December 2005, Volume 86, Issue 3
- 229-258 Tax Policy and Human Capital Formation with Public Investment in Education
by Simone Valente - 259-292 Cartel Stability in a Delivered Pricing Oligopoly
by Toshihiro Matsumura & Noriaki Matsushima - 293-300 Portfolio Choice for Increases in Risk and Prudence Revisited
by Suyeol Ryu & Iltae Kim - 301-304 Kolm, S.: Macrojustice: The Political Economy of Fairness
by John Roemer - 305-308 Bolton, P., and Dewatripont, M.: Contract Theory
by Roland Strausz - 308-312 Kamps, C.: The Dynamic Macroeconomic Effects of Public Capital. Theory and Evidence for OECD Countries
by C. Hurlin
November 2005, Volume 86, Issue 2
- 95-144 Xenophobia and the Size of the Public Sector in France: A Politico-economic Analysis
by John Roemer & Karine Straeten - 145-159 The Leontief Two-sector Model and Undiscounted Optimal Growth with Irreversible Investment: The Case of Labor-intensive Consumption Goods
by Minako Fujio - 161-182 Herd Behaviour in Adoption of Network Technologies
by Cecilia Vergari - 183-191 Brennan, G. and Pettit, P.: The Economy of Esteem. An Essay on Civil and Political Society
by Benedetto Gui - 191-195 Boyer, R.: The Future of Economic Growth: As New Becomes Old
by Marco Vivarelli
December 2005, Volume 86, Issue 1
- 1-16 International trade and agglomeration: An alternative framework
by Ronald Jones & Henryk Kierzkowski - 5-5 Preface
by Tapio Palokangas & Bjarne Jensen - 17-56 General equilibrium dynamics of multi-sector growth models
by Bjarne Jensen & Mogens Larsen - 57-76 Common markets, economic growth, and creative destruction
by Tapio Palokangas - 77-118 Schumpeterian growth and the political economy of employment protection
by Wolf-Heimo Grieben - 119-142 White-collar employment, inequality, and technological change
by Volker Grossmann - 143-166 Indeterminacy and labor augmenting externalities
by Aditya Goenka & Odile Poulsen - 167-194 Geography and institutions: Plausible and implausible linkages
by Ola Olsson
October 2005, Volume 86, Issue 1
- 1-18 Public Investment and Income Taxation: Redistribution vs. Productive Performance
by Thomas Gaube - 19-27 Properties of Equivalence Scales in Different Countries
by Christos Koulovatianos & Carsten Schröder & Ulrich Schmidt - 29-64 Price Competition and Consumer Externalities in a Vertically Differentiated Duopoly with Information Disparities
by Alberto Cavaliere - 65-83 Innovation and Employment: Evidence from Italian Microdata
by Mariacristina Piva & Marco Vivarelli - 85-89 Heckman, J., and Krueger, A.: Inequality in America – What Role for Human Capital Policies?
by Daniele Checchi - 89-93 Padoa-Schioppa, T.: The Euro and its Central Bank. Getting United after the Union
by Henning Weber & Henning Weber & Till Mueller & Anika Holler
September 2005, Volume 85, Issue 3
- 213-249 Ecosystem and Economy: An Integrated Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach
by Thomas Eichner & Rüdiger Pethig - 251-275 Transboundary Pollution and the Welfare Effects of Technology Transfer
by Yasuhiro Takarada - 277-295 Holdup and Innovation
by Andrew Wait - 297-300 Helpman, E.: The Mystery of Economic Growth
by Volker Grossmann - 300-306 Duménil, G., and Lévy D.: Capital Resurgent: Roots of the Neoliberal Revolution
by Marco Mazzoli - 306-309 Weitzmann, M.: Income, Wealth, and the Maximum Principle
by Gustav Feichtinger
August 2005, Volume 85, Issue 2
- 107-139 Dynamic Incentive Contracts under No-Commitment to Periodic Auditing and a Non-retrospective Penalty System
by Hsiao-Chi Chen & Shi-Miin Liu - 141-173 The Social Norm of Tipping: Does it Improve Social Welfare?
by Ofer Azar - 175-196 Asymmetric Capital Tax Competition with Profit Shifting
by Sven Stöwhase - 197-203 On Input and Output Translation Homotheticity
by Robert Chambers - 205-207 Gradstein, M., Justman, M., and Meier V.: The Political Economy of Education: Implications for Growth and Inequality
by Annette Alstadster - 207-210 Florio, M.: The Great Divesture: Evaluating the Welfare Impact of the British Privatizations 1979–1997
by G. Ambrosius - 210-212 Taylor, L.: Reconstructing Macroeconomics. Structuralist Proposals and Critiques of the Mainstream
by Jumpei Tanaka
July 2005, Volume 85, Issue 1
- 1-38 The Evolution of Cooperation in Patent Races:Theory and Experimental Evidence
by Damiano Silipo - 39-63 Free Entry under Uncertainty
by Mohamed Jellal & François-Charles Wolff - 65-71 Non-existence of Duopoly Equilibria: A Simple Numerical Example
by Jean-Marc Bonnisseau & Michael Florig - 73-97 International Economies of Scale and the Gains from Trade
by Nobuhito Suga - 99-106 Lee, E., and Vivarelli, M. (Eds.): Understanding Globalization, Employment and Poverty Reduction
by Mark Sanders
May 2005, Volume 84, Issue 3
- 217-248 The Downside of Knowledge Spillovers: An Explanation for the Dispersion of High-tech Industries
by Christoph Alsleben - 249-275 Efficient Transfer of Aging Provisions in Private Health Insurance
by Volker Meier - 277-311 Pollution Control in Open Economies: Implications of Within-period Interactions for Dynamic Game Equilibrium
by Akihiko Yanase - 313-316 Hannesson, R: The Privatization of the Oceans
by Claire W. Armstrong
March 2005, Volume 84, Issue 2
- 101-133 Joint Production and the Structure of Technology: A Generalization
by Ulrich Kohli - 135-156 Is Technological Progress Pareto-Improving for a World with Global Public Goods?
by Keisuke Hattori - 157-178 The Ramaswami Argument in a Multi-commodity Setting
by Siu-kee Wong - 179-202 Bubbles in Stochastic Economies: Can They Cure Overaccumulation of Capital?
by Mathias Binswanger - 203-205 Lahiri, S., and Ono, Y.: Trade and Industrial Policy under International Oligopoly
by D. Leahy - 205-211 Dimitri, N., Basili, M., and Gilboa, I.: Cognitive Processes and Economic Behaviour
by H. Mano - 211-216 Rosen, F.: Classical Utilitarianism from Hume to Mill
by Serge-Christophe Kolm
February 2005, Volume 84, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial – The Journal of Economics, 75 Years Ago and Now
by Giacomo Corneo - 1-26 Time Delay and the Extraction of Information Rent in Regulation
by Zen-Fu Ueng & C. C. Yang - 27-48 Mixed Oligopoly at Free Entry Markets
by Toshihiro Matsumura & Osamu Kanda - 49-69 Household Demand, Network Externality Effects and Intertemporal Price Discrimination
by Winston T. H. Koh - 71-94 A New Matrix Theorem: Interpretation in Terms of Internal Trade Structure and Implications for Dynamic Systems
by Albert E. Steenge & Mark J. P. M. Thissen - 95-97 Barucci, E.: Financial Markets Theory – Equilibrium, Efficiency and Information
by J. Werner - 97-99 Gottinger, H.-W.: Economies of Network Industries
by T. Kikuchi
December 2005, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-16 International trade and agglomeration: An alternative framework
by Ronald Jones & Henryk Kierzkowski - 5-5 Preface
by Tapio Palokangas & Bjarne Jensen - 17-56 General equilibrium dynamics of multi-sector growth models
by Bjarne Jensen & Mogens Larsen - 57-76 Common markets, economic growth, and creative destruction
by Tapio Palokangas - 77-118 Schumpeterian growth and the political economy of employment protection
by Wolf-Heimo Grieben - 119-142 White-collar employment, inequality, and technological change
by Volker Grossmann - 143-166 Indeterminacy and labor augmenting externalities
by Aditya Goenka & Odile Poulsen - 167-194 Geography and institutions: Plausible and implausible linkages
by Ola Olsson
December 2004, Volume 83, Issue 3
- 209-223 The Risk and Incentives Trade-off in the Presence of Heterogeneous Managers
by Donald J. Wright - 225-242 The Impact of Turnout on Turning Up: The Complementarity of Attendance among Co-Workers
by Diane R. Skåtun & John Douglas Skåtun - 243-265 Merger, Partial Collusion and Relocation
by Pedro Posada & Odd Rune Straume - 267-279 Commodity Taxation and the Effects of Entry: A Case of Variety Preferences
by Junko Doi & Koichi Futagami - 281-292 The Comparison between Ad Valorem and Unit Taxes under Monopolistic Competition
by Philipp J. H. Schröder - 293-296 Mokyr, J.: The Gifts of Athena – Historical Origins of the Knowledge Economy
by H. Floris Cohen - 296-299 Mortensen, D. T.: Wage Dispersion – Why are Similar Workers Paid Differently?
by M. Leonardi
November 2004, Volume 83, Issue 2
- 103-123 Status, Risk-Taking and Intertemporal Substitution in an Endogenous Growth Model
by Christiane Clemens - 125-150 Asymmetric Factor Substitutability and Indeterminacy
by Kazuo Nishimura & Alain Venditti - 151-179 Learning for Innovation and the Skill Premium
by Richard Nahuis - 181-198 Demand Shift Effect of R&D and the R&D Organization
by Tarun Kabiraj & Soma Roy - 199-201 Clark, W. R.: Capitalism, Not Globalism – Capital Mobility
by Jakob de Haan - 202-204 Mc Morrow, K., and Roeger, W.: The Economic and Financial Market Consequences of Global Ageing
by O. Castellino - 204-207 Hanke, M.: Credit Risk, Capital Structure, and the Pricing of Equity Options
by M. Schweizer
September 2004, Volume 83, Issue 1
- 1-46 Endogenous Growth with Nominal Frictions
by Alfred Maussner - 47-69 Learning-by-doing versus Schooling in a Model of Endogenous Growth
by Matthias Göcke - 71-83 Monetary Policy and Market Power in Banking
by Linda A. Toolsema - 85-94 Left-side Relatively Weak Increases in Risk and Their Comparative Statics
by Suyeol Ryu & Iltae Kim - 95-98 Book Reviews
by R. Boadway - 98-102 Book Reviews
by C. E. Bannier
July 2004, Volume 82, Issue 3
- 1-1 In Memoriam Dieter Bös (1940–2004)
by Giacomo Corneo & Christian Seidl - 225-248 History-dependent Quantity Regulation
by Harald Bergland & Derek J. Clark & Pål Andreas Pedersen - 249-280 Market Structure and Risk Taking in the Banking Industry
by Oz Shy & Rune Stenbacka - 281-312 Conditions for Asymmetric Information Solutions when Alliances Provide Acquisition Options and Due Diligence
by Richard J. Arend - 313-315 van den Bosch, K.: Identifying the Poor – Using Subjective and Consensual Measures
by B. M. S. van Praag - 315-317 Hens, T., and Pilgrim, B.: General Equilibrium Foundation of Finance – Structure of Incomplete Markets Models
by M. Quinzii
March 2004, Volume 81, Issue 3
- 199-222 The Effects of Competition on Banks’ Risk Taking
by Juha-Pekka Niinimäki - 223-247 Divestment and Bank Competition
by Bibhas Saha & Rudra Sensarma - 249-275 Does Environmental Policy Necessarily Discourage Growth?
by Minoru Nakada - 277-281 Afriat, S. N.: The Market: Equilibrium, Stability, Mythology
by K. Vela Velupillai - 281-283 Hiscox, M. J.: International Trade and Political Conflict – Commerce, Coalitions, and Mobility
by M. Gabel - 284-287 Markusen, J. R.: Multinational Firms and the Theory of International Trade
by A. Kokko - 287-289 Villanacci, A., Carosi, L., Benevieri, P., and Battinelli, A.: Differential Topology and General Equilibrium with Complete and Incomplete Markets
by P. J. J. Herings - 290-294 Greenan, N., L’Horty, Y., and Mairesse, J. (Eds.): Productivity, Inequality, and the Digital Economy – A Transatlantic Perspective
by P. B. Meyer - 295-297 Newhouse, J. P.: Pricing the Priceless – A Health Care Conundrum
by H. Gravelle - 297-302 Tirole, J.: Financial Crises, Liquidity, and the International Monetary System
by A. Ivanova & T. J. Kehoe
February 2004, Volume 81, Issue 2
- 103-126 The Implications of Rybczynski’s Theorem for Government Spending, Learning by Doing, and Labor Mobility
by Thomas Christiaans - 155-192 Non-convex Technologies and Cost Functions: Definitions, Duality and Nonparametric Tests of Convexity
by Walter Briec & Kristiaan Kerstens & Philippe Venden Eeckaut
January 2004, Volume 81, Issue 1
- 1-24 Endogenous Skilled-biased Technological Change and Matching Unemployment
by Manfred Stadler & Rüdiger Wapler - 25-52 The Impact of Discounting on an Auction with a Buyout Option: a Theoretical Analysis Motivated by eBay’s Buy-It-Now Feature
by Timothy Mathews - 53-60 Ambiguous Social Welfare Effects of Price Regulation Under Imperfect Competition
by Sabom Chang - 61-75 A Complete Characterization of Efficient Liability Rules: Comment
by Jeonghyun Kim - 77-79 Lucas, R. E., Jr.: Lectures on Economic Growth
by S. Parente - 80-84 de la Croix, D., and Michel, P.: A Theory of Economic Growth – Dynamics and Policy in Overlapping Generations
by I. Zilcha - 84-87 Duffie, D., and Singleton, K. J.: Credit Risk: Pricing, Measurement and Management
by T. R. Bielecki - 87-92 Anderson, T. L., and McChesney, F. S. (Eds.): Property Rights – Cooperation, Conflict, and Law
by P. W. Schmitz - 92-96 Kemp, S.: Public Goods and Private Wants. A Psychological Approach to Government Spending
by A. Stutzer - 96-100 Marquez, J.: Estimating Trade Elasticities
by U. Kohli - 100-102 Gstach, D.: Estimating Output-specific Efficiencies
by Kevin J. Fox
November 2003, Volume 80, Issue 3
- 211-229 Information Cascades in the Labor Market
by Dorothea Kübler & Georg Weizsäcker - 231-248 Distributional Consequences of Competitive Structural Change
by Jérôme Glachant - 249-265 Dynamic and Comparative Static Analysis of Imperfectly Competitive International Fishery
by Koji Okuguchi - 267-268 Kuhn, H. W., and Nasar, S. (Eds.): The Essential John Nash
by R. Selten - 268-272 Levy Yeyati, E., and Sturzenegger, F. (Eds.): Dollarization
by A. Ize - 272-276 Bernholz, P.: Monetary Regimes and Inflation: History, Economic and Political Relationships
by P. N. Ireland - 276-278 Cordon, W. M: Too Sensational: On the Choice of Exchange Rate Regimes
by O. Jeanne - 278-280 Arnold, L. G.: Business Cycle Theory
by R. E. A. Farmer - 280-282 Nurmi, H.: Voting Procedures under Uncertainty
by S. Nitzan - 283-284 Coto-Millán, P.: General Equilibrium and Welfare
by W. Trockel - 284-287 Laffont, J.-J., and Martimort, D. : The Theory of Incentives – The Principal – Agent Model
by D. E. Campbell - 287-292 Rohlfs, J. H.: Bandwagon Effects in High-Technology Industries
by C. Shapiro - 292-297 Meyendorff, A., and Thakor, A. (Eds.): Designing Financial Systems in Transition Economies – Strategies for Reform in Central and Eastern Europe
by Niels Hermes
October 2003, Volume 80, Issue 2
- 107-125 R&D Efficiency Gains Due to Cooperation
by Jeroen Hinloopen - 127-142 Service Production Functions
by Dietmar Lindenberger - 143-160 “Buy Domestic” Campaigns and Optimal Tariffs
by Jiunn-Rong Chiou & Jin-Li Hu & Yan-Shu Lin - 161-169 Pareto-improving Untied Aid with Environmental Externalities
by Takumi Naito - 171-173 Kaplow, L., and Shavell, S.: Fairness Versus Welfare. XXII, 544 pp. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 2002. Hardcover £ 30.95
by Y.-K. Ng - 173-178 Moyes, P., Seidl, C., and Shorrocks, A. (Eds.): Inequalities: Theory, Experiments and Applications. Journal of Economics/Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, Supplement 9, XI, 363 pp. Springer, Wien New York, 2002. Softcover € 118.00
by C. D’Ambrosio & P. Muliere - 178-179 Gollier, C.: The Economics of Risk and Time. XX, 445 pp. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 2001. Hardcover £ 34.50
by H. Crés - 179-181 White, H. C.: Markets from Networks – Socioeconomic Models of Production. XVII, 389 pp. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. 2002. Hardcover £ 24.95
by W. J. Baumol - 181-183 Rothschild, Emma: Economic Sentiments: Adam Smith, Condorcet, and the Enlightenment. IX, 353 pp. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2002. Paperback $ 18.95
by Richard F. Teichgraeber III - 183-189 Muralidhar, A. S.: Innovations in Pension Fund Management. XXXI, 327 pp. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 2001. Hardcover £ 30.00
by M. B. Waring - 189-193 Wigger, B. U.: Public Pensions and Economic Growth. XI, 164 pp. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 2002. Hardcover € 64.95
by H. A. A. Verbon - 193-196 Gasmi, F., Kennet, D. M., Laffont, J.-J., and Sharkey, W. W.: Cost Proxy Models and Telecommunications Policy – A New Empirical Approach to Regulation. XVI, 257 pp. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2002. Hardcover £ 29.95
by I. Vogelsang - 197-198 Rustem, B., and Howe, M.: Algorithms for Worst-case Design and Applications to Risk Management. XV, 389 pp. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. 2002. Hardcover £ 52.00
by P. M. Pardalos - 198-203 Lo, A. W., and MacKinlay, A. C.: A Non-Random Walk Down Wall Street. XXIII, 424 pp. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, USA. First paperback printing 2002. Softcover. $ 24.95
by W. E. Ferson - 203-206 Bhagat, S., and Jefferis, R. H. Jr.: The Econometrics of Corporate Governance Studies. X, 114 pp. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 2002. Hardcover £ 16.50
by C. R. Knoeber - 206-209 Wooldridge, J. M.: Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data. XXIII, 752 pp. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2002. Hardcover £ 37.50
by N. Christopeit
August 2003, Volume 80, Issue 1
- 1-25 Asset Ownership and the Threat to Sell
by Ulf von Lilienfeld-Toal - 27-42 Mixed Duopoly, Merger and Multiproduct Firms
by Juan Carlos Bárcena-Ruiz & María Begoña Garzón - 43-75 Efficient Management of Product Durability and Recyclability under Utilitarian and Chichilnisky Preferences
by Thomas Eichner & Marco Runkel - 77-87 Rationality without Transitivity
by Susanne Fuchs-Seliger & Oliver Mayer - 89-92 Book Reviews
by G. Dosi - 93-97 Book Reviews
by F. O' Toole - 97-99 Book Reviews
by F. Coricelli - 99-103 Book Reviews
by A. Cukierman - 103-106 Book Reviews
by K. Anderson
July 2003, Volume 79, Issue 3
- 215-235 Rent Seeking with Efforts and Bids
by Marco A. Haan & Lambert Schoonbeek - 237-261 Aggregation of Directional Distance Functions and Industrial Efficiency
by Walter Briec & Benoit Dervaux & Hervé Leleu - 263-287 Information and Communication Technology as Technical Change in Matching and Production
by Thomas Ziesemer - 289-295 Book Reviews
by L. Corry - 295-302 Book Reviews
by Helmut Frisch - 302-306 Book Reviews
by R. Schettkat - 306-308 Book Reviews
by J. de Haan
March 2003, Volume 78, Issue 3
- 205-222 Random Price Discrimination
by Ferdinando Colombo - 223-237 Delegation in Oligopoly: Managerial Schemes and Loan Commitments
by M. Paz Coscollá & Luis M. Granero - 239-258 Patent Policy in an Endogenous Growth Model
by Tatsuro Iwaisako & Koichi Futagami - 259-272 Increased Input Supplies, Government Size, Welfare and Trade in the Presence of Increasing Returns
by Sajid Anwar - 273-275 Book Reviews
by Geir B. Asheim - 275-277 Book Reviews
by S. Borner - 277-279 Book Reviews
by D. C. Mueller - 279-290 Book Reviews
by A. Chilosi - 291-295 Book Reviews
by Rama V. Ramachandran
February 2003, Volume 78, Issue 2
- 113-137 Inflation Targeting versus Nominal Income Targeting
by Helmut Frisch & Sylvia Staudinger - 139-161 Financial Premium and Real Exchange Rate Misalignment
by Fuhmei Wang - 163-190 Economic Development, International Trade, and Income Distribution
by Xiaokai Yang & Dingsheng Zhang - 191-192 Book Reviews
by C. Seidl - 193-195 Book Reviews
by Margaret Bray - 195-196 Book Reviews
by P. Schönfeld - 196-199 Book Reviews
by R. E. Lane - 199-203 Book Reviews
by J. H. Alleman
January 2003, Volume 78, Issue 1
- 1-28 Capital Maintenance and Investment: Complements or Substitutes?
by Raouf Boucekkine & Ramón Ruiz-Tamarit - 29-56 Taxation and Labor Markets
by Pierre M. Picard & Eric Toulemonde - 57-82 The (Price) Core of a Bertrand–Edgeworth Economy
by Dave Furth - 83-96 Book Reviews
by K. Vela Velupillai - 96-104 Book Reviews
by C. Chiarella & P. Flaschel & G. Groh & W. Semmler - 105-107 Book Reviews
by K. Binmore - 107-110 Book Reviews
by A. Kessler - 110-112 Book Reviews
by J. E. Hartley
December 2002, Volume 77, Issue 1
- 1-1 Preface
by Patrick Moyes & Christian Seidl & Anthony Shorrocks - 1-8 Progression-neutral income tax reforms and horizontal inequity
by Maria Cubel & Peter Lambert - 9-50 Welfare, inequality and the transformation of incomes the case of weighted income distributions
by Udo Ebert & Patrick Moyes - 51-89 Shapley inequality decomposition by factor components: Some methodological issues
by Mercedes Sastre & Alain Trannoy - 91-117 Approximating unanimity orderings: An application to Lorenz dominance
by Anthony Shorrocks & Daniel Slottje - 119-161 Inverse stochastic dominance, inequality measurement and Gini indices
by Claudio Zoli - 163-195 How should income be divided? questionnaire evidence from the theory of “Impartial preferences”
by Michele Bernasconi - 197-222 The choice of inequality measure in empirical research on distributive judgements
by Andre Decoster & Erik Schokkaert - 223-240 Equitable taxation: Qualitative versus quantitative ratings
by Stefan Traub - 241-260 The over-generous boon: Tax splitting in Germany
by Christian Seidl