January 2007, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 166-171 The Macroeconomics of HIV/AIDS
by Channing Arndt - 172-175 Insurance Against Poverty
by Flore Gubert
December 2006, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 505-509 Poverty, Trade and Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Introduction to the Special Issue
by Haroon Bhorat & Stephen Hanival & Ravi Kanbur - 510-542 Strategies for Pro-poor Growth: Pro-poor, Pro-growth or Both?
by John Page - 543-570 Growth, Redistribution and Poverty Changes in Cameroon: A Shapley Decomposition Analysis
by Francis Menjo Baye - 571-602 Has Economic Growth in Mozambique been Pro-Poor?
by Channing Arndt & Robert C. James & Kenneth R. Simler - 603-625 Not All Growth is Equally Good for the Poor: The Case of Zambia
by James Thurlow & Peter Wobst - 626-670 Would Multilateral Trade Reform Benefit Sub-Saharan Africans?
by Kym Anderson & Will Martin & Dominique van der Mensbrugghe - 671-687 Exporting from Manufacturing Firms in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Neil Rankin & Måns Söderbom & Francis Teal - 688-721 Macro--Micro Linkages in Trade: Trade, Efficiency and Competitiveness of Manufacturing Firms in Durban, South Africa
by Imraan Valodia & Myriam Velia - 722-756 Export Processing Zone Expansion in Madagascar: What are the Labour Market and Gender Impacts?
by Peter Glick & François Roubaud
September 2006, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 343-372 Macroeconomic Shocks, Human Capital and Productive Efficiency: Evidence from West African Rice Farmers
by Christopher B. Barrett & Shane M. Sherlund & Akinwumi A. Adesina - 373-398 Shifting Tax Burdens through Exemptions and Evasion: an Empirical Investigation of Uganda
by Bernard Gauthier & Ritva Reinikka - 399-433 The Distribution of Education and Health Services in Madagascar over the 1990s: Increasing Progressivity in an Era of Low Growth
by Peter Glick & Mamisoa Razakamanantsoa - 434-469 To What Extent are African Education Policies Pro-poor?
by Jean-Claude Berthélemy - 470-503 Measuring Socio-Economic Patterns in a Chronic Conflict Situation: Rapid Assessments and a Household Survey in Southern Sudan
by Patrick D. Mullen
June 2006, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 1-1 Erratum: The Efficiency of Traditional and Hybrid Maize Production in Eastern Ethiopia: An Extended Efficiency Decomposition Approach
by Arega D. Alene & Rashid M. Hassan - 181-211 Prices, Unit Values and Local Measurement Units in Rural Surveys: an Econometric Approach with an Application to Poverty Measurement in Ethiopia
by Bart Capéau & Stefan Dercon - 212-250 The Road to Regional Integration in Africa: Macroeconomic Convergence and Performance in COMESA
by Fabrizio Carmignani - 251-284 Land Lease Markets and Agricultural Efficiency in Ethiopia
by John Pender & Marcel Fafchamps - 285-312 Local Government Accountability for Health Service Delivery in Nigeria
by Stuti Khemani - 313-341 South--South Trade: Geography Matters
by Souleymane Coulibaly & Lionel Fontagné
December 2006, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 141-160 Africa's Resurgence and International Migration: An Overview
by Olu Ajakaiye - 161-187 Supporting and Financing Africa's Resurgence
by Nicholas Stern - 188-211 African Growth: Why a 'Big Push'?
by Paul Collier - 212-244 Infrastructure, Regional Integration and Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Dealing with the disadvantages of Geography and Sovereign Fragmentation
by Benno J. Ndulu - 245-336 Migration Remittances and Development: A Review of Global Evidence
by John Page & Sonia Plaza - 337-395 Migration and Economic Development in Africa: A Review of Evidence
by Robert E.B. Lucas - 396-425 International Remittances and the Household: Analysis and Review of Global Evidence
by Richard H. Adams - 426-462 Migrants' Remittances and the Household in Africa: A Review of Evidence
by Jean-Paul Azam & Flore Gubert
March 2006, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-25 Performance and Revenue Potential of Excise Taxation in Tanzania
by Nehemiah E. Osoro & Hamisi H. Mwinyimvua & Philip I.N. Mpango - 26-58 The Paradox of Power Reconsidered: A Theory of Political Regimes in Africa
by Jean-Paul Azam - 59-90 Quality or Quantity? The Supply-side Determinants of Primary Schooling in a Poor Rural Economy
by Sudhanshu Handa & Kenneth R. Simler - 91-116 The Efficiency of Traditional and Hybrid Maize Production in Eastern Ethiopia: An Extended Efficiency Decomposition Approach
by Arega D. Alene & Rashid M. Hassan - 117-148 After the Oil: Challenges Ahead in Gabon
by Ludvig Söderling - 149-180 The Effects of Intrahousehold Property Ownership on Expenditure Patterns in Ghana
by Cheryl Doss
April 2006, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-9 Institutions, Governance and Economic Development in Africa: An Overview
by Augustin Fosu & Robert Bates & Anke Hoeffler - 10-61 Institutions and Development
by Robert H. Bates - 62-99 Ethnicity, Governance and the Provision of Public Goods
by Mwangi S. Kimenyi - 100-140 State Formation and Governance in Botswana
by James A. Robinson & Q. Neil Parsons
December 2005, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 483-488 Risk, Poverty and Vulnerability in Africa
by Stefan Dercon - 489-519 Consumption Smoothing in the Zone Lacustre, Mali
by Sarah Harrower & John Hoddinott - 520-558 Towards an Understanding of Household Vulnerability in Rural Kenya
by Luc J. Christiaensen & Kalanidhi Subbarao - 559-585 Shocks and Consumption in 15 Ethiopian Villages, 1999--2004
by Stefan Dercon & John Hoddinott & Tassew Woldehanna - 586-602 The Economic Impact of Armed Conflict in Rwanda
by Humberto Lopez & Quentin Wodon - 603-631 Measuring Welfare for Small but Vulnerable Groups: Poverty and Disability in Uganda
by Johannes G. Hoogeveen
September 2005, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 327-358 Some Simple Analytics of the Trade and Welfare Effects of Economic Partnership Agreements
by Chris Milner & Oliver Morrissey & Andrew McKay - 359-384 Devaluation and Cattle Market Integration in Burkina Faso
by Claudio Araujo & Catherine Araujo Bonjean & Jean-Louis Combes & Pascale Combes Motel - 385-410 Some Implications of GM Food Technology Policies for Sub-Saharan Africa
by Kym Anderson & Lee Ann Jackson - 411-434 Import Demand Function: Some Evidence from Madagascar and Mauritius
by Ivohasina Fizara Razafimahefa & Shigeyuki Hamori - 435-482 The Utilisation of Curative Healthcare in Mozambique: Does Income Matter?
by Magnus Lindelow
June 2005, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 143-190 Earnings and Employment Dynamics for Africans in Post-apartheid South Africa: A Panel Study of KwaZulu-Natal
by Paul L. Cichello & Gary S. Fields & Murray Leibbrandt - 191-246 The HIV Epidemic in Four African Countries Seen through the Demographic and Health Surveys
by Mark Gersovitz - 247-269 Aid, Debt Burden and Government Fiscal Behaviour in Côte d'Ivoire
by Mark McGillivray & Bazoumana Ouattara - 270-311 Civil Wars and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa1
by Kwabena Gyimah-Brempong & Marva E. Corley - 312-317 Achieving Schooling for All in Africa: Costs, Commitment, and Gender
by Walter W. McMahon - 318-320 Geography and Economy in South Africa and its Neighbours
by Willem Naudé - 321-325 Market Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa—Theory and Evidence
by Garth Frazer
March 2005, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-20 Estimation of Own- and Cross-price Elasticities using Unit Values: Econometric Issues and Evidence from Urban Ethiopia
by Abbi Mamo Kedir - 21-54 Development of Land Rental Markets and Agricultural Productivity Growth: The Case of Northern Ethiopia
by Samuel Benin & Mohamed Ahmed & John Pender & Simeon Ehui - 55-91 Economic and Welfare Impact of the Abolition of Health User Fees: Evidence from Uganda
by Klaus Deininger & Paul Mpuga - 92-116 The Returns to Education in Rwanda
by Gérard Lassibille & Jee-Peng Tan - 117-141 The Intensity of Trade Creation and Trade Diversion in COMESA, ECCAS and ECOWAS: A Comparative Analysis
by Jacob Wanjala Musila
December 2004, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 483-487 Introduction
by Christopher Adam & David Fielding - 488-517 The Characteristics of Macroeconomic Shocks in the CFA Franc Zone
by David Fielding & Kevin Lee & Kalvinder Shields - 518-535 What Determines Monetary Policy in the Franc Zone? Estimating a Reaction Function for the BCEAO
by Anja Shortland & David Stasavage - 536-562 Poverty and Growth in the WAEMU after the 1994 Devaluation
by Jean-Paul Azam - 563-593 How Does Monetary Policy Affect the Poor? Evidence from the West African Economic and Monetary Union
by David Fielding
2004, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 361-394 Privatisation versus Regulation in Developing Economies: The Case of West African Banks
by Jean Paul Azam & Bruno Biais & Magueye Dia - 395-416 Aid and Policies under Weak Donor Conditionality
by Giulio Federico - 417-445 Collective Action, Heterogeneous Loyalties and Path Dependence: Micro-evidence fromSenegal
by Jean-PhilippePlatteau & Tomasz Strzalecki - 446-478 On the Choice of Appropriate Development Strategy: Insights Gained from CGEModelling of the Mozambican Economy
by Henning Tarp & Jensen Finn Tarp - 479-482 Fighting Poverty in Africa. Are PRSPs Making a Difference? David Booth(ed.) Overseas Development Institute, 2004
by John Toye
September 2004, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 361-394 Privatisation versus Regulation in Developing Economies: The Case of West African Banks
by Jean Paul Azam & Bruno Biais & Magueye Dia - 395-416 Aid and Policies under Weak Donor Conditionality
by Giulio Federico - 417-445 Collective Action, Heterogeneous Loyalties and Path Dependence: Micro-evidence from Senegal
by Jean-Philippe Platteau & Tomasz Strzalecki - 446-478 On the Choice of Appropriate Development Strategy: Insights Gained from CGE Modelling of the Mozambican Economy
by Henning Tarp & Jensen Finn Tarp - 479-482 Fighting Poverty in Africa. Are PRSPs Making a Difference?
by John Toye
December 2004, Volume 13, Issue 02
- 1-1 Preface
by Augustin Fosu - 1-14 Africa and the World Economy: A Focus on Capital -- An Overview
by Augustin Kwasi Fosu & Pramila Krishnan & Leonce Ndikumana - 15-54 Africa's Exodus: Capital Flight and the Brain Drain as Portfolio Decisions
by Paul Collier & Anke Hoeffler & Catherine Pattillo - 55-94 International Financial Integration and Growth in Developing Countries: Issues and Implications for Africa
by Susan M. Collins - 95-148 Evidence of Returns to Schooling in Africa from Household Surveys: Monitoring and Restructuring the Market for Education
by T. Paul Schultz
June 2004, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 199-239 African Regional Agreements: Impact on Trade with or without Currency Unions
by Céline Carrère - 240-276 The Effect of Early Childhood Development Programmes on Women's Labour Force Participation and Older Children's Schooling in Kenya
by Michael M. Lokshin & Elena Glinskaya & Marito Garcia - 277-301 Determinants of Antenatal Care Use in Ghana
by G.B. Overbosch & N.N.N. Nsowah-Nuamah & G.J.M. van den Boom & L. Damnyag - 302-332 Regionalism and Labour Market Structure: A CGE Analysis of UEMOA Customs Union
by Bernard Decaluwé & Yazid Dissou & Véronique Robichaud - 333-355 Why Children Aren't Attending School: The Case of Northwestern Tanzania
by Kathleen Burke & Kathleen Beegle - 356-359 African Economic Development
by Yaye Sakho
March 2004, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-43 The Decline in Primary School Enrolment in Kenya
by Arjun S. Bedi & Paul K. Kimalu & Damiano Kulundu Mandab & Nancy Nafula - 44-101 Decision-making Under Risk among Small Farmers in East Uganda
by Steven J. Humphrey & Arjan Verschoor - 102-133 Spatial Integration of Maize Markets in Post-liberalised Uganda
by Shahidur Rashid - 134-165 Factors Affecting Farm-specific Production Efficiency in the Savanna Zones of West Africa
by I. Okike & M.A. Jabbar & V.M. Manyong & J.W. Smith & S.K. Ehui - 166-194 Policies Affecting Changes in Ownership of Livestock and Use of Feed Resources in the Highlands of Northern Ethiopia
by Samuel Benin & Simeon Ehui & John Pender - 195-198 Failing to Compete: Technology Development and Technology Systems in Africa. Sanjaya Lall and Carlo Pietrobelli, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2002, 288 pp
by Remco Oostendorp
July 2004, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-15 Part 1: Growth and Poverty in Africa -- Growth and Poverty in Africa: An Overview
by Arne Bigsten & Augustin Kwasi Fosu - 16-65 Rural Development, Growth and Poverty in Africa
by Germano Mwabu & Erik Thorbecke - 66-95 Growth and Poverty Reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa: Macroeconomic Adjustment and Beyond
by David E. Sahn & Stephen D. Younger - 96-136 AIDS and the Accumulation and Utilisation of Human Capital in Africa
by Amar Hamoudi & Nancy Birdsall - 137-141 Part 2: Public Sector Delivery -- Public Sector Delivery: A Synthesis
by Augustin Kwasi Fosu & Terence C.I. Ryan - 142-166 Making Services Work for Poor People
by Shantayanan Devarajan & Ritva Reinikka - 167-182 Governance Issues in Delivery of Public Services
by Pranab Bardhan - 183-198 Poverty, Bureaucratic Behaviour and Health Policy
by Tchétché N'Guessan
September 2003, Volume 12, Issue Supplement 2
- 1-11 Economic Reforms and Restructuring in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Overview
by Augustin Kwasi Fosu & Mwangi S. Kimenyi & Njuguna S. Ndung'u - 12-52 Development of Financial Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
by Peter J. Montiel - 53-88 Financial Liberalisation: The African Experience
by Carmen M. Reinhart & Ioannis Tokatlidis - 89-110 Financial Development and Economic Growth: A Review and New Evidence
by Mohsin S. Khan & Abdelhak S. Senhadji - 111-152 Recent Developments in African Financial Markets: Agenda for Further Research
by Ernest Aryeetey - 153-192 The Liberalisation, De-regulation and Privatisation of the Transport Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa: Experiences, Challenges and Opportunities
by Ngila Mwase - 193-211 Enforcement, Regulation and Development
by Jean-Jacques Laffont
February 2003, Volume 12, Issue Supplement 1
- 1-13 Globalisation: An Overview
by David L. Bevan & Augustin Kwasi Fosu - 14-34 Meeting the Challenges of Globalisation
by Michael Mussa - 35-72 Globalisation and the Challenge for Developing Countries
by Shahid Yusuf - 73-119 Risk and Reward of Embracing Globalisation: The Governance Factor
by Shang-Jin Wei - 120-150 Globalisation and Africa
by S. Ibi Ajayi
December 2003, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 473-475 Editors' Introduction:
by R. Kanbur & A.J. Venables - 476-499 An Inquiry into Cities and their Role in Subnational Economic Growth in South Africa
by W.A. NaudÈ & W.F. Krugell - 500-532 Return International Migration and Geographical Inequality: The Case of Egypt
by Barry McCormick & Jackline Wahba - 533-563 Love Thy Neighbour? Evidence from Ethnic Discrimination in Information Sharing within Villages in Côte d'Ivoire
by Mattia Romani - 564-597 Urban--Rural Inequality in Living Standards in Africa
by David E. Sahn & David C. Stifel - 598-624 Regional or National Poverty Lines? The Case of Uganda in the 1990s
by Simon Appleton - 625-671 Crime, Isolation and Law Enforcement
by Marcel Fafchamps & Christine Moser - 672-678 The Least Developed Countries Report 2002: Escaping the Poverty Trap. Geneva: UNCTAD, 2002
by Stephen D. Younger
September 2003, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 303-342 Does Market Liberalisation Jeopardise Export Quality? Cameroonian Cocoa, 1988--2000
by Eric F. Tollens & Christopher L. Gilbert - 343-370 Household Behaviour under Market Failures: How Natural Resource Management in Agriculture Promotes Livestock Production in the Sahel
by CÈline Dutilly-Diane & Elisabeth Sadoulet & Alain de Janvry - 371-416 Testing for Son Preference in South Africa
by Lata Gangadharan & Pushkar Maitra - 417-443 Determinants of Trade Policy Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Vinaye D. Ancharaz - 444-468 Multiparty Competition, Founding Elections and Political Business Cycles in Africa
by Steven A. Block & Karen E. Ferree & Smita Singh - 469-470 Africa's Stalled Development: International Causes and Cures. David K. Leonard and Scott Straus. Boulder CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2003. 159 pp. ISBN 1-58826-140-9
by Anke Hoeffler
June 2003, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 127-155 Livestock Pricing in the Northern Kenyan Rangelands
by Christopher B. Barrett & Francis Chabari & DeeVon Bailey & Peter D. Little & D. Layne Coppock - 156-206 Free Trade Agreements and the SADC Economies
by Jeffrey D. Lewis & Sherman Robinson & Karen Thierfelder - 207-235 Growth Linkages, Price Effects and Income Distribution in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Paul Dorosh & Steven Haggblade - 236-270 Co-operation in Risky Environments: Evidence from Southern Ethiopia
by Nancy McCarthy & Abdul B. Kamara & Michael Kirk - 271-295 Is Livestock Important for Risk Behaviour and Activity Choice of Rural Households? Evidence from Kenya
by Katsushi Imai - 296-298 The European Union and Africa: The Restructuring of North--South Relations. William Brown. London: I.B. Taurus, 2002. The Library of International Relations 20. 249 + vi pp
by Oliver Morrissey - 298-301 The Economic Decline of Zimbabwe: Neither Growth nor Equity. Carolyn Jenkins and John Knight. Palgrave, 2002
by Jorn Rattso
March 2003, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-29 Are Manufacturing Exports the Key to Economic Success in Africa?
by Måns S–derbom & Francis Teal - 30-40 Leading Issues on Africa's Path to Industrialisation: The Role of Support Systems and Instruments
by Kandeh Yumkella & Jebamalai Vinanchiarachi - 41-73 Do Workers in Africa Get a Wage Premium if Employed in Firms Owned by Foreigners?
by Dirk Willem te Velde - 74-103 Adjusting to Trade Liberalisation: The Case of Firms in the South African Textile Sector
by Simon Roberts & John Thoburn - 104-125 Credit Constraints in Manufacturing Enterprises in Africa
by Arne Bigsten & Paul Collier & Stefan Dercon & Marcel Fafchamps & Bernard Gauthier & Jan Willem Gunning & Abena Oduro & Remco Oostendorp & Cathy Patillo & Måns S–derbom & Francis Teal & Albert Zeufack
February 2002, Volume 11, Issue suppl_1
- 1-1 Preface
by Augustin Fosu - 1-9 Privatisation and Corporate Governance: An Overview
by Melvin Ayogu & Augustin Kwasi Fosu - 10-31 Experience with Privatisation: A New Institutional Economics Perspective
by Mary M. Shirley - 32-36 Comment on ‘Experience with Privatisation: A New Institutional Economics Perspective’ by Mary Shirley
by Christopher Adam - 37-59 International Evidence on Corporate Governance: Lessons for Developing Countries
by Wendy Carlin & Colin Mayer - 60-67 Comment on ‘International Evidence on Corporate Governance: Lessons for Developing Countries’ by Wendy Carlin and Colin Mayer
by Melvin D. Ayogu - 68-104 Corporate Governance and Privatisation: Lessons from Transition Economies
by Saul Estrin - 105-110 Comment on ‘Corporate Governance and Privatisation: Lessons from Transition Economies’ by Saul Estrin
by Andrea E. Goldstein - 111-140 Does Privatisation Meet the Expectations in Developing Countries? A Survey and Some Evidence from Africa
by Narjess Boubakri & Jean-Claude Cosset - 141-145 Comment on ‘Does Privatisation Meet the Expectations in Developing Countries? A Survey and Some Evidence from Africa’ by Narjess Boubakri and Jean-Claude Cosset
by Lemma W. Senbet
2002, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 542-560 Child Health and Mortality: Does Health Knowledge Matter?
by Jens Kovsted & Claus C. Pörtner & Finn Tarp
December 2002, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 441-471 Bypassing Health Centres in Tanzania: Revealed Preferences for Quality
by Kenneth L. Leonard & Gilbert R. Mliga & Damen Haile Mariam - 472-502 Price Discovery: The Case of Millet in Bamako, Mali
by David A. Bessler & Alpha Kergna - 503-541 Censored Quantile Regressions of Chronic and Transient Seasonal Poverty in Rwanda
by Christophe Muller - 542-560 Child Health and Mortality: Does Health Knowledge Matter?
by Jens Kovsted & Claus C. P–rtner & Finn Tarp - 561-590 The Determinants of Child Labour and Child Schooling in Ghana
by Ranjan Ray - 591-595 Natural Resource Management in African Agriculture: Understanding and Improving Current Practices. Christopher Barrett, Frank Place and Abdillahi Aboud (eds). CAB International Publishing in association with the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, 2002, 335 pp
by Alex Winter-Nelson
September 2002, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 309-325 A Case of Private Supply of Money in Stateless Somalia
by Jamil A. Mubarak - 326-364 Changes in Well-being in Zimbabwe, 1990-6: Evidence Using Semi-parametric Density Estimates
by Jeffrey Alwang & Bradford F. Mills & Nelson Taruvinga - 365-386 Conflict in Africa: The Cost of Peaceful Behaviour
by Tony Addison & Philippe Le Billon & S. Mansoob Murshed - 387-412 Monetary Union in West Africa: An Agency of Restraint for Fiscal Policies?
by Paul Masson & Catherine Pattillo - 413-439 Can Price Incentive to Smuggle Explain the Contraction of the Cocoa Supply in Ghana?
by Aleš BulÌř
June 2002, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 169-200 How Low Can You Go? Combining Census and Survey Data for Mapping Poverty in South Africa
by Harold Alderman & Miriam Babita & Gabriel Demombynes & Nthabiseng Makhatha & Berk Özler - 201-218 The Inflationary Effects of Effective Exchange Rate Depreciation in Selected African Countries
by Mark J. Holmes - 219-248 Unit Labour Costs, International Competitiveness, and Exports: The Case of Senegal
by Ahmadou Aly Mbaye & Stephen Golub - 249-278 Evidence on Informal Insurance in Rural Zimabwe
by Hans Hoogeveen - 279-281 Feature: Taking Africa Seriously: Introduction
by Marcel Fafchamps - 282-307 Feature: Taking Africa Seriously: A Case for Enhanced Resource Flow to Facilitate Development and Reduce Poverty
by Ernest Aryeetey
March 2002, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-3 Special Issue on Social Capital
by Abigail M. Barr - 4-38 Social Capital, Household Welfare and Poverty in Burkina Faso
by Christiaan Grootaert & Gi-Taik Oh & Anand Swamy - 39-60 The Effect of Social Capital on Fertiliser Adoption: Evidence from Rural Tanzania
by Jonathan Isham - 61-89 Self-help Groups and Income Generation in the Informal Settlements of Nairobi
by Eliana La Ferrara - 90-113 The Functional Diversity and Spillover Effects of Social Capital
by Abigail M. Barr - 114-145 Bride Wealth and Household Security in Rural Zimbabwe
by Marleen Dekker & Hans Hoogeveen - 146-168 Participation and Poverty Reduction: An Analytical Framework and Overview of the Issues
by John Hoddinott
2001, Volume 10, Issue suppl_2
- 1 Preface
by Augustin Fosu - 1-11 Business Environment and Investment in Africa: an Overview
by Augustin Kwasi Fosu & Kupukile Mlambo & Temitope W. Oshikoya - 12-47 Macroeconomic Factors and Investment in Africa
by K. Mlambo & T. W. Oshikoya - 48-80 Determinants of African Manufacturing Investment: the Microeconomic Evidence
by Jan Willem Gunning & Taye Mengistae - 81-108 Is Investment in Africa Too High or Too Low? Macro‐ and Micro‐evidence
by Shantayanan Devarajan & William Easterly & Howard Pack - 109-142 Networks, Communities and Markets in Sub‐Saharan Africa: Implications for Firm Growth and Investment
by Marcel Fafchamps
2001, Volume 10, Issue suppl_1
- 1 Preface
by Augustin Fosu - 1-15 Financial and Currency Crises: An Overview
by Augustin Kwasi Fosu & Lemma W. Senbet - 16-35 Capital Flow Volatility: Issues and Policies
by Guillermo A. Calvo - 36-71 Bank Runs and Banking Policies: Lessons for African Policy Makers
by Edward J. Kane & Tara Rice - 72-103 The Asian Financial Crisis: Origins, Policy Prescriptions and Lessons
by Morris Goldstein - 104-140 Global Financial Crisis: Implications for Africa
by Lemma W. Senbet
2001, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 355-389 On Cross‐country Growth and Convergence: Evidence from African and OECD Countries
by Charalambos G. Tsangarides - 390-409 Household Financial Savings Mobilisation: Empirical Evidence from Uganda
by Barnabas Kiiza & Glenn Pederson - 410-432 Unrestricted Market Access for Sub‐Saharan Africa: How Much Is It Worth and Who Pays?
by Elena Ianchovichina & Aaditya Mattoo & Marcelo Olarreaga - 433-469 ‘The Rich Are Just Like Us, Only Richer’: Poverty Functions or Consumption Functions?
by Simon Appleton - 470-497 Openness, Investment and Growth
by Anke Hoeffler - 498-500 Uganda's Recovery. The Role of Farms, Firms and Government. Ritva Reinikka and Paul Collier (eds)
by Flore Gubert
2001, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 227-257 The Cost of Rich (and Poor) Country Protection to Developing Countries
by Kym Anderson & Betina Dimaranan & Joe Francois & Tom Hertel & Bernard Hoekman & Will Martin - 258-281 Export Performance in Africa and Asia's Manufacturing: Evidence from Firm‐level Data
by Albert Zeufack - 282-310 The Global Setting and African Economic Growth
by Augustin Kwasi Fosu - 311-335 Trade Blocs: Relevant for Africa?
by Jan Willem Gunning