July 2006, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 507-520 Low-wage manufacturing and global commodity chains: a model in the unequal exchange tradition
by James Heintz - 521-539 The fiscal sociology of Gino Borgatta: Pareto, extra-economic redistribution and economic growth
by Michael McLure - 541-565 Keynesian theorising during hard times: stock-flow consistent models as an unexplored 'frontier' of Keynesian macroeconomics
by Claudio H. Dos Santos - 567-585 The political economy of the Ecuadorian financial crisis
by Gabriel X. Martinez - 587-611 A disaggregated analysis of EU imports: the implications for the study of patterns of trade and technology
by Raphael Kaplinsky & Amelia U. Santos-Paulino - 613-635 Persuasive devices
by Roy J. Rotheim - 637-650 The origins of money in Ancient Greece: the political economy of coinage and exchange
by Mark S. Peacock
May 2006, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 321-345 William James's psychological pragmatism: habit, belief and purposive human behaviour
by Michael S. Lawlor - 347-370 Distributive shares in the US economy, 1964--2001
by Simon Mohun - 371-387 A note on the theory and measurement of trust in explaining differences in economic growth
by Sjoerd Beugelsdijk - 389-402 The Coasean analysis of lighthouse financing: myths and realities
by Elodie Bertrand - 403-434 Technology, demand and distribution: a cumulative growth model with an application to the Dutch productivity growth slowdown
by C. W. M. Naastepad - 435-458 Innovation and economic performance in services: a firm-level analysis
by Giulio Cainelli & Rinaldo Evangelista & Maria Savona - 459-472 Work for all those who want it? Why the neoclassical labour supply curve is an inappropriate foundation for the theory of employment and unemployment
by David A. Spencer - 473-477 Comment: Lucas on involuntary unemployment
by M. G. Hayes - 479-482 Keynes, Lucas and involuntary unemployment: a reply to Hayes
by Michel De Vroey
March 2006, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 163-180 Inflation and growth in South Africa
by D. Hodge - 181-199 The sensitivity of poverty rates to macro-level changes in the European Union
by Herwig Immervoll & Horacio Levy & Christine Lietz & Daniela Mantovani & Holly Sutherland - 201-217 The financial system and the Pasinetti theorem
by Man-Seop Park - 219-226 How significant is the alleged unfair advantage enjoyed by state-owned banks in Germany?
by S. P. Chakravarty & Jonathan M. Williams - 227-234 Conflict inflation: estimating the contributions to wage inflation in Australia during the 1990s
by Tim R. L. Fry & Elizabeth Webster - 235-252 The influence of taxes on migration: evidence from Switzerland
by Thomas Liebig & Alfonso Sousa-Poza - 253-275 Schumpeter, Hegel and the vision of development
by Renee Prendergast - 277-291 The importance of clusters for spillovers from foreign direct investment and technology sourcing
by Lisa De Propris & Nigel Driffield - 293-306 Doing without money: a critical assessment of Woodford's analysis
by C. Rogers - 307-312 The corn model, gluts and surplus value
by Andrew Glyn
January 2006, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 2-6 Summary of an Address by Lord Keynes to the Political Economy Club, Trinity College, Cambridge on the 2nd February 1946
by Ian Lloyd - 7-32 Adaptive economic growth
by J. Stan Metcalfe & John Foster & Ronnie Ramlogan - 33-48 Transition to fully funded pension schemes: a non-orthodox criticism
by Sergio Cesaratto - 49-68 Post-Keynesianism, socialisation of investment and Swedish wage-earner funds
by Philip Whyman - 69-83 Endogenous economic growth: a new approach
by Amit Bhaduri - 85-103 The auctioneerless economics of Axel Leijonhufvud: the 'dark forces of time and ignorance' and the coordination of economic activity
by Elisabetta De Antoni - 105-122 Dealing with the Duhem--Quine thesis in financial economics: can causal holism help?
by Siobhain McGovern - 123-135 Fleetwood on causal holism: clarification and critique
by Thomas A. Boylan & Paschal F. O'Gorman - 137-159 Globalisation, history and development: a tale of two centuries
by Deepak Nayyar
November 2005, Volume 29, Issue 6
- 827-835 Economics for the future
by Michael Kitson - 837-848 The Cambridge School of Keynesian Economics
by Luigi L. Pasinetti - 849-872 The unreasonable ineffectiveness of mathematics in economics
by K. Vela Velupillai - 873-892 From simplistic to complex systems in economics
by John Foster - 893-908 Homo economicus and the reconstruction of political economy: six theses on the role of values in economics
by Euclid Tsakalotos - 909-926 Economics and psychology in the twenty-first century
by Peter E. Earl - 927-941 The future of economics: the appropriately educated in pursuit of the knowable
by David Colander - 943-957 Consumption and time in economics: prices and quantities in a temporary equilibrium perspective
by Sergio Nisticò - 959-974 Aggregate demand, conflict and capacity in the inflationary process
by Philip Arestis & Malcolm Sawyer - 975-995 Long-term unemployment, the invention of 'hysteresis' and the misdiagnosis of structural unemployment in the UK
by David Webster - 997-1009 The Dahrendorf hypothesis and its implications for (the theory of) economic policy-making
by Jan Schnellenbach - 1011-1026 Australian economics in the twentieth century
by Alex Millmow - 1027-1051 Inter-capital relations and the network organisation: redefining the work and employment nexus
by Damian Grimshaw & Jill Rubery - 1053-1072 An evaluation of government- sponsored vocational training programmes for the unemployed in urban Russia
by Anton Nivorozhkin - 1073-1090 Household wealth, public consumption and economic well-being in the United States
by Edward N. Wolff & Ajit Zacharias & Asena Caner - 1091-1109 Why does market capitalism fail to deliver a sustainable environment and greater equality of incomes?
by Christine Greenhalgh - 1111-1128 The future of development economics: a methodological agenda
by Jang-Sup Shin - 1129-1143 The application of development economics: general principles and context specificity
by Alexander C. Dow & Sheila C. Dow - 1145-1170 The concept of freedom and its relation to economic development--a critical appreciation of the work of Amartya Sen
by Renee Prendergast - 1171-1185 A Buddhist economic approach to the development of community enterprises: a case study from Southern Thailand
by Wanna Prayukvong
September 2005, Volume 29, Issue 5
- 669-684 The functions of the family in the great society
by Steven Horwitz - 685-707 Money, cycles and capital formation: von Mises the "Austrian" vs. Robertson the "Dynamist"
by Lilia Costabile - 709-727 Is there redemption for conventions?
by J. S. Latsis - 729-745 Distortions in the trade policy for development debate: A re-examination of Friedrich List
by P. Sai-wing Ho - 747-767 The ‘modern’ view of macroeconomics: some critical reflections
by Alfonso Palacio-Vera - 769-797 Globalisation as commodification
by Photis Lysandrou - 799-815 On measuring the wealth of nations: the US economy, 1964–2001
by Simon Mohun - 817-825 What is the essence of money?
by C. A. E. Goodhart
July 2005, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 497-515 What drives innovativeness in industrial clusters? Transcending the debate
by Marjolein C. J. Caniëls & Henny A. Romijn - 517-534 Profit maximisation vs. agency: an analysis of charitable giving by UK firms
by Stephen Brammer & Andrew Millington - 535-557 Is labour becoming more or less flexible? Changing dynamic behaviour and asymmetries of labour input in US manufacturing
by Stuart Glosser & Lonnie Golden - 559-576 Puzzles in the economic institutions of capitalism: production coordination, contracting and work organisation in the Irish linen trade, 1750–1850
by Graham Brownlow & Frank Geary - 577-599 Environmental regulation: a value-theoretic and class-based analysis
by Andriana Vlachou - 601-618 The escape from conjectural variations: the consistency condition in duopoly theory from Bowley to Fellner
by Nicola Giocoli - 619-634 Sheila Dow's concept of dualism: clarification, criticism and development
by Andrew Mearman - 635-655 ‘Total factor productivity vs. realism’ revisited: the case of the South Korean steel industry
by Hajime Sato - 657-658 A note on the statistical verification of Marx: comment on Cockshott and Cottrell
by Leon Podkaminer - 659-664 The employment elasticity in manufacturing: a comment on Mazumdar
by Jesus Felipe & Grace C. Sipin - 665-667 The employment elasticity in manufacturing: a rejoinder
by D. Mazumdar
May 2005, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 325-341 Rational drug design, the knowledge value chain and bioscience megacentres
by Philip Cooke - 343-357 The evolution and performance of biotechnology regional systems of innovation
by Jorge Niosi & Marc Banik - 399-421 Shared quality uncertainty and the introduction of indeterminate goods
by Sylvie Lupton - 423-437 Capital theory and the origins of the elasticity of substitution (1932--35)
by Mario García Molina - 439-462 Interest rates, collateral and (de-)interlinkage: a micro-study of rural credit in West Bengal
by Sudipta Bhattacharyya - 463-473 Does modern endogenous growth theory adequately represent Allyn Young?
by Ramesh Chandra & Roger J. Sandilands - 475-496 A history of post-Keynesian economics
by Prue Kerr
March 2005, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 171-178 Memorialising George L. S. Shackle: a centennial tribute
by Mark Perlman - 179-205 Economics as progress: the LSE approach to econometric modelling and critical realism as programmes for research
by Stephen Pratten - 207-222 The approach of ecological economics
by John Gowdy & Jon D. Erickson - 223-247 Investment sequencing in the brick industry: an application of grounded theory
by Fiona Scheibl & Andrew Wood - 249-262 The concept of routines: some clarifications
by Markus C. Becker - 263-288 The principle of institutional direction: Coase's regulatory critique of intervention
by David Campbell & Matthias Klaes - 289-308 The fruits of intellectual production: economic and scientific specialisation among OECD countries
by Keld Laursen & Ammon Salter - 309-316 Robust correlations between prices and labour values: a comment
by W. Paul Cockshott & Allin Cottrell - 317-323 Reply to Cockshott and Cottrell
by Andrew J. Kliman
January 2005, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 3-18 Marx, Marxism and the cooperative movement
by Bruno Jossa - 19-36 Economists' perceptions versus managers' decisions: an experiment in transaction-cost analysis
by James H. Love & Stephen Roper - 37-56 The emergence of technology systems: knowledge production and distribution in the case of the Emilian plastics district
by Pier Paolo Patrucco - 57-71 An anatomy of authority: Adam Smith as political theorist
by Elias L. Khalil - 73-98 Some Cambridge reactions to The General Theory: David Champernowne and Joan Robinson on full employment
by Mauro Boianovsky - 99-117 Naturalised epistemology and economics
by Clive Beed - 119-140 Capacity utilisation and corporate restructuring: a comparative study of the US, UK and other EU countries
by Ciaran Driver & David Shepherd - 141-170 Growth, trade and uneven development
by William Darity & Lewis S. Davis
November 2004, Volume 28, Issue 6
- 791-808 Towards a re-interpretation of the economics of feasible socialism
by Dic Lo & Russell Smyth - 809-827 The Asian crisis and the shaping of 'proper' economies
by Jakob Vestergaard - 829-846 Cooperation and the efficiency of regional R&D activities
by Michael Fritsch - 847-874 The role of the state in evolutionary economics
by François Moreau - 875-888 The conventional wage share vs. full employment: implications for the development of growth theory
by Norman Sedgley & Bruce Elmslie - 889-901 Rate of profit and interest in a growth theory with endogenous money
by Kazuhiro Kurose - 903-919 Free banking and the stability of early joint-stock banking
by C. R. Hickson & J. D. Turner - 921-936 Situational analysis beyond 'single-exit' modelling
by Vítor Neves - 937-954 Does WTO accession matter for the Chinese textile and clothing industry?
by Godfrey Yeung & Vincent Mok
September 2004, Volume 28, Issue 5
- 635-652 Transnational corporations' strategies and foreign trade patterns in MERCOSUR countries in the 1990s
by Daniel Chudnovsky & Andrés López - 653-666 High pressure and black clouds: Keynes and the frequentist theory of probability
by Alberto Baccini - 667-681 The Schumpeterian role of financial innovations in the New Economy's business cycle
by Charles G. Leathers & J. Patrick Raines - 683-704 Gender, piece rates and wages: evidence from matched employer--employee data
by Uwe Jirjahn & Gesine Stephan - 705-717 Structural economic dynamics: an alternative approach to North--South models
by Ricardo Azevedo Araujo & Joanílio Rodolpho Teixeira - 719-741 Financialisation and the slowdown of accumulation
by Engelbert Stockhammer - 743-766 Labour market reform and the macroeconomic efficiency of the labour market in Australia
by A. Stegman & T. Stegman - 767-790 De-industrialisation and the balance of payments in advanced economies
by Robert Rowthorn & Ken Coutts
July 2004, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 471-488 The role of trust and contract in the supply of business advice
by Robert J. Bennett & Paul J. A. Robson - 489-504 The future of public pensions in the OECD
by Christian E. Weller - 505-525 Governance and competence: how can they be combined?
by Bart Nooteboom - 527-547 Capital, distribution and macroeconomics: 'core' beliefs and theoretical foundations
by Graham White - 549-576 Reflections on the current fashion for central bank independence
by Jörg Bibow - 577-596 Absorptive capability and economic growth: how do countries catch-up?
by Mark Rogers - 597-617 Work-related fatality risks and neoclassical compensating wage differentials
by Kevin Purse - 619-633 The market for preferences
by Peter E. Earl & Jason Potts
May 2004, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 319-346 Theoretical isolation and explanatory progress: transaction cost economics and the dynamics of dispute
by Uskali Mäki - 347-363 Collective invention during the British Industrial Revolution: the case of the Cornish pumping engine
by Alessandro Nuvolari - 365-378 Uncertainty: individuals, institutions and technology
by David Dequech - 379-395 The organisation of innovation: collaboration, cooperation and multifunctional groups in UK and German manufacturing
by James H. Love & Stephen Roper - 397-411 Lucas on involuntary unemployment
by Michel De Vroey - 413-429 Anti-Williamson: a Marxian critique of New Institutional Economics
by Daniel Ankarloo - 431-447 Ecological economics and the politics of knowledge: the debate between Hayek and Neurath
by John O'Neill - 449-456 Pure joint production and international trade: a note
by Theodore Mariolis - 457-467 A note on participatory decision-making and rationality
by Shaun P. Hargreaves Heap - 469-469 Money and credit in a Keynesian model of income determination
by Wynne Godley
March 2004, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 153-171 Global apparel production and sweatshop labour: can raising retail prices finance living wages?
by Robert Pollin & Justine Burns & James Heintz - 173-203 Monetising the Classical Equations: a theory of circulation
by Edward J. Nell - 205-227 Exchange rate indeterminacy in portfolio balance, Mundell--Fleming and uncovered interest rate parity models
by Lance Taylor - 229-252 Global inequality and international trade
by Ajit K. Ghose - 253-271 Trade flows: a facet of regionalism or globalisation?
by Georgios E. Chortareas & Theodore Pelagidis - 273-289 The evolutionary firm and Cournot's Dilemma
by Neil B. Niman - 291-300 Hayekian evolution reconsidered: a response to Caldwell
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 301-305 Hayekian evolution reconsidered: a reply to Hodgson
by Bruce Caldwell - 307-318 Fiscal federalism in Russia: a critique of the OECD proposals
by Steven Rosefielde & Natalia Vennikova
January 2004, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-20 Social security in a Classical growth model
by Thomas R. Michl & Duncan K. Foley - 21-36 The economic case for international labour standards
by Thomas I. Palley - 37-57 Alternative indicators for predicting the probability of declining inflation: evidence from the US
by Sungjun Kang & Kwangwoo Park & Ronald A. Ratti - 59-72 Outsourcing and the provision of welfare-related services to unemployed youth in New Zealand
by Robert Strathdee - 73-88 Hicks on monetary theory and history: money as endogenous money
by Giuseppe Fontana - 89-97 Switches and fake switches in methods of production
by Christian Bidard & Edith Klimovsky - 99-120 The 40% neoclassical aggregate theory of production
by Stefano Zambelli - 121-132 On Sraffa's Standard commodity
by Enrico Bellino - 133-152 Is globalisation undermining the welfare state?
by Vicente Navarro & John Schmitt & Javier Astudillo
November 2003, Volume 27, Issue 6
- 771-787 Are institutional rigidities at the root of European unemployment?
by Ronald Schettkat - 789-805 Decentralised production organisation and institutional transformation: large and small firm networks in Chile and Nicaragua
by Paola Perez-Aleman - 807-829 Coase on the nature of economics
by Ning Wang - 831-850 Sectoral regularities of productivity growth in developing countries--a Kaldorian interpretation
by Ute Pieper - 851-866 Technical efficiency, market share and profitability of manufacturing firms in Côte d'Ivoire: the technology trap
by Leo Sleuwaegen & Micheline Goedhuys - 867-880 Empirical evidence on interdependent preferences: nature or nurture?
by Daniel John Zizzo - 881-904 Time use, work and overlapping activities: evidence from Australia
by Maria Sagrario Floro & Marjorie Miles - 905-917 The political economy of gender disparity in musical markets
by Sam Cameron - 919-933 Estimating the surplus in the periphery: an application to Turkey
by Cem Somel
September 2003, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 623-646 Nationalism, development and integration: the political economy of Ernest Gellner
by Ugo Pagano - 647-669 Innovation and growth: supply and demand factors in the recent US expansion
by Annamaria Simonazzi - 671-693 Breaking the waves: a Poisson regression approach to Schumpeterian clustering of basic innovations
by Gerald Silverberg & Bart Verspagen - 695-721 Some methodological problems with the neoclassical analysis of the East Asian miracle
by Jesus Felipe & J. S. L. McCombie - 723-747 Smith and Newton: some methodological issues concerning general economic equilibrium theory
by Leonidas Montes - 749-754 A note on the organic composition of capital and profit rates
by W. Paul Cockshott & Allin Cottrell - 755-768 A note on the evolution of inequality in Poland, 1992-99
by Leon Podkaminer
July 2003, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 479-499 What's behind the rise in profitability in the US in the 1980s and 1990s?
by Edward N. Wolff - 501-522 Exit, voice and the evolution of industrial districts: the case of the post-World War II economic development of Prato
by Gabi Dei Ottati - 523-545 Sectoral patterns of technological activity and export market share dynamics
by Fabio Montobbio - 547-562 Labour employed in production and labour commanded: a Ricardian conjecture
by Nerio Naldi - 563-582 Trends in employment and the employment elasticity in manufacturing, 1971--92: an international comparison
by Dipak Mazumdar - 583-595 Effective demand and the terms of trade in a dual economy: a Kaldorian perspective
by Amit Bhaduri - 597-621 Sand in the wheels or spanner in the works? The Tobin tax and global finance
by John Grahl
May 2003, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 317-336 Averting crisis? Assessing measures to manage financial integration in emerging economies
by Ilene Grabel - 337-357 Is attack the best form of defence? A competing risks analysis of acquisition activity in the UK
by Andrew P. Dickerson & Heather D. Gibson & Euclid Tsakalotos - 359-376 Keynes's dialectic?
by Mark Setterfield - 377-400 Capstone or deadweight? Inefficiency, duplication and inequity in South Africa's tertiary education system, 1910--93
by Johannes Fedderke & Raphael de Kadt & John Luiz - 401-418 Ideology, markets and money
by Simon Mohun - 419-431 Home country employment and foreign direct investment: evidence from the Italian case
by Sergio Mariotti & Marco Mutinelli & Lucia Piscitello - 433-448 Analysing pollution by way of vertically integrated coefficients, with an application to the water sector in Aragon
by J. S·nchez-ChÛliz & R. Duarte - 449-464 Bargaining power, effective demand and technical progress: a Kaleckian model of growth
by Mario Cassetti - 465-477 Contractual governance and illiberal contracts: some problems of contractualism as an instrument of behaviour management by agencies of government
by Mark Freedland & Desmond King
March 2003, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 159-175 The hidden persuaders: institutions and individuals in economic theory
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 177-190 Innovation and social probable knowledge
by Marco Crocco - 191-207 A behavioural analysis of the subsistence standard of living
by Mohammed Sharif - 209-224 Adam Smith and the division of labour: is there a difference between organisation and market?
by StÈphan Vincent-Lancrin - 225-238 Sraffa's legacy
by Duncan K. Foley - 239-241 Organisational change, human resource management and innovative performance: comparative perspectives
by Edward Lorenz & Frank Wilkinson - 243-263 New human resource management practices, complementarities and the impact on innovation performance
by Keld Laursen & Nicolai J. Foss - 265-286 The adoption and diffusion of high-performance management: lessons from Japanese multinationals in the West
by Peter B. Doeringer & Edward Lorenz & David G. Terkla - 287-316 Organisational change, technology, employment and skills: an empirical study of French manufacturing
by Nathalie Greenan
January 2003, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-23 Profitability and supply price in the US domestic oil industry: implications for the political economy of oil in the twenty-first century
by Ian Rutledge - 25-48 Capitalism's growth imperative
by Myron J. Gordon & Jeffrey S. Rosenthal - 49-64 Confronting the science-value split: notes on feminist economics, institutionalism, pragmatism and process thought
by Julie A. Nelson - 65-84 The microfoundations of macroeconomics: an evolutionary perspective
by Jeroen C. J. M. van den Bergh & John M. Gowdy - 85-96 Simon's and Siegel's responses to the 'mixed strategy anomaly': a missed case in the sensitivity of economics to empirical evidence
by Timo Tammi - 97-121 New market socialism: a case for rejuvenation or inspired alchemy?
by Dimitris Milonakis