September 2005, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 145-164 Is the Treatment of Economic Loss by the Australian Courts in Torts Cases Anomalous?
by Andrew Torre & Adrian Clifford - 165-183 Negotiated Third Party Access—An Industrial Organisation Perspective
by Christian Growitsch & Thomas Wein - 185-197 The Effects of Regulating Mobile Termination Rates for Asymmetric Networks
by Ralf Dewenter & Justus Haucap - 199-223 Taxes, Tradable Rights and Transaction Costs
by Evy Crals & Lode Vereeck - 225-246 A Different Reason for “De-Coasing” Environmental Law and Economics
by Alessandra Arcuri
July 2005, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 5-15 Credible Criminal Enforcement
by Matthew Baker & Thomas Miceli - 17-30 False and Reluctant Friends? National Money Laundering Regulation, International Compliance and Non-Cooperative Countries
by Donato Masciandaro - 31-41 Optimal Pricing of Court Services
by Neil Rickman & Dionisia Tzavara - 43-56 Litigation, Judicial Path-Dependence, and Legal Change
by Vincy Fon & Francesco Parisi & Ben Depoorter - 57-70 Corporate Governance: Towards a Theory of Regulatory Shift
by J. Kirkbride & S. Letza & X. Sun - 71-85 Electricity Market Restructuring and Energy Contracts: A Critical Note on the EU Commission’s NEA Decision
by Laura Onofri - 87-97 Governance and Incentive Regulation in Defence Industry Enterprises: A Case Study
by Carlos Barros - 99-112 Medical Errors: Mandatory Reporting, Voluntary Reporting, or Both?
by Sverre Grepperud - 113-115 No-Fault Compensation in the Health Care Sector, Tort and Insurance Law Series
by Gernot Pehnelt - 117-119 Law in a Market Context: An Introduction to Market Concepts in Legal Reasoning
by Fredrik Jörgensen
May 2005, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 219-220 Editorial
by Jürgen Backhaus - 221-230 A Brief Introduction to Veit Ludwig von Seckendorff (1626–1692)
by Erik Reinert - 231-233 Benevolent Governance and Fiscal Federalism in Veit Ludwig von Seckendorff’s Teutscher Fürsten Stat (1656): Comment on Erik S. Reinert
by Enrico Schöbel - 235-247 Seckendorff as an Economist in Comparison with Contemporary Writers
by GÜnther Chaloupek - 249-266 Veit Ludwig von Seckendorff’s “Fürsten Stat” and the Duchy of Saxe-Gotha
by Andreas Klinger - 267-270 Ideals and Reality: A Comment on Andreas Klinger’s Article “Veit Ludwig von Seckendorff’s “Fürsten Stat” and the Duchy of Saxe-Gotha”
by Hans Frambach - 271-286 Cameralism and Commercial Rivalry: Nationbuilding through Economic Autarky in Seckendorff’s 1665 Additiones
by Sophus Reinert - 287-303 The Benevolent Prince in Veit Ludwig von Seckendorff’s Teutscher Fürsten Stat with Special Consideration of the Prince’s Revenues, Regalia and Taxes
by Helge Peukert - 305-309 The Benevolent Prince in Veit Ludwig von Seckendorff’s Teutscher Fürsten Stat with Special Consideration of the Prince’s Revenues, Regalia and Taxes: Comment
by Ringa Raudla - 311-320 Books, Bureaus, and the Historiography of Cameralism
by Andre Wakefield
April 2005, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 163-163 Editorial
by Jürgen Backhaus - 165-171 Selfish and Indoctrinated Economists?
by Bruno Frey & Stephan Meier - 173-190 Problems with Publishing: Existing State and Solutions
by Bruno Frey - 191-197 Political Journals in Germany
by Wolfgang Bergsdorf - 199-206 Influence and the Referee Process
by Peter Senn - 207-211 European Editors of Economics Journals—A General Discussion
by Enrico Schöbel
January 2005, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 5-16 Can Labelling Policies Do More Harm Than Good? An Analysis Applied to Environmental Labelling Schemes
by Douadia Bougherara & Gilles Grolleau & Luc Thiébaut - 17-39 Kyoto, Europe?—An Economic Evaluation of the European Emission Trading Directive
by Alfred Endres & Cornelia Ohl - 41-68 A Naval Revolution and Institutional Change: The Case of the United Provinces
by George Halkos & Nickolas Kyriazis - 69-93 External Finance, Firm Growth and the Benefits of Information Disclosure: Evidence from Finland
by Ari Hyytinen & Mika Pajarinen - 95-114 Counterfeiting and an Optimal Monitoring Policy
by Jen-Te Yao - 115-134 A Political Economy Model of Workers Representation: The Case of Union Elections in Spain
by Miguel Malo - 135-151 On the Limitation of Penalties and the Non-Equivalence of Penalties and Taxes
by Stéphan Marette & Estelle Gozlan & Bénédicte Coestier - 153-155 Book Review
by Enrico Schöbel
December 2004, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 259-272 Positive, Normative and Functional Schools in Law and Economics
by Francesco Parisi - 273-297 On the Design of Efficient Priority Rules for Secured Creditors: Empirical Evidence from A Change in Law
by Clas Bergström & Theodore Eisenberg & Stefan Sundgren - 299-318 Product Liability in the European Union: Compensation and Deterrence Issues
by Alberto Cavaliere - 319-341 Tax Amnesties and the Self-Selection of Risk-Averse Taxpayers
by Carla Marchese & Fabio Privileggi - 343-364 Foundation Ownership and Financial Performance: Do Companies Need Owners?
by Steen Thomsen & Caspar Rose - 365-385 Forest for the Trees: Economics of Joint Dominance
by Markku Stenborg - 387-389 Andreas Blüthner, Welthandel und Menschenrechte in der Arbeit [international trade and human rights]
by Helge Peukert - 391-392 Klaus Beckmann, Steuerhinterziehung: Individuelle Entscheidung und finanzpolitische Konsequenzen [tax evasion]
by Enrico Schöbel
September 2004, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 131-148 The Value of Waiting in Lawmaking
by Francesco Parisi & Vincy Fon & Nita Ghei - 149-167 Wine Reputation and Quality Controls: The Origin of the AOCs in 19th Century France
by Alessandro Stanziani - 169-190 A Theoretical Analysis of Alcohol Regulation and Drinking-Related Economic Crime
by Paul Zimmerman - 191-201 Can Making It Harder to Convict Criminals Ever Reduce Crime?
by Derek Pyne - 203-221 Violent Crime in the United States of America: A Time-Series Analysis Between 1960–2000
by George Saridakis - 223-237 ‘Full’ Compensation Criteria: An Enquiry into Relative Merits
by Ram Singh - 239-247 Property Rights in Endangered Species: The Wolverine Case
by Mark Sellenthin & Göran Skogh - 249-250 Gerrit de Geest, Roger van den Bergh (eds), Comparative Law and Economics, The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series
by Jürgen Backhaus - 251-252 Michael Faure, Joyeeta Gupta, and Andries Nentjes (eds), Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol–The Role of Institutions and Instruments to Control Global Change
by Jürgen Backhaus
July 2004, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 5-32 European Regional Policy and Backward Regions: Implications Towards EU Enlargement
by J. Faíña & Jesús López-Rodríguez - 33-53 The Commonality Between Economics and Law
by Bingyuan Hsiung - 55-76 Incomplete Contracts, Intellectual Property and Institutional Complementarities
by Ugo Pagano & Maria Rossi - 77-97 Stakeholder Orientation vs. Shareholder Value—A Matter of Contractual Failures
by Caspar Rose - 99-116 A Political Economy Perspective of Judicial Review in the European Union: Judicial Appointments Rule, Accessibility and Jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice
by George Tridimas - 117-121 Eckhard Schmitz, Der Steuerberatungsmarkt in Deutschland. Wettbewerbsfeindliche Aspekte des Steuerberatungsmarktes und deren Konsequenzen für kleine und mittelgroße Mandate unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Berufsrechts der Steuerberater. Bd. 18 der Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Revisionswesen und der betriebswirtschaftlichen Steuerlehre, edited by Erich Loitlsberger, Dieter Rückle, Jörg Baetge und Reinhold Hömberg, Berlin: Duncker und Humblot, 2003 (ISBN 3-428-10981-3)
by Karin Kaiser
May 2004, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 259-283 The Impact of a Break-Through Rule on European Firms
by Morten Bennedsen & Kasper Nielsen - 285-305 Regulatory Threat in Vertically Related Markets: The Case of German Electricity
by Gert Brunekreeft - 307-327 Truth-Bonding and Other Truth-Revealing Mechanisms for Courts
by Robert Cooter & Winand Emons - 329-352 Criminal Behavior: A Real Option Approach With an Application to Restricting Illegal Insider Trading
by Peter-Jan Engelen - 353-371 Online Dispute Resolution and Bargaining
by Yannick Gabuthy - 373-398 Structural Reform Policy: Privatisation and Beyond—The Case of Greece
by Panagiotis Staikouras - 399-401 Sebastian Puth, WTO und Umwelt—Die Produkt-Prozess-Doktrin, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2003
by Enrico Schöbel
March 2004, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 139-164 Harmonization of Environmental Regulations When Firms are Judgment Proof
by Henry van Egteren & R. Smith & Dean McAfee - 165-173 Mediation as Signal
by Manfred Holler & Ines Lindner - 175-190 Simultaneous and Sequential Anticommons
by Francesco Parisi & Norbert Schulz & Ben Depoorter - 191-208 Geodesy in the German Economy
by Otmar Schuster - 209-235 Judicial Independence, Judicial Promotion and the Enforcement of Legislative Wealth Transfers—An Empirical Study of the New Zealand High Court
by Pushkar Maitra & Russell Smyth - 237-249 Copyright in the Information Society: Scenario's and Strategies
by Erwin Arkenbout & Frans van Dijk & Peter van Wijck - 251-251 Michael Faure and Göran Skogh, The Economic Analysis of Environmental Policy and Law—An Introduction, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003
by Jürgen Backhaus
January 2004, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 5-19 Leniency Program: A New Tool in Competition Policy to Deter Cartel Activity in Procurement Auctions
by Karine Brisset & Lionel Thomas - 21-39 On the Origins of the Franco-German EMU Controversies
by Ivo Maes - 41-71 Exclusive Safeguards and Technology Transfer: Subcontracting Agreements in Eastern Europe's Car Component Industry
by H. Møllgaard & Jochen Lorentzen - 73-95 Economics of Polluter Pays Principles for Mitigating Social Costs of Electricity: A Search for an Optimal Liability Share
by Akim Rahman & Clive Edwards - 97-115 The Evolution of a Fiscal Constitution When Individuals are Theoretically Uncertain
by Jan Schnellenbach - 117-132 Democracy, Sea Power and Institutional Change: An Economic Analysis of the Athenian Naval Law
by Nicholas Kyriazis & Michel Zouboulakis
November 2003, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 271-288 Estimates of a Model of Male Participation in the Market for Female Heterosexual Prostitution Services
by Samuel Cameron & Alan Collins - 289-301 A Proposal for a New Rule of Adverse Possession
by Jeong-Yoo Kim - 303-326 An Analysis of Institutional Change in the European Union
by Martin Kolmar - 327-344 “Does Contain” vs. “Does Not Contain”: Does it Matter which GMO Label is Used?
by John Crespi & Stéphan Marette - 345-355 Politics and the Adoption of Legislative Television: An Analysis of the U.S. House Vote on C-SPAN
by J. Tyrone & Franklin Mixon & Len Treviño & Taisa Minto - 357-368 Joint Dynamics of Legal and Economic Integration in the European Union
by Jean-Yves Pitarakis & George Tridimas - 369-390 Service Quality Effects of Incentive Regulation on Access Service in Telecommunications in the United States
by Noel Uri
September 2003, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 123-137 The Social Cost of an Outdated Law: Article 16 of the Greek Constitution
by George Psacharopoulos - 139-147 Decentralization, Subsidiarity, Rodney King and State Deification: A Libertarian Analysis
by Walter Block - 149-186 A Transaction Cost Approach to the Autonomization of Government Organizations: A Political Transaction Cost Framework Confronted with Six Cases of Autonomization in the Netherlands
by Henk ter Bogt - 187-198 Precedent Externality, Network Effect, and the Possible Inefficiency of the Evolution of Laws
by C. Chu - 199-218 The Effectiveness of Insider Trading Regulation in Italy. Evidence from Stock-Price Run-Ups Around Announcements of Corporate Control Transactions
by Nadia Linciano - 219-231 Does One Size Fit All? A Note on the Harmonization of National Warranty Law as a Tool of Consumer Protection
by Juergen Noll - 233-245 Techniques to Enhance the Transmission of Quality Programs by Private Television Channels in Europe
by George Tsourvakas - 247-263 Curtailing Ex-Post Fraud in Risk Sharing Arrangements
by Richard Watt
July 2003, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 5-22 Destination Based Indirect Taxation: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina
by William Fox - 23-28 Contracts, Investment Incentives and Efficiency in the Restructured Electricity Market
by Laura Onofri - 39-58 Efficiency of 'Simple' Liability Rules When Courts Make Erroneous Estimation of the Damage
by Ram Singh - 59-89 Law or Finance: Evidence from Finland
by Ari Hyytinen & Iikka Kuosa & Tuomas Takalo - 91-111 The Impact of Court Delays on the Prosecutor and the Defendant: An Economic Analysis
by Andrew Torre - 113-116 Christoph Fischer, Motive des Börsengangs am Neuen Markt: Die Publikumsfinanzierung von Innovationen aus theoretischer und empirischer Sicht
by Helge Peukert
May 2003, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 203-218 The Political Economy of Green Taxation in OECD Countries
by Cristina Ciocirlan & Bruce Yandle - 219-232 Property Rights, Theft, Amnesty, and Efficiency
by Eliakim Katz & Jacob Rosenberg - 233-250 Property Rights and Game-Theory Implications of Satellite Communications: The Bilateral Case of Greece and Russia
by George Halkos & Nicholas Kyriazis - 251-261 The Role of Interest Groups in the European Union Decision-Making Process
by Antonio Lorenzo - 263-276 Assessing the Performance of the Price Cap Plan for Local Exchange Carriers in the United States
by Noel Uri & Florence Setzer - 277-279 Alain Marciano and Jean-Michel Josselin (eds.), The Economics of Harmonizing European Law
by Enrico Schöbel
March 2003, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 91-109 Telephone Number Allocation: A Property Rights Approach
by Justus Haucap - 111-127 Noncompetition Clauses: Unreasonable or Efficient?
by Johan Den Hertog - 129-163 A Computational Concept for Normative Equity
by T. Kämpke & R. Pestel & F.J. Radermacher - 165-194 The Public Interest Theory of Regulation: Non-Existence or Misinterpretation?
by Michael Hantke-Domas
January 2003, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 5-15 Behavioral Economic Analysis of Crime: A Critical Review
by Nuno Garoupa - 17-46 A Regulation of Bids for Dual Class Shares. Implication: Two Shares—One Price
by Ken Bechmann & Johannes Raaballe - 47-63 Individual Dismissals in Europe and the United States: A Model on the Influence of the Legal Framework on Firing Costs
by Miguel Malo & Joaquín Pérez - 65-84 Road Traffic and Efficient Fines
by Laszlo Goerke
November 2002, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 191-191 The Code Napoléon after 200 years
by Jürgen Backhaus & Frank Stephen - 193-203 The Making of the French Civil Code: An Economic Interpretation
by Jean-Michel Josselin & Alain Marciano - 205-213 The Sovereign German States and the Code Napoléon. What Spoke for its Adoption in the Rhine Confederation?
by Paul-Ludwig Weinacht - 215-225 Does the Code Civil Matter?
by Didier Danet - 227-236 Influence of the Code Civil in the Netherlands
by Gerrit Meijer & Sjoerd Meijer - 237-251 Was Napoleon a Benevolent Dictator? An Economic Justification for Codification
by Sophie Harnay - 253-263 The Short-Lived Influence of the Napoleonic Civil Code in 19th Century Greece
by Aristides Hatzis
September 2002, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 83-97 Hormones, Risk Management, Precaution and Protectionism: An Analysis of the Dispute on Hormone-Treated Beef between the European Union and the United States
by Christophe Charlier & Michel Rainelli - 99-127 Market Domination: Tests Applied to the Danish Cement Industry
by Lisbeth la Cour & H. Møllgaard - 129-150 Market Transparency and Collusion: On the UK Agricultural Tractor Registration Exchange
by Nikolaos Georgantzís & Gerardo Sabater-Grande - 151-169 Collusion and Facilitating Practices: A New Perspective in Antitrust Analysis
by Michele Grillo - 171-183 The European Court of Justice and the Annulment of the Tobacco Advertisement Directive: Friend of National Sovereignty or Foe of Public Health?
by George Tridimas & Takis Tridimas
July 2002, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 5-13 A Note on Optimal Law Enforcement under Asymmetric Information
by Nuno Garoupa & Mohamed Jellal - 15-25 Restricted Charitable Donations and the “Cy Pres” Doctrine
by Mehmet Bac - 27-43 The Political Economy of Water Effluent Charges in France: Why are Rates Kept Low?
by Matthieu Glachant - 45-60 Sanctions in Pre-Trial Discovery
by Jeong-Yoo Kim & Keunkwan Ryu - 61-73 Cross Border Health Care: An Analysis of Recent ECJ Rulings
by Aggie Paulus & Silvia Evers & Fabienne Fecher & Jan Van Der Made & Annelies Boonen
May 2002, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 183-192 Votes and Outcomes: Rethinking the Politics-Like-Markets Metaphor
by Francesco Parisi - 193-201 Russian Robber Barons: Moscow Business, American Style
by David Whitten - 203-220 Regulation and Third-Party Discrimination in the German Electricity Supply Industry
by Gert Brunekreeft - 221-237 Economic Consequences of Transfer Fee Regulations in European Football
by Eberhard Feess & Gerd Mühlheußer - 239-256 Agreements of Economic Integration and the Choice of National Environmental Policies
by Rolf Weder & Andreas Ziegler - 257-273 Tacit Collusion in the Frequently Repeated Multi-Unit Uniform Price Auction for Wholesale Electricity in England and Wales
by Rafael Macatangay
March 2002, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 91-112 Corporate Financial Performance and the Use of Takeover Defenses
by Caspar Rose - 113-127 Assessing the Effect of Incentive Regulation on Productive Efficiency in Telecommunications in the United States
by Noel Uri - 129-142 The Structure of Ownership Rights in Franchising: An Incomplete Contracting View
by Josef Windsperger - 143-156 Does More Deterrence Require More Punishment? [or Should the Punishment Fit the Crime?]
by John Henderson & John Palmer - 157-173 Corporate Governance in Spain (with an Application of the Power Indices Approach)
by Dennis Leech & Miguel Manjón
January 2002, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 5-26 Ex Ante and Ex Post Allocation of Risk of Illegality: Regulatory Sources of Contractual Failure and Issues of Corrective and Distributive Justice
by Mahmood Bagheri & Chizu Nakajima - 27-34 The Informational Role of the Arbitration Clause
by Nathalie Chappe - 35-46 Complex Individualism and Legitimacy of Absolute Property Rights
by François Facchini - 47-71 European Corporate Laws, Regulatory Competition and Path Dependence
by Klaus Heine & Wolfgang Kerber - 73-84 Product Liability: A Neo-Austrian Based Perspective
by Henk Folmer & Wim Heijman & Auke Leen
November 2001, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 159-171 In Praise of the Commons: Another Case Study
by Manfred Tietzel - 173-192 The Economic Evaluation of Policing Activity: An Application of a Hybrid Methodology
by Leigh Drake & Richard Simper - 193-215 In Offense of Usury Laws: Microfoundations of Illegal Credit Contracts
by Donato Masciandaro - 217-252 State-Owned Enterprises in Less Developed Countries: Privatization and Alternative Reform Strategies
by D. Smith & Michael Trebilcock - 253-273 Survival Rates in Bankruptcy Systems: Overlooking the Evidence
by Oscar Couwenberg
September 2001, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 105-111 On the Viability of the Concept of Staatswissenschaften
by Wolfgang Drechsler - 113-122 The Multifaceted Balance of the Concept of Staatswissenschaften in the Tradition of the Historical School
by Helge Peukert - 123-133 The Past as Prologue: An Economist's Tentative Prognosis for the New Millennium
by Nicholas Balabkins - 135-143 “Staatswirtschaftslehre”—A Component of “Staatswissenschaften” Today and Tomorrow
by Karl-Heinz Schmidt - 145-150 Market and State in Times of Globalisation
by Wladyslaw Sztyber
July 2001, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 5-38 Voting Powers and the Efficiency of the Decision-Making Process in the European Council of Ministers
by Silvia Fedeli & Francesco Forte - 39-45 Arbitration and Incentives: How to Preclude the Chilling Effect?
by Nathalie Chappe - 47-56 On Prison and Therapy
by Volker Meier - 57-72 Bootlegging in the Music Industry: A Note
by Alireza Naghavi & Günther Schulze - 73-90 European Labour Law and Severance Pay Determination in Collective Redundancies
by Miguel Malo
May 2001, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 207-248 A Selection of Empirical Socio-Economic Research with Respect to the Functioning of Legal Rules and Institutions in Belgium and the Netherlands
by Michael Faure - 249-280 Settlement Disputes: Evidence from a Legal Practice Perspective
by Douglas Cumming - 281-307 Mandatory Full-Cost Pricing in Public Services: The Case of the ‘Fantask’ Sentence
by Benito Arruñada - 309-317 Threat-Based Competition Policy
by Melinda Acutt & Caroline Elliott - 319-332 The Principle of Full Compensation in Tort Law
by Peter Van Wijck & Jan Winters
March 2001, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 91-130 Bridging Old and New Institutional Economics: Gustav Schmoller and Douglass C. North, Seen with Oldinstitutionalists' Eyes
by Helge Peukert - 131-152 Competitive Distortions in EU Environmental Legislation: Inefficiency versus Inequity
by Rob Van der Laan & Andries Nentjes - 153-164 Business Ethics as Corporate Governance
by Steen Thomsen - 165-175 European Structural Policy: Bend or Break
by Wim Heijman - 177-199 Economics of the 96/92 Directive with Reference to Italian Electricity Market Liberalisation Process
by Donatella Porrini
January 2001, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 5-22 Efficiency, Viability and the New Rules of the Internet
by Michael Hutter - 23-28 The Coase Theorem, Private Information, and the Benefits of Not Assigning Property Rights
by Patrick Schmitz - 29-46 Bankruptcy Regulations and the New German Insolvency Law from an Economic Point of View
by Thomas Eger - 47-67 Toward a Comparative Economics of Plea Bargaining
by Richard Adelstein & Thomas Miceli - 69-82 Regulating the Trade in Recreational Drugs
by Gerald Kennally
November 2000, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 199-216 The Impact of Unfunded Environmental Mandates When Environmental Quality and Timber are Produced Jointly
by David Laband - 217-233 Displacing your Principal. Two Historical Case Studies of Some Interest for the Constitutional Future of Europe
by Jean-Michel Josselin & Alain Marciano - 235-242 Etienne Laspeyres' History of the Economic Thought of the Netherlanders: A Law & Economics Classic?
by Wolfgang Drechsler - 243-268 An Economic Theory of Court Delay
by Lode Vereeck & Manuela Mühl
September 2000, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 119-120 Editorial
by Jürgen Backhaus & Frank Stephen - 121-124 Social Security and Taxation: A Note on Some Intellectual Foundations of Social Security and Taxation
by Will Albeda - 125-138 Theory for Accounting or Accounting Theory: An Essay on the Interaction between Economics and Accounting
by Simon Duindam & Bernard Verstegen - 139-160 The Case for Supply-Side Economics Revisited: The Effect of Time Preference
by Ludwig Van Den Hauwe - 161-168 The Contribution of the “Dutch School” in Public Finance to the Theory of Personal Income Taxation (1870–1920)
by Gerrit Meijer - 169-178 A New Tax on Income from Capital in the Netherlands
by René Niessen - 179-189 Allocative or Distributive Aims of Income Taxation?
by Karl-Heinz Schmidt
July 2000, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 5-6 Editorial Volume 10 (1)
by Jürgen Backhaus & Frank Stephen - 7-30 Economic and Sociological Approaches To Institutions: Economy, Society And Law
by Milan Zafirovski - 31-41 Honesty in Environmental Compliance Games
by Philippe Bontems & Gilles Rotillon - 43-68 Environmental “Citizen Suits” in the Czech Republic
by Dietrich Earnhart - 69-91 Antitrust Enforcement: Abuse Control or Notification?
by Verena Hahn - 93-112 Efficient Contract Remedies And the European Unification
by Elli Kraizberg & Moshe Arenst
May 2000, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 183-213 The Bundling of Similar Interests in Litigation. The Incentives for Class Action and Legal Actions taken by Associations
by Hans-Bernd Schaefer