June 1997, Volume 66, Issue 2
- 127-150 Wage bargaining, labor-tax progression, and welfare
by Clemens Fuest & Bernd Huber - 151-175 Subsidizing cooperative and noncooperative R&D in duopoly with spillovers
by Jeroen Hinloopen - 177-187 Endogenous Stackelberg equilibria with incomplete information
by Hans-Theo Normann - 189-204 Congestion effects in a public-good economy
by María Gallastegui & Fritz Grafe & Elena Inarra - 206-221 Book reviews
by M. Shubik & G. Uhlich & M. Kemp & W. Enders & U. Kamecke & G. Fraja & W. Walker & J. Burbidge
February 1997, Volume 66, Issue 1
- 1-22 Diffusion of innovations in globally stable Walrasian equilibrium
by Deepak Sinha - 23-34 Curvature and the elasticity of substitution: Straightening it out
by Olivier Grandville - 35-42 Conspicuous consumption, economic growth, and taxation
by Michael Rauscher - 43-69 Dynamic effects of an anticipated switch from destination- to origin-based commodity taxation
by Andreas Haufler & Søren Nielsen - 71-86 Staggered contracts and profitable entry deterrence: an application to professional sports
by Mark Frascatore - 88-101 Book reviews
by P. Stemp & S. Kolm & S. Grosskopf & J. Bureau & P. Petit & P. Saviotti
October 1997, Volume 65, Issue 3
- 235-256 Learning to believe in nonrational expectations that support pareto-superior outcomes
by Alfred Maußner - 257-277 Rationalizable expectations and sunspot equilibria in an overlapping-generations economy
by Frank Heinemann - 279-290 Incentive monotonicity and equilibrium selection in 2×2 matrix games
by Walter Elberfeld - 291-310 Asymmetric oligopoly, international trade, and welfare: a synthesis
by Sajal Lahiri & Yoshiyasu Ono - 311-327 Book reviews
by D. Friedman & W. Trockel & S. Novkovic & Patricia Apps & A. Falk & C. Doyle
June 1997, Volume 65, Issue 2
- 123-132 A model of money counterfeits
by Yvan Lengwiler - 133-149 Endogenous money and the business cycle
by Thomas Palley - 151-161 Exchange rates and perfect competition
by Thorsten Hens - 163-180 Endogenous information quality: A job-assignment application
by David Malueg & Yongsheng Xu - 181-199 Incentive roles of fringe benefits in compensation contracts
by Liang Zou - 201-215 Public consumer goods, output-generated variable returns, and labor supply
by Sajid Anwar - 217-234 Book reviews
by M. Nerlove & S. Yamashige & L. Magnusson & R. Baldwin & M. Ricketts & W. Güth & M. Beckmann
February 1997, Volume 65, Issue 1
- 1-17 Union bargaining power, employment, and output in a model of monopolistic competition with wage bargaining
by Amitava Dutt & Anindya Sen - 19-40 Intertemporal price discrimination and consumer demand
by Hing-Man Leung - 41-54 Full-cost pricing in the classical competitive process: A model of convergence to long-run equilibrium
by Enrico Bellino - 55-78 R&D incentives in compatible networks
by Eirik Kristiansen & Marcel Thum - 79-102 Vertical product differentiation and entry deterrence
by Stefan Lutz - 103-121 Book reviews
by R. Rovelli & M. Polo & H. Gottinger & D. Encaoua & M. Galeotti & W. Lachmann & S. Bremer
October 1996, Volume 64, Issue 3
- 233-246 Revenue risks, insurance, and the behavior of competitive firms
by James Ford & Herrick Mpuku & Prasanta Pattanaik - 247-263 The economic effects of extending shop opening hours
by Raymond Gradus - 265-280 Fiscal policy, wealth divergence, and lifetime utility
by Yoshiyasu Ono & Shinsuke Ikeda - 281-314 Ramsey pricing in a hierarchical structure with an application to network-access pricing
by Ming Chang - 315-324 Capacity constraints may restore the existence of an equilibrium in the Hotelling model
by Xavier Wauthy - 325-335 Book reviews
by F. Winden & G. Nöldeke & C. Lülfesmann & F. Levy
June 1996, Volume 64, Issue 2
- 129-154 Exchange-rate pass-through and market structure
by Alan Kirman & Louis Phlips - 155-161 Increasing returns and aggregate production efficiency by a monopoly
by Tadashi Hamano - 163-175 Demand uncertainty and the value of supply opportunities
by Luis Alvarez - 177-193 On the persistence of corruption
by Herbert Dawid & Gustav Feichtinger - 195-212 Structure of neutral and monotonic binary social decision rules with quasi-transitive individual preferences
by Satish Jain - 213-232 Book reviews
by R. Boadway & D. Blanchet & L. Toulemon & S. Estrin & P. Kleindorfer & F. Schneider
February 1996, Volume 64, Issue 1
- 1-22 On the strategic potential of technological aid in international environmental relations
by John Stranlund - 23-51 Bargained shares in joint ventures among asymmetric partners: Is the matthew effect catalyzing?
by Reinhilde Veugelers & Katrien Kesteloot - 53-84 Proof of global stability, transitional dynamics, and international capital flows in a two-country model of innovation and growth
by Klaus Wälde - 85-106 A dynamic model of advertising by the regulated firm
by Francois Melese & David Kaserman & John Mayo - 107-123 Book reviews
by M. El-Hodiri & K. Schlag & B. Moldovanu & C. Lucifora & D. Croix & S. Gomulka
October 1996, Volume 63, Issue 3
- 237-258 The stock market and the vacancy rate
by Alvaro Rodriguez - 259-278 Coalition-proof information exchanges
by David Malueg & Shunichi Tsutsui - 279-302 Imperfect competition and capital accumulation: the role of price normalization
by Gerhard Sorger - 303-324 Allowing disagreement in evaluations of social welfare
by Kjell Brekke & Hilde Lurå & Karine Nyborg - 325-345 Book Reviews
by J. Strand & M. Marchand & Y. Chung & R. Färe & F. Lichtenberg & W. Rogerson & J. Weidmann & P. Kort & P. Schönfeld
June 1996, Volume 63, Issue 2
- 125-138 Imperfectly competitive factor markets and price normalization
by Bo Rasmussen - 139-150 Risk preference and indirect utility in portfolio-choice problems
by Santanu Roy & Rien Wagenvoort - 151-173 Employment and wages with sector-specific shocks and worker moral hazard
by Jon Strand - 175-186 A monetary economy with counterfeiting
by Klaus Kultti - 187-212 Recent approaches to estimating Engel curves
by Joachim Engel & Alois Kneip - 213-235 Book reviews
by M. Streit & D. Schneider & T. Tietenberg & R. Kollmann & C. Chiarella & R. Bommer & E. Plassmann & V. Valli
February 1996, Volume 63, Issue 1
- 1-23 Capital accumulation of a firm facing an emissions tax
by Richard Hartl & Peter Kort - 25-40 The foreclosure argument for exclusive dealing: The case of differentiated retailers
by Tommy Gabrielsen - 41-56 Endogenous timing in the switching of technology with Marshallian externalities
by Toshihiro Matsumura & Masako Ueda - 57-77 Market power of firms and exchange-rate fluctuations
by Jürgen Meckl - 79-99 Multiple steady states, indeterminacy, and cycles in a basic model of endogenous growth
by Alfred Greiner & Willi Semmler - 101-123 Book reviews
by M. Holler & D. Mueller & H. Kurz & M. Magill & Martine Quinzii & H. Lorenz & D. Schneider
October 1995, Volume 62, Issue 3
- 239-269 Kaldorian dynamics in an open economy
by Toichiro Asada - 271-294 Factor-price equalization under joint and nonjoint production
by Max Albert & Wilhelm Kohler - 295-322 Capital income taxation, tax criteria, and intergenerational welfare
by Hannu Piekkola - 324-338 Book reviews
by H. Houthakker & W. Hildenbrand & H. Nutzinger & H. Gottinger
June 1995, Volume 62, Issue 2
- 111-140 Monetary and fiscal policy interaction and government debt stabilization
by Bas Aarle & Lans Bovenberg & Matthias Raith - 141-156 Strictly Pareto-improving bilateral reforms of public debts
by Kim-Heng Tan - 157-183 Disability insurance in an optimal pension scheme
by Oliver Fabel - 185-201 Tariffs, quotas, and voluntary export restraints with endogenous labor supply
by Panos Hatzipanayotou & Michael Michael - 203-214 Expectations about change in market structure and natural resource extraction
by Tobias Rötheli - 215-226 Long-run invariance in economic dynamics: A note
by Sumit Joshi - 227-238 Book reviews
by H. Ishi & M. Sertel & G. Break & Y. Katsoulacos
February 1995, Volume 62, Issue 1
- 1-23 Redistributive policy, inequality and growth
by Hans Grüner - 25-31 Distributional implications of a shorter working week: An unpleasant note
by Giacomo Corneo - 33-53 Unionized oligopoly, labor-management cooperation, and international competitiveness
by Bill Yang - 55-75 Sraffa and Goodwin: A unifying framework for standards of value in the income distribution problem
by Albert Steenge - 77-92 Comparative statics in the large based on a fixed point algorithm
by Takashi Shiomura - 93-109 Book reviews
by M. Perlman & K. Couch & K. Laski & G. Tillmann & T. Asada & D. Hands
October 1995, Volume 61, Issue 3
- 215-243 Learning rational expectations in an asset market
by Ricardo Grinspun - 245-271 Self-fulfilling expectations, history, and big push: A search equilibrium model of unemployment
by Been-Lon Chen - 273-279 Expected revenue of all-pay and first-price sealed-bid auctions with affiliated signals
by Erwin Amann & Wolfgang Leininger - 281-299 Böhm-Bawerk and Shibata on power or market
by Takashi Negishi - 301-315 Development policies in the presence of an informal sector: A note
by Manjusri Bandyopadhyay & Manas Gupta - 317-328 On measurability and comparability: Comment on Pauwels's “the implicit welfare weights used when maximizing aggregate surplus”
by Udo Ebert - 329-334 Reply to U. Ebert's comment on “the implicit welfare weights used when maximizing aggregate surplus”
by Wilfried Pauwels - 335-342 Book reviews
by A. Kneip & P. Schönfeld & C. Seidl
June 1995, Volume 61, Issue 2
- 89-122 A public contracting evolutionary game with corruption
by Angelo Antoci & Pier Sacco - 123-146 Public capital and patterns of growth in the presence of threshold externalities
by Koichi Futagami & Kazuo Mino - 147-173 Human capital and economic growth in an overlapping generations model
by Binh Tran-Nam & Công Truong & Pierre Tu - 175-183 Social norms and core outcomes in a sharecropping economy
by Daniel Arce - 185-200 Resource booms in competitive equilibria with decreasing returns to scale
by Andreas Pfingsten & Reiner Wolff - 201-213 Book reviews
by P. Haaparanta & G. Bol & C. Bidard & H. Gottinger & Katrin Wesche
February 1995, Volume 61, Issue 1
- 1-10 Equilibrium youth unemployment
by Torben Andersen & Henrik Vetter - 11-33 Family allowances as welfare improvements
by Bernhard Felderer & Klaus Ritzberger - 35-64 A Kolmogoroff generalized predator-prey model of Goodwin's growth cycle
by Mario Sportelli - 65-81 The economics of harvesting predator-prey systems
by Wolfgang Ströbele & Holger Wacker - 83-88 The measurement of waste with nonconvex technology
by Atsushi Tsuneki
October 1994, Volume 60, Issue 3
- 229-253 On the relative performance of alternative regulatory instruments for constraining a firm's profitability
by Brian Beavis & Ian Dobbs - 255-279 The Slutsky matrix and homogeneity in intertemporal consumer theory
by Michael Caputo - 281-297 Emission taxes vs. financial subsidies in pollution control
by Sakari Uimonen - 299-321 Global environmental problems and the strategic choice of technology
by Wolfgang Buchholz & Kai Konrad - 323-340 Book reviews
by K. Rothschild & Karen Ehlers & E. Sterken & Katrin Wesche & Kristina Kostial & A. Medio & Helena Nusse
June 1994, Volume 60, Issue 2
- 125-154 Strategic delay and endogenous offers in bargaining games with private information
by David Nickerson & Asha Sadanand & Venkatraman Sadanand - 155-176 Cournot competition, intra-industry trade, and nonconstancy of marginal costs: A three-country case
by Hisayuki Okamoto & Chisato Yoshida - 177-188 Pay discrimination and imperfect competition in the labor market
by Robin Naylor - 189-197 The vanishing savings motive
by Christian Keuschnigg - 199-207 The unification of Ronald W. Shephard's duality theory
by Rolf Färe & Daniel Primont - 209-228 Book reviews
by S. Kolm & T. Saijo & C. Seidl & J. Rosenmüller & F. Scherer & H. Gottinger & A. Freeman & R. Schwager
February 1994, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 1-28 Some dynamics of a strategic market game with a large number of agents
by Hohn Miller & Martin Shubik - 29-54 Endogenous vs. exogenous comparative advantage and economies of specialization vs. economies of scale
by Xiaokai Yang - 55-80 Growth promoting policies, distribution, and the balance of payments
by Casper Ewijk - 81-98 The ramsey model revisited: The optimality of cyclical consumption and growth
by Franz Wirl - 99-107 Capital risk and consumption puzzles: A pedagogical note
by Parantap Basu - 109-124 Book reviews
by R. Färe & A. Shorrocks & A. Giovannini & P. Stemp & Kersten Kellermann & J. Wessels
October 1994, Volume 59, Issue 3
- 259-286 Wage bargaining and shock sensitivity of a small open economy
by Ernst Fehr & Franz Hof - 287-309 Natural monopoly and differential pricing
by Marcel Canoy - 311-323 Unequal factor prices and incomplete specialization in a Heckscher-Ohlin model of endogenous growth
by Klaus Wälde - 325-349 Book review
by T. Hutchison & I. Pellengahr & K. Podczeck & R. Noll & I. Vogelsang & B. Mitchell & S. Martin & J. Mairesse
June 1994, Volume 59, Issue 2
- 133-148 A competitive general equilibrium model of technology transfer, innovation, and obsolescence
by Sugata Marjit - 149-166 Limited liability and the underlying-asset constraint: on the use of share-derivative contracts to resolve agency problems
by Arthur Selender & Liang Zou - 167-191 Tests of real interest parity in international currency markets
by Ashok Parikh - 193-215 Tax competition in a Bertrand model
by Günther Schulze & Karl-Josef Koch - 217-236 Duty-free zone, unemployment, and welfare a note
by Manash Gupta - 237-257 Book reviews
by D. Schneider & Ingrid Kubin & S. Roy & R. Gradus & T. Mitra & B. Eckwert & M. Raith & J. Hagen
February 1994, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 1-21 The scope for collusion under fractional defections
by Dick Damania - 23-49 On the optimal exploitation of interacting resources
by Willi Semmler & Malte Sieveking - 51-70 Optimal hedging with currency forwards, calls, and calls on forwards for the competitive exporting firm facing exchange rate uncertainty
by Frank Lehrbass - 71-96 Limit orders, asymmetric information, and the formation of asset prices with a computerized specialist
by Michael Baye & Ann Gillette & Casper Vries - 97-103 The non-substitution theorem: Making good a lacuna
by Heinz Kurz & Neri Salvadori - 105-132 Book reviews
by Helena Nusse & P. Schönfeld & B. Velthoven & H. Sinn & A. Parikh & G. Blomquist & D. Pearce
October 1993, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 225-253 Agency in a market setting
by William Novshek & Lynda Thoman - 255-291 Pollution control in a Cournot duopoly via taxes or permits
by Till Requate - 293-305 Some unfamiliar dynamics of a familiar macro model a note
by Christian Groth - 307-337 Book reviews
by J. Rosenmüller & D. Balkenborg & H. Lorenz & J. Piggott & A. Gieseck & S. Gächter & A. Börsch-Supan & S. Jenkins & G. Tichy & K. Laski & A. Greiner
June 1993, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 109-152 Monopolistic competition and the cyclicality of pricing and productivity—A typology of industries
by Helmut Zink - 153-173 Quality competition, welfare, and regulation
by Ching-to Ma & James Burgess - 175-186 The choice of licensing versus direct foreign investment in developing countries
by Hamid Beladi & Chi-Chur Chao - 187-202 Regional-incentive programs and the problem of time-inconsistent plans
by Gaute Torsvik - 203-223 Book reviews
by Karen Ehlers & M. Shubik & R. Gardner & G. Tichy & N. Long & F. Scherer & M. Burda & Gerlinde Sinn
February 1993, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 1-24 A game theoretical approach to the international debt overhang
by Mamoru Kaneko & Jacek Prokop - 25-51 The trade-off between environmental care and long-term growth—Pollution in three prototype growth models
by Raymond Gradus & Sjak Smulders - 53-75 Endogenous growth and income distribution
by Theo Klundert & Lex Meijdam - 77-90 Incentive compatibility and the quantity-setting competitive firm under demand uncertainty
by Geoffrey Turnbull - 91-104 Book reviews
by R. George & W. Güth & J. McDonald & H. Nutzinger & H. Bester & R. Färe & M. Funke & M. Deistler
December 1993, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 1-15 New issues in public pension economics
by Bernhard Felderer - 17-41 From deficit delusion to the Fiscal Balance Rule: Looking for an economically meaningful way to assess fiscal policy
by Laurence Kotlikoff - 43-49 Steady-state welfare effects of social security in a large open economy
by Friedrich Breyer & David Wildasin - 51-63 Harmonizing public debt and public pension schemes in the European community
by Stefan Homburg & Wolfram Richter - 65-90 A model of first and second-best social security programs
by Walter Enders & Harvey Lapan - 91-103 Intergenerational risk sharing and social security in an economy with land
by Wolfram Richter - 105-131 Funding social security through Pareto-optimal conversion policies
by Bernd Raffelhüschen - 133-155 Savings, social security, and bequests in an OLG model. A simulation exercise for Austria
by Klaus Neusser - 157-176 The effect of changes in Social Security on bequests
by Michael Hurd - 177-190 Politically stable pay-as-you-go pension systems: When the social-insurance budget is too small in a democracy
by Johann Brunner & Bengt-Arne Wickström - 191-218 Reforming old-age pensions systems in Central and Eastern European countries in transition
by Robert Holzmann
October 1993, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 215-232 Optimal money supply rules under asymmetric objective criteria
by Peter Stemp - 233-259 Dynamic complexity in a stochastic rationing model
by Akio Matsumoto - 261-277 The implicit welfare weights used when maximizing aggregate surplus
by Wilfried Pauwels - 279-293 A reformulation of the theory of demand by compensated demand functions
by Susanne Fuchs-Seliger - 295-303 Partial retirement and the earnings test
by Josef Zweimüller - 305-323 Book reviews
by B. Frey & G. Bamberg & G. Duménil & D. Lévy & C. Kuhner & E. Janeba & O. Bouin & A. Simonovits & J. Schulenburg
June 1993, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 131-146 Sector-specific capital, “Bang-bang” investment, and the Filippov solution
by Charles Marrewijk & Jos Verbeek - 147-168 Optimal production of innovations under uncertainty
by Vesa Kanniainen - 169-188 Semi-unionized bargaining with endogenous membership and management opposition
by Giacomo Corneo - 189-196 Uniform tariffs in general equilibrium —A simple model
by Sugata Marjit - 197-202 Input-output separability in production models and its structural consequences
by Robert Chambers & Rolf Färe - 203-213 Book reviews
by B. Priddat & G. Tullock & M. Shubik & S. Sheffrin
February 1993, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 1-35 Price leadership in a duopoly with capacity constraints and product differentiation
by Dave Furth & Dan Kovenock - 37-68 Fixed price equilibria in an overlapping generations model with investment
by Claus Weddepohl & Mehmet Yildirim - 69-93 Expected utility and the siegel paradox: A generalization
by Ronny Aboudi & Dominique Thon - 95-101 Two-moment decision models and rank-dependent utility
by Kai Konrad - 103-128 Book Reviews
by A. Ostmann & U. Leopold-Wildburger & C. Keuschnigg & H. Weikard & P. Kort & B. Gahlen & D. Wildasin & F. Butschek
December 1993, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-15 New issues in public pension economics
by Bernhard Felderer - 17-41 From deficit delusion to the Fiscal Balance Rule: Looking for an economically meaningful way to assess fiscal policy
by Laurence Kotlikoff - 43-49 Steady-state welfare effects of social security in a large open economy
by Friedrich Breyer & David Wildasin - 51-63 Harmonizing public debt and public pension schemes in the European community
by Stefan Homburg & Wolfram Richter - 65-90 A model of first and second-best social security programs
by Walter Enders & Harvey Lapan - 91-103 Intergenerational risk sharing and social security in an economy with land
by Wolfram Richter - 105-131 Funding social security through Pareto-optimal conversion policies
by Bernd Raffelhüschen - 133-155 Savings, social security, and bequests in an OLG model. A simulation exercise for Austria
by Klaus Neusser - 157-176 The effect of changes in Social Security on bequests
by Michael Hurd - 177-190 Politically stable pay-as-you-go pension systems: When the social-insurance budget is too small in a democracy
by Johann Brunner & Bengt-Arne Wickström - 191-218 Reforming old-age pensions systems in Central and Eastern European countries in transition
by Robert Holzmann
October 1992, Volume 56, Issue 3
- 247-266 Time inconsistency problems and commitments of monetary and fiscal policies
by Henrik Jensen - 267-295 Residence-and source-based taxation of capital income in an overlapping generations model
by A. Lans Bovenberg - 297-309 Optimal management of the growth potential of renewable resources
by David Levhari & Cees Withagen - 311-334 Special offers and clustering under symmetric monopoly
by Norbert Schulz
June 1992, Volume 56, Issue 2
- 137-156 Determinants of innovative activity in oligopolistic markets
by Manfred Stadler - 157-184 Expectations, substitution, and scrapping in a putty-clay model
by Erik Biørn & Petter Frenger - 185-196 A note on the stability of endogenous cycles in Diamond's model of search and barter
by Thomas Lux - 197-208 Labor-managed Cournot oligopoly with product differentiation
by Koji Okuguchi - 209-217 Boundedness of economic variables and Olech's theorem
by Kazuyuki Sasakura - 219-245 Book reviews
by K. Paqué & K. Rothschild & H. Lorenz & A. Jaeger & A. Bovenberg & W. Neu & R. Schöb & G. Fürstenberg
February 1992, Volume 56, Issue 1
- 1-21 A model of the socialist firm in transition to a market economy
by Ngo Long & Horst Siebert - 23-38 A Keynesian general equilibrium model with competitive firms and rational expectations
by Ronald Balvers - 39-70 Dynamics of learning and the financial instability hypothesis
by Rajiv Sethi