May 1998, Volume 393, Issue 6683
- 301-301 No convergence for references
by Simonetta Sperti & Fiorenzo Stirpe & Maurizio Brigotti - 301-301 Unreliable errors
by Bernard F. Erlanger - 301-301 No laughing matter
by Michael G. Vicker - 301-301 No laughing matter
by Andrew Birch - 301-301 Bioprospecting for drugs
by Gordon M. Cragg & David J. Newman & Stringner Sue Yang - 303-304 Noble gases under pressure in the mantle
by Minoru Ozima - 304-305 A short cut to the nucleus
by Julian Lewis - 305-305 Land-loving crabs
by Amanda Tromans - 305-307 Ordering entropy
by Henk N. W. Lekkerkerker & Alain Stroobants - 308-309 The stress of Gulf War syndrome
by Robert M. Sapolsky - 309-311 Silk and sequence
by Paul Calvert - 311-312 Methylation meets acetylation
by Timothy H. Bestor - 312-313 Still in the dark
by Joseph E. Borovsky - 313-313 Current chemistry
by David Jones - 314-314 Sir Frederick Charles Frank (1911-98)
by John E. Enderby - 315-315 Max's modelling
by Martin Kemp - 317-318 X-ray flare sparks quake inside Sun
by A. G. Kosovichev & V. V. Zharkova - 318-318 ⃛and database flagged
by Margarita Conkright - 318-318 Low nitrate: phosphate ocean ratios corrected⃛
by T. Tyrrell & C. S. Law - 318-319 Global impact of the 1789-93 El Niño
by Richard H. Grove - 319-320 Connexin 26 gene linked to a dominant deafness
by Françoise Denoyelle & Genevieve Lina-Granade & Henri Plauchu & Roberto Bruzzone & Hassan Chaïb & Fabienne Lévi-Acobas & Dominique Weil & Christine Petit - 320-320 Transgene risk is low
by Susan E. Scott & Mike J. Wilkinson - 321-322 Mad cows and secret agents
by Adriano Aguzzi - 322-323 Computer evolution
by Philip W. Anderson - 323-323 Body of evidence
by Roy Porter - 324-324 Breaking the law
by Peter T. Landsberg - 324-324 Movers and shakers
by Graham A. Dunn - 325-332 Global warming and the stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
by Michael Oppenheimer - 333-339 RAMPs regulate the transport and ligand specificity of the calcitonin-receptor-like receptor
by Linda M. McLatchie & Neil J. Fraser & Martin J. Main & Alan Wise & Jason Brown & Nicola Thompson & Roberto Solari & Melanie G. Lee & Steven M. Foord - 340-342 Reflected infrared spectrum of a massive protostar in Orion
by Jun-Ichi Morino & Takuya Yamashita & Tetsuo Hasegawa & Takenori Nakano - 342-344 Relation to solar activity of intense aurorae in sunlight and darkness
by Patrick T. Newell & Ching-I. Meng & Simon Wing - 344-346 Implementation of a quantum search algorithm on a quantum computer
by Jonathan A. Jones & Michele Mosca & Rasmus H. Hansen - 346-349 Carbon nanotubule membranes for electrochemical energy storage and production
by Guangli Che & Brinda B. Lakshmi & Ellen R. Fisher & Charles R. Martin - 349-352 Entropically driven microphase transitions in mixtures of colloidal rods and spheres
by Marie Adams & Zvonimir Dogic & Sarah L. Keller & Seth Fraden - 352-355 Low argon solubility in silicate melts at high pressure
by Eva Chamorro-Pérez & Philippe Gillet & Albert Jambon & James Badro & Paul McMillan - 355-358 Rare-gas solids in the Earth's deep interior
by Andrew P. Jephcoat - 358-362 Optical and radiocarbon dating at Jinmium rock shelter in northern Australia
by Richard Roberts & Michael Bird & Jon Olley & Rex Galbraith & Ewan Lawson & Geoff Laslett & Hiroyuki Yoshida & Rhys Jones & Richard Fullagar & Geraldine Jacobsen & Quan Hua - 363-365 Rapid evolution to terrestrial life in Jamaican crabs
by Christoph D. Schubart & Rudolf Diesel & S. Blair Hedges - 365-369 The biosynthetic pathway of vitamin C in higher plants
by Glen L. Wheeler & Mark A. Jones & Nicholas Smirnoff - 369-373 Visual input evokes transient and strong shunting inhibition in visual cortical neurons
by Lyle J. Borg-Graham & Cyril Monier & Yves Frégnac - 373-377 Acute stress facilitates long-lasting changes in cholinergic gene expression
by Daniela Kaufer & Alon Friedman & Shlomo Seidman & Hermona Soreq - 377-381 Increased NMDA current and spine density in mice lacking the NMDA receptor subunit NR3A
by Saumya Das & Yasnory F. Sasaki & Thomas Rothe & Louis S. Premkumar & Mari Takasu & James E. Crandall & Pieter Dikkes & David A. Conner & Posina V. Rayudu & Wing Cheung & H.-S. Vincent Chen & Stuart A. Lipton & Nobuki Nakanishi - 382-386 Notch-1 signalling requires ligand-induced proteolytic release of intracellular domain
by Eric H. Schroeter & Jeffrey A. Kisslinger & Raphael Kopan - 386-389 Transcriptional repression by the methyl-CpG-binding protein MeCP2 involves a histone deacetylase complex
by Xinsheng Nan & Huck-Hui Ng & Colin A. Johnson & Carol D. Laherty & Bryan M. Turner & Robert N. Eisenman & Adrian Bird - 389-392 Transcriptional activation independent of TFIIH kinase and the RNA polymerase II mediator in vivo
by Dong-ki Lee & John T. Lis - 392-396 Atomic structure of progesterone complexed with its receptor
by Shawn P. Williams & Paul B. Sigler - 396-396 Correction: A caspase-activated DNase that degrades DNA during apoptosis, and its inhibitor ICAD
by Masato Enari & Hideki Sakahira & Hideki Yokoyama & Katsuya Okawa & Akihiro Iwamatsu & Shigekazu Nagata - 396-396 Correction: Phase-mapping of periodically domain-inverted LiNbO3 with coherent X-rays
by Z. W. Hu & P. A. Thomas & A. Snigirev & I. Snigireva & A. Souvorov & P. G. R. Smith & G. W. Ross & S. Teat - 396-396 Retraction Note to: Low nitrate: phosphate ratios in the global ocean
by T. Tyrrell & C. S. Law
May 1998, Volume 393, Issue 6682
- 197-197 Nuclear tests were a culmination of twenty-five years of planning
by K. S. Jayaraman - 197-198 India's nuclear tests meet with domestic praise and protests
by K. S. Jayaraman - 198-198 Disappointment as New Zealand's budget gives science ‘inflation’
by Peter Pockley - 199-199 First underground nuclear waste store set to open in US
by Colin Macilwain - 199-199 Japan's emissions bill comes under fire
by Asako Saegusa - 199-199 Clinton ‘is failing to honour pledge on AIDS vaccine’
by Colin Macilwain - 200-200 ⃛ as US office claims right to rule on morality
by Meredith Wadman - 200-200 Europe's life patent moratorium may go ⃛
by Alison Abbott - 201-201 Genome effort ‘still in need of support’
by David Dickson & Meredith Wadman - 201-201 British funding boost is Wellcome news
by David Dickson - 202-202 UN reaches deal on biodiversity science
by Ehsan Masood - 202-202 Japan's quake strategy urged to switch to long-term forecasting
by Asako Saegusa - 203-203 France seeks scientific entrepreneurs
by Declan Butler - 203-203 Report released on INSERM laboratory
by Declan Butler - 205-205 Swiss democracy has its advantages
by John C. Badoux & David Hunkeler & Rosmarie Waldner & Henry T. Greely - 206-206 We aim to refresh science, not to rebel
by Vincenzo De Laurenzi & Michael Hahne & Henning Walczak & Jan Paul Medema - 206-206 Loopholes exploited in whaling regulation
by Sidney J. Holt - 206-206 BSE coordinator should have been full-time job
by F. Brown - 207-208 Sound grounds for computing dendrites
by Idan Segev - 208-209 The carbon equation
by David S. Schimel - 211-212 Working backwards to find answers
by Jean-Claude Meunier - 212-213 Size is everything
by R. Stephen Berry - 213-215 Cuckoos beg the answer
by Rory Howlett - 215-216 A star powered by magnetism
by S. R. Kulkarni & Christopher Thompson - 216-216 Knowing where you're going
by Alison Mitchell - 217-217 Papillomavirus and p53
by Harald zur Hausen - 217-217 Silent flight
by David Jones - 218-218 Jean Rouxel (1935-98)
by Michel Pouchard - 219-219 Hyde's horrors
by Martin Kemp - 221-222 Human gene for physical performance
by H. E. Montgomery & R. Marshall & H. Hemingway & S. Myerson & P. Clarkson & C. Dollery & M. Hayward & D. E. Holliman & M. Jubb & M. World & E. L. Thomas & A. E. Brynes & N. Saeed & M. Barnard & J. D. Bell & K. Prasad & M. Rayson & P. J. Talmud & S. E. Humphries - 222-222 Meteoritic oxide grain from supernova found
by L. R. Nittler & C. M. O'D. Alexander & J. Wang & X. Gao - 222-223 Polarization vision helps detect transparent prey
by Nadav Shashar & Roger T. Hanlon & Anne deM. Petz - 223-224 Ultradry seed storage cuts cost of gene bank
by Guang-Hua Zheng & Xin-Ming Jing & Kar-Ling Tao - 225-226 China's long march into the space age
by Roy Gibson - 226-227 Lost for words
by Philip T. Smith - 227-228 Some like it hot
by Andrew R. Cossins - 228-228 Designer chemistry
by Pierre Laszlo - 229-234 Role of a p53 polymorphism in the development of human papilloma-virus-associated cancer
by Alan Storey & Miranda Thomas & Ann Kalita & Catherine Harwood & Daniela Gardiol & Fiamma Mantovani & Judith Breuer & Irene M. Leigh & Greg Matlashewski & Lawrence Banks - 235-237 An X-ray pulsar with a superstrong magnetic field in the soft γ-ray repeater SGR1806 − 20
by C. Kouveliotou & S. Dieters & T. Strohmayer & J. van Paradijs & G. J. Fishman & C. A. Meegan & K. Hurley & J. Kommers & I. Smith & D. Frail & T. Murakami - 238-240 Irregular variations in the melting point of size-selected atomic clusters
by Martin Schmidt & Robert Kusche & Bernd von Issendorff & Hellmut Haberland - 240-242 Carbon nanotubes as long ballistic conductors
by C. T. White & T. N. Todorov - 242-245 Intertwined symmetry of the magnetic modulation and the flux-line lattice in the superconducting state of TmNi2B2C
by M. R. Eskildsen & K. Harada & P. L. Gammel & A. B. Abrahamsen & N. H. Andersen & G. Ernst & A. P. Ramirez & D. J. Bishop & K. Mortensen & D. G. Naugle & K. D. D. Rathnayaka & P. C. Canfield - 245-249 Simulated response of the ocean carbon cycle to anthropogenic climate warming
by Jorge L. Sarmiento & Tertia M. C. Hughes & Ronald J. Stouffer & Syukuro Manabe - 249-252 Dynamic responses of terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycling to global climate change
by Mingkui Cao & F. Ian Woodward - 252-255 Mineralogy and dynamics of a pyrolite lower mantle
by S. E. Kesson & J. D. Fitz Gerald & J. M. Shelley - 255-257 Ichthyosaurian relationships illuminated by new primitive skeletons from Japan
by Ryosuke Motani & Nachio Minoura & Tatsuro Ando - 257-260 Dynamics of North American breeding bird populations
by Timothy H. Keitt & H. Eugene Stanley - 260-263 Herbicide resistance caused by spontaneous mutation of the cytoskeletal protein tubulin
by Richard G. Anthony & Teresa R. Waldin & John A. Ray & Simon W. J. Bright & Patrick J. Hussey - 263-266 An X-linked gene with a degenerate Y-linked homologue in a dioecious plant
by David S. Guttman & Deborah Charlesworth - 266-268 Evidence for striatal dopamine release during a video game
by M. J. Koepp & R. N. Gunn & A. D. Lawrence & V. J. Cunningham & A. Dagher & T. Jones & D. J. Brooks & C. J. Bench & P. M. Grasby - 268-272 The role of dendrites in auditory coincidence detection
by Hagai Agmon-Snir & Catherine E. Carr & John Rinzel - 272-276 A prolactin-releasing peptide in the brain
by Shuji Hinuma & Yugo Habata & Ryo Fujii & Yuji Kawamata & Masaki Hosoya & Shoji Fukusumi & Chieko Kitada & Yoshinori Masuo & Tsuneo Asano & Hirokazu Matsumoto & Masahiro Sekiguchi & Tsutomu Kurokawa & Osamu Nishimura & Haruo Onda & Masahiko Fujino - 276-280 Elastin is an essential determinant of arterial morphogenesis
by Dean Y. Li & Benjamin Brooke & Elaine C. Davis & Robert P. Mecham & Lise K. Sorensen & Beth B. Boak & Ernst Eichwald & Mark T. Keating - 280-284 Protein-primed RNA synthesis by purified poliovirus RNA polymerase
by Aniko V. Paul & Jacques H. van Boom & Dmitri Filippov & Eckard Wimmer - 284-289 Distinct roles of the co-activators p300 and CBP in retinoic-acid-induced F9-cell differentiation
by Hiroaki Kawasaki & Richard Eckner & Tso-Pang Yao & Kazunari Taira & Robert Chiu & David M. Livingston & Kazunari K. Yokoyama
May 1998, Volume 393, Issue 6681
- 99-99 Climate change centre signs up big firms
by Colin Macilwain - 100-100 Performance monitoring is ‘last straw’ for overworked NSF staff
by Colin Macilwain - 101-101 Company aims to beat NIH human genome efforts
by Meredith Wadman - 101-101 Australia's research budget to remain flat for three years
by Peter Pockley - 102-102 ⃛ but university reform ideas meet resistance
by Declan Butler - 102-102 France urged to open up élite education ⃛
by Declan Butler - 103-103 German chemicals giant to focus on life sciences
by Quirin Schiermeier - 103-103 Internet research centre takes Intel inside China
by Richard Nathan - 104-104 Reporter backs away from lucrative book deal
by Meredith Wadman - 104-105 Cancer ‘cure’ article stirs up hot debate
by Meredith Wadman - 105-105 EPA laboratories are ‘still struggling’ with change three years on
by Tony Reichhardt - 107-107 Out of order
by Roy C. Anderson - 107-107 New concepts of publication
by John Helly - 107-107 Italian defeatism unwarranted
by Monica Zoppè - 107-107 Funding needed for creative science
by Bertrand Le Douarin - 109-111 The fraud of Abderhalden's enzymes
by Ute Deichmann & Benno Müller-Hill - 113-114 Real and realistic quantum computers
by David P. DiVincenzo - 114-115 Transcription sans TBP
by Lynne M. Apone & Michael R. Green - 117-118 Grainy pictures of new worlds
by Vincent Mannings - 118-119 Cocaine and the serotonin saga
by Francis J. White - 121-121 Beauty and the beetle
by Alison Mitchell - 121-122 How pulsars get their spins
by Adam Burrows - 122-122 Deceptive appearances
by David Jones - 123-123 Kepler's cosmos
by Martin Kemp - 125-126 Imprinted gene in postnatal growth role
by Jean-Michel Itier & Günter L. Tremp & Jean-François Léonard & Marie-Christine Multon & Gwénaëlle Ret & Fabien Schweighoffer & Bruno Tocqué & Marie-Thérèse Bluet-Pajot & Valérie Cormier & François Dautry - 126-126 Miocene/Pliocene shift: one step or several?
by Meike Köhler & Salvador Moyà-Solà & Jordi Agusti - 127-127 Miocene/Pliocene shift: one step or several?
by Thure E. Cerling & John M. Harris & Bruce J. MacFadden & Jay Quade & Meave G. Leakey & Vera Eisenmann & James R. Ehleringer - 127-128 Life-support system benefits from noise
by B. Suki & A. M. Alencar & M. K. Sujeer & K. R. Lutchen & J. J. Collins & J. S. Andrade & E. P. Ingenito & S. Zapperi & H. E. Stanley - 129-129 Raising a glass to ale
by John Postgate - 130-131 Concise cosmology
by George Ellis - 131-132 Sex and sensibility
by David H. Skuse - 132-132 At a glance
by Michael O. Hengartner - 132-132 Students' dilemma
by David S. Latchman - 132-132 At a glance
by Cesare Chiosi - 133-137 A silicon-based nuclear spin quantum computer
by B. E. Kane - 139-141 Birth kicks as the origin of pulsar rotation
by H. Spruit & E. S. Phinney - 141-143 Astrometric signatures of giant-planet formation
by Alan P. Boss - 143-146 Experimental realization of a quantum algorithm
by Isaac L. Chuang & Lieven M. K. Vandersypen & Xinlan Zhou & Debbie W. Leung & Seth Lloyd - 146-149 Spontaneous formation of ordered structures in thin films of metals supported on an elastomeric polymer
by Ned Bowden & Scott Brittain & Anthony G. Evans & John W. Hutchinson & George M. Whitesides - 149-152 Polymer gels with engineered environmentally responsive surface patterns
by Zhibing Hu & Yuanye Chen & Changjie Wang & Yindong Zheng & Yong Li - 152-155 Host–guest encapsulation of materials by assembled virus protein cages
by Trevor Douglas & Mark Young - 155-158 Possible triggering of Heinrich events by ice-load-induced earthquakes
by A. G. Hunt & P. E. Malin - 158-162 Sphenoid shortening and the evolution of modern human cranial shape
by Daniel E. Lieberman - 162-165 Gene transfer to the nucleus and the evolution of chloroplasts
by William Martin & Bettina Stoebe & Vadim Goremykin & Sabine Hansmann & Masami Hasegawa & Klaus V. Kowallik - 166-168 Regulation of leaf initiation by the terminal ear 1 gene of maize
by Bruce Veit & Steven P. Briggs & Robert J. Schmidt & Martin F. Yanofsky & Sarah Hake - 169-171 Neonatal lesions of the medial temporal lobe disrupt prefrontal cortical regulation of striatal dopamine
by Richard C. Saunders & Bhaskar S. Kolachana & Jocelyne Bachevalier & Daniel R. Weinberger - 172-175 Control of spatial orientation in a mollusc
by Tatiana G. Deliagina & Yuri I. Arshavsky & Grigori N. Orlovsky - 175-178 Increased vulnerability to cocaine in mice lacking the serotonin-1B receptor
by Beatriz A. Rocha & Kimberly Scearce-Levie & José J. Lucas & Noboru Hiroi & Nathalie Castanon & John C. Crabbe & Eric J. Nestler & René Hen - 178-181 Frizzled signalling controls orientation of asymmetric sense organ precursor cell divisions in Drosophila
by Michel Gho & François Schweisguth - 181-185 The molecular elasticity of the extracellular matrix protein tenascin
by Andres F. Oberhauser & Piotr E. Marszalek & Harold P. Erickson & Julio M. Fernandez - 185-187 Regulation of adenovirus alternative RNA splicing by dephosphorylation of SR proteins
by Arvydas Kanopka & Oliver Mühlemann & Svend Petersen-Mahrt & Camilla Estmer & Christina Öhrmalm & Göran Akusjärvi - 187-191 Function of TAFII-containing complex without TBP in transcription by RNA polymerase II
by Elzbieta Wieczorek & Marjorie Brand & Xavier Jacq & László Tora - 191-191 Erratum: Structure of the αβ tubulin dimer by electron crystallography
by Eva Nogales & Sharon G. Wolf & Kenneth H. Downing - 191-191 Erratum: Spatial and temporal organization during cardiac fibrillation
by Richard A. Gray & Arkady M. Pertsov & José Jalife
May 1998, Volume 393, Issue 6680
- 3-3 Russian reshuffle places Bulgak at helm
by Carl Levitin - 3-3 US seeks fair deal for biologists on synchrotron source access
by Colin Macilwain - 4-4 Animal deaths turn shuttle into ‘necrolab’
by Tony Reichhardt - 4-4 US plan to double spend comes under fire as ‘unrealistic exercise’
by Colin Macilwain - 5-5 Merger plans worry Japan's industrialists
by Richard Nathan - 5-5 Economy lifeline viewed as mixed blessing
by Asako Saegusa - 6-6 Space researchers were not spying, says India's Supreme Court
by K. S. Jayaraman - 6-6 Scientists go down a mine to observe the Sun's neutrinos
by David Spurgeon - 6-6 Bid to give legal protection to laboratory mice in US
by Meredith Wadman - 7-7 Utah university finally drops out of cold-fusion patent chase
by Steve Nadis - 7-7 Foresight study blazes trail in Germany
by Quirin Schiermeier - 8-8 The changing culture of British science
by Ehsan Masood - 8-9 UK eyes social goals for next Foresight
by Ehsan Masood - 11-11 Training undervalued
by Alexander Olek - 11-11 Patents paved the way
by Arnold Kramish - 11-11 It's Jakob's disease, not Creutzfeldt's
by Friedrich Katscher - 13-14 The burst, the burster and its lair
by Ralph Wijers - 14-15 SNAREs line up in new environment
by Reinhard Jahn & Phyllis I. Hanson - 15-17 Carbon-based electronics
by Paul L. McEuen - 17-18 What killed the monk seals?
by John Harwood - 19-21 United we sense ⃛
by N. Barkai & S. Leibler - 21-22 Organic groups cling to the pores
by Edward J. Creyghton - 22-23 Transposons unbound
by Margaret G. Kidwell & Damon R. Lisch - 23-24 The forest fragment classic
by Stuart L. Pimm - 24-24 Gravity waving to us
by David Jones - 25-25 Noticing Nature
by Martin Kemp - 27-28 Zebra mussels invade Lake Erie muds
by Paul Arthur Berkman & Melissa A. Haltuch & Emily Tichich & David W. Garton & Gregory W. Kennedy & John E. Gannon & Scudder D. Mackey & Jonathan A. Fuller & Dale L. Liebenthal - 28-29 Did algal toxins cause monk seal mortality?
by Mauro Hernández & Ian Robinson & Alex Aguilar & Luis Mariano González & Luis Felipe López-Jurado & María Isabel Reyero & Emiliano Cacho & José Franco & Victoria López-Rodas & Eduardo Costas - 29-29 ATP synthase's second stalk comes into focus
by Stephan Wilkens & Roderick A. Capaldi - 31-32 All aboard the biotech express
by Sheldon Krimsky - 32-33 Living with dinosaurs
by José Luis Sanz & Bernardino P. Pérez-Moreno & Francisco J. Poyato-Ariza - 33-34 Farming forecast
by Peter D. Moore - 34-34 Stress points
by Stuart Sutherland - 35-39 Identification of a host galaxy at redshift z = 3.42 for the γ-ray burst of 14 December 1997
by S. R. Kulkarni & S. G. Djorgovski & A. N. Ramaprakash & R. Goodrich & J. S. Bloom & K. L. Adelberger & T. Kundic & L. Lubin, & D. A. Frail & F. Frontera & M. Feroci & L. Nicastro & A. J. Barth & M. Davis & A. V. Filippenko & J. Newman - 41-43 Optical afterglow of the γ-ray burst of 14 December 1997
by J. P. Halpern & J. R. Thorstensen & D. J. Helfand & E. Costa - 43-46 The energetic afterglow of the γ-ray burst of 14 December 1997
by A. N. Ramaprakash & S. R. Kulkarni & D. A. Frail & C. Koresko & M. Kuchner & R. Goodrich & G. Neugebauer & T. Murphy & S. Eikenberry & J. S. Bloom & S. G. Djorgovski & E. Waxman & F. Frontera & M. Feroci & L. Nicastro - 46-49 Solid hydrogen at 342 GPa: no evidence for an alkali metal
by Chandrabhas Narayana & Huan Luo & Jon Orloff & Arthur L. Ruoff - 49-52 Room-temperature transistor based on a single carbon nanotube
by Sander J. Tans & Alwin R. M. Verschueren & Cees Dekker - 52-54 Organic-functionalized molecular sieves as shape-selective catalysts
by Christopher W. Jones & Katsuyuki Tsuji & Mark E. Davis - 54-57 Correlation between Arabian Sea and Greenland climate oscillations of the past 110,000 years
by Hartmut Schulz, & Ulrich von Rad, & Helmut Erlenkeuser, & Ulrich von Rad,