February 1992, Volume 56, Issue 1
- 71-97 Decision making on pension schemes under rational expectations
by Harrie Verbon & Marijn Verhoeven - 99-105 A note on lindahl taxes when public goods are inputs to household production
by Heinz Welsch - 107-132 Book reviews
by M. Wooders & M. Mitzkewitz & P. Schönfel & D. Marin & N. Long & E. Biørn & P. Hennicke & L. Hahn & M. Rauscher
October 1992, Volume 55, Issue 3
- 245-264 Multimarket cooperation with scope effects in demand
by K. Kesteloot - 265-275 On the strategic inconsistency of the meta-rights approach
by Ruvin Gekker - 277-296 The LeChatelier-Samuelson principle revisited
by Erik Dietzenbacher - 297-308 A note on modelling tournaments
by Winston Koh - 309-327 Book reviews
by E. Dietzenbacher & E. Harrison & J. Engwerda & H. Lorenz & G. Klepper & M. Rauscher & R. Neck & J. Hagen
June 1992, Volume 55, Issue 2
- 123-150 A strategic market game with a mutual bank with fractional reserves and redemption in gold
by M. Shubik & D. Tsomocos - 151-167 Profit-sharing in a unionized cournot duopoly
by Jan Sørensen - 169-191 Adverse producer incentives and product quality when consumers are short-term players
by Per Overgaard - 193-207 Technology and obsolescence: A reinterpretation of the specific-factor model of production
by Sugata Marjit - 209-219 Cartel instability and periodic price shocks
by Michael Rauscher - 221-244 Book reviews
by C. Seidl & G. Nöldeke & H. Zink & K. Sandmann & Y. Ishii & H. Welsch & F. Winden & K. Laski
February 1992, Volume 55, Issue 1
- 1-16 The older the more valuable: Divergence between utility and dollar values of life as one ages
by Yew-Kwang Ng - 17-41 Efficiency and equity in dynamic principal-agent problems
by T. Ramamohan Rao - 43-63 A development model of developing economies with capital and knowledge accumulation
by Wei-Bin Zhang - 65-75 Membership size in the educable cooperative facing uncertain demand
by Ira Horowitz - 77-99 Capital income taxation in a growing world economy
by Søren Nielsen - 101-111 The optimal taxation of risky capital income: An elasticity rule
by Wolfram Richter - 113-117 Book reviews
by K. Farmer & I. Kubin & B. Moldovanu
October 1991, Volume 54, Issue 3
- 195-225 Optimal dynamic environmental policies of a profit maximizing firm
by Peter Kort & Paul Loon & Mikulás Luptácik - 227-249 Dynamic demand and noncompetitive pricing strategies
by Franz Wirl - 251-265 The welfare effects of import “subquotas” on heterogeneous product categories
by Gerald Berg & Eric Bond - 267-281 Stochastic models for capital growth
by Hans Gottinger - 283-303 Risk taking by banks and captial accumulation: A portfolio approach
by Doris Neuberger - 305-314 The core of some location games
by Kislaya Prasad - 316-325 Book reviews
by A. Pfingsten & A. Heertje & B. Felderer & H. Weck-Hannemann & G. Knieps
June 1991, Volume 54, Issue 2
- 97-123 Von Thünen's model of the dual economy
by Marc Nerlove & Efraim Sadka - 125-142 On the solution of a stochastic optimal growth model
by D. Glycopantis & A. Muir - 143-155 Determining output shadow prices for a cost-constrained technology
by Rolf Färe & Kimberly Zieschang - 157-169 “Period three to period two” bifurcation for piecewise linear models
by Cars Hommes & Helena Nusse - 171-178 A note on endogenous transfers
by Steven Brakman & Charles Marrewijk - 180-194 Book reviews
by E. Weintraub & H. Bester & G. Tillmann & M. Rauscher & B. Nolan & H. Gottinger & E. Fehr & J. Schulenburg
February 1991, Volume 54, Issue 1
- 1-19 Development policies in the presence of unemployment and non-traded intermediate goods
by Vandana Chandra & Ralph El-Chami & Jeffrey Fischer - 21-32 On the theory of monopolistic competition under demand uncertainty
by Yasunori Ishii - 33-53 On a mixed competitive-monopolistic macrodynamic model in a monetary economy
by Toichiro Asada - 55-67 Separating small and big fish: The case of income tax evasion
by Josef Falkinger & Herbert Walther - 70-90 Book reviews
by H. Lorenz & S. Grosskopf & V. Caspari & Y. Sakai & O. Becker & D. Bös & H. Wagener & R. Färe & J. Klein & H. Kuhn
October 1991, Volume 53, Issue 3
- 245-270 On the existence of optimal processes in non-stationary environments
by Tapan Mitra & Yaw Nyarko - 271-284 Unemployment insurance and union bargaining — an insider-outsider approach
by Eric Levin & Thomas Moutos - 285-297 Strategic managerial incentives and cross ownership structure: A note
by Inés Macho-Stadler & Thierry Verdier - 299-324 Book reviews
by M. Shubik & G. Laan & I. Kubin & E. Dietzenbacher & K. Spremann & U. Schweizer & K. Milford & H. Niida & F. Butschek & K. Rothschild
June 1991, Volume 53, Issue 2
- 133-160 Inheritance and inequality when wealth enters the utility function
by Gerhard Orosel - 161-184 Long-term union-firm contracts
by Geir Asheim & Jon Strand - 185-203 Growth, budget deficits, and fiscal policies in an overlapping generations model
by Charles Marrewijk & Jos Verbeek - 205-213 Dynamic information release
by Tomas Philipson - 215-241 Book reviews
by D. Balkenborg & G. Clemenz & G. Laan & C. Seidl & G. Tillmann & J. Hoffmann & M. Neumann & G. Kayser & R. Schediwy & G. Furstenberg
February 1991, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 1-29 Decentralized evolutionary mechanisms for intertemporal economies: A possibility result
by Venkatesh Bala & Mukul Majumdar & Tapan Mitra - 31-50 On the optimality of limit cycles in dynamic economic systems
by Engelbert Dockner & Gustav Feichtinger - 51-73 The impact of risk aversion on information transmission between firms
by Yasuhiro Sakai & Akihiko Yoshizumi - 75-82 On the impossibility of an envy-free Paretian liberal
by Ruvin Gekker - 83-93 Independence of the status quo? A weak and a strong impossibility result for social decisions by bargaining
by Marlies Klemisch-Ahlert - 95-127 Book reviews
by W. Krelle & M. Badke & F. Schneider & J. Brunner & R. Vaubel & J. Melitz & C. Schmidt & A. Jaeger & D. Elixmann
October 1990, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 211-232 The transactions trust demand for money
by Martin Shubik - 233-251 Maximin growth paths with recursive preferences: A complete characterization
by Alvaro Rodriguez - 253-265 Unemployment and immiserizing transfer
by Hamid Beladi - 267-283 On the theory of east-west trade under uncertainty
by Yasunori Ishii - 285-290 A differential game between government and firms: Comments
by Cees Withagen - 291-294 Reply
by Raymond Gradus - 295-326 Book reviews
by W. Krelle & H. Siebert & P. Schönfeld & R. Gradus & D. Wildasin & J. Weymark & G. Tullock & C. Keuschnigg & A. Endres & R. Schwarze & U. Kamecke & A. Wellink
June 1990, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 99-116 Tax systems and direct mechanisms in large finite economies
by Egbert Dierker & Hans Haller - 117-140 Information, endogenous uncertainty and risk aversion
by Torben Andersen - 141-158 Self-organisation of world accumulation
by Lynn Mainwaring - 159-165 Alternative goods allocation schemes under repressed inflation
by John Bennett - 167-175 Stackelberg price leadership in the linear heterogeneous duopoly
by Lambert Schoonbeek - 177-189 Intergenerational contracts and their decomposition: An extension
by Günther Lang - 191-208 Book reviews
by J. Engwerda & G. Feichtinger & A. Sandmo & B. Fritsch & K. Laski & L. Podkaminer & E. Deutsch & G. Goldrian
February 1990, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 1-23 Gold, liquidity and secured loans in a multistage economy
by Martin Shubik & Shontan Yao - 25-42 Implicit contracts with effort incentives
by Oliver Fabel - 43-54 Insiders and outsiders in labour market models
by Steinar Holden - 55-70 Multiplier effects in economies with missing risk markets
by Gerhard Illing - 71-82 On the theory of cost sharing
by Shlomo Weber & Hans Wiesmeth - 83-98 Book reviews
by K. Paqué & J. Hartog & F. Schneider & M. Rauscher & H. Herberg & J. Graf v. d. Schulenburg & P. Schönfeld
October 1990, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 221-257 Privatization, price regulation, and market entry an asymmetric multistage Duopoly model
by Dieter Bös & Lorenz Nett - 259-271 Optimal introduction of Time-of-Day tariffs in the presence of consumer adjustment costs
by Franz Wirl - 273-285 Neoclassical growth with microfoundations
by Bernhard Felderer - 287-305 Local aggregation in a dynamic setting
by Ekkehart Schlicht - 307-327 Book reviews
by A. Roth & W. Härdle & S. Helbig & E. Fehr & E. Wurzel & A. Börsch-Supan & K. Rothschild & G. Tullock
June 1990, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 121-144 Sequential capacity and price choices in a duopoly model with demand uncertainty
by Morten Hviid - 145-158 CORE vs. MLE for decision models under uncertainty
by T. Rao & Saraswati Singh - 159-176 Exchange rate dynamics in black markets
by Michael Frenkel - 177-195 On externalities related to the use of exhaustible resources
by Heinz Welsch & Frank Stähler - 197-205 Cost minimization and uncertain technologies: Absence of deviation costs
by Michael Laker - 207-218 Book reviews
by M. Shubik & K. Okuguchi & K. Borchardt & F. Schneider
February 1990, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 1-26 Dynamic adjustment and debt accumulation in a small open economy
by Lex Meijdam & Rudy Stratum - 27-69 Von neumann facets and the dynamic stability of perfect foresight equilibrium paths in neo-classical trade models
by Makoto Yano - 71-88 On the impossibility of a generalization of the libertarian resolution of the liberal paradox
by Christian Seidl - 89-99 Efficiency wages and income taxes
by Michael Hoel - 101-107 On the monotonicity of the labour-capital ratio in Sraffa's model
by Dilip Madan & Eugene Seneta - 109-119 Book reviews
by W. Meyer & G. Tillmann & D. Bös & K. Rothschild
December 1986, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-15 Selective taxation of couples
by Patricia Apps & Glenn Jones - 17-40 A theory of the privatization of public enterprises
by Dieter Bös - 41-66 When does marginal cost pricing lead to Pareto efficiency?
by Egbert Dierker - 67-78 Equity and distribution in cost-benefit analysis
by Udo Ebert - 79-98 Pareto, interdependent rights exercising and strategic behaviour
by Wulf Gaertner - 99-120 Insurance and corrective taxes in the health care market
by H. Gravelle - 121-159 The private supply of a public good
by Werner Güth & Martin Hellwig - 161-167 The comparison of second-best equilibria: The case of customs unions
by Murray Kemp & Henry Wan - 169-194 Tentative notes on prestige seeking and pareto-efficiency
by Gerhard Orosel - 195-210 Indivisibilities, pricing and investment: The case of the second best
by Ray Rees - 211-225 The impossibility of nondictatorial tolerance
by Christian Seidl - 227-242 Are there intellectual precursors to the idea of second best optimization?
by Erich Streissler & Werner Neudeck - 243-258 Transfers, collective goods, and redistribution
by Bengt-Arne Wickström - 259-280 Exchange rate policy in the presence of a strong trade union
by Georg Winckler & Erwin Amann
December 1986, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-15 Selective taxation of couples
by Patricia Apps & Glenn Jones - 17-40 A theory of the privatization of public enterprises
by Dieter Bös - 41-66 When does marginal cost pricing lead to Pareto efficiency?
by Egbert Dierker - 67-78 Equity and distribution in cost-benefit analysis
by Udo Ebert - 79-98 Pareto, interdependent rights exercising and strategic behaviour
by Wulf Gaertner - 99-120 Insurance and corrective taxes in the health care market
by H. Gravelle - 121-159 The private supply of a public good
by Werner Güth & Martin Hellwig - 161-167 The comparison of second-best equilibria: The case of customs unions
by Murray Kemp & Henry Wan - 169-194 Tentative notes on prestige seeking and pareto-efficiency
by Gerhard Orosel - 195-210 Indivisibilities, pricing and investment: The case of the second best
by Ray Rees - 211-225 The impossibility of nondictatorial tolerance
by Christian Seidl - 227-242 Are there intellectual precursors to the idea of second best optimization?
by Erich Streissler & Werner Neudeck - 243-258 Transfers, collective goods, and redistribution
by Bengt-Arne Wickström - 259-280 Exchange rate policy in the presence of a strong trade union
by Georg Winckler & Erwin Amann
February 1941, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-24 Die Arbeitsteilung als Grundproblem der Nationalökonomie bei Ernst Ludwig Carl (1722)
by Anton Tautscher - 25-61 Kapital und Zins in der stationären Verkehrswirtschaft
by Heinrich Stackelberg - 62-100 Produktionslenkung und Preisbildung in der Marktform des Kollektivmonopols
by Gustav Ellmers - 101-112 Eine gesellschaftliche Theorie des Geldes
by Adolf Günther - 113-150 Die Historia tripartita und die Grundelemente der modernen Kultur
by Karl Muhs - 151-157 Das „Recht auf Arbeit“ bei Bismarck und im Nationalsozialismus
by Theodor Steimle - 158-168 Die betriebswirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Umstellungsverordnung
by Ernst Hatheyer - 169-185 Einzelbesprechungen
by R. Wilbrandt & O. Veit & A. Madlé & K. Ottel & H. Linhardt & E. Vogel & A. Günther & P. Lorenz