September 2005, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 175-196 Job Creation by the Self-employed: The Roles of Entrepreneurial and Financial Capital
by Andrew Henley - 197-206 An Empirical Analysis of Bank Mergers and Cost Efficiency in Taiwan
by Ping-wen Lin
August 2005, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-16 The Nature of Managerial Work in Small Growth-Orientated Businesses
by Colm O’Gorman & Sarah Bourke & John Murray - 17-34 Modelling the Link Between Management Practices and Financial Performance. Evidence from Small Construction Companies
by Johan Maes & Luc Sels & Filip Roodhooft - 35-48 Modelling Entrepreneurship: Unifying The Equilibrium and Entry/Exit Approach
by Niels Bosma & Gerrit Wit & Martin Carree - 49-64 Perceived Environmental Uncertainty and Innovation in Small Firms
by Mark Freel - 65-82 Growth, Diversification, and Business Group Formation in Entrepreneurial Firms
by Donato Iacobucci & Peter Rosa - 83-96 Organizational Structure and Performance in Dutch small Firms
by Joris Meijaard & Maryse Brand & Marco Mosselman - 97-108 Learning Opportunities and Learning Behaviours of Small Business Starters: Relations with Goal Achievement, Skill Development and Satisfaction
by Marco Gelderen & Lidewey Sluis & Paul Jansen
June 2005, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 423-430 The Individual – Opportunity Nexus: A Review of Scott Shane: A General Theory of Entrepreneurship
by Mark Casson - 431-450 Determinants of International Activities: Are SMEs Different?
by Heinz Hollenstein - 451-464 Targeting Firm Births and Economic Regeneration in a Lagging Region
by Peter Johnson - 465-476 Board Pay and the Separation of Ownership from Control in U.K. SMEs
by Robert Watson & Nick Wilson - 477-485 Competition and the Provision of Banking Services to SMEs in the U.K
by John Ashton & Kevin Keasey - 487-495 The Turnover of Firms and Industry Growth
by Dan Johansson - 497-498 Book Review: Review of “Small Firms and Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe – A Socio-Economic Perspective” edited by Oliver Pfirrmann and Günter H. Walter, Heidelberg and New York 2002: Physica
by Michael Fritsch
May 2005, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 351-358 Paul D. Reynolds: Entrepreneurship Research Innovator, Coordinator, and Disseminator
by Per Davidsson - 359-364 Understanding Business Creation: Serendipity and Scope in Two Decades of Business Creation Studies
by Paul Reynolds - 365-380 Success and Risk Factors in the Pre-Startup Phase
by Marco Gelderen & Roy Thurik & Niels Bosma - 381-391 Uncertainty and Growth of the Firm
by Robert Lensink & Paul Steen & Elmer Sterken - 393-407 Adverse Selection in Acquisitions of Small Manufacturing Firms: A Comparison of Private and Public Targets
by Jung-Chin Shen & Jeffrey Reuer - 409-419 The Internationalization of Small and Medium-Sized Firms
by Dirk Clercq & Harry Sapienza & Hans Crijns - 423-427 Consumption-Leisure Preference Structure: A New Explanation of the Evans-Jovanovic Results for Entrepreneurial Choice
by Nobuyuki Harada & Kyoichi Kijima
January 2005, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 193-203 Determinants and Effects of New Business Creation Using Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Data
by Rolf Sternberg & Sander Wennekers - 335-350 Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth: Evidence from GEM data
by Poh Wong & Yuen Ho & Erkko Autio
February 2005, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 205-231 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: Data Collection Design and Implementation 1998–2003
by Paul Reynolds & Niels Bosma & Erkko Autio & Steve Hunt & Natalie De Bono & Isabel Servais & Paloma Lopez-Garcia & Nancy Chin - 233-247 Perceptual Variables and Nascent Entrepreneurship
by Pia Arenius & Maria Minniti - 249-265 A Network-based Approach on Opportunity Recognition
by Pia Arenius & Dirk Clercq - 267-292 Entrepreneurship: The Role of Clusters Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Evidence from Germany
by Hector Rocha & Rolf Sternberg - 311-321 The Effect of Entrepreneurial Activity on National Economic Growth
by André Stel & Martin Carree & Roy Thurik - 323-334 Entrepreneurship, Agglomeration and Technological Change
by Zoltán Ács & Attila Varga
April 2005, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 293-309 Nascent Entrepreneurship and the Level of Economic Development
by Sander Wennekers & André van Wennekers & Roy Thurik & Paul Reynolds
March 2005, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 97-111 Commitment to Employees: Does It Help or Hinder Small Business Performance?
by Lori Muse & Matthew Rutherford & Sharon Oswald & Jennie Raymond - 113-129 How Business Opportunities Constrain Young Technology-Based Firms from Growing into Medium-Sized Firms
by Rögnvaldur Saemundsson & Åsa Dahlstrand - 131-142 Gender Discrimination, Entrepreneurial Talent and Self-Employment
by Luisa Rosti & Francesco Chelli - 143-158 The Heterogeneity of Self-Employment: The Example of Asians in the United States
by John Lunn & Todd Steen - 159-167 Personality Characteristics of Self-Employed; An Empirical Study
by Sjoerd Beugelsdijk & Niels Noorderhaven - 169-186 Pre-Acquisition Profile of Privately Held Companies Involved in Take-Overs: An Empirical Study
by Jan Camerlynck & Hubert Ooghe & Tine Langhe - 187-191 Consumption-Leisure Preference Structure: A New Explanation of the Evans-Jovanovic Results for Entrepreneurial Choice
by Nobuyuki Harada & Kyoichi Kijima
February 2005, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 29-38 The Higher Cost of Follow-Up Loans
by Aoife Hanley & Jonathan Crook - 39-51 Firm Growth and Supply Chain Partnerships: An Empirical Analysis of U.K. SME Subcontractors
by Pooran Wynarczyk & Robert Watson - 53-62 R&D Subsidy and Self-Financed R&D: The Case of Japanese High-Technology Start-Ups
by Tadahisa Koga - 63-78 The Winner’s Curse of Human Capital
by Thomas Åstbro & Irwin Bernhardt - 79-95 The Locational and Functional Behavior of U.S. Autoparts Suppliers
by Ho Kim
January 2005, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 17-28 Defining and Tracking Business Start-Ups
by Michael Luger & Jun Koo
December 2005, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-15 Firm Growth, Size, Age and Behavior in Japanese Manufacturing
by Takehiko Yasuda
December 2004, Volume 23, Issue 5
- 401-422 Racial and Gender Discrimination in the Micro Firms Credit Market?: Evidence from Trinidad and Tobago
by D. Storey - 453-460 The Trade-Off Between Supervision Cost and Performance Based Pay: Does Gender Matter?
by Bradley Ewing & Phanindra Wunnava
November 2004, Volume 23, Issue 5
- 441-452 Real Wages, Business Cycles and New Production Patterns
by Richard Jenner
October 2004, Volume 23, Issue 5
- 363-400 Entrepreneurship and Development: The Role of Clusters
by Hector Rocha - 423-440 The Survival and Growth of New Establishments in Sweden, 1987-1995
by Helena Persson
November 2004, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 263-284 The Prevalence of Nascent Entrepreneurs in the United States: Evidence from the Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics
by Paul D. Reynolds & Nancy M. Carter & William B. Gartner & Patricia G. Greene - 285-297 The Employer Size-Wage Differentials in Taiwan
by Yih-chyi Chuang & Pi-fum Hsu - 299-310 Productivity and Entrepreneurial Chraracteristics in New Japanese Firms
by Nobuyuki Harada - 311-322 Factors Impacting the Adoption of the Internet among SMEs
by Ruby Roy Dholakia & Nir Kshetri - 323-336 Youth Self Employment: Its Nature and Consequences
by Donald R. Williams - 337-348 Does Choosing a Section of the Stock Exchange Matter in the IPO of SMEs? The French Case
by Loïc Mahérault & Bernard Belletante - 349-361 Small North American Producers Give Ground in the 1990s
by John R. Baldwin & Ron S. Jarmin & Jianmin Tang
October 2004, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 171-177 Information Technology and the Performance of Japanese SMEs
by Masayuki Morikawa - 179-188 Job Creation Process in a Transition Economy
by Mateja Drnovsek - 189-201 The Shadow of Death -- An Emperical Analysis of the Pre-Exit Performance of New German Firms
by Matthias Almus - 203-218 Recent Trends in Ethnic and Racial Business Ownership
by Robert W. Fairlie - 219-226 Does Bank Consolidation Hurt the Small Business Borrower?
by James H. Rauch & Jill M. Hendrickson - 227-236 The Value of Human and Social Capital Investments for the Business Performance of Startups
by Niels Bosma & Mirjam van Praag & Roy Thurik & Gerrit de Wit - 237-254 An Explanation of the Life Span of New French Firms
by Rafik Abdesselam & Jean Bonnet & Nicolas Le Pape - 255-259 Transmission of Risk-Averse Behavior in Small Firms
by Dennis Patrick Leyden & Albert N. Link
September 2004, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 85-98 Entrepreneurship and Risk Premium
by P. E. Petrakis - 99-113 Innovation and the Operational Performance of Newly Established Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan
by Li-min Hsueh & Ying-yi Tu - 115-126 Self-Employment Among Immigrants in Sweden -- An Analysis of Intragroup Differences
by Mats Hammarstedt - 127-135 Incubators: Tool for Entrepreneurship?
by Rudy Aernoudt - 137-149 Covenants and Small Business Lending: The Finnish Case
by Jyrki Niskanen & Mervi Niskanen - 151-168 The Adoption of ICT among SMEs: Evidence from an Italian Survey
by Riccardo Lucchetti & Alessandro Sterlacchini - 169-170 Richard Deeg, Financial Capitalism Unveiled: Banks and the German Political Economy
by Caroline Fohlin
August 2004, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-7 William J. Baumol: An Entrepreneurial Economist on the Economics of Entrepreneurship
by Gunnar Eliasson & Magnus Henrekson - 9-21 Entrepreneurial Enterprises, Large Established Firms and Other Components of the Free-Market Growth Machine
by William J. Baumol - 23-39 Lending to Small and Medium-Sized Firms: Is There an East-West Gap in Germany?
by Erik Lehmann & Doris Neuberger & Solvig R”thke - 41-49 Are All the Potential Entrepreneurs So Good?
by Marco Vivarelli - 51-70 Commercial Bank Lending to SMEs in Poland
by Melanie Feakins - 71-84 Networking for Competitiveness
by Gordon Kingsley & Edward J. Malecki
June 2004, Volume 22, Issue 5
- 325-332 Firm Leadership and Innovative Performance: Evidence from Seven EU Countries
by Dirk Czarnitzki & Kornelius Kraft - 333-347 Globalisation, E-Business and SMEs: Evidence from the Italian District of Prato
by Lucia Piscitello & Francesca Sgobbi - 349-364 Technology and Export Decision
by Chih-Hai Yang & Jong-Rong Chen & Wen-Bin Chuang - 365-377 The Establishment of Global Marketing Strategic Alliances by Small and Medium Enterprises
by Hsiu-Li Chen & Yophy Huang - 379-389 Export Propensities and Intensities of Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises in South Africa
by V. Gimede - 391-405 Are Group-Affiliated Firms Really More Profitable than Nonaffiliated?
by Wenyi Chu - 407-415 The Market for Knowledge Brokers
by Jeroen Hinloopen - 417-420 Vivarelli, M. and Pianta, M. (2000), The Employment Impact of Inovation: Evidence and Policy, 240 pp. Routledge, London
by Andrea Conte
April 2004, Volume 22, Issue 3_4
- 163-164 Introduction to "Entrepreneurship and the Demography of Firms and Industries", Special Issue
by Maria Callejon - 165-177 Creative Destruction and Human Resources
by Dieter B–genhold - 179-192 Explaining Firm Employment Growth: Does Location Matter?
by Gerke J. Hoogstra & Jouke van Dijk - 193-207 How Does Probability of Innovation Change with Firm Age?
by Elena Huergo & Jordi Jaumandreu - 209-221 Promoting the Entry of New Firms
by Federico Pablo MartÌ - 223-236 Business Incubation Centers and New Firm Growth in the Basque Country
by I. Pena - 237-251 The Dynamics of Productivity: A Decompostion Approach Using Distribution Functions
by JosÈ C. FariÒas & Sonia Ruano - 253-264 A Spatial Interpretation of the Density Dependence Model in Industrial Demography
by Leo van Wissen - 265-281 The Location of New Firms and the Life Cycle of Industries
by M. Teresa Costa Campi & AgustÌ Segarra Blasco & Elisabet Viladecans Marsal - 283-298 Patterns of Entry, Post-Entry Growth and Survival: A Comparison Between Domestic and Foreign Owned Firms
by JosÈ Mata & Pedro Portugal - 299-312 Firm Size and Geographical Aggregation: An Empirical Appraisal in Industrial Location
by Josep Maria Arauzo Carod & Miguel C. ManjÛn AntolÌn - 313-323 The Emergence of Entrepreneurship Policy
by Brett Anitra Gilbert & David B. Audretsch & Patricia P. McDougall
March 2004, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 83-109 Relating External Support, Business Growth & Creating Strategies for Survival: A Comparative Case Study Analyses of Small Manufacturing Firms (SMFs) and Entrepreneurs
by Charles Jabani Mambula - 111-120 Market Justification for Policy on Small Enterprise Development
by Sanal Kumar Velayudhan - 121-140 Equity Agency Costs Amongst Manufacturing SMEs
by Richard G.P. McMahon - 141-153 Networks, Firm Size and Innovation
by Mark Rogers - 155-162 Determinants of Innovation
by Mita Bhattacharya & Harry Bloch
February 2004, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-9 The Growth -- Profit Nexus
by Marc Cowling - 11-17 Internal vs External Financing of R&D
by Spiros Bougheas - 19-31 To Invest or Not to Invest in China
by Huilin Lin & Ryh-Song Yeh - 33-49 Administrative Compensation and Organizational Performance in Texas Nursing Facilities
by Kris Joseph Knox & Eric C. Blankmeyer & J. R. Stutzman - 51-66 Parsimonious Models of Financial Insolvency in Small Companies
by Julio Pindado & Luis F. Rodrigues - 67-82 Self-Employment Status: The Role of State Dependence and Initial Circumstances
by Andrew Henley
December 2003, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 329-341 Exploring the Networking Characteristics of New Venture Founding Teams
by Grandi, Alessandro & Grimaldi, Rosa - 355-369 Toward a Typology of University Spin-Offs
by Pirnay, Fabrice & Surlemont, Bernard & Nlemvo, Frederic - 371-380 Reassessing Portfolio Entrepreneurship
by Carter, Sara & Ram, Monder - 381-395 Going Public and the Enrichment of a Supportive Network
by Ravasi, Davide & Marchisio, Gaia - 409-422 Networks in Entrepreneurship: The Case of High-Technology Firms
by Elfring, Tom & Hulsink, Willem
November 2003, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 215-228 Long-Term Decline of Small and Medium Size Enterprise Share
by Mulhern, Alan & Stewart, Chris - 229-242 Joint Ventures as an Internationalisation Strategy for SMEs
by Kirby, David A & Kaiser, Stefan - 243-256 A Technological and Organisational Explanation for the Size Distribution of Firms
by Gans, Joshua S & Quiggin, John - 257-271 Customs-Related Transaction Costs, Firm Size and International Trade Intensity
by Verwaal, Ernst & Donkers, Bas - 273-283 The Diffusion of E-Commerce Among SMEs: Theoretical Implications and Empirical Evidence
by Santarelli, Enrico & D'Altri, Samuele
September 2003, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 77-113 Local Social Capital and Entrepreneurship
by Westlund, Hans & Bolton, Roger - 115-134 The Evolution and Nature of Young Firm Networks: A Longitudinal Perspective
by Schutjens, Veronique & Stam, Erik - 135-144 Exit and Entry over the Product Life Cycle: Evidence from the Swedish Manufacturing Industry
by Karlsson, Charlie & Nystrom, Kristina - 145-152 Entrepreneurship and Start-Ups in the Boston Region: Factors differentiating High-Growth Ventures from Micro-ventures
by Friar, John H & Meyer, Marc H - 153-172 An Anatomy of Change and Transition: The Automobile Industry of Southeast Michigan
by Fasenfest, David & Jacobs, James - 173-186 Collaborative Strategies in the Event of Technological Discontinuities: The Case of Nokia in the Mobile Telecommunication Industry
by Sadowski, B M & Dittrich, K & Duysters, G M - 187-200 The High Growth in New Metal-Based Manufacturing and Business Service Firms in Finland
by Littunen, Hannu & Tohmo, Timo - 201-213 Issues Which Impact Upon Marketing in the Small Firm
by Mc Cartan-Quinn, Danielle & Carson, David
August 2003, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 19-26 Passive Firm Learning and Employment Projection Error
by Gabe, Todd M & Kraybill, David S - 37-49 A Theory of Discouraged Borrowers
by Kon, Y & Storey, D J - 63-71 Is the Small Firms Loan Guarantee Scheme Hazardous for Banks or Helpful to Small Business?
by Cowling, Marc & Mitchell, Peter
June 2003, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 287-303 Growth Dynamics in the Biomedical/Biotechnology System
by Cetindamar, Dilek & Laage-Hellman, Jens - 305-317 An Examination of the Factors Associated with Bank Switching in the U.K. Small Firm Sector
by Howorth, Carole & Peel, Michael J & Wilson, Nicholas
May 2003, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 219-231 A Dynamic Decision Model of SMEs' FDI
by Kuo, Hsien-Chang & Li, Yang - 233-244 Determinants of Technical Efficiency in Small Firms
by Alvarez, Roberto & Crespi, Gustavo - 245-258 Science Park Location and New Technology-Based Firms in Sweden--Implications for Strategy and Performance
by Lindelof, Peter & Lofsten, Hans
March 2003, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 153-165 Leveraging Research and Development: Assessing the Impact of the U.S. Advanced Technology Program
by Feldman, Maryann P & Kelley, Maryellen R - 167-175 The Growth of Research Triangle Park
by Link, Albert N & Scott, John T - 177-184 Science Parks and the Performance of New Technology-Based Firms: A Review of Recent U.K. Evidence and an Agenda for Future Research
by Siegel, Donald S & Westhead, Paul & Wright, Mike - 185-200 Technology Transfer and Universities' Spin-Out Strategies
by Lockett, Andy & Wright, Mike & Franklin, Stephen
February 2003, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-4 Internationalization of SMEs: Toward a New Paradigm
by Etemad, Hamid & Wright, Richard W - 5-23 The Knowledge Network of International Entrepreneurship: Theory and Evidence
by Etemad, Hamid & Lee, Yender - 25-47 Born-International SMEs: BI-Level Impacts of Resources and Intentions
by Kundu, Sumit K & Katz, Jerome A - 69-82 Targeting Export Support to SMEs: Owners' International Experience as a Segmentation Basis
by Fischer, Eileen & Reuber, A Rebecca - 105-120 Information Journal: Small Business Economics
by Riddle, Liesl A & Gillespie, Kate
December 2002, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 291-306 The Determinants of Growth for Small and Medium Sized Firms: The Role of the Availability of External Finance
by Becchetti, Leonardo & Trovato, Giovanni - 307-319 Preparations for the Euro by U.K. SMEs with Trading Links with the Euro Currency Area
by Greene, Francis J & Travis, Lindsay - 321-340 The Effectiveness of Government Promotion of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT): An Economic Analysis Based on Swiss Micro Data
by Arvanitis, Spyros & Hollenstein, Heinz & Lenz, Stephan - 341-354 The Dynamics of SME Information Systems
by Levy, Margi & Powell, Philip & Yetton, Philip - 355-369 The Competitive Characteristics of U.S. Manufacturers in the Machine Tool Industry
by Kalafsky, Ronald V & MacPherson, Alan D
November 2002, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 189-204 Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy in American Capitalism
by Acs, Zoltan J & Phillips, Ronnie J - 205-215 Technological Regimes and the Growth of Networks: An Empirical Analysis
by Pammolli, Fabio & Riccaboni, Massimo - 233-253 Goodwill Capital
by Mueller, Dennis C & Supina, Dylan - 255-270 Self-Employment Wealth and Job Creation: The Roles of Gender, Non-pecuniary Motivation and Entrepreneurial Ability
by Burke, Andrew E & FitzRoy, Felix R & Nolan, Michael A
September 2002, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 63-67 Introduction to Institutions, Entrepreneurship and Firm Growth: The Case of Sweden
by Karlsson, Charlie & Acs, Zoltan J - 69-80 Entrepreneurship as Recombinant Growth
by Olsson, Ola & Frey, Bruno S - 81-104 Determinants of the Prevalence of Start-Ups and High-Growth Firms
by Davidsson, Per & Henrekson, Magnus - 123-133 A Transaction Cost Rationale for Transition of the Firm within the Family
by Bjuggren, Per-Olof & Sund, Lars-Goran - 147-162 Growth and Trade vs. Trade and Growth
by Ekholm, Karolina & Sodersten, Bo - 163-182 Economic Policy, Institutions and Entrepreneurship
by Karlsson, Charlie & Karlsson, Martin
August 2002, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-12 Technical Efficiency and Location Choice of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
by Li, Yang & Hu, Jin-Li - 13-29 Internationalization of Western Venture Capitalists into Emerging Markets: Risk Assessment and Information in India
by Wright, Mike & Lockett, Andy & Pruthi, Sarika - 31-40 Effects of Unemployment on New Firm Formation: Micro-level Panel Data Evidence from Finland
by Ritsila, Jari & Tervo, Hannu - 41-50 Returns to Scale in Small and Large U.S. Manufacturing Establishments: Further Evidence
by Nguyen, Sang V & Lee, Seong-Hoon - 51-62 Identifying Success Factors for Rapid Growth in SME E-commerce
by Feindt, Sylvie & Jeffcoate, Judith & Chappell, Caroline
June 2002, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 257-267 Capital Growth, Financing Journal: Small Business Economics
by Fu, Tze-Wei & Ke, Mei-Chu & Huang, Yen-Sheng - 281-287 Entrepreneurial Risk: Have We Been Asking the Wrong Question?
by Norton, William I, Jr & Moore, William T
Feb.- May 2002, Volume 18, Issue 1-3
- 1-12 Small Firm Dynamism in East Asia: An Introductory Overview
by Iqbal, Farrukh & Urata, Shujiro - 41-51 Entry of Small and Medium Enterprises and Economic Dynamism in Japan
by Kawai, Hiroki & Urata, Shujiro - 53-67 Technological Progress by Small and Medium Enterprises in Japan
by Urata, Shujiro & Kawai, Hiroki - 85-119 Small and Medium Enterprises in Korea: Achievements, Constraints and Policy Issues
by Nugent, Jeffrey B & Yhee, Seung-Jae - 141-161 Firm and Group Dynamics in the Small and Medium Enterprise Sector in Indonesia
by Berry, Albert & Rodriguez, Edgard & Sandee, Henry - 197-211 Market Reforms, Technological Capabilities and the Performance of Small Enterprises in China
by Wang, Yueping & Yao, Yang
December 2001, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 239-253 Duration of Self-Employment in Developing Countries: Evidence from Small Enterprises in Zimbabwe
by Nziramasanga, Mudziviri & Lee, Minsoo - 255-271 Formal Rehabilitation Procedures and Insolvent Firms: Empirical Evidence on the British Company Voluntary Arrangement Procedure
by Cook, Gary A S & Pandit, Naresh R & Milman, David - 273-291 Organization Context and Human Resource Management in the Small Firm
by de Kok, Jan & Uhlaner, Lorraine M - 293-308 Tunisia's Lending Program to SMEs: Anatomy of an Institutional Failure?
by Bechri, Mohamed & Najah, Tijani & Nugent, Jeffrey B
Aug.-Sept. 2001, Volume 17, Issue 1-2
- 31-42 The Competencies of Regions--Canada's Clusters in Biotechnology
by Niosi, Jorge & Bas, Tomas G - 61-76 Is the Creation and Development of Biotech SMEs Localised? Conclusions Drawn from the French Case
by Lemarie, Stephane & Mangematin, Vincent & Torre, Andre - 105-122 The Fourth Pillar? An Assessment of the Situation of the Finnish Biotechnology
by Schienstock, Gerd & Tulkki, Pasi - 143-153 New Biotechnology Firms in Germany: Heidelberg and the BioRegion Rhine-Neckar Triangle
by Krauss, Gerhard & Stahlecker, Thomas
June 2001, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 249-262 The Distinctiveness of Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies
by Smallbone, David & Welter, Friederike - 293-302 A Panel Study of Firm Growth among SMEs in Networks
by Havnes, Pers-Anders & Senneseth, Knut - 303-317 Public Sector Support for Innovating SMEs
by North, David & Smallbone, David & Vickers, Ian - 329-345 Start-Up Capital: "Does Gender Matter?"
by Verheul, Ingrid & Thurik, Roy
May 2001, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 157-166 Cottage and Small Firm "Presence" in Indonesian Manufacturing between 1975-1996
by van Diermen, Peter & Gani, Azmat - 167-175 Entrepreneurial Women and Men: Two Different Species?
by Cowling, Marc & Taylor, Mark - 177-190 Technology-Based Entrepreneurs: Does Internet Make a Difference?
by Colombo, Massimo G & Delmastro, Marco - 223-236 The Effect of the Organizational Context on SME's Entrepreneurship: Some Spanish Evidence
by Entrialgo, Montserrat & Fernandez, Esteban & Vazquez, Camilo J
March 2001, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 63-74 Contrasting Two Models of Wealth Redistribution
by Acs, Zoltan J & Dana, Leo Paul - 75-94 An Investigation into the Overseas Expansion of Small Asian-Owned U.K. Firms
by Crick, Dave & Chaudhry, Shiv & Batstone, Stephen - 95-111 The Psychological Basis of Opportunity Identification: Entrepreneurial Alertness
by Gaglio, Connie Marie & Katz, Jerome A - 113-123 Improving Marketing Communication & Innovation Strategies in the Small Business Context
by Wright, Len Tiu & Nancarrow, Clive - 125-139 The Rugged Entrepreneurs of Iran's Small-Scale Mining
by Etemad, Hamid & Salmasi, Kamaleddin S - 149-156 Profit Without Copyright
by Singer, Alan E & Calton, Jerry & Singer, Ming
February 2001, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 21-30 The New Industrial Organization and Small Business
by Kwoka, John E, Jr & White, Lawrence J
December 2000, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 321-328 A Review of The Blackwell Handbook of Entrepreneurship, Edited by Donald Sexton and Hans Landstrom
by Powers, Joshua B & McDougall, Patricia P
November 2000, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 165-181 Strategies, Uncertainty and Performance of Small Business Startups
by Marco von Gelderen & Michael Frese & Roy Thurik