November 2000, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 183-192 R&D and Firm Size in the Information and Telecommunicatons Industry of Korea
by P. Kim - 209-222 Economic Success Factors in Spanish Small Retail Businesses. An Analysis Based on Sector-Relative Definitions
by Libia Santos-Requejo & Óscar González-Benito - 223-232 Saving to Overcome Borrowing Constraints: Implications for Small Business Entry and Exit
by Simon Parker - 233-242 Control Aversion and The Search for External Financing in Swedish SMEs
by Björn Berggren & Christer Olofsson & Lars Silver - 243-245 Launching a High-Risk Business – An Interactive Simulation. Developed by High Performance Systems, Inc., based on the work of William A. Sahlman and Michael J. Roberts
by Walter Kuemmerle
2000, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 165-181 Strategies, Uncertainty and Performance of Small Business Startups
by van Gelderen, Marco & Frese, Michael & Thurik, Roy - 193-208 SME Growth: The Relationship with Business Advice and External Collaboration
by Robson, Paul J A & Bennett, Robert J - 209-222 Economic Success Factors in Spanish Small Retail Businesses: An Analysis Based on Sector-Relative Definitions
by Santos-Requejo, Libia & Gonzalez-Benito, Oscar - 233-242 Control Aversion and the Search for External Financing in Swedish SMEs
by Berggren, Bjorn & Olofsson, Christer & Silver, Lars
September 2000, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 79-103 The Determinants of the Location of Foreign Direct Investment by Japanese Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
by Urata, Shujiro & Kawai, Hiroki - 105-125 The Entry and Exit Dynamics of Self-Employment in Canada
by Lin, Zhengxi & Picot, Garnett & Compton, Janice - 127-136 On the Evaluation of Greek Industrial SMEs' Performance via Multicriteria Analysis of Financial Ratios
by Voulgaris, Fotini & Doumpos, Michael & Zopounidis, Constantin - 137-148 The Size of the Informal Venture Capital Market in the United Kingdom
by Mason, Colin M & Harrison, Richard T
August 2000, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-12 Testing "Gibrat's Law" for Young Firms--Empirical Results for West Germany
by Almus, Matthias & Nerlinger, Eric A - 47-57 Union-Nonunion Gender Wage and Benefit Differentials across Establishment Sizes
by Wunnava, Phanindra V & Ewing, Bradley T
June 2000, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 243-274 Horatio Alger Meets the Mobility Tables
by Holtz-Eakin, Douglas & Rosen, Harvey S & Weathers, Robert - 299-309 Comparing Academic Entrepreneurship in Europe--The Case of Sweden and Ireland
by Klofsten, Magnus & Jones-Evans, Dylan - 311-321 Location and Survival of New Entry
by Fotopoulos, Georgios & Louri, Helen
May 2000, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 165-182 What Makes a New Business Start-Up Successful?
by Reid, Gavin C & Smith, Julia A - 211-222 Determinants of Firm Start-Up Size: An Application of Quantile Regression for Ireland
by Gorg, Holger & Strobl, Eric & Ruane, Frances - 239-244 The Allocation of Limited Entrepreneurial Attention, by Sharon Gifford, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998
by William Baumol
March 2000, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 83-94 Do Firms Get the Financing They Want? Measuring Credit Rationing Experienced by Small Business in the U.S
by Levenson, Alec R & Willard, Kristen L - 95-106 Informality, Size and Regulation: Theory and an Application to Egypt
by Giugale, Marcelo M & El-Diwany, Sherif & Everhart, Stephen S - 125-136 The Day after Grant-Aid: Business Development Schemes for Small Rural Firms in Lagging Areas of Greece
by Skuras, Dimitris & Dimara, Efthalia & Vakrou, Aleka
February 2000, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-10 Testing the Female Underperformance Hypothesis
by Du Rietz, Anita & Henrekson, Magnus - 37-53 The Provision of Finance to Innovation: A Survey Conducted among Italian Technology-Based Small Firms
by Giudici, Giancarlo & Paleari, Stefano - 55-63 An Empirical Approach to the Financial Behaviour of Small and Medium Sized Companies
by Lopez-Gracia, Jose & Aybar-Arias, Cristina - 65-82 Survival of New Plants in Different Industry Environments in Norwegian Manufacturing: A Semi-proportional Cox Model Approach
by Tveteras, Ragnar & Eide, Geir Egil
December 1999, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 253-271 Business Dynamics and Efficiency in Industries and Regions: The Case of Spain
by Callejon, Maria & Segarra, Agusti - 273-286 Mergers among German Cooperative Banks: A Panel-Based Stochastic Frontier Analysis
by Lang, Gunter & Welzel, Peter - 287-302 The Innovative Behavior of Spanish Enterprises and Its Impact on Salaries
by Lopez-Sintas, Jordi & Martinez-Ros, Ester
November 1999, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 201-217 Small Firm Behaviour in Sri Lanka
by Batten, Jonathan & Hettihewa, Samanthala - 219-234 Small Firms, Social Capital and the Enhancement of Business Performance through Innovation Programmes
by Cooke, Philip & Wills, David
September 1999, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 97-109 Market versus Corporate Structure in Plant-Level Innovation Performance
by Love, James H & Ashcroft, Brian - 111-129 Factors Affecting Self-Employment among Indian and Black Caribbean Men in Britain
by Borooah, Vani K & Hart, Mark - 141-154 Growth of New Technology-Based Firms: Which Factors Matter?
by Almus, Matthias & Nerlinger, Eric A - 155-170 Employment Growth Determinants in New Firms in Eastern Germany
by Brixy, Udo & Kohaut, Susanne
August 1999, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 27-55 Linking Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth
by Wennekers, Sander & Thurik, Roy - 57-70 Determinants of South Asian Entrepreneurial Growth in Britain: A Multivariate Analysis
by Basu, Anuradha & Goswami, Arati
June 1999, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 279-293 Industry Clusters in Ohio and Sweden, 1975-1995
by Braunerhjelm, Pontus & Carlsson, Bo - 299-311 Dealing with Resource Disadvantage: Generic Strategies for SMEs
by Lee, Khai S & Lim, Guan H & Tan, Soo J
March 1999, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 103-112 Small Business Growth in the Short Run
by Johnson, Peter & Conway, Cheryl & Kattuman, Paul - 113-130 Financial Policy and Capital Structure Choice in U.K. SMEs: Empirical Evidence from Company Panel Data
by Michaelas, Nicos & Chittenden, Francis & Poutziouris, Panikkos
February 1999, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 11-23 Institutional Effects on the Evolution of the Size Distribution of Firms
by Henrekson, Magnus & Johansson, Dan - 41-57 Factor Substitution in U.S. Manufacturing: Does Plant Size Matter?
by Nguyen, Sang V & Streitwieser, Mary L - 59-83 Explaining National Differences in the Size and Industry Distribution of Employment
by Davis, Steven J & Henrekson, Magnus - 85-95 Transaction Structure in Japanese Small Business Sector
by Doi, Noriyuki & Cowling, Marc - 97-101 Firm Size and Efficiency in Innovation: Reply
by Menkveld, A J & Thurik, A R
December 1998, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 303-313 Births-Deaths Nexus of Firms: Estimating VAR with Panel Data
by Kangasharju, Aki & Moisio, Antti - 315-326 The Changing Competitiveness of Taiwan's Manufacturing SMEs
by Hu, Ming-Wen & Schive, Chi - 353-370 Employment Creation in Small Technological and Design Innovators in the U.K. during the 1980s
by Tether, B S & Massini, S - 371-390 Small Business Failure and External Risk Factors
by Everett, Jim & Watson, John
November 1998, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 253-267 The Network Embeddedness of New, Technology-Based Firms: Developing a Systemic Evolution Model
by Yli-Renko, Helena & Autio, Erkko - 269-281 "Greening" SMEs' Competitiveness
by Bianchi, Raffaella & Noci, Giuliano
September 1998, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 101-111 National Innovation Systems, 'Real Economies' and Instituted Processes
by de la Mothe, John & Paquet, Gilles - 113-123 Employment Generation Potential of New, Technology-Based Firms during a Recessionary Period: The Case of Finland
by Autio, Erkko & Parhankangas, Annaleena - 125-144 Accounting for Net Entry into Greek Manufacturing by Establishments of Varying Size
by Fotopoulos, Georgios & Spence, Nigel - 145-154 Does the Market for Top Executives Work? CEO Pay and Turnover in Small U.K. Companies
by Conyon, Martin J & Nicolitsas, Daphne - 169-182 Market Organization and Propagation of Shocks: The Furniture Industry in Germany and Italy
by Florio, Massimo & Peracchi, Franco & Sckokai, Paolo - 183-196 SME Flexibility and the Role of Information Systems
by Levy, Margi & Powell, Philip
August 1998, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 43-56 The Influence of Firm's Size and International Experience on the Ownership Structure of Italian FDI in Manufacturing
by Mutinelli, Marco & Piscitello, Lucia - 87-100 The Extent of Overestimation of Small Firm Job Creation--An Empirical Examination of the Regression Bias
by Davidsson, Per & Lindmark, Leif & Olofsson, Christer
June 1998, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 327-331 A Research Note on the Theory of SME-Bank Relationships
by Bornheim, Stefan P & Herbeck, Thomas H - 333-348 Two Worlds of Venture Capital: What Happened to U.S. and Dutch Early Stage Investment?
by Brouwer, Maria & Hendrix, Bart - 365-377 R&D-Related Capabilities as Determinants of Export Performance
by Lefebvre, Elisabeth & Lefebvre, Louis A & Bourgault, Mario - 379-387 How Good Are Small Firms at Predicting Employment?
by Ashworth, John & Johnson, Peter & Conway, Cheryl - 389-400 Innovation and the Quality of Labour Factor: An Empirical Investigation in the French Food Industry
by Huiban, Jean-Pierre & Bouhsina, Zouhair
May 1998, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 213-225 Network Support and the Success of Newly Founded Businesses
by Bruderl, Josef & Preisendorfer, Peter - 283-292 The Evolution of Firm Size and Employment Share Distribution in Japanese and UK Manufacturing: A Study of Small Business Presence
by Doi, Noriyuki & Cowling, Marc
March 1998, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 117-139 Job Creation by Company Size Class: The Magnitude, Concentration and Persistence of Job Gains and Losses in Canada
by Picot, Garnett & Dupuy, Richard - 141-151 The Changing Rewards to Science: The Case of Biotechnology
by Stephan, Paula E & Everhart, Stephen S - 153-169 Understanding the Theoretical and Empirical Content of Critiques of U.S. Job Creation Research
by Kirchhoff, Bruce A & Greene, Patricia G
February 1998, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-4 Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Editorial
by Storey, David J & Karlsson, C - 31-46 Product Innovation in Small and Large Enterprises
by Karlsson, Charlie & Olsson, Ola - 47-59 High-Technology Employment Growth in Major U.S. Metropolitan Areas
by Acs, Zoltan J & Ndikumwami, Adrien - 61-74 Small Business Entrepreneurship in the High Technology Services Sector: An Assessment for the Edge Cities of the U.S. National Capital Region
by Stough, Roger R & Haynes, Kingsley E & Campbell, Harrison S, Jr
December 1997, Volume 9, Issue 6
- 491-502 Small Firm Investment and Financing Decisions: An Option Value Approach
by Calcagnini, Giorgio & Iacobucci, Donato - 503-514 Competitive Advantage and Human Resource Management in SMEs in a Transitional Economy
by Ferligoj, Anuska & Prasnikar, Janez & Jordan, Vesna
October 1997, Volume 9, Issue 5
- 403-409 How Good Are the U.K. VAT Registration Data at Measuring Firm Births?
by Johnson, Peter & Conway, Cheryl - 427-436 Counting the Self-Employed Using Household and Business Sample Data
by Boden, Richard J & Nucci, Alfred R
August 1997, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 319-333 Small Firms and Economic Transformation in Bulgaria
by Bartlett, Will & Rangelova, Rossitsa - 345-360 The Creation and Growth of Small Business Service Firms in Post-industrial Britain
by Bryson, John R & Keeble, David & Wood, Peter
June 1997, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 211-224 Job Creation and Job Destruction by Small Firms: An Empirical Investigation for the Dutch Manufacturing Sector
by Broersma, Lourens & Gautier, Pieter - 239-253 Net Entry of Firms into Greek Manufacturing: The Effects of Business Conditions
by Fotopoulos, Georgios & Spence, Nigel - 287-298 Firm Size and Performance of Manufacturing Enterprises in P.R. China: The Case of Shanghai's Manufacturing Industries
by Wing, Clement Chow Kong & Fung, Michael Ka-yiu
April 1997, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 87-96 European SME Financing: An Overview
by Cressy, Robert & Olofsson, Christer - 97-110 Financing the German Mittelstand
by Audretsch, David B & Elston, Julie A - 111-123 Business Angel Networks and the Development of the Informal Venture Capital Market in the U.K.: Is There Still a Role for the Public Sector?
by Mason, Colin M & Harrison, Richard T - 125-135 Financing High Technology Startups in Belgium: An Explorative Study
by Manigart, Sophie & Struyf, Carol - 137-150 Firm Foundations and the Role of Financial Constraints
by Egeln, Jurgen & Licht, Georg & Steil, Fabian - 167-178 The Relationship between U.K. Banks and Their Small Business Customers
by Binks, Martin R & Ennew, Christine T - 179-194 The Financial Conditions for Swedish SMEs: Survey and Research Agenda
by Cressy, Robert & Olofsson, Christer
February 1997, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-6 Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Technology, and Globalization: Introduction to a Special Issue on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Global Economy
by Acs, Zoltan J & Preston, Lee - 21-31 The Exploration of Technological Diversity and the Geographic Localization of Innovation
by Almeida, Paul & Kogut, Bruce - 53-66 The Production, Transfer and Spillover of Technology: Comparing Large and Small Multinationals as Technology Producers
by Eden, Lorraine & Levitas, Edward & Martinez, Richard J
December 1996, Volume 8, Issue 6
- 463-478 Gender as a Determinant of Small Business Performance: Insights from a British Study
by Rosa, Peter & Carter, Sara & Hamilton, Daphne
October 1996, Volume 8, Issue 5
- 347-364 Industry Competition and Firm Human Capital
by Boone, Christophe & van Witteloostuijn, Arjen
August 1996, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 259-278 Downsizing and Productivity Growth: Myth or Reality?
by Baily, Martin Neil & Bartelsman, Eric J & Haltiwanger, John - 297-315 Small Business and Job Creation: Dissecting the Myth and Reassessing the Facts
by Davis, Steven J & Haltiwanger, John & Schuh, Scott - 317-322 Small Business and Job Creation: A Comment
by Carree, Martin & Klomp, Luuk
June 1996, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 177-188 Property Rights and Entrepreneurship in Science
by Stephan, Paula E & Levin, Sharon G - 189-201 Firm Size, Small Business Presence and Sales of Innovative Products: A Micro-econometric Analysis
by Brouwer, Erik & Kleinknecht, Alfred - 203-218 Innovation of Entrepreneurial Firms
by Acs, Zoltan J & Gifford, Sharon - 249-258 Firms Size and R&D Spillovers: Evidence from Italy
by Audretsch, David B & Vivarelli, Marco
April 1996, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 139-157 Evaluating Small Firm Performance in Local Context: A Case Study of Manufacturers in Columbus, Ohio
by Ettlinger, Nancy & Tufford, Michelle
February 1996, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 17-25 Growing Firms and the Credit Constraint
by Binks, Martin R & Ennew, Christine T - 59-67 Small Firm Growth, Access to Capital Markets and Financial Structure: Review of Issues and an Empirical Investigation
by Chittenden, Francis & Hall, Graham & Hutchinson, Patrick
December 1995, Volume 7, Issue 6
- 437-450 Problems and Environment of Small Businesses in the Czech Republic
by Benacek, Vladimir & Zemplinerova, Alena - 457-468 Business Strategies and the Small Professional Firm: Evidence from the Conveyancing Market
by Love, James H & Stephen, Frank H & Paterson, Alan A
October 1995, Volume 7, Issue 5
- 353-356 Symposium on Harrison's "Lean and Mean": A Policy Perspective
by de la Mothe, John & Paquet, Gilles & Roy, Jeffrey - 365-376 Entrepreneurship in the Soviet Union and Post-Socialist Russia
by Ageev, Alexander I & Gratchev, Mikhail V & Hisrich, Robert D - 389-407 Explaining Regional Variation in Business Births and Deaths: U.S. 1976-88
by Reynolds, Paul D & Miller, Brenda & Maki, Wilbur R
August 1995, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 273-289 Networks and Small Business Growth: An Explanatory Model
by Donckels, Rik & Lambrecht, Johan - 301-315 Small Firms, Business Dynamics and Differential Development of Economic Well-Being
by Davidsson, Per & Lindmark, Leif & Olofsson, Christer - 317-331 Employment Generation by Small Producers in the Canadian Manufacturing Sector
by Baldwin, John & Picot, Garnett
June 1995, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 173-182 Firm-Size Wage Differentials in the Netherlands
by Oosterbeek, Hessel & van Praag, Mirjam - 221-230 The Determinants of Firm Start-up and Entry in Italian Producer Services
by Santarelli, Enrico & Piergiovanni, Roberta - 241-249 Small Local Firms inside the Supply Chain: Challenges and Perspectives
by De Toni, Alberto & Nassimbeni, Guido & Tonchia, Stefano
April 1995, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 97-109 Job Generation and New and Small Firms: Some Evidence from the Late 1980s
by Hart, Mark & Hanvey, Eric - 111-140 Employment Change in Independent Owner-Managed High-Technology Firms in Great Britain
by Westhead, Paul & Cowling, Marc - 141-152 Factors Influencing Take-Up Rates on the Loan Guarantee Scheme
by Cowling, Marc & Clay, Nick - 153-172 Closing the Regional Equity Capital Gap: The Role of Informal Venture Capital
by Mason, Colin M & Harrison, Richard T
February 1995, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-13 The Remuneration of Non-owner Managers in UK Unquoted and Unlisted Securities Market Enterprises: An Empirical Analysis of Firm Specific, Human Capital and Job History Influences
by Storey, David & Watson, Robert & Wynarczyk, Pooran - 41-54 Underpricing in New Equity Listings: A Conceptual Re-appraisal
by Keasey, Kevin & McGuinness, Paul - 55-66 The Operation of the Insolvency System in the U.K.: Some Implications for Entrepreneurialism
by Gladstone, Bryan & Lee, Jennifer Lane - 67-75 The Internationalization Process in the Small and Medium Sized Firms: A Case Study on the Italian Clothing Industry
by Berra, Lorenzo & Piatti, Laura & Vitali, Giampaolo
December 1994, Volume 6, Issue 6
- 439-449 New-Firm Startups, Technology, and Macroeconomic Fluctuations
by Audretsch, David B & Acs, Zoltan J - 451-463 The Pattern of Changes in the Long-Term Development of Establishment Size
by Stockman, Reinhard & Leicht, Rene - 465-475 Evaluation of Industrial Policy--The Case of the Swedish Textile and Clothing Industry
by Alange, Sverker & Jacobsson, Staffan
October 1994, Volume 6, Issue 5
- 349-362 The Bank Financing of Small Firms in UK: Issues and Evidence
by Keasey, Kevin & Watson, Robert - 373-379 Small Firm Effect: Evidence from Korean Stock Exchange
by Cheung, Yan-Leung & Leung, Yiu-Ming & Wong, Kwok-Fai - 381-385 A Reconciliation of the Unemployment--New Firm Startup Paradox
by Audretsch, David & Jin, Jim
August 1994, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 257-266 The 1986 U.K. Insolvency and Company Directors' Disqualification Acts: An Evaluation of Their Impacts upon Small Firm Financing Decisions
by Keasey, Kevin & Watson, Robert - 283-290 The Interrelationships between Births and Deaths
by Johnson, Peter & Parker, Simon - 291-297 High Tech Manufacturing: Firm Size, Industry and Population Density
by Goss, Ernie & Vozikis, George S - 299-312 Change in the Size Distribution of U.K. Firms
by Robson, Geoffrey B & Gallagher, Colin C - 313-322 The Role of Planning in Small Firms: Empirical Evidence from a Service Industry
by Risseeuw, Peter & Masurel, Enno
June 1994, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 165-184 Promoting Entrepreneurship in Eastern Europe
by Tyson, Laura d'Andrea & Petrin, Tea & Rogers, F Halsey - 193-209 Flexible Technology and Industrial Structure in the U.S
by Carlsson, Bo & Taymaz, Erol - 225-236 Directors' Ownership and the Performance of Small and Medium Sized Firms in the U.K
by Keasey, Kevin & Short, Helen & Watson, Robert
April 1994, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 79-80 Special Issue on Birth and Start-Up of New Firms: Empirical Evidence: Introduction
by Mussati, Giuliano & Fumagalli, Andrea & Vivarelli, Marco - 81-93 An Econometric Test of the Self-Employment Model: The Case of Italy
by Foti, Alessandro & Vivarelli, Marco - 95-106 New Firm Formation in Italian Industry: 1985-89
by Santarelli, Enrico & Sterlacchini, Alessandro - 107-116 The Dynamics of Entry, Exit and Profitability: An Error Correction Approach for the Retail Industry
by Carree, Martin & Thurik, Roy - 151-163 New Firm Location: An Equilibrium Model and Its Disequilibrium Dynamics
by Bramanti, Alberto & Girardi, Riccardo
February 1994, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-19 A Longitudinal Analysis of the Young Self-Employed in Australia and the United States
by Blanchflower, David G & Meyer, Bruce D
December 1993, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 261-269 The Effectiveness of Reward Systems on Innovative Output: An Empirical Analysis
by Honig-Haftel, Sandra & Martin, Linda R - 297-305 Competitive Positioning and Innovative Efforts in SMEs
by Lefebvre, L A & Lefebvre, E - 307-317 Small Firms and Technological Development in the Food Processing Machinery Industry: The Case of Pasta and Other Cereal Derivative Machines in Italy
by Rolfo, Secondo & Vaglio, Paolo & Vitali, Giampaolo
September 1993, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 173-186 Firm-Size Distribution and Price-Cost Margins in Dutch Manufacturing
by Prince, Yvonne & Thurik, Roy - 187-196 The Share of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise in Greek Manufacturing
by Droucopoulos, Vassilis & Thomadakis, Stavros - 207-214 A Probit Analysis of the Changes in the Financial Characteristics of Newly Quoted Small Firms, 1970-73 and 1980-83
by Hall, Graham C & Hutchinson, Patrick J - 215-220 An Overview of the Securitization of SBA Guaranteed Loans Originated by Commercial Banks
by Rappaport, A & Wyatt, R W
June 1993, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 87-100 Profitability, Uncertainty, and Firm Size
by Ballantine, John W & Cleveland, Frederick W & Koeller, C Timothy - 101-109 Small Subcontractors in UK Engineering: Competitiveness, Dependence and Problems
by Lyons, Bruce R & Bailey, Susan - 111-128 Planning for Self-Employment at the Beginning of a Market Economy: Evidence from Individual Data of East German Workers
by Lechner, Michael & Pfeiffer, Friedhelm
March 1993, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-22 An Inverse Relationship between Efficiency and Profitability According to Size of (Upper-)Austrian Firms? Some Further Tentative Results
by Schneider, Friedrich & Lenzelbauer, Werner - 37-54 Factor Substitution in Small and Large U.S. Manufacturing Establishments: 1977-82
by Nguyen, Sang V & Reznek, Arnold P - 55-65 Determinants of Small Firm Debt Ratios: An Analysis of Retail Panel Data
by van der Wijst, Nico & Thurik, Roy - 67-76 The Strategic Role of Quality in Small Size Firms
by Azzone, Giovanni & Cainarca, Gian Carlo
December 1992, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 253-265 Foreign Trade Potential, Small Enterprise Development and Job Creation in Developing Countries
by Rondinelli, Dennis A & Kasarda, John D - 315-326 Unobservable Industry Characteristics and the Innovation-Concentration-Advertising-Maze: Evidence from an Econometric Study Using Panel Data for Manufacturing Industries in the FRG, 1979-1986
by Wagner, Joachim & von der Schulenburg, J-Matthias Graf
September 1992, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 179-200 The Role of Small Firms in the Industrial Development and Transformation of Czechoslovakia
by McDermott, Gerald A & Mejstrik, Michal - 211-219 Small Firm Mutual Funds: Additional Evidence on the Small Firm Effect
by Isberg, Steven C & Thies, Clifford F - 221-236 Marketing and Company Performance: An Examination of Medium Sized Manufacturing Firms in Britain
by Brooksbank, Roger & Kirby, David A & Wright, Gillian
June 1992, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 141-151 Transaction Costs and Standardisation in Professional Services to Small Business
by Nooteboom, Bart & Zwart, Peter S & Bijmolt, Tammo H A
March 1992, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-14 The Tradeoff between Firm Size and Diversity in the Pursuit of Technological Progress
by Cohen, Wesley M & Klepper, Steven - 15-27 New Issues on the U.K. Unlisted Securities Market: The Ability of Entrepreneurs to Signal Firm Value
by Keasey, K & McGuinness, P & Short, H