October 2011, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 205-224 The simple economics of class action: private provision of club and public goods
by Alberto Cassone & Giovanni Ramello - 225-228 The law firm as an investment bank in class actions
by Juergen Backhaus - 229-240 Incentive effects of class actions and punitive damages under alternative procedural regimes
by Marta Cenini & Barbara Luppi & Francesco Parisi - 241-262 Informational externalities and settlements in mass tort litigations
by Bruno Deffains & Eric Langlais - 263-292 The case against lawyers’ contingent fees and the misapplication of principal-agent models
by Lorenzo Sacconi - 293-304 Seeking rents through class actions and legislative lobbying: a comparison
by Sophie Harnay & Alain Marciano
August 2011, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-14 Can corruption constrain the size of governments?
by Francisco Azpitarte - 15-33 Detecting illegal activities: the case of cartels
by Korbinian Blanckenburg & Alexander Geist - 35-49 Economic crisis and morale
by Friedrich Heinemann - 51-67 Some stylised facts about cash and black economies in Germany
by Gerhard Graf - 69-87 On the political economy of the informal sector and income redistribution
by Ozan Hatipoglu & Gulenay Ozbek - 89-97 Voluntary versus enforced tax compliance: empirical evidence for the “slippery slope” framework
by Stephan Muehlbacher & Erich Kirchler & Herbert Schwarzenberger - 99-114 The socioeconomic and demographic determinants of crime in Iran (a regional panel study)
by GholamReza Keshavarz Haddad & Hamed Markazi Moghadam - 115-142 Organized crime, money laundering and legal economy: theory and simulations
by Raffaella Barone & Donato Masciandaro - 143-163 The size of the underground economy in Germany: a correction of the record and new evidence from the modified-cash-deposit-ratio approach
by Michael Pickhardt & Jordi Sarda
June 2011, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 265-285 Race, politics, and punishment
by Peter T. Leeson & Russell S. Sobel
April 2011, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 143-166 EU VAT frauds
by Silvia Fedeli & Francesco Forte - 167-198 Assessing viability of Finnish reorganization and bankruptcy firms
by Erkki Laitinen - 199-228 Conceptions of rationality in law and economics
by Vipin Veetil - 229-229 Frank Hertweck and Dimitrios Kisoudis (eds.): Solange das Imperium da ist. Carl Schmitt im Gespräch mit Klaus Figge und Dieter Groh 1971
by Jürgen Backhaus - 231-231 Pawel Chmielnicki: Activity rules of economic man in society as the source of legal norm
by Jürgen Backhaus - 233-233 Rudolf Richter, Erik G. Furubotn: Neue Institutionenökonomik
by Jürgen Backhaus - 235-235 Martha M. Roggenkamp, Edwin Woerdman (eds.): Legal design of carbon capture and storage, developments in the Netherlands from an international and EU perspective, energy and law, volume 10
by Jürgen Backhaus
February 2011, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-9 Ronald Coase, “The Problem of Social Cost” and The Coase Theorem: An anniversary celebration
by Alain Marciano - 11-38 A case of mistaken identity: George Stigler, “The Problem of Social Cost,” and the Coase theorem
by Steven Medema - 39-62 What do cattle and bees tell us about the Coase theorem?
by Elodie Bertrand - 63-90 Coasean markets
by Herbert Hovenkamp - 91-109 Coase’s world and Coase’s blackboard
by Andrew Halpin - 111-122 Toward an asymmetric Coase theorem
by Barbara Luppi & Francesco Parisi - 123-141 Property rights and externalities: the uneasy case of knowledge
by Giovanni Ramello
December 2010, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 201-221 Governing budgetary commons: what can we learn from Elinor Ostrom?
by Ringa Raudla - 223-245 Flexibility in the implementation of intellectual property rights in agricultural biotechnology
by Michel Trommetter - 247-266 The transfer of property rights by theft: an economic analysis
by Caspar Rose - 267-300 An economic theory of the regulation of preliminary measures
by Francisco Ramos Romeu - 301-302 Sandra S. Batie, Nicholas Mercuro (eds.): Alternative institutional structures, evolution and impact
by Jürgen Backhaus - 303-305 Vanessa E. Munro, Marina della Giusta (eds.): Demanding sex; Critical reflections on the regulation of prostitution. Ashgate, UK, 2008, 216 pp
by Jürgen Backhaus
October 2010, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 77-87 Environmental risks, the judgment-proof problem and financial responsibility
by Bidénam Kambia-Chopin - 89-110 Jury on stage: a common law play
by Manfred Holler & Martin Leroch - 111-135 Incomplete antitrust laws and private actions for damages
by Alessandro Marra & Alessandro Sarra - 137-170 Regulatory competition in European company law
by Amit Sachdeva - 171-199 Can minimum prices assure the quality of professional services?
by Georg Meran & Reimund Schwarze
August 2010, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-16 How time influences franchise contracts: the Spanish case
by Alicia García-Herrera & Rafael Llorca-Vivero - 17-39 Greek appeals courts’ quality analysis and performance
by Michael Mitsopoulos & Theodore Pelagidis - 41-58 Competition by regulation in energy markets: the case of Turkey
by Fuat Oğuz - 59-71 Does punishment of minor sexual offences deter rapes? Longitudinal evidence from France
by Nicolas Vaillant & François-Charles Wolff - 73-74 Ulrich Schwalbe, Daniel Zimmer: Law and economics in European merger control
by Juergen Backhaus - 75-76 Volkmar Gessner (ed): Contractual certainty in international trade: empirical studies and theoretical debates on institutional support for global economic exchanges. (Oñati International Series in Law and Society)
by Juergen Backhaus
June 2010, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 255-277 The Athenian economy in the age of Demosthenes: path dependence and change
by George Halkos & Nickolas Kyriazis - 279-293 Credible plea bargaining
by Jeong-Yoo Kim - 295-331 The link between supervisory board reporting and firm performance in Germany and Austria
by Patrick Velte - 333-357 Judges as satisficers: a law and economics perspective on judicial liability
by Aspasia Tsaoussi & Eleni Zervogianni
February 2010, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-14 Simulating the impact of regulation changes on the market for prostitution services
by Marina Della Giusta - 15-42 Evidence on women trafficked for sexual exploitation: A rights based analysis
by Francesca Bettio & Tushar Nandi - 43-55 Differential enforcement across police jurisdictions and client demand in paid sex markets
by Alan Collins & Guy Judge - 57-79 Law by human intent or evolution? Some remarks on the Austrian school of economics’ role in the development of law and economics
by Michael Litschka & Kristoffel Grechenig - 81-101 Constitutional judicial review and political insurance
by George Tridimas - 103-129 Religion, law and development: Islam and Christianity—Why is it in Occident and not in the Orient that man invented the institutions of freedom?
by Francois Facchini - 131-153 Private ordering, collective action, and the self-enforcing range of contracts
by Armelle Mazé & Claude Ménard
December 2009, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 203-222 Constitutional courts as promoters of political centralization: lessons for the European Court of Justice
by Roland Vaubel - 223-256 Part-time employment: a comparative analysis of Spain and the Netherlands
by Maite Cuesta & Nuria Martín - 257-287 Scope of liability: the vanishing distinction between negligence and strict liability
by Pablo Salvador-Coderch & Nuno Garoupa & Carlos Gómez-Ligüerre - 289-307 Is the consumer directive advantageous for the consumers?
by Erling Eide
October 2009, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 103-131 Should I help my neighbor? Self-interest, altruism and economic analyses of rescue laws
by Sophie Harnay & Alain Marciano - 133-148 Environmental liability under uncertain causation
by Eberhard Feess & Gerd Muehlheusser & Ansgar Wohlschlegel - 149-161 Old master paintings, export veto and price formation: an empirical study
by Laura Onofri - 163-183 Compensation for industrial accidents and incentives for prevention: a theoretical and empirical perspective
by N. Philipsen - 185-202 Energy prices and emissions trading: windfall profits from grandfathering?
by E. Woerdman & O. Couwenberg & A. Nentjes
August 2009, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-7 Welfare improving ignorance and negligence rule
by Bruno Deffains & Laurent Franckx - 9-18 Majority shareholder protection by variable qualified majority rules
by André Casajus & Helfried Labrenz & Tobias Hiller - 19-37 Towards the Law & Economics of development: Ragnar Nurkse (1907–1959)
by Wolfgang Drechsler - 39-65 The quality of the legal system and labor market performance around the world
by Horst Feldmann - 67-82 Explaining differences in EMAS participation rates across Europe: the importance of institutions, incomplete information and path dependence
by Frank Wätzold - 83-102 Economic analysis of the legal standard for deceit in English tort law
by Qi Zhou
June 2009, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 211-232 The Laffer effects of a program of deregulation cum detaxation: the Italian reform of labour contracts in the period 1997–2001
by Silvia Fedeli & Francesco Forte - 233-256 An economic rationale for firing whistleblowers
by Mehmet Bac - 257-274 European group taxation-the role of exit taxes
by Ulrich Schreiber & Gregor Führich - 275-283 Evaluating U.S. judicial district prosecutor performance using DEA: are disadvantaged counties more inefficient?
by Michael Gorman & John Ruggiero - 285-308 Regulated and unregulated insider trading around earnings announcements
by Juha-Pekka Kallunki & Henrik Nilsson & Janne Peltoniemi
April 2009, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 109-127 Financing the Athenian state: public choice in the age of Demosthenes
by Nicholas Kyriazis - 129-142 On the optimal complexity of law and legal rules harmonization
by Bertrand Crettez & Bruno Deffains & Régis Deloche - 143-158 Decision rules, membership and political centralization in the European Union
by Andreas Kyriacou - 159-176 Contracts obtained by means of bribery: should they be void or valid?
by Mathias Nell - 177-209 Bank regulation and supervision in bank-dominated financial systems: a comparison between Japan and Germany
by Ralf Bebenroth & Diemo Dietrich & Uwe Vollmer
February 2009, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-13 Pending property issues in the new federal states of Germany—cause of the phenomenon of “sleeping owners”
by Thomas Gertner - 15-38 Diversity, identity, and the indeterminacy of the size of nations
by Carsten Herrmann-Pillath - 39-52 Foreign ownership and firm scope in India
by Sumit Majumdar & Deepak Datta - 53-58 Five reviews in Law & Economics
by Jürgen Backhaus - 59-77 Measuring the efficiency of local police force
by Isabel-María García-Sánchez - 79-99 The ‘make or buy’ decision in private environmental transactions
by Douadia Bougherara & Gilles Grolleau & Naoufel Mzoughi - 101-102 Book Reviews
by Jürgen Backhaus - 103-104 Book Reviews
by Jürgen Backhaus - 105-106 Ursula Backhaus, A History of German and Austrian Economic Thought on Health Issues (Frankfurter Abhandlungen zu den gesamten Staatswissenschaften, Vol. 6)
by Ralph Wrobel - 107-107 Book Reviews
by Jürgen Backhaus
December 2008, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 233-235 Introduction
by Geoffrey Brennan & Giuseppe Eusepi - 237-252 Crime and punishment: an expressive voting view
by Geoffrey Brennan - 253-265 Dura lex, sed lex? Insights from the subjective theory of opportunity cost
by Giuseppe Eusepi - 267-290 Court delays and crime deterrence
by Lucia Dalla Pellegrina - 291-306 Bureaucrats’ corruption and competition in public administration
by Debora Di Gioacchino & Maurizio Franzini - 307-340 Offshore financial centres: the political economy of regulation
by Donato Masciandaro - 341-359 Money laundering in a two-sector model: using theory for measurement
by Amedeo Argentiero & Michele Bagella & Francesco Busato - 361-386 Anti-money laundering by international institutions: a preliminary assessment
by Marco Arnone & Pier Padoan - 387-404 Money laundering: some facts
by Friedrich Schneider & Ursula Windischbauer - 405-417 Money laundering laws as a political instrument: the social cost of arbitrary money laundering enforcement
by Peter Lewisch - 419-419 Why football players may benefit from the ‘shadow of the transfer system’
by Helmut Dietl & Egon Franck & Markus Lang
October 2008, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 105-127 Costs and recovery rates in the Dutch liquidation-based bankruptcy system
by Oscar Couwenberg & Abe Jong - 129-151 Why football players may benefit from the ‘shadow of the transfer system’
by Helmut Dietl & Egon Franck & Markus Lang - 153-173 Legal origin and intellectual property rights: an empirical study in the prerecorded music sector
by Juan Montoro Pons & Manuel Cuadrado García - 175-185 On judgment proofness in the case of bilateral harm
by Tim Friehe - 213-232 Screening markets for cartel detection: collusive markers in the CFD cartel-audit
by Christian Lorenz
August 2008, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-10 Wasting innovation: barriers to entry and European regulation on waste electronic equipment
by Dario Mock & Grischa Perino - 11-26 Horizontal mergers and efficiencies; theory and anti trust practice
by Maria Brouwer - 27-60 Understanding and managing behavioural risks: the case of malpractice in poultry production
by Norbert Hirschauer & Stefan Zwoll - 61-73 Fragmentation of licensing right, bargaining and the tragedy of the anti-commons
by Qianwei Ying & Guangnan Zhang - 75-103 Croatia’s computer laws: promotion of growth in E-commerce via greater cyber-security
by Stephen Blythe
June 2008, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 177-190 Reforming campaign finance in the nineties: a case study of Spain
by Enrique García Viñuela & Joaquín Artés Caselles - 191-208 (Non)Regulable avoidance and the perils of punishment
by Jacob Nussim & Avraham Tabbach - 209-229 On the rationale of leniency programs: a game-theoretical analysis
by Ulrich Blum & Nicole Steinat & Michael Veltins - 231-251 Economics of court performance: an empirical analysis
by Virginia Rosales-López - 253-267 Bankruptcy law: a mechanism of governance for financially distressed firms
by Régis Blazy & Bertrand Chopard & Agnès Fimayer
April 2008, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 95-123 The economic effects of judicial accountability: cross-country evidence
by Stefan Voigt - 125-150 Market structures, political surroundings, and merger remedies: an empirical investigation of the EC’s decisions
by Patrice Bougette & Stéphane Turolla - 151-165 Intra-country regulation of share markets: does one size fit all?
by Glenn Boyle & Richard Meade - 167-175 An effective punishment scheme to reduce extramarital affairs: an economic approach
by Xuemei Liu
February 2008, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-15 Coordination for traceability in the food chain. A critical appraisal of European regulation
by Christophe Charlier & Egizio Valceschini - 17-38 Securities laws ‘facilitating’ private enforcement
by Iljoong Kim - 39-56 Foreign exchange legislation transformation and enterprise demography in India
by Sumit Majumdar - 57-78 Rethinking governmental licensing of higher education institutions
by Karsten Mause - 79-94 Uncertainty and regulatory outcome in the Swedish electricity distribution sector
by Magnus Söderberg
December 2007, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 187-200 The evolution of European legal integration
by Torsten Selck & Mark Rhinard & Frank Häge - 201-214 Theoretical foundation for a debtor friendly bankruptcy law in favour of creditors
by Philippe Frouté - 215-236 Industrialists hand in hand with environmentalists: how eco-labeling schemes can help firms to raise rivals’ costs
by Gilles Grolleau & Lisette Ibanez & Naoufel Mzoughi - 237-238 Claus-Dieter Ehlermann and Isabela Atanasiu (eds.): European Competition Law Annual 2005: The Interaction Between Competition, Law and Intellectual Property Rights, ISBN 13:978-1-84113-645-5, ISBN 10:1-84113-645-X
by Jürgen Backhaus - 239-239 Einer Elhauge, Damien Geradin, Global Competition, Law and Economics
by Jürgen Backhaus - 241-243 Herwig C. H. Hofmann, Alexander H. Türk, EU Administrative Governance
by Gerhard Scheuerer
October 2007, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 93-107 On the economics of plagiarism
by Alan Collins & Guy Judge & Neil Rickman - 109-118 A note on judgment proofness and risk aversion
by Tim Friehe - 119-136 Economic analysis of standard form contracts: the monopoly case
by Oren Gazal-Ayal - 137-164 Border tax adjustment: a feasible way to support stringent emission trading
by Roland Ismer & Karsten Neuhoff - 165-186 Company survival following rescue and restructuring State aid
by Rohan Chindooroy & Patrice Muller & Giovanni Notaro
August 2007, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-13 Investigating the determinants of pretrial settlement rates: contingent versus non-contingent lawyers’ fees
by Alberto Casagrande & Marco Spallone - 15-27 A note on exogenous changes in incentives for and deterrence of corruption
by Giuseppe Vita - 29-70 CO 2 emission allowance allocation mechanisms, allocative efficiency and the environment: a static and dynamic perspective
by Stefan Weishaar - 71-88 A comparison of the Russian 13% flat rate PIT evasion stratified contributions and the US tax schedule
by Vladimir Boguslavskiy - 89-90 Jean-Phillipe Touffut, (Ed.), Advancing Public Goods
by Jürgen Backhaus - 91-92 Herwig C. H. Hofmann, Alexander H. Türk, EU Administrative Governance
by Jürgen Backhaus
June 2007, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 199-221 The European airline industry: law and economics of low cost carriers
by Fabio Domanico - 223-236 The economics of environmental law enforcement: end-of-life vehicles
by K. Forslind - 237-250 The reformers’ dilemma: media, policy ownership, and reform
by Peter Leeson & Christopher Coyne - 251-271 In search for rules that secure gains from cooperation: the heuristic value of social dilemmas for normative institutional economics
by Martin Petrick & Ingo Pies - 273-283 Family-owned, limited close corporations and protection of ownership
by Lars-Göran Sund & Per-Olof Bjuggren
April 2007, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 93-116 Market and institutional determinants in the regulation of conveyancers
by Benito Arruñada - 117-133 Managerial incentives and access price regulation
by Øystein Foros & Hans Kind & Lars Sørgard - 135-149 Environmental voluntary behaviour and crowding-out effects: regulation or laissez-faire?
by Sverre Grepperud - 151-167 The strategic use of dismissal legislation: an empirical analysis using Spanish data
by Pilar García-Martínez & Miguel Malo - 169-195 Bureaupreneurs in China: we did it our way
by Boudewijn Bouckaert - 197-198 Matthias Zahner, Steuerfahndung in den USA: The Criminal Investigation Division of the IRS – Modell für die Steuerfahndung in Deutschland? [A Proposal for a More Straightened Tax-Related Crimes Investigation in Germany], Schriften zum Strafrecht, Vol. 168
by Enrico Schöbel
February 2007, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-27 The effect of board size and composition on European bank performance
by Panagiotis Staikouras & Christos Staikouras & Maria-Eleni Agoraki - 29-41 The peculiar case of age discrimination: Americanising the European social model?
by Nick Adnett & Stephen Hardy - 43-57 Evaluating the effectiveness of the Spanish police force through data envelopment analysis
by Isabel-María García-Sánchez - 59-69 Further notes on information, corruption, and optimal law enforcement
by Nuno Garoupa & Mohamed Jellal - 71-88 Consumer credit information systems: a critical review of the literature. Too little attention paid by Lawyers?
by Federico Ferretti
November 2006, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 199-218 An economic analysis of contracts signed between tour operators and travel agents
by Marianna Succurro - 219-232 A difficulty with oaths: On trust, trustworthiness, and signalling
by Matthew Braham & Friedel Bolle - 233-253 When it pays to be honest: How a variable period of good conduct can improve incentives in personal bankruptcy proceedings
by Jochen Bigus & Eva-Maria Steiger - 255-271 Transparency and accountability of central banks in their role of financial stability supervisor in OECD countries
by Jakob Haan & Sander Oosterloo - 273-291 The institutional-evolutionary antitrust model
by C. Mantzavinos
September 2006, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 107-119 Internal dealing regulation and insiders’ trades in the Italian financial market
by Emilio Barucci & Carlo Bianchi & Alberto Manconi - 121-141 Difficulties in the criminal prosecution of insider trading—A clinical study of the Bekaert case
by Peter-Jan Engelen - 143-163 Environmental liability and harmonization in the presence of transboundary effects and hidden assets
by Henry Egteren & R. Smith & Andrew Eckert - 165-179 Competition in the Netherlands and Belgium: Service sector evidence
by Jeroen Hupkes & J. Maks - 181-196 Fisher Body revisited: Supply contracts and vertical integration
by Andreas Roider
July 2006, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 5-20 Reorganization in US and European Bankruptcy law
by Maria Brouwer - 21-47 Explaining the choice between alternative insolvency regimes for troubled companies in the UK and Sweden
by Gary Cook & Keith Pond - 49-71 Severance payments for dismissed employees in Germany
by Christian Grund - 73-94 Predatory bidding in competitive tenders: A Swedish case study
by Gunnar Alexandersson & Staffan Hultén - 95-104 Strict liability versus negligence when the injurer's activity involves positive externalities
by Jeong-Yoo Kim
May 2006, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 203-214 On the unification of legal rules in the European Union
by Bertrand Crettez & Régis Deloche - 215-236 An optional European contract law code: Advantages and disadvantages
by Wolfgang Kerber & Stefan Grundmann - 237-266 Why are the United States and the European Union failing to regulate the internet efficiently? Going beyond the bottom-up and top-down alternatives
by Jay Kesan & Andres Gallo - 267-283 What kind of ‘generalized’ systems of preferences?
by Laura Sancho - 285-314 Reporting on financial derivatives –A Law and Economics perspective
by Nir Naor
April 2006, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 99-112 Gresham's law in politics: Why are politicians not the most remarkable men for probity and punctuality?
by Rocío Albert & Francisco Cabrillo - 113-127 Board composition and corporate governance–A multivariate analysis of listed Danish firms
by Casper Rose - 129-148 Efficient compensation for employees' inventions
by Roland Kirstein & Birgit Will - 149-161 The relative success of private funders and government funders in funding important science
by Arthur Diamond - 163-177 Is tax competition harmful and is the EU an optimal tax area?
by George Halkos & Nickolas Kyriazis - 179-197 Fraud, banking crisis, and regulatory enforcement: Evidence from micro-level transactions data
by H. Soral & Talan İşcan & Gregory Hebb
January 2006, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 5-12 European integration from the agency theory perspective
by J. Faíña & Antonio García-Lorenzo & Jesús López-Rodríguez - 13-27 Mortgage credit risk in EU countries: Constraints on exploiting the single currency market
by Robert Buckley & Gulmira Karaguishiyeva & Robert Order & Laura Vecvagare - 29-51 The relationship between copyright software protection and piracy: Evidence from europe
by Antonio Andrés - 53-78 Institutions and contracts: Franchising
by Etienne Pfister & Bruno Deffains & Myriam Doriat-Duban & Stéphane Saussier - 79-94 Forced to make mistakes: Reasons for complaining about Bebchuk's scheme and other market-oriented insolvency procedures
by Alexander Dilger
November 2005, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 255-286 How to Improve Forensic Science
by Roger Koppl - 287-303 Is Transaction Cost Economics Applicable to Public Governance?
by Dick Ruiter - 305-322 Production of Scientific Knowledge and Radical Uncertainty: The Limits of the Normative Approach in Innovation Economics
by David Moroz - 323-337 To What Extent are Cost Savings Passed on to Consumers? An Oligopoly Approach
by Adriaan Kate & Gunnar Niels - 339-357 Relaxing Liquidity Constraints for Start-Ups: A Welfare Analysis Over the Italian Revised Corporate Law
by Alberto Casagrande & Marco Spallone
September 2005, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 127-144 Judicial Career Incentives and Court Performance: An Empirical Study of the German Labour Courts of Appeal
by Martin Schneider