidence on Age at Cutting in Senegal
by Giulia Camilotti - 159-199 Social Preferences and Environmental Quality: Evidence from School Children in Sierra Leone
by Giovanna d'Adda & Ian Levely
2015, Volume 24, Issue suppl_2
- 1-2 Preface
by Lemma W. Senbet - 3-15 Tax and Expenditure Reforms in Africa: An Overview
by Ramos E. Mabugu & Witness Simbanegavi - 16-42 Fiscal Reforms and Public Investment in Africa
by Christopher Adam & David Bevan - 43-72 Tax Evasion, the Provision of Public Infrastructure and Growth: A General Equilibrium Approach to Two Very Different Countries, Egypt and Mauritius
by Andrew Feltenstein & Nour Abdul-Razzak & Jeffrey Condon & Biplab Kumar Datta - 73-105 Pro-Poor Tax Policy Changes in South Africa: Potential and Limitations
by Ramos E. Mabugu & Ismael Fofana & Margaret R. Chitiga-Mabugu
2015, Volume 24, Issue suppl_1
- 1-2 Preface
by Lemma W. Senbet - 3-11 Financial Inclusion and Innovation in Africa: An Overview
by Thorsten Beck & Lemma Senbet & Witness Simbanegavi - 12-31 The Role of Informal Financial Services in Africa
by Leora Klapper & Dorothe Singer - 32-45 Cross-Border Banking and Financial Deepening: The African Experience
by Thorsten Beck - 46-71 Financial Innovations and Their Implications for Monetary Policy in Kenya
by Lydia Ndirangu & Esman Morekwa Nyamongo
2015, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 593-628 Editor's choice From Guesstimates to GPStimates: Land Area Measurement and Implications for Agricultural Analysis
by Calogero Carletto & Sydney Gourlay & Paul Winters - 629-644 The Effect of Schooling on Worker Productivity: Evidence from a South African Industry Panel
by Rulof P. Burger & Francis J. Teal - 645-676 Large-scale Agro-Industrial Investments and Rural Poverty: Evidence from Sugarcane in Malawi
by Raoul Herrmann & Ulrike Grote - 677-706 Deep Integration in Eastern and Southern Africa: What are the Stakes?
by Edward J. Balistreri & David G. Tarr & Hidemichi Yonezawa
2015, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 471-501 Editor's choice Crises, Economic Integration and Growth Collapses in African Countries
by Abdilahi Ali & Katsushi S. Imai - 502-529 The Impact of Ethnic Violence in Kenya on Wheat and Maize Markets
by Luis Gil-Alana & Prakarsh Singh - 530-558 The Determinants of Earnings Inequalities: Panel Data Evidence from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
by Andrew Kerr & Francis Teal - 559-592 School Fees and Access to Primary Education: Assessing Four Decades of Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Talan B. İşcan & Daniel Rosenblum & Katie Tinker
2015, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 303-324 Editor's choice Testing for Competition in the South African Banking Sector
by Witness Simbanegavi & Joshua B. Greenberg & Tendai Gwatidzo - 325-351 Banking Sector Efficiency in Sub-Saharan Africa
by François Boutin-Dufresne & Oral Williams & Tomasz A. Zawisza - 352-366 Beyond Aid: How Much Should African Countries Pay to Borrow?
by Cheikh A. Gueye & Amadou N. R. Sy - 367-389 Households' Income-Generating Activities and Marginal Returns to Labour in Rural Tanzania
by Måns Nerman - 390-415 A Disaggregated Analysis of Product Price Integration in the Southern African Development Community
by Neil Balchin & Lawrence Edwards & Asha Sundaram - 416-452 Resource Allocation in Extended Sibships: An Empirical Investigation for Senegal
by Karine Marazyan - 453-469 Family Networks and Income Hiding: Evidence from Lab-in-the-Field Experiments in Rural Liberia
by Gonne Beekman & Marcel Gatto & Eleonora Nillesen
2015, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 173-192 Editor's choice Kinship, Trust and Moral Hazard in the Motorcycle-Taxi Market in Togo and Benin
by Moussa P. Blimpo - 193-229 Rural Policies, Price Change and Poverty in Tanzania: An Agricultural Household Model-Based Assessment
by Luca Tiberti & Marco Tiberti - 230-253 Inter-Temporal and Spatial Price Dispersion Patterns and the Well-Being of Maize Producers in Southern Tanzania
by Bjorn Van Campenhout & Els Lecoutere & Ben D'Exelle - 254-276 Household Out-of-Pocket Expenses on Health: Does Disease Type Matter?
by Fleur Wouterse & Mahamadou Tankari - 277-301 Climate Change and Economic Growth in Africa: An Econometric Analysis
by Babatunde O. Abidoye & Ayodele F. Odusola
2015, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-25 Editor's choice China's African Financial Engagement, Real Exchange Rates and Trade between China and Africa
by Sylviane Guillaumont Jeanneney & Ping Hua - 26-56 Decentralised Beneficiary Targeting in Large-Scale Development Programmes: Insights from the Malawi Farm Input Subsidy Programme
by Talip Kilic & Edward Whitney & Paul Winters - 57-100 Impact of Natural Disasters on Education Outcomes: Evidence from the 1987–89 Locust Plague in Mali
by Philippe De Vreyer & Nathalie Guilbert & Sandrine Mesple-Somps - 101-127 Impressive Growth in Africa Under Peace and Market Reforms
by Gonzalo Salinas & Cheikh Gueye & Olessia Korbut - 128-147 Respondent-Driven Sampling: A New Method to Sample Businesses in Africa
by Charles Q. Lau & Georgiy V. Bobashev - 148-171 Reverse-Share-Tenancy and Agricultural Efficiency: Farm-Level Evidence from Ethiopia
by Hosaena H. Ghebru & Stein T. Holden
2014, Volume 23, Issue suppl_2
- 1-3 Preface
by Witness Simbanegavi - 4-16 Climate Change and Economic Development in Africa: An Overview
by Witness Simbanegavi & Channing Arndt - 17-49 The Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture in Africa
by John Asafu-Adjaye - 50-82 Economic Costs of Climate Change and Climate Finance with a Focus on Africa
by Alemu Mekonnen - 83-107 Climate Change and Economic Growth Prospects for Malawi: An Uncertainty Approach
by Channing Arndt & Adam Schlosser & Kenneth Strzepek & James Thurlow
2014, Volume 23, Issue suppl_1
- 4-17 Gender and Economic Development in Africa: An Overview
by Damiano K. Manda & Samuel Mwakubo - 18-61 Gender, Development and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Stephanie Seguino & Maureen Were - 62-86 Collecting Sex Disaggregated Data to Improve Development Policies
by Cheryl Doss - 87-127 Gender and Economic Empowerment in Africa: Evidence and Policy
by Naomi Netsayi Wekwete - 128-156 The Care Economy in Africa: Subsistence Production and Unpaid Care
by Nancy Folbre
2014, Volume 23, Issue 5
- 583-613 Editor's choice SME Finance in Africa
by Thorsten Beck & Robert Cull - 614-642 The African Financial Development and Financial Inclusion Gaps
by Franklin Allen & Elena Carletti & Robert Cull & Jun ‘QJ’ Qian & Lemma Senbet & Patricio Valenzuela - 643-672 Can Your Child Read and Count? Measuring Learning Outcomes in East Africa
by Sam Jones & Youdi Schipper & Sara Ruto & Rakesh Rajani - 673-699 Positional Concerns among the Poor: Does Reference Group Matter? Evidence from Survey Experiments
by Alpaslan Akay & Lisa Andersson & Peter Martinsson & Haileselassie Medhin
2014, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 425-463 Editor's choice Assessing the Price-Raising Effect of Non-Tariff Measures in Africa
by Olivier Cadot & Julien Gourdon - 464-492 Weather and Child Health in Rural Nigeria
by Mariano Rabassa & Emmanuel Skoufias & Hanan Jacoby - 493-527 Causes and Implications of Credit Rationing in Rural Ethiopia: The Importance of Zonal Variation
by Daniel Ayalew Ali & Klaus Deininger - 528-581 Subjective Wealth and Satisfaction with Policy Reform: Evidence from the Cotton Reform Experience in Burkina Faso
by Jonathan Kaminski
2014, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 321-345 Editor's choice Regional Agreements and Welfare in the South: When Scale Economies in Transport Matter
by Céline Carrère - 346-360 Out-of-Sample Performance of the Macroeconomic Balance Approach to the Real Exchange Rate in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Valerie Cerra & Sweta Chaman Saxena - 361-387 The Crowding-in Effect of Simple Unconditional Central Grants on Local Own-Source Revenue: The Case of Benin
by Emilie Caldeira & Grégoire Rota-Graziosi - 388-422 Measuring and Mending Monetary Policy Effectiveness under Capital Account Restrictions: Lessons from Mauritania
by Robert Blotevogel
2014, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 189-224 Editor's choice Aspirations: An Approach to Measurement with Validation Using Ethiopian Data
by Tanguy Bernard & Alemayehu Seyoum Taffesse - 225-256 Inter-temporal Changes in Well-being During Conditions of Hyperinflation: Evidence from Zimbabwe
by Catherine Larochelle & Jeffrey Alwang & Nelson Taruvinga - 257-289 Openness, Investment and Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Hector Sala & Pedro Trivín - 290-320 Tourism and the 2010 World Cup: Lessons for Developing Countries
by Thomas Peeters & Victor Matheson & Stefan Szymanski
2014, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-52 Editor's choice Impact of Qualified Worker Emigration on Poverty: A Macro–Micro-Simulation Approach for an African Economy
by Calvin Z. Djiofack & Eric W. Djimeu & Matthieu Boussichas - 53-104 HIV/AIDS and Fatalism: Should Prevention Campaigns Disclose the Transmission Rate of HIV?
by Olivier Sterck - 105-150 Intra-household Efficiency: An Experimental Study from Ethiopia
by Bereket Kebede & Marcela Tarazona & Alistair Munro & Arjan Verschoor - 151-187 Regional Variation in Risk and Time Preferences: Evidence from a Large-scale Field Experiment in Rural Uganda
by Yuki Tanaka & Alistair Munro
August 2013, Volume 22, Issue suppl_2
- -15 Institutions and Service Delivery in Africa: An Overview
by Damiano K. Manda & Samuel Mwakubo - -38 Policies and Institutions for Effective Service Delivery: The Need of a Microeconomic and Micropolitical Approach
by Tessa Bold & Jakob Svensson - -56 Public and Private Provision of Education in Kenya
by Tessa Bold & Mwangi S. Kimenyi & Justin Sandefur - -83 Public Investment in Rural Infrastructure: Some Political Economy Considerations
by Moussa P. Blimpo & Robin Harding & Leonard Wantchekon
January 2013, Volume 22, Issue suppl_1
- -3 Preface
by William Lyakurwa - -14 Revisiting the Growth, Inequality and Poverty Nexus: An Overview
by Damiano Kulundu Manda - -48 The Interrelationship Linking Growth, Inequality and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Erik Thorbecke - -76 Growth and Poverty Reduction in Africa in the Last Two Decades: Evidence from an AERC Growth-Poverty Project and Beyond
by Andy McKay - -101 Sustaining High Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Knowledge and the Structure of the Economy
by Yaw Nyarko
November 2013, Volume 22, Issue 5
- 651-692 The Dynamics of Job Creation and Job Destruction in an African Economy: Evidence from Ethiopia-super- †
by Admasu Shiferaw & Arjun S. Bedi - 693-731 Determinants of Schooling: Empirical Evidence from Rural Ethiopia
by Subha Mani & John Hoddinott & John Strauss - 732-756 De Jure versus De Facto Exchange Rate Regimes in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Slavi T. Slavov - 757-795 Accounting for Heterogeneity in Growth Incidence in Cameroon Using Recentered Influence Function Regression
by B. Essama-Nssah & Saumik Paul & Léandre Bassolé - 796-826 Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Role of Roads in Migration Decisions
by Marie Castaing Gachassin - 827-848 The Gender Wage Gap in Post-Apartheid South Africa: A Re-examination
by Haroon Bhorat & Sumayya Goga
August 2013, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 491-498 Institutions and African Economies: An Overview
by Augustin Kwasi Fosu - 499-522 The New Institutionalism and Africa
by Robert H. Bates & Steven A. Block & Ghada Fayad & Anke Hoeffler - 523-551 Growth of African Economies: Productivity, Policy Syndromes and the Importance of Institutions
by Augustin Kwasi Fosu - 552-569 Resource Rents, Democracy, Corruption and Conflict: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
by Rabah Arezki & Thorvaldur Gylfason - 570-615 Addressing the Natural Resource Curse: An Illustration from Nigeria
by Xavier Sala-i-Martin & Arvind Subramanian - 616-650 Institutions and Job Growth in African Manufacturing: Does Employment Protection Regulation Matter?
by Louise Fox & Ana Maria Oviedo
June 2013, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 347-374 Determinants of Black Women's Labour Force Participation in Post-Apartheid South Africa
by Miracle Ntuli & Martin Wittenberg - 375-393 Enrolment and Grade Attainment following the Introduction of Free Primary Education in Tanzania
by Johannes Hoogeveen & Mariacristina Rossi - 394-436 Manipulating the Rural Landscape: Villagisation and Income Generation in Rwanda
by Ann-Sofie Isaksson - 437-462 Diversity and the Distribution of Public Goods in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Ken Jackson - 463-490 Impact of Parental Death in Middle Childhood and Adolescence on Child Outcomes
by Rozana Himaz
March 2013, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 187-238 Race, Poverty and Deprivation in South Africa
by Carlos Gradín - 239-275 Inflation Dynamics in the CEMAC Region
by Carlos Caceres & Marcos Poplawski-Ribeiro & Darlena Tartari - 276-299 Child Labour and Schooling Responses to Production and Health Shocks in Northern Mali-super- †
by Andrew Dillon - 300-322 Facing Misfortune: Expenditures on Magico-Religious Powers for Cure and Protection in Benin
by Philippe LeMay-Boucher & Joël Noret & Vincent Somville - 323-345 Trade, Institutions, Income and Human Development in African Countries
by Mina Baliamoune-Lutz & Sylvain H. Boko
January 2013, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-21 Aid and Dutch Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa
by David Fielding & Fred Gibson - 22-51 Why Is Agricultural Trade within ECOWAS So High?
by Lassana Cissokho & Jonathan Haughton & Kossi Makpayo & Abdoulaye Seck - 52-72 Teachers' Engagement at Work in a Developing Country-super- †
by Gérard Lassibille - 73-111 Intergenerational Transmission of Self-Employed Status in the Informal Sector: A Constrained Choice or Better Income Prospects? Evidence from Seven West African Countries
by Laure Pasquier-Doumer - 112-135 How Efficient Are the Ethiopian Microfinance Institutions in Extending Financial Services to the Poor? A Comparison with the Commercial Banks
by Hundanol Atnafu Kebede & Wassie Berhanu - 136-162 Trusting Neighbours or Strangers in a Racially Divided Society: Insights from Survey Data in South Africa
by Dorrit Posel & Tim Hinks - 163-186 The Determinants of Health Care Utilisation in Rural Senegal
by Aurélia Lépine & Alexis Le Nestour
January 2012, Volume 21, Issue suppl_2
- -2 Preface
by Olu Ajakaiye - -18 Industrialisation and Economic Transformation in Africa: Introduction and Overview
by Olu Ajakaiye & John Page - -54 Shifting Gears: Igniting Structural Transformation in Africa-super- †
by Célestin Monga