July 2016, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 183-204 Spatial indices for measuring three-dimensional patterns in a voxel-based space
by Anthony Jjumba & Suzana Dragićević - 205-228 Incorporating GIS data into an agent-based model to support planning policy making for the development of creative industries
by Helin Liu & Elisabete A. Silva & Qian Wang - 229-248 Challenges and complications in neighborhood mapping: from neighborhood concept to operationalization
by Yongxin Deng - 249-264 Efficient road geometry identification from digital vector data
by Richard Andrášik & Michal Bíl - 265-301 Transport link scanner: simulating geographic transport network expansion through individual investments
by C. Jacobs-Crisioni & C. C. Koopmans
April 2016, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 125-157 Exploring the spatially varying innovation capacity of the US counties in the framework of Griliches’ knowledge production function: a mixed GWR approach
by Dongwoo Kang & Sandy Dall’erba - 159-181 What governs the presence of residual vegetation in boreal wildfires?
by Yikalo H. Araya & Tarmo K. Remmel & Ajith H. Perera
January 2016, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-15 Weighted merge context for clustering and quantizing spatial data with self-organizing neural networks
by Julian Hagenauer - 1-15 Weighted merge context for clustering and quantizing spatial data with self-organizing neural networks
by Julian Hagenauer - 17-43 Testing block subdivision algorithms on block designs
by Natalie Wiseman & Zachary Patterson - 17-43 Testing block subdivision algorithms on block designs
by Natalie Wiseman & Zachary Patterson - 45-66 A geostatistical approach to the change-of-support problem and variable-support data fusion in spatial analysis
by Jun Wang & Yang Wang & Hui Zeng - 45-66 A geostatistical approach to the change-of-support problem and variable-support data fusion in spatial analysis
by Jun Wang & Yang Wang & Hui Zeng - 67-85 Eigenvector selection with stepwise regression techniques to construct eigenvector spatial filters
by Yongwan Chun & Daniel A. Griffith & Monghyeon Lee & Parmanand Sinha - 67-85 Eigenvector selection with stepwise regression techniques to construct eigenvector spatial filters
by Yongwan Chun & Daniel Griffith & Monghyeon Lee & Parmanand Sinha - 87-96 A note on the SG(m) test
by Fernando López & Mariano Matilla-García & Jesús Mur & Antonio Páez & Manuel Ruiz - 87-96 A note on the SG(m) test
by Fernando A. López & Mariano Matilla-García & Jesús Mur & Antonio Páez & Manuel Ruiz
October 2015, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 297-310 Software for Bayesian cross section and panel spatial model comparison
by James LeSage - 311-331 Random effects specifications in eigenvector spatial filtering: a simulation study
by Daisuke Murakami & Daniel Griffith - 333-351 Optimizing distance-based methods for large data sets
by Tobias Scholl & Thomas Brenner - 353-390 A multi-agent architecture for geosimulation of moving agents
by Mohammad Vahidnia & Ali Alesheikh & Seyed Alavipanah
July 2015, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 207-225 Area-to-point parameter estimation with geographically weighted regression
by Daisuke Murakami & Morito Tsutsumi - 227-247 Using spatial gradient analysis to clarify species distributions with application to South African protea
by Maria Terres & Alan Gelfand - 249-274 A generic regional spatio-temporal co-occurrence pattern mining model: a case study for air pollution
by Mohammad Akbari & Farhad Samadzadegan & Robert Weibel - 275-296 Combining point and regular lattice data in geostatistical interpolation
by Jorge Jódar & Gonzalo Sapriza & Christian Herrera & Luis Lambán & Agustín Medina
April 2015, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 107-135 Geospatial and machine learning techniques for wicked social science problems: analysis of crash severity on a regional highway corridor
by Meysam Effati & Jean-Claude Thill & Shahin Shabani - 137-156 Finding similar places using the observation-to-generalization place model
by Benjamin Adams - 157-185 Mobile phone usage in complex urban systems: a space–time, aggregated human activity study
by Emmanouil Tranos & Peter Nijkamp - 187-206 High-order Taylor series expansion methods for error propagation in geographic information systems
by Jie Xue & Yee Leung & Jiang-Hong Ma
January 2015, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-28 Restricted random labeling: testing for between-group interaction after controlling for joint population and within-group spatial structure
by Barry Kronenfeld & Timothy Leslie - 29-60 A method for analyzing the segregation between point distributions: statistical tests and consideration of attributes
by Yukio Sadahiro - 61-81 Revisiting the destination ranking procedure in development of an Intervening Opportunities Model for public transit trip distribution
by Mohsen Nazem & Martin Trépanier & Catherine Morency - 83-106 Cross-sectional growth in US cities from 1990 to 2000
by Rafael González-Val
October 2014, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 363-385 Entropy, complexity, and spatial information
by Michael Batty & Robin Morphet & Paolo Masucci & Kiril Stanilov - 387-407 Hierarchical Bayesian modeling of spatio-temporal patterns of lung cancer incidence risk in Georgia, USA: 2000–2007
by Ping Yin & Lan Mu & Marguerite Madden & John Vena - 409-439 Labour and residential accessibility: a Bayesian analysis based on Poisson gravity models with spatial effects
by M. Alonso & M. Beamonte & P. Gargallo & M. Salvador - 441-466 Alleviating the effect of collinearity in geographically weighted regression
by M. Bárcena & P. Menéndez & M. Palacios & F. Tusell
July 2014, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 233-262 A spatial econometric panel data examination of endogenous versus exogenous interaction in Chinese province-level patenting
by James LeSage & Yuxue Sheng - 263-286 A multi-period capacitated school location problem with modular equipment and closest assignment considerations
by Eric Delmelle & Jean-Claude Thill & Dominique Peeters & Isabelle Thomas - 287-309 Corridor location: the multi-gateway shortest path model
by Maria Scaparra & Richard Church & F. Medrano - 311-342 Geosimulation of urban growth and demographic decline in the Ruhr: a case study for 2025 using the artificial intelligence of cells and agents
by Andreas Rienow & Dirk Stenger - 343-361 Locally weighted linear combination in a vector geographic information system
by Brad Carter & Claus Rinner
April 2014, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 115-137 Rank-based Markov chains for regional income distribution dynamics
by Sergio Rey - 139-160 Indexing and querying moving objects with uncertain speed and direction in spatiotemporal databases
by Yuan-Ko Huang - 161-182 A bounding-based solution approach for the continuous arc covering problem
by Ran Wei & Alan Murray & Rajan Batta - 183-209 Spatio-temporal analysis of industrial composition with IVIID: an interactive visual analytics interface for industrial diversity
by Elizabeth Mack & Yifan Zhang & Sergio Rey & Ross Maciejewski - 211-231 Measuring geographic segregation: a graph-based approach
by Seong-Yun Hong & Yukio Sadahiro
January 2014, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-18 Estimating life expectancies for US small areas: a regression framework
by Peter Congdon - 19-48 Spatial Preference Modelling for equitable infrastructure provision: an application of Sen’s Capability Approach
by Arif Wismadi & Mark Zuidgeest & Mark Brussel & Martin Maarseveen - 49-70 Hedonic price models with omitted variables and measurement errors: a constrained autoregression–structural equation modeling approach with application to urban Indonesia
by Yusep Suparman & Henk Folmer & Johan Oud - 71-87 Multi-day activity scheduling reactions to planned activities and future events in a dynamic model of activity-travel behavior
by Linda Nijland & Theo Arentze & Harry Timmermans - 89-114 The market value of cultural heritage in urban areas: an application of spatial hedonic pricing
by Faroek Lazrak & Peter Nijkamp & Piet Rietveld & Jan Rouwendal
October 2013, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 403-426 Bayesian networks and agent-based modeling approach for urban land-use and population density change: a BNAS model
by Verda Kocabas & Suzana Dragicevic - 427-451 Negotiating on location, timing, duration, and participant in agent-mediated joint activity-travel scheduling
by Huiye Ma & Nicole Ronald & Theo Arentze & Harry Timmermans - 453-489 Estimation and testing of higher-order spatial autoregressive panel data error component models
by Harald Badinger & Peter Egger - 491-512 Hedging against service disruptions: an expected median location problem with site-dependent failure probabilities
by Ting Lei & Daoqin Tong - 513-535 The effect of the distribution of measurement points around the node on the accuracy of interpolation of the digital terrain model
by Dariusz Gosciewski
July 2013, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 229-231 Editorial: Advances in the statistical modelling of spatial interaction data
by Roberto Patuelli & Giuseppe Arbia - 233-247 Testing spatial autocorrelation in weighted networks: the modes permutation test
by François Bavaud - 249-264 Effects of scale in spatial interaction models
by Giuseppe Arbia & Francesca Petrarca - 265-289 A spatial interaction model with spatially structured origin and destination effects
by James LeSage & Carlos Llano - 291-317 Constrained variants of the gravity model and spatial dependence: model specification and estimation issues
by Daniel Griffith & Manfred Fischer - 319-367 Social networks and trade of services: modelling interregional flows with spatial and network autocorrelation effects
by Tamara Mata & Carlos Llano - 369-402 The effects of World Heritage Sites on domestic tourism: a spatial interaction model for Italy
by Roberto Patuelli & Maurizio Mussoni & Guido Candela
April 2013, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 115-147 Detection of crossover time scales in multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis
by Erjia Ge & Yee Leung - 149-167 Modelling small-area inequality in premature mortality using years of life lost rates
by Peter Congdon - 169-191 Measuring the impact of pollution on property prices in Madrid: objective versus subjective pollution indicators in spatial models
by Román Mínguez & José-María Montero & Gema Fernández-Avilés - 193-209 Simulating the effects of social networks on a population’s hurricane evacuation participation
by Michael Widener & Mark Horner & Sara Metcalf - 211-228 An adaptive compromise programming method for multi-objective path optimization
by Rongrong Li & Yee Leung & Hui Lin & Bo Huang
January 2013, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-29 A spatial panel ordered-response model with application to the analysis of urban land-use development intensity patterns
by Nazneen Ferdous & Chandra Bhat - 31-50 Conditional versus unconditional industrial agglomeration: disentangling spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity in the analysis of ICT firms’ distribution in Milan
by Giuseppe Espa & Giuseppe Arbia & Diego Giuliani - 51-69 Empirical likelihood estimation of the spatial quantile regression
by Philip Kostov - 71-88 Evaluating the impact of data quantity, distribution and algorithm selection on the accuracy of 3D subsurface models using synthetic grid models of varying complexity
by Kelsey MacCormack & Jason Brodeur & Carolyn Eyles - 89-113 Exploring links between juvenile offenders and social disorganization at a large map scale: a Bayesian spatial modeling approach
by Jane Law & Matthew Quick
October 2012, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 357-387 Spatial interaction models from Irish commuting data: variations in trip length by occupation and gender
by Morton O’Kelly & Michael Niedzielski & Justin Gleeson - 389-413 Spatio-temporal autocorrelation of road network data
by Tao Cheng & James Haworth & Jiaqiu Wang - 415-435 Assessing the impact of vulnerability modeling in the protection of critical infrastructure
by Justin Yates & Sujeevraja Sanjeevi - 437-461 P-hub protection models for survivable hub network design
by Hyun Kim - 463-483 Understanding intra-urban trip patterns from taxi trajectory data
by Yu Liu & Chaogui Kang & Song Gao & Yu Xiao & Yuan Tian
July 2012, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 243-264 Validation tests of an improved kernel density estimation method for identifying disease clusters
by Qiang Cai & Gerard Rushton & Budhendra Bhaduri - 265-282 Imputing censored data with desirable spatial covariance function properties using simulated annealing
by L. Sedda & P. Atkinson & E. Barca & G. Passarella - 283-298 Empirical spatial econometric modelling of small scale neighbourhood
by Linda Gerkman - 299-318 Industrial agglomeration and transport accessibility in metropolitan Seoul
by Yena Song & Keumsook Lee & William Anderson & T. Lakshmanan - 319-356 The welfare benefit of a home’s location: an empirical comparison of spatial and non-spatial model estimates
by Julia Koschinsky & Nancy Lozano-Gracia & Gianfranco Piras
April 2012, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 125-141 A multilevel path analysis of contact frequency between social network members
by Pauline Berg & Theo Arentze & Harry Timmermans - 143-165 Mental maps and travel behaviour: meanings and models
by Els Hannes & Diana Kusumastuti & Maikel Espinosa & Davy Janssens & Koen Vanhoof & Geert Wets - 167-187 Impact of proximity-adjusted preferences on rank-order stability in geographical multicriteria decision analysis
by Arika Ligmann-Zielinska & Piotr Jankowski - 189-208 Comparing the fractality of European urban neighbourhoods: do national contexts matter?
by Isabelle Thomas & Pierre Frankhauser & Dominique Badariotti - 209-222 Joint distribution of distances to the first and the second nearest facilities
by Masashi Miyagawa - 223-241 Geodemographics and spatial interaction: an integrated model for higher education
by A. Singleton & A. Wilson & O. O’Brien
January 2012, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-4 In honor of James P. LeSage
by Manfred Fischer - 5-28 Dynamic spatial panels: models, methods, and inferences
by J. Elhorst - 29-47 Bayesian dynamic modeling for large space-time datasets using Gaussian predictive processes
by Andrew Finley & Sudipto Banerjee & Alan Gelfand - 49-73 A space-time analysis of knowledge production
by Olivier Parent - 75-90 Separable spatial modeling of spillovers and disturbances
by R. Pace & Shuang Zhu - 91-124 The effects of spatial autoregressive dependencies on inference in ordinary least squares: a geometric approach
by Tony Smith & Ka Lee
December 2011, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 327-354 Analytical methods for error propagation in planar space–time prisms
by Tetsuo Kobayashi & Harvey Miller & Walied Othman - 355-372 A computationally efficient method for delineating irregularly shaped spatial clusters
by Juan Duque & Jared Aldstadt & Ermilson Velasquez & Jose Franco & Alejandro Betancourt - 373-391 Analysis of the relations among spatial tessellations
by Yukio Sadahiro - 393-414 Relationship between value of open space and distance from housing locations within a community
by Seong-Hoon Cho & Dayton Lambert & Seung Kim & Roland Roberts & William Park - 415-436 Interpreting the role of proximity on Industrial District competitiveness using a complexity science-based view and Systems Dynamics simulation
by Nunzia Carbonara & Ilaria Giannoccaro
September 2011, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 227-248 The pyrogeography of sub-Saharan Africa: a study of the spatial non-stationarity of fire–environment relationships using GWR
by Ana Sá & José Pereira & Martin Charlton & Bernardo Mota & Paulo Barbosa & A. Stewart Fotheringham - 249-271 Multi-objective route planning for dangerous goods using compromise programming
by Rongrong Li & Yee Leung - 273-298 Non-life insurance consumption in Italy: a sub-regional panel data analysis
by Giovanni Millo & Gaetano Carmeci - 299-326 Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization for landscape system design
by S. Roberts & G. Hall & P. Calamai
June 2011, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 101-126 Modeling pedestrian shopping behavior using principles of bounded rationality: model comparison and validation
by Wei Zhu & Harry Timmermans - 127-145 Measuring segregation: an activity space approach
by David Wong & Shih-Lung Shaw - 147-171 TAZ-level variation in work trip mode choice between 1990 and 2000 and the presence of rail transit
by Bradley Lane - 173-192 Geodemographics as a tool for targeting neighbourhoods in public health campaigns
by Jakob Petersen & Maurizio Gibin & Paul Longley & Pablo Mateos & Philip Atkinson & David Ashby - 193-226 Investigating the association between weather conditions, calendar events and socio-economic patterns with trends in fire incidence: an Australian case study
by Jonathan Corcoran & Gary Higgs & David Rohde & Prem Chhetri
March 2011, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-16 Phase transitions and path dependence in urban evolution
by Alan Wilson & Joel Dearden - 17-30 Models of travel demand with endogenous preference change and heterogeneous agents
by Kieran Donaghy - 31-48 Morphological similarities between DBM and a microeconomic model of sprawl
by Geoffrey Caruso & Gilles Vuidel & Jean Cavailhès & Pierre Frankhauser & Dominique Peeters & Isabelle Thomas - 49-65 Time evolution of complex networks: commuting systems in insular Italy
by Andrea Montis & Simone Caschili & Alessandro Chessa - 67-85 Neural networks for regional employment forecasts: are the parameters relevant?
by Roberto Patuelli & Aura Reggiani & Peter Nijkamp & Norbert Schanne - 87-100 The end of a paradigm: is Zipf’s law universal?
by L. Benguigui & E. Blumenfeld-Lieberthal
December 2010, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 355-387 Joint impacts of immigration on wages and employment: review and meta-analysis
by S. Longhi & P. Nijkamp & J. Poot - 389-407 Does plot size affect the performance of GIS-based species distribution models?
by Shubha Pandit & April Hayward & Jan Leeuw & Jurek Kolasa - 409-433 Identifying irregularly shaped crime hot-spots using a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm
by Xiaolan Wu & Tony Grubesic - 435-459 Building an environmental quality index for a big city: a spatial interpolation approach combined with a distance indicator
by José-María Montero & Coro Chasco & Beatriz Larraz
September 2010, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 241-257 Spatial models with spatially lagged dependent variables and incomplete data
by Harry Kelejian & Ingmar Prucha - 259-280 Instability in spatial error models: an application to the hypothesis of convergence in the European case
by Jesús Mur & Fernando López & Ana Angulo - 281-309 Testing for spatial association of qualitative data using symbolic dynamics
by Manuel Ruiz & Fernando López & Antonio Páez - 311-334 Specialisation changes in European regions: the role played by externalities across regions
by Toni Mora & Rosina Moreno - 335-354 Advances in location modeling: GIS linkages and contributions
by Alan Murray
June 2010, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 105-109 Modeling spatiotemporal data: an issue in honor of Dr. Jean Paelinck
by Jesús Mur & Fernando López - 111-123 Modeling spatio-temporal relationships: retrospect and prospect
by Daniel Griffith - 125-154 On vector autoregressive modeling in space and time
by Valter Giacinto - 155-174 The impact of spatial elements on the forecasting of Spanish labour series
by Ana Angulo & F. Trívez - 175-188 Public pharmaceutical expenditure: identification of spatial effects
by Jorgen Lauridsen & Mariluz Sánchez & Mickael Bech - 189-206 Spatial error correction and cointegration in nonstationary panel data: regional house prices in Israel
by Michael Beenstock & Daniel Felsenstein - 207-226 A spatio-temporal econometric model of regional growth in Spain
by Miguel Márquez & Julián Ramajo & Geoffrey Hewings - 227-240 Analysis of housing price by means of STAR models with neighbourhood effects: a Bayesian approach
by Asuncion Beamonte & Pilar Gargallo & Manuel Salvador
March 2010, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-23 A multiple indicator, multiple cause method for representing social capital with an application to psychological distress
by Peter Congdon - 25-50 From locational fundamentals to increasing returns: the spatial concentration of population in Spain, 1787–2000
by María Ayuda & Fernando Collantes & Vicente Pinilla - 51-67 Brazilian spatial dynamics in the long term (1872–2000): “path dependency” or “reversal of fortune”?
by Leonardo Monasterio - 69-87 Arc_Mat: a Matlab-based spatial data analysis toolbox
by Xingjian Liu & James LeSage - 89-103 Spatial autocorrelation and the sensitivity of RESET: a simulation study
by Andrea Vaona
December 2009, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 311-316 Recent research in spatial real estate hedonic analysis
by Antonio Páez - 317-332 The neighborhood effects of foreclosure
by Tammy Leonard & James Murdoch - 333-355 A spatio-temporal model of housing prices based on individual sales transactions over time
by Tony Smith & Peggy Wu - 357-380 Hedonic approaches based on spatial econometrics and spatial statistics: application to evaluation of project benefits
by Morito Tsutsumi & Hajime Seya - 381-406 Area-to-point Kriging in spatial hedonic pricing models
by E.-H. Yoo & P. Kyriakidis - 407-425 Estimating commercial property prices: an application of cokriging with housing prices as ancillary information
by José-María Montero-Lorenzo & Beatriz Larraz-Iribas & Antonio Páez
September 2009, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 209-225 A sampling approach to estimate the log determinant used in spatial likelihood problems
by R. Pace & James LeSage - 227-241 Rectilinear minimax hub location problems
by M. O’Kelly - 243-272 A copula-based closed-form binary logit choice model for accommodating spatial correlation across observational units
by Chandra Bhat & Ipek Sener - 273-289 Simultaneous curve simplification
by Christopher Dyken & Morten Dæhlen & Thomas Sevaldrud - 291-310 Surveying general prospects and challenges of GIS implementation in developing countries: a SWOT–AHP approach
by Mohammad Taleai & Ali Mansourian & Ali Sharifi
June 2009, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 107-112 Preface
by Atsuyuki Okabe - 113-115 Introduction: in tribute to Dr. Atsuyuki Okabe
by Ikuho Yamada & Narushige Shiode - 117-140 Modeling spatial autocorrelation in spatial interaction data: empirical evidence from 2002 Germany journey-to-work flows
by Daniel Griffith - 141-154 A weighted difference barrier method in landscape genetics
by Lan Mu & John Radke - 155-173 GeoSurveillance: a GIS-based system for the detection and monitoring of spatial clusters
by Ikuho Yamada & Peter Rogerson & Gyoungju Lee - 175-189 Area coverage maximization in service facility siting
by Timothy Matisziw & Alan Murray - 191-207 Show me the code: spatial analysis and open source
by Sergio Rey
March 2009, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-22 Comparing spatially varying coefficient models: a case study examining violent crime rates and their relationships to alcohol outlets and illegal drug arrests
by David Wheeler & Lance Waller - 23-36 Specifying a joint space- and time-lag using a bivariate Poisson distribution
by Daniel Griffith & Jean Paelinck - 37-65 Modeling propensity to move after job change using event history analysis and temporal GIS
by Marie-Hélène Vandersmissen & Anne-Marie Séguin & Marius Thériault & Christophe Claramunt - 67-87 Spatial autocorrelation of West Nile virus vector mosquito abundance in a seasonally wet suburban environment
by P. Trawinski & D. Mackay - 89-106 The use of local indicators of spatial association to improve LiDAR-derived predictions of potential amphibian breeding ponds
by James Julian & John Young & John Jones & Craig Snyder & C. Wright
December 2008, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 317-344 Modeling network autocorrelation within migration flows by eigenvector spatial filtering
by Yongwan Chun - 345-367 New urban settlements in a perspective of public and private interests. Case study: a Swedish municipality within the hinterland of the Stockholm city
by Marcus Adolphson - 369-382 Hierarchical spatial interaction among the Italian regions: a nonlinear relative dynamics approach
by Paolo Postiglione & Geoffrey Hewings - 383-405 Population growth and the development of a central place system
by Robert Cromley & Dean Hanink - 407-416 Group K-Nearest Neighbors queries in spatial network databases
by Maytham Safar
September 2008, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 217-239 The need for psychiatric care in England: a spatial factor methodology
by Peter Congdon - 241-261 Cross-scale analysis of cluster correspondence using different operational neighborhoods
by Yongmei Lu & Jean-Claude Thill - 263-289 Parameter exploration of the raster space activity bundle simulation
by Yong Yang & Peter Atkinson - 291-315 Minimizing the effects of inaccurate sediment description in borehole data using rough sets and transition probability
by Gift Dumedah & Nadine Schuurman
June 2008, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 109-139 Income distribution dynamics and cross-region convergence in Europe
by Manfred Fischer & Peter Stumpner - 141-165 A bootstrap based space–time surveillance model with an application to crime occurrences
by Youngho Kim & Morton O’Kelly - 167-190 A spatiotemporal analysis of aggregate labour force behaviour by sex and age across the European Union
by J. Elhorst - 191-216 Open source, spatial analysis, and activity-travel behaviour research: capabilities of the aspace package
by Ron Buliung & Tarmo Remmel
March 2008, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-21 Using home buyers’ revealed preferences to define the urban–rural fringe
by James LeSage & Joni Charles - 23-45 Forecasting prices of single family homes using GIS-defined neighborhoods
by Mak Kaboudan & Avijit Sarkar - 47-69 Minimizing effects of scale distortion for spatially grouped census data using rough sets
by Gift Dumedah & Nadine Schuurman & Wanhong Yang - 71-88 Analysis of dependence of decision quality on data quality
by Andrew Frank - 89-107 A three-dimensional network-based space–time prism
by Tijs Neutens & Nico Weghe & Frank Witlox & Philippe Maeyer
December 2007, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 311-344 Nonlinear regional economic dynamics: continuous-time specification, estimation and stability analysis
by Gianfranco Piras & Kieran Donaghy & Giuseppe Arbia - 345-369 Combining microsimulation and spatial interaction models for retail location analysis
by Tomoki Nakaya & A. Fotheringham & Kazumasa Hanaoka & Graham Clarke & Dimitris Ballas & Keiji Yano - 371-396 A systematic investigation of cross-validation in GWR model estimation: empirical analysis and Monte Carlo simulations
by Steven Farber & Antonio Páez - 397-417 Predicting road system speeds using spatial structure variables and network characteristics
by Jeremy Hackney & Michael Bernard & Sumit Bindra & Kay Axhausen
September 2007, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 207-227 STAMP: spatial–temporal analysis of moving polygons
by Colin Robertson & Trisalyn Nelson & Barry Boots & Michael Wulder - 229-252 Business establishment mobility behavior in urban areas: a microanalytical model for the City of Hamilton in Ontario, Canada
by Hanna Maoh & Pavlos Kanaroglou - 253-265 Spatial cointegration and heteroscedasticity
by Jørgen Lauridsen & Reinhold Kosfeld - 267-288 Integrating the maximum capture problem into a GIS framework
by Benjamin Spaulding & Robert Cromley - 289-310 Using fuzzy logic for modeling aquifer architecture
by D. Allen & N. Schuurman & Q. Zhang
June 2007, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 103-117 Critical network infrastructure analysis: interdiction and system flow
by Alan Murray & Timothy Matisziw & Tony Grubesic - 119-144 A multi-equation spatial econometric model, with application to EU manufacturing productivity growth
by Bernard Fingleton - 145-166 An assessment of coefficient accuracy in linear regression models with spatially varying coefficients
by David Wheeler & Catherine Calder - 167-187 Optimal dispersion and central places
by Kevin Curtin & Richard Church - 189-205 Small-world characteristics on transportation networks: a perspective from network autocorrelation
by Zengwang Xu & Daniel Sui
April 2007, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-6 Spatial perspectives on urban systems: developments and directions
by Antonio Páez - 7-27 Incorporating spatial variation in housing attribute prices: a comparison of geographically weighted regression and the spatial expansion method
by Christopher Bitter & Gordon Mulligan & Sandy Dall’erba - 29-52 Geographic clustering of firms and urban form: a multivariate analysis
by Hanna Maoh & Pavlos Kanaroglou - 53-75 Modeling population density across major US cities: a polycentric spatial regression approach
by Daniel Griffith & David Wong - 77-101 Latent lifestyle preferences and household location decisions
by Joan Walker & Jieping Li