October 2006, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 317-333 Multicollinearity in cross-sectional regressions
by Jørgen Lauridsen & Jesùs Mur - 335-355 Hidden negative spatial autocorrelation
by Daniel Griffith - 357-390 Area-to-point Kriging with inequality-type data
by E.-H. Yoo & P. Kyriakidis - 391-410 The ecological fallacy in a time series context: evidence from Spanish regional unemployment rates
by Juan Duque & Manuel Artís & Raúl Ramos - 411-435 Explicitly incorporating spatial dependence in predictive vegetation models in the form of explanatory variables: a Mojave Desert case study
by Jennifer Miller & Janet Franklin
September 2006, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 227-252 A swash–backwash model of the single epidemic wave
by Andrew Cliff & Peter Haggett - 253-268 An exploratory analysis of hierarchical spatial interaction: the case of regional income shares in Indonesia
by Suahasil Nazara & Geoffrey Hewings & Michael Sonis - 269-287 U-Access: a web-based system for routing pedestrians of differing abilities
by Adam Sobek & Harvey Miller - 289-305 Promoting species persistence through spatial association optimization in nature reserve design
by Timothy Matisziw & Alan Murray - 307-316 Estimation of a continuous spatio-temporal population model
by Javier Alvarez & Pascal Mossay
July 2006, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 109-118 Categorical maps, comparisons, and confidence
by Barry Boots & Ferko Csillag - 119-130 What is the difference between two maps? A remote senser’s view
by Giles Foody - 131-143 Focusing on feature-based differences in map comparison
by Jennifer Dungan - 145-164 Pattern based map comparisons
by Roger White - 165-185 Map comparison methods that simultaneously address overlap and structure
by Alex Hagen-Zanker - 187-208 Mapcurves: a quantitative method for comparing categorical maps
by William Hargrove & Forrest Hoffman & Paul Hessburg - 209-226 Design, analysis, and inference for studies comparing thematic accuracy of classified remotely sensed data: a special case of map comparison
by Stephen Stehman
March 2006, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-24 Local configuration measures for categorical spatial data: binary regular lattices
by Barry Boots - 25-37 Uniform network transformation for points pattern analysis on a non-uniform network
by Atsuyuki Okabe & Toshiaki Satoh - 39-59 Forecasting the impact of transport improvements on commuting and residential choice
by J. Elhorst & Jan Oosterhaven - 61-96 Heterogeneity in hedonic modelling of house prices: looking at buyers’ household profiles
by Yan Kestens & Marius Thériault & François Des Rosiers - 97-108 Multilevel models for analyzing people’s daily movement behavior
by Matteo Bottai & Nicola Salvati & Nicola Orsini
December 2005, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 269-272 The quantitative revolution plus 55 years: relevant, testable and reproducible modelling?
by R. Baker & Barry Boots - 273-290 Smoothing/filtering LiDAR digital surface models. Experiments with loess regression and discrete wavelets
by Nicholas Tate & Chris Brunsdon & Martin Charlton & A. Fotheringham & Claire Jarvis - 291-311 Identifying insect infestation hot spots: an approach using conditional spatial randomization
by Trisalyn Nelson & Barry Boots - 313-336 Spatio-temporal modelling of the HIV epidemic in Japan based on the national HIV/AIDS surveillance
by Tomoki Nakaya & Katsumi Nakase & Ken Osaka - 337-359 Comparing epidemic forecasts for European countries obtained from AIDS incidence and HIV prevalence data
by Phillip Smith & Richard Thomas - 361-379 Instantaneous global spatial interaction? Exploring the Gaussian inequality, distance and Internet pings in a global network
by R. Baker - 381-402 Modelling gambling time and economic assignments to weekly trip behaviour to gambling venues
by R. Baker & D. Marshall - 403-408 Postscript: continuity and change in spatial modelling
by Peter Haggett
June 2005, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 161-187 Multicollinearity and correlation among local regression coefficients in geographically weighted regression
by David Wheeler & Michael Tiefelsdorf - 189-206 Detecting clusters of disease with R
by V. Gómez-Rubio & J. Ferrándiz-Ferragud & A. López-Quílez - 207-227 Productivity convergence and spatial dependence among Spanish regions
by Sandy Dall’erba - 229-248 Trip making, induced travel demand, and accessibility
by Jean-Claude Thill & Marim Kim - 249-268 Exploring multicriteria decision strategies in GIS with linguistic quantifiers: A case study of residential quality evaluation
by Jacek Malczewski & Claus Rinner
October 2005, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-5 Space-Time Intelligence Systems: Technology, applications and methods
by Geoffrey M. Jacquez & Pierre Goovaerts & Peter Rogerson - 7-23 Design and implementation of a Space-Time Intelligence System for disease surveillance
by Geoffrey M. Jacquez & Dunrie A. Greiling & Andrew M. Kaufmann - 25-47 Spatial process and data models: Toward integration of agent-based models and GIS
by Daniel G. Brown & Rick Riolo & Derek T. Robinson & Michael North & William Rand - 49-66 Improving exposure assessment in environmental epidemiology: Application of spatio-temporal visualization tools
by Jaymie R. Meliker & Melissa J. Slotnick & Gillian A. AvRuskin & Andrew Kaufmann & Geoffrey M. Jacquez & Jerome O. Nriagu - 67-84 Space-time visualization and analysis in the Cancer Atlas Viewer
by Dunrie A. Greiling & Geoffrey M. Jacquez & Andrew M. Kaufmann & Robert G Rommel - 85-99 Spatio-temporal pattern of viral meningitis in Michigan, 1993-2001
by Sharon K. Greene & Mark A. Schmidt & Mary Grace Stobierski & Mark L. Wilson - 101-114 Monitoring spatial maxima
by Peter Rogerson - 115-136 Measuring similarity between geospatial lifelines in studies of environmental health
by Gaurav Sinha & David M. Mark - 137-159 Detection of temporal changes in the spatial distribution of cancer rates using local Moran’s I and geostatistically simulated spatial neutral models
by Pierre Goovaerts & Geoffrey M. Jacquez
December 2004, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 323-324 A general framework for error analysis in measurement-based GIS
by Michael F. Goodchild - 325-354 A general framework for error analysis in measurement-based GIS Part 1: The basic measurement-error model and related concepts
by Yee Leung & Jiang-Hong Ma & Michael F. Goodchild - 355-379 A general framework for error analysis in measurement-based GIS Part 2: The algebra-based probability model for point-in-polygon analysis
by Yee Leung & Jiang-Hong Ma & Michael F. Goodchild - 381-402 A general framework for error analysis in measurement-based GIS Part 3: Error analysis in intersections and overlays
by Yee Leung & Jiang-Hong Ma & Michael F. Goodchild - 403-428 A general framework for error analysis in measurement-based GIS Part 4: Error analysis in length and area measurements
by Yee Leung & Jiang-Hong Ma & Michael F. Goodchild
October 2004, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 219-236 An elliptical basis function network for classification of remote sensing images
by Jian-Cheng Luo & Yee Leung & Jiang Zheng & Jiang-Hong Ma - 237-262 On design and implementation of an object-relational spatial database for activity/travel behaviour research
by Ronald N. Buliung & Pavlos S. Kanaroglou - 263-288 Distributional properties of georeferenced random variables based on the eigenfunction spatial filter
by Daniel A. Griffith - 289-306 Geospatial data resampling and resolution effects on watershed modeling: A case study using the agricultural non-point source pollution model
by E. Lynn Usery & Michael P. Finn & Douglas J. Scheidt & Sheila Ruhl & Thomas Beard & Morgan Bearden - 307-322 A Web-based environmental decision support system (WEDSS) for environmental planning and watershed management
by Ramanathan Sugumaran & James C. Meyer & Jim Davis
June 2004, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 79-81 The potential of Web-based GIS
by Suzana Dragićević - 83-93 The role of the map in a Web-GIS environment
by Menno-Jan Kraak - 95-116 The roles of geography markup language (GML), scalable vector graphics (SVG), and Web feature service (WFS) specifications in the development of Internet geographic information systems (GIS)
by Zhong-Ren Peng & Chuanrong Zhang - 117-132 Democratic input into the nuclear waste disposal problem: The influence of geographical data on decision making examined through a Web-based GIS
by Andrew J. Evans & Richard Kingston & Steve Carver - 133-153 A Web GIS collaborative framework to structure and manage distributed planning processes
by Suzana Dragićević & Shivanand Balram - 155-174 Integrating Web-based GIS and image processing tools for environmental monitoring and natural resource management
by Ming-Hsiang Tsou - 175-195 Development and application of a livable environment evaluation support system using Web GIS
by Ai Sakamoto & Hiromichi Fukui - 197-218 Web-based analytical tools for the exploration of spatial data
by Luc Anselin & Yong Wook Kim & Ibnu Syabri
April 2004, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 3-6 Walter Isard’s influence on analytical human geographic research
by Sergio J. Rey - 7-25 Channels of synthesis forty years on: integrated analysis of spatial economic systems
by Geoffrey J.D. Hewings & Suahasil Nazara & Chokri Dridi - 27-41 Geographic intersections of regional science: Reflections on Walter Isard’s contributions to geography
by Amy Glasmeier - 43-54 Isard’s contributions to spatial interaction modeling
by M. E. O’Kelly - 55-69 Transportation geography: The influence of Walter Isard and regional science
by Stephanie E. Chang - 71-77 The impacts of Walter Isard on geography
by Randall W. Jackson
December 2003, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 331-351 When are two landscape pattern indices significantly different?
by T.K. Remmel & F. Csillag - 353-379 Topology-based proximities in spatial systems
by Roderic Bera & Christophe Claramunt - 381-405 Mapping the Internet using GIS: The death of distance hypothesis revisited
by Yong Wang & Phillip Lai & Daniel Sui - 407-413 SAINF: A toolbox for analyzing the effect of point-like, line-like and polygon-like infrastructural features on the distribution of point-like non-infrastructural features
by Atsuyuki Okabe & Tohru Yoshikawa
November 2003, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 223-251 Integrating a fuzzy k-means classification and a Bayesian approach for spatial prediction of landslide hazard
by Pece V. Gorsevski & Paul E. Gessler & Piotr Jankowski - 253-273 Estimating the uncertainty of land-cover extrapolations while constructing a raster map from tabular data
by Robert Gilmore Pontius Jr. & Aditya Agrawal & Diana Huffaker - 275-290 Analysis of regional labour market dynamics: In search of indications for self-organised criticality
by Rainer Andergassen & Peter Nijkamp & Aura Reggiani - 291-314 Economic convergence or divergence? Modeling the interregional dynamics of EU regions, 1985–1999
by Giuseppe Arbia & Jean H. P. Paelinck - 315-329 Commuters’ non-linear response to time distances
by Börje Johansson & Johan Klaesson & Michael Olsson
August 2003, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 139-160 Developing local measures of spatial association for categorical data
by Barry Boots - 161-184 Modelling spatially varying impacts of socioeconomic predictors on mortality outcomes
by P. Congdon - 185-206 Measuring the goodness-of-fit of decision-tree models of discrete and continuous activity-travel choice: methods and empirical illustration
by Theo Arentze & Harry Timmermans - 207-222 The utility of travelling when destinations are heterogeneous. How much better is the next destination as one travels further?
by P. Rietveld & S. van Woudenberg
December 2002, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 343-358 Conjoint modeling of residential group preferences: A comparison of the internal validity of hierarchical information integration approaches
by Eric J.E. Molin & Harmen Oppewal & Harry J.P. Timmermans - 359-370 Determining the size of spatial clusters in focused tests: Comparing two methods by means of simulation in a GIS
by Yifei Sun - 371-383 Network modeling by linear assignment
by Jean H.P. Paelinck - 385-403 Web-enabled spatial decision analysis using Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA)
by Claus Rinner & Jacek Malczewski - 405-421 Spatial econometrics functions in R: Classes and methods
by Roger Bivand - 423-433 Spatial statistical techniques for aggregating point objects extracted from high spatial resolution remotely sensed imagery
by Trisalyn Nelson & K. Olaf Niemann & Michael A. Wulder
October 2002, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 251-274 Toward micro-scale spatial modeling of gentrification
by David O'Sullivan - 275-285 Testing spatial patterns and growth spillover effects in clusters of cities
by Andrada I. Pacheco & Timothy J. Tyrrell - 287-299 Learning in neural spatial interaction models: A statistical perspective
by Manfred M. Fischer - 301-323 An empirical test of the competing destinations model
by Pingzhao Hu & Jim Pooler - 325-342 Map projection errors in the Weber problem
by Yoshiaki Ohsawa & Hirofumi Kagaya & Takeshi Koshizuka
June 2002, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 141-156 Managing spatial uncertainty using attribute, geometric, and neighborhood measures in an empirical rule-based model approach
by Rod Allan & Kim Lowell - 157-170 Unconditional and conditional competing risk models of activity duration and activity sequencing decisions: An empirical comparison
by Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc & Harry Timmermans - 171-191 Assessing representation error in point-based coverage modeling
by Alan T. Murray & Morton E. O'Kelly - 193-208 Improvement of satellite derived pollution maps with the use of a geostatistical interpolation method
by P.S. Kanaroglou & N.A. Soulakellis & N.I. Sifakis - 209-232 Moment representation of polygons for the assessment of their shape quality
by Atef Bel Hadj Ali - 233-249 Analysing regional industrialisation in Jiangsu province using geographically weighted regression
by Yefang Huang & Yee Leung
March 2002, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-14 Exposure assessment using high spatial resolution hyperspectral (HSRH) imagery
by G.M. Jacquez & W. Andrew Marcus & Richard J. Aspinall & Dunrie A. Greiling - 15-29 Considerations in collecting, processing, and analysing high spatial resolution hyperspectral data for environmental investigations
by Richard J. Aspinall & W. Andrew Marcus & Joseph W. Boardman - 31-42 Emerging and vector-borne diseases: Role of high spatial resolution and hyperspectral images in analyses and forecasts
by Mark L. Wilson - 43-51 Modeling spatial dependence in high spatial resolution hyperspectral data sets
by Daniel A. Griffith - 53-68 Adjacency selection in Markov Random Fields for high spatial resolution hyperspectral data
by Francesco Lagona - 69-83 Area-based tests for association between spatial patterns
by Susan L. Maruca & Geoffrey M. Jacquez - 85-97 Change detection thresholds for remotely sensed images
by Peter A. Rogerson - 99-111 Geostatistical incorporation of spatial coordinates into supervised classification of hyperspectral data
by P. Goovaerts - 113-126 Mapping of stream microhabitats with high spatial resolution hyperspectral imagery
by W. Andrew Marcus - 127-140 A geographic information science perspective on hyperspectral remote sensing
by Richard Aspinall
December 2001, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 303-324 Simultaneous modelling of multi-purpose/multi-stop activity patterns and quantities consumed
by John R. Roy & Nariida C. Smith & Blake Xu - 325-346 Deriving rules from activity diary data: A learning algorithm and results of computer experiments
by Theo A. Arentze & Frank Hofman & Harry J.P. Timmermans - 347-367 Towards a conjoint-based, context-dependent model of task allocation in activity settings: Some numerical experiments
by Aloys Borgers & Frank Hofman & Maarten Ponjé & Harry Timmermans - 369-385 Developing a bivariate spatial association measure: An integration of Pearson's r and Moran's I
by Sang-Il Lee - 387-409 Spatial analysis in a Markov random field framework: The case of burning oil wells in Kuwait
by Raymond J. Dezzani & Ahmad Al-Dousari - 411-428 An integrated representation of spatial and temporal relationships between evolving regions
by Christophe Claramunt & Bin Jiang
November 2001, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 217-232 Thematic mapping from remotely sensed data with neural networks: MLP, RBF and PNN based approaches
by Giles M. Foody - 233-256 Alonso's Theory of Movements: Developments in Spatial Interaction Modeling
by Jacob J. de Vries & Peter Nijkamp & Piet Rietveld - 257-270 Solution and econometric estimation of spatial dynamic models in continuous space and continuous time
by Kieran P. Donaghy - 271-281 The role of spatial effects in the empirical analysis of regional concentration
by Giuseppe Arbia
September 2001, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 283-301 Estimated population mixing by country and risk cohort for the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Western Europe
by Richard Thomas
August 2001, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 107-135 Control sample design using a geodemographic discriminator: An application of Super Profiles
by Peter J.B. Brown & Peter G. McCulloch & Evelyn M.I. Williams & Darren C. Ashurst - 137-154 A computational approach for the analysis of changes in polygon distributions
by Yukio Sadahiro & Mitsuru Umemura - 155-166 The development of computer networks: First results from a microeconomic model
by Gunther Maier & Alexander Kaufmann - 167-180 Redistricting in a GIS environment: An optimisation algorithm using switching-points
by W. Macmillan - 181-197 Spatial decision support system for home-delivered services
by Wilpen Gorr & Michael Johnson & Stephen Roehrig - 199-213 Volume-preserving interpolation of a smooth surface from polygon-related data
by Wolf-Dieter Rase
May 2001, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 3-24 A GIS-based decision support system for analysis of route choice in congested urban road networks
by Yi-Hwa Wu & Harvey J. Miller & Ming-Chih Hung - 25-47 Railway network design with multiple project stages and time sequencing
by Michael Kuby & Zhongyi Xu & Xiaodong Xie - 49-67 A spatial decision support system prototype for housing mobility program planning
by Michael P. Johnson - 69-86 The development of an intervening opportunities model with spatial dominance effects
by Siaw Akwawua & James A. Pooler - 87-105 Assessing polygon edge integrity
by Steven A. Roberts & G. Brent Hall & Paul H. Calamai
December 2000, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 319-348 Global and local spatial autocorrelation in bounded regular tessellations
by Barry Boots & Michael Tiefelsdorf - 349-373 A test for the coincident economic and spatial clustering of business enterprises
by Edward J. Feser & Stuart H. Sweeney - 375-398 Resel filtering to aid visualisation within an exploratory data analysis system
by Kate Moore
September 2000, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 201-220 Computing environments for spatial data analysis
by Luc Anselin - 221-241 From fields to objects: A review of geographic boundary analysis
by G. M. Jacquez & S. Maruca & M.-J. Fortin - 243-256 Interactive analysis of the spatial distribution of disease using a geographic information systems
by Patrick A. Wall & Owen J. Devine - 257-286 Designing and implementing software for spatial statistical analysis in a GIS environment
by Robert Haining & Stephen Wise & Jingsheng Ma - 287-306 Seamless integration of spatial statistics and GIS: The S-PLUS for ArcView and the S+Grassland Links
by Shuming Bao & Luc Anselin & Doug Martin & Diana Stralberg - 307-317 Implementing functions for spatial statistical analysis using the language
by Roger Bivand & Albrecht Gebhardt
July 2000, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 111-120 An exploratory method for detecting multi-level clumps in the distribution of points – a computational tool, VCM (variable clumping method)
by Atsuyuki Okabe & Shino Funamoto - 121-140 Providing scientific visualization for spatial data analysis: Criteria and an assessment of SAGE
by Robert Haining & Stephen Wise & Paola Signoretta - 141-156 A linear regression solution to the spatial autocorrelation problem
by Daniel A. Griffith - 157-165 On aggregation in spatial econometric modelling
by Jean H.P. Paelinck - 167-184 Distance predicting functions and applied location-allocation models
by Dominique Peeters & Isabelle Thomas - 185-199 The zone-size-dependent entropy formula and spatial interaction modelling: An additional note
by Ján Paulov
March 2000, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-3 Introduction
by Arthur Getis - 5-10 Part 1 Spatial analysts and GIS practitioners
by Michael F. Goodchild - 11-15 Part 2 The Link between GIS and spatial analysis
by Luc Anselin - 17-21 Using GIS to promote spatial analysis
by Barry Boots - 23-29 GIS and educational and instructional challenges
by Morton E. O'Kelly - 31-35 Some thoughts on the integration of spatial analysis and Geographic Information Systems
by Duane F. Marble - 37-42 The academic success of GIS in geography: Problems and prospects
by Paul A. Longley - 43-47 The GIS/SA interface for substantive research(ers): A critical need
by Lawrence A. Brown - 49-54 Part 3 Specialized aspects of GIS and spatial analysis
by Paul W. Box - 55-60 Geographic representation in spatial analysis
by Harvey J. Miller - 61-69 Mapping rates associated with polygons
by Noel Cressie & Hal S. Stern & Deanne Reber Wright - 71-76 Context-dependent spatial analysis: A role for GIS?
by A. Stewart Fotheringham - 77-83 The case for inductive and visual techniques in the analysis of spatial data
by Mark Gahegan - 85-90 Analysis of human spatial behavior in a GIS environment: Recent developments and future prospects
by Mei-Po Kwan - 91-97 Spatial analysis in epidemiology: Nascent science or a failure of GIS?
by Geoffrey M. Jacquez - 99-105 Part 4 Technology and the future of GIS and spatial analysis
by Andrew U. Frank - 107-110 Some thoughts on spatial data and structure analysis
by Yee Leung
December 1999, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 305-321 An integrated urban systems model with GIS
by Jinsoo You & Tschangho John Kim - 323-346 Accuracy of areal interpolation: A comparison of alternative methods
by Yukio Sadahiro - 347-365 Stability and mixing conditions for HIV/AIDS models with regional compartments
by Richard Thomas - 367-383 Spatial analysis using clustering methods: Evaluating central point and median approaches
by Alan T. Murray - 385-398 Hotbeds of crime and the search for spatial accuracy
by J. H. Ratcliffe & M. J. McCullagh
October 1999, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 199-218 GIS-based simulation as an exploratory analysis for space-time processes
by Fulong Wu - 219-236 Identifying local spatial association in flow data
by Svante Berglund & Anders Karlström - 237-275 On the design of formal theories of geographic space
by Thomas Bittner & Andrew U. Frank - 277-303 Participation in higher education: A geodemographic perspective on the potential for further expansion in student numbers
by Peter Batey & Peter Brown & Mark Corver
July 1999, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 91-106 The econometric estimation and testing of DARP models
by Emilio Casetti & Ayse Can - 107-136 Statistical methods for analyzing the distribution of spatial objects in relation to a surface
by Yukio Sadahiro - 137-153 Coupling land use allocation models with raster GIS
by Robert G. Cromley & Dean M. Hanink - 155-177 LAND USE SCANNER: An integrated GIS based model for long term projections of land use in urban and rural areas
by Maarten Hilferink & Piet Rietveld - 179-198 Terrain complexity and reduction of topographic data
by Yue-Hong Chou & Pin-Shuo Liu & Raymond J. Dezzani
March 1999, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-2 Computational intelligence techniques in geography. An introduction
by Tavi Murray - 3-22 Improving neural network performance on the classification of complex geographic datasets
by Mark Gahegan & Gordon German & Geoff West - 23-35 Fuzzy mapping of tropical land cover along an environmental gradient from remotely sensed data with an artificial neural network
by Giles M. Foody & Doreen S. Boyd - 37-60 Using computational intelligence techniques to model subglacial water systems
by Simon Corne & Tavi Murray & Stan Openshaw & Linda See & Ian Turton - 61-74 Parallel processing for geographical applications: A layered approach
by Michael J. Mineter & Steve Dowers - 75-90 Logics for geographic information
by Oliver Lemon & Ian Pratt