November 1998, Volume 396, Issue 6708
- 204-204 Berlin university shakes off radical past⃛
by Alison Abbott - 204-204 ⃛ and hopes for the gift of a new home
by Alison Abbott - 205-205 Economic package will boost R&D infrastructure
by Asako Saegusa - 205-205 Private deal puts Japanese researcher in hot water
by Asako Saegusa - 206-206 Cannabis laws ‘threaten validity of trials’
by Ehsan Masood - 206-206 India and Pakistan face more US sanctions
by K. S. Jayaraman - 207-207 Tight deadlines and data gaps fan fight on pesticide safety
by Tony Reichhardt - 210-210 Clear need to act on global warming
by Susan Hassol - 210-210 Subtle error on sea floor
by Richard N. Hey - 210-210 Region-based citation bias in science
by Gianmarco Paris & Giulio De Leo & Paolo Menozzi & Marino Gatto - 211-212 The greening of the green revolution
by David Tilman - 212-213 Prospecting for hotspot roots
by Cecily J. Wolfe - 213-216 Old-timer makes a comeback
by Paul M. Vanhoutte - 216-217 Competition exposed by knight?
by Peter R. Grant - 217-219 An atomic dimmer switch
by Philip H. Bucksbaum - 219-221 First class way to develop a brain
by Jonathan Howard & Ian Thompson - 221-222 A crystal clear view
by Andreas Engel - 222-222 Fossil knowledge
by David Jones - 222-222 Shipping forecast is partly cloudy
by Magdalena Helmer - 223-223 Merian's metamorphoses
by Martin Kemp - 225-225 Clostridium used in mediaeval dyeing
by A. Nikki Padden & Vivian M. Dillon & Philip John & John Edmonds & M. David Collins & Nerea Alvarez - 225-226 Scale of mast-seeding and tree-ring growth
by Walter D. Koenig & Johannes M. H. Knops - 226-228 Niche adaptation in ocean cyanobacteria
by Michael J. Ferris & Brian Palenik - 228-228 Why people gesture when they speak
by Jana M. Iverson & Susan Goldin-Meadow - 229-230 Careers down the tubes
by Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 230-231 As the pigeon flies
by Nicola S. Clayton - 231-232 Chips off the old block
by John Robb - 232-232 Happy endings?
by John Galloway - 233-236 The optical counterparts of γ-ray bursts
by Bernard J. McNamara & Thomas E. Harrison - 237-239 A meteorite from the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary
by Frank T. Kyte - 239-242 Coherent quantum control of two-photon transitions by a femtosecond laser pulse
by Doron Meshulach & Yaron Silberberg - 242-245 Observation of a square flux-line lattice in the unconventional superconductor Sr2RuO4
by T. M. Riseman & P. G. Kealey & E. M. Forgan & A. P. Mackenzie & L. M. Galvin & A. W. Tyler & S. L. Lee & C. Ager & D. McK. Paul & C. M. Aegerter & R. Cubitt & Z. Q. Mao & T. Akima & Y. Maeno - 245-248 Surface-promoted replication and exponential amplification of DNA analogues
by A. Luther & R. Brandsch & G. von Kiedrowski - 248-251 Iron acquisition by photosynthetic marine phytoplankton from ingested bacteria
by R. Maranger & D. F. Bird & N. M. Price - 251-255 Seismic evidence that the source of the Iceland hotspot lies at the core–mantle boundary
by D. V. Helmberger & L. Wen & X. Ding - 255-258 Seismic evidence for small-scale dynamics in the lowermost mantle at the root of the Hawaiian hotspot
by Sara A. Russell & Thorne Lay & Edward J. Garnero - 258-261 Sauropod dinosaur embryos from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia
by Luis M. Chiappe & Rodolfo A. Coria & Lowell Dingus & Frankie Jackson & Anusuya Chinsamy & Marilyn Fox - 262-265 Legume-based cropping systems have reduced carbon and nitrogen losses
by L. E. Drinkwater & P. Wagoner & M. Sarrantonio - 265-268 Motion integration in a thalamic visual nucleus
by Lotfi Merabet & Alex Desautels & Karine Minville & Christian Casanova - 269-272 K+ is an endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor in rat arteries
by G. Edwards & K. A. Dora & M. J. Gardener & C. J. Garland & A. H. Weston - 272-276 Fringe is essential for mirror symmetry and morphogenesis in the Drosophila eye
by Kyung-Ok Cho & Kwang-Wook Choi - 276-278 A dorsal/ventral boundary established by Notch controls growth and polarity in the Drosophila eye
by María Domínguez & Jose F. de Celis - 279-282 Energy transduction in the F1 motor of ATP synthase
by Hongyun Wang & George Oster - 283-286 Three-dimensional structure of the plant photosystem II reaction centre at 8 Å resolution
by Kyong-Hi Rhee & Edward P. Morris & James Barber & Werner Kühlbrandt
November 1998, Volume 396, Issue 6707
- 99-99 Lifting the lid on a mediaeval mystery
by Alison Abbott - 99-100 US court backs authors in fight over article reproduction rights
by Rex Dalton - 100-100 UK initiatives aim to boost high-tech investment
by Ehsan Masood - 101-101 Changes in store for Japan's vet colleges
by Asako Saegusa - 101-101 Private observatories seek public funding
by Colin Macilwain - 102-102 Italian charity offers an alternative to the concorsi
by Alison Abbott - 102-102 India agrees to conduct AIDS vaccine trials
by K. S. Jayaraman - 102-102 NASA is urged to use less home grown technology
by Tony Reichhardt - 103-103 Highbrow ‘club’ seeks the common touch
by Ehsan Masood - 103-103 UN climate organization faces criticism
by Ehsan Masood - 104-104 Company seeks strict controls on access
by Declan Butler - 104-104 Breakthrough stirs US embryo debate⃛
by Declan Butler - 105-105 ⃛while Europe contemplates funding ban
by Declan Butler - 105-105 Swiss to vote on ban on in vitro fertilization
by Ulrich Bahnsen - 108-108 Coordinating European public health
by Michel Tibayrenc - 108-108 No rustling at Roslin
by Grahame Bulfield - 108-108 Argentinian science down but not out
by J. Raul Grigera - 108-108 Time to take a healthier view of history
by Ibrahim C. Haznedaroglu - 109-110 Rickettsia, typhus and the mitochondrial connection
by Michael W. Gray - 110-111 Mesoscopic magnetism
by Manfred Sigrist - 111-113 Life and death of a signal peptide
by Gunnar von Heijne - 113-113 Friday XIII
by Stephen Battersby - 114-115 The Sun at small scales
by John H. Thomas - 115-117 Too much sex is bad for males
by Amanda Swain & Robin Lovell-Badge - 117-117 Glass is for ever
by David Jones - 118-118 Demetrios Papahadjopoulos (1934-98)
by Claude Nicolau & Gregory Gregoriadis - 119-119 Cell suicide for beginners
by Martin Raff - 123-123 Visible viruses
by Martin Kemp - 125-126 Glutamate-receptor genes in plants
by Hon-Ming Lam & Joanna Chiu & Ming-Hsiun Hsieh & Lee Meisel & Igor C. Oliveira & Michael Shin & Gloria Coruzzi - 127-128 Hotspotting called into question
by Paul Wessel & Loren Kroenke - 128-128 Music training improves verbal memory
by Agnes S. Chan & Yim-Chi Ho & Mei-Chun Cheung - 129-129 How many more eurekas in the bath?
by Carl Zimmer - 130-130 Governing talk
by Elaine Showalter - 130-131 Eat or be eaten
by John R. G. Turner - 131-132 Good in parts
by H. S. Torrens - 132-132 Written by the right hemisphere
by Chris McManus - 133-140 The genome sequence of Rickettsia prowazekii and the origin of mitochondria
by Siv G. E. Andersson & Alireza Zomorodipour & Jan O. Andersson & Thomas Sicheritz-Pontén & U. Cecilia M. Alsmark & Raf M. Podowski & A. Kristina Näslund & Ann-Sofie Eriksson & Herbert H. Winkler & Charles G. Kurland - 141-142 Discovery of a young nearby supernova remnant
by Bernd Aschenbach - 142-144 Emission from 44Ti associated with a previously unknown Galactic supernova
by A. F. Iyudin & V. Schönfelder & K. Bennett & H. Bloemen & R. Diehl & W. Hermsen & G. G. Lichti & R. D. van der Meulen & J. Ryan & C. Winkler - 144-146 Paramagnetic Meissner effect in small superconductors
by A. K. Geim & S. V. Dubonos & J. G. S. Lok & M. Henini & J. C. Maan - 147-149 Phonon density of states and negative thermal expansion in ZrW2O8
by G. Ernst & C. Broholm & G. R. Kowach & A. P. Ramirez - 149-152 Five parametric resonances in a microelectromechanical system
by Kimberly L. Turner & Scott A. Miller & Peter G. Hartwell & Noel C. MacDonald & Steven H. Strogatz & Scott G. Adams - 152-155 Generalized syntheses of large-pore mesoporous metal oxides with semicrystalline frameworks
by Peidong Yang & Dongyuan Zhao & David I. Margolese & Bradley F. Chmelka & Galen D. Stucky - 155-159 Low interannual variability in recent oceanic uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide
by Kitack Lee & Rik Wanninkhof & Taro Takahashi & Scott C. Doney & Richard A. Feely - 159-161 Seismic and hydrothermal evidence for a cracking event on the East Pacific Rise crest at 9° 50′ N
by Robert A Sohn & Daniel J. Fornari & Karen L. Von Damm & John A. Hildebrand & Spahr C. Webb - 161-164 Navigation through vector addition
by A. S. Etienne & R. Maurer & J. Berlie & B. Reverdin & T. Rowe & J. Georgakopoulos & V. Séguinot - 165-168 State-dependent receptive-field restructuring in the visual cortex
by Florentin Wörgötter & Katrin Suder & Yongqiang Zhao & Nicolas Kerscher & Ulf T. Eysel & Klaus Funke - 168-173 The nuclear hormone receptor SEX-1 is an X-chromosome signal that determines nematode sex
by Ilil Carmi & Jennifer B. Kopczynski & Barbara J. Meyer - 173-177 Late embryonic lethality and impaired V (D)J recombination in mice lacking DNA ligase IV
by Karen M. Frank & JoAnn M. Sekiguchi & Katherine J. Seidl & Wojciech Swat & Gary A. Rathbun & Hwei-Ling Cheng & Laurie Davidson & Landy Kangaloo & Frederick W. Alt - 177-180 The murine gene p27Kip1 is haplo-insufficient for tumour suppression
by Matthew L. Fero & Erin Randel & Kay E. Gurley & James M. Roberts & Christopher J. Kemp - 180-183 The protein kinase Pak3 positively regulates Raf-1 activity through phosphorylation of serine 338
by Alastair J. King & Huaiyu Sun & Bruce Diaz & Darlene Barnard & Wenyan Miao & Shubha Bagrodia & Mark S. Marshall - 184-186 Histone acetyltransferase activity of CBP is controlled by cycle-dependent kinases and oncoprotein E1A
by S. Ait-Si-Ali & S. Ramirez & F.-X. Barre & F. Dkhissi & L. Magnaghi-Jaulin & J. A. Girault & P. Robin & M. Knibiehler & L. L. Pritchard & B. Ducommun & D. Trouche & A. Harel-Bellan - 186-190 Crystal structure of a bacterial signal peptidase in complex with a β-lactam inhibitor
by Mark Paetzel & Ross E. Dalbey & Natalie C. J. Strynadka - 190-190 Deciphering the biology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from the complete genome sequence
by S. T. Cole & R. Brosch & J. Parkhill & T. Garnier & C. Churcher & D. Harris & S. V. Gordon & K. Eiglmeier & S. Gas & C. E. Barry & F. Tekaia & K. Badcock & D. Basham & D. Brown & T. Chillingworth & R. Connor & R. Davies & K. Devlin & T. Feltwell & S. Gentles & N. Hamlin & S. Holroyd & T. Hornsby & K. Jagels & A. Krogh & J. McLean & S. Moule & L. Murphy & K. Oliver & J. Osborne & M. A. Quail & M.-A. Rajandream & J. Rogers & S. Rutter & K. Seeger & J. Skelton & R. Squares & S. Squares & J. E. Sulston & K. Taylor & S. Whitehead & B. G. Barrell - 190-190 Reconciling the spectrum of Sagittarius A* with a two-temperature plasma model
by Rohan Mahadevan
November 1998, Volume 396, Issue 6706
- 3-3 Dutch universities keep research control
by Alison Abbott - 3-4 UK's physical scientists are left disappointed by budget choices
by Ehsan Masood - 4-4 Synchrotron report backs steps to efficient usage
by Alison Abbott - 5-5 Gore wins approval for his Triana satellite
by Tony Reichhardt - 5-5 Berkeley teams up with Novartis in $50m plant genomics deal
by Colin Macilwain - 6-6 Asian states link to popularize science⃛
by Ehsan Masood - 6-6 ⃛and India's young get a taste for research
by Ehsan Masood - 7-7 Recalcitrant institutes face cuts in Japan
by Asako Saegusa - 7-7 US and Europe set to clash over emissions
by Colin Macilwain - 8-8 ⃛and warns of need for more neutron sources
by Declan Butler - 8-8 ‘Big science’ forum gets a broader role⃛
by David Dickson - 9-9 Industrial links still face opposition in Japan's universities
by Asako Saegusa - 12-12 Generation of young scientists in peril
by Stephanie Seiler & Keith Alverson - 12-12 Fishing for compliments
by Sidney Holt - 12-12 On the world stage
by Jean-François Stuyck-Taillandier - 12-12 Wronged by Crookes
by Kenneth B. Chiacchia - 13-14 Founding father
by Eric S. Lander & Joseph J. Ellis - 14-15 From tilings to coverings
by Knut W. Urban - 15-17 A new target for aspirin
by Edward A. O'Neill - 17-18 A question of litter quality
by Richard J. Norby & M. Francesca Cotrufo - 18-19 Sending all the right signals
by Norbert Perrimon & Joseph B. Duffy - 21-22 Jamming is not just cool any more
by Andrea J. Liu & Sidney R. Nagel - 22-23 Plants on the web
by David Read - 23-24 Bumps on the road to immortality
by Robert A. Weinberg - 24-24 Smokeless microwaves
by David Jones - 25-25 Vincian Velcro
by Martin Kemp - 27-28 Jefferson fathered slave's last child
by Eugene A. Foster & M. A. Jobling & P. G. Taylor & P. Donnelly & P. de Knijff & Rene Mieremet & T. Zerjal & C. Tyler-Smith - 28-29 Coherent light scattering by blue feather barbs
by Richard O. Prum & Rodolfo H. Torres & Scott Williamson & Jan Dyck - 29-30 A lower jaw from a Cretaceous parrot
by Thomas A. Stidham - 30-30 Hydrologic cycle explains the evaporation paradox
by W. Brutsaert & M. B. Parlange - 31-33 Crude weapons of science's ‘friends’
by Jonathan Rée - 33-34 Wondrous correctness
by Gillian Beer - 34-35 The unread menace
by Roy Porter - 35-36 Not black and white
by Jerry A. Coyne - 36-36 More than meets the eye
by John C. Marshall - 37-38 Footing the bill
by Anne Crowther - 38-38 Liberator or ‘fix’?
by Richard Davenport-Hines - 38-39 Even a loose cannon may hit the right spot
by Daniel S. Greenberg - 39-40 Seeking certainty in an unreliable world
by Barry Barnes - 40-40 Causing a buzz
by Thomas D. Seeley - 41-49 Metapopulation dynamics
by Ilkka Hanski - 50-52 Evidence against stellar chromospheric origin of Galactic cosmic rays
by Andrew J. Westphal & P. Buford Price & Benjamin A. Weaver & Vladimir G. Afanasiev - 52-55 Complete quantum teleportation using nuclear magnetic resonance
by M. A. Nielsen & E. Knill & R. Laflamme - 55-57 Experimental verification of the quasi-unit-cell model of quasicrystal structure
by Paul J. Steinhardt & H.-C. Jeong & K. Saitoh & M. Tanaka & E. Abe & A. P. Tsai - 58-60 Interface structure between silicon and its oxide by first-principles molecular dynamics
by Alfredo Pasquarello & Mark S. Hybertsen & Roberto Car - 60-63 Molecular-wire behaviour in p -phenylenevinylene oligomers
by William B. Davis & Walter A. Svec & Mark A. Ratner & Michael R. Wasielewski - 63-66 A large source of atmospheric nitrous oxide from subtropical North Pacific surface waters
by John E. Dore & Brian N. Popp & David M. Karl & Francis J. Sansone - 66-69 Dating topography of the Sierra Nevada, California, using apatite (U–Th)/He ages
by Martha A. House & Brian P. Wernicke & Kenneth A. Farley - 69-72 Mycorrhizal fungal diversity determines plant biodiversity, ecosystem variability and productivity
by Marcel G. A. van der Heijden & John N. Klironomos & Margot Ursic & Peter Moutoglis & Ruth Streitwolf-Engel & Thomas Boller & Andres Wiemken & Ian R. Sanders - 72-75 Attention improves or impairs visual performance by enhancing spatial resolution
by Yaffa Yeshurun & Marisa Carrasco - 75-77 Hippocampal lesions disrupt navigation based on cognitive maps but not heading vectors
by John M. Pearce & Amanda D. L. Roberts & Mark Good - 77-80 The anti-inflammatory agents aspirin and salicylate inhibit the activity of IκB kinase-β
by Min-Jean Yin & Yumi Yamamoto & Richard B. Gaynor - 81-84 Type III InsP3 receptor channel stays open in the presence of increased calcium
by Robert E. Hagar & Angela D. Burgstahler & Michael H. Nathanson & Barbara E. Ehrlich - 84-88 Both Rb/p16INK4a inactivation and telomerase activity are required to immortalize human epithelial cells
by Tohru Kiyono & Scott A. Foster & Jenn I. Koop & James K. McDougall & Denise A. Galloway & Aloysius J. Klingelhutz - 88-92 NMR structure of the histidine kinase domain of the E. coli osmosensor EnvZ
by Toshiyuki Tanaka & Soumitra K. Saha & Chieri Tomomori & Rieko Ishima & Dingjiang Liu & Kit I. Tong & Heiyoung Park & Rinku Dutta & Ling Qin & Mark B. Swindells & Toshimasa Yamazaki & Akira M. Ono & Masatsune Kainosho & Masayori Inouye & Mitsuhiko Ikura - 92-96 Structure of the haemagglutinin-esterase-fusion glycoprotein of influenza C virus
by Peter B. Rosenthal & Xiaodong Zhang & Frank Formanowski & Wolfgang Fitz & Chi-Huey Wong & Herbert Meier-Ewert & John J. Skehel & Don C. Wiley
October 1998, Volume 395, Issue 6705
- 825-825 Biomedicine wins British budget top-up
by Ehsan Masood - 825-825 US plans a multi-million dollar boost to computer simulation
by Colin Macilwain - 826-826 Suicide highlights graduate student woes
by Steve Nadis - 826-826 Damaged satellite adds to delays facing X-ray astronomers
by Alison Abbott - 827-827 Italian scientists fear impact of cabinet reshuffle on reforms
by Alison Abbott - 827-827 Alarm raised over drop in basic research at NASA
by Tony Reichhardt - 828-828 ⃛ while Japan studies drop in sperm counts
by Alison Abbott - 828-828 US panel split on endocrine disruptors ⃛
by Colin Macilwain - 829-829 Controversial Swedish science minister loses seat in reshuffle
by Peter Sylwan - 829-829 French inquiry into misconduct is shelved
by Declan Butler - 830-830 UK holds up applications of genetically modified crops
by Ehsan Masood - 830-830 Canada announces second round of infrastructure awards
by David Spurgeon - 831-831 Clash over demand for more synchrotron sources in Europe
by Declan Butler - 831-831 Brazil forced to cut back science funding
by Andrea Kauffman-Zeh - 835-835 Gender gap in health decline in East Europe
by Gerdi Weidner - 835-835 Rising costs hold up drug discovery
by Henry I. Miller - 835-836 Missing the mark on misconduct
by Rustum Roy - 836-836 Question marks over genetic counselling
by Alan Akers - 836-836 Germany keen to reduce the nuclear threat
by Martin Erdmann - 836-836 ‘No controversy’ at CITES
by Victoria Lichtschein - 836-836 Germany keen to reduce the nuclear threat
by Frank N. von Hippel - 837-838 Strategies for cutting carbon
by David G. Victor - 838-839 Measuring distance in two dimensions
by Walter Metzner - 839-841 Crystal cages for clean coolers
by Laszlo Mihaly - 841-841 A fly's eye view of Huntington's disease
by Alison Mitchell - 842-843 A map for cyberspace
by Peter Little - 843-845 New members of the Local Group
by Sidney van den Bergh - 845-846 In the mind's eye of the beholder
by Robert Shapley - 846-847 The clash in titin
by Anthony R. Means - 847-847 Photocoiffure
by David Jones - 848-848 André Weil (1906-98)
by Robert P. Langlands - 849-849 Laudable labs?
by Martin Kemp - 851-852 Maternal antibodies block malaria
by Michal Fried & François Nosten & Alan Brockman & Bernard J. Brabin & Patrick E. Duffy - 852-853 Object recognition can drive motion perception
by V. S. Ramachandran & C. Armel & C. Foster & R. Stoddard - 853-854 Preserving tardigrades under pressure
by Kunihiro Seki & Masato Toyoshima - 854-854 Specific interference by ingested dsRNA
by Lisa Timmons & Andrew Fire - 855-856 Beefing up the food police
by John Godfrey - 856-857 The freedom not to listen
by John Ziman - 857-858 How the brain holds our attention
by Steven Yantis - 858-858 Looking after your molecules
by John Emsley - 859-862 Star formation triggered by galaxy collisions
by Reinhard Genzel & Dieter Lutz & Linda Tacconi - 863-869 Structural basis for activation of the titin kinase domain during myofibrillogenesis
by Olga Mayans & Peter F. M. van der Ven & Matthias Wilm & Alexander Mues & Paul Young & Dieter O. Fürst & Matthias Wilmanns & Mathias Gautel - 871-873 Carbon monoxide emission as a precise tracer of molecular gas in the Andromeda galaxy
by N. Neininger & M. Guélin & H. Ungerechts & R. Lucas & R. Wielebinski