- 8kcvd_v1 Truck launch ICBMs: A trail map to reversibility and non lethal weaponry with wide area delta sleep induction EMI weaponry
by Bheemaiah, Anil K Dr - vez8d_v1 Analisis Sektor Primer Unggulan Kabupaten Sragen dan Distribusi Spasialnya Tahun 2016-2017
by Septyani, Yessy - e74ng Human Activity, Energy & Money in the United States: Connecting the Biophysical Economy with its Pecuniary Image
by Fix, Blair - jckt7_v1 Economics of the Greenseeder Hand Planter, Discrete Choice Modeling, and On-Farm Field Experimentation
by Ng'ombe, John - n6z3x Instrumen Literasi Finansial untuk Pembelajaran Fiqh Mu’āmalāt di Tingkat Menengah
by Setiawan, Adib Rifqi - h5wf8 PERTUMBUHAN INVESTASI Ditinjau dari Aspek Kualitas SDM dan Infrastruktur
by Persada, Pena & , Ismaulina - 5hma4 Manajemen Pemasaran: Kasus Dalam Pengembangkan Pasar Wisata Kuliner Tradisional Betawi
by Persada, Pena & Untari, Dhian Tyas - bnm5w_v1 Deep Learning in Ecology: Data-driven Methods for Ecosystem Analysis
by Hart, Jordan D. A. - a5rkw_v1 Socially Just Health Care in Mental Health Policy
by Simmons, Claire N - e4rw8 Buku Ekonomi APBN & APBD
by arifin, syamsul - v4a8y Hr As A Credible Business Partner
by Arifin, Antoni Ludfi - 4gd5x Quan hệ hợp tác Việt Nam – Hoa Kỳ trong lĩnh vực giáo dục đại học từ năm 1992 đến năm 2015
by Le Ngoc Anh, Hoang & Ho, Manh-Toan - 4j3fu A Discriminative Approach to Bayesian Filtering with Applications to Human Neural Decoding
by Burkhart, Michael C. - u39nc Corporate Entrepreneurship, Strategy Formulation, and the Performance of the Nigerian Manufacturing Sector
by OMISORE, Segun & Ho, Manh-Toan - a25wt Examining 50-year Time Series Data of Kitakyushu City, Japan: An Aggregate Microeconomic Approach for Environmental Kuznets Curve
by Nguyen, Minh-Hoang - 2xu4c Gentlemen, gentrification, and land-ownership in Leicestershire
by Marshall, Pierre - 2bmzr_v1 Analysing the social network of technology and information transfer for maize sheller service providers in Zimbabwe
by Chikutuma, Mutsvandiani - hkua9 Chức năng quản lý kinh tế của nhà nước cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt nam
by Sơn, Nguyễn Hồng & Lab, SDAG - 8kcvd Truck launch ICBMs: A trail map to reversibility and non lethal weaponry with wide area delta sleep induction EMI weaponry
by Bheemaiah, Anil Kumar Dr - vez8d Analisis Sektor Primer Unggulan Kabupaten Sragen dan Distribusi Spasialnya Tahun 2016-2017
by Septyani, Yessy & Dede, Moh. - yde8u The Development of Coffee Shopping Tourism in Colo
by Azalea, Fariha & Velasufah, Whasfi & Setiawan, Adib Rifqi - zhym7 Pengolahan Data Dengan Spss
by Persada, Pena & Vikaliana, Resista & , Irwansyah - htnm7 Financial Literacy Education Through Fiqh Mu'āmalāt Learning
by Setiawan, Adib Rifqi - jckt7 Economics of the Greenseeder Hand Planter, Discrete Choice Modeling, and On-Farm Field Experimentation
by Ng'ombe, John - a5rkw Socially Just Health Care in Mental Health Policy
by Simmons, Claire N - bnm5w Deep Learning in Ecology: Data-driven Methods for Ecosystem Analysis
by Hart, Jordan D. A. - st4qz Analisis Potensi dan Arahan Strategi Kebijakan Pengembangan Desa Ekowisata di Wilayah Muria
by Azalea, Fariha & Velasufah, Whasfi & Setiawan, Adib Rifqi - qazm2 Kebijakan Pemerintah Terhadap Nilai Penjualan Pedagang Kaki Lima Di Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara Barat
by Malindar, Balthasar - cqtd2 Financial Literacy Test for Fikih Muamalah Learning in Secondary Education
by Setiawan, Adib Rifqi & Saputri, Wahyu Eka - xwf2k Financial Literacy Assessment Instrument for Fiqh Mu'āmalāt Learning in Secondary Education
by Setiawan, Adib Rifqi - 2bmzr Analysing the social network of technology and information transfer for maize sheller service providers in Zimbabwe
by Chikutuma, Mutsvandiani - ugcre_v1 Factors influencing on salesperson performance in information service industry
by Linh, Nguyen Thi Thuy - pwstj_v1 Raskin Distribution In Islamic Economic Perspective
by , Ismaulina - ymbns_v1 Understanding and Improving Subjective Measures in Human-Computer Interaction
by Brühlmann, Florian - bdumw_v1 On the relationship between corporate social responsibility and competitive performance in Brazilian Small and Medium Enterprises - empirical evidence from a stakeholders’ perspective
by Back, Paula Regina - bdumw On the relationship between corporate social responsibility and competitive performance in Brazilian Small and Medium Enterprises - empirical evidence from a stakeholders’ perspective
by Back, Paula Regina - ymbns Understanding and Improving Subjective Measures in Human-Computer Interaction
by Brühlmann, Florian - vrwbj The Difference Between Normalized Gain g and Effect Size Cohen’s d for Measuring the Improvement of Student’s Scientific Literacy
by Setiawan, Adib Rifqi - ebhya Dampak Wisata Gunung Muria Terhadap Perekonomian Masyarakat Colo
by Azalea, Fariha & Saputri, Wahyu Eka & Setiawan, Adib Rifqi - pwstj Raskin Distribution In Islamic Economic Perspective
by Persada, Pena & , Ismaulina - ugcre Factors influencing on salesperson performance in information service industry
by Linh, Nguyen Thi Thuy & Lab, SDAG
- 578d3_v1 Co-production and the third sector: A comparative study of England and France
by McMullin, Caitlin - 82jh7_v1 Pesquisa Em Gastronomia No Brasil: Configuração Do Campo E Interfaces Com A Hospitalidade (1999-2016)
by Ferro, Rafael Cunha - mz632_v1 O Preço É Justo?: Um Estudo Sobre As Percepções De Consumidores E Turistas Sobre A Precificação Dinâmica De Um Aplicativo De Mobilidade Urbana
by Santos, Flavio Andrew do Nascimento - 578d3 Co-production and the third sector: A comparative study of England and France
by McMullin, Caitlin - 43sb5_v1 "It feels like being pushed in...": Contributions of Sociology of Mobility on bicycle use in the city of São Paulo
by Abilio, Carolina - uz9m4_v1 An Integrated Approach to the Evaluation of E-Service Quality in Airline Companies [Havayolu İşletmeleri̇nde E-Hi̇zmet Kali̇tesi̇ni̇n Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇ne Yöneli̇k Bütünleşik Bir Yaklaşım]
by Bakır, Mahmut - zu8q9_v1 Law’s Humility: The Possibility of Metajurisprudence
by Gkouvas, Triantafyllos - v8g7t_v1 Hostility, Chance, and Reason: Clausewitz and Russian Foreign Policy in the 2008 Russo-Georgian War
by Jones, Bryan Thomas - 82jh7 Pesquisa Em Gastronomia No Brasil: Configuração Do Campo E Interfaces Com A Hospitalidade (1999-2016)
by Ferro, Rafael Cunha - 7uqw9_v1 Economics from the Top Down: Does Hierarchy Unify Economic Theory?
by Fix, Blair - 64xku_v1 A House Divided: Cultural Backlash and Economic Insecurity in Poland and Hungary
by Danjolli, Henri - mz632 O Preço É Justo?: Um Estudo Sobre As Percepções De Consumidores E Turistas Sobre A Precificação Dinâmica De Um Aplicativo De Mobilidade Urbana
by Santos, Flavio Andrew do Nascimento - 43sb5 "It feels like being pushed in...": Contributions of Sociology of Mobility on bicycle use in the city of São Paulo
by Abilio, Carolina - uz9m4 An Integrated Approach to the Evaluation of E-Service Quality in Airline Companies [Havayolu İşletmeleri̇nde E-Hi̇zmet Kali̇tesi̇ni̇n Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇ne Yöneli̇k Bütünleşik Bir Yaklaşım]
by Bakır, Mahmut - dhbw9_v1 An In-depth Analysis of Autonomous Motivation: The Role of Social Media in Gaining Millennial's Support for Charitable Causes
by Gutberg, Jennifer - zu8q9 Law’s Humility: The Possibility of Metajurisprudence
by Gkouvas, Triantafyllos - v8g7t Hostility, Chance, and Reason: Clausewitz and Russian Foreign Policy in the 2008 Russo-Georgian War
by Jones, Bryan Thomas - ar8ks_v1 Spatial and temporal scales of atmospheric dynamics
by Jajcay, Nikola - 7uqw9 Economics from the Top Down: Does Hierarchy Unify Economic Theory?
by Fix, Blair - xp62v METODOLOGI PENELITIAN: Penelitian Kontemporer Bidang Ekonomi dan Bisnis
by Persada, Pena & Untari, Dhian Tyas - kd6ja_v1 Statistical methods for evidence synthesis
by Mathur, Maya B & VanderWeele, Tyler J. - zsc6x_v1 The Economics of Vivax Malaria Treatment
by Devine, Angela - cn5fe_v1 Manajemen Pemasaran
by Panjaitan, Roymon - 3ftb7 Peranan Pramusaji Dalam Meningkatkan Kepuasan Tamu Di Saffron Restoran Four Points By Sheraton Hotel Bandung
by Pariwisata, Repositori Online ROP & Faturohman, Topan - m3q4n KITCHEN Departement Gino Feruci Kebon Jati Hotel
by Pariwisata, Repositori Online ROP & Widayanti, Eneng - e3anr_v1 Poster Presentation Generate Electricity From Food Waste
by Fahim, Faezur Rahman - d2qvm_v1 Distributive Justice and Transportation Equity: Inequality in accessibility in Rio de Janeiro
by Pereira, Rafael H. M. - dhbw9 An In-depth Analysis of Autonomous Motivation: The Role of Social Media in Gaining Millennial's Support for Charitable Causes
by Gutberg, Jennifer - ar8ks Spatial and temporal scales of atmospheric dynamics
by Jajcay, Nikola - zsc6x The Economics of Vivax Malaria Treatment
by Devine, Angela - pq6wb Service Excelent Concierge Section Dalam Menunjang Kepuasan Tamu Di Hotel De Paviljoen Bandung
by Pariwisata, Repositori Online ROP & Nugraha, Muhamad Fajar - kd6ja Statistical methods for evidence synthesis
by Mathur, Maya B & VanderWeele, Tyler - cn5fe Manajemen Pemasaran
by Persada, Pena & Panjaitan, Roymon - gj5qn The Secret to Millennial Engagement
by Arifin, Antoni Ludfi - e3anr Poster Presentation Generate Electricity From Food Waste
by Fahim, Faezur Rahman - wq2ha Role of institutional interplay in the post-project sustainability of watershed development programmes: a case study in Kadwanchi, Maharashtra, India
by Parab, Vrishali - d2qvm Distributive Justice and Transportation Equity: Inequality in accessibility in Rio de Janeiro
by Pereira, Rafael Henrique Moreas
- 36h9n_v1 Planning and Management Issues in Sharr Mountains National Park, Kosovo: livelihoods of local communities and their perceptions
by Jupolli, Majlinda - u93re_v1 The Reorganization of Public Education through Open Data Strategy. Prospects and Concerns for Higher Education in Greece (thesis in greek)
by Lenaki, Katerina K. - cs6w4_v1 Prinsip Bagi Hasil dan Risiko Pembiayaan Perspektif Fatwa DSN: Survei pada BMT Lhokseumawe - Aceh
by , Ismaulina - y6px4_v1 Feature extraction from event logs for predictive monitoring of business processes
by Borchert, Florian - z6p3j_v1 Bureaucratic organization and innovation: a mixed-methods study of US state department of transportation website adoption
by Million, Anthony J. - kt543 Artikel Persepsi Masyarakat Dan Kepemimpinan Perempuan
by Alaslan, Amtai - 36h9n Planning and Management Issues in Sharr Mountains National Park, Kosovo: livelihoods of local communities and their perceptions
by Jupolli, Majlinda - u93re The Reorganization of Public Education through Open Data Strategy. Prospects and Concerns for Higher Education in Greece (thesis in greek)
by Lenaki, Katerina K. - kgx7b_v1 Exploratory Investigation Into The Practice Of Communicating To Publics Using English As A Lingua Franca (Elf) By Finnish Companies
by Ingram, Darren - xef7a_v1 Does Decentralization Improve Provision of Health Services? Evidence from Kisumu and Makueni Counties in Kenya
by Makokha, Racheal Omukhulu - 7zprk_v1 The Early Diffusion of Smart Meters in the US Electric Power Industry
by Strong, Derek Ryan - y6px4 Feature extraction from event logs for predictive monitoring of business processes
by Borchert, Florian - cs6w4 Prinsip Bagi Hasil dan Risiko Pembiayaan Perspektif Fatwa DSN: Survei pada BMT Lhokseumawe - Aceh
by Persada, Pena & , Ismaulina - z6p3j Bureaucratic organization and innovation: a mixed-methods study of US state department of transportation website adoption
by Million, Anthony J. - et5zr_v1 Persepsi Masyarakat Dan Kepemimpinan Perempuan
by Alaslan, Amtai - 4sn6k Black Population Size and the Structure of United States Labor Market Inequality
by Cohen, Philip N. - p4geu_v1 Artikel Implementasi Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Pedesaan (PNPM-MP) Di Desa Harapan Kecamatan Malili Kabupaten Luwu Timur
by Alaslan, Amtai - v3gwh_v1 Mekânın Üretimi Kuramı ve Türkiye’de Kentsel Mekânın Üretimi: Ankara Örneği
by Ghulyan, Husik - m26cx Female Beauty in “As If It's Your Last” from BLACKPINK
by Azalea, Fariha & Setiawan, Adib Rifqi - xef7a Does Decentralization Improve Provision of Health Services? Evidence from Kisumu and Makueni Counties in Kenya
by Makokha, Racheal Omukhulu - 7zprk The Early Diffusion of Smart Meters in the US Electric Power Industry
by Strong, Derek Ryan - kgx7b Exploratory Investigation Into The Practice Of Communicating To Publics Using English As A Lingua Franca (Elf) By Finnish Companies
by Ingram, Darren - et5zr Persepsi Masyarakat Dan Kepemimpinan Perempuan
by Alaslan, Amtai - p4geu Artikel Implementasi Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Pedesaan (PNPM-MP) Di Desa Harapan Kecamatan Malili Kabupaten Luwu Timur
by Alaslan, Amtai & Bormasa, Monica Feronica - v3gwh Mekânın Üretimi Kuramı ve Türkiye’de Kentsel Mekânın Üretimi: Ankara Örneği
by Ghulyan, Husik - fjxud_v1 Pengaruh Budaya Kerja Dan Kompensasi Terhadap Kinerjatenaga Medis Pada Badan Layanan Umum Daerah (Blud) Rumah Sakit Ryacudu Kabupaten Lampung Utara
by , herlintati - sfjqc_v1 Effect of profitability and dividend policy on corporate governance and firm value: Evidence from the Indonesian manufacturing Sectors
by Tamrin, Muhammad & Mus, H. Rahman & , Sudirman & Arfah, Aryati - buwmv_v1 Desarrollo, Turismo y Conocimiento Libre: narrativas y posibilidades
by Petrizzo, Mariangela - ntbqw_v1 Refining understanding of human decision making by testing integrated neurocognitive models of EEG, choice and reaction time
by Nunez, Michael D. - fjxud Pengaruh Budaya Kerja Dan Kompensasi Terhadap Kinerjatenaga Medis Pada Badan Layanan Umum Daerah (Blud) Rumah Sakit Ryacudu Kabupaten Lampung Utara
by , herlintati - ntbqw Refining understanding of human decision making by testing integrated neurocognitive models of EEG, choice and reaction time
by Nunez, Michael D. - buwmv Desarrollo, Turismo y Conocimiento Libre: narrativas y posibilidades
by Petrizzo, Mariangela - sfjqc Effect of profitability and dividend policy on corporate governance and firm value: Evidence from the Indonesian manufacturing Sectors
by Tamrin, Muhammad & Mus, H. Rahman & , Sudirman & Arfah, Aryati & Jamali, Hisnol
- 378jp_v1 Predicting Features that Drive Retention using Heterogenous Supervised Models Ensembles
by Niculae, Stefan - hn264_v1 Rice, politics and power: the political economy of food insecurity in East Asia
by Belesky, Paul - ewr96_v1 Bachelor Thesis 2016-17: Analyzing the Goal Contribution of English Club Midfielders
by Chowdhury, Koushik - ues92_v1 Forecasting of Corylus, Alnus, and Betula pollen concentration in the air in Poland
by Nowosad, Jakub - 378jp Predicting Features that Drive Retention using Heterogenous Supervised Models Ensembles
by Niculae, Stefan - hn264 Rice, politics and power: the political economy of food insecurity in East Asia
by Belesky, Paul - c2t4d_v1 Public relations and external communications as an aid to export : Examination of leading companies in Western Finland
by Ingram, Darren - ues92 Forecasting of Corylus, Alnus, and Betula pollen concentration in the air in Poland
by Nowosad, Jakub - b9wrx_v1 The Role of Cash Transfers in Rebuilding Livelihoods in an Emergency Response: the Typhoon Haiyan Case Study
by Gazi, Nothando - qvbp9_v1 Chasing Utopia: How the Arab Spring Gave Us Today's Islamic State
by Bolsinger, Diana - 5cyng_v1 Silences and Silos: NATO's implementation of UNSCR 1325
by Wright, Katharine A. M. - w3xta_v1 Ketahanan Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Pertanian di Wilayah Terkena Erupsi Merapi 2010 Melalui Indeks Standar Hidup yang Disesuaikan (Studi Kasus Tahun 2012)
by Muin, Muhamad Fathul - c2t4d Public relations and external communications as an aid to export : Examination of leading companies in Western Finland
by Ingram, Darren - b9wrx The Role of Cash Transfers in Rebuilding Livelihoods in an Emergency Response: the Typhoon Haiyan Case Study
by Gazi, Nothando - qvbp9 Chasing Utopia: How the Arab Spring Gave Us Today's Islamic State
by Bolsinger, Diana - 5cyng Silences and Silos: NATO's implementation of UNSCR 1325
by Wright, Katharine A. M. - w3xta Ketahanan Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Pertanian di Wilayah Terkena Erupsi Merapi 2010 Melalui Indeks Standar Hidup yang Disesuaikan (Studi Kasus Tahun 2012)
by Muin, Muhamad Fathul - fbshp_v1 The Reflector - Design for enriched music festival experiences through meaningful interactions at Into The Great Wide Open
by Välk, Sander - kwpqt_v1 Sosis Ikan: Teknologi Tepat Guna
by Asnani, Ari - mafbz_v1 Analisis Ekonomi Politik Pemenuhan Hak-Hak Pekerja Migran asal Sulawesi Selatan di Malaysia
by Zulfikar, Achmad - mafbz Analisis Ekonomi Politik Pemenuhan Hak-Hak Pekerja Migran asal Sulawesi Selatan di Malaysia
by Zulfikar, Achmad - fbshp The Reflector - Design for enriched music festival experiences through meaningful interactions at Into The Great Wide Open
by Välk, Sander - jwsgd Sosyal Medyanın, Z Kuşağı Tüketicilerinin Satın Alma Davranışları Üzerindeki Etkisi
by Sonmez, Fatih - kwpqt Sosis Ikan: Teknologi Tepat Guna
by Persada, Pena & Asnani, Ari
- 8ckgz_v1 Towards a New Political Economy of Food: State Capitalism and the Emergence of Neomercantilism in the Global Food System
by Belesky, Paul - g5njk_v1 Knowledge and Contemporary Capitalism in Light of Marx's Value Theory
by Jeon, Heesang - 8ckgz Towards a New Political Economy of Food: State Capitalism and the Emergence of Neomercantilism in the Global Food System
by Belesky, Paul - g5njk Knowledge and Contemporary Capitalism in Light of Marx's Value Theory
by Jeon, Heesang
- a49cv_v1 Making leadership cases impactful: a comparison of teaching methods
by Young, Sam - 387ep Neo-Orientalist Framing of the 2011 and 2013 Egyptian Uprisings: A Case Study of The New York Times and The Washington Post
by Gelashvili, Tamta - ntbw8_v1 Estructura social y acumulación de capital en la producción agraria pampeana (1996-2013)
by Caligaris, Gastón - 8bzkm_v1 Population dynamics and socioeconomic indicators in intramunicipal scale: Municipalities of Altamira and São Félix do Xingu, Pará State, between 2000 and 2010
by Dagnino, Ricardo - a49cv Making leadership cases impactful: a comparison of teaching methods
by Young, Sam - 8bzkm Population dynamics and socioeconomic indicators in intramunicipal scale: Municipalities of Altamira and São Félix do Xingu, Pará State, between 2000 and 2010
by Dagnino, Ricardo - ntbw8 Estructura social y acumulación de capital en la producción agraria pampeana (1996-2013)
by Caligaris, Gastón - vxjma_v1 Market Representations in Action
by Diaz Ruiz, Carlos - vxjma Market Representations in Action
by Diaz Ruiz, Carlos - rvpkx Estudo De Viabilidade De Aplicações Fotovoltaicas Em Edifícios Na Cidade De Santos/Sp (Feasibility Analysis For Pv Applications In Coastal Region Of São Paulo )
by Mattar, Filipe Brandão & Martins, Fernando Ramos
- 95x6f_v1 Artefact Detection and Removal Algorithms for EEG Diagnostic Systems
by O'Regan, Simon - 95x6f Artefact Detection and Removal Algorithms for EEG Diagnostic Systems
by O'Regan, Simon - r7mp9_v1 Modernisation et soutenabilité des systèmes hydriques urbains en Europe: une approche néoinstitutionnaliste des régimes de ressources
by Bolognesi, Thomas - 78tdu_v1 Alasan Pemerintah Indonesia Meratifikasi Konvensi Internasional Perlindungan Hak Pekerja Migran Tahun 2012
by Zulfikar, Achmad - r7mp9 Modernisation et soutenabilité des systèmes hydriques urbains en Europe: une approche néoinstitutionnaliste des régimes de ressources
by Bolognesi, Thomas - 78tdu Alasan Pemerintah Indonesia Meratifikasi Konvensi Internasional Perlindungan Hak Pekerja Migran Tahun 2012
by Zulfikar, Achmad - xef3g_v1 Comparison between Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Estimation in Structural Equation Modelling and Effects of Informative Priors
by Chonu, Gi Kunchana - xef3g Comparison between Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Estimation in Structural Equation Modelling and Effects of Informative Priors
by Chonu, Gi Kunchana
- wcbu9 Item Response Model from a Distance Perspective
by Budiaji, Weksi
- 8vhta_v1 Analisis Customer Response Index Iklan Handphone Merek Nexian pada Pembaca Media Cetak di Kota Kupang
by Susilawati, Made - 8vhta Analisis Customer Response Index Iklan Handphone Merek Nexian pada Pembaca Media Cetak di Kota Kupang
by Susilawati, Made
- km2zp_v1 ‘Gender Inequality In Kenya’
by , - km2zp ‘Gender Inequality In Kenya’
by ,
- bmxag_v1 The Impact of International Trade with Newly Industrialised Countries on the Wages and Employment of Low-Skilled and High-Skilled Workers in the European Union
by Dumont, Michel - bmxag The Impact of International Trade with Newly Industrialised Countries on the Wages and Employment of Low-Skilled and High-Skilled Workers in the European Union
by Dumont, Michel
- ejmyb_v1 El seguro en la administración de riesgos de la actividad agropecuaria
by Cardenas, J. Reyes Altamirano - ejmyb El seguro en la administración de riesgos de la actividad agropecuaria
by Cardenas, J. Reyes Altamirano
- 4sn6k_v1 Black Population Size and the Structure of United States Labor Market Inequality
by Cohen, Philip N.